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目的:探讨共振喇曼光谱技术用于早期恶性肿瘤诊断的研究。方法:利用氩离子激光作为线偏振光的特点,采集偏振荧光光谱,对荧光光谱的偏振态进行分析。利用不同荧光物质的荧光可能具有不同偏振态的特点减少其它荧光物质的荧光对光谱分析的影响。血清样品产生的荧光也具有确定的偏振性。对所检测病人血清经激光分析仪进行喇曼光谱技术分析,光谱数据经计算机软件处理,自动显示图谱和数据,并直接给出各项指标及诊断提示。本结果与细胞病理学结果进行了对照研究。结果:恶性肿瘤样本176例,检测出阳性病例141例,阳性符合率为80.1%;良性肿瘤样本52例,4例阳性,假阳性率为7.7%;正常体检样本248例,检测结果均为阴性。结论:喇曼光谱技术适用于肿瘤初筛、普查及早期诊断,有推广应用前途。  相似文献   

喇曼光谱技术在生物医学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
喇曼光谱技术是一种非侵入、非弹性散射技术,能够在分子层次上探测物质的临床医学特征和结构特征。本文综述了近十年来喇曼光谱技术在生物医学中的最新发展,归纳出了四种目前在生物医学中最为活跃的喇曼光谱技术:近红外喇曼光谱、紫外共振喇曼光谱、表面增强喇曼光谱和多维喇曼成像技术。详细阐述了这四种技术的特点和适用范围,并且列举了丰富的成功范例。  相似文献   

激光喇曼光谱技术在食品科学中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
激光喇曼光谱技术是一种非侵入、非弹性的光散射技术,它能够无损地提供丰富的分子结构和物质成分的信息。近来它在食品工业领域表现出很大的应用潜力。本文综述了激光喇曼光谱技术在食品科学中的应用及其新进展。主要包括果蔬农药残留的检测、肉类产品质量检测、伪劣食品鉴定、食物蛋白的研究以及食品加工监控等方面的应用。并对喇曼光谱技术在这些方面的应用前景作了进一步的展望。  相似文献   

张玉玲  张树林 《动物学报》1989,35(2):135-138
作者用激光喇曼光谱法分析半乳糖导致大白鼠晶状体混浊过程中构象的变化。通过SPEX 1403型激光喇曼光谱仪得到了正常及不同混浊度晶状体的喇曼光谱。结果表明晶状体可溶性蛋白质二级结构的光谱未见异常,其残基酪氨酸及色氨酸微环境起了变化。随着晶状体混浊度的增加,SH谱峰强度变小而S-S键谱峰增强,同时观察到荧光背景逐渐加强。经分析认为晶状体混浊是与蛋白质分子的聚集有关。  相似文献   

本文初步探讨水稻病毒激光喇曼光谱,分析了谱线与病毒中核酸蛋白质结构的关系。确信应用激光喇曼光谱研究水稻病毒是具有信息量大、高灵敏及高分辨本领的。  相似文献   

王守涛  陈庆光  林斌  曹向群 《激光生物学报》2009,18(6):846-852,F0003
介绍了光学技术在口腔医学早期龋齿无损检测领域的应用,包括基于牙齿自体荧光效应的定量光导荧光技术和激光龋齿检测技术;基于光散射效应的数字化显影光纤透照术,以及基于牙釉质双折射效应的偏振敏感光学相干断层术和偏振拉曼光谱技术.详细介绍了各种光学方法应用于龋齿检测的基本原理、实验方案和研究现状,并对不同的光学方法进行比较.最后,提出基于频域荧光寿命成像的早期龋齿检测方法,并对该方案的技术路线进行了介绍.  相似文献   

自体荧光技术以无损、实时、灵敏度高等优点已成为早期肠癌诊断应用的技术之一。本文总结了自体荧光光谱技术在早期肠癌诊断应用中的研究进展,重点阐述了荧光激发波长的选择,荧光光谱数据处理方法,以及正常和癌变肠道组织光谱差异的来源。在分析肠道组织中内源性荧光物质及其分布的基础上,回顾了自体荧光成像系统的临床应用进展。最后指出自体荧光光谱与成像技术在早期肠癌诊断中的应用和发展趋势。  相似文献   

目的:探讨CA125、CA199、CEA联合检测在妇科肿瘤临床诊断中的应用价值。方法:选择妇科恶性肿瘤组65例、妇科良性肿瘤组55例、健康对照组70例,采用自动荧光磁微粒酶免分析法检测血清中CA199、CA125的含量,采用光激化学发光法检测血清中CEA的含量。结果:妇科恶性肿瘤组血清中CA125、CA199、CEA的水平明显高于妇科良性肿瘤组及对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);妇科良性肿瘤组血清中CA125、CA199、CEA的水平高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);CA125、CA199、CEA联合检测对早期妇科肿瘤诊断的阳性率较单独检测高,差异有统计学意义(P〈O.05);良性组、恶性组联合检测ROC曲线下面积大于单项检测曲线下面积。结论:联合检测可提高对妇科肿瘤早期诊断的阳性率,对妇科良恶性的诊断及鉴别诊断有重要价值。  相似文献   

