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两性异形可能在促进入侵种成功入侵过程中扮演重要角色而促使研究者进行广泛的探讨。本文利用传统形态性状测量及框架性状分析方法定量研究了滇池流域典型入侵鱼类小黄黝鱼Micropercops swinhonis繁殖期与非繁殖期的两性异形特征,为系统研究小黄黝鱼的繁殖生态与入侵机制的关系奠定基础。研究结果显示,小黄黝鱼种群在5—6月出现世代交替,可以划分出5月前的世代Ⅰ和6月后新成熟的世代Ⅱ2个繁殖群体。这2个繁殖群体繁殖期雄鱼体长均显著大于雌鱼,提示小黄黝鱼是偏向于大个体雄性的两性异形物种。非繁殖期,小黄黝鱼雌雄体长差异无统计学意义。单因素方差分析显示,小黄黝鱼雌雄个体无论繁殖期还是非繁殖期均在多个测量参数中呈现显著差异。主成分分析显示,世代Ⅰ繁殖群体繁殖期雌雄鱼在第二主成分PC2轴上显著分离,尾柄高/体高、腹鳍起点-臀鳍起点/体长等是导致两性形态差异的主要指标,提示雄鱼尾柄增大及雌鱼腹腔增大以提高两性的繁殖成功率等策略是促使两性异形的重要因素;世代Ⅱ繁殖群体在第一主成分PC1轴上显著分离,全长、体长、尾柄长/头长、尾柄高/体长、头宽/体长、胸鳍起点-臀鳍起点/体长等与生长及腹腔增大有关的指标是导致两者形态差异的主要因素;非繁殖期雌雄鱼形态性状差异不明显。判别分析结果则进一步支持了雌雄鱼形态性状差异繁殖期明显、非繁殖期不明显的结论。小黄黝鱼两性异形与提高其繁殖输出及后代早期存活率密切相关,对其入侵与种群扩张有积极意义。  相似文献   

测量和比较采自黄山的凹耳蛙成体标本(雌雄各20个),统计结果表明成年雌雄蛙的体长、头宽、吻长、鼻间距、眼间距、眼径、鼓膜宽、前臂及指长、前臂宽等两性形态学指标存在显著性差异。对与体长显著相关的形态特征,以体长为协变量的协方差分析表明凹耳蛙雌雄两性在头宽、眼间距、眼径、鼓膜宽存在显著差异。凹耳蛙两性异形比达到0.418,雌性平均体长对雄性平均体长的比达到1.716。头宽、眼间距、眼径、鼓膜宽等局部形态特征与体长的线性回归分析表明,雌性斜率大于雄性斜率,说明雌性凹耳蛙上述局部特征随体长的生长速率明显大于雄性。雌性体长的繁殖力选择能够很好地解释凹耳蛙的两性异形。  相似文献   

用采自海南东寨港红树林保护区的58只(35 ♀♀,23 ♂♂)成体海陆蛙(Fejervarya cancrivora),通过测量头体长、体重、头长、头宽、吻长等11个形态特征指标和雌体卵巢质量(窝卵重),研究该种形态特征的两性异形和雌性繁殖特征,并检验雌性成体大小(头体长和体重)与其繁殖的相关性.雌雄两性个体的最小头体长分别为44.9 mm和45.2 mm.除吻长和眼间距外,其余局部形态特征与头体长皆呈正相关性.头体长在雌雄两性之间差异显著,雌性显著大于雄性;而体重、头长、头宽等局部形态均无两性差异.海陆蛙雌体的窝卵重与头体长和体重之间皆成正相关关系,表明雌性可能是通过增大体型从而增加繁殖输出,而向较大体型发展.  相似文献   

