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双价、双特异性单链抗体是最近几年才出现的一类新的基因工程抗体分子,它在临床诊断和治疗上有着广泛的应用前景,尤其是在肿瘤和病毒的诊治方面更具突出优势。本对其性质,制备方法及应用前景作了系统的综述。  相似文献   

利用分子生物学技术,构建表达丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)包膜蛋白E2的人源单链可变区抗体(ScFv)的原核表达载体,并在大肠杆菌JM109中表达可溶性的HCV-E2-ScFv。以重组的HCV E2蛋白为包被抗原,利用噬菌体抗体库的表面展示技术,筛选含有HCV-E2-ScFv基因的噬菌体克隆,从噬菌体抗体阳性克隆中提取质粒,经Ncol/NotⅠ酶切鉴定后,该ScFv基因由750bp组成,将菜亚克隆到pCANTAB5E载体中,转化大肠杆菌JM109,在其培养上清中获得了可溶性HCV E2单链可变区抗体的表达。酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)证实表达的HCV-E2-ScFv进行聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE),证实表达的HCV-E2-ScFv的分子量为28KD,为应用HCV-E2-ScFv进行肝组织免疫组织化学和细胞内免疫基因治疗研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

抗人胎盘酸性铁蛋白单链抗体的构建、表达与鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:制备人胎盘酸性铁蛋白(PAF),构建、表达并鉴定抗人PAF单链可变区抗体片段(scFv)。方法:设计以SfiⅠ、NotⅠ为酶切位点、以(Gly4Ser)3为linker的2对引物,从抗人PAF单克隆抗体可变区基因的克隆载体中扩增VH和VL基因,用重叠延伸PCR在VH和VL基因间引入连接短肽,构建VH-linker-VL的scFv基因。经SfiⅠ、NotⅠ酶切后克隆到原核分泌型表达载体pUC19/119上,转化大肠杆菌TG1和筛选后测序验证,IPTG诱导表达,SDS-PAGE鉴定其相对分子质量(Mr)。以人PAF为抗原,scFv为一抗,抗His单克隆抗体为二抗,间接ELISA鉴定其抗体活性。结果:重叠延伸PCR扩增产物经凝胶电泳可见约700bp的条带,DNA序列分析证明2株抗体具有完整的scFv序列,并含有c-myc和His。IPTG诱导阳性菌表达产物经SDS-PAGE鉴定有Mr约27000的显示条带,符合scFv与表达标签融合蛋白的理论值;间接ELISA证明表达产物可与PAF结合。结论:成功构建并表达了抗人PAF单链抗体,为进一步建立检测PAF的间接ELISA奠定了基础。  相似文献   

克隆抗人肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-α)鼠源单抗的可变区基因以构建其单链抗体(ScFv)表达载体,实现在大肠杆菌的表达,并进行ScFv的可溶性纯化与鉴定。采用RT-PCR技术,以前导肽序列的引物从1个分泌抗人TNF-α的鼠单抗杂交瘤细胞系中克隆抗体轻链、重链可变区基因(VL,VH),构建ScFv基因,将ScFv基因片段与pGEX-4T-1表达载体连接,在大肠杆菌中表达并采用十二烷基肌氨酸钠(Sarkosyl)进行可溶性纯化,最后鉴定其生物活性。结果显示,得到了功能性重排的轻、重链可变区基因,分别构建了VH和VL不同连接顺序的HLL(VH-Linker-VL)和LLH(VL-Linker-VH)两种ScFv,LLH的表达量较HLL的高,但亲和力不及HLL。采用Sarkosyl溶解包涵体,对目的蛋白进行可溶性纯化,蛋白纯度达到90%,纯化后的蛋白经ELISA和WB证明ScFv维持了亲本抗体与TNF-α特异性结合的能力,且具有细胞毒中和活性。实验中研究探索了一种新颖的,操作简单,省时的裂解、纯化方案,实现了单链抗体经原核系统的表达后得以可溶性纯化。  相似文献   

应用噬菌体抗体库技术制备特异抗人纤维蛋白鼠单链抗体   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用Pharmacia公司的重组噬菌体抗体系统,从经过人交联纤维蛋白特异抗原D二聚体(DD)免疫过的鼠脾细胞mRNA中构建出组合单链抗体(ScFv)cDNA文库。文库cDNA克隆到噬菌粒载体pCANTAB5E,转化大肠杆菌TG1,得到2.5×10~5个氨苄抗性菌落。通过噬菌体表面呈现,用DD对表达的重组噬菌体单链抗体文库进行三轮亲和富集获得一株特异抗DD的噬菌体单链抗体(ScFvA11)。经Phage-ELISA鉴定,呈现在噬菌体表面的ScFvA11与DD结合的ELISA阳性滴度小于10~7tfu/ml,而与人纤维蛋白原结合的ELISA滴度大于10~(10)tfu/ml,两者相差1000倍以上。表明ScFvA11具有较好的DD结合特异性。经序列分析,ScFvA11cDNA全长729bp,其中Vh基因354bp,编码118个氨基酸;Vl基因327bp,编码108个氨基酸;Vh与Vl之间为(Gly_4Ser)_315个氨基酸连接肽。  相似文献   

