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Re-Evaluating Primate Monogamy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Researchers propose hypotheses for the occurrence of monogamy as a social system in primates based on the assumption that there are a group of primates, including humans, which live exclusively in "nuclear families" and share a similar set of social behaviors. Examining the primates purported to be "monogamous" reveals that they cover a wide range of grouping types, mating patterns, taxonomic groups, and evolutionary grades. While there are a few primate species that do live in small, two-adult groups and share a similar set of social behaviors, the vast majority of the supposed "monogamous" primates, including humans, do not. [monogamy, social systems, evolution, variability in social organization]  相似文献   

Extensive parental care is well developed in several generaof New World primates (genera aCallicebus, Aotus, Callimico,Calltthrix, Cebuella, Leontopithecus, Saguinus) including mostof the indirect and direct paternal care behaviors describedby Kleiman and Malcolm (1981). Paternal care is correlated witha monogamous (and perhaps polyandrous) mating system and a smallgroup size. Additionally, in genera (e.g., Callithrix) whichhave a higher reproductive rate and tolerate a larger groupsize, subadult and juvenile offspring of the breeding pair andperhaps unrelated individuals may contribute substantially tothe rearing of infants. Both within and across genera, there is considerable variabilityin the type, quantity, and distribution of care provided bythe mother, father, and other individuals in the family group.The purpose of this presentation is to examine the basis ofthis variability and to evaluate the degree to which we canmake statements about the evolution of paternal care in thisprimate radiation. There are few field studies of those species of monogamous NewWorld primates which exhibit extensive paternal care. Thus,it is currently impossible to correlate the observed variabilityin paternal care with ecological factors. Also, the taxonomyof the New World primates is in flux which makes phylogeneticinterpretation difficult (Rosenberg, 1981). As a result, thefollowing discussion will be based mainly on results from captivestudies, and will be concerned with defining those factors thatcreate variability in observed levels of paternal care, bothwithin and across genera.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolution of mating systems, a central topic in evolutionary biology for more than 50 years, requires examining the genetic consequences of mating and the relationships between social systems and mating systems. Among pair-living mammals, where genetic monogamy is extremely rare, the extent of extra-group paternity rates has been associated with male participation in infant care, strength of the pair bond and length of the breeding season. This study evaluated the relationship between two of those factors and the genetic mating system of socially monogamous mammals, testing predictions that male care and strength of pair bond would be negatively correlated with rates of extra-pair paternity (EPP). Autosomal microsatellite analyses provide evidence for genetic monogamy in a pair-living primate with bi-parental care, the Azara''s owl monkey (Aotus azarae). A phylogenetically corrected generalized least square analysis was used to relate male care and strength of the pair bond to their genetic mating system (i.e. proportions of EPP) in 15 socially monogamous mammalian species. The intensity of male care was correlated with EPP rates in mammals, while strength of pair bond failed to reach statistical significance. Our analyses show that, once social monogamy has evolved, paternal care, and potentially also close bonds, may facilitate the evolution of genetic monogamy.  相似文献   

Extrapair paternity involves cooperation between mated females and extrapair males. On the other hand, mated males exhibit a spectrum of anti-cuckolding strategies. Hence, extrapair attributes of diverse species and populations reported in the literature are particular solutions of evolutionary games involving gender-specific cuckolding/anti-cuckolding strategies. Here we use game theoretical methods to study the effect of male paternal effort conserving strategies in situations where females seek extrapair fertilizations (EPF) for reasons of genetic compatibility and/or in pursuit of genetic diversity for their offspring. In such cases, females cannot make a pre-copulatory selection of the optimal genetic partners, and therefore combine promiscuous copulation with the use of in copula and/or post-copulatory selection mechanisms to optimize the genetic endowment of their offspring—indiscriminate polyandry. Our results indicate that, when indiscriminate polygamy is constrained by the availability of extrapair male partners, there are three possible (parameter regime wise) evolutionary stable strategy solutions. (1) All females seek EPF, while all males restrict parental care. (2) All females seek EPF, while all males are unconditionally parental. (3) Females use a combination strategy where pursuit of EPF is mixed—on either a population, or an individual level—with genetic monogamy, while all males use a conditional paternal care strategy, which involves adjusting their parental efforts according to their certainty of paternity.  相似文献   

