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黄土丘陵半干旱区引种禾草柳枝稷的生物量与水分利用效率   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
徐炳成  山仑  李凤民 《生态学报》2005,25(9):2206-2213
加强优良引种禾草植物的生态适应性研究对促进我国黄土高原半干旱区草地建设和草业科学发展具有十分重要的意义。比较研究了引种禾草柳枝稷(Panicumvirgatum)在黄土丘陵半干旱区不同立地条件下地上生物量的大小和季节累积差异及其水分利用特征。2001~2002年川地柳枝稷草地地上生物量达13000~16000kg/hm2,山地梯田和坡地为2300~2650kg/hm2。不同立地条件柳枝稷返青后的生物量累积过程呈二次或三次多项式。柳枝稷的绝对生长速率(AGR)在整个生长季内呈双峰曲线变化,川地柳枝稷草地的现存量和总量AGR最大值分别为158.93和169.83kg/(hm2·d),梯田分别为27.31和38.25kg/(hm2·d),坡地为37.0和36.69kg/(hm2·d)。坡地柳枝稷生物量较大值和AGR最大值出现时间最早。不同立地柳枝稷生物量相对生长速率(RGR)在整个生长季内呈双峰曲线变化,均以返青后的20d内最大,平均AGR以川地最大,坡地和梯田相近,但坡地两峰值高于梯田。不同立地柳枝稷草地土壤水分主要利用层次为0~2m,月平均含水量顺序为梯田>坡地>川地。川地柳枝稷叶片和整体生物量水分利用效率均最高,梯田整体生物量水分利用效率大于坡地,但二者叶片水分利用效率相近。川地和山地地表下5cm生育期平均地温均为17.60℃,但4~5月份川地地温高出山地1.2~2.8℃,川地4~10月份平均气温较山地高1.5℃,这些差异影响不同立地条件柳枝稷草地水分利用和生长进程。  相似文献   

以引进禾草柳枝稷为材料,在半干旱黄土丘陵区人工梯田设置20cm(L20)、40cm(L40)和60cm(L60)3种种植行距,比较研究了其光合生理参数日变化、地上部分生物量及土壤水分剖面分布特征,探讨其光合生理和水分利用特征与种植行距的关系。结果表明:(1)不同行距下,柳枝稷叶片净光合速率(Pn)日变化均呈双峰曲线,第一峰值均出现在10:00,第二峰值L40出现在14:00,L20和L60出现在16:00,具有明显的光合"午休"现象,且均由非气孔因素限制引起;柳枝稷叶片Pn日均值大小依次为:L60>L40>L20,且两两间差异显著。(2)柳枝稷叶片水分利用效率(WUE)日变化与Pn相似,分别在10:00和14:00达到峰值,日均值大小依次为:L60>L40>L20。(3)不同行距下,土壤体积含水量均随土层深度增加呈先增加后减少再增加的趋势,除0~50cm土层外,其它各土层土壤储水量均存在较大差异,0~380cm土层总土壤储水量表现为:L20>L40>L60。(4)柳枝稷地上生物量大小依次为:L20>L60>L40。研究发现,20cm行距的柳枝稷个体虽光合速率较低,但群体生物量和土壤储水量较高,所以柳枝稷在黄土丘陵区梯田的较优行距为20cm。  相似文献   

黄土丘i陵小流域土壤水分的空间异质性及其影响因子   总被引:37,自引:7,他引:30  
研究了黄土丘陵小流域土壤水分空间异质性的剖面及时间变化规律,从土壤水分与环境因子的关系分析人手,探讨了景观尺度上土壤水分空间异质性的影响因子.结果表明,黄土丘陵小流域土壤水分的平均值与空间异质性均呈现出明显的剖面变化与季节变化规律.土壤平均含水量从表土层开始,随着土层深度的增加而增高;空间异质性(变异系数)从亚表层开始增加.土壤含水量在降雨后立即升高随后逐渐降低;空间异质性却正好相反.方差分析与相关分析表明,土壤水分的空间异质性是立地尺度(坡度)、坡面尺度(坡位与相对高度)和流域尺度(土地利用与降雨)等多重尺度上的环境因子共同作用的结果.这些不同尺度的环境因子对土壤水分空间异质性的影响表现出明显的剖面变化规律与季节变化规律.  相似文献   

