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报道江西省种子植物1个新记录属萼脊兰属Sedirea Garay et Sweet,及4个新记录种短茎萼脊兰Sedirea subparishii(Z.H.Tsi)Christenson、白花过路黄Lysimachia huitsunae Chien、黄脉莓Rubus xanthoneurus Focke ex Diels、桂东锦香草Phyllagathis guidongensis K.M.LiuJ.Tian,均发现于罗霄山脉东坡。文中简述各新记录种区系地理学意义。  相似文献   

对大雾岭自然保护区的野牡丹科植物资源进行了初步调查。依照《广东植物志》分类方法进行鉴定,调查结果为:大雾岭野牡丹科植物有野牡丹属、锦香草属和虎颜花属共三个属的5种,1个亚种。另外还发现一种植物特征与毛菍类似但叶片为7基出脉的植物,有待于进一步确定其归属。本次调查为野牡丹科植物野生资源的保护和科学利用提供了资料。  相似文献   

锦香草Phyllagathiscavaleriei,属野牡丹科,多年生草本植物。叶片椭圆形、卵形至圆形,而且长有3—4毫米长的毛,毛茸茸的酷似熊掌,所以又名熊巴掌。它虽然全身长有许多毛,但能开出美丽紫红色的花来。花序伞形,整个花序像一只绣球,微风吹拂,千百只绣球在绿色地毯中滚动,颇具特色。锦香草植株矮小,高仅10—15厘米,贴地而生,常成片生长于海拔500—700米稀疏林下或林缘阴湿处。广西、广东、福建、江西、湖南有分布。宜在草坪中作缀花应用;开花时使草坪景观更加美丽。锦香草  相似文献   

烹调香草逐渐受到人们的关注,用作烹调香草的植物种类很多,一些烹调香草也是药用植物,本文对世界主要烹调香草进行了综述,为进一步开发利用提供依据。  相似文献   

应用通用引物扩增了凸加夫蛤(Gafrarium tumidum)、锯齿巴非蛤(Paphiagallus)、细纹卵蛤(Pitar striatum)、钝缀锦蛤(Tapes dorsatus)、裂纹格特蛤(Marcia hiantina)5种帘蛤科贝类COI基因片段,并与GenBank数据库收录的加夫蛤(Gafrarium pectinatum)、沟纹巴非蛤(Paphia exarata)、日本卵蛤(Pitar japonicum)、日本格特蛤(Marcia japonica)、四射缀锦蛤(Tapes belcheri)5种帘蛤科贝类的同源序列进行比对分析.结果表明:所有物种扩增片段长度均为616 bp,序列A+T平均含量(62.9%)明显高于G+C含量.在616个位点中,保守位点数为282个,变异位点数为334个,其中简约信息位点数为283个.以COI基因片段序列为标记,以海螂科砂海螂(Mya arenaria)作外群,构建了帘蛤科贝类的系统进化树,其拓扑结构显示:细纹卵蛤和日本卵蛤聚为一枝,凸加夫蛤和加夫蛤聚为一枝,锯齿巴非蛤和沟纹巴非蛤聚为一枝,四射缀锦蛤单独聚为一枝,钝缀锦蛤、裂纹格特蛤和日本格特蛤聚为一枝,最后所有帘蛤科物种聚为一枝,与外群相区别,其结果与传统形态分类基本一致.研究表明,线粒体COI基因作为帘蛤科贝类DNA条形码在物种鉴定方面具有可靠性,可以作为物种分类的重要辅助手段.  相似文献   

中国的石松科植物   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对国产石松科(狭义)进行了分类学研究,共记载本科植物6属15种3变型。文中引用新建 立的1属,即拟小石松属Pseudolycopodiella Holub,并包含1个新命名:Lycopodium neopungens H.S.Kung et L.B.Zhang,1个新变型:Palhinhaea hainanensis C.Y. Yang f.glabra H.S.Kung et L.B.Zhang和9个新 异名:Lycopodium annotinum L.var.brevifolium Christ(=L .zonatum),L.annotinum L.var.aciculare Christ (=L.zonatum),L.alticola Ching(=L.zonatum),L.simulans Ching et H.S.Kung ex Ching(=L.japoni- cum),L.interjectum Ching et H.S.Kung ex Ching(=L.japonicum),L. taliense Ching(=L.japonicum),L.pseudoclavatum Ching(:=L.japonicm.),L. pseudoclavatum Ching var.yunnanense Ching(=L.japonicum),及L. centro-chinense Ching(=L. japonicum).本文还记述了有关分类群的地理分布,并认为中国没有Dipha- siastrum wightianum(Wall.ex Grev.et Hook.)Holub的分布。  相似文献   

