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以天然生物制品壳聚糖(CTS)、硫酸铁(Fe_2(SO_4)_3)以及聚合氯化铝(PAC)为主要原料制备了4种环保型絮凝剂,并对武汉生物工程学院生活污水进行絮凝处理。以污水COD、浊度为主要指标,研究了复合絮凝剂配方、絮凝剂用量、水体pH变化等对絮凝效果的影响。结果表明:CTS/PAC复合,体积配比1:5.0,用量8 mL/L,水体pH 7.2时,水体COD去除率78.5%,浊度去除率98.4%,絮凝效果最佳,且药剂的投加量最少。  相似文献   

为了找到可以加速雨生红球藻采收的絮凝剂,选用几种常用的无机絮凝剂和生物絮凝剂对雨生红球藻进行处理,研究不同絮凝剂对雨生红球藻采收的影响。结果表明:聚合硫酸铁(SPFC)是絮凝效果最好的无机絮凝剂。其最佳使用条件:添加SPFC的质量浓度为1.5 g/L,絮凝时间为120 min,絮凝率达到90.0%。壳聚糖作为一种性状优良的生物絮凝剂也被应用于本研究中,其最佳的使用条件:p H为4.0,分子量(M_w)为5.0×10~3,添加壳聚糖的质量浓度为20 mg/L,絮凝率达到74.8%。另外,当SPFC和壳聚糖协同作用时,雨生红球藻的絮凝率达到最大值(97.0%),远远高于二者单独使用时的絮凝率;也缩短了最大絮凝率的时间,仅为90 min,絮凝效果明显提高。SPFC和壳聚糖复合使用可应用于雨生红球藻大规模生产的采收。  相似文献   

[背景]海科贝特氏菌(Cobetia marina)可产生大量具有絮凝活性的胞外产物,可视为一种新型的生物絮凝剂。高温栅藻(Desmodesmus sp.F51)是一种具有较高叶黄素含量的微藻,被认为是一种新兴的叶黄素来源,但利用该生物絮凝剂高效富集高温栅藻的相关研究迄今尚未见报道。[目的]以高温栅藻为对象,研究该新型生物絮凝剂的絮凝效率,并对絮凝机理进行初步探讨。[方法]探索在不同生长阶段微藻培养液添加生物絮凝剂、添加量、絮凝时间、pH对絮凝效率的影响,分析生物絮凝剂的功能基团,并测定在不同pH条件下添加生物絮凝剂前后高温栅藻的Zeta电位变化,以及在显微镜下分析藻细胞在添加生物絮凝剂前后的形态。[结果]在高温栅藻生长至稳定期(pH 8.0)添加2 mL生物絮凝剂,絮凝15 min絮凝效果最佳,达82.1%。傅里叶红外光谱(fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,FTIR)显示了多糖及酰胺结构的特征吸收峰,由此推测生物絮凝剂主要是多糖的混合物,含有少量蛋白质。根据Bradford法测定絮凝剂中蛋白含量约为0.4%(质量比),通过苯酚-硫酸法测定总糖质量分数约为34.5%(质量比),与FTIR分析结果基本相符。生物絮凝剂在pH 4.0-11.0保持60%以上的絮凝效率,说明无论是酸性或是碱性条件下絮凝效率都较高,结合Zeta电位的分析表明,推测生物絮凝剂对高温栅藻的絮凝机理中占主导地位的可能是吸附架桥作用。[结论]该研究对微藻生物絮凝具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

分子筛和硫酸铝联合处理生活污水,分析絮凝率变化,研究二者联合使用的最佳投加比例。分子筛联合硫酸铝处理生活污水可以提高污水的处理效果,降低化学絮凝剂用量,减少化学絮凝剂二次排放,降低经济成本。  相似文献   

