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小球藻用于生物柴油生产的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对小球藻(Chlorella)生产生物柴油的研究做一综述。方法:查阅近年来国内外小球藻用于生物柴油生产的相关文献,并进行综合分析。结果:微藻生物柴油是具有广泛发展前景的生物柴油,小球藻是目前研究较深入、非常有吸引力的、用于生产生物柴油的微藻藻种,是优质的生物柴油原料,具有其他生物柴油原料不可比拟的优势。随着工程技术的发展和研究的不断深入,探索适宜的小球藻规模化培养方法以期获得质与量兼得的高品质油脂成为研究目标,相信该目标在不久的将来就会实现。结论:小球藻在生物柴油生产领域具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

可再生生物柴油副产物合成生物材料PHA研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着生物柴油产业的快速发展,大量的生物柴油副产物必将给生态环境及经济发展带来严重影响。如何利用新思路、新工艺、新技术加工处理副产物,将成为制约生物柴油产业发展的主要因素。聚羟基饱和脂肪酸酯(PHA)是当今生物材料领域最为活跃的研究热点,具有广泛的应用前景,但其生产成本高,选择便宜的合成原料一直是从事PHA研究的科学家们考虑的主要问题之一。将生物柴油副产物用于PHA生产研究,有助于解决副产物过度积累和PHA合成原料成本过高的问题,有利于生物柴油产业的稳定、可持续发展。本文综述了近年来生物柴油副产物用于PHA合成的最新进展。  相似文献   

生物柴油原料资源高油脂微藻的开发利用   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
生物柴油作为化石能源的替代燃料已在国际上得到广泛应用。至今生物柴油的原料主要来自油料植物, 但与农作物争地的情况以及较高的原料成本限制了生物柴油的进一步推广。微藻作为高光合生物有其特殊的原料成本优势, 微藻的脂类含量最高可达细胞干重的80%。利用生物技术改良微藻, 获得的高油脂基因工程微藻经规模养殖, 可大大降低生物柴油原料成本。介绍了国内外生物柴油的应用现状, 阐述了微藻作为生物柴油原料的优势, 对基因工程技术调控微藻脂类代谢途径的研究进展, 以及在构建工程微藻中面临的问题和应采取的对策进行了综述和展望。  相似文献   

从生物酒精、生物柴油和其他可作为生物燃料的生物化学品3个方面讨论生物燃料生产的现状、酶制剂的应用和发展及未来生物技术的努力方向。在生物乙醇技术中,涵盖了第一代应用淀粉质和第二代采用纤维素类原料的生产,对生产量和发展潜力均相对较小的生物柴油也简单提及。  相似文献   

乌桕油脂成分作为生物柴油原料的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生物柴油本质上是长链脂肪酸甲酯,工业上多通过酯交换反应进行生产.乌桕是广泛分布于中国的油料树种,其种子油脂含量高达40%左右,是生物柴油的优质原料.本文在介绍能源植物的种类及生物柴油生产概况的同时综述了乌桕皮油和梓油的提取工艺、用于催化乌桕油生产生物柴油的催化剂以及乌桕油及种子中脂肪酸组成等方面的研究进展.规范乌桕种质资源的标准化与分子标记辅助遗传育种、油脂代谢途径机理的揭示及转基因技术创制高含油新品种、新型纳米催化剂及新型高效固定化抗逆脂肪酶的研制对推动乌桕生物柴油的发展具有重要作用.  相似文献   

藻类生物柴油研究现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王萌  陈章和 《生命科学》2011,(1):121-126
随着世界能源危机和环境恶化的加剧,新型绿色燃料——生物柴油备受关注。目前,世界范围内主要以油料作物和动物脂肪为原料生产生物柴油,但存在很多局限性。藻类本身具有很多优点,以藻类为原料生产的生物柴油是真正的环保可再生能源,但是藻类生物柴油的生产工艺费用较高,生产技术还不成熟,仍需要进一步的研究。该文主要介绍藻类生物柴油的优越性、生产工艺以及研究现状,分析了生产过程中存在的问题,展望了未来藻类生物柴油生产工艺研究的重点和发展趋势。  相似文献   

发展菜籽油制备生物柴油产业的一种有效对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
菜籽油是生产生物柴油的主要原料之一,目前用菜籽油生产生物柴油的主要瓶颈是原料成本较高,一般占到总生产成本的75%左右。在介绍国内外菜籽油制备生物柴油产业发展现状和存在的主要问题的基础上,提出了利用现有冬闲田生产高芥酸油菜籽,以高芥酸菜籽油为原料联产制备生物柴油、芥酸及其系列衍生产品和甘油、甾醇类化合物等高值副产品的对策,并从产品用途与市场需求潜力、企业经济效益、生产技术和条件、原料来源等几方面分析了这一发展对策的可行性。该对策的实施,将实现我国菜籽油制备生物柴油产业的兴起和可持续发展,提高生物柴油产品品质,带动我国生物化工和其它诸多行业的共同发展,为我国社会主义新农村建设作出贡献。  相似文献   