利用分子生物学技术,构建表达丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)包膜蛋白E2的人源单链可变区抗体(ScFv)的原核表达载体,并在大肠杆菌JM109中表达可溶性的HCV-E2-ScFv.以重组的HCVE2蛋白为包被抗原,利用噬菌体抗体库的表面展示技术,筛选到含有HCV-E2-ScFv基因的噬菌体克隆,从噬菌体抗体阳性克隆中提取质粒,经Ncol/NotI酶切鉴定后,该ScFv基因由750bp组成,将其亚克隆到pCANTAB5E载体中,转化大肠杆菌JM109,提取质粒进行DNA序列测定,符合ScFv的基因结构特点.IPTG诱导转化的大肠杆菌JM109,在其培养上清中获得了可溶性HCVE2单链可变区抗体的表达.酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)证实表达的HCV-E2-ScFv具有与重组HCVE2蛋白的反应活性和特异性,对转化的JM109大肠杆菌上清中表述的HCV-E2-ScFv进行聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE),证实表达的HCV-E2-ScFv的分子量为28kD.为应用HCV-E2-ScFv进行肝组织免疫组织化学和细胞内免疫基因治疗研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

抗人大肠癌重组单链抗体的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用重组噬菌体抗体系统制备了重组单链抗体。首先从抗人结肠癌ND-1单抗杂交瘤细胞中提取mRNA,利用反转录多聚酶链反应(RT-PCR)扩增出单抗重链可变区(V_H)及轻链可变区(V_L)片段,再通过连接DNA合成单链抗体可变区片段(ScFv),然后经双酶切后克隆到pCANTAB5E载体中,在E.coliTGI细胞中表达出噬菌体融合蛋白,用抗原阳性噬菌体感染E.coliHB2151细胞,产生单链抗体,该单链抗体既保持了原单抗的特异性,应用上又优于原单抗。  相似文献   

单链抗体(single-chain fragment variable, scFv)是由可变重链(VH)和可变轻链(VL)通过柔性肽接头连接在一起的小分子重组抗体。从杂交瘤中分离单链抗体的mRNA,逆转录成cDNA作为单链抗体基因扩增的模板,可得到包含大量不同VH和VL片段的单链抗体的基因文库。利用展示技术完成单链抗体亲和力和特异性筛选及鉴定,得到的单链抗体可通过各种表达系统成功表达单链抗体的蛋白质。虽然单链抗体分子量小,但已包含了完整抗体的抗原结合域,对抗原具有高特异性、高亲和力及低免疫原性,还具有较好的肿瘤组织穿透和扩散能力。因此,单链抗体已成为肿瘤诊疗方法开发中的研究热点。详细介绍了单链抗体的制备方法和问题,重点阐述了单链抗体在肿瘤诊断和治疗中的研究进展,以期为单链抗体制备及其治疗和诊断肿瘤提供理论依据。  相似文献   

目的:从胎盘中提取转铁蛋白受体并获得抗转铁蛋白受体的抗体。方法:人新鲜胎盘组织被破碎后,用去污剂TritonX-100裂解细胞膜,释放膜蛋白。利用膜蛋白中的转铁蛋白受体能与铁-转铁蛋白复合物特异性结合的特性对其进行亲和纯化。对纯化得到的目的蛋白,经脱盐后进行ELISA及肽质量图谱分析,证明为所需的转铁蛋白受体后,以其包被免疫管,从全合成人源噬菌体抗体库中筛选抗体。结果:从人源噬菌体抗体库中筛选到5个能够与转铁蛋白受体特异性结合的噬菌体单链抗体。结论:以人源转铁蛋白受体为抗体,可从全人源噬菌体抗体库中筛选到其特异性的抗体。  相似文献   

单链抗体的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单链抗体即单链抗体可变区片段(single-chain antibody variable fragment,or ScFv)是由抗体重链可变区和轻链可变区通过一段10-25个氨基酸的连接肽连接而成,其分子质量小,穿透力强,特异性好,免疫原性低,在免疫学和医学方面得到了广泛应用。本文就单链抗体的结构设计、展示系统、表达和应用方面做一综述。  相似文献   