Tamarins and marmosets (callitrichids) present an unusual opportunity for study of the determinants of primate social systems, because both the mating and infant care patterns of callitrichids are variable, even within individual populations. In this paper, I briefly describe three characteristics of callitrichid social systems that distinguish them from most other primates: extensive male parental care, helping by nonreproductive individuals, and variable mating patterns. I then discuss the evolution of these characteristics and of the frequent twinning exhibited by callitrichids. I suggest that an ancestor of modern callitrichids gave birth to a single offspring at a time, mated monogamously, and had significant paternal care. The idea that males of this ancestral form must have provided paternal care, even though only single infants were born, derives from a comparison of litter/mother weight ratios in modern primate species. Twinning perhaps then evolved because of a combination of dwarfing in the callitrichid lineage, leading to higher litter/mother weight ratios, and a high infant mortality rate, and because the extensive paternal care already present facilitated the raising of twins. I propose that the helping behavior of older offspring may have coevolved with twinning, because helpers would have increased the chances of survival of twins, and the presence of twins would have increased the benefits of helping. Finally, the high costs of raising twins and the variability of group compositions, especially the fact that some groups would not have had older offspring to serve as helpers, may have selected for facultative polyandry in saddle-back tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis) and perhaps in other callitrichid species. Both helping and cooperative polyandry have been extensively studied in bird species, and I apply some of the conclusions of these studies to the discussion of the evolution of callitrichid social systems.  相似文献   

Certainty of paternity and paternal effort in the collared flycatcher   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Models of optimal parental investment predict that variationin certainty of paternity can affect the optimal level of paternalinvestment when a male's expected paternity in different nestingattempts is not fixed throughout his lifetime. Several attemptsto test this prediction experimentally in monogamous birds havefailed to induce a reduction in care by males. This may be becausethe method used, detaining males, is a poor model for what happenswhen a male's certainly of paternity is naturally reduced. Wecaught and detained female collared flycatchers Ficedula albicollisfor 1 h immediately after laying on one or two occasions inan attempt to induce variation in certainty of paternity forthe males they were mated to. By capturing females immediatelyafter laying we hoped to exploit the existence of an "inseminationwindow" since males should be very sensitive to female absenceduring this period. The general effect of the experimental manipulationwas consistent with reduced certainty of paternity: males respondedby reducing their level of paternal care to nestlings, and malesmated to females that had been caught on one morning fed nestlingssignificantly less often and made a smaller share of feedingvisits than males mated to control females. The effects of theexperiment were generally weak, however, and we argue that certaintyof paternity may be fixed well before egg laying, in which caseexperimental manipulations are unlikely to have large effects.It is difficult to predict die effects of natural variationin certainty of paternity on levels of male paternal care becausedifferential allocation by females mated to attractive malesmay act in the opposite direction  相似文献   



Early experiences influence the developing organism, with lifelong and potentially adaptive consequences. It has recently become clear that the effects of early experiences are not limited to the exposed generation, but can influence physiological and behavioral traits in the next generation. Mechanisms of transgenerational effects of parental early experiences on offspring development are often attributed to prenatal or postnatal parental influence, but recent data suggest that germ-line plasticity may also play a role in the transgenerational effects of early experiences. These non-genetic transgenerational effects are a potentially important developmental and evolutionary force, but the effects of parental experiences on behavior and physiology are not well understood in socially complex primates. In the non-human primate, the rhesus macaque, nursery rearing (NR) is an early life manipulation used for colony management purposes, and involves separating infants from parents early in life. We examined the effects of maternal and paternal early NR on infant rhesus macaque immunity, physiology, and behavior.


We theorized that differences in behavior or physiology in the absence of parent-offspring social contact would point to biological and perhaps germ-line, rather than social, mechanisms of effect. Thus, all subjects were themselves NR. Male and female infant rhesus macaques (N= 206) were separated from parents and social groups in the first four days of life to undergo NR. These infants differed only in their degree of NR ancestry – whether their dams or sires were themselves NR. At 3-4 months of age, infants underwent a standardized biobehavioral assessment. Factors describing immunity, plasma cortisol, and emotion regulation were generated from these data using factor analysis. Paternal, but not maternal, NR was associated with greater emotionality and higher plasma cortisol, compared with infants born to CONTROL reared fathers.


