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2016年11月,于西藏自治区墨脱县雅鲁藏布江支流哈果河中采集到一批墨头鱼属鱼类标本,经鉴定为一新种,命名为西藏墨头鱼(Garra tibetana sp. nov.)。该种曾一度被误认为Garra kempi Hora 1921。经形态对比,该新种与G. kempi及同属其他近似物种的主要鉴别特征包括:吻部具微弱额突,吻前端横叶及两侧有若干角质单尖棘突;胸腹部均有鳞片覆盖;背鳍分枝鳍条7? ~ 8?,臀鳍分枝鳍条4?;侧线鳞39 ~ 42,背前鳞13 ~ 14,围尾柄鳞12 ~ 13;体高为体长的13.5% ~ 17.6%,尾柄高为体长的8.8% ~ 11.0%,肛门至臀鳍起点为腹鳍起点至臀鳍起点距离的47% ~ 56%。  相似文献   

在整理华缨鱼属标本时发现,1993年9月在广西壮族自治区天峨县红水河水系地下河采集到的一批标本为一个未经发表的新种,新种订名为大眼华缨鱼(Sinocrossocheilus megalophthalmus)。其下咽齿2行,可与下咽齿3行的7种华缨鱼相区别,而与属内同样具2行下咽齿的贵州华缨鱼(S.guizhouensis)、小口华缨鱼(S.microstomatus)和宽唇华缨鱼(S.labiatus)亲缘关系较近。但:(1)新种胸鳍中点上方无黑斑,背鳍分枝鳍条7,腹鳍分枝鳍条7,背鳍前鳞15—16,眼大,头长为眼径2·5—3·1倍,眼径为头宽44·7%—57·8%,吻须后伸至前后鼻孔之间或眼前缘,口角须后伸至眼前缘至眼中之间或眼中至眼后缘之间,体长为尾柄高8·9—10·7倍,头长为吻长2·5—3·7倍,可与贵州华缨鱼(胸鳍中点上方有一明显黑斑,背鳍分枝鳍条8,腹鳍分枝鳍条8,背鳍前鳞12—14,头长为眼径4·0—5·0倍,眼径为头宽16·6%—20·7%,吻须后伸不达后鼻孔后缘,口角须后伸至眼前缘,体长为尾柄高7·2—8·2倍,头长为吻长1·9—2·2倍)相区别;(2)新种背鳍前鳞15—16,侧线鳞39—40,侧线上鳞4·5—5·5,背鳍分枝鳍条7,鳃耙13,腹鳍末端伸达肛门,眼径为头宽44·7%—57·8%,可与宽唇华缨鱼(背鳍前鳞22,侧线鳞42—45,侧线上鳞6·5,背鳍分枝鳍条8,鳃耙10,腹鳍末端不达肛门,眼径为头宽23·3%—30·0%)相区别;(3)新种与同水系的小口华缨鱼在鳍条数、侧线鳞、体色、斑纹等方面最为相似,但新种围尾柄鳞14/16,眼大,头长为眼径2·5—3·1倍,腹鳍末端伸达肛门,口角须后伸至眼前缘至眼中之间或眼中至眼后缘之间,吻皮边缘深裂成小穗,背鳍起点距吻端较距尾鳍基为近,背鳍长大于头长,体长为尾柄长4·8—5·9倍,头长为吻长2·5—3·7倍,尾柄长为尾柄高1·6—2·1倍,可与之(围尾柄鳞12,眼小,头为眼径4·4—4·6倍,腹鳍末端不达肛门,口角须伸达眼下方,吻皮边缘不开裂或开裂不明显,背鳍起点距吻端等于距尾鳍基,背鳍条约等于头长,体长为尾柄长6·1—6·4倍,头长为吻长2·1—2·4倍,尾柄长为尾柄高1·4—1·5倍)相区别。  相似文献   

