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黄土丘陵区藓结皮人工培养方法试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以陕北黄土丘陵区自然发育的藓结皮为繁殖材料,通过室内人工培养研究了藓类植物孢子繁殖法(孢子法)、植物碎片营养繁殖(断茎法)以及生物结皮团块粉碎(碎皮法)接种等不同方法对藓结皮形成发育的影响,并对不同培养温度和土壤含水量条件下的藓结皮生长发育进行比较分析.结果表明,(1)相同培养条件下,碎皮法接种有利于藓结皮盖度的形成,在20℃、光照5 230 lx、光周期12 h/d条件下,经80 d培养,藓结皮盖度、密度分别达到76%和59株/cm2,且显著高于其他方法.(2)不同的接种量对藓结皮形成发育影响显著,采用碎皮法,接种量在500~750 g/m2水平下藓结皮的盖度和藓类植物的密度生长较高.(3)温度显著影响藓结皮的形成和发育,在试验条件下,17℃有利于藓结皮盖度、藓类植株密度和株高的生长.(4)土壤含水量只有>60%田间持水量时才有藓结皮形成,当土壤含水量达到超饱和含水量,并在近地面处有水汽存在时则更有利于藓结皮的形成和发育.  相似文献   

黄土高原丘陵区生物结皮土壤的斥水性   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
采用滴水穿透时间法和酒精溶液入渗法,研究了黄土高原丘陵区浅色藻结皮、深色藻结皮、藻+少量藓结皮、藓+少量藻结皮、藓结皮5种不同发育阶段的原状生物结皮土壤的斥水性及其与土壤含水量的关系.结果表明: 生物结皮增加了土壤的斥水性,其斥水强度和持久性均显著增加.生物结皮土壤的斥水性随生物结皮的演替逐渐降低,当生物结皮中藓类植物盖度在20%以上时,斥水持久性显著低于藻结皮.生物结皮土壤的斥水性与土壤含水量及优势种密切相关,藓类生物结皮土壤的斥水性随着含水量的降低逐渐增加,藻类生物结皮土壤的斥水性随含水量的变化呈双峰曲线.  相似文献   

藓结皮对黄土丘陵区生态修复与重建有重要意义。以黄土丘陵区藓结皮优势种土生对齿藓(Didymodon vinealis(Brid.)Zand.)、短叶对齿藓(Didymodon tectorum(C.Mull.)Saito)、扭口藓(Barbula unguiculata Hedw.)和银叶真藓(Bryum argenteum Hedw.)为研究对象,通过形态解剖结构观察分析,研究了4个藓种形态结构差异。结果表明:土生对齿藓株高(6.1 mm)、茎直径(298.6μm)、中肋宽(65.5μm)以及叶宽(590.9μm)、叶片厚度(14.8μm)显著高于其他3个藓种,茎表皮细胞壁增厚且皮部细胞镶嵌排列;短叶对齿藓株高、茎、叶片及毛尖结构无显著优势;土生对齿藓茎和叶片结构粗壮,适应水分变异性大的环境,耐旱能力强;扭口藓叶片长度(3.2 mm)和叶片下部细胞面积(191.2μm2)显著大于其他3种藓类并含有大量叶绿体,中肋深陷呈"v"型,适宜水分充足环境,集水能力强但耐干性弱;银叶真藓茎皮部细胞面积987.8μm2,单个皮部细胞面积占茎横切面积的3.1%,毛尖长度(274μm)显著大于其他3个藓种且叶片上部细胞与毛尖呈透明状,耐旱并抵御强光辐射。以上结果表明,黄土丘陵区4个藓种的茎叶形态结构存在差异,适应水分、光照条件不同,体现了藓种的生态适应性差异,可为藓结皮耐旱藓种和人工培养藓种选择提供参考。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区坡面尺度生物结皮多是由藻、藓和地衣等以不同比例、不同方式组合的一个复杂群落结构,显著影响水分入渗,但目前混合生物结皮水分入渗与其群落结构之间的关系仍不清楚,妨碍了对坡面尺度生物结皮土壤渗透性的评估。本研究测定了藻结皮、藓结皮及藓结皮盖度分别为<15%、15%~30%、30%~45%、45%~60%、>60% 5个不同藻藓比例的混合生物结皮的稳定入渗速率,采用主成分分析和通径分析揭示混合生物结皮水分稳定入渗速率的影响因素,明确混合生物结皮水分稳定入渗速率与群落结构之间的关系。结果表明: 藻结皮和藓结皮土壤饱和导水率分别为0.66和2.40 mm·min-1。藓结皮盖度从<15%到>60%的混合生物结皮的稳定入渗速率为0.80~2.30 mm·min-1。混合生物结皮水分稳定入渗速率主要与藓结皮盖度和藓结皮改善的土壤孔隙结构密切相关,相关系数分别为0.636(P=0.011)和0.835(P=0.000)。通过藻结皮和藓结皮土壤饱和导水率与盖度加权预测的混合生物结皮水分入渗量(y)与混合生物结皮实测水分入渗量(x)具有极显著相关关系(r=0.945),二者拟合的线性函数为y=0.85x(R2=0.98,P<0.05)。本研究明确了混合生物结皮水分入渗与单一组成生物结皮水分入渗之间的关系,为准确评估该区生物结皮水文过程提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

