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申克孢子丝菌是一种重要的双相型真菌,其引起的孢子丝菌病是一种常见的侵袭性皮肤感染.研究该菌毒力因子及宿主对其抗感染免疫对于深入了解其致病性及防治该病具有重要意义.该文介绍了申克孢子丝菌毒力因子及宿主对其抗感染免疫方面的研究进展.  相似文献   

孢子丝菌病是由申克孢子丝菌及其卢里变种感染引起的皮肤、皮下组织和附近淋巴系统的亚急性和慢性感染,偶可播散至全身引起多系统损害。该病遍布全世界,我国孢子丝菌病主要是由申克孢子丝菌引起。孢子丝菌一般生存在土壤和植物上,人的皮肤接触带菌植物或土壤后可引起感染。临床上主要表现为固定型和淋巴管型孢子丝菌病,皮肤播散型孢子丝菌病少见。现认为机体感染申克孢子丝菌引起的不同的临床型别与机体免疫状态、申克孢子丝菌的致病力及其基因差异相关[1-2]。我  相似文献   

目的 对吉林省扶余县35例儿童孢子丝菌病进行临床分析并对部分菌株进行基因测定,了解该地区孢子丝菌病的致病菌菌株基因是否发生变异而致致病力增强及发病率增高.方法 收集2011年1月1日~4月30日来自扶余县就诊于我科并确诊为孢子丝菌病的患儿35例,进行临床分析;从中选取8株菌,对其核糖体保守区及内转录间隔区(ITS)、非转录间隔区(NTS)区进行基因测定,了解基因水平上的异同.结果 8株孢子丝菌菌株中5株NTS区可见较大范围的碱基缺失.结论 吉林省扶余县孢子丝菌菌株可能由于NTS区碱基较大范围缺失而致致病力增强,导致该地区短时间内发病率增高.  相似文献   

报道1例猫抓后引起的固定型孢子丝菌病.患者男,16岁,皮损表现为鼻翼部位的增生物,其上覆有脓痂.临床上易与细菌感染混淆,但根据患者的病史、临床表现、病理、真菌镜检及培养诊断为申克孢子丝菌引起的孢子丝菌病.患者在应用7个月的碘化钾结合特比萘芬软膏外用治疗后,皮损完全消失.  相似文献   

谭静文  刘伟  万喆  李若瑜 《菌物学报》2013,32(2):161-167
孢子丝菌病是一种临床常见的真菌感染疾病,近期有研究认为其致病菌是由多个同形种构成的复合体。为明确我国孢子丝菌病致病菌的生理学以及分子生物学方面的特点,对33株分离自我国孢子丝菌病患者组织的病原菌进行了研究,首先检测其在37℃是否生长以及PDA培养基上生长21d的菌落直径,其次检测其糖同化特点,最后对其钙调蛋白(Calmodulin,CAL)基因进行PCR扩增、序列测定以及系统进化分析。结果显示,这些菌株全部为球形孢子丝菌Sporothrix globosa,说明我国孢子丝菌病的病原菌可能以球形孢子丝菌为主。  相似文献   

目的 探讨孢子丝菌病的发病原因及特点。方法 就1991~2002年间在本院就诊的深部真菌病病例,利用沙氏真菌学检查方法筛查确诊为孢子丝菌病43例并进行临床观察。结果 1991—1993年患者5例(11.63%),1994~1996年水灾后2年内患者34例(79.07%),1997~2002年5年内患者4例(9.30%)。有明显外伤史及疑似蚊、蜂叮螫者占总发病人数72.09%。伴高血压者占20.93%。碘化钾治愈率100%。结论 各种原因造成的环境污染或某些自然灾害致使腐生菌大量生长繁殖是引起本病区域性流行的根本原因。外伤及昆虫叮、螫为重要致病条件。碘化钾为首选治疗药物。  相似文献   