孙晓霞  张波  俞志明 《应用生态学报》2002,13(11):1468-1470
采用3因子3水平的正交试验设计,考察了SiO2浓度,Al^3 /SiO2摩尔比及pH对PSAS(聚硅酸硫酸铝)制备的影响,研究了PSAS对不同赤潮生物的絮凝作用,并与传统无机絮凝剂AS(硫酸)的絮凝效果进行了比较。结果表明,PSAS絮凝不同种类赤潮生物的最佳制备条件不同。根据实验操作的可行性,得出PSAS的适宜制备条件为:SiO2的浓度2%,Al^3 /SiO2摩尔比1,pH4,絮凝实验表明,PSAS的絮凝效果明显优于AS,在达到相同去除率的情况下,PSAS的用量比AS低约30%-40%,PSAS对不同种类赤潮生物的絮凝效率也不同,与细胞的生理生态特性差异有关。  相似文献   

目的:提高透明质酸的纯度。方法:研究了絮凝预处理发酵液对醇沉法提取透明质酸的影响,并通过正交试验对预处理条件进行了优化。结果:明矾可作为最佳絮凝剂,正交实验最佳絮凝条件为:絮凝剂添加量1 000mg/L、絮凝温度30℃、絮凝转速60r/min、絮凝时间20min。在该条件下处理的HA发酵液相对于未经过处理的对照组,菌体去除率可提高42.6%,蛋白去除率可提高5.9%。  相似文献   

本文对近年来微生物絮凝剂的发展进行了概述,在介绍微生物絮凝剂化学性质的基础上,讨论了与絮凝活性相关的絮凝剂投加量、投加顺序,待处理水体性质和水力条件等因素。重点论述了单一微生物絮凝剂水处理工艺、微生物絮凝剂和助凝剂复配水处理工艺、复合微生物絮凝剂水处理工艺和物理、化学方法和微生物絮凝剂联合水处理工艺。讨论发现结合现有研究成果,开发新的微生物絮凝剂水处理工艺具有重要的工业应用价值。  相似文献   

一株絮凝剂产生菌的筛选及其絮凝特性研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
目的:筛选并研究对有毒物质有一定耐受性的絮凝剂产生菌。方法:利用含苯酚、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯和Pb2(SO4)3的分离培养基从土壤和活性污泥中分离筛选絮凝剂产生菌,对所得的菌种进行摇瓶发酵试验,分别考察其产絮凝剂的周期、絮凝活性分布以及对有毒物质的耐受性等特征,通过提取絮凝剂,将其絮凝活性与其它絮凝剂进行比较。结果:得到一株对苯酚具有一定耐受性的絮凝剂产生菌B2(Serratiasp.),其产絮凝剂的最佳培养时间为48h,絮凝率高于80%。苯酚浓度达0.6g/L时,B2菌的絮凝活性仍高于70%。其90%的絮凝物质集中于菌体,且热稳定性好,对多种悬浊液的絮凝活性高于硫酸铝、PAC。结论:新型絮凝剂产生菌B2对苯酚耐受性强,且絮凝剂提取简便,具有重要的研究价值。  相似文献   

三种絮凝剂对球等鞭金藻絮凝作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高伟  李倩  李林  贾兴军  崔志松  周文俊  郑立 《生态学杂志》2012,31(10):2631-2634
以3种絮凝剂对等鞭金藻的采收效果及其对藻体的影响为研究目标,以分光光度法、重量法以及显微镜观测为主要研究方法,测定了絮凝剂对藻细胞的絮凝效率、藻体总脂含量的影响以及藻细胞形态变化。结果表明:氯化铁和明矾的絮凝速率最快(<4h);氯化铁浓度≥20mg.L-1,明矾浓度≥80mg.L-1时,可以絮凝沉淀90%以上藻体;比较藻体的损伤程度和总脂产率发现,明矾浓度为80mg.L-1时,藻体总脂产率的最高,达29.9%,并且对细胞伤害最小;可采用80mg.L-1明矾作为絮凝剂对球等鞭金藻进行采收,为生物柴油制备生产提供基础原料。  相似文献   