在野外调查的基础上,采集不同侵蚀类型区内发育至稳定阶段的生物结皮,分析水分和温度变化对生物结皮固氮活性的影响.结果表明:水蚀区、水蚀风蚀交错区、风蚀区生物结皮固氮活性表现为水蚀区(127.7μmol.m-2.h-1)>水蚀风蚀交错区(34.6μmol.m-2.h-1)>风蚀区(6.0μmol.m-2.h-1);3个侵蚀类型区生物结皮固氮的最适温度分别为35、25和15℃.在最适温度条件下,水蚀区及水蚀风蚀交错区生物结皮固氮活性在100%~40%田间持水量时差异不显著;风蚀区生物结皮固氮活性对水分变化较为敏感,当含水量降至80%田间持水量时固氮活性开始显著降低,降至20%田间持水量时,生物结皮固氮作用停止.3个侵蚀类型区生物结皮固氮活性及其对水分与温度变化响应的差异与不同侵蚀类型区的气候、环境及生物结皮物种组成有关.  相似文献   

陈翠云  李新荣  赵昕 《生态学杂志》2012,31(12):3064-3069
土生对齿藓(Didymodon vinealis)和真藓(Bryum argenteum)是沙坡头地区用于固沙的生物土壤结皮的两个重要组成部分.本文研究了脱水过程中这2种藓类的光合特性,检测了其光合相关蛋白的表达情况.结果表明:随着水分含量的降低,土生对齿藓和真藓的可溶性蛋白、叶绿素含量、叶绿素a荧光诱导动力学参数及光系统蛋白含量均显著降低,而离子渗漏率和类胡萝卜素的含量则显著升高,且均与水分含量呈正相关.真藓的这些光合参数的变化程度比土生对齿藓更为明显.以上结果说明,脱水导致土生对齿藓和真藓的蛋白质含量减少,胞膜完整性遭受破坏,进而降低PSⅡ反应中心活性,最终导致光合作用能力的下降.  相似文献   

生物结皮是土壤表面具有光合活性的致密复合层,是土-气界面CO2通量的影响因子之一.本文采用改进的Li-8100土壤碳通量测量系统,研究了黄土丘陵区退耕地上不同演替阶段生物结皮对土壤CO2通量的影响.结果表明:光照条件下,生物结皮土壤CO2通量较除去生物结皮显著下降,其中藻结皮和藓结皮分别下降了92%和305%;生物结皮对土壤CO2通量的降低程度与其生物组成和生物量有关,深色藻结皮和藓结皮土壤CO2通量较裸地分别降低了141%和484%.生物结皮土壤CO2通量的日变化呈降低-升高-降低的趋势,而裸地CO2通量日变化趋势为单峰曲线,藻结皮、藓结皮的碳吸收峰值分别出现在8:00和9:00前后,其CO2通量分别为0.13和-1.02 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1;藻结皮24 h CO2通量排放总量较裸地增加7.7%,而藓结皮减少了29.6%.生物结皮对土壤CO2通量的影响显著,在评价退耕地土壤碳循环时,应考虑生物结皮的影响.  相似文献   