宁波滑蜥两性异形和雌性繁殖   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
蜥蜴的雌性繁殖特征对理解两性异形的进化原因起着重要作用。于2011年4月在安徽滁州采集宁波滑蜥(Scincella modesta),定量研究该种形态特征的两性异形和雌性繁殖特征,检验成体形态特征两性异形与雌性繁殖的相关性。研究共采集43条(17♀♀,26♂♂)宁波滑蜥,雄性和雌性个体的最大体长分别为47.4 mm和46.6 mm。雌雄两性在体长和头宽上没有差异,而在腹长和头长上差异显著,雄性有较大的头长,雌性有较大的腹长。宁波滑蜥年产单窝卵。窝卵数和窝卵重与雌体体长及腹长呈正相关,卵重与雌体体长无相关性。窝卵数及卵重的变异系数分别为0.20和0.12。卵长径与窝卵数呈负相关,而卵短径与窝卵数无关。雌体主要通过增加窝卵数来增加繁殖输出。这些结果表明,宁波滑蜥是雌雄个体大小同形的两性异形模式,性选择使得雄性有着较大的头长,以具有较高的交配成功率,生育力选择使得雌性有着较大的腹长,以具有较大的生育力和繁殖输出。  相似文献   

蓝尾石龙子的生长、两性异形及雌性繁殖   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:27  
杜卫国  计翔 《动物学研究》2001,22(4):279-286
报道蓝尾石龙子(Eumeces elegans)的生长、两性异形和雌性繁殖,性成熟个体体色的两性差异显著,成年雄性体长、头长和头宽显著大于成年雌性,幼体体长生长率无显著的两性差异。成年雄体体长生长率显著大于成年雌体,因此,个体大小的两性异形是性成熟后发生的,体长小于50mm的幼体,头长和头宽无性差异;当体长大于50mm。雄性头长和头宽随体长的生长率显著大于雌性。并导致头部大小的两性异形,并随个体发育变得越来越显著,蓝尾石龙子产卵雌体的最小体长为69.3mm,大于此体长的雌体均年产单窝卵。窝卵数、窝卵重和平均卵重均与雌体体长呈正相关,平均值分别为6.4、2.783和0.554g。窝卵数与雌体产后状态无关,蓝尾石龙子雌体主要通过增加窝卵数和卵大小来增加繁殖输出。  相似文献   

通过测量和比较采自新疆且末县的新疆沙虎Teratoscincus przewalskii成体的体型和口宽等6个形态特征,研究了新疆沙虎的两性异形。研究共采集64只新疆沙虎(雌性26只,雄性38只),雌雄成体最小体长(SVL)分别为63.6 mm和59.7 mm。口宽、头宽、头高、眼间距和尾长5个局部形态特征均与体长呈显著正相关。新疆沙虎体长雌雄间无差异,其它身体形态特征仅口宽具有显著的两性差异,且口宽相对于体长呈异速生长,雌性增长速率大于雄性。新疆沙虎口宽的两性异形可能与两性间食性的差异有关,而体长和其它身体形态特征无显著两性差异则可能与性选择和自然选择的综合作用有关。  相似文献   

短尾高原鳅繁殖力初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对短尾高原鳅Triplophysa brevicauda的繁殖力进行了研究。结果表明,短尾高原鳅雌性个体的成熟系数显著高于雄性。雌性繁殖群体的个体绝对繁殖力为1 028~5 508粒,平均为2 804粒±1 282粒。体长相对繁殖力为42粒/mm±16粒/mm,体质量相对繁殖力为1 006粒/g±292粒/g。短尾高原鳅的绝对繁殖力分别与体长、体质量及性腺质量呈极显著线性正相关;体长相对繁殖力分别与体质量及性腺质量呈极显著线性正相关;体质量相对繁殖力与这些生物学参数均不相关。在雌性短尾高原鳅性腺中,卵径的分布呈"单峰型",推测短尾高原鳅属不分批产卵类型。  相似文献   

