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石吉朝 《昆虫知识》1993,30(3):132-134
<正> 三化螟Tryporyza incertulis(Walker)是水稻主要害虫之一。在我县一年发生3~4代,第三代部分幼虫滞育越冬,形成局部的下一世代。目前对三化螟成虫发生期的中短期预测多采用分龄分级推算法,即根据田间调查幼虫、蛹发育进度(分龄、分级),统计各龄、级虫数占调查总虫数的百分率,然后从最高发育期(蛹壳)向下依次逐级(龄)累加百分率,以调查日期加上累加百分率达16%、50%、84%的蛹级(或虫龄)的相应历期(不足部分从下级蛹或虫龄取出补足),推算出成虫羽化始盛、高峰和盛末期。这种预测方法,是以当代幼虫全部能转化为蛹并羽化为依据的。在本地,用此法预测越冬代及  相似文献   

二化螟为害蕉藕的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二化螟为害蕉藕过去尚未曾有报导。今年7月底8月初我在平阳县宜山、金乡等地调查,发现早稻收割后,第二代二化螟幼虫从稻草内爬出转移到晒草场附近的蕉藕上取食为害,并能继续发育化蛹和羽化。据7月25日在金乡区调查200株蕉藕,被害率高达99%。剥查10株有二化螟幼虫338头,平均每株有虫33.8头,最多一株有史高达86头,最少也有7头。  相似文献   

<正> 重庆市三化螟Tryporyza incertulas (Walker)每年发生四代,以第三代的发生量最大,危害最严重。 1976年我们在对第二代三化螟发育进度进行调查中,发现第三代三化螟的主要虫源田——中稻在收割完毕时(8月18日),田间幼虫化蛹率才27.3%,而此时诱蛾已有367头,占当年灯下第三代总蛾量378头的97.1%。当时晚稻田治螟工作已结束,可见这两代螟虫发育进度出现了极尖锐的矛眉,因此,我们对第二代三化螟发生滞育提出了怀疑。 1979年我市一些测报站重复作了这一工作,所得结果列表1。  相似文献   

转Bt基因抗虫棉田棉铃虫消长律及危害特点   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张惠珍  王书魁 《昆虫知识》2000,37(3):146-148
通过对转Bt基因抗虫棉田棉铃虫的系统6调查研究表明,(1)转Bt基因抗虫棉对棉铃虫蛾、卵无抗性表现,田间落卵量与常规棉田无明显差异,相反,二代棉虫百株累计卵量倒比常规棉处理区增加了216~274粒,增长幅度为30~38%,(2)转Bt基因抗虫棉对二代棉铃虫幼虫的抗性制作强,基本不用进行药剂防治,但对三代棉虫幼虫的抗性控制效果明显处降,田间3龄以上幼虫平均均20~40头/百株,多者达60头以上,仍需  相似文献   

一、越冬习性考查 1.越冬场所调查:台湾稻螟Chilotraea auricilia(Dudgeon)幼虫越冬场所主要是在稻根内,几年来的田间调查资料指出:以中稻田稻根内密度较大;晚稻田稻根内密度较小。此外,中、晚稻稻草内也有幼虫越冬,但密度很小,约占0.06%株。作者曾先后在百色专区的百色、田东、靖西、睦边、东兰、田林等县实地解剖观察高粱稈、玉米稈、小米稈、甘蔗宿根等均尚来发现有越冬幼虫。 2.虫口密度与稻田的关系:1)与稻田耕作制度有关。中稻田台湾稻螟越冬幼虫最多,每苗平均有效越冬幼虫4,745头,占4种稻螟总数的37.5%,二化螟次之,占30.39%,大螟较少,占25.2%,三化螟最少,占6.88%。晚稻田台湾稻螟越冬幼虫较少,每亩平均有效越冬幼虫540头,占4种稻螟总数的14.06%,二化螟也少,占13.14%,大螟最少,占  相似文献   

埃及金钢钻(Earias insulana Boisd.)是云南省宾川棉区为害棉花的主要蛀食性害虫。据记载,此虫始见于1938年,但过去发生量少,为害轻。1958年后为害加重,全年平均被害株率达13.61%,百株幼虫3.2头,1959年为害更重,百株幼虫达15.6头。以后各年  相似文献   