云南红河水系金线鲃属鱼类一新种——西畴金线鲃   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文记述了采集自云南省文山州西畴县兴街镇干海子(红河水系)一洞穴的鲤科鲃亚科金线鲃属鱼类一新种,命名为西畴金线鲃(Sinocyclocheilus xichouensis Pan,Li,Yang et Chen sp.nov.)。该新种眼睛正常,背鳍末根不分枝,鳍条变粗变硬,后缘3/5具锯齿,与属内分布在邻近南盘江水系的已知种大眼金线鲃(S.macrophthalmus)、圭山金线鲃(S.guishanensis)、狭孔金线鲃(S.angustiporus)、侧条金线鲃(S.lateristritus)、丘北金线鲃(S.qiubeiensis)、滇池金线鲃(S.grahami)、曲靖金线鲃(S.qujingensis)、麻花金线鲃(S.maculatus)、紫色金线鲃(S.purpureus)及疑似红河水系易门金线鲃(S.yimenensis)相似。籍第一鳃弓外侧鳃耙9以下的特征,可与大眼金线鲃相区别;眼间距为体长的8.1%~9.9%,吻须后伸超过眼后缘,口角须后伸超过前鳃盖骨后缘,可与圭山金线鲃相区别;背鳍起点与腹鳍起点相对,体侧沿侧线无黑色横带,可与侧条金线鲃相区别;侧线鳞74~88,侧线上鳞20,侧线下鳞16,可与滇池金线鲃相区别;侧线弯曲,侧线鳞74~88,围尾柄鳞48,可与曲靖金线鲃相区别;背鳍前距为体长的47.1%~53.7%,背鳍基长为体长的12.8%~15.8%,臀鳍前距为体长的66.0%~71.0%,臀鳍长为体长的13.7%~17.1%,胸鳍前距为体长的26.0%~29.5%,尾柄长为体长的19.3%~24.7%,下颌长为体长的4.7%~7.0%,明显区别于易门金线鲃;全身被鳞,具侧线鳞,可与其分布邻近的麻花金线鲃和紫色金线鲃相区别;背鳍前鳞35~39,鳃耙6,眼间距为体长的8.1%~9.9%,可与狭孔金线鲃及丘北金线鲃相区别。  相似文献   

2017年10月—2018年4月,在我国北方的大凌河水系、黄河流域进行鱼类样本采集时,发现■属Zacco鱼类一新种,命名为中华■Zacco sinensis sp. nov.。该种最突出的特征为:成熟雄性个体腹鳍未到达肛门,鼻孔较大;侧线鳞为41~45,侧线上鳞为8;背鳍前长占体长的48.3%~52.2%。经形态比较,该新种与宽鳍■Zacco platypus在形态上相似,但两者存在明显差别:头长占体长的24.4%~27.1%(vs. 22.7%~24.8%),背鳍前长占体长的48.3%~52.2%(vs. 42.0%~47.6%),尾柄长占体长的16.8%~19.2%(vs. 20.6%~23.7%);鼻孔较大(vs.鼻孔较小)。该新种与同属的棘颊■Zacco acanthogenys形态区分特征为:腹鳍距肛门较远(vs.较近或到达);鼻孔较大(vs.鼻孔较小);眼睛上边缘红色(vs.黑色);侧线上鳞为8(vs. 9或10)。基于线粒体细胞色素b基因的序列变异显示,中华■与宽鳍■和棘颊■间的平均遗传距离分别达到0.048和0.081,支持它们为不同的物种。  相似文献   

Zhu DG  Zhu Y  Lan JH 《动物学研究》2011,32(2):204-207
该文记述了采自广西贺州市贺江水系——洞穴的鲤科鲃亚科金线鲃属鱼类一新种,命名为黄田金线鲃(Sinocyclocheilus huangtianensis Zhu,Zhu et Lan sp.nov.)。新种眼睛正常,背鳍末根不分枝鳍条柔软,后缘无锯齿,与属内同分布在贺江水系的已知种季氏金线鲃及邻近漓江水系的桂林金线鲃相似,但新种侧线鳞为52~59枚,侧线上鳞17~23,侧线下鳞16~17,围尾柄鳞40~46,鳃耙9~10,眼径为体长的4.3%~5.4%,眼间距为体长的9.2%~9.6%,口宽为体长的6.0%~7.3%,与季氏金线鲃和桂林金线鲃有明显区别。  相似文献   

中国麦穗鱼属一新种(鲤形目,鲤科)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
作者于2001年在广东省潮州市凤凰山天池采到鲤科鱼类8尾,经鉴定为1新种,定名为断线麦穗鱼Pseudorasbora interrupta sp.nov..新种口上位、无口须,归入麦穗鱼属.新种与同属的麦穗鱼Pseudorasbora parva(Temminck et Schlegel)相似,但有如下鉴别特征:侧线不完全,侧线鳞仅7~15枚;体较低,不及头长;上颌骨侧突和下颌骨冠状突较不发达.  相似文献   

西双版纳发现圆唇鱼   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
查看云南大学生物系收藏的鱼类标本时,发现1号圆唇鱼标本,1984年4月采自云南省西双版纳州勐腊。经鉴定系短须圆唇鱼Cyclocheilichthys repasson(Bleeker),现将其主要性状简记如下:短须圆唇鱼Cyclocheilichthys repasson(Bleeker)全长86毫米,体长70毫米,体长为体高的3.2倍,为头长的3.7倍。尾柄长与其高约相等。背鳍条3,8;臀鳍条3,6;胸鳍条1,16;腹鳍条1,9。鳃耙7。侧线鳞(数至最末1枚具孔鳞片)37,侧线上鳞6.5,侧线下鳞(至腹鳍起点)4.5;背鳍前鳞12;围尾柄鳞18。口端位,上颌略突出。缺上颌须,一对口角须极微小。唇后沟在颏部相通,但较浅。头背…  相似文献   

