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能源木薯高淀粉抗逆分子育种研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
木薯(Manihot esculenta Crantz)是全球重要的粮食作物,也是我国非粮生物质能源发展的主要原材料。长期以来,传统杂交育种是木薯新品种培育的主要手段。随着全球生态的变化和木薯产业发展的推进,需要加速培育抗逆能力强、高淀粉的木薯新品种,因此,利用基因工程针对特定性状开展品种创新表现出巨大的潜力。随着组学技术的发展,在木薯基础研究领域,特别是针对储藏根发育、淀粉富集、逆境响应与调控等方面的研究逐步深入。强化木薯基础理论研究和发展应用技术,对推动能源木薯的产业化发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

俞奔驰  韦丽君 《植物学报》2017,52(2):175-178
以前期发明的一种木薯(Manihot esculenta)调控开花技术为基础, 成功研发出木薯两性花诱导技术, 并发现诱导出的木薯两性花能自花授粉结实。该文报道了木薯两性花、两性花自花授粉发育的蒴果及其种子的形态特征。木薯两性花同时具有雌蕊和雄蕊, 而单性花只具有雌蕊或雄蕊; 两性花蒴果卵圆形且长宽比大, 单性花蒴果阔椭圆形且长宽比小; 两性花种子种脊不隆起, 单性花种子种脊隆起明显。两性花和两性花种子是珍贵的木薯育种材料, 对揭示木薯的遗传特性及培育木薯新种质具有重要意义。  相似文献   

木薯(Manihot esculenta Crantz)是一种热带作物,木薯根富含淀粉,世界上约有5亿人把它作为主食。木薯的叶子长势茂盛并有极高的蛋白含量。尽管木薯叶可以在改善热带地区居民的食品营养结构方面起到重要的作用,但是,人们对叶的食用远不如对根的食用普遍,其原因在于木薯叶中含有氢氰酸。  相似文献   

饲养蓖麻蚕在广西是一个新兴而且又是大有发展前途的事业。蓖麻蚕经驯化后,吃木薯叶也能发育良好,也能结茧,所以社员把蓖麻蚕又叫做木薯蚕。木薯属大戟科,为热带多年生的小灌木,是农村广泛栽培的一种植物,因块根肥大含有很多淀粉,故可供食用,还可作饲料。因此,养木薯蚕还可以综合利用木薯。我县是自治区重点发展蓖麻蚕的一个县,觉号召社员要大  相似文献   

木薯是热带、亚热带地区的重要粮食作物和经济作物。培育出生产性状更加优良的木薯品种,是推进木薯产业更快更好发展的重要基础。分子育种技术在培育优良木薯品种方面具有传统育种技术不可比拟的优势。该文介绍了近年来在提高植物抗寒性与病虫害抗性、降低氰苷含量、提高淀粉含量及组成、改变储存物种类、防止木薯收获后变质等方面的研究进展,以便在这些研究进展的基础上,利用植物分子育种技术加快获得具有抗逆能力提高、品质改良、产量增加、耐储藏等优良特性的木薯新品种。  相似文献   

木薯在我国作为生物质能源、工业淀粉原料和潜在的粮食资源是热区最重要的经济作物之一。由于木薯遗传高度杂合和有性子代严重分离等不利因素导致育种周期长,育种进展缓慢。针对木薯育种面临的挑战,现提出综合育种的对策,并详细阐述木薯综合育种所需条件和流程以及发展前景,为缩短木薯育种年限和提高育种效率提供新思路。  相似文献   

木薯的再生体系和基因转化方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
木薯是一种很有发展潜力的非常古老的作物,但是木薯的育种工作却处于非常年轻的阶段.随着生命科学技术的发展,木薯育种工作也得到了进一步提高,由传统育种向现代育种转变,从各个方面对木薯品种进行分子改良.本文对近几十年来木薯生物技术研究取得的进展进行了系统的回顾和分析.木薯分子改良包括两个方面:木薯遗传转化体系和基因转化方法的发生、发展.目前研究所用的木薯再生系统途径,主要包括器官发生途径、体细胞胚胎发生途径:常用且有成功先例的木薯基因转化方法,包括农杆菌介导法和基因枪法.最后对前人研究的成果和存在的问题进行了讨论,并展望了以后的发展方向.  相似文献   