使用CI-301PS(CID Inc.USA)对生长于冬季和春季的大羽藓(Thuidium cymbifolium)与垂藓(Chrysocladium retrorsum)的净光合速率(Pn)及其与光照、温度和植物体水分含量的关系进行了研究.结果表明,大羽藓和垂藓的光合能力分别达到141和117μmolCO2kg-1·dw·s-1,光合能力从冬季到春季呈上升趋势.这两种藓类植物的光响应曲线比较相似,光饱和点高达800~900μmol·m-2s-1,光补偿点为40~50μmol·m-2s-1,光合作用最适温度在春季为25~36℃,而冬季为20~30℃.同时对于低温又具有很强的抗性,在冰点以下的温度条件下(-15~0℃)能够保持一定的净光合.净光合速率的水分响应曲线表明,这两种藓类的最适水分含量为200~300(400)%dw,水分含量降低到150%dw时光合作用开始受到抑制,在40%~50%dw时净光合降低到零或略变为负数.结果表明,大羽藓和垂藓都属于耐干旱、强阳性的藓类,但垂藓在这几个方面略逊于大羽藓.  相似文献   

贵州省茅台镇砂页岩结皮层藓类植物的生态功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对贵州省茅台镇砂页岩结皮层藓类植物物种进行了调查,并测定了其优势植物的生物量、成土量和饱和吸水量,以了解藓类植物在水土流失防治中的作用.调查发现:藓类植物5科6属6种.优势结皮藓类植物华中毛灰藓、厚壁紫萼藓、小叶藓、真藓的生物量、成土量和饱和吸水量分别为0.5 ~104g·m-2、1.6~481 g·m-2和2.8~1987 g· m-2,其中,华中毛灰藓的生物量、成土量和饱和吸水量均远远高于其他结皮藓类,在砂页岩水土流失区域生物土壤结皮层中起着关键性的作用,对治理砂页岩水土流失具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

C_3和C_4植物的水分利用效率   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
对C3植物黄豆(Glycinemax)和C4植物玉米(Zeamays)的光合、蒸腾以及水分利用效率(WUE)进行了比较研究。结果表明,玉米WUE水平约为黄豆的2倍,这与两种植物的光合速率水平相一致,说明植物叶片的WUE主要决定于其光合速率大小。通过环境条件对两种植物的影响分析可知,玉米WUE在0-1000μmol·m-2·s-1光强范围内与光合有效辐射(PAR)呈线形关系,最适温度为29℃左右;黄豆WUE在0- 1200mol·m-2·s-1光强范围内与PAR呈线形关系,最适温度为32℃左右。  相似文献   

Biological soil crusts (biocrusts) are crucial components of dryland ecosystems, but they are slow to recover following disturbance. Herein, we evaluated several methods for restoring lichen‐moss biocrusts that included factorial applications of moss fragments in a water‐slurry (1) with and without lichen fragments (to restore biocrust taxonomic structure), (2) with and without clay (to facilitate establishment), and (3) with and without jute ground cloth (to facilitate establishment). Three and four years after inoculation, moss and lichen cover was up to five and eight times higher on jute ground cloth than on bare ground, respectively. Lichen cover was six times higher in plots where lichen fragments were added. Clay amendments did not increase moss or lichen establishment. To understand the effects of biocrust recovery on soil properties, we measured soil inorganic nitrogen, microbial biomass carbon, and soil water availability in restoration and control plots. Restored biocrusts decreased inorganic NH4‐N availability by 67% when compared to controls 3 years after inoculation, but did not influence the availability of inorganic NO3‐N, soil water, or microbial biomass carbon. Our results demonstrate that adding a biocrust inoculant to jute ground cloth can expedite recovery of lichen‐moss biocrust and reestablish its influence on soil properties within a few years.  相似文献   