本文记述两栖纲蝾螈目蝾螈科一新种,新种具肥螈属(Pachytriton)系列特征,与肥螈属已知2种比较有明显区别.如1)本新种与黑斑肥螈(Pachytriton brevipes)相似,体表具黑色小圆斑,但新种具额鳞弓、上鳃骨直而与后者不同;无斑肥螈(Pachytriti on labiatus)(地模标本)虽具额鳞弓,但上鳃骨明显弯曲,体表无黑色小圆斑;2) 新种吻短,吻长小于眼间距,黑斑肥螈吻长大于眼间距,无斑肥螈吻长大于或等于眼间距, 它们的头型明显不同,虽然三者头长均大于头宽,但头长、吻长、眼间距差异显著;3)繁 殖期新种雄体肛区不明显肿胀,肛裂周边中、后部生殖乳突长,而且多,十分醒目;黑斑肥 螈和无斑肥螈繁殖期肛区明显肿胀膨大,生殖乳突较短、且稀.经统计分析三种肥螈的头体长、头长、头宽、吻长和眼间距存在显著差异  相似文献   

鲤科Cyprinda野鲮亚科Labeonina的墨头鱼属Garra和盆唇鱼属Placocheilus的分类地位一直存在争议,争议的焦点在于盆唇鱼属是否为一独立有效的属。本研究试图通过鳞片的显微结构比较,寻找新的分类学证据。结果显示,依据鳞片的形状、侧区鳞纹上粒状突的有无和鳞焦形态的组合,可将2个属的18种鱼划分为3类;依据鼻孔前方鼻突的有无和口吸盘后游离缘的发达程度,也可将这18种鱼划分为3群。比较前后两项结果,在类群的划分名录中仅有西藏墨头鱼和腾冲墨头鱼2种的位置不符,其余的种类均呈一一对应关系。研究结果提示,墨头鱼属和盆唇鱼属均应该是有效的独立属,但原来划分归入墨头鱼属和盆唇鱼属的种类有必要重新进行分类整理,以客观反映各物种真实和自然的分类归属。  相似文献   

广西岭鳅属鱼类一新种——大鳞岭鳅记述   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
2008年6月20日,在广西壮族自治环江毛南县大才乡神龙宫(河)采集到一批条鳅标本。经鉴定,这批条鳅为岭鳅属(Oreonectes)一新种。新种大鳞岭鳅(O. macrolepis)属于叉尾岭鳅种组(O. furcocaudalis group)。但新种全身被有细密的鳞片;具5—12个侧线孔;眶下管孔3+7,眶上管孔为7—8;体长为尾柄高的7.0—10.8倍;头长为鼻孔处头宽的2.3—2.7倍;头长为最大头宽的1.4—1.8倍。这些特征可将新种与该种组内的其他种类相区分。  相似文献   

A new deepwater species, Enneapterygius velatus sp. nov. (Perciformes: Tripterygiidae), is described from two male specimens from Ryukyu Island, southern Japan, the holotype having been collected at a depth of 55 m and an underwater photograph taken between 30 and 41 m depth. The new species is characterized by an extremely long first dorsal-fin spine (length 31.6–34.0 % of SL), the first dorsal-fin spine bases close together, first dorsal-fin base length less than half the distance between the base of the third spine of the first dorsal-fin and origin of second dorsal-fin, first dorsal-fin spine base with developed inclinator muscles, long pelvic fins (tip of second ray extending beyond anal-fin origin), large body scales (8 circumpeduncular scales), the supratemporal sensory canals deeply U-shaped in dorsal view, snout profile weakly rounded, abdomen from between pelvic-fin bases to anal-fin origin covered by cycloid scales, body lacking significant blackish blotches and caudal-fin base with scattered melanophores in preserved specimens.  相似文献   

Yang J  Wu TJ  Lan JH 《动物学研究》2011,32(5):566-571
2007年4月,在广西壮族自治区环江县川山镇乐衣村附近一洞穴采集到一批盲鳅类标本。经鉴定,为高原鳅属(Triplophysa)鱼类一新种,被命名为环江高原鳅(Triplophysa huangjiangensis)。该新种以以下组合特征与高原鳅属的其他已知种类相区别:无眼;通体无鳞;尾鳍分叉;尾柄上、下叶具发达的软鳍褶;背鳍后缘平截;背鳍起点距尾鳍基的距离短于距吻端的距离;背鳍分枝鳍条数为8~9;胸鳍分枝鳍条数为10~11;腹鳍分枝鳍条数为6~7;臀鳍分枝鳍条数为6;尾鳍分枝数为13~14;胸鳍长为胸鳍起点至腹鳍起点间距的52.3%~70.7%;腹鳍起点位于背鳍起点之前下方;外侧吻须最长,为侧面头长的47.0%~73.8%;前鼻孔位于一短管中,末端延长呈须状;鳔后室发达,末端可伸达腹鳍起点。  相似文献   