These data suggest that macaque biobehavioral makeup is strongly influenced by paternal experiences, and via non-social mechanisms.

In multimale groups where females mate promiscuously, male–infant associations have rarely been studied. However, recent studies have shown that males selectively support their offspring during agonistic conflicts with other juveniles and that father's presence accelerates offspring maturation. Furthermore, it was shown that males invest in unrelated infants to enhance future mating success with the infant's mother. Hence, infant care might provide fitness gain for males. Here, we investigate male–infant associations in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), a primate with low paternity certainty as females mate with multiple partners and males ensure paternity less efficiently through mate‐guarding. We combined behavioural data with genetic paternity analyses of one cohort of the semi‐free‐ranging population of Cayo Santiago (Puerto Rico) and recorded affiliative and aggressive interactions between focal subjects and adult males from birth to sexual maturation (0–4 years) of focal subjects. Our results revealed that 9.6% of all interactions of focal subjects involved an adult male and 94% of all male–infant interactions were affiliative, indicating the rareness of male–infant aggression. Second and most interestingly, sires were more likely to affiliate with their offspring than nonsires with unrelated infants. This preference was independent of mother's proximity and emphasized during early infancy. Male–infant affiliation rose with infant age and was pronounced between adult males and male rather than female focal subjects. Overall, our results suggest that male–infant affiliation is also an important component in structuring primate societies and affiliation directed towards own offspring presumably represent low‐cost paternal care.  相似文献   

Summary Offspring production over the adult lifespan (b/M whereb is the yearly fledgling or offspring production and 1/M is the mean adult lifespan) is an approximate invariant within both birds and mammals. The two taxa differ, however, in that mammals have bothM and b as invariants (b/M = b/M) while birds do not ( is the age at first breeding). Birds have a surprising cancellation in that bothM andb are –0.25.  相似文献   

Paternal care is generally, although not exclusively, associated with monogamy in mammals. The Algerian mouse, Mus spretus, is a nocturnal murid living in xeric habitats in northern Africa, the Iberian peninsula and the south of France. We compared the amount of paternal care induced by removing young in Mus spretus and in the polygamous house mouse M. musculus domesticus in terms of the evolution of paternal care during the first 10-days post-partum and absolute (father alone) and relative (both parents) values. We then recovered indirect evidence of young being cared for by males from field data. The results were unambiguous in showing that the two species differed dramatically in paternal behaviour, with no variation being observed during the initial pup development. Mus spretus dedicated half of its time to caring from the young against less than 10% in M. m. domesticus. The former species showed the same number of retrieving acts and direct care bouts both in the presence and in the absence of the mother. Merging these results with field observations of spatial association “male-young” until subadult age, we drew conclusions on the likely occurrence of paternal care in M. spretus. Taken together with our previous results on socio-spatial organisation and pair bonding, we propose that social monogamy is advanced for this species.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that immunoneutralization of transforming growth factor- (TGF-) in the chick embryo significantly reduces programmed cell death (PCD) in peripheral neurons, spinal cord, and retina. In order to validate these results we have begun to analyze PCD in mice with targeted ablations of the TGF-2 and TGF-3 genes. Recent analyses of mice lacking TGF-3 had failed to reveal an overt eye phenotype, while retinae of TGF-2-deficient mice showed retinal hypercellularity. We report now that eyes of Tgf2/Tgf3 double-deficient mice display severe alterations in the morphology of the retina, lens, and cornea. The inner neural retina—the region where TGF- receptor (TR) I and II immunoreactivities are most prominent—is significantly thickened, and numbers of TUNEL-positive cells are significantly reduced compared to wild-type littermates. In Tgf2–/–Tgf3–/– and Tgf2–/–Tgf3+/– littermates the retina was consistently detached from the underlying pigment epithelium. Cornea, corneal stroma, and lens epithelium were significantly thinner in these mutants. In contrast, retinal morphology in Tgf2+/–Tgf3–/– mutant littermates resembles the situation observed in wild-type retinae except for the retinal detachment. Thus, regression in the thickness of cornea and corneal stroma seems to be TGF- isoform and gene dose dependent. Our results substantiate the notion based on previous analyses of chick embryos with reduced levels of endogenous TGF- that TGF-, most notably TGF-2, is required to mediate PCD in developing retinal cells in vivo. Moreover, our data indicate that TGF-s play essential roles in cornea and lens development.This work was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The mating system is expected to have an important influence on the evolution of mating and parenting behaviors. Although many studies have used experimental evolution to examine how mating behaviors evolve under different mating systems, this approach has seldom been used to study the evolution of parental care. We used experimental evolution to test whether adaptation to different mating systems involves changes in mating and parenting behaviors in populations of the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides. We maintained populations under monogamy or promiscuity for six generations. This manipulation had an immediate impact on reproductive performance and adult survival. Compared to monogamy, promiscuity reduced brood size and adult (particularly male) survival during breeding. After six generations of experimental evolution, there was no divergence between monogamous and promiscuous populations in mating behaviors. Parents from the promiscuous populations (especially males) displayed less care than parents from the monogamous populations. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that male care will increase with the certainty of paternity. However, it appears that this change is not associated with a concurrent change in mating behaviors.  相似文献   

