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张泓  沈光隆 《古生物学报》1990,29(3):270-283
Sphenophyllum Brongniart是晚古生代全球广布的植物,日本三叠纪卡尼期也有此类可疑标本发现(Asama et al.,1978,1980), Storch(1966)按叶形和脉序特征将该属分为三组,其中“畸楔叶”组植物以叶的面积较大,形态各异,叶脉外弯,部分直达顶端,部分交于侧边为共同特征。Batenburg(1981,1982)指出,除只有二歧分叉全裂线状叶的古老类型的种(如S.  相似文献   

依据《国际植物命名法规》(维也纳法规)第6.4条, 我国两种银杏目植物化石具有不合法的形态种名。Sphenobaiera biloba S. N. Feng (1977)和S. rugata Z. Q. Wang (1984, Dec.) 分别为S. biloba Prynada (1938)和S.? rugata Z. Y. Zhou (1984, Mar.)的晚出同名。兹遵照国际植物命名法规(第7.3和53.1条)为上述两种植物分别建立新名称。另两个形态种名Ginkgoites elegans S. Yang, B. N. Sun & G. L. Shen (1988)和Baiera ziguiensis F. S. Meng (1987)在发表时都未曾明确指定模式标本, 因而是不合格发表的名称(法规第12和37条)。本文为之分别指定主模式, 并建立新种。Ginkgoites elegans Z. Y. Cao (1992)一名虽然被Ginkgoites elegans S. Yang, B. N. Sun & G. L. Shen (1988)先期占用, 因其为合格发表名称, 仍可应用, 而后一名称不是合格发表的, 并不具备命名上的优先权。  相似文献   

五通组广泛分布于长江下游地区苏、浙、皖一带。近几十年的古植物学研究工作,使得五通植物群成为全球晚泥盆世属种最为丰富的植物群之一。安徽巢湖狮子口剖面的五通组出露良好,植物化石丰富。然而,正式描述及图示的植物仅包括石松类Bothrodendron anhuiense Cai et Wu、Sublepidodendron grabaui(Sze)Wang et Xu、Sublepidodendron songziense Chen和楔叶类Sphenophyllum lungtanense Gothan et Sze。本文对狮子口剖面五通组中的晚泥盆世植物化石进行了再研究,计有石松类植物Stigmaria ficoides Brongniart、Stigmaria rugulosa Gothan、Sublepidodendron songziense、Sublepidodendron grabaui和Lepidostrobophyllum sp.,以及楔叶类植物Eviostachya hoegii Stockmans和Hamatophyton verticillatum Gu et Zhi。一些石炭纪的全球常见植物如Bothrodendron Lindley et Hutton、Sphenophyllum Brongniart及Sublepidodendron(Nathorst)Hirmer等已出现在狮子口剖面上泥盆统五通组中,表明华南很可能是这些类群辐射与演化的中心之一。  相似文献   

假巴戟(Morinda shuanghuaensis C.Y.Chen et M.S.Huang)和糠藤(Morinda howiana S.Y.Hu)为茜草科(Rubiaceae)巴戟天属的两个中国特有种。发表于1976年的假巴戟的名称因原作者指定了两份标本作为模式标本(花模式和果模式)而为不合法名称,本文将其合法化,并根据原始描述将其果模式指定为模式。同样,糠藤也被指定具有两个模式,但是因其发表时间早于1958年1月1日,因此并不违背最新版《国际植物命名法规》(维也纳法规),但是为了规范植物名称,避免更多的混淆,我们依据其原始描述将其花模式指定为后选模式。  相似文献   

樟科柔毛润楠正确名称的考订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在确认润楠属(Machilus Nees)应作为一独立属后,根据《国际植物命名法规》,恢复柔毛润楠的正确名称应为Machilus villosa(Roxb.)Hook.f.  相似文献   

关于晚古生代圆印木属(石松纲)的命名问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章讨论晚古生代木本石松植物圆印木属Cyclostigma命名中存在的突出问题.包括4个方面:1)圆印木属的合格发表和作者引证;2)圆印木属的异名、同名和替代名;3)圆印木属的保留;4)圆印木属的模式。基于相关原始文献和国际植物命名法规.文中澄清了这些命名问题。Hecr在1871年最早合格发表了,圆印木属.故该属应被引证为Cyclostigma Haughton ex Hcer.1871.(或Cyclostigma Hcer,1871).而不是文献中通常引证的Cyclostigma Haughton.1860(或1859)。圆印木属不宜归入具叶舌的窝木属Botkrodendron Lindlcy et Hutton.1833.二者相关的生殖器官特征差别也较大。圆印木属的3个同名Cyclostigma Hochst.ex EndL.1842(夹竹桃科Apocynaccac).Cyclostigma Klotzsch ex Sccm,.1853(大戟科Euphorbiaceae)和Cyclostigma Phil.,1870(茄科Solanaceae)住现代被子植物中已不再使用.Cyclostigma Hochst.ex Endl.被提议废弃,后两者为非法名称.这3者分别是更早合格发表的属名Voacang Thouars.1806.Croton L,.1753和Leptoglossi,Benth.,1844的分类学异名。Cyclostigma Haughton ex Heer因住化石石松植物中广为使用已被提议为保留名,它的模式种为基尔托克圆印木C kiltorkense Haughton ex Heer.为晚泥盆世法门期植物群的重要组分或标志化石.具有十分重要的生物地层学意义。比较而言,圆印木属的替代名Jurinodendron Doweld.2001日后被普遍接受的可能性极小。保留广泛使用的圆印木属Cyclostigma有利于命名的稳定性.而且避免了不必要的重新命名。由于圆印木属模式种的原始标本下落不明.一份保存在爱尔兰部柏林三一学院地质博物馆的标本TCD.6012(采自模式产地)被选为新模式。  相似文献   