MC Chiang  IS Chen 《ZooKeys》2012,(216):57-72
A new species of triplefin fish (Blenniiformes: Tripterygiidae), Helcogramma williamsi, is described from six specimens collected from southern Taiwan. This species is well distinguished from its congeners by possessing 13 second dorsal-fin spines; third dorsal-fin rays modally 11; anal-fin rays modally 19; pored scales in lateral line 22-24; dentary pore pattern modally 5+1+5; lobate supraorbital cirrus; broad, serrated or palmate nasal cirrus; first dorsal fin lower in height than second; males with yellow mark extending from anterior tip of upper lip to anterior margin of eye and a whitish blue line extending from corner of mouth onto preopercle. Comparisons and a diagnostic key are provided for the species of Helcogramma now known from Taiwan: Helcogramma fuscipectoris, Helcogramma inclinata, Helcogramma striata, Helcogramma trigloides, and the newly recorded, Helcogramma rhinoceros.  相似文献   

Barbus xanthos, a new species, is described from the Eşen, Dalaman, Tersakan and Büyük Menderes rivers in south-western Anatolia. It differs from other Barbus species in the adjacent basins by having 53–60 lateral line scales, a weakly ossified last unbranched dorsal-fin ray (about 33–50%), numerous small irregular-shaped black or dark-brown spots smaller than scales, often forming large, black or dark-brown blotches on back and flank in juveniles and adults, and a straight or slightly convex posterior dorsal-fin margin. B. xanthos differs from its most closely related congener, B. pergamonensis, by nine nucleotide substitution sites in the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I barcode region.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Sinocyclocheilus is described based on specimens collected from Zuojiang River drainage, Guangxi, China. The new species, named Sinocyclocheilus jinxiensis, is distinguished from all congeners by its vestigial eyes, short barbels, long pectoral fin, eight to nine branched dorsal-fin rays, last unbranched dorsal-fin ray soft with serrations on posterior edge of its lower part, and 38–41 lateral line scales.  相似文献   

A new perchlet species is described on the basis of four specimens collected from southwestern Taiwan. It is similar to congeners with relatively few lateral-line scales (35–38) and can be distinguished by having third to sixth dorsal-fin spines notably long; eighth and ninth dorsal-fin spines notably short; developed gill rakers 1 + 7–8; scale rows between lateral line and sixth dorsal-fin spine 4 (the dorsalmost half-sized); tip of upper corner of caudal fin reddish; four reddish bands midlaterally on body with groups of melanophores in these bands. DNA barcoding analysis reveals the new species is a distinct lineage and closest to Chelidoperca microdon. The average interspecific genetic distance calculated by the K2P model is 15.4%, whereas the mean distance from the new species to C. microdon is 18.3%. The inferred phylogenetic tree supports monophyly of Chelidoperca. Including the new species, six nominal species of Chelidoperca are recognized in Taiwanese waters.  相似文献   

A new cyprinid fishGarra manipurensis is described from the Manipur River of Manipur State, India. The species differs fromG. annandalei Hora of Darjeeling Himalayas in the interorbital distance, number of rows of scales and position of vent. The fish is also different fromG. lissorhynchus (McClelland) of the Brahmaputra Drainage and the Assam Himalayas in the coloration of dorsal and caudal fins and scales on the belly.  相似文献   

A rare epigonid fish, Epigonus ctenolepis Mochizuki and Shirakihara 1983, is redescribed in detail on the basis of two type specimens (90.0??8.0?mm standard length, SL) and an additional specimen (128.8?mm SL) collected from Suruga Bay, Japan, and compared with related species of Epigonus. The species is characterized by the following combination of characters: first dorsal-fin rays VII, second dorsal-fin rays I, 9??0, vertebrae 10?+?15, pored lateral-line scales 52??3 (hypural end 48??9?+?caudal fin 4), pyloric caeca 9??1, total gill rakers 24??5, presence of a pungent opercular spine, lateral-line scales ctenoid, absence of a maxillary mustache-like process, and absence of a rib on the last abdominal vertebra. A key to the Epigonus species characterized by a pungent opercular spine is provided.  相似文献   

Psilorhynchus ngathanu, a new psilorhynchid species, is described from the Dutah River, Chindwin Basin in Manipur, India. The new species is distinct from its congeners in the absence of scales from the midventral region between the pectoral fins, the presence of two rows of spots on the dorsal-fin rays and two black bars on the caudal fin, v–vi unbranched pectoral-fin rays, and 10 + 9 principal caudal-fin rays.  相似文献   

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