The delineation of the molecular basis of cancer allows for the possibility of specific intervention at the molecular level for therapeutic purposes. To a large extent, the genetic lesions associated with malignant transformation and progression are being identified. Thus, not only in the context of inherited genetic diseases, but also for many acquired disorders, characteristic aberrancies of patterns of gene expression may be precisely defined. It is therefore clear that elucidation of the genetic basis of inherited and acquired diseases has rendered gene therapy both a novel and rational approach for these disorders. To this end, three main strategies have been developed: mutation compensation, molecular chemotherapy, and genetic immunopotentiation. Mutation compensation relies on strategies to ablate activated oncogenes at the level of DNA (triplex), messenger RNA (antisense or ribozyme), or protein (intracellular single-chain antibodies), and augment tumor suppressor gene expression. This article will review in detail practical procedures to generate a single-chain intracellular antibody (scFv). We will emphasize in this article the different steps in our protocol that we have employed to develop scFvs to a variety of target proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract We used an anti-inflammatory dose of dexamethasone (DEX) and Salmonella enteritidis (SE)-immune lymphokines (ILK) followed by oral SE challenge to chicks to determine the effects of these treatments on SE organ invasion and in vitro function of PMNs derived from peripheral blood. Endpoints included percent protection against SE organ invasion, numbers of peripheral blood PMNs, and in vitro PMN adherence, chemotaxis, and SE killing. SE organ invasion was significantly reduced in chicks treated with either ILK alone or DEX + ILK compared to controls. Chicks treated with either DEX alone or DEX + ILK responded with a significant increase in numbers of peripheral blood PMNs as compared to controls, while numbers of PMNs in the peripheral blood from chicks treated with ILK alone were not significantly increased. PMN adherence and percent SE killing by PMNs derived from chicks treated with either ILK alone or DEX + ILK were significantly increased compared to controls. Chemotaxis of PMNs derived from chicks treated with either ILK alone or DEX alone significantly increased 2-fold over control levels. Interestingly, chemotaxis of PMNs derived from chicks that received DEX + ILK was similar to controls. Generally, ILK abated the anti-inflammatory effects of DEX on PMNs in these assays, except for chemotaxis. We interpret these data to suggest that ILK may confer protection to chicks against the early phase of SE organ invasion by inducing an inflammatory response predominated by activated PMNs.  相似文献   

Integrons have been widely described among the Enterobacteriaceae including strains of multi-resistant Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium DT104; however, information with respect to the presence of integrons among S. enterica serotype Enteritidis strains is limited. Multi-resistant isolates of Enteritidis were screened for the presence of integrons using a PCR protocol. One integron was detected in all isolates that were resistant to sulfonamide and streptomycin. Characterisation of these isolates indicated an integron which ranged in size between 1000 and 2000 bp and which harboured a gene cassette encoding the ant(3")-Ia gene specifying streptomycin and spectinomycin resistance. Further studies revealed the integrons to be located on large conjugative plasmids. This appears to be the first report of plasmid-borne integrons in Enteritidis.  相似文献   

Abstract The optimal conditions for the binding of fibronectin to Salmonella enteritidis strain 27655R, and the cell-surface components involved in the binding, were identified. Cultivation on colonisation factor antigen (CFA) agar or in CFA broth at 33°C for 24 h were found to be optimal for the expression of fibronectin binding. Such cultures exhibited 88% and 70% binding of 125I-labelled fibronectin and its 29-kDa N-terminal domain, respectively. The fibronectin binding was reversed by the addition of unlabelled fibronectin or its 29-kDa fragment. Scatchard plot analysis of the binding showed that the strain possessed one high-affinity ( K d= 5.8 × 10−10 M) and one low-affinity ( K d= 2 × 10−8 M) binding site. The fibronectin-binding could be inhibited by cell surface components of S. enteritidis 27655R released by 30 min treatment at 65°C or 95°C. Inhibition could also be achieved using purified fimbriae. A non-fimbriated mutant of strain 27655R showed a much reduced binding of fibronectin (15%). Electron microscopic analysis showed association of the gold-labelled 29-kDa N-terminal fragment with S. enteritidis 27655R fimbriae. In conclusion, the findings suggest that S. enteritidis (strain 27655R) possesses fibronectin-binding fimbriae.  相似文献   