超临界流体技术制备生物柴油不使用催化剂,生产过程清洁环保,是极具发展潜力的绿色可再生能源生产技术。本文首先简述超临界流体的特点及其用于生物柴油制备的物理、化学基础;其次详细分析超临界流体技术制备生物柴油的过程中反应温度、反应压力、醇油摩尔比、低碳醇种类、水、脂肪酸、反应器及反应形式等工艺控制条件对反应的影响和原因,并介绍超临界流体制备生物柴油中的过程强化方法和技术经济性。尽管超临界流体制备生物柴油具有原料适应性好、投资和运行成本低、生产过程清洁等优点,但存在反应条件苛刻、甲醇用量高等问题,从工业化角度指出使用廉价废弃油脂原料降成本、调节原料酸值降低反应苛刻度、连续化和大型化是超临界流体制备生物柴油技术的重点提升方向。  相似文献   

概要介绍了生物柴油的原料资源、特性、生产方法和国内外生物柴油发展概况,并分析了我国发展生物柴油的战略意义,旨在为生物教学提供参考资料。  相似文献   

鞠丽萍  陈彬  杨志峰  戴婧  齐静  苏美蓉  刘耕源 《生态学报》2010,30(20):5646-5652
生物柴油作为石油的替代能源之一,已在我国开始了产业化应用。采用能值分析方法对以麻风果油为原料的生物柴油生产全过程,包括麻风树的种植、麻风果实的运输、麻风果油的榨取、果油酯化4个过程以及废水的处理进行了评价,从可更新资源、不可更新资源和购买资源入手构建了能值评价指标体系,并与大豆油为原料的生物柴油、小麦为原料的生物乙醇进行了比较。结果表明麻风果油生物柴油的能值转换率是1.67×1013sej/kg,能值产出率是1.85,环境负载率是6.84,可持续发展指数是0.271。比较得出,麻风果油能值转换率是大豆油的3倍,是生物乙醇的2倍;相同经济能值的投入,麻风果油能值产出率最高,但对环境的依赖程度也更强;可持续发展指数三者相差不大。原料的非食用性方面,与大豆生物柴油、生物乙醇相比,麻风果油有很大的优势,具有发展潜力。  相似文献   

The use of organic matter such as vegetable oil to produce biodiesel fuel has been a practical technology for a number of years. However, the search for new technologies and raw materials for biodiesel fuel production has gained increased attention recently because of financial and environmental concerns. Of particular interest are raw materials that are not food-related. Microalgae have gained a great deal of attention as a potential biodiesel raw material because of their high growth rates and ability to accumulate oil, bind carbon dioxide, and remove contaminants from wastewater. This article is a literature review of technologies for biodiesel production from microalgae. The technologies relate to microalgal cultivation, microalgal growth enhancement to simultaneously increase biomass and reduce pollution, the preparation of microalgal biomass for biodiesel production, and biodiesel production itself.  相似文献   

Ye J  Sha Y  Zhang Y  Yuan Y  Wu H 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(7):4759-4765
By means of utilizing sunflower oil and Jatropha oil as raw oil respectively, the biodiesel transesterification production and the multi-stage extracting separation were carried out experimentally. Results indicate that dealcoholized crude glycerol can be utilized as the extracting agent to achieve effective separation of methanol from the methyl ester phase, and the glycerol content in the dealcoholized methyl esters is as low as 0.02 wt.%. For the biodiesel separation process utilizing glycerol extracting dealcoholization, its technical and equipment information were acquired through the rigorous process simulation in contrast to the traditional biodiesel distillation separation process, and results show that its energy consumption decrease about 35% in contrast to that of the distillation separation process. The glycerol extracting dealcoholization has sufficient feasibility and superiority for the biodiesel separation process.  相似文献   

Four different continuous process flowsheets for biodiesel production from virgin vegetable oil or waste cooking oil under alkaline or acidic conditions on a commercial scale were developed. Detailed operating conditions and equipment designs for each process were obtained. A technological assessment of these four processes was carried out to evaluate their technical benefits and limitations. Analysis showed that the alkali-catalyzed process using virgin vegetable oil as the raw material required the fewest and smallest process equipment units but at a higher raw material cost than the other processes. The use of waste cooking oil to produce biodiesel reduced the raw material cost. The acid-catalyzed process using waste cooking oil proved to be technically feasible with less complexity than the alkali-catalyzed process using waste cooking oil, thereby making it a competitive alternative to commercial biodiesel production by the alkali-catalyzed process.  相似文献   