取食针叶的桃蛀螟越冬状况调查和生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合林间调查和室内饲养,观察、记录取食针叶的桃蛀螟Conogethes punctiferalis(Guen6e)冬状况和生物学特性。结果表明:幼虫吐丝将嫩梢针叶缀合成虫苞,以3~4龄幼虫在虫苞内越冬。松树的有虫梢率为7.6%,每梢虫数为3。16头,平均8.5头。桃蛀螟幼虫期和蛹期的死亡率总和为26.06%,雌雄性比为2:3。越冬代桃蛀螟蛹重、蛹长和蛹宽的平均值分别为75.1mg、13.42和3.39mm。成虫多在22时~8时羽化,羽化率为92.22%。成虫始盛期为5月8日,高峰期为5月11日,盛末期为5月15日。补充营养对成虫寿命有显著的影响,饲喂水、10%蜂蜜水、10%糖醋液均能提高成虫寿命。在室内用清水、10%蜂蜜水和10%糖醋液饲养,成虫寿命的差异不显著。  相似文献   

1984—1988年,在广东省四会县以生命表方法,进行了三化螟自然种群动态的研究,共获9个生命表.从生命表看出,各世代均以初孵幼虫入侵死亡率为最高,中后期幼以初孵幼虫入侵死亡率(k5)为最大,冲后期幼虫转株死亡率(k9)次之,但经图解法和回归法分析结果证实,中后期幼虫转株死亡率是影响三化螟种群数量变动的第1关键因素,而初孵幼虫入侵死亡率乃是第2关键因素.  相似文献   

为了解空心莲子草叶甲Agasicles hygrophila被引入中国20多年后其取食行为与取食能力是否发生改变, 我们通过采集叶甲自然种群的成虫, 在室内用空心莲子草Alternanthera philoxeroides饲养获得检测用叶甲各虫态与虫量进行室内定量检测, 研究了空心莲子草叶甲自然种群各龄幼虫与成虫在不同密度下对空心莲子草的控害效果。结果显示: 1龄幼虫喜食顶芽嫩叶, 在每株接0.2和1头1龄幼虫密度下, 空心莲子草仍有新叶和侧芽生成, 生物量、 株高与茎节数仍在增加; 在5头/株的密度下, 空心莲子草的生物量、 叶片数和侧芽数均出现负增长; 在10头/株的密度下, 草的生物量、 株高、 叶片数、 侧芽数和茎节数均表现为负增长。2龄幼虫优先取食顶芽嫩叶, 也取食老叶与茎杆, 在每株10头2龄幼虫的密度下, 接虫7 d后, 40%的植株死亡。3龄幼虫取食叶片与茎秆, 后期钻入茎秆中化蛹,在10头/株密度下,7 d后, 已引起52%的植株死亡, 存活株的茎节数显著减少。成虫可24 h连续取食植株的任何组织, 0.2头/株的密度下,空心莲子草叶片与侧芽数量已呈现负增长; 5头/株的密度下,空心莲子草的生物量、 株高、 叶片数、 侧芽数与茎节数均呈现较大的负增长; 10头/株的控草效果更加显著。  相似文献   

水稻穗期大螟危害习性初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯成玉  李昌华  程建华 《昆虫知识》2010,47(5):1011-1016
于2009年常规中稻的蜡熟前期、中期和黄熟期、枯熟期,分别取样观察大螟Sesamia inferens Walker的钻蛀危害习性。结果发现:单株螟害的蛀孔数一般为2~3个,多的达5个,而且表现白穗株>枯穗株>虫伤株。螟害株的蛀孔部位随着稻穗趋向成熟和大螟虫龄的增大,逐渐由稻株的中上部节间向中下部节间转移。其中,白穗株与枯穗株有70%以上的蛀孔分别分布于稻株由上向下的第1~3与3~5节间上;在水稻的这4个生长时期中,虫伤株有90%左右的蛀孔分别分布于稻株由上向下的第1~3、1~4和2~5、3~5节间上,全株虫量有85%以上依次分布于第1~3、2~4和3~5、3~5节间上,单株虫量4个时期最高分别为18、6、3、2头,同一节间内的4个时期最高虫量分别为12、5、1、1头;单个节间有多头螟虫时,80%以上为1~3龄幼虫。随着稻穗趋向成熟,白穗株和枯穗株上的虫量均逐渐下降,而虫伤株上的虫量则相对稳定或有上升的趋势;至枯熟期后,虫伤株的有虫株率和有虫孔率均稳定在30%以上。  相似文献   