中国被子植物28个名称的后选模式指定   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
林祁  孙茜  孙苗  李红丽 《西北植物学报》2007,27(6):1247-1255
查阅保存于中国科学院植物研究所植物标本馆(PE)的模式标本,发现中国被子植物中有28个植物名称的模式均多于1份标本,根据《国际植物命名法规》(维也纳法规)规则8.1、9.9、9.10和37.2,以及辅则9A.2和9A.3的精神,对这些名称做出后选模式指定。  相似文献   

王祺 《植物分类学报》2007,45(3):415-420
讨论了木本石松植物鳞皮木属Lepidophloios Stemberg的正确名称。基于Stemberg 1825年的原始描述和相关文献以及模式标本,Lepidophloios实际上是一个晚出的拼写变体,它的原始拼写为Lepidopfloyos。根据《国际植物命名法规》(维也纳法规规则60.1和61.1),Lepidofloys Stemberg应该是鳞皮木属的正确名称。作者给出了鳞皮木属模式标本的图片和描述。  相似文献   

<正>书号:978-7-04-041790-6出版时间:2015年5月定价:99.00元内容简介《国际藻类、菌物和植物命名法规》(以下简称《法规》)是是各各国国植植物物分分类类学学者者对对植植物物命命名名所所必必须须遵遵循循的的规规章章,本书是其唯一的中文版本。本书以解读版本诠释《法规》的以下内容:命名相关基本概念与术语,法规的结构和组织,发表的媒介,如何发表新名称,如何为分类群找到正确的名称,如何指定一个模式,保留、废弃、禁止著作和永久性决议,如何引  相似文献   

多叶楔叶在中国首次发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管中国已经发现大量的楔叶类植物的印痕化石,但保存解剖结构的楔叶植物还属首次。所有标本来自山西太原西山煤田太原组7号煤层的煤核中。采用醋酸纤维膜撕片法与扫描电镜观察相结合的方法进行研究。描述楔叶植物的茎小而直立、攀缘或匍匐状,横切面具典型的三原型外始式的原生中柱,有次生生长。叶楔形,一般为三的倍数,最宽的在近远端,往往远端边缘缺刻或深裂,并轮  相似文献   

为了更好地了解晚古生代楔叶属的物种多样性及形态演化,通过对化石宏观形态的研究以及与相似化石种的对比,确定甘肃永昌太原组中几种楔叶植物化石的分类位置。本文共鉴定楔叶植物化石2属5种,其中包括营养叶和繁殖器官。基于这些楔叶属的新材料,对椭圆楔叶以及马齿楔叶的茎轴表面纵纹、叶片分裂次数等特征进行修订。同时报道楔叶穗属一新种Bowmanites yongchangensis sp. nov.。结合该属在晚古生代的古地理分布情况,表明在乌拉尔世早期该研究区内楔叶属植物呈现出较高的物种多样性,并推测该属植物的起源时间不晚于晚泥盆世法门期,在维宪期由华南地区传入华北地区后,于宾夕法尼亚亚纪晚期传入龙首山地区所在的阿拉善地块。  相似文献   

Structurally preserved ultimate vegetative shoots and attached foliage of Sphenophyllum multirame and two additional taxa from Upper and Middle Pennsylvanian coal balls are described. Shoot axes of all taxa are delimited by small cube-shaped epidermal cells and contain three isolated strands of protoxylem tracheids separated by undifferentiated procambial cells. Metaxylem maturation is delayed for some distance below the apical meristem. Branches originate from a single protoxylem strand and are contiguous with the subjacent leaf trace for a short distance. Sphenophyllum multirame is considered a valid taxon. It is suggested that shoot and foliar anatomical characteristics may form valid criteria for species delimitation within the genus, and S. reedae is delimited by such characteristics. An additional form is tentatively suggested as a possible new species. Anatomical similarities between 5. reedae and Peltastrobus reedae suggest that these taxa represent vegetative and reproductive structures of the same plant.  相似文献   

