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玉龙蝠蛾触角感觉器的扫描电镜观察   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文报道玉龙蝠蛾 Hepialus yulongensis Liang 触角感觉器种类、形态和分布的扫描电镜观察结果。蝠蛾触角呈丝状,由柄节、梗节和21—27个鞭节组成,总长2.3—2.7毫米,柄节比以后各节长,触角表面缺少隆起的网纹。触角感觉器计有七种,其名称为毛形感器、刺形感器、腔锥感器、锥形感器、鳞形感器、Bohm氏鬃毛及仅出现于雄蛾的钟形感器。根据中心栓的长度,腔下陷的深度和直径,腔锥感器基本上可分为长栓和短栓两种形态类型,腔的周围都无向内倾斜的缘栓;毛形感器可进一步分为A型和B型;Bohm氏鬃毛数量多,主要分布于柄节、梗节,但在端节也能见到。  相似文献   

利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对二纹蕈甲Dacnepicta Crotch的触角感器进行了观察。发现该虫的触角感器有6种类型,分别为毛形感器、刺形感器、锥形感器、栓锥形感器、钟形感器和B曲m氏鬃毛。其中,锥形感器有4种形态,刺形感器具有3种形态,毛形感器、栓锥形感器和钟形感器各有1种形态。感器的数量和分布在触角的每一节上差异较大。  相似文献   

利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对二纹蕈甲Dacne picta Crotch的触角感器进行了观察.发现该虫的触角感器有6种类型,分别为毛形感器、刺形感器、锥形感器、栓锥形感器、钟形感器和B(o)hm氏鬃毛.其中,锥形感器有4种形态,刺形感器具有3种形态,毛形感器、栓锥形感器和钟形感器各有1种形态.感器的数量和分布在触角的每一节上差异较大.  相似文献   

赵晓英  杨伟  杨桦  杨春平  张犀  黄琼 《昆虫知识》2011,48(6):1792-1797
采用扫描电镜观察了刺粉虱黑蜂Amitus hesperidum Silvestri触角。结果表明,在雌雄蜂的触角上共存在着7种感觉器,分别为Bhm氏鬃毛、毛形感觉器、板形感觉器、腔锥形感器、柱形感觉器、栓锥形感觉器。对触角感觉器的形态、分布进行了描述。雌雄触角有性二型现象,主要表现在毛形感器数量差异明显,板形感器分布不同,栓锥形感器只在雌虫上发现。  相似文献   

越北腹露蝗触角感器的扫描电镜观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用环境扫描电镜(ESEM)对越北腹露蝗FruhstorferiolatonkinensisWill.触角的外部形态进行观察的结果表明,蝗蝻和成虫触角均分布有以下6种感器,毛形感器、刺形感器、锥形感器、栓锥形感器、腔锥形感器和Bhm氏鬃毛,其中锥形感器有长、短锥之分,腔锥形感器有Ⅰ、Ⅱ型之分。芽孢形感器、盾形感器和钟形感器只限于蝗蝻的触角。成虫触角鞭节末端长锥形感器数量多于蝗蝻;而蝗蝻触角鞭节末端短锥形感器数量多于成虫。成虫触角从第9节开始,蝗蝻触角从第11节开始锥形感器和腔锥形感器的数量明显增多。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对分月扇舟蛾Clostera anastomosis(L.)成虫触角感觉器的形态、结构进行了观察。扫描电镜观察结果表明,分月扇舟蛾触角由柄节、梗节和鞭节组成,触角外侧面覆盖有鳞片,绝大部分触角感觉器位于触角的腹面和外侧面。雌、雄蛾触角上均存在以下8种感觉器,即毛形感器、刺形感器、腔形感器、腔锥形感器、栓锥形感器、锥形感器、柱形感器和鳞形感器。各种感觉器在雌、雄蛾触角上的分布大体相同,但数量有明显的区别。  相似文献   