In the last few years, biodiesel has emerged as one of the most potential renewable energy to replace current petrol-derived diesel. It is a renewable, biodegradable and non-toxic fuel which can be easily produced through transesterification reaction. However, current commercial usage of refined vegetable oils for biodiesel production is impractical and uneconomical due to high feedstock cost and priority as food resources. Low-grade oil, typically waste cooking oil can be a better alternative; however, the high free fatty acids (FFA) content in waste cooking oil has become the main drawback for this potential feedstock. Therefore, this review paper is aimed to give an overview on the current status of biodiesel production and the potential of waste cooking oil as an alternative feedstock. Advantages and limitations of using homogeneous, heterogeneous and enzymatic transesterification on oil with high FFA (mostly waste cooking oil) are discussed in detail. It was found that using heterogeneous acid catalyst and enzyme are the best option to produce biodiesel from oil with high FFA as compared to the current commercial homogeneous base-catalyzed process. However, these heterogeneous acid and enzyme catalyze system still suffers from serious mass transfer limitation problems and therefore are not favorable for industrial application. Nevertheless, towards the end of this review paper, a few latest technological developments that have the potential to overcome the mass transfer limitation problem such as oscillatory flow reactor (OFR), ultrasonication, microwave reactor and co-solvent are reviewed. With proper research focus and development, waste cooking oil can indeed become the next ideal feedstock for biodiesel.  相似文献   

微藻因生长迅速、光合作用效率高、分布范围广和油脂积累能力强等优势,已被认为是生产生物柴油的理想原料。诱变育种可改善野生型微藻生长缓慢、油脂含量低和环境适应能力弱等缺陷,提高了以微藻生产生物柴油的可行性。概述了物理、化学和基因工程三类诱变育种方法的研究现状,介绍了低场核磁共振和荧光激活细胞分选两种富油脂微藻筛选技术以及一种测定诱变藻株致死率的方法,讨论了三种诱变方法的应用前景,供相关研究人员参考。  相似文献   

生物柴油的研究进展   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
摘要:生物柴油重要的新型可再生能源。本文阐述了生物柴油的主要特性及开发意义,对生物柴油的原料利用进行了分析,介绍了国内外生物柴油的研究进展,并展望了生物柴油的发展前景。  相似文献   

The biodiesel processor was developed for the production of biodiesel from non-edible oil of jatropha and karanj. The newly developed biodiesel processor is suitable for farmers in village level biodiesel production. The biodiesel processor was capable of producing 15 kg biodiesel per batch in 1.5 h at reaction temperature of 60°C. The biodiesel was produced from raw jatropha and karanj oil, and its blends with diesel were tested for power generation in a 7.5-kVA diesel engine generator set. The fuel properties, namely, kinematic viscosity and specific gravity, were found within the limits of Bureau of Indian Standards specifications. The overall efficiency of the generator for 4,500 W loading condition of jatropha- and karanj-biodiesel-blended fuel were recorded in the range of 21–23% and 24–27%, respectively. The overall efficiency of the generator for 6,000 W loading conditions was improved for jatropha and karanj biodiesel blends and were found in the range of 31–33% and 33–39%, respectively. Biodiesel blends B80 and pure biodiesel of karanj produced more power, and maximum overall efficiency was recorded as compared with diesel fueled generator. The overall efficiency on jatropha-biodiesel-blended fuel were found less than the diesel-fueled generator. The biodiesel processor based on alkali-catalyzed transesterification process can be used for quality biodiesel production from edible and non-edible vegetable oils. This processor can be integrated with rural energy system for domestic and small-scale industrial unit for biodiesel production.  相似文献   

The economic feasibilities of four continuous processes to produce biodiesel, including both alkali- and acid-catalyzed processes, using waste cooking oil and the ‘standard’ process using virgin vegetable oil as the raw material, were assessed. Although the alkali-catalyzed process using virgin vegetable oil had the lowest fixed capital cost, the acid-catalyzed process using waste cooking oil was more economically feasible overall, providing a lower total manufacturing cost, a more attractive after-tax rate of return and a lower biodiesel break-even price. On the basis of these economic calculations, sensitivity analyses for these processes were carried out. Plant capacity and prices of feedstock oils and biodiesel were found to be the most significant factors affecting the economic viability of biodiesel manufacture.  相似文献   

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