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生境因子对岩质边坡生态恢复过程中植被多样性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对舟山市已生态恢复的岩质边坡进行植物群落调查,记录了36个不同生境条件下边坡样地中的植物种及生境因子,计算了4个植物物种多样性指数,利用广义线性混合模型分析了生境因子与边坡植被多样性交化的关系,以揭示生境因子对岩质边坡生态恢复植被的影响.结果表明:从1 a到7 a的岩质边坡生态恢复过程中,坡位对边坡植被多样性的影响最显著(P<0.05),不同坡位的Shannon-Wiener指数、Margalef指数、物种丰富度差异明显,其变化呈现一致的趋势为下坡>中坡>上坡;坡向与Margalef指数显著相关(P<0.05),从阳坡、半阳坡、半阴坡到阴坡,植被多样性呈总体上升趋势;随着边坡恢复年限的延长,边坡植被多样性逐渐增加,但没有表现出统计学意义上的差异(P>0.05);坡度、海拔、土壤厚度对边坡植被多样性的变化无明显影响(P>0.05);Pielou均匀度指数与各个生境因子均无显著关系,在边坡植被恢复过程中基本保持稳定的状态.因此,坡位、坡向是影响岩质边坡生态恢复过程中植被多样性最重要的因子;Margalef丰富度指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数是岩质边坡生态恢复过程中植物群落变化的主要指示因子.  相似文献   

岩质公路边坡生态恢复土壤特性与植物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘树林  辜彬  李家祥 《生态学报》2012,32(20):6404-6411
以深圳市盐田港高速公路岩质边坡上历经10a的植被恢复边坡为研究对象,在厚层基材喷附、客土喷附、自然复绿3种边坡生态恢复方式下,重点分析和研究了土壤理化性质与酶活性、植物多样性、土壤特性与植物多样性之间的相关性。结果表明:3种生态恢复方式下,1)土壤含水量、养分与酶活性均呈现出厚层基材喷附边坡>客土喷附边坡>自然复绿边坡的分布差异;2)3种生态恢复方式的植物群落指数均偏低,群落演替仍处于灌草植物群落阶段;3)土壤特性同植物多样性之间存在明显的相关关系,即土壤速效氮与均匀度指数存极显著的正相关,与木本层多样性指数存显著的正相关;土壤全磷与均匀度指数存显著的负相关;土壤有效磷与丰富度指数、多样性指数及均匀度指数都存极显著的负相关;土壤全钾与丰富度指数存极显著的负相关,与草本层多样性指数存显著的负相关;土壤速效钾与均匀度指数存极显著的负相关;土壤蔗糖酶活性与草本均匀度指数存显著的负相关。该调查研究有助于对岩质边坡这类特殊生境下植被恢复基础生态资料的积累,其结果可为边坡生态恢复工程技术方法的开发、设计、施工,调控植被演替速度和预期植被恢复绩效等提供依据。  相似文献   

高速公路弃土场堆积边坡的生态防护试验   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高速公路弃土场边坡的生态恢复与水土保持是公路建设环境保护的重要内容.在京珠高速公路粤境南段3号弃土场开展试验,探讨弃土场堆积边坡的生态防护技术及其应用效果.结果表明:弃土场采用香根草(Vetiveria zizaniodes)生态护坡技术,香根草在无养护措施的情况下能够快速生长形成密集草带,并具先锋植物的优势,1年后坡面植被覆盖率达100%,乡土植物种类增加到16种以上;而对照坡面植被自然恢复缓慢,仅生长少量本地杂草,植被覆盖率只有15%.香根草护坡效果显著,坡面土壤流失量比对照小区减少95.41%,边坡稳定,在一定程度上可代替浆砌片石骨架植草护坡措施.因此,高速公路弃土场边坡可大力推广应用香根草生态护坡技术.  相似文献   