皮肤型孢子丝菌病316例临床分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的探讨孢子丝菌病的临床特征及病理特点,指导临床实践。方法分析1972~2007年间就诊于我院的孢子丝菌病447例,其中有详细资料者316例,做皮肤组织病理检查的203例中,105例做了PAS染色检查。结果春季发病者占50.34%,临床分型以固定型略多(52.53%)。儿童主要以面部发病。主要病理改变为混合细胞性肉芽肿。PAS染色阳性率为38.1%。结论孢子丝菌病常年皆可发病,近几年有增多的趋势,春季为本病高发季节。儿童皮损主要在面部,多为固定型。病理改变多为混合细胞性肉芽肿。病理切片、PAS染色诊断阳性率不高,确诊主要靠真菌培养。  相似文献   

通过1例16岁女孩由申克孢子丝菌导致的皮下孢子丝菌病,口服伊曲康唑治疗有效,回顾申克孢子丝菌的实验室检验方法 ,以此来提高孢子丝菌感染的诊断水平。  相似文献   

目的观察申克孢子丝菌菌丝相向酵母相转化的形态学变化并初步研究连续传代后菌株转化为酵母相的百分率。方法将95株申克孢子丝菌临床株于脑心浸液琼脂培养基上连续传代至酵母相,利用显微镜及血细胞计数板计数菌丝和孢子比例并记录显微镜下形态。结果 95株申克孢子丝菌中,经1次传代即成功转化有23株,经2次传代有14株,经3次传代有10株,经4次传代有6株,4次传代后总计55.8%实验菌株转化为酵母相。结论部分申克孢子丝菌由菌丝相向酵母相转化需经过连续多次传代,连续传代增加了菌丝相至酵母相的转化率。  相似文献   

沈阳地区孢子丝菌病48例临床分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
高峰  王强  李铁男 《中国真菌学杂志》2007,2(3):146-147,157
目的探讨孢子丝菌病的发病原因、特点、诊断及治疗。方法对48例孢子丝菌病病例进行调查分析,全部行真菌学检查,部分行病理检查,采用碘化钾、特比萘芬或以碘化钾为基础的联合治疗。结果48例患者有明确外伤史,蚊虫叮咬病史者占总发病人数66.67%。单纯应用碘化钾或以碘化钾为基础的联合治疗8~12周,治愈率均达100%。结论外伤及昆虫叮咬、动物抓伤为本病的重要致病诱因,单纯应用碘化钾或特比萘芬均可治愈,但联合用药起效更快,效果更好。  相似文献   

王刚正  罗义  李佳璐  P 《菌物学报》2019,38(3):341-348
从2010年起,在江苏省丰县毛木耳Auricularia cornea 产区观察到蛛网病症状,该病害的发生呈逐年上升趋势,对毛木耳产量和产业造成了严重的损失。经过2015-2016年两年的调查研究,分析毛木耳蛛网病的发病规律。致病菌分别与毛木耳菌丝体和子实体的互作研究表明,该病原真菌仅危害毛木耳子实体,使毛木耳子实体的子实层出现裂缝,进而引起子实体畸形甚至停止生长。该病原本被鉴定为Cladobotryum cubitense。经37℃高温处理7d可抑制其菌丝的生长,50%咪鲜胺锰盐也能够抑制C. cubitense菌丝的生长,为减轻或控制毛木耳蛛网病的发生和传播提供了可行性策略。  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi infection by oral route constitutes the most important mode of transmission in some geographical regions, as illustrated by reports on microepidemics and outbreaks of acute Chagas' disease acquired by ingestion of food contaminated with parasites from triatomine insects. In the mouse model, T. cruzi metacyclic trypomastigotes invade the gastric mucosal epithelium, a unique portal of entry for systemic infection. High efficiency of metacyclic forms in establishing infection by oral route is associated with expression of gp82, a stage-specific surface molecule that binds to gastric mucin and to epithelial cells. Gp82 promotes parasite entry by triggering the signaling cascades leading to intracellular Ca2+ mobilization. T. cruzi strains deficient in gp82 can effectively invade cells in vitro, by engaging the Ca2+ signal-inducing surface glycoprotein gp30. However, they are poorly infective in mice by oral route because gp30 has low affinity for gastric mucin. Metacyclic forms also express gp90, a stage-specific surface glycoprotein that binds to host cells and acts as a negative regulator of invasion. T. cruzi strains expressing gp90 at high levels, in addition to gp82 and gp30, are all poor cell invaders in vitro. Notwithstanding, their infectivity by oral route may vary because, unlike gp82 and gp30, which resist degradation by pepsin in the gastric milieu, the gp90 isoforms of different strains have varying susceptibility to peptic digestion. For instance, in a T. cruzi isolate, derived from an acute case of Chagas' disease acquired by oral route, gp90 is extensively degraded by gastric juice in the mouse stomach and this renders the parasite highly invasive towards target cells. If such an exacerbation of infectivity occurs in humans, it may be responsible for the severity of the disease reported in outbreaks of oral infection.  相似文献   