塔里木河叶尔羌高原鳅繁殖生物学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2010年7月至2011年12月,在塔里木河阿拉尔段采集叶尔羌高原鳅Triplophysa (Hedinichthys) yar-kandensis (Day)940尾(除性别未辨个体外)用于繁殖生物学研究。种群雌雄比为0.85︰1,最小性成熟,雌性个体体长为8.2 cm,体重为7.4 g,年龄为3龄;雄性个体体长为6.5 cm,体重为3.4 g,年龄为2龄。叶尔羌高原鳅卵径分布呈单峰形,推测应属于同步产卵类型。计算了88尾Ⅳ-Ⅴ期雌鱼的怀卵量,其体长范围30-195 mm,体重范围3.59-114.04 g,绝对繁殖力为1101-56320(9944±5487)粒,相对繁殖力为824-1140(982±158);塔里木河阿拉尔段叶尔羌高原鳅种群繁殖力(Fp)为403.46万粒。  相似文献   

丽纹攀蜥头体大小的两性异形和繁殖期的生长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林植华 《四川动物》2004,23(3):277-280
测定了丽纹攀蜥的体长、头长、头宽、头高、尾长和体重等形态指标,以及通过44天的生长后体长、头长、头宽和头高的增长。表明成年两性个体体长无显著的两性异形,局部形态特征皆与体长呈正相关。协方差分析表明,雄性的头长、头宽、头高和尾长显著大于雌性个体,繁殖期雌性个体的体重显著大于雄性个体。丽纹攀蜥繁殖期雄性体长的增长显著大于雌性体长的增长,雌雄两性头长、头宽和头高的增长无显著的差异。  相似文献   

用采自云南省西双版纳傣族自治州勐腊县的53只(28♂♂,25♀♀)成体饰纹姬蛙(Microhyla fissipes),测量全部个体的体长、头长、头宽、体重等16项形态特征和雌体怀卵量数据,通过独立样本t检验和协方差检验该物种所有形态特征的两性差异,进而采用线性回归方法分析雌雄成体局部形态特征与体长的相关性,以及雌性成体怀卵量与局部形态特征的相关性。结果表明,饰纹姬蛙平均体长雌性为(25.08±0.40)mm,雄性为(24.78±0.31)mm,体长和体重在雌雄两性间差异不显著(P 0.05),两性个体大小基本同形。该蛙的所有局部形态特征与体长均存在极显著正相关性(P 0.01);雌雄两性间只在头宽和前臂及手长这两个形态特征上存在显著差异(P 0.05),且随体长的增大其生长速率也存在显著差异。雌性成体的怀卵量与体长、体重、眼间距、前臂宽、胫宽和跗足长均存在显著正相关性(P 0.05),且与体重存在极显著正相关性(P 0.01)。分析认为,饰纹姬蛙成体两性异形主要表现在头宽和前臂及手长,与生存竞争中对食物的获取能力及雄性争夺交配权的成功率有关;而雌性个体可以通过增加体长和体重,相应地增加腹腔容量来提高繁殖输出,该结果符合生育力选择假说。  相似文献   

棒花鱼形态特征的两性异形和雌性个体生育力   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
测定了棒花鱼(Abbottina rivularis)繁殖期形态特征包括体长、头长、头宽、头高、眼间距、鼻间距、背鳍基长、胸鳍长、胸鳍腹鳍间距、尾柄长、尾鳍长和体重的两性异形和雌性个体生育力。结果表明,雄性个体的数量显著多于雌性个体,雄性个体的体长显著大于雌性个体。特定体长的雌性个体的胸鳍腹鳍间距显著大于雄性个体,头长、头宽、头高、眼间距、鼻间距、背鳍基长、胸鳍长、尾柄长和尾鳍长显著小于雄性个体,雌雄两性体重不存在显著差异。棒花鱼的怀卵数量与体长和体重回归关系显著。偏相关分析显示,当控制第三者恒定时,怀卵数量与体长和体重呈正相关但不显著。棒花鱼存在个体大小和其他局部特征显著的两性异形,雌性个体主要通过腹腔容积的增加提高个体生育力。棒花鱼形态特征的两性异形是性选择和生育力选择共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