公路边坡人工恢复植被后土壤动物群落变化及多样性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对内蒙古中部呼集高速卓资段的公路边坡人工恢复植被后土壤动物群落进行研究,探讨人工恢复植被前后土壤动物的数量组成、结构,揭示人工恢复植被后土壤动物多样性变化规律及其影响因素,为路域生态恢复与生态建设提供科学依据.研究表明公路边坡人工恢复植被后土壤动物的种类和数量急剧增加.未进行人工恢复植被的裸露边坡没有大型土壤动物.不论是人工恢复植被当年还是人工恢复植被1年后,西北坡大型和中小型土壤动物的数量均高于东南坡.人工植被恢复的时间不同,大型土壤动物类群数量差异显著,个体数量差异不显著,中小型土壤动物类群数量和个体数量差异均显著.土壤动物的种类组成和个体数量随着人工恢复植被时间发生变化.隐翅虫及蜘蛛,线虫、节跳虫、辐螨、革螨和甲螨它们之间相关性大,经常共同出现在人工恢复植被后各边坡,并且个体数量多.无论是大型土壤动物还是中小型土壤动物个体数量和类群数量的垂直分布均具表聚性.土壤动物的多样性受土壤pH值和有机质、全P、全N含量的影响.土壤含水量对中小型土壤动物的多样性的影响较大.通过对土壤环境因子的主成分分析结果表明,0~5cm和5~10cm的土壤含水量为主导因子.  相似文献   

表土在彭湖高速公路低缓边坡生态恢复中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取江西省彭泽至湖口高速公路沿线5个典型低缓边坡试验点,利用表土生态恢复,采用样线法调查1年后的试验边坡植物的生长情况。结果表明:在彭湖高速公路低缓边坡利用表土资源进行边坡生态恢复是可行的,各种利用表土的试验设计均取得了较好的恢复效果,其中,边坡覆盖7~10cm中层厚度表土后采取人工撒播恢复方式,边坡植物群落的Simpson多样性指数(平均0.80)及Pielou均匀度指数(平均0.84)相对较高,恢复效果较好;同时,此试验条件下生物量的积累值(平均446g.m-2)和木本植被的群落重要值(平均14.5)都显著高于其他恢复方式,这有利于群落结构的稳定和延续。  相似文献   

深圳市高速公路边坡和采石场植被恢复技术   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
因此 ,基于高速公路边坡和采石场没有植被生长的基本条件 ,治理难度大 ,迫切需要进一步开展采石场近自然 (接近自然植物群落 )生态修复技术的试验研究。本文系统分析总结了近年来深圳市在高速公路边坡、采石场植被恢复过程中 ,所采用的种子喷射、植物袋、植物砌块等主要技术及其存在的问题 ,为进一步开展高速公路边坡、采石场近自然生态修复技术的开发研究提供参考  相似文献   

高速公路边坡植被恢复研究进展   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
刘春霞  韩烈保 《生态学报》2007,27(5):2090-2098
我国高速公路边坡植被恢复研究严重滞后于高速公路建设,极大地制约了高速公路生态型绿色通道建设的发展。通过回顾国内外公路边坡植被恢复的主要研究内容,即植被恢复技术研究、植物选择与配置的研究、养护与管理的研究、植被群落的研究和路域生态环境的研究,并比较分析,明确了我国植被恢复研究落后的现状,指出了我国在各个研究领域的不足之处,和导致公路植被恢复失败的主导因素,为未来边坡植被恢复的研究提供了明确的研究方向。  相似文献   

