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金腰属植物因富含黄酮醇类化合物而具有显著的药效,通过对我国西藏、云南、四川、青海以及甘肃5个省(自治区)进行金腰属植物种质资源的科学考察,共收集到19种(含2变种)145份野生种质资源。此外四川省发现金腰新分布2种,分别为秦岭金腰(Chrysosplenium biondianum Engl.)、陕甘金腰(Chrysosplenium qinlingense Z.P.Jien&J.T.Pan),均为中国特有种;甘肃省发现金腰新分布3种,分别为毛金腰(Chrysosplenium pilosum Maxim.)、绵毛金腰(Chrysosplenium lanuginosum Hook.f.&Thomson)和蜕叶金腰(Chrysosplenium henryi Franch.),凭证标本存于中南民族大学植物标本馆(HSN)。金腰属植物作为传统藏药长期以来被用于治疗各种疾病,如长梗金腰(Chrysosplenium axillare Maxim.)的75%乙醇提取物具抗炎症、抗流感病毒活性,从灰花金腰(Chrysosplenium grayanum Maxim.)与裸茎金腰(Chrysosplenium nudicaule Bunge)提取的五环三萜对肿瘤细胞有较强抑制效果。本调查丰富了野生藏药金腰属植物种质资源,为深入研究金腰属植物的分类与药理活性提供了基础。  相似文献   

从贵州省宽阔水自然保护区采集滇黔金腰、大叶金腰和锈毛金腰,采用水蒸汽蒸馏法提取挥发油,用气相色谱—质谱联用技术对挥发油化学成分进行分析,共鉴定出85种成分,主要为十六烷酸、烷烃类、肉豆蔻酸和叶绿醇等化合物。其中,在滇黔金腰中共鉴定出48种化学成分,主要有十六烷酸(10.29%)和月桂酸(7.54%)等;在大叶金腰中共鉴定出50种化学成分,主要有邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己)酯(10.91%)和二十七烷(7.29%)等;在锈毛金腰中共鉴定出58种化学成分,主要有十六烷酸(12.66%)和三十二烷(8.15%)等。不同种金腰属植物挥发油的主要成分种类比较接近,但各自挥发油化合物组成又都含有其特有化学成分。  相似文献   

安徽金腰属 (虎耳草科)植物新资料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
楔叶金腰为金腰属一新变种,同时报道安徽新记录种肾萼金腰,并对安徽金腰属植物进行了补充记述。  相似文献   

报道了鄂西湘西武陵山区区域内虎耳草科金腰属植物新记录种7种,其中湖北省新记录种有3种,分别为:天胡荽金腰(Chrysosplenium hydrocotylifolium Levl.et Vaniot.)、陕甘金腰(Chrysosplenium qinlingense Jien ex J.T.Pan)、毛金腰(Chrysosplenium pilosum Maxim.);湖南省新记录种4种,分别为:微子金腰(Chrysosplenium microspermum Franch)、中华金腰(Chrysosplenium sinicum Maxim)、山溪金腰(Chrysospleniumnepalense D.Don.)和绵毛金腰(Chr ysos plenium lanu gino-sum Hook.f.et Thoms.).上述金腰属植物均提供了经纬度、海拔及植物照片,引证标本存放于中南民族大学植物标本馆(HSN).  相似文献   

<正>虎耳草科(Saxifragaceae)金腰属(Chrysosplenium)植物为多年生矮小草本,全球约65种,主要分布于东亚、欧洲、美洲等地~([1,2])。中国约有35种,南北均产,主产于陕西、甘肃、四川、云南和西藏等地~([3,4])。2016年,中南民族大学与中南林业科技大学在武陵山区湘西野外考察过程中,发现了金腰属植物一新种——张家  相似文献   

正虎耳草科(Saxifragaceae)金腰属(Chrysosplenium)植物为多年生矮小草本,全球约65种,主要分布于东亚、欧洲、美洲等地~([1,2])。中国约有35种,南北均产,主产于陕西、甘肃、四川、云南和西藏等地~([3,4])。2016年,中南民族大学与中南林业科技大学在武陵山区湘西野外考察过程中,发现了金腰属植物一新种——张家  相似文献   

