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星云湖硅藻群落响应近现代人类活动与气候变化的过程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着人类活动的增强与全球气候变暖的持续,近年来云南湖泊的生态系统功能持续退化,而目前对云南湖泊生态系统的研究还主要集中于单一环境压力的生态效应。以星云湖为研究对象,通过沉积物记录与现代监测资料,识别在湖泊富营养化、气候变化以及人类强烈干扰下硅藻群落结构响应的过程,并甄别驱动群落变化的主要环境压力及其强度。结果显示随着湖泊生产力水平(如沉积物叶绿素a浓度)的增加,硅藻物种组成发生了明显的变化,主成分分析表明了水体富营养化是驱动群落变化的主要环境因子(r=-0.63,P0.001)。简约模型与方差分解的结果表明近200年来(钻孔长度38cm),湖泊营养水平和水动力是驱动星云湖硅藻群落变化的主要环境因子,分别解释了群落变化的18.8%和2.9%;而1951年以后,湖泊营养水平和温度分别解释了硅藻群落结构变化的31.4%和26.8%。研究结果表明了硅藻群落长期变化的主控因子是湖泊营养水平,而人类活动及气候变化等可以通过改变湖泊水动力及湖水温度来驱动硅藻群落的演替,同时抚仙湖-星云湖的连通性也对硅藻群落的演替产生了一定影响。  相似文献   

青藏高原湖泊纳木错水域生态学研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐军  康世昌 《生态科学》2010,29(3):298-305
青藏高原湖泊群是世界上海拔最高、分布最密的湖群区。藏北地区的纳木错是世界上海拔最高的大湖,同时也是我国仅次于青海湖的第二大咸水湖。在纳木错开展全面的水域生态学研究,对青藏高原湖群区具有重要借鉴和示范意义。论文综述了关于纳木错水域生态系统的已有研究。鉴于纳木错水域生态系统的基本特征尚未得到全面认识的现状,建议纳木错生态研究应集中在生物地球化学循环与食物网营养动力学研究、流域人类活动的生态学效应研究、纳木错生态系统对气候变化的响应、纳木错与藏北湖泊的比较湖沼学研究等几个范畴。  相似文献   

长春南湖生态系统能量收支的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
湖泊是人类重要的自然资源 ,其用途包括防洪、灌溉、航运、给水和养殖等。城市湖泊的价值更多地则体现于旅游、娱乐和美学方面 ,以及改善城市生态环境。由于人类活动的强烈影响 ,这类湖泊大多已处于富营养化状态。应用能量生态学的原理和方法来研究湖泊生态系统的结构和功能 ,可为人们在湖泊中的实践活动 (如养殖、富营养化治理等 )提供理论指导。自从Juday[1]于 1 94 0年首次对一个内陆湖泊Mendota湖进行能量收支的研究以来 ,已有一些学者在这方面取得了研究成果[2 ]。我国的湖泊能量生态学研究尚很薄弱 ,多与鱼类养殖有关[3,4…  相似文献   

基于生态水文学原理的湖泊最小生态需水量计算   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:24  
崔保山  赵翔  杨志峰 《生态学报》2005,25(7):1788-1795
近几十年来,由于人类活动的加剧以及全球气候的变化,湖泊普遍出现了萎缩、水位下降、水量锐减、湖水盐化、水质污染、富营养化、甚至干涸消亡等状况。确保湖泊生态系统必需的最小水量是解决可能出现的湖泊严重水资源和生态系统危机的区域问题之一。从生态水文学原理出发,对湖泊最小生态需水量的概念进行了探讨,并提出了计算最小生态需水量的3种方法:1曲线相关法;2功能法;3最低生态水位法。在最低生态水位法中,其方法有最低年平均水位法和年保证率设定法。一旦湖泊最小生态需水量得以确定,将为水资源管理部门的水资源合理配置和湖泊管理提供综合性、权威性及可操作性决策依据,为退化湖泊生态系统的恢复与重建提供科学基础。  相似文献   