生物絮凝剂γ-聚谷氨酸絮凝性能研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
研究了枯草芽孢杆菌NX-2制备的生物絮凝剂γ-聚谷氨酸(γ-PGA)的絮凝活性。γ-PGA对高岭土、活性炭等悬浮液具有较高的絮凝活性,絮凝活性稳定,热稳定性好,用量高于10mg/L时适用pH范围宽,最适投加浓度为20mg/L,加入Ca^2 、Mg^2 、Fe^3 、Al^3 、Fe^2 、Na^ 等金属离子能不同程度增强γ-PGA的絮凝活性,其中Ca^2 助凝效果最高。使用Ca^2 作助凝离子可降低γ-PGA用量,但Ca^2 浓度过高会明显降低γ-PGA的絮凝活性。还研究了γ-PGA对电镀废水的处理效果,实验证明γ-PGA能有效降低电镀废水中Cr^ 3、Ni^ 2等离子的浓度。  相似文献   

A simple method for detection and enumeration of alkylbenzenesulfonate (ABS)-degrading microorganisms by using agar plates was developed and used in microbiological studies of coastal marine and polluted river waters. The method depends upon the color responses of neutral red in alkaline medium. Neutral red changes from pink, when it enters into ABS micelles, to yellow, when the ABS is degraded, and does not form micelles. When neutral red-tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane buffer solution and then cationic surfactant solution were sprayed onto the agar surface of ABS-nutrient agar cultures, transparent haloes appeared around the colonies of ABS-degrading microorganisms against a pink background. Viable counts of ABS-degrading bacteria isolated from both seawater and freshwater environments were considerably higher in polluted waters than in less polluted areas. Viable counts of ABS-degrading bacteria averaged 1.5 x 105/ml in samples from the surface water of polluted Tokyo Bay and 3.0 x 104/ml in samples from the surface water of polluted Tamagawa River but were fewer in number in samples from less polluted waters.  相似文献   

海岸带作为海洋与陆地两大生态系统的连接与桥梁,既是国民经济、社会发展的重要区域与战略中心,也是生态环境破坏和污染的热点区域。以往针对海岸带区域开展的城市化对生态环境的影响研究,主要利用30 m空间分辨率的Landsat数据分析城市扩张对自然生态系统的侵占,如自然用地减少、景观异质性降低、填海造陆速度变快等,而针对污染产业、人类活动等引起的河口水质污染、水温异常、自然岸线退化等复杂生态环境问题关注不足,难以满足陆海统筹管理、综合防治的需求。因此,研究围绕海岸带面临的主要问题,面向海岸带生态环境综合管制,构建了“问题识别-格局量化-地面调查-生态监管”的综合框架,通过明确生态环境问题,量化社会-生态格局,开展实地调查,制定生态监管目标和策略。通过融合高分影像、兴趣点、道路等多源异构数据并结合地面调查,准确识别影响生态环境的社会-生态格局因子,实现空间显性的生态监管。进一步以深圳为典型案例,探讨该概念框架的应用,将深圳市海岸带划分为了四类共980个生态监管单元,其中包括153个优先保护单元,主要为分布在海岸带东部的林地,7个生态风险较大的核心管控单元,597个几乎分布在海岸带西部的重点管控单...  相似文献   

广东省水库的蓝藻污染状况与水质评价   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
于2000年的丰水期和枯水期对广东省19个大中型水库的浮游植物状况进行了调查,并根据浮游植物群落结构、多样性指数、蓝藻污染状况和营养状态指数对水库的水质进行了分析。结果表明,大部分水库为蓝藻型水体,优势种类主要是能产生毒素的微囊藻类,而且蓝藻种类数和细胞密度与水库水质密切相关。蓝藻细胞密度和百分比分别为0.1×104-6728.4×104 cellsL-1和0.53%-99.2%。大部分水库受到了一定程度的污染,属于中营养型;东江流域的新丰江水库和白盘珠水库水质优良,为贫营养型;而位于经济较发达的沿海地区的鹤地水库、石岩水库和契爷石水库已受到严重污染。东江流域和北江流域水库水质普遍较好,而粤西沿海地区和珠江三角洲地区水库则污染较为严重。  相似文献   