蒲氏钩蝠蛾Thitarodes pui(Zhang et al.)是冬虫夏草寄主昆虫之一,其雄成虫触角感受器在求偶交配过程中起主要作用。本研究应用电子扫描显微镜对蒲氏钩蝠蛾雄成虫触角上的化学感受器进行观察。结果发现,雄成虫触角上有7种感受器,即毛形感受器、刺形感受器、锥形感受器、腔锥形感受器、钟形感受器、Bhm氏鬃毛和鳞形感受器,其中以毛形感受器和鳞形感受器数目最多,腔锥感受器又分为长栓形和短栓形两种。综合本研究结果与已知蝠蛾的触角感受器,发现蝠蛾触角感受器在表面结构、感受器类型等方面与其它鳞翅目昆虫存在差异。  相似文献   

小地老虎雄蛾触角感受器的扫描电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用扫描电镜观察了小地老虎雄蛾触角感受器的种类、形态和分布.结果表明, 小地老虎雄蛾触角为双栉状(端半部为丝状),由1节柄节、1节梗节和82~92节鞭节组成.在触角上分布有毛形感器、刺形感器、鳞形感器、腔锥感器、腔形感器、 耳形感器、B(o)hm's氏鬃毛7种感受器,其中毛形感器数量最多.  相似文献   

井上蛀果斑螟触角感器的扫描电镜观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用扫描电镜对井上蛀果斑螟Assarainouei Yamanaka雌雄成虫触角及触角感器的超微结构、类型和分布进行详尽观察。结果表明,井上蛀果斑螟触角上主要分布有9种类型的感器,其中毛形感器2种,锥形感器、刺形感器、耳形感器、腔锥形感器、腔乳头状感器、鳞形感器及Bohm氏鬃毛均1种。其中的腔乳头状感器只在雌虫触角上有分布,雄虫触角鳞形感器及末端毛形感器的数量均多于雌虫。  相似文献   

触角和下唇须是昆虫头部的重要感觉器官,其上被有多种类型的感器。宽胫夜蛾Protoschinia scutosa是一种重要的农业害虫,但其触角和下唇须感器研究较少。本研究利用扫描电子显微镜观察了宽胫夜蛾的触角和下唇须感器的类型、分布和超微形态。宽胫夜蛾的雌雄触角均为丝状,雌虫触角鞭节明显短于雄虫。雌雄触角均分布有8种类型感器,分别为Bhm氏鬃毛、鳞形感器、毛形感器、刺形感器、耳形感器、锥形感器、腔锥形感器和栓锥形感器。其中,毛形感器数量最多,且雄性毛形感器的数量明显多于雌性。宽胫夜蛾的下唇须为长管状,雌雄下唇须长度无显著差异。共观察到5种类型感器,即毛形感器、钟形感器、鳞形感器、刺形感器和棒形感器。毛形感器分布在下唇须基部第1节和端部第3节的陷窝器内,钟形感器位于第1节毛形感器簇之中,鳞形感器在各节均有分布,刺形感器和棒形感器只见于第3节。并对宽胫夜蛾的触角和下唇须感器的功能进行初步的推测和讨论。为昆虫感器功能分析、分类学和行为学研究提供依据。  相似文献   

利用扫描电子显微镜,观察了拉步甲Carabus lafossei成虫触角感器的类型、数量和分布规律。结果表明:拉步甲触角表面存在7类、12种感器类型,包括3种毛形感器(Sensilla trichodea,ST)、3种刺形感器(Sensilla chaetica,SCh)、2种锥形感器(Sensilla basiconca,SB)、Bhm氏鬃毛(Bhm bristles,BB)、腔锥形感器(Sensilla coeloconica,SCo)、腔形感器(Sensilla cavity,SCa)和钟形感器(Sensilla campaniformia,SCam),感器类型在雌、雄个体间无差异;雌、雄个体各节触角的感器数量和分布不均匀。研究结果为今后开展电生理学和行为生态学研究打下了基础。  相似文献   

亚洲玉米螟成虫触角的扫描电镜观察   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
对亚洲玉米螟成虫触角的外部形态结构在扫描电镜下作了观察.触角由柄节、梗节和62—67个鞭节组成,触角背面被鳞片覆盖,绝大部分触角感器位于触角的腹面和侧面.所有鞭节的表皮上都有连续的网纹结构,但在柄节和梗节的表皮上则无.在雌雄蛾的触角上都可以找到以下七种感器,即栓锥感器、腔锥感器、锥形感器(即B?hm氏鬃毛)、刺形感器、耳形惑器、鳞形感器和毛形感器.毛形感器数目最多,并根据其形状和表面细微结构分为两种类型:A型和B型.除锥形感器外,所有的感器都分布在触角鞭节的网纹区上.对此昆虫的触角两性差异进行了详细的讨论.  相似文献   

