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利用采集自青藏高原东南地区察隅县低海拔河谷澜沧黄杉建立树轮宽度差值年表。将树轮宽度差值年表与气候因子进行皮尔逊相关分析,利用线性回归方法重建了青藏高原东南地区1812—2016年4—5月帕尔默干旱指数(PDSI)变化(方差解释量为47%)。结果表明: 树轮宽度指数与PDSI指数有良好相关性(r=0.69,P<0.01)。PDSI重建序列存在4个偏湿阶段(1831—1844年、1853—1863年、1938—1948年和1988—2002年)、3个偏干阶段(1864—1876年、1908—1926年和2003—2016年)。与其他序列和历史记录对比分析表明,该重建序列能够较好地指示研究区历史时期干湿变化。空间分析显示,重建序列与青藏高原东南地区 PDSI 指数的变化趋势较为一致,具有很强的空间代表性。多窗谱分析表明,PDSI重建序列具有19~20、3.9、3.2、2.4和2.1年准周期变化特征,这些周期性干湿变化与亚洲夏季风和ENSO活动相关。  相似文献   

基于建立的小兴安岭南麓红松树轮宽度标准年表,分析红松径向生长与该地区温度和降水间的关系以及1982年升温突变对此相关性的影响。结果表明:6月平均温度与树轮宽度年表在变暖前后始终呈极显著负相关,是该地区红松径向生长的主要限制因子。基于此构建的区域1843—1982年6月平均温度重建方程稳定可靠。重建温度序列的偏暖时期和偏冷时期分别持续7年和29年,偏暖时段为1915—1921年,偏冷时段为1880—1891年和1932—1948年。小波分析结果显示6月平均温度存在2—7a周期变化。空间相关分析结果表明重建温度序列能很好的代表小兴安岭南麓及附近区域的温度变化。本研究拓展了研究区现有的气候数据,可为掌握小兴安岭气候变化规律和科学预测未来气候提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

张权  刘禹  李强  孙长峰  李腾  李珮  叶远达 《应用生态学报》2021,32(10):3671-3679
归一化差异植被指数(NDVI)被广泛应用于植被研究的各个领域,但由于观测时长较短,难以满足长时间尺度的研究需要。基于巴音布鲁克地区雪岭云杉建立了树轮宽度年表(STD),计算年表和NDVI同气象观测数据的相关系数。结果表明:树轮宽度指数和NDVI均与同时段的气象数据具有显著相关。结合宽度年表与6—8月NDVI间的显著正相关(r=0.7,P<0.01,n=38),使用回归模型重建了研究区过去339年的夏季(6—8月)NDVI变化序列,在1680—2018年,重建序列有4个高植被覆盖时段(1738—1765、1786—1798、1964—1973和2000—2018年)和5个低植被覆盖时段(1690—1714、1825—1834、1850—1880、1895—1920和1945—1955年)。重建结果也反映了天山中部水文气候。与周边重建的对比显示,当开都河径流量增加,且研究区处于较为潮湿的环境时,植被覆盖相对较高,反之植被覆盖偏低。重建序列的极值也捕捉了历史文献中一系列自然灾害。混合单粒子拉格朗日综合轨迹模型(HYSPLT)后向轨迹模型和风场分析表明,NDVI异常受到西风带来的降水影响。  相似文献   

利用新疆东天山高低海拔雪岭云杉(Picea schrenkiana Fisch.et Mey.)年轮样本,采用样条函数法、负指数函数法和区域曲线法3种去趋势方法研制树轮宽度标准化年表,通过分析不同去趋势方法的新疆东天山高低海拔云杉树轮宽度标准化年表特征、年表与气候响应的关系和年表间在不同频域互相关,及其与其它资料对比发现:(1)3种去趋势法对东天山年表质量影响较小,低海拔树轮年表含有更多可靠的气候变化信息。(2)高海拔的雪岭云杉树木径向生长与6—9月平均气温均呈显著正相关,其中标准化树轮年表与7月平均气温相关系数达0.553(P0.01,n=58),夏季温度可能是东天山高海拔雪岭云杉径向生长的主要限制因子;低海拔雪岭云杉树木径向生长与春季降水显著正相关,同时与春季平均气温显著负相关,春季高温和缺水共同作用的春旱可能是影响低海拔雪岭云杉径向生长的主导因子,且负指数函数年表对气候响应更敏感。(3)区域曲线法能够保留树轮标准化年表中更多低频信息,但优势不明显。高低海拔标准化年表在低频域相关系数较大,并和历史干旱事件有很好的对应。在东天山高低海拔雪岭云杉的去趋势方法研究中,负指数函数法比样条函数法和区域曲线法更适合。  相似文献   