岷江干旱河谷生态环境脆弱,植被恢复困难,大规模的公路建设极易对当地生态环境造成破坏。筛选适宜的植被恢复措施对干旱地区道路边坡的乡土植被恢复重建和生态功能提升尤为重要。以岷江干旱河谷极端退化的土石混合的道路边坡为案例,选取乡土灌木和草本植物构建植物群落,进行裸地播种、播种后覆盖纤维毯和添加腐殖土后播种并地表覆盖纤维毯3种不同的种植处理,揭示了不同处理下群落结构、土壤改良以及水土保持效益的差异。发现,乡土灌草群落是干旱河谷适宜的道路边坡植被恢复模式,种植后第3年群落特征趋近于岷江干旱河谷区自然生态系统的多年生灌草植被。纤维毯覆盖+覆土处理在促进植物生长和群落构建,水土流失防治上效果最好,群落总盖度为74%,群落总生物量为506.35 g/m2;生长季内,与自然恢复相比小区径流量减少了87.8%,泥沙流失量降低了92.1%。土壤改良效应在3种处理之间差异不明显,但是与自然恢复样地相比,各处理均提升了边坡0—20 cm土层土壤养分。不同种植处理下植物群落结构差异是影响干旱河谷土石混合的道路边坡水土流失的关键因子。  相似文献   

遂渝铁路边坡草本植物多样性季节动态和空间分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王倩  艾应伟  裴娟  刘浩  李伟  答竹君  郭培俊 《生态学报》2010,30(24):6892-6900
以遂渝铁路边坡植物群落为研究对象,自然边坡为对照,分别于2008年9月、12月、2009年3月和6月对其进行植物调查。采用Margalef指数、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou指数等指标评价不同季节、坡位和植被类型条件下草本植物多样性的变化。结果表明:在时间尺度上,铁路边坡坡中物种丰富度呈现明显的季节性差异(P<0.05),以秋季最大为2376;铁路边坡各坡位草本植物多样性和均匀度指数也呈现显著季节性变化(P<0.05),且变化规律一致:春季>夏季>冬季>秋季;与铁路边坡不同,自然边坡草本植物丰富度、多样性和均匀度指数变化趋势不明显(P>0.05)。在空间分布上,坡位对铁路边坡物种丰富度影响显著(P<0.05),其中,夏季坡上植物丰富度最大为2.164,春季、秋季和冬季丰富度最大值均在坡中最大,分别为2.261、2.376和1.983;坡位仅对自然边坡秋季物种丰富度和均匀度影响显著(P<0.05),其中,物种丰富度表现为坡上>坡下>坡中,而均匀度为坡中>坡上>坡下。不同植被类型的物种丰富度、多样性和均匀度也有较大差异,自然边坡物种多样性明显大于铁路边坡,总体上自然边坡植被恢复优于铁路边坡。因此,加强对植被恢复的管理是铁路边坡生态恢复的重要环节。  相似文献   

李国强  马克明  傅伯杰 《生态学报》2006,26(12):4127-4134
退化生态系统恢复是保障区域生态安全的重要途径之一。在生态系统结构功能严重受损,威胁到区域生态安全时,通过引入物种进行主动的植被恢复可以有效地加速生态系统恢复进程,维护区域生态安全。但是区域尺度的植被恢复是一项规模浩大的工程,其效果和影响难以立即显现。为了评估区域植被恢复的生态风险,根据岷江上游干旱河谷区域植被恢复格局的设计结果,预测了区域植被恢复对生态安全的影响。通过对比分析现状植被盖度及生物多样性与植被恢复格局预测结果的差异,对区域植被恢复的效果进行评价,认为尽管植被恢复格局设计使部分区域生物多样性下降,但它整体提高了地表植被覆盖度,增强了抵御土壤侵蚀的能力。对保障区域生态安全具有积极的效果。  相似文献   

Abstract. Patterns of plant succession were studied in areas of scorched and blown-down forest resulting from the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington. Changes in species abundance were observed for 7 years in permanent sample plots representing four post-disturbance habitats, or site types. Total plant cover and species richness increased with time on all site types. In blown-down forests supporting snowpack at the time of eruption, understory recovery was dominated by the vegetative regeneration of species persisting through disturbance. In forests without snowpacks, plant survival was poorer. Increases in cover and diversity were dominated first by introduced grasses, then by colonizing forbs characteristic of early successional sites. Epilo-bium angustifolium and Anaphalis margaritacea showed widespread recruitment and clonal expansion throughout the devastated area. As a result, species composition on previously forested sites converged toward that on formerly clearcut sites, where early serai forbs resprouted vigorously from beneath the tephra. Total plant cover and species diversity were poorly correlated with post-disturbance habitat and general site characteristics (e.g. distance from the crater, elevation, slope, and aspect). However, distributions of several life-forms (e.g. low sub-shrubs and tall shrubs) were strongly correlated with depth of burial by tephra and with cover of tree rootwads. Thus, early community recovery may reflect microsite variation or chance survival and recruitment rather than broad-scale gradients in environment or disturbance. Recovery of pre-disturbance composition and structure will undoubtedly be much slower than after other types of catastrophic disturbance. The rate and direction of community recovery will largely depend on the degree to which original understory species survived the eruption.  相似文献   