Antlion larvae have a complex tegumentary sensorial equipment. The sensilla and other kinds of larval tegumentary structures have been studied in 29 species of 18 genera within family Myrmeleontidae, all of them with certain degree of psammophilous lifestyle. The adaptations for such lifestyle are probably related to the evolutionary success of this lineage within Neuroptera. We identified eight types of sensory structures, six types of sensilla (excluding typical long bristles) and two other specialized tegumentary structures. Both sensilla and other types of structures that have been observed using scanning electron microscopy show similar patterns in terms of occurrence and density in all the studied species (with few exceptions). The sensilla identified are: coeloconica, placoidea, basiconica, trichodea type I, trichodea type II, and campaniformia. All these sensilla have mechano- or chemosensorial functions. Some regions of the larval body have been studied using SEM for the first time, such as the surface of the food canal, which bears sensilla coeloconica, and the abdominal segment X, that bears three types of sensilla: coeloconica, basiconica, and campaniformia. Sensilla placodea are newly reported on antlion larvae, being present on the mandibular base, pronotum, mentum, and cardum. Also, new locations of sensilla coeloconica (e.g., on rastra) and sensilla campaniformia (e.g., on odontoid processes) are noted. A novel porous texture with chemoreceptor function has been identified in the base of mandibles. A mechanism of dentate-notched surfaces that anchor maxillae and mandible, reinforcing the food canal, is detailed. All these sensorial structures, in addition to ocular tubercles for light caption and their great muscular system, confer to these larvae an extraordinary predation capacity to success hunting and living in such harsh environments.  相似文献   

为了解属模巨齿蛉成虫多个部位感器的超微结构及其对生命活动的影响,本文对属模巨齿蛉成虫的触角、大颚、翅缘和生殖器4个部位进行了电镜扫描。研究发现,触角有7种感器,分别是毛形感器Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型、Ⅳ型、腔锥感器、锥形感器、柱形感器;大颚有3种感器,分别是腔锥感器、锥形感器、刺形感器;翅缘有4种感器,分别是毛形感器Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型、Ⅳ型、腔锥感器;雌性成虫生殖器有7种感器,分别是毛形感器Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型、Ⅳ型、Ⅴ型、Ⅵ型、锥形感器、钟形感器。柱形感器是触角的特殊感器,钟形感器是雌性成虫生殖器的特殊感器。毛形感器是触角、翅缘和生殖器主要感器,而大颚上没有毛形感器。触角和生殖器上的感器类型最多,且分布最密集,这与触角和生殖器对成虫的交配、产卵行为具有重要作用相吻合。  相似文献   

三种花蓟马触角感器的超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李维娜  冯纪年 《昆虫学报》2013,56(9):1088-1100
采用扫描电子显微镜对花蓟马Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom)、 禾花蓟马F. tenuicornis (Uzel) 和西花蓟马F. occidentalis (Pergande) 3种国内危害严重的农业害虫的两性成虫触角感器超微结构进行观察和比较, 旨在明确3种花蓟马两性成虫触角上的感器类型、 数量、 分布及超微形态特征, 明晰3种花蓟马触角感器差异, 进而补充蓟马感器详细资料、 完善蓟马形态学研究。结果表明: 3种花蓟马两性成虫触角上均有8种感器类型, 即B?hm氏鬃毛、 钟形感器、 毛形感器、 刺形感器、 锥形感器、 腔锥形感器、 腔形感器和特殊结构感器。触角各节上感器的分布和数量并不均匀。分析结果显示, 各类感器在触角上的分布相对稳定, 具有一定规律; 近缘种间和同种两性间触角感器的形态及分布无明显差异。  相似文献   