采用14份柳枝稷开展盆栽试验,研究了在北京地区条件下其生物量差异及分配规律。结果表明,低地型柳枝稷Kanlow生物量最高,其茎秆、地上部和整株生物量分别达到175.48 g/株、299.18 g/株和447.66 g/株,而高地型柳枝稷Nebraska生物量最低,其茎秆、地上部和整株生物量分别为29.86 g/株、58.08 g/株和140.51 g/株。就柳枝稷整株植株而言,Kanlow地上部生物量分配比例最高,达到63.13%,S2最低,为40.55%,Kanlow地上部营养器官生物量分配比例最高,达到48.67%,Nebraska最低,为31.88%。就柳枝稷地上部而言,Alamo、Kanlow和Trailblazer茎秆生物量分配比例及茎叶比均较高,分别为35.91%和2.75,37.09%和2.56,34.39%和2.48。起源纬度显著影响了柳枝稷的生物量及其分配,就柳枝稷整株植株而言,起源纬度与柳枝稷生物量显著负相关,与地下部生物量分配比例显著正相关,与地上部、种子和茎生物量分配比例显著负相关。就柳枝稷地上部而言,起源纬度与茎生物量分配比例及茎叶比显著负相关,与叶和鞘生物量分配比例显著正相关。生物量的差异及其分配规律反映出柳枝稷对生态环境长期适应的生殖与生长策略。本研究为柳枝稷遗传资源引种和品种选育提供了依据。  相似文献   

杜华栋  焦菊英  寇萌  苗芳 《生态学报》2016,36(10):2914-2925
为了揭示黄土丘陵沟壑区撂荒地植被演替前期优势种猪毛蒿(Artemisia scoparia)对该区立地环境的适应性,探讨猪毛蒿演替生态位的变化,研究了陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区3种立地环境下(阳峁坡、峁顶、阴峁坡)猪毛蒿叶片形态解剖和生理特征的变化,以及这些变化与生态因子之间的相互关系。结果表明:(1)猪毛蒿叶片具有适应该区半干旱环境的形态及解剖结构:叶片针形化、具表皮毛、环栅型叶肉组织、海绵组织特化为贮水组织、维管束退化、具裂生分泌腔,C3植物呈现类似CAM植物的叶片特性;(2)在土壤、空气湿度相对干燥和强光生境的阳峁坡与峁顶,猪毛蒿具有较小的叶面积、发达的栅栏组织、致密的表皮毛和紧密的细胞间隙,而在生境条件较好的阴峁坡则呈相反趋势;(3)阳峁坡猪毛蒿叶片相对含水量和叶绿素含量较小,超氧阴离子自由基增加,但植物体内超氧化物歧化酶和抗坏血酸含量增加以清除植物体内产生的活性氧;(4)冗余及相关性分析表明,猪毛蒿叶片形态、解剖和生理指标的可塑性对立地光照强度、土壤水分和有机质含量较为敏感,同时其形态解剖与生理可塑性可共同调节来适应生境。综合分析,猪毛蒿对陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区撂荒初期光照强度大、土壤贫瘠但土层干化现象尚未出现的立地环境有较好的适应性,使其成为黄土高原植被自然演替过程中的先锋物种。  相似文献   

混播下柳枝稷叶绿素荧光参数及对水氮条件的响应特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用盆栽试验,按照白羊草(Bothriochloa ischaemum)与柳枝稷(Panicum virgatum)株数比设置5个混播比例(0∶8、2∶6、4∶4、6∶2、8∶0),在两种氮肥处理(不施氮和0.1g N·kg-1)下,测定分析柳枝稷叶绿素荧光参数对土壤水分短期自然干旱并复水[土壤含水量从80%FC(田间持水量为20%)逐渐降至20%FC后再复水至80%FC]的响应,以期揭示不同水氮及混播比例下柳枝稷与白羊草竞争关系的生理生态机制。结果显示:(1)随干旱胁迫加剧,柳枝稷最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、光化学猝灭(qP)、实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)和表观光合量子传递速率(ETR)逐渐下降,复水后第2天各指标均可恢复到对照水平;(2)两氮肥处理下,单播柳枝稷的ETR显著高于混播,施氮处理下单播的qP显著高于混播,但非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ)相反(P0.05),且柳枝稷比例越小各指标降幅越大,表明混播后柳枝稷PSⅡ反应中心活性下降,显示出其对混播竞争的适应;(3)施氮显著提高了柳枝稷的ΦPSⅡ(13.64%~23.53%)和qP(6.12%~11.11%),降低了NPQ值(9.76%~12.82%)(P0.05),表明施氮可提高其光能利用能力,增强其与白羊草的竞争力。研究认为,不同水氮条件下,柳枝稷表现出较强的混播竞争适应性,施氮会提高其对白羊草的生态竞争能力。  相似文献   