朱菁  徐键  柯玲 《激光生物学报》2000,9(3):211-214
目的 :研究激光小剂量血卟啉及 OMA计算机系统在支气管肺癌荧光诊断的临床应用。方法 :以2 mg/kg剂量的血卟啉衍生物 ( HPD)对 3 7例患者进行荧光诊断 ,其中 2 2例为肿癌患者 ,1 5例为非肿瘤患者。以 OMA计算机系统记录和分析荧光光谱 ,数据经归一化处理。结果 :肿瘤患者的标本荧光强度 Itumor/Ino-mal总平均为 1 .2 4± 0 .0 8,非肿瘤患者的标本荧光强度 Itumor/Inomal总平均为 0 .98± 0 .0 6,两组 t检验显示 p<0 .0 1 ,有非常显著的差异 ,以前者下限 1 .0 5为诊断肿瘤标准 ,2 2例恶性肿瘤患者的检测值全部符合标准 ,1 5例非恶性肿瘤患者中除 2例鳞状化生比值高于标准为假阳性外 ,其余均符合标准 ,据此诊断准确率为94 .6%。结论 :2 mg/kg小剂量血卟啉可作肿瘤荧光诊断。  相似文献   

癌症是威胁人类健康和生命的严重疾病之一,早期诊断与及时治疗是提高癌症患者生存率的最有效途径。激光拉曼光谱技术作为一种非侵入性的检测技术,可以无损伤地提供丰富的分子结构特征和物质成分信息,从分子水平上反映癌变组织与正常组织之间的结构差异,从而可用于癌症的早期诊断。综述了激光拉曼光谱技术在皮肤癌、鼻咽癌、肺癌、胃癌、结肠癌、乳腺癌及前列腺癌诊断中的研究进展,并对拉曼光谱技术在癌症诊断中的发展方向和应用前景作了进一步的展望,为癌症的早期检测和诊断技术的应用研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Feng S  Chen R  Lin J  Pan J  Wu Y  Li Y  Chen J  Zeng H 《Biosensors & bioelectronics》2011,26(7):3167-3174
We have recently applied surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) for blood plasma analysis for non-invasive nasopharyngeal cancer detection and obtained good preliminary results. The aim of this study was to develop a more robust SERS spectroscopy based blood plasma analysis method for non-invasive gastric cancer detection. The effect of different laser polarizations (non-polarized, linear-polarized, right-handed circularly polarized, and left-handed circularly polarized) on blood plasma SERS spectroscopy was explored for the first time. Silver nanoparticles as the SERS-substrate were directly mixed with blood plasma to enhance the Raman scattering of various biomolecular constituents. High quality SERS spectra were obtained using a fiber optic probe and a dispersive type near infrared Raman system. Blood plasma samples from gastric cancer patients (n=32) and healthy subjects (n=33) were analyzed. The diagnostic performance for differentiating gastric cancer plasma from normal plasma was evaluated. Principal component analysis combined with linear discriminant analysis (LDA) of the obtained spectral data was used to develop diagnostic algorithms. Classification results obtained from cross-validation of the LDA model based on the four spectral data sets of different laser polarizations demonstrated different diagnostic sensitivities and specificities: 71.9% and 72.7% for non-polarized laser excitation, 75% and 87.9% for linear-polarized laser excitation, 81.3% and 78.8% for right-handed circularly polarized laser excitation, 100% and 97% for left-handed circularly polarized laser excitation. The results from this exploratory study demonstrated that plasma SERS spectroscopy with left-handed circularly polarized laser excitation has great promise of becoming a clinically useful diagnostic tool for non-invasive gastric cancer detection.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy shows potential in differentiating tumors from normal tissue. We used Raman spectroscopy with near-infrared light excitation to study normal breast tissue and tumors from 11 mice injected with a cancer cell line. Spectra were collected from 17 tumors, 18 samples of adjacent breast tissue and lymph nodes, and 17 tissue samples from the contralateral breast and its adjacent lymph nodes. Discriminant function analysis was used for classification with principal component analysis scores as input data. Tissues were examined by light microscopy following formalin fixation and hematoxylin and eosin staining. Discriminant function analysis and histology agreed on the diagnosis of all contralateral normal, tumor, and mastitis samples, except one tumor which was found to be more similar to normal tissue. Normal tissue adjacent to each tumor was examined as a separate data group called tumor bed. Scattered morphologically suspicious atypical cells not definite for tumor were present in the tumor bed samples. Classification of tumor bed tissue showed that some tumor bed tissues are diagnostically different from normal, tumor, and mastitis tissue. This may reflect malignant molecular alterations prior to morphologic changes, as expected in preneoplastic processes. Raman spectroscopy not only distinguishes tumor from normal breast tissue, but also detects early neoplastic changes prior to definite morphologic alteration.  相似文献   

