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垂直监测昆虫雷达研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
昆虫雷达可以远距离、 大范围、 快速地探测迁飞昆虫, 这极大促进了人类对昆虫迁飞行为的认识。垂直监测昆虫雷达技术是从20世纪70年代发展起来的一种监测高空迁飞昆虫种群的新工具。与传统的扫描雷达相比, 垂直监测昆虫雷达可以获得目标的位移速度、 位移方向、 定向、 体型大小和形状等参数, 因此, 对目标的识别能力更为精确。此外, 垂直监测昆虫雷达实现了在微机控制下的自动运行, 这使得应用昆虫雷达开展迁飞昆虫的日常监测成为可能。本文综述了垂直监测昆虫雷达的发展和应用, 介绍了设计原理和回波参数的解算方法, 讨论了其存在的不足及改进方案, 最后并对其在未来昆虫雷达网络建设中的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

虫害严重威胁着我国的粮食安全,迁飞昆虫中有许多是农业害虫,其远距离迁飞是导致虫害异地暴发的重要原因.昆虫雷达是观测昆虫迁飞最有效的工具,在迁飞昆虫的监测和预警中发挥着越来越重要的作用,但传统昆虫雷达不能准确获取昆虫的各项生物学参数,因此无法实现昆虫种类的精确识别.随着雷达技术的创新和发展,通过昆虫雷达获得较为准确的昆虫生物学参数成为可能,为基于昆虫雷达实现迁飞昆虫个体种类辨识提供了依据.本文综述了从雷达回波中提取多频和极化散射参量,然后基于不同的电磁散射反演昆虫生物学参数的方法,并对比分析了基于不同方法的昆虫体重、体长、体宽和振翅频率的反演精度.最后基于生物学参数,采用5种机器学习算法以高精度实现了 23种迁飞昆虫的种类辨识,并分析了昆虫生物学参数的测量误差对迁飞昆虫种类辨识精度的影响,初步验证了利用雷达实现高精度迁飞昆虫种类辨识的可行性.  相似文献   

华北地区昆虫秋季迁飞的雷达观测   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
吴孔明  程登发  徐广  翟保平  郭予元 《生态学报》2001,21(11):1833-1838
1999年9-10月利用昆虫雷达对华北地区昆虫秋季回迁的观测表明,秋季迁飞主要发生于19:00-05:00时,飞行高度一般在300-2000m。迁飞方向与风向一致,多为从东北向西南方向迁飞。运行速度和飞行高度成正相关,迁飞个体的平均运行速度由392m高度的4.8m/s增加到2000m处的27.8m/s。空中灯光诱捕表明,甜菜夜蛾和棉铃虫为优势迁飞种类。  相似文献   

昆虫雷达让我们看到了什么?   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
翟保平 《昆虫知识》2005,42(2):217-226
昆虫雷达的应用深化了人们对昆虫迁飞行为机制的认识。昆虫雷达让我们看到了弱小的昆虫主动起飞 ,以一定的速度爬升到巡航高度乘风远行 ,并对大气风温场表现出令人难以置信的适应和选择能力 ,通过成层 (边界层顶现象 )、定向和集聚等主动行为 ,最大限度地利用空气动力到达新的栖息地。这些全新的画面展示出远迁的昆虫并非完全被动的随风飘流者 ,而是一个个驾舟中流击水的舵手。  相似文献   

迁飞过程中昆虫的行为   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
根据国内外对昆虫迁飞的雷达观测结果,综述了迁飞过程中昆虫的成层、定向和集聚行为及其生态学意义。昆虫在迁飞过程中不完全是被动地随风飘流,而是在一定程度上自主地选择了自己的运行轨迹。它们选择在气温最高、风力最大和风向最适的高度成层,并通过定向进一步修饰位移方位,从而可最大限度地利用空气动力到达新的栖息地。同时,不同尺度的大气辐合过程使得迁飞昆虫集聚成足以在某种条件下引起局地爆发的高密度种群,而地面大发生种群形成与否取决于大气辐合的发生频率、强度和寿命,以及集聚起来的昆虫是否降落,在何时何地降落,是否还会再迁出等。阐明昆虫在迁飞过程中的各种行为机制是迁飞性害虫测报和防治的关键所在。  相似文献   

昆虫迁飞行为的参数化   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
通过对雷达昆虫学研究和其他方法得到的研究成果的综合分析,提出一套昆虫迁飞行为参数化方案。即:起飞时间以日出日 晨昏朦影时 基准,降落时间依目标昆虫的迁飞牧场考具体取值;运行高度取边界层顶与目标昆虫飞行低温阈限所在高度之间的气流层。在运行方向取风向值并以目标昆虫的定中以修饰,运行速度与目标昆虫自身行速度的矢量和。这套方案可作为昆虫迁飞数值模拟的基础,为迁飞性害虫异地预测提供一种有效的工具 。  相似文献   