再生稻田温室气体排放特征及碳足迹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究中国东南区域不同稻作方式对水稻生产过程中稻田温室气体排放特征及其碳足迹的影响,对促进水稻可持续生产有重要意义。本研究以当前推广的常规稻‘佳辐占'和杂交中稻‘甬优2640'为材料,构建4种适合福建不同生态类型区的稻作模式: 1) 双季稻,早稻和晚稻均种植佳辐占(D-J);2) 早熟再生稻,头季稻和再生季稻均种植佳辐占(R-J);3) 中熟再生稻,头季稻和再生季稻均种植甬优2640(R-Y);4) 单季晚稻,与中熟再生季稻同期抽穗的单季晚稻,种植甬优2640(S-Y)。采用密闭静态暗箱观测法和气相色谱法分别收集并检测稻田土壤温室气体排放量,借用生命周期法对不同稻作方式产生的直接和间接温室气体排放总量(即碳足迹)进行数据采集与比较分析。结果表明: 不同稻作方式稻田温室气体排放特征均表现为生育前期排放量较低,到孕穗期前后达到高峰后又下降,即全生育期呈前高后低的双峰曲线,其中早稻或头季稻达到的第1个峰值较相应晚稻或再生季稻的第2个峰值高。不同稻作模式稻田温室气体排放总量差异显著。各种植模式全球增温潜势(GWP)表现为:R-Y>D-J>S-Y>R-J,温室气体排放强度(GHGI)表现为:D-J>S-Y>R-Y>R-J;与双季稻模式相比,佳辐占再生稻模式GWP和GHGI分别降低26.1%和14.1%;与同期抽穗的单季晚稻相比,甬优2640再生季稻稻田GWP和GHGI分别降低74.3%和56.7%。不同稻作模式下水稻单位产量碳足迹为0.38~1.08 kg CO2-eq.·kg-1,其中双季稻模式下最高,再生稻模式下甬优2640的单位产量碳足迹最低。不同稻作模式产生的碳足迹主要来源于CH4,其贡献率高达44.2%~71.5%。可见,再生稻种植模式能显著降低水稻全球增温潜势和碳排放强度。选用高产低碳排放的水稻优良品种并配套科学栽培技术,是有效降低稻田CH4排放量和碳足迹、促进再生稻生产可持续发展的关键。  相似文献   

Amaranthus are worldwide attacked mainly by leaf chewers and sucker insects. Stem borers and leaf miners follow in importance, while minor herbivores are leaf rollers, folders, and rasping-sucking insects. The herbivorous community observed on Amaranthus spp. in Argentina was consistent with the information reported worldwide both in guild composition and order proportion. Amaranth plants had a higher number of phytophagous species in their native rather than in its introduced range. Occurrence of insect guilds differed in space and time. The highest density of leaf chewers was observed shortly after the emergence of plants, while higher density of borer and sucker insects coincided with reproductive stages of the crop. The sucking guild was observed mainly at panicles, while the insects within the leaf chewer group were registered in both leaves (92.6%, n?=?746 adults) and inflorescences (7.4%). The borer guild was also recorded in stems and inflorescences; however, the density of larvae in stems was about four times as high as the density observed in panicles (n?=?137 larvae).  相似文献   

Pot experiments were used to investigate the effect of root-feeding larvae of the soldier fly Inopus rubriceps (Macquart) on shoot production from sugarcane planting pieces (setts) and on growth and ratooning of sugarcane plants. Shoot elongation was inhibited while setts were exposed to larvae, and it resumed when larvae were removed. Infested setts produced a greater weight of roots than uninfested setts. Similar symptoms were induced by mechanical root pruning, suggesting that the effect of soldier fly larvae on setts may be a redirection of growth from the shoot to roots due to root damage. Larvae had a greater effect on shoot production at lower temperature, particularly in cultivar 'Q151', which had a higher temperature threshold than 'CP44-101'. Temperature and cultivar may influence the harmful effect of soldier fly larvae on sett germination by changing the differential rates of plant growth and larval feeding. When growing plants were exposed to larvae, the infested plants were slightly smaller at harvest and subsequently produced many fewer ratoon shoots from underground buds than uninfested plants. Shoot elongation from buds was also inhibited in setts cut from the above-ground stalks of infested plants. Analysis of nutrient levels in plants did not indicate the mechanism for ratooning inhibition, because levels of time 10 elements analyzed were at least as high or higher in infested plants. Infestation was associated with an increased level of sucrose and a reduced level of fructose in stalks. The inhibitory effect of larval feeding on ratooning was not reversed when larvae were removed from pots 10 wk before harvest. However, new stubble produced from infested plants then ratooned normally after a second harvest, provided the new roots were not attacked. The symptoms of larval feeding in growing plants are unexplained, but may be caused by the prolonged withdrawal of sap from roots or the injection of some inhibitory substance by larvae.  相似文献   