木薯中的纤维素成分约占木薯干重的10%(W/W).文中以木薯燃料乙醇生产的木薯纤维素酒渣为原料,从纤维素酶成本角度评估了三种利用木薯纤维素组分发酵生产乙醇的方法,包括木薯纤维素酒渣的直接糖化和乙醇发酵、木薯纤维素酒渣预处理后的糖化与乙醇发酵、木薯乙醇发酵中同步淀粉与纤维素糖化以及乙醇发酵.结果表明,前两种方法的纤维素利用效率不高,酶成本分别达到13602、11659元/吨乙醇.第三种方法,即在木薯乙醇发酵过程同时加入糖化酶和纤维素酶,进行同步淀粉与纤维素糖化,进而进行乙醇发酵,木薯纤维素乙醇的收益最高.发酵结束时的乙醇浓度从101.5g/L提高到107.0g/L,纤维素酶成本为3 589元/吨乙醇.此方法利用木薯纤维素与木薯淀粉同时进行,不会带来额外的设备及操作投入,酶成本低于产品乙醇价格,可实现盈利,因此第三种方法为木薯纤维用于乙醇发酵的最适方法,本研究结果将为木薯乙醇产业深度利用木薯纤维提供依据.  相似文献   

减少木薯中氰的方法木薯是全球尤其是发展中国家7亿人口的主要热量来源,因此,DonaldDanforth植物科学中心的研究人员开发了一种技术,既可以加速木薯加工过程中氰的减少,以生产更安全的食品,又  相似文献   

(一)木薯的经济价值木薯(Manihotspp.)也叫“树薯”或“树番薯”,它的块根可做杂粮。它的淀粉,叫“生粉”,可供食用,也可做纺织工业与洗衣的浆糊用。市场所售珍球米,一般都是木薯粉制成。此外木薯还可釀造酒精,及制麦芽糖等。将木薯块根切成薄片晒干,可以长久  相似文献   

藜科植物的起源、分化和地理分布   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
全球藜科植物共约130属1500余种,广泛分布于欧亚大陆、南北美洲、非洲和大洋洲的半干旱及盐碱地区。它基本上是一个温带科,对亚热带和寒温带也有一定的适应性。本文分析了该科包含的1l族的系统位置和分布式样,以及各个属的分布区,提出中亚区是现存藜科植物的分布中心,原始的藜科植物在古地中海的东岸即华夏陆台(或中国的西南部)发生,然后向干旱的古地中海沿岸迁移、分化,产生了环胚亚科主要族的原始类群;起源的时间可能在白垩纪初,冈瓦纳古陆和劳亚古陆进一步解体的时期。文章对其迁移途径及现代分布式样形成的原因进行了讨论。  相似文献   

董媛媛 《生物多样性》2021,29(11):1530-36
由于生物安全内涵外延和基本要素的模糊性、评价指标及评价方法的多元性等因素的限制, 我国至今尚未形成全面有效的生物安全评价指标体系。为构建生物安全评价体系, 研判生物安全现状, 本文首先运用规范分析法剖析《生物安全法》中有关“生物安全”定义的特点及不足, 从国家安全角度认为生物安全是指国家有效防范和应对危险生物因子及相关因素的威胁, 维护和保障自身安全与利益的能力和状态。明晰了生物安全的外延, 即只有对国家安全利益、民众健康、生态环境保护产生威胁的生物风险, 才是生物安全所规制的对象。其次, 生物安全基本要素包括自然生物安全和社会经济生物安全。自然生物安全主要指民众健康和生态环境保护方面, 包括生物个体安全和生物多样性安全。社会经济生物安全的关注点在国家安全利益, 即社会稳定和国家经济利益, 包括生物技术安全、生物实验室安全。第三, 以生物安全基本要素为管理对象的尺度, 将国家安全利益、民众健康和生态环境保护作为评价主体, 以生物法治为理念, 运用模型构建法, 将定性指标和定量指标相结合, 基于驱动力‒压力‒状态‒接触‒影响‒行动模型(driving force-pressure-state-exposure-effect-action, DPSEEA)构建了一套具有生物法治特色的生物安全评价指标体系, 包括生物安全法律法规体系健全水平、生物安全所涉违法犯罪行为的打击力度、生物安全各部门机构协调机制的建立和完善程度、符合规定标准的生物实验室数量和百分比、生物安全人才数量及密度、对生物产业和基本卫生部门的官方援助及其他途径投资总额、疫苗覆盖的目标人群比例、生物安全的宣传教育普及率8项评价指标在内共32项生物安全评价指标。最后, 基于实地调研及数据统计分析, 以2019年和2020年深圳生物安全工作为例对评价体系进行验证。结果显示, 深圳生物安全工作在农业生物安全、动植物防疫、防范外来物种入侵方面成果显著; 但仍在法律法规体系、生物安全人才培养和资金投入、生物安全普及率方面存在不足。针对上述问题提出完善生物安全法律法规体系并注重法律协调衔接、“一个健康”实现多元协同生物治理、加强人才培养和资金投入、加强生物安全宣传教育等建议。  相似文献   