The third antennal segment (funiculus) and the maxillary palp are the main and accessory olfactory sense organs of Drosophila melanogaster. Cryofixed antennae and palps revealed a superior preservation of the sensory dendrites and other cellular details as compared to conventional chemical fixation. Extensive cross-section series through funiculus and palp were studied in order to obtain as complete an evaluation as possible of the sensillar complement on these appendages. About 75% of all sensilla on the male and female funiculus were individually studied and their position on the antennal surface mapped. Dimensions of the cuticular apparatus of the various types of sensilla are provided as well as the number of innervating receptor neurons. Particular attention has been paid to the cuticular pores important for stimulus transport and to the sensory dendrites. On the funiculus surface, all sensilla have multiple wall pores: sensilla (s.) trichodea and s. basiconica are single-walled, s. coeloconica are double-walled. The distribution of s. trichodea and s. basiconica follows opposing gradients along a diagonal axis parallel to the axis of the arista from proximo-medial to disto-lateral. In this disto-lateral direction the density of s. trichodea increases while that of the s. basiconica decreases. S. trichodea occur in three subtypes with one, two or three receptor neurons. Basiconic sensilla can be subdivided into three subtypes of large s. basiconica (with two or four receptor neurons), three subtypes of thin s. basiconica (with mostly two, rarely four neurons), and one subtype of small s. basiconica with two receptor neurons. Large s. basiconica occur only in the most proximal region (the ‘LB-zone’); thin s. basiconica are most common in a belt that borders the LB-zone distally, while small s. basiconica are most numerous even further distally along the mentioned diagonal axis in between the s. trichodea. S. intermedia are single-walled, multiporous sensilla which combine features of s. trichodea and s. basiconica; they are found in two subtypes with two or three receptor neurons, in the same region where s. trichodea abound. The s. coeloconica are irregularly distributed over the funicular surface, and occur in two subtypes with two or three receptor neurons. Sexual dimorphism on the antenna is moderate, the female funiculus is a bit longer and carries a larger number of small s. basiconica and large s. basiconica of the LB-I subtype; the male funiculus, however, has more s. trichodea than the female. On the maxillary palp, besides mechanoreceptive s. chaetica, there are only s. basiconica with two receptor neurons. According to the fine structure of their sensory dendrites, three subtypes can be discriminated which are distributed in a random pattern. The functional significance of the described structures and distribution awaits future immunocytochemical and electrophysiological experiments.  相似文献   

Antennal sensilla typology, number and distribution pattern were studied in the ground beetle Bembidion lampros Hbst (Coleoptera, Carabidae) using scanning electron microscopy. The 1.6–1.8 mm long filiform antennae of both sexes consist of the scape, pedicel and of the flagellum composed of nine flagellomeres. In both sexes, three types of sensilla chaetica, two types of sensilla trichodea, five types of sensilla basiconica, one type of sensilla coeloconica, one type of sensilla campaniformia and Böhm sensilla were distinguished. The possible function of the sensilla was discussed and three types of sensilla were considered as olfactory, sensilla trichodea type 2 and sensilla basiconica types 1 and 2. Olfactory sensilla occupy dorsal and/or ventral areas of the flagellomeres and occur sparsely (sensilla basiconica type 1) or not at all (sensilla basiconica type 2 and sensilla trichodea type 2) outside these areas. No remarkable sexual differences in the types, numbers and distribution of antennal sensilla were found.  相似文献   

斑鞘豆叶甲是大豆苗期重要害虫,本文利用扫描电镜技术观察了斑鞘豆叶甲触角感器超微形态与分布。结果表明:斑鞘豆叶甲触角感器绝大部分着生于鞭节,在鞭亚节端部和末节凹陷区感器分布密集,类型较多。基于感器外部形态可分为8种类型:毛形感器Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型、刺形感器、锥形感器、指形感器、腔锥形感器、栓锥形感器Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型、钟形感器和B hm氏鬃毛。其中毛形感器数量最多,其次是锥形感器,钟形感器最少,仅分布于雄虫触角,还着生有大量表皮孔。雌、雄虫触角感器在形态、数量和分布上均存在差异,雄虫毛形和刺形感器显著长于雌虫,刺形感器端部膨大,两种感器的数量也明显多于雌虫;雌虫与雄虫相比末节背面也具感器密集的凹陷区,指形感器短于雄虫但数量显著多于雄虫。斑鞘豆叶甲触角感器种类丰富,分布密集,雌、雄虫感器存在明显的性二型现象,其结构和类型表现出种间分化特性。  相似文献   

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