石斛篓象的生物学特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石斛篓象Nassophasis sp.为石斛的重要害虫之一,在云南普洱地区1年发生2~3代,世代重叠。3~4月和9~10月为幼虫发生高峰期,6月、12月为成虫发生高峰期。石斛篓象以幼虫蛀茎为害为主,成虫亦为害石斛茎、叶,石斛篓象对球花石斛为害最为严重。昼间取食的成虫数量关系为午后(13:00~14:00)>傍晚(17:30~18:30)>清晨(8:30~9:30);各时段成虫数量与平均温度有一定正相关;成虫在清晨较喜食叶,在午后、傍晚则较喜食茎。  相似文献   

Summary Growth response of rice stem borer larvae to rice plants treated with 2,4-D was investigated. In greenhouse rearing experiments, growth of the larvae was improved when they fed on 2,4-D treated plants. In aseptic rearing experiments, the larvae also grew better on stems of rice plants treated during growth with 2,4-D than on untreated stems. On the other hand, larval growth was not improved by addition of 2,4-D to a diet of sterilized rice stems. The nitrogen content of the 2,4-D treated plant is higher than that of the untreated plant. Because of the importance of nitrogenous compounds for larval growth, the improved growth on 2,4-D treated plants was apparently caused by the increased nitrogen content of the plants, and not as a direct effect of 2,4-D itself.Apparently the increased infestation of rice stem borer larvae on rice plants treated with 2,4-D arises because of the ability of such plants to support good larval growth.
Zusammenfassung Es wurden die Wachstumsreaktionen vonChilo suppressalis-Larven auf Reispflanzen untersucht, die mit 2,4-D behandelt worden waren. In Gewächshausaufzuchten verbesserte sich das Wachstum der Raupen, wenn sie mit 2,4-D-behandelten Pflanzen ernährt wurden. Auch in aseptischen Zuchtversuchen wuchsen die Larven besser an Halmen von Reispflanzen, die während des Aufwuchses mit 2,4-D behandelt worden waren, als an unbehandelten Stengeln. Andererseits wurde das larvale Wachstum durch Hinzufügen von 2,4-D zu einer Diät sterilisierter Reishalme nicht verbessert. Der Stickstoffgehalt der mit 2,4-D behandelten Pflanzen ist höher als der unbehandelter. In Anbetracht der Bedeutung stickstoffhaltiger Verbindungen für die Raupenernährung wird die Wachstumssteigerung auf 2,4-D-behandelten Pflanzen offensichtlich durch den erhöhten Stickstoffgehalt der Pflanzen verursacht und nicht durch eine direkte Wirkung des 2,4-D selbst.Der erhöhte Befall 2,4-D-behandelter Pflanzen durchChilo suppressalis beruht offensichtlich auf der Fähigkeit solcher Pflanzen, gutes Raupenwachstum zu unterstützen.

Summary To determine the degree of insect resistance in transgenic plants, different bioassays are used which typically use either whole plant or small pieces of leaves or stems of transgenic plants, following culture under greenhouse conditions. An in vitro insect-feeding bioassay is presented which permits the infestation of transgenic plantlets with newly hatched larvae from the striped stem borer. The bioassay consists of the germination of rice seeds in vitro using Murashige and Skoog medium in test tubes, and then infestation of each 3–4 cm long seedling with one neonate larva obtained from surfacesterilized eggs of Chilo suppressalis. The infested in vitro plantlets are kept in culture rooms at 25°C for several days and then the seedling damage and the growth of the larvae are analyzed. Senia (japonica variety) homozygous transgenic rice plants were used for these experiments. The plants were transformed with either the cry1B or the maize proteinase inhibitor (mpi) genes. Both genes confer resistance to Chilo suppressalis. With non-transformed plants the larvae grew and developed normally, feeding on the small rice plantlets. In contrast, with cry1B plants, the neonate larvae died during the first days of the infestation. These plantlets recovered completely and developed similarly to the non-infested control plants. With transgenic plants transformed with the mpi gene, the neonate larvae did not die but grew more slowly compared with the controls. Thus, this in vitro insect-feeding bioassay is a rapid and easy method to detect the resistance of cry and mpi transgenic plants to stem borers such as Chilo suppressalis.  相似文献   