The interactions between the polyanionic ligands phosphate and sulphate and the type II dehydroquinases from Streptomyces coelicolor and Mycobacterium tuberculosis have been characterised using a combination of structural and kinetic methods. From both approaches, it is clear that interactions are more complex in the case of the latter enzyme. The data provide new insights into the differences between the two enzymes in terms of substrate recognition and catalytic efficiency and may also explain the relative potencies of rationally designed inhibitors. An improved route to the synthesis of the substrate 3-dehydroquinic acid (dehydroquinate) is described.  相似文献   

Our current understanding of congenital transmission of Toxoplasma gondii from ewe to lamb dictates that infection frequently results in abortion and the death of the developing foetus, that the birth of live infected lambs occurs rarely and that the cat is the predominant source of infection in ewes. Using direct polymerase chain reaction detection of T. gondii, we report high levels of congenital transmission occurring in a commercially managed sheep flock. We sampled foetal-derived placental tissue and tissues from aborted lambs and showed that congenital transmission was detected in these tissues from 61% of all pregnancies. Where pregnancies resulted in the death of one or more lambs, T. gondii was detected in the lamb tissue for all but one of 18 (94%) pregnancies. Of the successful pregnancies resulting in the birth of live lambs we were able to detect T. gondii in foetal-derived placental tissue from 37 of 70 (42%) pregnancies. These results show that congenital transmission is occurring in a high percentage of lambings including normal healthy lambings, at this farm, suggesting that this route of transmission from generation to generation may be much more significant than that reported previously. These results may have implications for sheep husbandry and future epidemiological studies of T. gondii.  相似文献   

To assess the epidemiological efficacy of type SRP III slow-released praziquantel-medicated bars for dogs in the prevention and control of cystic echinococcosis in man and livestock, praziquantel-medicated bars were implanted subcutaneously in over 90% of dogs in villages in north Xinjiang, China, where cystic echinococcosis is highly endemic. After implantation, infection rate of Echinococcus granulosus in dogs, specific antibodies in children and prevalence of echinococcosis in one-year-old lambs were observed for 3 years. Coproantigen of E. granulosus was positive in 41.2% of the dogs at the start of experiment. In the second and third year after medicated-bar implantation, coproantigen was undetectable in any dogs examined, while 3.0% of dogs were positive at the end of the fourth year. The antibody positive rate in 7-year-old pupils, that was 41.2% before the experiment, declined gradually and it was 5.4% in the fourth year, while children in the non-intervention control area showed 30.6% seropositivity. The prevalence of hydatid disease in children aged 7–16 years also declined significantly. The prevalence of hydatidosis in lambs one year of age was 44.8% in the first year, dropping to 10.7% in the fourth year, while in the non-intervention control area the level of infection was 46.4%. These results demonstrated not only that the slow released praziquantel-medicated bars efficiently blocked reinfection in dogs at least for 2 years, but also the measure was effective in preventing transmission of cystic echinococcosis to both man and livestock.  相似文献   

洛氏角毛藻复合群(Chaetoceros lorenzianus complex)指具有与洛氏角毛藻相似形态学特征的物种集合, 它们广泛分布于全球近岸水域。近年国际上关于该复合群的分类学研究取得新进展, 而我国相关研究仍较为滞后。为了弄清我国沿海洛氏角毛藻复合群的物种多样性, 明确物种信息, 厘清种间界限, 为相关研究提供准确的物种鉴定依据, 本研究陆续在中国沿海建立了该复合群的332个单克隆培养株系, 利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜进行了较为详尽的形态学研究, 基于核糖体大亚基编码基因D1-D3区序列, 构建了分子系统学关系。结果表明其形态聚类与分子系统学结论相一致, 显示我国洛氏角毛藻复合群具有较高的物种多样性, 共鉴定到5个物种, 分别是并基角毛藻(C. decipiens)、优美角毛藻(C. elegans)、平孢角毛藻(C. laevisporus)、曼纳角毛藻(C. mannaii)和稀树角毛藻(C. pauciramosus)。研究表明传统认知的光镜下特征, 如群体特征、角毛走势等易变化, 其分类学价值需谨慎应用。角毛的超微结构, 如角毛孔纹的形状、大小、密度等是有效的种间区别特征, 休眠孢子亦是重要的物种识别依据。并基角毛藻和平孢角毛藻在我国沿岸的分布范围最为广泛, 而稀树角毛藻的分布较为有限。  相似文献   