利用浙江北部西天目山高海拔黄山松树轮样品,建立了340年的整轮、早材和晚材宽度年表,根据子样本信号强度大于0.8的标准,确定年表的可靠时段为1810—2019年,通过对年表与气候要素进行相关分析,研究了树轮生长对气候的响应。结果表明: 黄山松径向生长对气温的响应远高于对降水的响应。综合考虑原始序列和一阶差序列相关分析结果,发现早材宽度与上年生长季前期平均气温、平均最高气温显著相关,晚材宽度与上年5月和当年9月平均气温、平均最高气温显著相关。整轮响应时段与早材较为一致,但相关性较低。最优相关组合为早材宽度与上年4—7月平均气温。基于这一关系,重建了华东天目山地区1809—2018年4—7月平均气温,方差解释量达61.5%,原始序列和一阶差序列均通过分段检验。重建气温序列中的偏冷时段为1834—1964年,偏暖时段为1809—1833和1965—2018年。20世纪60年代以来,气温进入快速上升阶段,从低频趋势上看,20世纪80年代之后气温达到过去210年来的最高水平。空间相关分析表明,重建序列较好地代表了华东地区气温的变化情况,与华东地区的区域重建序列对比也具有较好的一致性。黄山松在华东地区古气候重建方面具有较大潜力。  相似文献   

树轮灰度与树轮密度的对比分析及其对气候要素的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对比新疆巩乃斯地区艾肯达坂采样点雪岭云杉5种树轮灰度年表与其对应4种密度年表的特征参数、年表曲线及其在全频域、高频域及低频域上的相关系数,发现早材平均灰度和晚材平均灰度的变化能够较好的反映早材平均密度和晚材平均密度的变化,而年轮最大灰度和年轮最小灰度的变化对年轮最小密度和年轮最大密度的变化则反映较差.与这一地区气象资料的相关分析结果表明,当年5月至8月平均最高气温与年轮平均灰度年表的相关性最好且具有明确的树木生理学意义,最高单相关系数为-0.542 (P<0.0001,n=51).证明了树轮灰度在历史时期气候变化研究中的应用潜力,同时也为将来在这一地区开展利用树轮灰度重建历史时期气候变化打下了基础.  相似文献   

采集木王国家森林公园的油松树轮样芯,建立树轮宽度标准化年表(STD),与镇安气象站的气候因子进行相关分析,利用线性回归分析重建了镇安县1853—2017年(165年)3—4月平均最高气温。结果表明: 树轮序列与3—4月平均最高气温相关性最大(r=0.596,n=60,P<0.01)。3—4月平均最高气温重建方程的方差解释量为33.2%,重建方程稳定可靠,结果可信。重建序列中偏暖年份出现25次,偏冷年份出现29次,偏暖年份较多地伴随着洪涝事件,偏冷年份较多地伴随着干旱事件。重建序列存在明显的冷暖变化,存在2个偏冷时期(1902—1917年、1953—2000年)、4个偏暖时期(1868—1892年、1917—1937年、1941—1953年、2001—2012年)。重建序列有明显的2~7、8~15、18~28、75~96、100~125年周期变化特征,其中准113、88、22年的周期变化分别为时段内的第一、第二及第三主周期,这些周期性变化可能与太阳活动、季风和厄尔尼诺-南方涛动的变化存在一定的关系。  相似文献   