An ecosystem is generally sustained by a set of integrated physical elements forming a functional landscape unit—ecotope, which supplies nutrients, microclimate, and exchanges matter and energy with the wider environment. To better predict environmental change effects on ecosystems, particularly in critically sensitive regions such as high altitudes, it is imperative to recognise how their natural landscape heterogeneity works at different scales to shape habitats and sustain biotic communities prior to major changes. We conducted a comprehensive survey of catchment physical, geological and ecological properties of 380 high-altitude lakes and ponds in the axial Pyrenees at a variety of scales, to formulate and test an integrated model encompassing major flows and interactions that drive lake ecosystems. Three composite drivers encompassed most of the variability in lake catchment characteristics. In order of total percentage of variance explained, they were (i) hydrology/hydrodynamics—responsible for type and discharge of inlets/outlets, and for waterbody size; (ii) bedrock geomorphology, summarising geology, slope and fractal order—all dictating vegetation cover of catchment slope and lake shore, and the presence of aquatic vegetation; and (iii) topography, that is, catchment formation type—driving lakes connectivity, and the presence of summer snow deposits. Although driver (i) appeared to be local, (ii) and (iii) showed gradient changes along altitude and latitude. These three drivers differentiated several lake ecotopes based on their landscape similarities. The three-driver model was successfully tested on a riparian vegetation composition dataset, further illustrating the validity and fundamental nature of the concept. The findings inform on the relative contribution of scale-dependent catchment physical elements to lake ecotope and ecosystem formation in high-altitude lakes, which should be considered in any assessment of potentially major deleterious effects due to environmental/climate change.  相似文献   


Reef monitoring programmes often focus on limited sites, predominantly on reef slope areas, which do not capture compositional variability across zones. This study assessed spatial and temporal changes in hard coral cover at four hierarchical spatial scales. ~ 55,000, geo-referenced photoquadrats were collected annually from 2002 to 2018 and analysed using artificial intelligence for 31 sites across reef flat and reef slope zones on Heron Reef, Southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Trends in hard coral cover were examined at three spatial scales: (1) “reef scale”, all data; (2) “geomorphic zone scale”—north/south reef slope, inner/outer reef flat; and (3) “site scale”—31 sites. Coral cover trajectories were also examined at: (4) “sub-site scale”—sub-division of sites into 567 sub-sites, to estimate variability in coral cover trajectories via spatial statistical modelling. At reef scale coral cover increased over time to 25.6 ± 0.4 SE % in 2018 but did not recover following disturbances caused by disease (2004–2008), cyclonic conditions (2009) or severe storms (2015) to the observed pre-disturbance level (44.0 ± 0.7 SE %) seen in 2004. At geomorphic zone scale, the reef slope had significantly higher coral cover than the reef flat. Trends of decline and increase were visible in the slope zones, and the southern slope recovered to pre-decline levels. Variable coral cover trends were visible at site scale. Furthermore, sub-site spatial modelling captured eight years of coral recovery that occurred at different times and magnitudes across the four geomorphic zones, effectively estimating variability in the trajectory of the reef’s coral community. Derived spatial predictions for the entire reef show patchy coral recovery, particularly on the southern slope, and that recovery hotspots are distributed across the reef. These findings suggest that to fully understand and interpret coral decline or recovery on a reef, more accurate assessment can be achieved by examining sites distributed within different geomorphic zones to capture variation in exposure, depth and consolidation.