Richard Shine 《Oecologia》1986,69(2):260-267
Filesnakes (Acrochordus arafurae) are large (to 2 m), heavy-bodied snakes of tropical Australia. Sexual dimorphism is evident in adult body sizes, weight/length ratios, and body proportions (relative head and tail lengths). Dimorphism is present even in neonates. Two hypotheses for the evolution of such dimorphism are (1) sexual selection or (2) adaptation of the sexes to different ecological niches. The hypothesis of sexual selection is consistent with general trends of sexually dimorphic body sizes in snakes, and accurately predicts, for A. arafurae, that the larger sex (female) is the one in which reproductive success increases most strongly with increasing body size. However, the sexual dimorphism in relative head sizes is not explicable by sexual selection.The hypothesis of adaptation to sex-specific niches predicts differences in habitats and/or prey. I observed major differences between male and female A. arafurae in prey types, prey sizes and habitat utilization (shallow versus deep water). Hence, the sexual dimorphism in relative head sizes is attributed to ecological causes rather than sexual selection. Nonetheless, competition between the sexes need not be invoked as the selective advantage of this character divergence. It is more parsimonious to interpret these differences as independent adaptations of each sex to increase foraging success, given pre-existing sexually-selected differences in size, habitat or behavior. Data for three other aquatic snake species, from phylogenetically distant taxa, suggest that sexual dimorphism in food habits, foraging sites and feeding morphology, is widespread in snakes.  相似文献   

2003年5月,在广西壮族自治区都安县高岭乡红水河水系采集到一批条鳅标本。经鉴定,为云南鳅属(Yunnanilius)一未经发表的新种。新种长须云南鳅(Yunnanilus longibarbatus sp.nov.)属于黑斑云南鳅种组(Yunnanilus nigromaculatusgroup),并与黑斑云南鳅[Y.nigromaculatus(Regan)]、钝吻云南鳅(Y.obtusirostris Yang)、长背云南鳅(Y.longidorsalisLi,Tao et Lu)和巴江云南鳅(Y.bajingensisLi)等4种最为相似。长背云南鳅背鳍分枝鳍条11根,颌须短,仅达眼中部,背鳍起点距吻端较距尾鳍基为近,可与包括本种在内的其余4种相区别(背鳍分枝鳍条8-9根,颌须达到或超过眼后缘,背鳍起点距吻端较距尾鳍基为远)。本种和钝吻云南鳅上颌中央无齿状突、下颌中央无缺刻,可与黑斑云南鳅和巴江云南鳅相区别。本种在鳍条数、上下颌、背鳍起点的位置、尾鳍形状、鳞片、头部侧线管孔、体侧纵纹等方面与钝吻云南鳅最为相似,但本种可藉多个特征与后者相区别:颌须伸过眼后缘至鳃盖后缘的中点至鳃盖后缘,是已知云南鳅中须最长的;背鳍不分枝鳍条下1/3处具一不显著黑色斑点(vs.无斑);体侧纵纹,其宽窄于眼径,较大个体背鳍之前的纵纹被虫状纹取代(vs.体侧纵纹始终存在,其宽约等于眼径);头背具斑点(vs.无斑);尾柄较细长,体长/尾柄长=5.3-6.1(vs.7.4-9.0,尾柄长/尾柄高=1.3-1.8vs.0.8-1.1)。  相似文献   