金佛山自然保护区种子植物区系初步研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
根据新近调查资料及对历史文献资料的查阅,整理出重庆市金佛山地区种子植物区系资料。到目前为止,金佛山共分布有种子植物183科1256属4 764种,其中野生植物达160科(其中裸子植物7科,被子植物153科)1111属4093种。野生植物中单种科17个,少型科(2~5种)33个,多种科(6~50种)87个,大科(51~100种)14个,特大科(101种以上)9个,分别占金佛山野生种子植物总科数的10.625%、20.625%、54.375%、8.75%和5.625%;种子植物科的区系成分以热带成分最多,达72科,占金佛山种子植物总科数的45.00%,其次为温带和世界分布型,分别为41科和33科,分别占25.625%和20.625%,特有成分仅17科(统计分析数据以14科计),其中东亚特有科13科,中国特有科4科。属的区系成分按世界分布、热带分布、温带分布、东亚分布和中国特有分布五种成分分别为73属、483属、332属、174属和49属,分别占金佛山种子植物总属数的6.57%、43.48%、29.88%、15.66%和4.41%。金佛山种子植物科的区系成分具备了全国种子植物区系15个分布类型及31变型的10型及10变型,属的区系成分具备14型及24变型。本文还就金佛山与邻近的神农架和壶瓶山等进行了比较分析,总体结论为金佛山在种子植物分布区类型及物种分布数量上都较为丰富,证明了金佛山地区为我国亚热带植物的自然分化和分布中心之一的观点。  相似文献   

于2011~2013年湖北神农架国家级自然保护区本底资源调查和第四次全国中药资源普查工作中,发现若干湖北新记录。现主要报道了湖北虎耳草科(Saxifragaceae)金腰属(Chrysosplenium)植物4种分布新记录,分别为秦岭金腰(C.biondianum Engler)、纤细金腰(C.giraldianum Engler)、舌叶金腰(C.glossophyllum H.Hara)、天胡荽金腰(C.hydrocotylifolium H.LéveilléVaniot)。文中对这几个物种的报道增加了它们的分布范围,也丰富和加深了人们对湖北植物多样性的认识与了解。凭证标本存放于吉首大学植物标本馆(JIU)。  相似文献   

蜡梅属植物是我国特有的传统药用植物,分布广泛,资源丰富。精油是蜡梅属植物主要的活性成分之一,包括萜类化合物、芳香族化合物和脂肪族化合物等多种类型的化学成分,具有抑菌、抗炎、抗氧化、抗病毒和止咳平喘等药理活性,对血管性痴呆、急性肺损伤和溃疡性结肠炎等疾病有较好的治疗作用。本文对蜡梅属植物精油中主要成分的化学结构与生源合成途径进行了系统的分类整理,对相关的生物活性作简要概述,以期为进一步开发和利用蜡梅属植物资源提供有益参考。  相似文献   

金铁锁的三萜化合物   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
金铁锁(Psammosilene tunicoides W.C.Wu et C.Y.Wu)为石竹科金铁锁属植物,该属仅此一种,特产于我国西南部,是云南民间重要药用植物,常用于止血止痛,活血祛瘀等。其根部富含皂甙,有镇痛、抗炎和抑菌等生理活性。我们将金铁锁根总皂甙用酸水解后分离到多种皂甙元成分,本文报告其中六个皂甙元的分离和结构鉴定,它们均为齐墩果烷型五环三萜化合物。  相似文献   