湖南省大通湖百余年环境演化历史及营养物基准的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学有效地治理退化湖泊需要知晓湖泊的演化历史, 并设立合理的参照目标(即环境基准)来及时评判治理效果。湖南省大通湖位于经济发达的长江中下游地区, 发挥着重要的湖泊水生态系统服务功能。在强烈的人类活动干扰下, 该湖近年来生态系统退化严重, 但其水环境演变的历史缺少详细的记录。研究对大通湖沉积钻孔的年代、烧失量、化学元素、沉积物总磷(TP)和沉积硅藻等沉积指标进行了分析, 重建了大通湖百余年来的环境变化历史。结果表明: 在人类干扰加强和气候变化的共同作用下, 大通湖生态系统及环境发生了显著的变化, 硅藻群落由中营养属种Aulacoseira granulata占优过渡到以富营养浮游类型Stephanodiscus hantzschii、S. minutulus占优的过程, 揭示了该湖自1980s以来显著的富营养化过程; 对应的, 其他沉积指标亦发生了显著的变化。冗余分析揭示出沉积物总磷(TP)和铅(Pb)含量是影响湖泊环境演化的2个显著变量, 这表明工农业发展带来的营养和重金属输入对大通湖环境演化影响巨大。利用区域-总磷转换函数重建了大通湖过去百余年湖水总磷变化历史, 选择1850s人类活动相对较弱时期的湖水总磷(50—60 μg/L)及沉积物磷的浓度(600 mg/kg)值作为该湖的基准环境, 为湖泊的富营养化治理提供修复目标。  相似文献   

利用人工围隔研究沉水植被恢复的生态效应   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:31  
近几十年来,随着水体富营养化加剧和其它人类活动影响,一些湖泊,尤其是我国长江中下游地区浅水湖泊中,沉水植被锐减甚至消失。如武汉东湖,60年代十分繁茂的沉水植被现已濒临灭绝。沉水植被作为主要初级生产者,在水生态系统中起着一定的作用。在退化湖泊生态系统重建与恢复中,重建沉水植被是关键性的步骤。本研究利用人工围隔,在富营养化水体中重建沉水植被,通过与近旁无沉水植被的湖区对照,从水体理化性质、浮游植物叶绿素a含量以及原生动物群落结构与多样性几个方面,研究沉水植被恢复的生态效应,以期为退化湖泊生态系统的重…  相似文献   

许敏  徐旭东 《水生生物学报》2010,34(6):1228-1230
我国是世界上湖泊富营养化最严重的国家之一。太湖、巢湖、滇池等大型浅水湖泊由于富营养化导致蓝藻水华连年爆发, 水质日趋恶化,丧失了原有的功能, 制约着地区经济发展。水华一般是指藻类过量繁殖形成的水体表面聚集物1。在我国, 微囊藻(Microcystis)和某些蓝藻是造成水华的最为常见的种类2。蓝藻水华可产生异味物质、腐烂发臭, 还可产生毒素危害人类健康。    相似文献   

东北镜泊湖硅藻对近现代气候变化和人类干扰的响应过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖梦娜  李艳玲 《生态学报》2018,38(4):1458-1469
全球气候变暖和人类活动加剧已经导致中国大量湖泊生态系统功能退化,而目前对东北地区湖泊生态系统变化的认识主要源于短期的监测。以东北镜泊湖为例,通过沉积记录和现代监测资料,分析一个多世纪以来以硅藻群落为代表的湖泊生态系统对气候波动和区域人类活动的响应过程。研究结果表明,在人类干扰显著加强之前,风力扰动是镜泊湖硅藻群落变化的一个重要因子,表现为Aulacoseira属种取代小型浮游种(Cyclostephanos、Stephanodiscus和Discostella)成为优势种。20世纪70年代以来,Asterionella formosa、Nitzschia palea和Fragilaria crotonensis的相继增加则反映了流域农业活动加剧、农业化肥大量施用以及污水排放导致的湖泊营养水平升高。温度的持续上升已经引起东北地区一些湖泊硅藻群落结构发生显著变化,但镜泊湖的硅藻记录却未显示这一气候变化的信号。考虑湖泊-流域形态和人类活动的不同,研究认为近几十年气候变化对镜泊湖硅藻群落结构的影响被强烈的人类干扰所掩盖而未显现出来。  相似文献   

考虑气候因子变化的湖泊富营养化模型研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏洁琼  王烜  杨志峰 《应用生态学报》2012,23(11):3197-3206
气候因子是影响湖泊营养状态和进程的主要自然因素.在全球气候变化的趋势下,将气候因子的变化纳入湖泊富营养化模型中,可以为湖泊演化趋势分析和环境管理决策提供技术支持.本文首先分析了气温、降水、光照和大气等气候因子对湖泊富营养化的影响,进而对考虑气候因子变化的数理统计与分析模型、生态动力学模型、系统生态学模型及智能算法等的研究进行了综述.在此基础上,对完善气候因子变化下湖泊营养状态变化的模型研究进行了展望:1)加强气候因子作用于湖泊营养状态的机理研究;2)选择合适的气候模拟模型,合理设置气候变化情景,在不同模型嵌套时保证时空尺度的匹配;3)以水动力学模型为基础,耦合生态模型及智能算法等,并结合良好的气候模拟模型,以精确模拟预测气候变化下湖泊富营养化的演化过程和趋势.  相似文献   