二化螟水稻种群与茭白种群光周期反应的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道了用水稻和茭白分别饲养二化螟水稻种群和茭白种群的光周期反应。光周期反应曲线显示,用水稻饲养茭白种群或用茭白饲养水稻种群,无论是在短光照还是在长光照条件下,绝大多数幼虫被诱导进入滞育,丧失了各自原有的光周期反应特性,表明这两个种群已分化到仅适应其本身寄主的程度。用水稻饲养的茭白种群仅有5%~6%的个体化蛹,且其幼虫期较用茭白饲养的延长了15~18天;而用茭白饲养的水稻种群有30%~40%的个体化蛹,其幼虫期与水稻饲养的仅相差3~8天。茭白种群用水稻饲养时32日龄幼虫体重仅为茭白饲养的53.1%,而水稻种群用水稻饲养时32日龄幼虫体重为茭白饲养的79.5%。这些结果表明,茭白种群不适应取食水稻,而水稻种群对取食茭白则有一定的适应能力。根据这些结果,我们认为:(1)这两个种群已出现种下分化的迹象;(2)茭白种植不会对水稻田二化螟的发生产生大的影响。  相似文献   

The olfactory response of the sorghum plant bug, Stenotus rubrovittatus (Matsumura) (Het., Miridae), to rice, Oryza sativa L., and paddy weed, Scirpus juncoides Roxb. var. ohwianus T. Koyama, was investigated with an olfactometer to clarify the mechanism of the invasion of the bugs in paddy fields. Both adult females and males were significantly attracted to panicles of rice in the flowering and full‐ripe stages. Whole plants (aboveground parts) of rice in the panicle‐formation stage, and stems and leaves of rice in the flowering stage significantly attracted only adult females. Other rice structures tested did not attract males or females. Both males and females were attracted to the flowering spikelets of S. juncoides. Although females showed no olfactory response to stems of S. juncoides in the flowering stage, males were repelled by them. Only females were attracted to whole plants of flowering S. juncoides. Whole plants of S. juncoides in the spikelet‐formation stage significantly attracted only females. The findings suggest that the invasions of S. rubrovittatus into paddy fields are caused by their olfactory responses to the volatiles emitted from rice and some paddy weeds such as S. juncoides.  相似文献   

A 3-yr field experiment was conducted to evaluate the tolerance and compensatory response of rice (Oryza sativa L.) to injury caused by sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (F.), as affected by cultivar (Cocodrie, Francis, and Jefferson), stage of crop growth during which the injury occurred (third tiller stage, panicle differentiation stage, and heading stage), and sugarcane borer density. The proportion of rice tillers with sugarcane borer injury (leaf and leaf sheath injury and/or stem injury) was lower when injury occurred at the third tiller stage (0.05) than at panicle differentiation (0.19) and heading (0.18). When injury occurred at the two latter stages, both the proportion of tillers with injury and the proportion of tillers with stem injury were negatively correlated with rainfall. Rainfall resulted in dislodgement and mortality of sugarcane borer eggs and larvae before the larvae entered the stems. Rice plant density in this study (111.1 plants/m2) was higher than recorded for previous research on rice compensation using potted rice or conducted in low-density hill production systems (26.7-51.3 plants/m2). Two mechanisms of within-plant tolerance/compensation were observed. Stem injured plants produced approximately 0.69 more tillers than uninjured plants, whereas tillers with leaf and leaf sheath injury produced larger panicles, up to 39.5 and 21.0% heavier than uninjured tillers, when injury occurred at third tiller stage and at panicle differentiation, respectively. Rice yield was not reduced with up to 23% injured tiller and up to 10% injured stems at the third tiller stage, 42% injured tillers and 17% injured stems at panicle differentiation, and 28% injured tillers and 14% injured stems at heading. Significant between-plant compensation was not detected, suggesting competition between adjacent plants is not significantly reduced by injury. Our results suggest that rice can tolerate and/or compensate for a level of stem borer injury previously considered to be economically damaging.  相似文献   

Summary A study was conducted on the quantities of crop residues (stubbles) recycled into the soil after harvest with 2 early and 3 medium duration varieties of rice under irrigated culture. The addition of crop residues depended linearly on the total dry matter production of the plants. Dry matter (DM) of stubbles and the N content of the same showed a linear trend. The relationship between grain yield and N contribution through stubbles fitted to a linear regression. In early types the maximum N recycled is 16 kg/ha at an yield range of 4 to 6 t/ha while in medium types a maximum of 26 kg N/ha is recycled at the same yield level. The relationships between DM of stubbles and ‘P’ content of the stubbles and between grain yield and ‘P’ content of stubbles also turned out to be linear. The P content varied from 1 to 4 kg/ha in early types and 1 to 2 kg/ha in medium group. More N was recorded in the stubbles of the medium group while more P was found in the early duration varieties. There were clear varietal variations and the results were discussed in the light of the current literature.  相似文献   

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