In this study we examined the activity of catalase in the water column (mainly attributed to planktonic microorganisms) and the activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD), as well as lipid peroxidation in the midgut gland of the benthic bivalve Donax trunculus as possible indicators of biotic stress. The measurements were performed at stations situated at known contaminated and clean sites in the coastal waters and shores along the Israeli coast (eastern Mediterranean Sea). In the water column, we found that catalase activity was higher in polluted coastal waters than in nearby unpolluted or less-polluted stations. Moreover, there was diurnal periodicity in catalase activity rates which matched the diurnal changes in hydrogen peroxide levels in seawater. Consistent evidence of extracellular catalase activity was found in the seawater sampled. Catalase activity rates in the midgut gland of D. trunculus did not exhibit clear patterns with respect to site (polluted or clean) or season. However, SOD activity and lipid peroxidation measured in the same tissues were good indicators of organic pollution in the coastal waters examined and, among the three stations examined in Haifa Bay, Qiriat Haim was the most polluted.  相似文献   

藓袋法对深圳市痕量大气重金属污染物的监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高嵩  廖文波  张力 《广西植物》2014,(2):212-219
通过在深圳市盐田、罗湖、福田、南山4个行政区17个不同地点布放藓袋,并对其所吸附的 V、Cr、Mn、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Cd、Pb 等10种重金属元素的含量进行检测和比较研究,发现4个行政区在不同程度上都受到了污染,其中南山区的污染较轻,罗湖区、福田区与盐田区较为严重。污染程度可能与水陆交通和工业状况、人口密度以及特殊的地理位置有关。对深圳市17个监测点的大气重金属富集含量进行聚类分析发现,污染较为严重的地区均为工业区和交通密集区,污染相对较轻的监测点都离工业及交通污染源相对较远。  相似文献   


Under changing climate scenario, groundwater aquifers in the coastal areas of Pakistan are under serious threat. Looking at the gravity of the problem, and concerns of the civil society, this study was conducted to evaluate and map the quality of groundwater in the Sujawal district, a coastal area of Pakistan based on the physicochemical analysis of 94 samples using two standard numerical models and geospatial techniques. The WQI model revealed that 2.13%, 6.38%, 55.32%, 22.34%, and 13.83% of water samples were excellent, good, poor, very poor, and unsuitable for drinking purposes. Also, the SPI model identified that 32%, 13.83%, 20.12%, 18.1%, and 15.95% of samples were slightly polluted, moderately polluted, highly polluted, suitable, and unsuitable. Though the model's input is different, the proportionate of ranking revealed a significant correlation (R2=0.78) between the outcomes of both models. Overall, the study revealed that groundwater in most of the areas does not meet WHO guidelines. The prevalence of water-related diseases in the area suggests that groundwater is contaminated and using that water is of high risk for human health. The study highlights the significance of using numerical models and geospatial techniques for water quality evaluation in the coastal areas of the world.  相似文献   

台风“山竹”对深圳城市绿地及生物量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台风是影响沿海城市绿地生态系统最主要、最频繁的自然干扰因子。2018年9月的台风"山竹"以强台风等级袭击深圳,陆地最大阵风达46.5 m/s(15级)。以深圳市区绿地(公园绿地、居民区绿地、行道树)中的乔木为研究对象,通过灾后实地调研,采用相关统计方法以及生物量评估方法,探讨了台风"山竹"对深圳市区绿地的影响。结果表明:(1)深圳市区调查树木受损比例高达21.4%,其中以轻度受损(枝干折断)为主;市区树冠生物量总量较台风之前下降了8.44%。(2)南部地区受损程度明显高于内陆,东南地区受损程度高于西北地区;福田区、龙岗区以及坪山新区受损情况最为严重,受损树木比例均超过30%。中东部树冠生物量损失程度高于西部地区。(3)公园绿地受损最为严重,居民区绿地的受损情况最轻。(4)行道树中黄金榕、腊肠树受损比例均超过50%,而棕榈科植物受损程度较轻。研究结果可为深圳市抗风树种的选择、不同类型绿地针对台风的减灾防灾策略提供科学依据。  相似文献   