生物结皮对3种荒漠草本植物光合生理特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过人工去除生物结皮实验,研究古尔班通古特沙漠生物结皮对3种荒漠草本植物生理特性的影响,根据生物结皮对土壤养分和水分的影响,综合分析生物结皮对3种草本植物光合生理特性的影响。结果表明,生物结皮对3种荒漠草本植物光合生理的影响基本一致,在植物生长早期,生物结皮区的尖喙牻牛儿苗(Erodium oxyrrhynchum M.Bieb.)、条叶庭荠(Alyssum linifolium Steph.ex Willd.)和琉苞菊(Hyalea pulchella(Ldb.) C.Koch)的叶片相对含水量(RWC)、净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(E)、水分利用效率(WUE)、PSⅡ最大光化学量子效率(Fv/Fm)、PSⅡ实际光化学效率(φPSⅡ)和叶绿素(Chl)含量均高于去除生物结皮区;但是,在植物生长后期,却是去除生物结皮区的各项生理指标高。生物结皮对3种荒漠草本植物光合生理过程的影响与其对植物生长的影响基本一致,这与土壤养分和水分状况的变化密切相关。  相似文献   

生物结皮是干旱半干旱地区的常见地被物,与植物共同影响坡面径流及流速。迄今鲜有研究关注植物和生物结皮共同覆盖对流速的影响,是干旱半干旱地区坡面侵蚀驱动因素研究的薄弱环节。本研究以黄土丘陵区退耕草地为对象,通过野外模拟降雨试验,研究草本植物覆盖下有无生物结皮及不同组成生物结皮(多藻少藓、多藓少藻和藓)对径流流速的影响。结果表明: 植物和植物+生物结皮覆盖显著降低了流速,植物覆盖较裸土降低70.7%,植物+生物结皮覆盖较裸土降低83.1%;植物和生物结皮共同覆盖下,植物和生物结皮对径流流速的削减效益分别为70.7%和12.4%。植物覆盖下生物结皮对流速的影响程度与其组成有关,多藻少藓结皮、多藓少藻结皮和藓结皮对流速的削减效益分别为11.5%、12.4%和19.4%。流速与藓盖度呈显著负相关,与藻盖度呈显著正相关,藓结皮盖度(x)与流速(y)的关系式为:y=-2.081x+0.03(R2=0.469)。当植物盖度一定时(40%±10%),生物结皮组成中藓盖度是影响共同覆盖坡面流速的关键因子。综上,草本植物覆盖下生物结皮有显著减缓流速的作用,且作用程度与其组成有关。表明在研究退耕草地坡面侵蚀动力机制时,生物结皮的作用应予以考虑。  相似文献   

In dryland ecosystems, natural recovery of biological soil crusts (biocrusts) following disturbance may be slow or inhibited, necessitating active restoration practices. While biocrusts can be readily propagated under environmentally controlled conditions, rehabilitation in the field is complicated by environmental stresses which may be particularly acute in degraded, destabilized soils with harsh climatic conditions at the soil surface. In this study, we first present the results of a field trial at a severely degraded rangeland site examining the stabilizing effects of various soil amendments (polysaccharide glues and polyacrylamides) in combination with biocrust inoculum. We found that a psyllium compound was the only amendment to maintain effectiveness after 19 months, and the only treatment that maintained biocrust inoculum throughout the trial. In a subsequent short‐term experiment where plots were shaded and watered, we examined how biocrust inoculation rate (0, 20, and 40% initial cover) and the psyllium‐based amendment affected biocrust growth. After 4 months, visible biocrust cover in inoculated plots was greater than in controls, but only chlorophyll a exhibited a dosage‐response to inoculum application rate, indicating preferential establishment of cyanobacteria. Psyllium did not affect biocrust development but did improve soil stability. Shade and watering buffered against temperature extremes (up to 15°C) and increased the duration of moist surface conditions necessary for biocrust growth by up to 30%, mimicking conditions more common in the fall and winter months. Our results suggest that inducing early successional biocrusts on a highly degraded site is possible with suitable microclimate conditions.  相似文献   