黄燮才  韦家福   《广西植物》1987,(2):139-141
本文比较了中药灵香草Lysimachia foenum-graecum Hance及其混淆品种垂花香草Lysimaehia nutantiflora Chen et C.M.Hu的植物形态、药材性状以及茎、叶组织显微特征。指出垂花香草无灵香草特有的芳香。也无药用记载。应仔细区别,不宜混用。  相似文献   

记述锦织蛾属PromalactisMeyrick4个种,包括新种掌锦织蛾P.palmata sp.nov.和仿丽头锦织蛾P.subcolacephala sp.nov.,中国新纪录种西锦织蛾P.sineviLvovsky,1986和斯锦织蛾P.svetlanaeLvovsky,1985。文中提供了每个种的成虫和外生殖器特征图。掌锦织蛾,新种Promalactis palmata sp.nov.(图1,5,9)本种外形和外生殖器特征与显锦织蛾P.epistactaMeyrick,1908近似,但本种雄性外生殖器抱器背基部突起呈叶状,抱器瓣端部1/3近似掌状,阳茎基环侧叶末端达背兜2/3处,阳茎具2枚角状器。显锦织蛾P.epistacta雄性外生殖器抱器背基部突起柳条状,抱器瓣端部钩状,阳茎基环侧叶不明显,阳茎具1枚角状器。正模♂,贵州省绥阳县宽阔水保护区,海拔1500m,2010-08-12,杨琳琳采,外生殖器玻片号DZH10243。副模:2♂♂,3♀♀,2010-08-10~13,其它资料同正模,1♂,1♀,2010-08-16,杜喜翠采,采集地点同正模(外生殖器玻片号DZH10244♀,DZH10245♀,DZH10247♂,DZH10249♀,DZH10250♂)。分布:中国(贵州)。仿丽头锦织蛾,新种Promalactis subcolacephala sp.nov.(图2,6)本种与丽头锦织蛾P.colacephalaWang,LietZheng,2000非常近似,但雄性外生殖器抱器瓣末端背面有1钩状突起,阳茎末端无刺状突起。丽头锦织蛾P.colacephala雄性外生殖器抱器瓣末端背面有1直的突起,阳茎末端有1弯曲的刺状突起。正模♂,贵州省绥阳县宽阔水保护区,海拔840m,2010-06-09,杨琳琳采,外生殖器玻片号DZH10335。副模1♂,2010-06-08,其它资料同正模(外生殖器玻片号DZH10253)。分布:中国(贵州)。西锦织蛾Promalactis sineviLvovsky,1986中国新纪录(图3,7,10)Promalactis sineviLvovsky,1986:39.分布:中国(北京、河北、山西、辽宁);俄罗斯(远东)。斯锦织蛾Promalactis svetlanaeLvovsky,1985中国新纪录(图4,8,11)Promalactis svetlanae Lvovsky,1985:101;ParketPark,1998:57.分布:中国(黑龙江);俄罗斯(远东)。  相似文献   

锦带花的花粉活力、柱头可授性及传粉者的观察   总被引:48,自引:7,他引:41  
在野外实地观测锦带花(Weigela florida(Bunge)A.DC.)的开花动态和访花者,在显微镜下观测柱头和花粉的形态及花粉-胚珠比,用TTC法测定锦带花花粉的活力,用联苯胺-过氧化氢法测定柱头可授性。结果表明,锦带花的花粉活力在开花时达70%以上,且能维持3d,之后明显下降。锦带花的柱头在开花3h后多数呈白色、二裂、具可授性,柱头的可授期持续2~3d。柱头与花药之间有5.3士0.9mm的空间距离,自然条件下难于自花授粉.开花当天7.00~10.00之间访花者最丰富,开花第2天访花者减少,开花第3天时访花者更少。在锦带花上记录到的访花者隶属于膜翅目、鳞翅目和双翅目,其中,熊蜂和蜜蜂是主要传粉者。  相似文献   

金铁锁的两个新三萜皂苷   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
从石竹科植物金铁锁(Psammosilene tunicoides W.C.Wu et C.Y.Wu)根部分离得到4个齐墩果酸型五环三萜皂苷。它们的结构通过波谱和化学方法分别鉴定为:3-O-β-D-galac-topyranosyl-(1→2 )-β-D-6-O-methylgtucuronopymnosyl-quillaic acid (1),3-O-β-D-galactopymnosyl-(1→2)-[β-D-xylopyranosyl-(1→3)]-β-D-gtucuronopyranosyl-quillaic acid (2),3-O-β-D-galactopyrano-syl-(1→2)-[β-D-xylopyranosyl-(1→3)]-β-D-6-O-methylgtucuronopyranosyl-quillaic acid(3),3-O-β-D-galactopymnosyl-(1→2)-[β-D-xylopyranosyl-(1→3)]-β-D-6-O-ethylgtucuronopyranosyl-quillaic acid(4)。其中1为木鳖子中发现的次甙,3和4为新化合物。  相似文献   