藏药裸茎金腰的化学成分研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
用色谱技术对藏药裸茎金腰(Chrysosplenium nudicaule Bunge)全草化学成分进行分离鉴定,以UV、IR、MS,1HNMR、13CNMR、DEPT等现代谱学方法鉴定化合物结构,得到8个化合物:β-pdltoboykinolic acid,7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside-3’-4’-5-trihydroxy-3,6-dimethoxyflavone,5-甲氧基阿拉伯糖,β-谷甾醇,三十烷,8-甲基-二十八烷,9-甲基-2-三十二烯,1-环戊二烯-3-甲基-十九烷。这8个化合物均为首次从该植物中分离得到。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the taxonomy and geographic distribution of the genus Chrysosplenium L. in China. Based on the characters and evolution of the seed, capsule, disk, ovary and leaf, the species of this genus can be grouped into 2 subgenera, 5 sections and 16 series. There are 2 subgenera, 5 sections and 11 series in China. They are as follows: I. Subgen. Gamosplenium Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Leaves alternate. Lectotype: Chrysosplenium carnosum Hook. f. et Thoms. 1. Sect. Alternifolia Franch. emend. J. T. Pan Seeds smooth and glabrous. Type: Chrysosplenium alternifolium L. (1) Ser. Nudicaulia Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Disk obscure or absent; ovary nearly half-inferior, sometimes mostly inferior; capsule generally subtruncate and emarginate at top and bilobed with equal and horizontally divaricate or suberect lobes; seeds smooth and glabrous. Type: Chrysosplenium nudicaule Maxim. (2) Ser. Alternifolia Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Disk 8-lobed; ovary nearly half-inferior; capsule generally subtruncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal and horizontally divaricate lobes; seeds smooth and glabrous. Type: Chrysosplenium alternifolia L. 2. Sect. Nephrophylloides Turcz. Seeds minutely papillose or pilose. Type: Chrysosplenium sedakowii Turcz. (1) Ser. Macrophylla Franch. emend. J. T. Pan Disk obscure or absent; ovary nearly half-inferior; capsule nearly truncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal lobes; seeds minutely papillose. Type: Chrysosplenium macrophyllum Oliv. (2) Ser. Ovalifolia Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Disk generally 8-, rarely 4-, lobed, papillae absent around disk; ovary mostly inferior; capsule subtruncate and emarginate at top; seeds minutely papillose or pilose. Type: Chrysosplenium ovalifolium M. Bieb. ex Bunge (3) Ser. Lanuginosa Hara, emend. J. T. Pan Papillae numerous, brown around reduced disk; ovary mostly inferior; capsule nearly truncate and emarginate at top; seeds minutely papillose. Type: Chrysosplenium lanuginosum Hook. f. et Thoms. II. Subgen. Chrysosplenium Leaves opposite. Type: Chrysosplenium oppositifolium L. 1. Sect. Trichosperma J. T. Pan, sect. nov. Capsule not truncate at top, and bilobed with subequal, suberect or divergent lobes. Type: Chrysosplenium trichospermum Edgew. ex Hook. f. et Thoms. This section is divided into 4 series in the world, with only 1 in China. (1) Ser. Nepalensia Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Disk obscure or absent; ovary generally mostly inferior; cassule not truncate at top, and bilobed with subequal and suberect or divergent lobes; seeds smooth and glabrous. Type: Chrysosplenium nepalense D. Don 2. Sect. Grayana J. T. Pan, sect. nov. Capsule bilobed with distinctly unequal and ascending lobes. Type: Chrysosplenium grayanum Maxim. This section consists of 4 series in the world, with 3 series in China. (1) Ser. Sinica Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Disk obscure or absent; ovary nearly half-superior; capsule bilobed with distinctly unequal and ascending lobes; seeds minutely papillose. Type: Chrysosplenium sinicum Maxim. (2) Ser. Esulcata Franch. emend. J. T. Pan Disk (4)-8-lobed; ovary generally half-inferior; capsule bilobed with unequal and ascending lobes; seeds minutely papillose or pilose. Lectotype: Chrysosplenium dubium J. Gayex DC. (3) Ser. pilosa maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Disk obscure or absent; ovary nearly half-inferior; capsule bilobed with distinctly unequal and ascending lobes; seeds distinctly longitudinally ll-18-costate and minutely papillose or tuberculate on the ridge. Type: Chrysosplenium pilosum Maxim. 3. Sect. Chrysosplenium Capsule nearly truncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal and horizontally divaricate lobes. Type: Chrysosplenium oppositifolium L. (1) Ser. Romosa J. T. Pan, ser. nov. Disk distinctly 8-lobed, papillae sparse, brown around disk; ovary mostly inferior; capsule nearly truncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal and horizontally divaricate lobes; seeds smooth and glabrous. Type: Chrysosplenium ramosum Maxim. This series is monospecific one, also occurring in China, namely C. ramosum Maxim. (2) Ser. Delavayi Hara Disk distinctly 8-lobed, Papillae sparse, brown around the disk; ovary mostly inferior; capsule nearly truncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal and horizontally divaricate lobes; seeds distinctly longitudinally 10-16-costate and transversely striate on the ridge. Type: Chrysosplenium delavayi Franch. This series can be considered as the most advanced one in the Chrysaspleninm L. So far, the Chrysosplenium L. comprises 64 species in the world, among which 1 species is found in North Africa, 2 in South America, 4 in Europe, 5 in North America, 56 in Asia, of which 3 occur in Sikkim, 5 Bhutan, 5 Mongolia, 6 north Burma, 6 Korea, 7 north India, 8 Nepal, 12 Japan, 17 U.S.S.R. (of which 3 also in Europe), 34 China (including 22 endemic species and 3 new species). In China, Fujian and Guangdong Provinces and Zhuang Autonomous Region of Guangxi each has only 1 species, Taiwan, Zhejiang, Shanxi and Hebei Provinces and Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang each has 2, Anhui, Jiangxi and Hunan Provinces each has 3, Qinghai Province 4, Heilongjiang, Liaoning and Guizhou Provinces each has 5, Jilin and Hubei Provinces each has 6, Gausu Province 8, Shaanxi Province and Xizang (Tibet) Autonomous Region each has 10, Yunnan Province has 11, Sichuan Province has 14. Thus the distribution centre of this genus should be in the north temperate zone of Asia, and the region covering Shaanxi Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan and Xizang may be regarded as an important part of this centre. The 7 species of Ser. Nudicaula Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan can be considered as the most primitive ones in this genus. They are mostly distributed in Shaanxi (Qin Ling), south Gansu, southeast Qinghai, southwest Sichuan and nothwest Yunnan of China. This region may be considered as the centre of the origin (or at least differentiation) of this genus. The new species and the new varieties described in this paper are as follows: C. hydrocotylifolium Levl. et Vant. var. emeiense J. T. Pan, C. taibaishanense J. T. Pan, C. lixianense Jien ex J. T. Pan, C. qinlingense Jien ex J. T. Pan.  相似文献   