杨琴  李良 《生态学杂志》2013,24(9):2539-2544
以种植2、4、6、11、13、16、19年的蔬菜日光温室土壤为研究对象,并以露地菜田为对照,测定了土壤微生物区系及酶活性的变化.结果表明: 随着种植年限的增加,土壤中细菌、放线菌和微生物总数均呈现先增加后减少的趋势,在种植11年时达到最大值,分别比对照增加了54.8%、63.7%和55.4%,差异达显著水平;而真菌数量持续上升,种植19年约为对照的2.2倍.微生物生理类群中,纤维素分解菌、自生固氮菌、亚硝酸细菌、反硝化细菌和硫化细菌数量的变化趋势与细菌相似, 种植11年分别为对照的1.5、1.6、1.9、1.4和1.1倍;而氨化细菌数量则呈现先减少后增加的趋势,在种植13年时达到最小值,为对照的56.0%.土壤中脲酶、多酚氧化酶、蔗糖酶、蛋白酶、纤维素酶和碱性磷酸酶活性随种植年限的增加呈现先增强后减弱的趋势,而过氧化氢酶活性较稳定.相关分析表明,细菌、放线菌和微生物总数与各土壤酶均呈显著正相关;而真菌数量与脲酶、蔗糖酶、过氧化氢酶和碱性磷酸酶均呈负相关,其中与过氧化氢酶的相关性达到显著水平.  相似文献   

A S Sergeev 《Genetika》1991,27(11):2020-2033
One of the implicit assumptions of the single locus model, having been used so far in the analysis of linkage between the genetic marker locus and the disease predisposition locus, is the requirement of independent--from the rest of genotype--action of genotypes of the disease predisposition locus considered. In this communication, it is emphasized that the lack of this requirement makes problematical the theoretical substantiation of the affected sib-pair method in the linkage analysis. To remove this obstacle, explicit pointing out of independence of the action of the single locus genotypes on the rest of the genotype is necessary in formulating of the single locus model which, with due regard for this assumption, represents a special, perhaps, unique case of the gene action characterized by incomplete differential penetrances of the genotypes under conditions, when the genes of the rest of genotype involved to the disease, are fixed. In this connection, the mixed model of inheritance with the "major gene", proposed by Morton and MacLean (1974), is considered, on the basis of which the theoretical expectations of the proportions of the affected sib pairs, sharing the x = 2, 1, 0 haplotypes, identical by descent (IBD) in phenotypic matings with the h = 2, 1, 0 affected parents are derived. Based on the combinatorial analysis of IBD relationships in sib pairs and of the distribution of sibships of any size s greater than or equal to 2 by the numbers L = 2, 3, 4 haplotypes, inherited by s siblings, the empirical assessment of data on sibships of any size with r greater than or equal to 2 affected siblings is considered, which makes it possible to reduce the data observed on distribution of the numbers L in sibships, to that of the IBD relationships in the affected sib pairs. It is also pointed out that conditional probability approach, proposed by the author earlier, allows at the same time to obtain the empirical estimates of the recurrence risks, conditional both on phenotypes of siblings (r affected; s-r normal siblings), and on the number of L haplotypes inherited by sibships.  相似文献   

In an image fusion process, the spatial resolution of a multispectral image is improved by a panchromatic band. However, due to the spatial and spectral resolution differences between these two data sets, the enhanced image may have two distortions, spatial and spectral. Therefore, to evaluate the efficiency of the pan-sharpening method, the status of these two types of distortions is examined. Unfortunately, there is still no developed acceptance index that can thoroughly investigate the quality of the pansharpened image; moreover, most of the proposed methods for reviewing the quality of output images have been developed with an emphasis on the residential area. Accordingly, to assess the quality of the pansharpened image in this study, we evaluated highly effective conventional methods, such as visual examinations, quantitative evaluation and impact analysis regarding the change detection process of mangrove forests. Finally, we suggested a simple yet efficient approach for such research in natural ecosystems. In the proposed method, based on the nature of the ecosystem, a spectral vegetation index is applied to the pansharpened images; the spectral quality of the images is further evaluated based on two parameters, 1) the areas under the curves of the histogram of the spectral vegetation index in the natural ecosystem region and 2) its centroid. The spatial quality of the pansharpened images is evaluated through implementing of two transects perpendicular to each other in the images of the spectral vegetation index, and creating a spatial deviation on them. With expert reviews and visual evaluation of the pansharpened images, the proposed method, especially in natural ecosystems, has more advantages as regards assessing the quality of the fused images. Based on the evaluations, among 11 methods of pansharpening, including Ehlers Fusion, FuzeGO, Gram-Schmidt, HPF, HCS, PCA, Modified IHS, Brovey Transform, Projective Resolution Merge, Wavelet IHS, and Wavelet PCA; the HPF method the Brovey Transform and Modified IHS methods respectively showed the best performance in the digital change detection of Mangrove forests.  相似文献   