Monogamy is a rare strategy among mammals but relatively common among primates. The study of the evolution of monogamy in mammals and primates is lacking empirical studies that assess the relationship between a pair‐living social organization and genetic monogamy. Sexual or genetic monogamy can only be assessed by performing molecular analyses and investigating rates of extra‐pair paternity (EPP). Studying the occurrence of EPP can provide valuable insights into reproductive strategies and their adaptive value. The indri is a pair‐living primate that lives in stable groups. Their social units are composed of the reproductive pair and up to four more individuals, but extra‐pair copulation (EPC) can occur. This raises the question of whether this event may or may not lead to EPP. Here, we investigated whether a pair‐living social organization corresponds to genetic monogamy in indris (Indri indri). We analyzed the paternity of 12 offspring from seven pairs using a set of six microsatellite loci on fecal samples (mean number of alleles 11.7 ± 1.8 (mean ± standard deviation). We found that in 92% of cases the genetic profile of the offspring matched the paired male of the group for all the loci considered. In the only case of paternity mismatch, the paternity assignment remained inconclusive. Our results show that I. indri genetic monogamy is the norm and supports the hypothesis that pair‐living social organization is associated with low EPP rate. Also, our results are in contrast with the hypothesis of infertility as a reason to engage in EPC for this species.  相似文献   

Infant care from adult males is unexpected in species with high paternity uncertainty. Still, males of several polygynandrous primates engage in frequent affiliative interactions with infants. Two non‐exclusive hypotheses link male infant care to male mating strategies. The paternal investment hypothesis views infant care as a male strategy to maximize the survival of sired offspring, while the mating effort hypothesis predicts that females reward males who cared for their infant by preferably mating with them. Both hypotheses predict a positive relationship between infant care and matings with a particular female. However, the paternal investment hypothesis predicts that increased matings come before infant care whereas the mating effort hypothesis predicts that infant care precedes an increase in matings. Both hypotheses are usually tested from the perspective of the proportion of matings and care that individual females engage in and receive, rather than from the perspective of the care and mating behaviour of individual males. We tested the relationships between care and mating from both female and male perspectives in Barbary macaques. Mating predicted subsequent care and care predicted subsequent mating when viewed from the male but not the female perspective. Males mainly cared for infants of their main mating partners, but infants were not mainly cared for by their likely father. Males mated more with the mothers of their favourite infants, but females did not mate more with the main caretakers of their infants. We suggest that females do not choose their mating partners based on previous infant care, increasing paternity confusion. Males might try to increase paternal investment by distributing the care according to their own instead of female mating history. Further, males pursue females for mating opportunities based on previous care.  相似文献   

Summary Effect of temperature-sensitive, assembly-defective mutations in Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (rpoB) or subunit gene (rpoC) was investigated on the expression of wild-type rpoB +C+operon, which was introduced by infection of a lambda transducing phage drif + (rpoB +)-6 after UV-irradiation of the mutant cells. In rpoB2·rpoB7 strain which accumulates assembly-intermediates, free , 2 complex and premature core, the expression of rpoB +C+operon measured by the rate of subunit synthesis was considerably inhibited whereas that of EF(translation elongation factor)-Tu, ribosomal proteins L1 and L7/L12, and some -coded proteins remained unaffected. On the other hand, the expression was enhanced specifically for only rpoB +C+operon in either rpoC4 or rpoC1 mutants, which are defective in the association of 2 complex and subunit or the activation of premature core enzyme, respectively. Upon preincubation of the mutant cells at 42° C prior to phage infection, during which assembly intermediates degraded rapidly, the rate of subunit synthesis relative to other phage-corded proteins increased remarkably in rpoB2·rpoB7 mutant as well as in rpoC4 and rpoC1 mutants. These observations strongly suggested the autogenous regulation for at least (rpoB +C+) operon by some trans-active diffusible protein complexes built of RNA polymerase subunits. Nature of the regulatory molecules is discussed.Paper VI in this series is Saitoh and Ishihama (1977)  相似文献   