淡水湖泊浮游藻类对富营养化和气候变暖的响应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
水体富营养化和气候变暖是淡水生态系统面临的两大威胁。文章分别阐述了富营养化和气候变暖对淡水湖泊浮游藻类直接和间接效应, 并总结气候变暖可能通过影响水体理化性质、水生植物组成、食物链结构从而直接或间接改变浮游藻类生物量或群落结构。作者重点分析了气候变暖下湖泊生态系统蓝藻水华暴发机制, 比较了不同湖泊蓝藻对气候变暖和富营养化响应的异同点, 发现气候变暖和富营养化对湖泊生态系统影响存在相似性, 表现在均促进湖泊由清水-浊水稳态转变、增加蓝藻水华发生频率和强度。然而二者对湖泊浮游藻类影响的相对重要性取决于分层型湖泊和混合型湖泊的差异性、不同营养型湖泊和不同类群蓝藻组成差异性。作者认为, 开展气候变暖和富营养化下, 湖泊浮游藻类功能群响应研究亟待进行。  相似文献   


Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is recognized for its importance in freshwater ecosystems, but historical reliance on DOM quantity rather than indicators of DOM composition has led to an incomplete understanding of DOM and an underestimation of its role and importance in biogeochemical processes. A single sample of DOM can be composed of tens of thousands of distinct molecules. Each of these unique DOM molecules has their own chemical properties and reactivity or role in the environment. Human activities can modify DOM composition and recent research has uncovered distinct DOM pools laced with human markers and footprints. Here we review how land use change, climate change, nutrient pollution, browning, wildfires, and dams can change DOM composition which in turn will affect internal processing of freshwater DOM. We then describe how human-modified DOM can affect biogeochemical processes. Drought, wildfires, cultivated land use, eutrophication, climate change driven permafrost thaw, and other human stressors can shift the composition of DOM in freshwater ecosystems increasing the relative contribution of microbial-like and aliphatic components. In contrast, increases in precipitation may shift DOM towards more relatively humic-rich, allochthonous forms of DOM. These shifts in DOM pools will likely have highly contrasting effects on carbon outgassing and burial, nutrient cycles, ecosystem metabolism, metal toxicity, and the treatments needed to produce clean drinking water. A deeper understanding of the links between the chemical properties of DOM and biogeochemical dynamics can help to address important future environmental issues, such as the transfer of organic contaminants through food webs, alterations to nitrogen cycling, impacts on drinking water quality, and biogeochemical effects of global climate change.