回顾盆距兰属(Gastrochilus)与囊唇兰属(Saccolabium)两个混淆属的简史。它们为彼此明显不同的独立属。盆距兰属的唇瓣为半球形囊状,侧裂片不明显,中裂片甚大;蕊柱无足;花粉团具孔隙。囊唇兰属的唇瓣为圆筒状距形,侧裂片明显,中裂片很小;蕊柱有短足;花粉团实心。前者广泛分布于亚洲热带与亚热带地区;后者则只局限于印度尼西亚的爪哇与苏门答腊。因此,建议在国际命名法规中取消保留名Saccolabium以及作为其异名的废弃名Gastrochilus(1822号)。  相似文献   

Taxonomic history of two confused genera , Gastrochilus and Saccolabium, is briefly reviewed . It is concluded that they are distinct from each other . In Gastrochilus the lip is semiglobose-saccate with indistinct side-lobes and a much larger mid-lobe , the column is footless and the pollinia are porate , while in Saccolabium the lip is cylindrical-spurred with indistinct side-lobes and a small mid- lobe , the column has a short foot and the pollinia are solid . The former is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical Asia and the latter is restricted to Java and Sumatra of Indonesia . As a result , a proposal is made to modify the conserved name Saccolabium and to exclude the previously listed synonym or rejected name Gastrochilus in the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (No . 1822 .) .  相似文献   

Sphenophyllum was an important and long-surviving sphenopsid genus in the Paleozoic floras, with a worldwide distribution. A new species, Sphenophyllum changxingense sp. nov., is described from the Upper Devonian Wutong Formation of Changxing County, Zhejiang Province, China. This plant is characterized by two orders of slender axes and wedge-shaped leaves borne in whorls. The axes bear short spines and show longitudinal ridges and furrows on surface. Three to eight isophyllous leaves, with one, two, or no second-order axes, are attached at each node of first-order axes. Leaves bear spines and show a bilobate morphology; the two leaf lobes divide distally to form several marginal segments, each segment with a leaf vein. Sphenophyllum changxingense represents an early and primitive species within the genus, in light of the absence of heterophylly and specialized hook-like leaves. Like some Carboniferous and Permian species, it appears to have formed dense mats with mutually supportive axes. This plant adds to the known diversity of early sphenopsids in the Late Devonian.  相似文献   

Authentic herbarium material of Crataegus calycina Petermann (1849) supports Hrabetová-Uhrová's contention in 1969 that this is conspecific with C. macrocarpa Hegetschweiler; the name C. calycina , for which a Petermann specimen in Musée Botanique Cantonal, Lausanne is designated as lectotype, had been incorrectly applied in Flora Europaea.
Examination of the specimens in the Linnaean Herbarium has led to acceptance of Dandy's proposal in 1946 that sheet 643.12 should be designated as the lectotype of C. oxyacantha L. (1753). This specimen is not, as frequently assumed, C. laevigata (Poiret) DC. (C oxyacanthoides Thuill.) but the species described in Flora Europaea as "C. calycina Peterm. subsp. curvisepala (Lindman) Franco". It is suggested that the name C. oxyacantha L. is a source of confusion and should be rejected under Article 69 of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. This gives priority to the name C. curvisepala Lindman, which should replace C. calycina Peterm. in Flora Europaea.  相似文献   

Twig apices of Sphenophyllum lescurianum, S. constrictum, and two new Sphenophyllum taxa are described in transverse and longitudinal section from middle and upper Pennsylvanian age specimens. In all of the species the single apical cell has the shape of a tetrahedron, with a triangular upper surface and three internal cutting faces. Segment cells are produced from each of the cutting surfaces in a dextrorse or sinistrorse direction, depending upon the species. The central portion of each segment cell contributes to the initiation of the procambium, while the remaining outer portion undergoes a vertical and subsequent horizontal division to form segment cells. Segment cells are aligned in vertical tiers beneath the respective apical cell cutting faces, with the individual leaves positioned directly beneath a tier of segment cells. Leaf primordia are first observed as a series of surface undulations below the apex, with an intercalary meristem located directly beneath each primordium. The vegetative apical organization of Sphenophyllum is demonstrated to be very similar to the type of organization found at the stem tips of Catamites and Equisetum.  相似文献   

豆科黄结属模式及其相关种名的考证   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长期以来,Termopsis lanceolata R.Br.被误认为是黄华属的模式。根据有关文献考证和国际植物命名法规,作者为认T.;lanceoltata是一个不合法名,黄华属的合法模式应为Thermopsis Lupinoides(L.)Link.分布于东北亚,花具互生花的黄华长期被误定为T。lupinoides(L.)Link,应更正为Thermopsis fabacea(Pall)DC.。  相似文献   

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