对高原鼢鼠鼠丘不同坡位和不同坡向的植被性状进行了连续3年的监测,对比分析了不同坡位和坡向对植被恢复的影响,并对其作用机理进行了初步探讨.结果表明:(1)物种数、盖度、多度等植被性状在丘体不同坡位和坡向间均存在一定程度的差异,证明丘体坡位和坡向是影响鼠丘植被恢复速率和植被性状的重要因素;(2)不同坡位植被恢复速率的顺序是:丘缘>丘腰>丘顶,造成这种差异的主要原因是微地形对土壤水肥条件和繁殖体源的影响;(3)不同坡向恢复速率的顺序是:西坡>北坡>东坡>南坡,造成这种差异的原因在很大程度上取决于微地貌对土壤肥力及光照资源的再分配.  相似文献   

Iman Haghiyan 《农业工程》2018,38(6):391-393
In this study the effects of environmental factors on some vegetative characteristics of Quercus brantii was investigated in Kouh gachan, Ilam, West of Iran, using multivariate analysis. Therefore 64 sample plots with a size of 200?m2 were considered for measuring the vegetative parameters. Some environmental factors such as slope, aspect and soil depth were recorded in all sample plots. The Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) was used to investigate the relation between vegetative parameters and environmental factors. Redundancy analysis (RDA) analysis was also used to interpret the results. The results of DCA analysis showed that the effect of environmental factors on vegetation cover is significant. Slope had the smallest and the soil depth had the biggest effect on vegetative characteristics of Quercus brantii. The results also confirmed the usage of RDA analysis for investigating the relationship between environmental factors and vegetative characteristics.  相似文献   

Zeng F P  Peng W X  Song T Q  Wang K L  Wu H Y  Song X J  Zeng Z X 《农业工程》2007,27(12):5110-5119
Variations of plant vegetation and spatial distribution were investigated in the areas of 4 types of typical disturbance, which had been under natural restoration for 22 years in the Karst area in northwestern Guangxi while the climax plant community was utilized as control. The slope scale and disturbance theory were used to study the plant diversity in the whole area and selected plots. It is clear that the disturbance had resulted in severe loss of plant species, and only 241 species of vascular plants that belong to 91 families and 206 genera survived in disturbed areas, accounting only for 26.6% of those in the natural reserve area. The consequent succession of 6 types of plant vegetation was sparse grass of rocky desertification, grass, shrub, liana-shrub, deciduous broad-leaved forest and mixed segment of evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest. The height, coverage, biomass and species diversity of plants decreased sharply with slope elevating, and the plant density appeared with normal distribution. Compared with the natural reserve area, all indices of plant vegetation in disturbed areas were much worse. Furthermore, different types of disturbance showed various affections on natural vegetative restoration, among which tilling after the whole slope was set on fire caused the worst impact and rocky desertification was the consequence, followed by depasturing after the whole slope was set on fire. Cutting was selective disturbance, and the vegetative restoration in the area with combination of cutting, grazing and setting on fire on the upper slope was relatively fast; however, it was even better in the area with combination of cutting and setting the upper slope on fire. In our studies, 4 strategies for vegetative recovery, using both natural and artificial approaches, were established, which were suitable for the Karst area in northwestern Guangxi.  相似文献   

遥感探测土地植被覆盖指数的准确度评估   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
GIS数据的准确度一直是GIS应用的考虑事项。用虚例和实例揭示了土地植被覆盖指数的准确度与图像分类的准确度之间的复杂关系,并进一步用数学方式进行了解释。土地植被覆盖指数的准确度取决于图像分类准确度,但与分类总准确度没有直接关系。用户和产家准确度比总准确度对土地植被覆盖指数的准确度具有更直接的控制,所以在图像分类报告中不应被忽略为了保证土地植被覆盖指数的准确度,某土地类型的用户和产家准确度应该尽可能一致,同时要使得这两个准确度数值越高越好。  相似文献   