基于建立的河南尧山地区油松树轮宽度标准年表,分析了油松径向生长与该地区气温、降水等气候因子之间的关系以及气温升高前后树木生长与平均最高气温间的相关性,结果表明:4—7月平均最高气温与树轮年表的相关系数高达-0.64,是该地区油松径向生长的主要限制因子;气候变暖后树轮年表与9、10月份平均最高气温显著正相关,与2、3月降水显著正相关,与4—7月平均最高气温间的相关性较为稳定。因此,重建了尧山地区1801年来4—7月平均最高气温,其方差解释量达40%(调整自由度后为38.9%)。过去216年的高温重建历史中经历了6个较暖的时期:1801—1825,1845—1853,1876—1889,1922—1944,1957—1975,1996—2013年和5个较冷的时期:1826—1844,1854—1875,1890—1921,1945—1956,1978—1995年,其结果与过去伏牛山龙池曼地区5—7月温度重建序列具有很好的一致性。周期分析结果发现该地区4—7月平均最高气温变化存在着2—4年(ENSO周期)和35.23—48.47年的主要变化周期,小波分析发现在1920年前后气候由长周期变为短周期变化;空间相关分析显示重建的高温序列很好地代表了豫东平原地区的温度变化,同时也发现与北太平洋副热带高压850 hPa上空的温度有非常高的正相关关系,表明豫东高温的波动可能与北太平洋海气振荡有关,这一研究结果为山区森林管理及平原区农业生产提供基础服务数据。  相似文献   

根据川西卧龙地区林线位置岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)的年轮宽度资料, 分析了该地区树木年轮宽度与气候要素的关系, 并重建了该地区1850年以来夏季(6-8月份)温度的变化历史。结果表明: 川西卧龙地区在过去159年来的温度变化上, 最为明显的特征是20世纪40年代以来的显著变暖趋势, 而在20世纪40年代以前的温度明显偏低, 主要的低温时期在1850-1870年和1890-1930年。该温度序列的冷暖期与附近地区的冰芯、冰川进退资料, 以及对于夏季温度响应敏感的树轮年表都有着较好的对应关系, 这表明重建序列记录了可靠的区域尺度的温度信号。对重建温度序列的小波分析表明, 较为明显的有2-8年和10-16年的周期, 而这些周期可能与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动气候系统和太阳活动周期有一定的关系。  相似文献   

基于建立的大兴安岭库都尔地区兴安落叶松树轮宽度年表,分析了兴安落叶松树轮宽度年表与该区温度、降水和帕尔默干湿指数(PDSI)等主要气候因子之间的关系.结果表明:研究区5月和7月的温度与兴安落叶松年轮宽度变化呈极显著负相关关系(P0.01);虽然降水与年轮宽度变化没有表现出显著的相关关系,但6—8月PDSI与年轮宽度变化显著相关(P0.05),说明兴安落叶松的生长明显受区域水热条件共同控制,且以5月和7月最显著.兴安落叶松树轮宽度年表与诸如太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)等大尺度气候系统波动的低频系数和高频系数之间呈显著相关,说明太平洋气候系统的波动对该区树木径向生长具有显著影响.  相似文献   

In this study, we developed the tree-ring width chronology for the period of 1404 BCE to 2015 CE using Qilian juniper (Sabina przewalskii Kom.) trees collected from the Buerhanbuda Mts. in the southeastern Qaidam Basin (QB) near Nuomuhong Village, Qinghai Province. This is the first and longest chronology to date in this region. Based on the relationships between the tree-ring width chronology and climate data, the annual precipitation from previous July to current June (July-June) was reconstructed for the past 2917 years from 902 BCE to 2015 CE. This reconstruction accounted for 47.9% of the total variance in the actual July-June precipitation in the calibration period (1957–2015). The full reconstruction captured distinct wet and dry variability, and contained evidence of some low-frequency climate signals. We identified 13 wet and 12 dry periods, of which 1443–1503 CE and 1789–1836 CE were the two longest dry periods. General agreements in the low-frequency variations between the July-June precipitation and other moisture-sensitive records for the northeastern Tibetan Plateau (TP) suggested that the reconstruction in this study represented a regional signal. Spatial correlations with gridded precipitation data also indicated that the reconstructed July-June precipitation could adequately represent climate fluctuations over a large area of the northeastern TP. The new tree-ring width chronology and precipitation reconstruction are important for understanding natural climate change in the southeastern QB.  相似文献   