The changes that occur in the shoot apex of the banana, as itpasses from the vegetative to the flowering stage, are described.The crucial events occur well before floral primordia are evident,and they require a redistribution of activity in the variousgrowing regions. The vegetative shoot apex is in a central depressionin the rhizome; there is virtually no internodal growth in theaxis, the most active growth is in the leaf bases; vegetativebuds do not form in the leaf axils but only appear adventitiouslyfar from the tip of the shoot. With the onset of flowering thisis changed; growth in the axis itself, previously suppressed,occurs and flower buds arise as primordia in the axils of subtendingbracts. The bracts do not show the market growth in their baseswhich is so characteristic of leaves. Thus, the shoot apex risesto the level of the rhizome and then above it; as it does so,its tip changes in shape from a broad flattened some to a pointedcone. At the transitional stage, more activity occurs in thecells of the mantle, or tunica, which now consists of 3 to 4layers over the central dome. Below, in the central or mothercell zone of the corpus, which was quiescent in the vegetativeshoot, the cells spring into greater activity, becoming moreprotoplasmic and stain more deeply. Directly below this regionin the rib meristem, cells show transverse divisions. Bractprimordia occur high on the flanks of the apex, and, thoughthey originate in the manner of leaves, their subsequent growthis different. Flower primordia occur even in the axils of bractsclose to the shoot tip. Thus, the problem now is to designatethe source, nature, and mode of action of the stimuli whichinitiate and control this quite different distribution of growthin the floral, as contrasted with the vegetative, shoot. Thesignificance of the previously more quiescent central, or mothercell zone, of the apex as the source of such stimuli, is stressed.Thus, flowering first requires that the limiting controls whichapply to the vegetative shoot be released, and, secondly, thatthe apex of the shoot, rather than the leaf base, becomes themain centre of growth and development.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to measure the levels of manure nutrients retained in psychrophilic anaerobic sequencing batch reactors (PASBRs) digesting swine manure, and to determine the distribution of nutrients in the sludge and supernatant zones of settled bioreactor effluent. Anaerobic digestion reduced the total solids (TS) concentration and the soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) of manure by 71.4% and 79.9%, respectively. The nitrogen, potassium, and sodium fed with the manure to the PASBRs were recovered in the effluent. The bioreactors retained on average 25.5% of the P, 8.7% of the Ca, 41.5% of the Cu, 18.4% of the Zn, and 67.7% of the S fed to the PASBRs. The natural settling of bioreactor effluent allowed further nutrient separation. The supernatant fraction, which represented 71.4% of effluent volume, contained 61.8% of the total N, 67.1% of the NH4-N, and 73.3% of the Na. The settled sludge fraction, which represented 28.6% of the volume, contained 57.6% of the solids, 62.3% of the P, 71.6% of the Ca, 89.6% of the Mg, 76.1% of the Al, 90.0% of the Cu, 74.2% of the Zn, and 52.2% of the S. The N/P ratio was increased from 3.9 in the raw manure to 5.2 in the bioreactor effluent and 9.2 in the supernatant fraction of the settled effluent. The PASBR technology will then substantially decrease the manure management costs of swine operations producing excess phosphorus, by reducing the volume of manure to export outside the farm. The separation of nutrients will also allow land spreading strategies that increase the agronomic value of manure by matching more closely the crop nutrient requirements.  相似文献   