Schistosomes represent a unique animal model for comparative analyses of monogamy. Indeed, schistosomes are classified at the lowest taxonomical level of monogamous species and lack complex social interactions, which could alter our understanding of their unusual mating system. Elements discussed here include the fact that monogamy in schistosomes could be an ancestral state between hermaphroditism and polygyny or polygynandry and the occurrence of mate changes. In addition, hypotheses are proposed to explain monogamy in schistosomes (e.g. female dispersion, the need for paternal care, oviposition site limitation or aggressiveness, and mate guarding). We also propose future experimental and analytical approaches to improve our understanding of the schistosomes' mating system.  相似文献   

Apparently monogamous animals often prove, upon genetic inspection, to mate polygamously. Seahorse males provide care in a brood pouch. An earlier genetic study of the Western Australian seahorse demonstrated that males mate with only one female for each particular brood. Here we investigate whether males remain monogamous in sequential pregnancies during a breeding season. In a natural population we tagged males and sampled young from two successive broods of 14 males. Microsatellite analyses of parentage revealed that eight males re‐mated with the same female, and six with a new female. Thus, in this first study to document long‐term genetic monogamy in a seahorse, we show that switches of mates still occur. Polygynous males moved greater distances between broods, and tended to have longer interbrood intervals, than monogamous males, suggesting substantial costs associated with the breaking of pair bonds which may explain the high degree of social monogamy in this fish genus.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe patterns of infant care and development in family groups of the monogamous titi (Callicebus moloch). Three infant titis were observed with their natal family groups over the first six months of life. Field observations of extensive male involvement with infants were confirmed. Adult males were clearly the infants' primary social companions, and infants spent more time in contact with adult males at all ages than with mothers or older siblings. However, mothers and siblings also carried infants at times and interacted with them in affiliative ways (e.g., grooming, nuzzling, play). Mothers often invited nursing, but otherwise it was infants who primarily initiated transfers between carriers and approaches to parents, reminding us that the infants' own activities and their effects on caregivers should not be overlooked in considerations of the patterns of infant care. This is particularly important for those species exhibiting extensive parental involvement by males. It is suggested that substantial male care of young titi infants leads to several important consequences for the infant's social development, including the development of a stronger attachment to the father than the mother.  相似文献   

Pair‐living and a monogamous mating strategy are rare and theoretically unexpected among mammals. Nevertheless, about 10% of primate species exhibit such a social system, which is difficult to explain in the absence of paternal care. In this study, we investigated the two major hypotheses proposed to explain the evolution of monogamy in mammals, the female defence hypothesis (FDH) and the resource defence hypothesis (RDH), in red‐tailed sportive lemurs (Lepilemur ruficaudatus), a nocturnal primate from Madagascar. We analysed behavioural data from eight male–female pairs collected during a 24‐mo field study to illuminate the determinants of pair‐living in this species. Male and female L. ruficaudatus were found to live in dispersed pairs, which are characterised by low cohesion and low encounter rates within a common home range. Social interactions between pair partners were mainly agonistic and characterised by a complete absence of affiliative interactions – body contact was only observed during mating. During the short annual mating season, males exhibited elevated levels of aggression towards mates, as well as extensive mate guarding and increased locomotor activity. In addition, males were exclusively responsible for the maintenance of proximity between pair partners during this period, and they defended their territories against neighbouring males but not against females. Together, these results point towards the importance of female defence in explaining pair‐living in L. ruficaudatus. We discuss the spatial and temporal distribution of receptive females in relation to the female defence strategies of males and suggest possible costs that prevent male red‐tailed sportive lemurs from defending more than one female.  相似文献   

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