中国植物区系中的一些间断分布现象   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
本文描述了中国植物区系中西南部(或和喜马拉雅等地一起)与台湾,四川与日本,西南、华南或华东与华北、东北和西伯利亚等地,横断山脉两侧,亚洲大陆与爪哇,以及西南或南部与欧洲等间断分布式样,共16个,并做出初步解释。  相似文献   

食草动物集群有利于降低被捕食的风险,同时集群也会增加感染和传播寄生物的风险。可可西里卓乃湖地区是雌性藏羚的重要产羔地,集群时间主要集中在6月上旬至7月上旬,停留时间不足30 d。区域内温度、湿度等气候因子对其粪便中的寄生虫卵发育到感染期可能存在重要影响。本研究于2018年6月9日在卓乃湖产羔地建立微气候观测仪收集当地气象数据的同时,收集新鲜藏羚粪便在当地室外分别放置0 d、10 d、15 d、20 d、25 d、30 d、35 d和约300 d,应用漂浮法检测35 d内不同时间段虫卵发育状况和放置近一年的存活幼虫数量。初步研究了卓乃湖区域内集群藏羚粪便中的优势寄生虫卵的发育及其越冬存活,探讨藏羚产羔地是否会增加藏羚胃肠道寄生虫传播和感染的风险。结果表明:(1) 6月9日至7月14日,藏羚产羔地平均温度为5℃,平均相对湿度81%;(2) 藏羚在卓乃湖产羔地集群期间,其粪便中的优势寄生虫卵不能发育到感染期 (第三期幼虫),如粪便中的优势线虫卵毛园属线虫 (Trichostrongylus sp.)、马歇尔属线虫 (Marshallagia sp.) 和细颈属线虫 (Nematodirus sp.) 在30 d内发育仅停留在第一期幼虫;优势种藏羚艾美耳球虫 (Eimeria pantholopensis) 和五道梁艾美耳球虫 (E.wudaoliangensis) 卵在25 d、30 d、35 d的孢子化率分别是0、18.9%、54.0%和0、13.5%、30.4%;(3) 很少有寄生虫卵能够越冬存活至第二年,在卓乃湖产羔地放置近一年的粪便中仅发现极少的马歇尔属线虫和细颈属线虫幼虫。研究认为藏羚在卓乃湖集群时发生胃肠道寄生虫传播和感染的风险较低,藏羚对产羔地的短时利用和迅速回迁是其避免增加胃肠道寄生虫病感染风险的重要行为策略,且产羔地的低温等气候环境利于对寄生虫的自然净化。  相似文献   

粉红聚端孢Trichothecium roseum引致的苹果霉心病发生严重。对于新红星品种,T. roseum的侵染过程尚未明确。本研究利用T. roseum荧光标记菌株TR45分析其在新红星品种上的侵染时期和侵入通道。发现T. roseum可以侵染花器组织,引起枯萎坏死;落花后10-15 d,受侵染的花器残体被萼片包裹于萼筒内,随后T. roseum从离生花柱合并处的孔口部位入侵进入合生花柱,沿花柱内的多细胞毛状体间扩展;花后30 d左右,花柱缝逐渐开裂,随果实膨大心室腔壁也开裂,逐渐形成一条贯通萼筒与心室开放通道——萼窦;花后60 d左右,T. roseum的菌丝沿着萼窦扩展进入心室腔,从心室上的裂缝进入果肉组织,最终引起果实霉心。本研究结果有助于解析新红星苹果品种发病重以及难防治的原因,对苹果霉心病防控新策略构建具有重要理论意义。  相似文献   

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