卫伟  陈利顶  傅伯杰  巩杰 《生态学报》2006,26(11):3847-3853
水土流失是多种因素交互作用的结果,尤其在半干旱黄土丘陵沟壑区更具有典型性。选择定西市安家沟小流域(35°35′N,104°39′E)为典型区域,在其阴坡中部布设了15个径流小区,包括5种土地利用类型(农田、牧草地、灌丛、乔木林、自然草地)和3个坡度(10°、15°2、0°),进行径流、侵蚀和降雨前期土壤水分的测定。利用偏相关和方差分析等统计方法,研究了降水特征值及不同下垫面因子对水土流失的影响规律。结果表明,在黄土丘陵沟壑区:①径流量主要受降水量、最大30min雨强、以及降水量与最大30min雨强之积的影响。影响侵蚀量的决定性降水因子为降水量和最大30min雨强的乘积PI30与最大30min雨强,而与降水量、平均雨强的相关性较差;②坡度在10°~20°范围内的变化对径流量没有显著影响,而对侵蚀量有显著影响,在该范围内随着坡度的升高侵蚀量增加(尤以15°~20°范围内增加较快);③土地利用类型是影响径流侵蚀的一个极其关键的因素。在坡度和土地利用类型双重作用下,以土地利用为主导因素,坡度作用次之。即在一定范围内,人为扰动强烈且坡度高的农田和人工草地最易遭受土壤侵蚀;④径流与侵蚀主要与表层0~20cm的土壤水分呈正相关关系,而与下部其他层次土壤水分无明显相关关系。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵半干旱区土壤水资源利用限度   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
郭忠升 《应用生态学报》2010,21(12):3029-3035
以柠条为对象,采用中子水分仪对黄土丘陵半干旱区人工植被恢复过程中土壤水分与植物生长进行长期定位观测.结果表明:撂荒地播种后,随着时间推移,植物群落保持水能力增强,根系吸收利用水分的土层深度增加、土壤含水量下降.林地土壤出现干层,且干层土壤的深度和厚度逐年增加.植物对土壤水资源的利用限度为干层土壤深度等于最大补给深度时的土壤储水量.在黄土丘陵半干旱区人工柠条林地土壤水资源利用限度是0~290 cm土层的土壤储水量为249.4 mm.当人工林地土壤水资源接近或等于土壤水资源利用限度时,需要采取措施降低土壤水分消耗,或增加土壤水分补给,维持根系吸收利用水资源的相对稳定.  相似文献   

3种禾草苗期生长和水分利用对土壤水分变化的反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用5种不同的水分处理,于室内生长箱内盆栽条件下对引种禾草柳枝稷(Panicum virgatum)、乡土禾草白羊草(Bothriochloa ischaemum)和栽培禾草谷子(Setaria italica)等苗期根冠生长和水分利用特征进行了比较分析.结果显示:(1)充分供水下3种禾草的苗期生物量和蒸腾效率均显著高于其它4种水分处理,而高水与低水处理下各自的根冠比无显著差异;(2)各水分处理下谷子苗期总生物量、蒸腾效率和耗水量均显著大于白羊草和柳枝稷;(3)在5种水分处理下,苗期根冠比谷子均最小,柳枝稷最大;(4)低降复水后,3种禾草生物量和蒸腾效率较低水处理分别显著提高16.7%-98.7%和28.2%-118.2%,显示出补偿效应,以白羊草增幅最大.结果表明,白羊草、谷子和柳枝稷在不同土壤水分处理下的苗期生物量、根冠分配比例以及水分利用效率差异反映了野生种、栽培种和引进种禾草苗期对半干旱环境条件水分生态适应性的异同.  相似文献   