Khokhlov AN 《Ontogenez》2003,34(5):382-389
For the most part, research in the area of cytogerontology, i.e., investigation of the mechanisms of aging in the experiments on cultured cells, is carried out using the "Hayflick's model". More than forty years have passed since the appearance of that model, and during this period of time, very much data were obtained on its basis. These data contributed significantly to our knowledge of the behavior of both animal and human cultured cells. Specifically, we already know of the mechanisms underlying the aging in vitro. On the other hand, in my opinion, little has changed in our knowledge of the aging of the whole organism. In all likelihood, this can be explained by that the Hayflick's model is, like many others used in the experimental gerontology, correlative, i.e. based on a number of detected correlations. In the case of Hayflick's model, these are correlations between the mitotic potential of cells (cell population doubling potential) and some "gerontological" parameters and indices: species life-span, donor age, evidence of progeroid syndromes, etc., as well as various changes of normal (diploid) cells during long-term cultivation and during aging of the organism. It is, however, well known that very frequently a good correlation has nothing to do with the essence (gist) of the phenomenon. For example, we do know that the amount of gray hair correlates quite well with the age of an individual but is in no way related to the mechanisms of his/her aging and probability of death. In this case, the absence of cause-effect relationships is evident, which are, at the same time, indispensable for the development of gist models. These models, as distinct from the correlative ones, are based on a certain concept of aging. In the case of Hayflick's model, such a concept is absent: we cannot explain, using the "Hayflick's limit", why our organism ages. This conclusion was convincingly confirmed by the discovery of telomere mechanism which determines the aging of cells in vitro. That discovery initiated the appearance of theories attempting to explain the process of aging in vivo also on its basis. However, it has become clear that the mechanisms of aging of the entire organism, located, apparently, in its postmitotic cells, such as neurons or cardiomyocytes, cannot be explained in the framework of this approach. Hence, we believe that it is essential to develop "gist" models of aging using cultured cells. The mechanisms of cell aging in such models should be similar to the mechanisms of cell aging in the entire organism. Our "stationary phase aging" model could be one of such models, which is based on the assumption of the leading role of cell proliferation restriction in the processes of aging. We assume that the accumulation of "senile" damage is caused by the restriction of cell proliferation either due to the formation of differentiated cell populations during development (in vivo) or to the existence of saturation density phenomenon (in vitro). Cell proliferation changes themselves do not induce aging, they only lead to the accumulation of macromolecular defects, which, in turn, lead to the deterioration of tissues, organs, and, eventually, of the entire organism, increasing the probability of its death. Within the framework of our model, we define cell aging as the accumulation in a cell population of various types of damage identical to the damage arising in senescing multicellular organism. And, finally, it is essential to determine how the cell is dying and what the death of the cell is. These definitions will help to draw real parallels between the "genuine" aging of cells (i.e., increasing probability of their death with "age") and the aging of multicellular organisms.  相似文献   

Cuticle micromorphology of 34 taxa of Pinus from Mexico and Central America was studied with scanning electron microscopy, and leaf morphology was described. In total, 29 characters, 22 from the inner cuticular surfaces and seven from the outer, were described in detail. These characters have value either for testing infragenerie classifications or for identifying individual taxa. Characters relating to the periclinal wall texture of the epidermal cells, the shape and degree of development of the anticlinal walls of the epidermal cells, the basal and apical shapes of anticlinal epidermal cell walls, the continuity of the epidermal cells, the size ratio of the polar to lateral subsidiary cells, the grooves on subsidiary cells, the cuticular flanges between guard and subsidiary cells, the groove near the bristles and the elevation of the Florin ring ridge and striations on the Florin ring are particularly useful for infrageneric classification. The agreement between these characters and infrageneric classifications is discussed. Characters relating to the end wall shapes of the epidermal cells, the relative length of epidermal cells, the shape of the stomatal apparatus, the texture of guard and lateral subsidiary cell surfaces, the polar extensions, the number of subsidiary cells and epidermal cell layers between stomatal rows, the integrity of stomatal rows, cell numbers between stomata in a row, cuticular flanges between guard cells, bristle flanges and surface textures, epicuticular waxes, striations on Florin rings and stomatal shapes, contain some important information for identifying Mexican pines. The distribution of the states of each character is compared with that of the Asian pines. Cuticular characters are used to help determine the affinities of taxonomically difficult taxa.  相似文献   

The many factors which may influence the fertility of a cattle population are reviewed. The following subjects are discussed: the bull, the method of insemination, the cow, the conditions of herd management and chance. Particular attention is paid to factors related to the conditions of herd management. These are the climate, the season, the size of the herd, the housing system, the choice of a bull, hygiene at the time of calving, the interval between parturition and the first insemination, detection of oestrus, the time of insemination during oestrus, nutrition, selection and the culling of cows. In the discussion, the effect which the various factors may have on fertility is illustrated by a case in point.  相似文献   

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