桂西北喀斯特人为干扰区植被自然恢复22年后群落特征   总被引:26,自引:7,他引:26  
采用全面调查和样方调查的方法,以坡面为尺度,以顶极群落为对照,运用干扰理论和多样性分析方法,研究了桂西北喀斯特4类典型干扰区自然恢复22a之后植被特征及空间分布的变化。结果表明,干扰区的物种多样性丧失严重,共出现维管束植物91科206属241种,仅有自然保护区的26.6%,6种植被类型的顺向演替系列为石漠化稀疏草丛→草丛→灌丛→藤刺灌丛→落叶阔叶林→常绿落叶阔叶混交林片段。随着坡位的上升,群落的高度、盖度、生物量和物种多样性急剧下降。密度则呈少、多、次少的单峰分布状态,各项指标均远低于自然保护区。不同干扰方式对植被自然恢复的影响不同,其中整坡火烧+垦殖的破坏性最大,呈现了石漠化景观,整坡火烧+放牧次之,采樵属选择性干扰,采樵+放牧+坡脚火烧的恢复相对较快,没有放牧干扰的采樵+坡脚火烧恢复更好。此外还针对性地提出了桂西北喀斯特干扰区在不同立地类型上人工与自然相结合的4条植被恢复途径。对因各种人为干扰导致的桂西北喀斯特生态系统处于极度退化状态下的植被恢复建设和生态重建具有重要的理论价值和实际意义。  相似文献   

del Barrio  J.  Luis-Calabuig  E.  Tárrega  R. 《Plant Ecology》1999,145(2):191-195
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi uses vegetative resprouting to recover rapidly after disturbances. This study aims to widen knowledge of its regeneration response, so it was subjected to experimental cutting and burning. Fifteen pairs of small circular plots (50 cm diameter) were situated at random in an area where this species is abundant and forms homogeneous carpets with close to 100% cover. One plot of each pair was burned and the other one was cut. Initial biomass was estimated as dry weight from the cut plots. A 50 cm diameter circular sampling quadrat, divided into two concentric circles, was used in order to determine cover recovery and the way in which this occurred (predominantly by colonization from outside or uniformly over the whole surface). Initial recovery was very fast after both disturbances, exceeding 30% cover from the fourth month. Recovery of aboveground biomass was also similar on comparing both types of disturbance, but statistically significant differences with respect to initial values were detected.  相似文献   

Tropical reefs are dynamic ecosystems that host diverse coral assemblages with different life-history strategies. Here, we quantified how juvenile (<50 mm) coral demographics influenced benthic coral structure in reef flat and reef slope habitats on the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Permanent plots and settlement tiles were monitored every six months for three years in each habitat. These environments exhibited profound differences: the reef slope was characterised by 95% less macroalgal cover, and twice the amount of available settlement substrata and rates of coral settlement than the reef flat. Consequently, post-settlement coral survival in the reef slope was substantially higher than that of the reef flat, and resulted in a rapid increase in coral cover from 7 to 31% in 2.5 years. In contrast, coral cover on the reef flat remained low (~10%), whereas macroalgal cover increased from 23 to 45%. A positive stock-recruitment relationship was found in brooding corals in both habitats; however, brooding corals were not directly responsible for the observed changes in coral cover. Rather, the rapid increase on the reef slope resulted from high abundances of broadcast spawning Acropora recruits. Incorporating our results into transition matrix models demonstrated that most corals escape mortality once they exceed 50 mm, but for smaller corals mortality in brooders was double those of spawners (i.e. acroporids and massive corals). For corals on the reef flat, sensitivity analysis demonstrated that growth and mortality of larger juveniles (21–50 mm) highly influenced population dynamics; whereas the recruitment, growth and mortality of smaller corals (<20 mm) had the highest influence on reef slope population dynamics. Our results provide insight into the population dynamics and recovery trajectories in disparate reef habitats, and highlight the importance of acroporid recruitment in driving rapid increases in coral cover following large-scale perturbation in reef slope environments.  相似文献   

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