【目的】为了探讨ompR基因在肠炎沙门氏菌生物被膜形成及毒力中的作用。【方法】以肠炎沙门氏菌作为母本,运用自杀性载体pGMB151构建了ompR基因缺失株,结晶紫染色法和扫描电镜观察测定缺失株的生物被膜形成能力,细胞的吸附和侵入及小鼠攻毒试验测定缺失株的毒力。【结果】RT-PCR和蛋白表达证明了ompR基因缺失株构建成功;该缺失株不表达纤维素和菌毛,不形成生物被膜;上皮细胞吸附和侵入试验表明缺失株与野生株具有相同的吸附和侵入率;BALB/c鼠腹腔感染性试验表明,缺失株的半数致死量为106.67CFU,而野生株的半数致死量小于2 CFU。【结论】ompR基因既是肠炎沙门氏菌生物膜形成的调控基因,又是重要的毒力基因。  相似文献   

目的 分析辽宁省肠炎沙门菌分离株的分子分型特征及耐药情况,为辽宁省肠炎沙门菌的分子流行病学及防控措施提供参考依据。 方法 采用PFGE分子分型方法对辽宁省2016-2019年肠炎沙门菌分离株进行分子分型,应用BioNumerics 7.6软件对酶切片段进行聚类分析,明确菌株的特征及同源性;采用最低抑菌浓度(MIC)法测定菌株对14种药物敏感性。 结果 共获得49株肠炎沙门菌,分子分型结果证明其呈17种PFGE带型,相似度区间为77.4%~100.0%,有2种优势带型;对萘啶酸的耐药率最高,达89.80%,其次氨苄西林的耐药率为69.39%,对3种以上抗生素的耐药率为55.10%。 结论 辽宁省肠炎沙门菌PFGE分子分型具有独特的优势带型,存在带型较多的特点;肠炎沙门菌分离株多重耐药状况比较严重,对萘啶酸的耐药率最高。  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a 3 kb region immediately upstream of the sef operon of Salmonella enteritidis was determined. A 1230 base pair insertion sequence which shared sequence identity (>75%) with members of the IS3 family was revealed. This element, designated IS1230, had almost identical (90% identity) terminal inverted repeats to Escherichia coli IS3 but unlike other IS3-like sequences lacked the two characteristic open reading frames which encode the putative transposase. S. enteritidis possessed only one copy of this insertion sequence although Southern hybridisation analysis of restriction digests of genomic DNA revealed another fragment located in a region different from the sef operon which hybridised weakly which suggested the presence of an IS1230 homologue. The distribution of IS1230 and IS1230-like elements was shown to be widespread amongst salmonellas and the patterns of restriction fragments which hybridised differed significantly between Salmonella serotypes and it is suggested that IS1230 has potential for development as a differential diagnostic tool.  相似文献   

Hybridomas secreting immunoglobulin A (IgA) monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against Salmonella enteritidis lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were generated after mucosal immunization of BALB/c mice with heat killed bacteria. Antigen binding properties and specificity of the produced MAbs were studied in ELISA and immunoblotting with purified LPS. Two IgA MAbs agglutinated all Salmonella OD1 strains and all S. enteritidis clinical isolates. MAb 178H11 recognized O:9 antigen of subserogroup OD1 LPS. MAb 177E6/A9 reacted also with OD3 LPS antigen and agglutinated OD3 strains. These data suggest the existence of different O:9 antigen subspecificities, one presented in subgroup OD1 and the other common for OD1 and OD3. Thus the produced IgA MAbs prove to be useful reagents, which could differentiate OD1 and OD3 from OD2 strains.  相似文献   

It has been known that antibody-mediated plasminogen activator will be much more specific than its parent molecular. To get a cheaper and more effective medicine for thrombolytic therapy, we used SZ51, a GMP140 specific monoclonal antibody, and a truncated single-chain urokinase to construct a novel targeted plasminogen activator. PCR was used to amplify the region of VL and VH chains from Fab of SZ51, GMP140 specific monoclonal antibody, and scu-PA-32KD(leu144-leu411) from urokinase gene, respectively. Through suitable linker and appropriate restriction sites, these fragments were joined together and inserted into the expression vector, pET-5a, via NdeI site. The recombinant protein was expressed in BL21 (DE3) plyS, a kind of E. coli. It was shown in Western-blotting and ELISA that the protein could interact with the multiple cloned antibody of urokinase. After partial purification: dialysis, Sephadex G-100, dialysis and Phenyl-Sepharose fast flow, the product had a strong fibrinolytic activity through activating plasminogen on fibrin plate. The specific activity was about 47,000 IU/mg, corresponding to 80,000 IU/mg for the part of rscu-PA-32k, and the activity could be inhibited specifically by urokinase specific antibody. Activation of plasminogen by the chimera followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics, and the Km was 1.08 uM.  相似文献   

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