Biological soil crusts (biocrusts) are ubiquitous living covers in arid and semiarid regions, playing a critical role in soil erosion control in semiarid regions. So far, research separating the multiple mechanisms of erosion control by biocrusts has been limited. It was problematic to link the influence of biocrusts to existing erosion models. In the present study, the response of biocrusts of different successional stages to raindrop erosivity and underlying influences was investigated. Using single drop simulated rainfall, the erosion controlling capacities of biocrusts were analyzed from an energetic perspective. The results showed that biocrusts caused a dramatic improvement of soil erosion resistance, which depended on species composition and increased considerably with higher succession stages. While the accumulated raindrop kinetic energy sustained by dark cyanobacterial crusts was 0.93 J (~15 times higher than that of bare soil), that of 60 % moss covered crusts reached values up to 20.18 J (~342 times higher than that of bare soil) and for 80 % moss covered crusts even 24.59 J were measured. Besides the composition and successional stages, the resistance of biocrusts to raindrop erosivity was related to the substrate soil moisture, soil texture, slope gradients and seasonal variation. The accumulated raindrop kinetic energy measured for cyanobacterial crusts was highest on silty, followed by loamy and sandy soil. For moss-dominated crusts raindrop kinetic energy was highest on sandy, followed by silty and loamy soil. Dry biocrust samples reached significantly higher accumulated raindrop kinetic energies compared to moist biocrusts, whereas the moisture content within moist crusts did not have a significant influence. Erosion resistance increased significantly with higher slope gradients. The resistance capacities of biocrusts during monsoon and post-monsoon were significantly higher than these of pre-monsoon biocrusts. Our results suggest that the influence of biocrusts can be included into erosion models from an energy point of view. The raindrop kinetic energy resistance capacity provides a potential bridge between biocrust succession and soil erodibility in commonly used erosion models.  相似文献   

Understanding how organisms control soil water dynamics is a major research goal in dryland ecology. Although previous studies have mostly focused on the role of vascular plants on the hydrological cycle of drylands, recent studies highlight the importance of biological soil crusts formed by lichens, mosses, and cyanobacteria (biocrusts) as a major player in this cycle. We used data from a 6.5-year study to evaluate how multiple abiotic (rainfall characteristics, temperature, and initial soil moisture) and biotic (vascular plants and biocrusts) factors interact to determine wetting and drying processes in a semi-arid grassland from Central Spain. We found that the shrub Retama sphaerocarpa and biocrusts with medium cover (25–75%) enhanced water gain and slowed drying compared with bare ground areas (BSCl). Well-developed biocrusts (>75% cover) gained more water, but lost it faster than BSCl microsites. The grass Stipa tenacissima reduced water gain due to rainfall interception, but increased soil moisture retention compared to BSCl microsites. Biotic modulation of water dynamics was the result of different mechanisms acting in tandem and often in opposite directions. For instance, biocrusts promoted an exponential behavior during the first stage of the drying curve, but reduced the importance of soil characteristics that accentuate drying rates. Biocrust-dominated microsites gained a similar amount of water than vascular plants, although they lost it faster than vascular plants during dry periods. Our results emphasize the importance of biocrusts for water dynamics in drylands, and illustrate the potential mechanisms behind their effects. They will help to further advance theoretical and modeling efforts on the hydrology of drylands and their response to ongoing climate change.  相似文献   



Biological soil crusts (biocrusts) are soil-surface communities in drylands, dominated by cyanobacteria, mosses, and lichens. They provide key ecosystem functions by increasing soil stability and influencing soil hydrologic, nutrient, and carbon cycles. Because of this, methods to reestablish biocrusts in damaged drylands are needed. Here we test the reintroduction of field-collected vs. greenhouse-cultured biocrusts for rehabilitation.


We collected biocrusts for 1) direct reapplication, and 2) artificial cultivation under varying hydration regimes. We added field-collected and cultivated biocrusts (with and without hardening treatments) to bare field plots and monitored establishment.


Both field-collected and cultivated cyanobacteria increased cover dramatically during the experimental period. Cultivated biocrusts established more rapidly than field-collected biocrusts, attaining ~82% cover in only one year, but addition of field-collected biocrusts led to higher species richness, biomass (as assessed by chlorophyll a) and level of development. Mosses and lichens did not establish well in either case, but late successional cover was affected by hardening and culture conditions.


This study provides further evidence that it is possible to culture biocrust components from later successional materials and reestablish cultured organisms in the field. However, more research is needed into effective reclamation techniques.