This study highlights the effect that estuarine polluted waters may have on adjacent coastal waters and the need of an integrated management of the coastal area. Pollution of land-to-sea water plumes varies spatially and temporally, being difficult, costly and time consuming to determine. However, the reduction in water quality of both estuarine and coastal environments and the consequent degradation of its biological communities is at issue. Chlorophyll-a analysis from water and stable nitrogen isotopic analysis (δ15N) from opportunistic macroalgae Ulva species were respectively used as proxies to detect phytoplankton proliferation and nitrogen related nutrient fluxes in the water. These analytical techniques were combined with the use of three-dimensional hydrodynamic models, and revealed to constitute reliable early warning instruments, able to identify coastal areas at risk, and supporting an integrated management of coastal and river basin areas. The approach detected synchronized δ15N signal variations along time between estuarine sites (Mondego estuary, Portugal) and nearby adjacent coastal shore sites (NE Atlantic coast). The higher values recorded by macroalgal tissues’ δ15N signals, which occurred simultaneously to higher chlorophyll-a values, were linked to the anthropogenic contamination of the water, probably related with the Mondego valley land use patterns throughout the year (reflecting the opening of sluices that drain agriculture fields). Modeling scenarios point to a Mondego’s influence that is able to reach its adjacent coastal shores in about 7 km from its river mouth. The methodology used here is replicable elsewhere and allowed to track nutrients from the source, inside the estuary, until the final area of impact, where primary producers may use those for growth, and to define vulnerable areas on adjacent coastal zones.  相似文献   

Principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) are utilized to identify the effects caused by human activities on water quality along the coast of Sanya, South China Sea. PCA and CA identify the seasonality of water quality (dry and wet seasons) and polluted status (polluted area). The seasonality of water quality is related to climate change and Southeast monsoons. Spatial pattern is mainly related to anthropogenic activities (especially land input of pollutions). PCA reveals the characteristics underlying the generation of coastal water quality. The temporal and spatial variation of the trophic status along the coast of Sanya is governed by hydrodynamics and human activities. The results provide a novel typological understanding of seasonal trophic status in a shallow, tropical, open marine bay.  相似文献   

Excess nutrients from fertilizer application, pollution discharge, and water regulations outflow through rivers from lands to oceans, seriously impacting coastal ecosystems. A reasonable representation of these processes in land surface models and River Transport Models (RTMs) is very important for understanding human–environment interactions. In this study, the schemes of riverine dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) transport and human activities including nitrogen discharge and water regulation, were synchronously incorporated into a land surface model coupled with a RTM. The effects of anthropogenic nitrogen discharge on the DIN transport in rivers were studied based on simulations of the period 1991–2010 throughout the entire world, conducted using the developed model, which had a spatial resolution of about 1° for land processes and 0.5° for river transport, and data on fertilizer application, point source pollution, and water use. Our results showed that rivers in western Europe and eastern China were seriously polluted, on average, at a rate of 5,000–15,000 tons per year. In the Yangtze River Basin, the amount of point source pollution in 2010 was about four times more than that in 1991, while the amount of fertilizer used in 2010 doubled, which resulted in the increased riverine DIN levels. Further comparisons suggested that the riverine DIN in the USA was affected primarily by nitrogen fertilizer use, the changes in DIN flow rate in European rivers was dominated by point source pollution, and rivers in China were seriously polluted by both the two pollution sources. The total anthropogenic impact on the DIN exported to the Pacific Ocean has increased from 10% to 30%, more significantly than other oceans. In general, our results indicated that incorporating the schemes of nitrogen transport and human activities into land surface models could be an effective way to monitor global river water quality and diagnose the performance of the land surface modeling.  相似文献   

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