为了解蛇鮈雌雄间是否存在显著的外部形态差异及雌性个体生殖力情况, 在繁殖期对嘉陵江下游(合川江段)共76尾蛇鮈样本的两性异形、性比及雌性个体生殖力进行分析.结果表明: 嘉陵江下游蛇鮈繁殖群体的性比接近1∶1,且蛇鮈两性的体型大小相同,但局部特征(如头部和躯干部等)呈现出显著的两性异形,如成体雄性蛇鮈的头部、胸鳍和腹鳍均较雌性蛇鮈大,而躯干部的体宽、体高和躯干长则是雌性蛇鮈大于雄性蛇鮈,这可能是性选择长期作用的结果.主成分分析显示,前3个主成分的累积贡献率达75.2%,但雌雄个体间形态特征相互重叠,无法将两者截然分开;利用判别函数对蛇鮈性别进行回判,综合判别准确率为92.1%.蛇鮈雌性个体绝对生殖力在979~19979粒;且与体长和去内脏体质量均呈显著正相关.同历史资料相比,本研究中嘉陵江蛇鮈的生殖力增大显著,这可能是蛇鮈对种群资源量下降和水环境变化主动适应的结果.  相似文献   

测定了乐山棒花鱼(Abbottina kiatingensis)繁殖期形态特征包括体长、头长、头宽、头高、吻长、眼后头长、眼径、眼间距、体高、尾柄长、尾柄高、尾鳍长、背鳍基前距、背鳍基长、腹鳍基前距、腹臀间距、体重和去内脏体重的两性异形和雌性个体生育力。繁殖期雄性个体的数量显著多于雌性个体,雌雄两性个体的体长差异不显著。特定体长的雌性个体的头长、头宽、头高、吻长、眼后头长、尾柄高、背鳍基前距、背鳍基长和去内脏体重显著小于雄性个体,其余指标不存在明显的差异。回归分析表明,乐山棒花鱼的怀卵数量与体长和体重回归关系显著,雌性通过个体大小(体长和体重)的增加来提高个体生育力。  相似文献   

The Charadrii (shorebirds, gulls and alcids) are one of the most diverse avian groups from the point of view of sexual size dimorphism, exhibiting extremes in both male-biased and female-biased dimorphism, as well as monomorphism. In this study we use phylogenetic comparative analyses to investigate how size dimorphism has changed over evolutionary time, distinguishing between changes that have occurred in females and in males. Independent contrasts analyses show that both body mass and wing length have been more variable in males than in females. Directional analyses show that male-biased dimorphism has increased after inferred transitions towards more polygynous mating systems. There have been analogous increases in female-biased dimorphism after transitions towards more socially polyandrous mating systems. Changes in dimorphism in both directions are attributable to male body size changing more than female body size. We suggest that this might be because females are under stronger natural selection constraints related to fecundity. Taken together, our results suggest that the observed variation in dimorphism of Charadrii can be best explained by male body size responding more sensitively to variable sexual selection than female body size.  相似文献   

Darwin's fecundity advantage model is often cited as the cause of female biased size dimorphism, however, the empirical studies of lifetime selection on male and female body size that would be required to demonstrate this are few. As a component of a study relating sexual size dimorphism to lifetime selection in natural populations of the female size-biased waterstrider Aquarius remigis (Hemiptera: Gerridae), we estimated coefficients for daily fecundity selection, longevity selection, and lifetime fecundity selection acting on female body size and components of body size for two consecutive generations. Daily fecundity was estimated using females confined in field enclosures and reproductive survival was estimated by twice-weekly recaptures. We found that daily fecundity selection favored females with longer total length through direct selection acting on abdomen length. Longevity selection favored females with smaller total length. When daily fecundity and reproductive longevity were combined to estimate lifetime fecundity we found significant balancing selection acting on total length in both years. The relationship between daily fecundity and reproductive longevity also reveals a significant cost of reproduction in one of two years. We relate these selection estimates to previous estimates of sexual selection on male body size and consider the relationship between contemporary selection and sexual size dimorphism.  相似文献   