This article summarizes the outcomes of the 16th Workshop of the International Association for Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology. Four major issues dealing with the impact exerted by human activities on phytoplankton were addressed in the articles of this special volume: climate change and its impacts on phytoplankton, the role of land use in shaping composition and diversity of phytoplankton, the importance of autecological studies to fully understand how phytoplankton is impacted by stressors and the role of ecological classification to evaluate community changes due to the different impacts. Case studies from different types of aquatic environments (rivers, deep and shallow lakes, reservoirs, mountain lakes, and temporary ponds) and from diverse geographical locations (not only from the Mediterranean and temperate regions, but also from subtropical and tropical ones) have shown that a complex spectrum of human impacts, not exclusively linked to eutrophication, severely conditions structure and dynamics of phytoplankton assemblage both in the short and long terms. Moreover, the trade-offs between climate change and other human-induced stresses as eutrophication, agricultural and urban land use or water overexploitation contribute to make more severe the impact exerted by humans on phytoplankton and, in turn, on the functioning of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Managing water quality with aquatic macrophytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The principal sources of water for human use are lakes, rivers, soil moisture and relatively shallow groundwater basins. Water quality in lakes and reservoirs is subjected to the natural degradation, processes of eutrophication and the impacts of human activities. Water quality problems can often be as severe as those of water availability but less attention has been paid to them, particularly in developing countries. Currently additional sustainable ways to mitigate the degradation of water quality are being researched all over the world. Phytoremediation is one of the serious efforts towards the sustainability. Most of the aquatic macrophytes are naturally occurring and well adapted for their surroundings. Aquatic macrophytes have the capability to remove excessive nutrient load from the water that otherwise cause eutrophication of the water body. Aquatic macrophytes absorb nutrient mineral ions from water column and influence metal retention indirectly by acting as traps for particulate matter, by slowing the water current and favoring sedimentation of suspended particles. Aquatic macrophytes also reduce sediment resuspension by offering wind protection. The use of aquatic macrophyte for treatment of wastewater to mitigate variety of pollution level is one of the most researched issues all over the world. Aquatic plant species are very specific for the uptake of nutrients. Owing to this specificity, the selection of the aquatic plant species is one of the skilled tasks prior to the design of a water treatment facility. An effort has been made in this review to cover the most researched aquatic flora for mitigation purposes and their possible use in a mesocosm as the selection of an appropriate aquatic plant specie reduce the time and cost of the treatment processes.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial blooms have increased in freshwater ecosystems worldwide in the last century, mostly resulting from eutrophication and climate change. These blooms represent serious threats to environmental and human health because of the production of harmful metabolites, called cyanotoxins. Like many countries, Egypt has been plagued with cyanobacterial blooms in most water sources, including the Nile River, irrigation canals, lakes and fishponds. However, the data about cyanotoxins produced in these blooms are limited. Only two types of cyanotoxins, microcystins and cylindrospermopsin, have been identified and characterised, mainly from Microcystis and Cylindrospermopsis blooms. The data revealed the presence of microcystins in raw and treated drinking waters at concentrations (0.05–3.8 µg l?1), exceeding the WHO limit (1 µg l?1) in some drinking water treatment plants. In addition, Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus caught from ponds containing heavy cyanobacterial blooms have accumulated considerable amounts of cyanotoxins in their edible tissues. The data presented here could be the catalyst for the establishment of a monitoring and management programme for harmful cyanobacteria and their cyanotoxins in Egyptian fresh waters. This review also elucidates the important research gaps and possible avenues for future research on cyanobacterial blooms and cyanotoxins in Egypt.  相似文献   

Climate warming and major land-use changes have profoundly affected the Mongolian landscape in the past several decades. Previous studies have recognized the impacts of a warmer, more arid climate and Mongolia’s 1991 transition from a command to a market economy on terrestrial ecosystems, including impaired sustainability of subsistence herding and threats to wild animals. In this study, we examined the combined effects of changing climate and herding practices on lake eutrophication in Western Mongolia. We sampled 65 lakes for modern nutrients and found the majority of lakes were eutrophic to hyper-eutrophic. Sediment cores were taken from five of the lakes to compare current lake status to paleolimnologial measures of lake eutrophication over the past 100–2000 years, including changes in diatom assemblages, diatom-inferred total phosphorus, biogenic silica, organic matter, and sediment accumulation rates. Variance partitioning analysis showed that recent shifts in diatom assemblages were related to changes in both climate and herding practices. The results presented here demonstrate a need for further study and long-term monitoring of water quality in Mongolia to understand the complicated interactions of climate and land use on aquatic resources and to preserve water quality in this remote and ecologically important region.  相似文献   

水华爆发的突变模型——以巢湖为例   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
面对湖泊水库富营养化的严峻形势,水华防治是当务之急,而根据富营养化现状对水华进行准确的判定和预报更是重中之重.从水生态系统的角度出发,综合考虑TP、T、Chla和DO等4个对巢湖富营养化乃至水华影响最为突出的因子,构建了巢湖水华突变的尖点模型,通过模型来模拟巢湖富营养化引发水华的情势.在对巢湖2000~2003年时间序列的监测数据进行数据拟合的基础上,发现南淝河入湖区断面处逐月TP、T、Chla和DO数据的演变规律符合突变理论的尖点模型特征.经检验,模型的相对误差控制在10%左右,具有较好的拟合精度.根据模型的突变判别,巢湖的水生态系统2003年7月在南淝河入湖区断面处发生了突变,这一模拟结论与该断面2003年8月爆发水华的实际情况相一致.研究表明,水华突变模型的建立,准确地反映了巢湖富营养化引发水华的实际情况,系统地勾勒出富营养化状态下水生态系统各要素间的动态响应模式,揭示了水华爆发的突变机理.通过水华突变模型的构建,不仅能够对巢湖水华的发生进行判断和预报,还可以对各项防治措施的实施效果进行预测和模拟,进而为综合整治方案的优化和统筹提供科学依据.水华的爆发是多诱因的综合作用结果,是营养物质长期累积、由量变到质变的演化过程,作为目前唯一的一种研究由渐变引起突变的系统理论,突变理论满足水华研究的数理要求,为水华现象的数值模拟提供了可行的解决方案.  相似文献   