The long-term characteristics of precipitation in arid and semi-arid areas are of great interest because these areas are very sensitive to climate change and human activities. The Hexi Corridor is an arid and semi-arid region in northwestern China that also is an important sector of the Silk Road Economic Belt; despite the region’s dependence on precipitation, annually resolved, long-term moisture records are still lacking for this region. Here, a standard tree-ring width chronology spanning 1484–2015 AD is developed for the Hexi Corridor using Qilian juniper (S. przewalskii Kom.). The chronology is used to reconstruct moisture changes in the region over the past 467 years. Correlation analyses indicate that the tree-ring width index has a significant positive correlation with the June SPEI (standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index) on a twelve-month time scale (r=0.73, n=65, p<0.001). We used this information to build a transfer function that explains 52.5% of the variance in the SPEI reconstructed for the period from 1549 CE to 2015 CE. Our study area experienced clear alternations between dry and wet periods. Especially long wet periods include 1600–1650 AD and 1762–1804 AD; long dry periods include 1670–1693 AD, 1917–1970 AD, and 1990–2015 AD. The 1920s was the most severe period of drought in the last 467 years. The results of wavelet analysis and running correlation analysis indicate that the atmospheric circulation system experienced a notable shift around the 1800s, after which point the role of the westerly system grew more pronounced.  相似文献   

Cores of Schrenk spruce from seven sites of eastern Tien Shan were used to develop a regional tree-ring chronology to extend the climate record. We developed an August–July Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) reconstruction that spans AD 1725–2013 based on the regional tree-ring chronology. The reconstruction model accounts for 45.3% of the SPEI variance from 1959 to 2013. The SPEI reconstruction agrees reasonably well with the dry and wet periods previously estimated from tree rings in northern Xinjiang. The correlation analysis revealed that temperature plays an important role in regional drought variability, and some extreme wet years also coincide with the volcanic eruptions.  相似文献   

Current understanding of the paleoclimatic variability across the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is still limited because of the lack of long-term climatic records. We developed a regional tree–ring width chronology of Picea likiangensis var. balfouriana from the central Hengduan Mountains region, in the southeastern TP. Climate-growth correlation analysis revealed that the current year’s July (cJuly) and the current year’s August (cAugust) mean minimum temperature was the main climatic factor controlling tree-ring growth. Using a linear regression function, we reconstructed this indicator for the past 214 years (1795–2008) to produce the first mean minimum temperature reconstruction for the central Hengduan Mountains. The reconstruction satisfied all statistical calibration and validation tests, and represented 35.9% of the temperature variance recorded over the 1958–2008 instrumental period (34.6% after adjusting for the loss of the degrees of freedom). During the past 214 years, two major cold periods were identified from 1839 to 1853 and 1857–1942, and four major warm periods from 1802 to 1813, 1819–1838, 1972–1981, and 1988–2008. The degree of warming from 1988 to 2008 was unprecedented over the past two centuries. Spatial field correlation with the gridded temperature dataset revealed that our reconstruction captures large-scale regional temperature variations for the southeastern TP and its vicinity. The reconstructed variations were consistent when compared to other regional temperature datasets, historical documents, and records of glacier fluctuations in the surrounding high mountains. This consistency with multiple records suggests that our reconstructed sequence is reliable and it could represent historical large-scale temperature changes on the southeastern TP.  相似文献   