Biological soil crusts (biocrusts) are common and ecologically important members of dryland ecosystems worldwide, where they stabilize soil surfaces and contribute newly fixed C and N to soils. To test the impacts of predicted climate change scenarios on biocrusts in a dryland ecosystem, the effects of a 2–3 °C increase in soil temperature and an increased frequency of smaller summer precipitation events were examined in a large, replicated field study conducted in the cold desert of the Colorado Plateau, USA. Surface soil biomass (DNA concentration), photosynthetically active cyanobacterial biomass (chlorophyll a concentration), cyanobacterial abundance (quantitative PCR assay), and bacterial community composition (16S rRNA gene sequencing) were monitored seasonally over 2 years. Soil microbial biomass and bacterial community composition were highly stratified between the 0–2 cm depth biocrusts and 5–10 cm depth soil beneath the biocrusts. The increase in temperature did not have a detectable effect on any of the measured parameters over 2 years. However, after the second summer of altered summer precipitation pattern, significant declines occurred in the surface soil biomass (avg. DNA concentration declined 38%), photosynthetic cyanobacterial biomass (avg. chlorophyll a concentration declined 78%), cyanobacterial abundance (avg. gene copies g?1 soil declined 95%), and proportion of Cyanobacteria in the biocrust bacterial community (avg. representation in sequence libraries declined 85%). Biocrusts are important contributors to soil stability, soil C and N stores, and plant performance, and the loss or reduction of biocrusts under an altered precipitation pattern associated with climate change could contribute significantly to lower soil fertility and increased erosion and dust production in dryland ecosystems at a regional scale.  相似文献   

The importance of biological soil crusts (biocrusts) for the biogeochemistry of drylands is widely recognized. However, there are significant gaps in our knowledge about how climate change will affect these organisms and the processes depending on them. We conducted a manipulative full factorial experiment in two representative dryland ecosystems from central (Aranjuez) and southeastern (Sorbas) Spain to evaluate how precipitation, temperature and biocrust cover affected the assimilation and net C balance of biocrusts. Chlorophyll fluorescence, net photosynthesis and dark respiration were measured in situ bimonthly during a year. We also conducted daily cycle measurements of net photosynthesis in winter and at the end of spring. In Sorbas, warming reduced the fixation of atmospheric C in biocrust-dominated microsites throughout the year. In Aranjuez, there was an interaction between the three factors evaluated; during winter, net photosynthesis was significantly greater in high biocrust cover plots under natural conditions and in the rainfall exclusion treatment. During the daily surveys, rainfall exclusion and warming reduced C fixation in Sorbas and in Aranjuez respectively. The effects of the treatments evaluated varied with the rainfall and non-rainfall water inputs (NRWIs) registered before the measurements. Our results suggest that changes in NRWI regimes as consequence of warming could have a greater impact on the C balance of biocrusts than changes in rainfall amounts. They also indicate that climate change may reduce the photosynthetic ability of lichens, with a consequent reduction of their dominance in biocrust communities at the mid to long term. This could reduce the ability of dryland ecosystems to fix atmospheric C.  相似文献   

全球气候变化加剧背景下,干旱和半干旱地区的降雨模式将进一步改变,其造成的土壤水分波动是引起土壤呼吸动态变化的重要因素,但生物结皮土壤呼吸响应降雨模式变化继而影响陆地生态系统碳源/汇功能的机制尚不明确。针对黄土高原风沙土发育的藓结皮,以自然降雨量为对照,分别进行幅度为10%、30%、50%的模拟增雨和减雨处理,并利用便携式土壤碳通量分析仪(LI-8100A)测定了模拟增减雨后的藓结皮土壤呼吸速率,对比分析了其对降雨量变化的响应及机制。结果表明:(1)整个实验周期(2018和2019)增雨和减雨分别显著提高(增幅分别为17.9%—48.2%和27.1%—54.2%)和降低了(降幅分别为1.8%—26.8%和5.2%—20.8%)土壤含水量,但对土壤温度的影响不显著;(2)增雨抑制了藓结皮土壤呼吸速率(降幅分别为7.8%—31.7%和14.7%—39.4%),且随梯度增大抑制作用越明显;减雨则取决于减雨梯度,减雨10%和30%会促进土壤呼吸速率(增幅分别为27.5%、9.6%和23.6%、9.7%)而减雨50%具有抑制作用(降幅分别为15.6%和18.5%)。不同实验周期和不同降雨处理间藓结...  相似文献   

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