Larger male Caribbean fruit flies are more likely to be chosen as mates and defeat rivals in territorial contests. Yet males are smaller than females. Adaptive explanations for relatively small male size include (1) acceleration of male development to maximize female encounter rates, (2) selection for greater female size to increase fecundity, and (3) selection for body sizes most suitable for sexually dimorphic degrees of mobility, speed, and distance flight. None of these unambiguously accounts for the degree of sexual dimorphism. Male development is not accelerated relative to that of females. On average, males remain inside fruit longer than females and those males with extended development periods are smaller than more rapidly developing individuals. There is no evidence that female enlargement alone, presumably for greater fecundity, has generated the degree of dimorphism in the Caribbean fruit fly or other fruit flies. The relationship between dimorphism and mean female body size in 27 species of Tephritidae is the opposite of what would be predicted if differences in dimorphism were due to differences in unilateral female enlargement. Larger size in a species or in one sex of a species may be an adaptation for extensive flight. In general, among 32 species of fruit flies, as body size increases, wing shape becomes progressively more suited for distance flight. However, there are important exceptions to this correlation. Both sexual selection and nonadaptive allometries may contribute to the range of dimorphisms within the family.  相似文献   

1. The effect of mating success, female fecundity and survival probability associated with intra‐sex variation in body size was studied in Mesophylax aspersus, a caddisfly species with female‐biased sexual size dimorphism, which inhabits temporary streams and aestivates in caves. Adults of this species do not feed and females have to mature eggs during aestivation. 2. Thus, females of larger size should have a fitness advantage because they can harbour more energy reserves that could influence fecundity and probability of survival until reproduction. In contrast, males of smaller size might have competitive advantages over others in mating success. 3. These hypotheses were tested by comparing the sex ratio and body size of individuals captured before and after the aestivation period. The associations between body size and female fecundity, and between mating success and body size of males, were explored under laboratory conditions. 4. During the aestivation period, the sex ratio changed from 1 : 1 to male biased (4 : 1), and a directional selection on body size was detected for females but not for males. Moreover, larger clutches were laid by females of larger size. Finally, differences in mating success between small and large males were not detected. These results suggest that natural selection (i.e. the differential mortality of females associated with body size) together with possible fecundity advantages, are important factors responsible of the sexual size dimorphism of M. aspersus. 5. These results highlight the importance of taking into account mechanisms other than those traditionally used to explain sexual dimorphism. Natural selection acting on sources of variation, such as survival, may be as important as fecundity and sexual selection in driving the evolution of sexual size dimorphism.  相似文献   

Evolutionary ecologists dating back to Darwin (1871) have sought to understand why males are larger than females in some species, and why females are the larger sex in others. Although the former is widespread in mammals, rodents and other small mammals usually exhibit low levels of sexual size dimorphism (SSD). Here, we investigate patterns of sexual dimorphism in 34 vole species belonging to the subfamily Arvicolinae in a phylogenetic comparative framework. We address the potential role of sexual selection and fecundity selection in creating sex differences in body size. No support was found for hyperallometric scaling of male body size to female body size. We observed a marginally significant relationship between SSD and the ratio of male to female home range size, with the latter being positively related to the level of intrasexual competition for mates. This suggests that sexual selection favours larger males. Interestingly, we also found that habitat type, but not mating system, constitutes a strong predictor of SSD. Species inhabiting open habitats – where males have extensive home ranges in order to gain access to as many females as possible – exhibit a higher mean dimorphism than species inhabiting closed habitats, where females show strong territoriality and an uniform distribution preventing males to adopt a territorial strategy for gaining copulations. Nonetheless, variation in the strength of sexual selection is not the only selective force shaping SSD in voles; we also found a positive association between female size and litter size across lineages. Assuming this relationship also exists within lineages (i.e. fecundity selection on female size), this suggests an additional role for variation in the strength of fecundity selection shaping interspecific differences in female size, and indirectly in SSD. Therefore our results suggest that different selective processes act on the sizes of males and females, but because larger size is favoured in both sexes, SSD is on average relatively small.  相似文献   

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