毛兰属植物由于近年来同属于兰科的石斛属植物的过度采挖,而取代名贵中药石斛类作为药材应用。为了了解其化学成分及能否替代石斛应用,本文对毛兰属植物的化学成分及药理活性研究进展进行了综述。目前毛兰属植物研究所涉及的种类仅5种,从该属植物中分离出化学成分13种,包括菲类、9,10-二氢菲类及二聚体、联苄、甾体和脂肪族化合物等结构类型。药理研究表明,一些成分如毛兰素和毛兰菲在抗肿瘤和抗氧化等方面显示了较好的活性。开展毛兰属植物的研究,对发现新的药用活性成分及资源保护有重要意义。  相似文献   

咖啡为茜草科(Rubiaceae)咖啡属(Coffea)植物,位居世界三大饮品之首,具有降低血糖、保护肝脏和神经保护等作用。咖啡化学成分类别较多,包括生物碱、酚酸类、黄酮类、萜类等。咖啡中的化学成分是发挥其生物学功能和形成特色风味的基础,对其化学成分来源和生物活性进行综述,为进一步发展咖啡产业提供依据和理论支撑。  相似文献   

黄皮的化学成分及生物活性研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄皮Clausena lansium(Lour.)Skeels是广泛分布于我国南方的一种特产果树,含有生物碱类、香豆素类、挥发油类、黄酮类等多种化学成分,具有抗氧化、保肝、降血糖以及杀虫、抑菌和除草等多方面的生物活性。本文就黄皮的化学成分及其生物活性的研究现状进行了综述。  相似文献   

两头毛的化学成分及药理作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了两头毛的化学成分和药理作用的研究进展。两头毛中主要含有生物碱、黄酮类、甾醇、三萜类和神经酰胺等多种化学成分。药理学方面研究证明:两头毛具有抗炎,抗氧化,抑菌,神经营养等活性,在临床上,两头毛作为治疗肝炎和痢疾的药物。  相似文献   

冬青属植物化学成分研究进展(综述)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近5年来,从冬青属植物中分离得到51种新化合物,绝大多数被鉴定为三萜及其皂甙,并显示其独特的生物活性。本文总结了这些化合物的结构和^13C-NMR数据。  相似文献   

A new variety Chrysosplenium japonicum var. cuneifolium from Anhui, China, is described, and the species Chrysosplenium delavayi is found new to Anhui. The genusChrysosplenium L. of Anhui is additionally recounted.  相似文献   

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