利用激光诱导拉曼光谱技术,测定了萎缩性胃炎患者、胃癌患者血清的拉曼光谱。采用主成分分析法和判别分析法对拉曼光谱数据进行了分析和处理,得到辨别胃癌和萎缩性胃炎的准确率为92%。  相似文献   

Using the shifted-excitation Raman difference spectroscopy technique and an optical fibre featuring a negative curvature excitation core and a coaxial ring of high numerical aperture collection cores, we have developed a portable, background and fluorescence free, endoscopic Raman probe. The probe consists of a single fibre with a diameter of less than 0.25 mm packaged in a sub-millimetre tubing, making it compatible with standard bronchoscopes. The Raman excitation light in the fibre is guided in air and therefore interacts little with silica, enabling an almost background free transmission of the excitation light. In addition, we used the shifted-excitation Raman difference spectroscopy technique and a tunable 785 nm laser to separate the fluorescence and the Raman spectrum from highly fluorescent samples, demonstrating the suitability of the probe for biomedical applications. Using this probe we also acquired fluorescence free human lung tissue data.  相似文献   

Near-infrared Raman spectroscopy (NIRS) is a particularly promising technique that is being used in recent years formany biomedical applications. Optical spectroscopy has gained increasing prominence as a tool for quantitative analysis of biological samples, clinical diagnostic, concentration measurements of blood metabolites and therapeutic drugs, and analysis of the chemical composition of human tissues. Toxoplasmosis is an important zoonosis in public health, and domestic cats are the most important transmitters of the disease. This disease can be detected by several serological tests, which usually have a high cost and require a long time. The goal of this work was to investigate a new method to diagnosis Toxoplasma gondii infections using NIRS. In order to confirm antibody detection, 24 cat blood serum samples were analyzed by the Raman spectra, from which 23 presented positive serology to toxoplasmosis and one was a reference negative serum. Characteristic Raman peaks allowed differentiation between negative and positive sera, confirming the possibility of antibody detection by Raman spectroscopy. These results give the first evidence that this technique can be useful to quantify antibodies in cat sera.  相似文献   

目的:探究拉曼光谱技术应用于卵巢癌研究的可能性。方法:收集卵巢癌患者血清及健康人血清各20例,用激光共聚焦显微拉曼光谱仪进行检测。结果:两组血清的平均拉曼光谱形态和谱峰基本相似,但在约1010、1158、1283、1520、1646、2307和2661cm-17个拉曼频移附近,卵巢癌患者血清的拉曼光谱谱峰强度明显低于健康对照组,而在其余大部分波段,卵巢癌患者血清的拉曼光谱强度均高于健康对照组。结论:拉曼光谱技术可以初步区分卵巢癌及健康人血清,值得进一步研究和探讨其临床应用价值。  相似文献   

The spectral fusion by Raman spectroscopy and Fourier infrared spectroscopy combined with pattern recognition algorithms is utilized to diagnose thyroid dysfunction serum, and finds the spectral segment with the highest sensitivity to further advance diagnosis speed. Compared with the single infrared spectroscopy or Raman spectroscopy, the proposal can improve the detection accuracy, and can obtain more spectral features, indicating greater differences between thyroid dysfunction and normal serum samples. For discriminating different samples, principal component analysis (PCA) was first used for feature extraction to reduce the dimension of high‐dimension spectral data and spectral fusion. Then, support vector machine (SVM), back propagation neural network, extreme learning machine and learning vector quantization algorithms were employed to establish the discriminant diagnostic models. The accuracy of spectral fusion of the best analytical model PCA‐SVM, single Raman spectral accuracy and single infrared spectral accuracy is 83.48%, 78.26% and 80%, respectively. The accuracy of spectral fusion is higher than the accuracy of single spectrum in five classifiers. And the diagnostic accuracy of spectral fusion in the range of 2000 to 2500 cm?1 is 81.74%, which greatly improves the sample measure speed and data analysis speed than analysis of full spectra. The results from our study demonstrate that the serum spectral fusion technique combined with multivariate statistical methods have great potential for the screening of thyroid dysfunction.  相似文献   

Polarization‐resolved Raman microspectroscopy with near‐infrared laser excitation was applied to intact human hair in order to non‐invasively investigate the conformation and orientation of the polypeptide chains. By varying the orientation of the hair shaft relative to the polarization directions of the laser/analyzer, a set of four polarized Raman spectra is obtained; this allows to simultaneously determine both the secondary structure of hair proteins and the orientation of the polypeptide strands relative to the axis of the hair shaft. For the amide I band, results from a quantitative analysis of the polarized Raman spectra are compared with theoretically expected values for fibers with uniaxial symmetry. Based on the polarization behavior of the amide I band and further vibrational bands, a partial ordering of α‐helical polypeptide strands parallel to the hair shaft can be concluded. We suggest that this microspectroscopic approach may be used for human hair diagnostics by detecting structural or orientational alterations of keratins. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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