Traditional detrending methods assign equal mean value to all tree-ring series for chronology developments, despite that the mean annual growth changes in different time periods. We find that the strength of a tree-ring model can be improved by giving more weights to tree-ring series that have a stronger climate signal and less weight to series that have a weaker signal. We thus present an ensemble weighting method to mitigate these potential biases and to more accurately extract the climate signals in dendroclimatology studies. This new method has been used to develop the first annual precipitation reconstruction (previous August to current July) at the Songmingyan Mountain and to recalculate the tree-ring chronology from Shenge site in Dulan area in northeastern Tibetan Plateau (TP), a marginal area of Asian summer monsoon. The ensemble weighting method explains 31.7% of instrumental variance for the reconstructions at Songmingyan Mountain and 57.3% of the instrumental variance in the Dulan area, which are higher than those developed using traditional methods. We focus on the newly introduced reconstruction at Songmingyan Mountain, which showsextremely dry (wet) epochs from 1862–1874, 1914–1933 and 1991–1999 (1882–1905). These dry/wet epochs were also found in the marginal areas of summer monsoon and the Indian subcontinent, indicating the linkages between regional hydroclimate changes and the Indian summer monsoon.  相似文献   

江西大岗山地区7-9月降水量的重建与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据江西大岗山地区4个采样点的马尾松年轮样本,建立了本地区的综合年轮年表,分析了马尾松径向生长与气候因子变化的相关及响应关系,发现大岗山地区树木径向生长受生长季7—9月降水量影响较显著,呈负相关关系。在响应分析的基础上,首次重建了大岗山地区1892年以来7—9月的降水量,交叉检验表明重建序列是可靠的。重建结果表明,大岗山地区7—9月份降水变化在过去的117年中总体经历了3个偏干时期:1895—1902年,1908—1926年和1944—1985年,和3个偏湿阶段:1903—1907年,1927—1943年及1986—2008年。重建的降水量序列在1921年,1937年及1977年发生明显的方差突变,表明百年以来该地区降水量变化趋势存在阶段性变化。  相似文献   

Knowledge of drought variability and their possible mechanisms during the past hundred years is still limited in the mountainous region of south-central Tibetan Plateau (TP). In this study, a long-term tree-ring width chronology dating back to 1190 CE was combined using 328 increment cores from the Nagqu region. Based on the relationships between this tree-ring width chronology and climate data, we reconstructed May–June self-calibrated Palmer Drought Severity Index (scPDSI) for the past 821 years (1190–2010 CE). Additional comparisons with other available precipitation or drought reconstructions were conducted. We further investigated the influence of the South Asian summer monsoon (SASM) on the drought variability in our study region. Results indicated that our tree-ring width chronology contained stable drought signal in the early summer season (May–June). During the past 821 years, the longest dry and wet periods lasted for 116 and 90 years, respectively, based on a 21-year Fast Fourier transform filter. Specifically, longer than ten years’ dry periods prevailed during 1211–1245 CE, 1280–1358, 1421–1471, 1500–1571, 1580–1598, 1650–1691, 1782–1807 and 1867–1982; while wet intervals occurred in 1190–1210 CE, 1246–1279, 1359–1420, 1472–1499, 1599–1649, 1692–1781, 1808–1866 and 1983–2010. Generally consistent dry and wet intervals across the southern TP were found by comparisons with other available datasets during their common periods. Interestingly, we detected an unstable influence of the SASM on the May–June drought variability in our study region, at least for the past three and a half centuries. This study therefore gives a new perspective of drought variability as well as their relationships with the SASM over a long-term period on the south-central TP.  相似文献   

利用采自额尔齐斯河上游6个采点的西伯利亚云杉(Picea obovata Ledeb)树轮样本建立了区域树轮宽度年表。与气候要素的相关分析表明,该地区树木径向生长主要受降水制约,区域树轮宽度年表与富蕴气象站上年7月至当年6月的降水总量相关显著。在此基础上建立了转换方程,重建了额尔齐斯河上游地区1722—2012年上年7月至当年6月的降水总量,方差解释量高达55.1%(调整自由度后为54.2%)。重建结果显示,该地区过去291年间存在9个降水偏多的时期和8个降水偏少的时期。降水重建序列还存在2.1a和3.2a的显著周期及2.3、21.6、24.3a的较显著周期,并且在1876—1877年及1983年前后发生了降水突变。空间相关分析表明,重建的上年7月至当年6月降水量对额尔齐斯河上游阿勒泰地区的降水量具有很好的空间代表性。此外,重建结果还与周边地区其他基于树轮资料重建的降水序列的干湿变化有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

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