迁飞昆虫的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
姚青  张志涛 《昆虫知识》1999,36(4):239-243
昆虫迁飞是自然界普遍存在的一种现象,是昆虫在长期进化过程中形成的对环境的一种适应性,是为了减少竞争、躲避周围的不良环境或逃避天敌等而离开原来的生境,为了开拓新的资源而到达另一个生境的一种行为,它使该虫种得以繁衍。许多典型的迁飞昆虫都是重要的农业害虫,因此研究昆虫迁飞对掌握其灾变规律,提高人类控制害虫为害的能力有重大实践意义。本文拟从昆虫迁飞特点、影响迁飞昆虫的环境因子以及迁飞昆虫的生物学特性等方面对昆虫迁飞进行较系统的综述。1昆虫迁飞特点迁飞过去认为是主动地从一个地方飞到另一个地方,是较大范围内…  相似文献   

昆虫定向机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
高月波  翟保平 《昆虫知识》2010,47(6):1055-1065
许多昆虫具有定向运动的行为。对部分社会性昆虫和迁飞性昆虫定向行为的大量研究已经初步阐明太阳、地磁场、天体、风及地面标志物等都可能成为昆虫返巢和迁飞定向的线索。社会性昆虫具有对不同定向线索进行整合而实现精确导航的能力。日间迁飞性昆虫利用时间补偿太阳罗盘进行定向的机制亦已明确,但夜间迁飞昆虫的定向机制尚需深入研究。迁飞性害虫定向机制的明确将有助于判断害虫迁飞路径及降落区域,为迁飞害虫的准确预测提供科学依据。本文对昆虫的定向机制研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

昆虫迁飞行为的参数化Ⅰ.行为分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
通过对雷达昆虫学研究和其他方法得到的研究成果的综合分析,提出一套昆虫迁飞行为参数化方案。即:起飞时间以日出日没及晨昏朦影时刻为基准,降落时间依目标昆虫的迁飞特性具体取值;运行高度取边界层顶与目标昆虫飞行低温阈限所在高度之间的气流层,运行方向取风向值并以目标昆虫的定向加以修饰,运行速度为风速与目标昆虫自身飞行速度的矢量和。这套方案可作为昆虫迁飞轨迹数值模拟的基础,为迁飞性害虫异地预测提供一种有效的工具  相似文献   

本文从昆虫谐波雷达的基本原理、发展和利用、局限性以及展望4个方面出发,阐述了国外昆虫学者利用昆虫谐波雷达技术跟踪昆虫低空扩散飞行或步行的行为研究慨况,目的是为了尽快利用这种新技术,为我国农林业害虫综合治理服务。  相似文献   

Abstract The recent development of automatically operating, inexpensive vertical-looking radar (VLR) for entomological purposes has made it practical to carry out routine, automated monitoring of insect aerial migration throughout the year. In this paper we investigate whether such radars might have a role in monitoring and forecasting schemes designed to improve the management of the Brown Planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens , and of associated rice pest species in China. A survey of the literature revealed that these insects typically migrate at altitudes between 300 to 2 000 m above ground level, but calculations based on BPH radar scattering cross-sections indicated that the maximum altitude at which they individually produce signals analysable by current VLRs is only ˜ 240 m. We also show that coverage over most of the flight altitudes of BPH could be achieved by building a VLR using a wavelength of 8.8 mm instead of the 3.2 cm of existing VLR, but that such a radar would be expensive to build and to operate. We suggest that a more practical solution would be to use a 3.2 cm VLR as a monitor of the aerial movement of the larger species, from which the migration of rice pests in general might be inferred.  相似文献   