The new species Anerincleistus bracteatus C. Hansen and Driessenia hepaticoides C. Hansen are described, and the new combinations Anerincleistus dajakorum (O. Schwartz) C. Hansen, Oxyspora cordata (Stapf) C. Hansen, O. ovata (Ridl.) C. Hansen and Phyllagathis dispar (Cogn.) C. Hansen are made.  相似文献   

Cyphotheca (Sonerileae s.l.), known only from China (Yunnan), is accepted as a monotypic genus most closely related to Phyllagalhis . The new name P. fengii C . Hansen is proposed for C. hispida , because the epithet hispida is not available in the genus Phyllagathis .  相似文献   

广西的南桦林和西桦林及其演替趋向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在亚热带地区,当常绿阔叶林或山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林被砍伐后,桦木常常迅速侵入并发展成林,构成亚热带落叶阔叶林的一种重要类型,在自然发展过程中,它们又将向原来的森林类型恢复和演变。本文重点介绍了广西南桦林和西桦林的一些群落类型及其演替替向、期待发挥它们在林业建设中应有的作用。  相似文献   

Phyllagathis tuberculata King and two closely allied new species,P. magnifica A. Weber andP. stonei A. Weber, are described and illustrated. Within the genus, these species form a distinct and isolated group which is restricted to Peninsular Malaysia.P. tuberculata occurs in Perak (probably confined to G. Bujang Melaka),P. magnifica andP. stonei are found in the mountains on the Pahang/Selangor border (Genting Highlands, Gombak valley). The distinctive characters of the three species are listed and some general information relating to inflorescence morphology, tubercle anatomy, fruit structure and seed dispersal is provided.  相似文献   

Iridescent blue leaf coloration in four Malaysian rain forest understory plants, Diplazium tomentosum Bl. (Athyriaceae), Lindsaea lucida Bl. (Lindsaeaceae), Begonia pavonina Ridl. (Begoniaceae), and Phyllagathis rotundifolia Bl. (Melastomataceae) is caused by a physical effect, constructive interference of reflected blue light. The ultrastructural basis for this in D. tomentosum and L. lucida is multiple layers of cellulose microfibrils in the uppermost cell walls of the adaxial epidermis. The helicoidal arrangement of these fibrils is analogous to that which produces a similar color in arthropods. In B. pavonina and P. rotundifolia the blue-green coloration is caused by parallel lamellae in specialized plastids adjacent to the abaxial wall of the adaxial epidermis. The selective advantage of this color production, if any, is unknown.  相似文献   

Summary Concentration of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S in summer groundnut crop was higher than in kharif while Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu contents were higher in summer crop. Kernel's N, P and Zn; Leaflet's Ca and Mn; Stem's K and Fe; Root's S and Cu and Petiole's Mg contents were highest. Shell's N, P, K, Mg, S, Zn and Cu; Kernel's Ca, Fe and Mn contents were the least. N, P, K, S, Zn and Cu concentrations decreased linearly as the crop grew. Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn concentrations did not display any distinct pattern. Ca concentration was positively correlated with pod yield in both the seasons.  相似文献   

Shark Tagging: A Review Of Conventional Methods and Studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tagging of sharks using conventional tags has long been recognized as a valuable means for studying various aspects of their life history, migrations and movements, and population structure. Conventional tags are defined as those that can be identified visually without the use of special detection equipment. Tagging studies specifically targeting sharks began in the late 1920's, and today numerous cooperative shark tagging programs exist worldwide. Cooperative programs depend on the joint participation of scientists and public volunteers to accomplish research objectives. Benefits and problems of these programs are discussed using the tagging methodologies, protocols, and results of the National Marine Fisheries Service Cooperative Shark Tagging Program. An additional 63 shark tagging studies and programs of all types are reviewed. Information useful for behavioral, biological, and fishery management studies can be derived from data resulting from these studies, including species and size composition, sex ratios, spatial and temporal distribution, migrations, movement patterns, rates of travel, delineation of pupping grounds, distribution of maturity intervals, indices of relative abundance, and recognition of individuals. Specific tagging experiments can be designed to provide additional data on age and growth, homing and site fidelity, dispersal rate, residence time, movement rates, tag shedding, and population parameters (e.g. size, mortality, recruitment, exploitation, interaction rates, and stock identity). Sources of bias inherent in tagging and recapture data include mortality, variation in tagging effort and fishing pressure, non-recovery and non-reporting of tags, and tag shedding. Recent advances in tagging methodologies that complement and extend conventional tagging studies will further our knowledge on shark movements and migrations, particularly in the areas of resource utilization and management, space utilization, and population dynamics.  相似文献   

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