黄土塬区不同土地利用方式下深层土壤水分变化特征   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:16  
程立平  刘文兆  李志 《生态学报》2014,34(8):1975-1983
利用长期定位监测数据,对陕西省长武黄土塬区裸地、高产农田、苜蓿草地和苹果林地下0—15 m黄土剖面土壤水分环境进行了研究。结果表明,不同土地利用方式下,干湿交替层内土壤水分具有明显季节性波动变化特征,但其深度范围有别。裸地、高产农田、苜蓿草地和苹果林地分别约为0—5 m,0—4 m,0—2 m和0—3.5 m。干湿交替层以下深层土壤水分状况主要受土地利用方式的影响,其影响大小依次为苜蓿草地苹果林地高产农田裸地,各土地利用方式下表现出不同的时间变化特征。黄土塬区土壤水量平衡计算中土层厚度大小的确定非常重要,这不仅与土地利用方式相关,也与林草植被的生长阶段相联。裸地和高产农田土层厚度选择不宜小于5 m和4 m;未形成深厚稳定土壤干层的苜蓿草地和苹果林地,土层厚度选择不宜小于15 m和10 m;对于已经形成稳定土壤干层的林草地来说,进行年尺度的水量平衡分析时,其计算深度可取降水入渗深度。研究可从土壤水资源的保持及利用的角度上服务于黄土塬区旱作农业的持续发展和土地利用方式的优化配置。  相似文献   

柳枝稷的生物学研究现状及其生物能源转化前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
柳枝稷(Panicum virgatum,L.)是起源于北美的一种热带草原高秆草,具有优良的草料特性和水土保持功能。因其有很大的能源利用前景,而目前全球能源紧缺,因此全世界范围内已有许多国家把研究柳枝稷转化生物能源这一利国利民的项目提到议事日程,展开了全方位的研究。这篇论文综述了柳枝稷的生物学研究现状以及其生物能源转化前景。  相似文献   

Polyploidy poses challenges for phylogenetic reconstruction because of the need to identify and distinguish between homoeologous loci. This can be addressed by use of low copy nuclear markers. Panicum s.s. is a genus of about 100 species in the grass tribe Paniceae, subfamily Panicoideae, and is divided into five sections. Many of the species are known to be polyploids. The most well-known of the Panicum polyploids are switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) and common or Proso millet (P. miliaceum). Switchgrass is in section Virgata, along with P. tricholaenoides, P. amarum, and P. amarulum, whereas P. miliaceum is in sect. Panicum. We have generated sequence data from five low copy nuclear loci and two chloroplast loci and have clarified the origin of P. virgatum. We find that all members of sects. Virgata and Urvilleana are the result of diversification after a single allopolyploidy event. The closest diploid relatives of switchgrass are in sect. Rudgeana, native to Central and South America. Within sections Virgata and Urvilleana, P. tricholaenoides is sister to the remaining species. Panicum racemosum and P. urvilleanum form a clade, which may be sister to P. chloroleucum. Panicum amarum, P. amarulum, and the lowland and upland ecotypes of P. virgatum together form a clade, within which relationships are complex. Hexaploid and octoploid plants are likely allopolyploids, with P. amarum and P. amarulum sharing genomes with P. virgatum. Octoploid P. virgatum plants are formed via hybridization between disparate tetraploids. We show that polyploidy precedes diversification in a complex set of polyploids; our data thus suggest that polyploidy could provide the raw material for diversification. In addition, we show two rounds of allopolyploidization in the ancestry of switchgrass, and identify additional species that may be part of its broader gene pool. This may be relevant for development of the crop for biofuels.  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) has been developed into a dedicated herbaceous bioenergy crop. Biomass yield is a major target trait for genetic improvement of switchgrass. microRNAs have emerged as a prominent class of gene regulatory factors that has the potential to improve complex traits such as biomass yield. A miR156b precursor was overexpressed in switchgrass. The effects of miR156 overexpression on SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN LIKE (SPL) genes were revealed by microarray and quantitative RT-PCR analyses. Morphological alterations, biomass yield, saccharification efficiency and forage digestibility of the transgenic plants were characterized. miR156 controls apical dominance and floral transition in switchgrass by suppressing its target SPL genes. Relatively low levels of miR156 overexpression were sufficient to increase biomass yield while producing plants with normal flowering time. Moderate levels of miR156 led to improved biomass but the plants were non-flowering. These two groups of plants produced 58%-101% more biomass yield compared with the control. However, high miR156 levels resulted in severely stunted growth. The degree of morphological alterations of the transgenic switchgrass depends on miR156 level. Compared with floral transition, a lower miR156 level is required to disrupt apical dominance. The improvement in biomass yield was mainly because of the increase in tiller number. Targeted overexpression of miR156 also improved solubilized sugar yield and forage digestibility, and offered an effective approach for transgene containment.  相似文献   