张云慧  张智  李超  姜玉英  曾娟  程登发 《昆虫学报》2013,56(12):1418-1429
粘虫Mythimna separata是我国农业生产上的重要害虫, 为了明确其季节性迁飞行为参数, 本研究采用垂直监测昆虫雷达(vertical-looking radar, VLR)及相关辅助设备的长期自动观测, 结合基于GIS的大区环流和轨迹模拟, 调查分析了2005年东北地区粘虫季节性迁飞行为。结果表明: 粘虫在不同季节和夜间不同时间空中飞行高度具有明显差异, 空中飞行行为受气象条件尤其是空中风场影响较大; 春季和秋季主要借助气流运载进行大规模长距离迁飞, 夜间持续飞行时间可达9 h, 多数个体能完成整夜飞行, 春季迁飞高度主要在300~600 m, 秋季飞行高度相对较低主要在300 m以下和400~500 m。夏季雷达回波有明显的成层现象, 最高可达1 000 m, 主要集中在500 m和700 m两个高度层。轨迹分析显示: 5月29日由山东潍坊、 临沂等虫源地起飞的黏虫, 顺西南气流越海迁飞, 6月1日在气旋天气影响下, 在吉林省白城等地降落; 7月中旬主要为当地黏虫受对流天气影响进行短距离迁飞扩散; 9月11日虫源来自内蒙古呼伦贝尔, 顺西北气流向吉林省东南方向迁飞。研究结果为东北地区粘虫的有效防控提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

2010年牧区2代草地螟成虫迁飞的虫源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张丽  张云慧  曾娟  姜玉英  程登发 《生态学报》2012,32(8):2371-2380
草地螟(Loxostege sticticalis L.)是危害我国北方农牧区的重要迁飞性害虫,明确其迁飞、扩散规律以及与境外虫源交流情况,对早期预警和有效防治具有重要意义。2010年6月1日至9月17日,利用垂直监测昆虫雷达的观测资料,结合探照灯和地面灯灯诱虫情、迁飞高峰期雌虫卵巢解剖、区域大气环流形势和迁飞轨迹分析,在内蒙古锡林浩特西郊研究了牧区2代草地螟的迁飞过程,结果表明:2010年牧区2代草地螟迁飞高峰期出现在2010年8月8日至8月21日,高峰日为8月11日,高峰日探照灯诱虫量达9167头,卵巢发育级别以1—2级为主,高峰日雷达回波主要集中在300—400 m。轨迹分析显示:迁飞高峰期8月8日、8月10—12日牧区草地螟迁飞虫源主要来自蒙古共和国东南部及中蒙边境地区,由蒙古气旋西南侧的西北气流输送进入我国内蒙古锡林郭勒盟,再随西南气流迁入呼伦贝尔草原。  相似文献   

Our objective was to detect mass migrations of insects of economic significance by insect traps and a Doppler weather radar. Migrants were sampled by suction traps, tow nets and light traps in the Helsinki region. We used radar to observe the migrating insects, and trajectories to backtrack mass migrations of aphids (Homoptera, Aphididae) in spring 1988. The aphid migrations were clearly observed in trap catches and by radar. The first migration, mainly involving Euceraphis betulae, occurred on 18 May and was tracked back to northern Poland. The second migration, mainly of Rhopalosiphum padi (a serious pest of small-grain cereals), occurred 3 days later and was tracked back to a large area covering Latvia and western Russia south of St Petersburg. The third migration included both E. betulae and R. padi, and took place on 30 May. It originated from Estonia. Neither trap nor radar data provide exact quantitative information on migrations. Trapping efficiency depends strongly on wind speed and insect size. Radar echo intensity is very strongly related to the sizes of insects in the large volume of air measured, and the sizes are not known accurately. Weather data, especially temperature, can be used in predicting the development of aphids, and air-parcel trajectories in estimating the source areas of migrants. These methods for forecasting aphid migrations, combined with radar observations, are useful for warning purposes and to intensify insect trapping. This would contribute to more efficient agricultural pest management. Received: 11 March 2000 / Revised: 24 April 2000 / Accepted: 26 April 2000  相似文献   

草地螟2007年越冬代成虫迁飞行为研究与虫源分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
草地螟 Loxostege sticticalis L.是危害我国北方农牧业的一种重要迁飞性害虫,明确草地螟的虫源地及迁飞路线对其早期预警具有重要意义。本文利用垂直监测昆虫雷达的长期观测,迁飞高峰期雌虫卵巢解剖、大区环流分析、各地虫情信息收集和利用Hysplit_4模型进行轨迹分析,研究了2007年越冬代草地螟的空中迁飞行为和东北地区严重暴发的草地螟虫源。结果表明:6月7–9日,雷达观测点诱虫灯内草地螟具有典型迁飞昆虫生理特征;草地螟主要在夜间迁飞,飞行高度集中在300~500 m,400 m是主要飞行高度,迁飞高峰期夜间迁移可持续9 h。东北地区严重发生的草地螟虫源,一部分来自内蒙古乌盟地区,一部分来自蒙古共和国中东部及中俄边境地区。据此推测我国与国外草地螟存在虫源交流。  相似文献   