The United States (U.S.) has faced major environmental changes in recent decades, including agricultural intensification and urban expansion, as well as changes in atmospheric deposition and climate—all of which may influence eutrophication of freshwaters. However, it is unclear whether or how water quality in lakes across diverse ecological settings has responded to environmental change. We quantified water quality trends in 2913 lakes using nutrient and chlorophyll (Chl) observations from the Lake Multi‐Scaled Geospatial and Temporal Database of the Northeast U.S. (LAGOS‐NE), a collection of preexisting lake data mostly from state agencies. LAGOS‐NE was used to quantify whether lake water quality has changed from 1990 to 2013, and whether lake‐specific or regional geophysical factors were related to the observed changes. We modeled change through time using hierarchical linear models for total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), stoichiometry (TN:TP), and Chl. Both the slopes (percent change per year) and intercepts (value in 1990) were allowed to vary by lake and region. Across all lakes, TN declined at a rate of 1.1% year?1, while TP, TN:TP, and Chl did not change. A minority (7%–16%) of individual lakes had changing nutrients, stoichiometry, or Chl. Of those lakes that changed, we found differences in the geospatial variables that were most related to the observed change in the response variables. For example, TN and TN:TP trends were related to region‐level drivers associated with atmospheric deposition of N; TP trends were related to both lake and region‐level drivers associated with climate and land use; and Chl trends were found in regions with high air temperature at the beginning of the study period. We conclude that despite large environmental change and management efforts over recent decades, water quality of lakes in the Midwest and Northeast U.S. has not overwhelmingly degraded or improved.  相似文献   

There is growing concern that harmful cyanobacterial blooms are increasing in frequency and occurrence around the world. Although nutrient enrichment is commonly identified as a key predictor of cyanobacterial abundance and dominance in freshwaters, several studies have shown that variables related to climate change can also play an important role. Based on our analysis of the literature, we hypothesized that temperature or water‐column stability will be the primary drivers of cyanobacterial abundance in stratified lakes whereas nutrients will be the stronger predictors in frequently mixing water bodies. To test this hypothesis, as well as quantify the drivers of cyanobacteria over different scales and identify interactions between nutrients and climate‐related variables, we applied linear and nonlinear mixed‐effect modeling techniques to seasonal time‐series data from multiple lakes. We first compared time series of cyanobacterial dominance to a published lake survey and found that the models were similar. Using time‐series data of cyanobacterial biomass, we identified important interactions among nutrients and climate‐related variables; dimictic basin experienced a heightened susceptibility to cyanobacterial blooms under stratified eutrophic conditions, whereas polymictic basins were less sensitive to changes in temperature or stratification. Overall, our results show that due to predictable interactions among nutrients and temperature, polymictic and dimictic lakes are expected to respond differently to future climate warming and eutrophication.  相似文献   

植物病害是降低植物产量和产品品质的重要因素,但对其在气候变化情景下如何影响植物的研究鲜见报道。利用封闭式人工气候室模拟不同环境处理,探讨了大气CO2浓度增加和温度升高情况下白粉菌(Podosphaera xanthii)侵染对西葫芦(Cucurbita pepo)生长发育的影响。结果表明,单独CO2加富(EC)增强了西葫芦光合作用(P<0.05),促进了植株生长和果实生产;CO2浓度和温度同时升高(ECT)也促进了光合作用(P<0.05),加速了植株器官发育,但限制了叶片叶绿素合成和叶片面积生长,最终明显降低了植株地上部分干物质积累和果实产量(P<0.05)。和对照相比,EC处理下白粉菌的生长繁殖没有明显变化,但由于西葫芦植株的抗病性有所改善,植株病情指数略有下降;而ECT处理下白粉菌的发育繁殖明显改善,P. xanthii菌落规模和产孢能力极大提高(P<0.01),植物病情指数显著加重(P<0.01),作物严重减产(P<0.01)。可见,在未来以CO2浓度和温度升高为特征的气候变化条件下,白粉菌倾向于加重对西葫芦的侵染。这个结论对其他葫芦科白粉病的防治管理也有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

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