Maize and sorghum: genetic resources for bioenergy grasses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The highly photosynthetic-efficient C4 grasses, such as switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), Miscanthus (Miscanthusxgiganteus), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and maize (Zea mays), are expected to provide abundant and sustainable resources of lignocellulosic biomass for the production of biofuels. A deeper understanding of the synthesis, deposition and hydrolysis of the distinctive cell walls of grasses is crucial to gain genetic control of traits that contribute to biomass yield and quality. With a century of genetic investigations and breeding success, recently completed genome sequences, well-characterized cell wall compositions, and a close evolutionary relationship with future bioenergy perennial grasses, we propose that maize and sorghum are key model systems for gene discovery relating to biomass yield and quality in the bioenergy grasses.  相似文献   

This paper describes the fibre morphology of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) and its pulping characteristics using sodium hydroxide and a combination of sodium hydroxide and sodium sulphite as the cooking agents. It was found that the fibre length of switchgrass is similar to that of poplar despite its high population of short fibre elements (< 0.2 mm). The switchgrass used in this study had a lignin content comparable to that of poplar, but a particularly high content of extractable materials. The soda pulp from switchgrass showed excellent mechanical properties and showed a great potential as a reinforcement component in newsprint making.  相似文献   

Polyhydroxyalkanoate bio-based plastics made from renewable resources can reduce petroleum consumption and decrease plastic waste disposal issues as they are inherently biodegradable in soil, compost and marine environments. In this paper, the successful engineering of the biomass crop switchgrass ( Panicum virgatum L.) for the synthesis of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) is reported. Polymer production was monitored in more than 400 primary transformants grown under in vitro and glasshouse conditions. Plants containing up to 3.72% dry weight of PHB in leaf tissues and 1.23% dry weight of PHB in whole tillers were obtained. Results from the analysis of the polymer distribution at the cellular and whole plant levels are presented, and target areas for the improvement of PHB production are highlighted. Polymer accumulation was also analysed in the T1 generation obtained from controlled crosses of transgenic plants. This study presents the first successful expression of a functional multigene pathway in switchgrass, and demonstrates that this high-yielding biomass crop is amenable to the complex metabolic engineering strategies necessary to produce high-value biomaterials with lignocellulose-derived biofuels.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation has been demonstrated to be a viable cleanup alternative for soils contaminated with petroleum products. This study evaluated the application of phytoremediation to soil from a manufactured gas plant (MGP) site with high concentrations of recalcitrant, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Two greenhouse studies investigated the potential dissipation and plant translocation of PAHs by fescue (Festuca arundinacea) and switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) in the first experiment and zucchini (Curcubita pepo Raven) in the second. The MGP soil was highly hydrophobic and initially inhibited plant growth. Two unplanted controls were established with and without fertilization. In the first experiment, concentrations of PAHs decreased significantly in all treatments after 12 mo. Plant biomass and microbial numbers were statistically equivalent among plant species. PAH concentrations in plant biomass were negligible for fescue and switchgrass. In the second experiment, zucchini enhanced the dissipation of several PAHs after 90 d of treatment when compared to the unvegetated soil. Plant tissue concentrations of PAHs were not elevated in the zucchini roots and shoots, and PAHs were not detectable in the fruit.  相似文献   

A principle attribute of perennial grasses for biomass energy is the potential for high yields on marginal lands. Objectives of this study were to compare biomass and seed production of intermediate wheatgrass ( Thinopyrum intermedium [Host] Barkworth and D.R. Dewey), big bluestem ( Andropogon gerardii Vitman), and switchgrass ( Panicum virgatum L.) as affected by harvest timing and manure application on two topographic positions (footslope and backslope). Footslope is the hillslope position that forms the inclined surface at the base of a slope and backslope forms the steepest, middle position of the hillslope. Grasses were harvested for biomass at anthesis (summer), after a killing frost (autumn), or the following spring after overwintering in the field. Seed was harvested at maturity during 2003 and 2004. Two rates of beef cattle ( Bos taurus L.) manure (target rates of 0 and 150 kg total-N ha−1) were surface applied annually. Maximum annual biomass yield ranged from 4.4 to 5.2, 2.7 to 4.2, and 3.7 to 5.6 Mg ha−1 for intermediate wheatgrass, big bluestem, and switchgrass, respectively. Biomass yields were not different between fall and spring harvest treatments. Biomass yields of big bluestem and switchgrass at the backslope position were 86% and 96% of biomass yields at the footslope position with normal precipitation, respectively. Manure application increased biomass yield approximately 30% during the second year on both topographic positions. The highest seed yield was obtained from intermediate wheatgrass, followed by switchgrass and big bluestem. Utilizing these management practices in our environment, it appears that switchgrass and big bluestem could be allowed to overwinter in the field without suffering appreciable loss of biomass.  相似文献   

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