Insects migrating at high altitude over southern Britain have been continuously monitored by automatically operating, vertical-looking radars over a period of several years. During some occasions in the summer months, the migrants were observed to form well-defined layer concentrations, typically at heights of 200-400 m, in the stable night-time atmosphere. Under these conditions, insects are likely to have control over their vertical movements and are selecting flight heights that are favourable for long-range migration. We therefore investigated the factors influencing the formation of these insect layers by comparing radar measurements of the vertical distribution of insect density with meteorological profiles generated by the UK Meteorological Office's (UKMO) Unified Model (UM). Radar-derived measurements of mass and displacement speed, along with data from Rothamsted Insect Survey light traps, provided information on the identity of the migrants. We present here three case studies where noctuid and pyralid moths contributed substantially to the observed layers. The major meteorological factors influencing the layer concentrations appeared to be: (a) the altitude of the warmest air, (b) heights corresponding to temperature preferences or thresholds for sustained migration and (c) on nights when air temperatures are relatively high, wind-speed maxima associated with the nocturnal jet. Back-trajectories indicated that layer duration may have been determined by the distance to the coast. Overall, the unique combination of meteorological data from the UM and insect data from entomological radar described here show considerable promise for systematic studies of high-altitude insect layering.  相似文献   

Myriad tiny insect species take to the air to engage in windborne migration, but entomology also has its ‘charismatic megafauna’ of butterflies, large moths, dragonflies and locusts. The spectacular migrations of large day‐flying insects have long fascinated humankind, and since the advent of radar entomology much has been revealed about high‐altitude night‐time insect migrations. Over the last decade, there have been significant advances in insect migration research, which we review here. In particular, we highlight: (1) notable improvements in our understanding of lepidopteran navigation strategies, including the hitherto unsuspected capabilities of high‐altitude migrants to select favourable winds and orientate adaptively, (2) progress in unravelling the neuronal mechanisms underlying sun compass orientation and in identifying the genetic complex underpinning key traits associated with migration behaviour and performance in the monarch butterfly, and (3) improvements in our knowledge of the multifaceted interactions between disease agents and insect migrants, in terms of direct effects on migration success and pathogen spread, and indirect effects on the evolution of migratory systems. We conclude by highlighting the progress that can be made through inter‐phyla comparisons, and identify future research areas that will enhance our understanding of insect migration strategies within an eco‐evolutionary perspective.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The high-altitude wind-borne migration of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella in the U.K. in 2000 was investigated (a) by direct monitoring of insect flight by vertical-looking radar and by aerial netting, and (b) through evidence of temporal variation in P. xylostella abundance deduced from a network of light traps.
2. Migrating P. xylostella were identified by a unique combination of size and shape data derived from the continuously operating vertical-looking radar.
3. Radar-detected migratory overflights correlated significantly with associated peaks in abundance of P. xylostella estimated by catches in a U.K.-wide light trap network; however the correlation was stronger when light trap catches were lagged by 1 day.
4. The first notable catches of P. xylostella in the U.K. occurred in early May, and were accompanied by migrations over the radar from the east.
5. Radar data and back-tracking indicated that a major wind-borne migration of P. xylostella from The Netherlands to southern England took place in early May, and that this was responsible for the establishment of the U.K. population.
6. The origin of early-season P. xylostella occurring in Britain is discussed.  相似文献   

Although radar has been used in studies of bird migration for 60 years, there is still no network in Europe for comprehensive monitoring of bird migration. Europe has a dense network of military air surveillance radars but most systems are not directly suitable for reliable bird monitoring. Since the early 1990s, Doppler radars and wind profilers have been introduced in meteorology to measure wind. These wind measurements are known to be contaminated with insect and bird echoes. The aim of the present research is to assess how bird migration information can be deduced from meteorological Doppler radar output. We compare the observations on migrating birds using a dedicated X‐band bird radar with those using a C‐band Doppler weather radar. The observations were collected in the Netherlands, from 1 March to 22 May 2003. In this period, the bird radar showed that densities of more than one bird per km3 are present in 20% of all measurements. Among these measurements, the weather radar correctly recognized 86% of the cases when birds were present; in 38% of the cases with no birds detected by the bird radar, the weather radar claimed bird presence (false positive). The comparison showed that in this study reliable altitudinal density profiles of birds cannot be obtained from the weather radar. However, when integrated over altitude, weather radar reflectivity is correlated with bird radar density. Moreover, bird flight speeds from both radars show good agreement in 78% of cases, and flight direction in 73% of cases. The usefulness of the existing network of weather radars for deducing information on bird migration offers a great opportunity for a European‐wide monitoring network of bird migration.  相似文献   

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