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小波变换是近年来兴起的热门信号处理技术,是一种非常有用的信号处理工具。本文阐述了连续小波去噪和离散小波去噪的原理,分析了基于小波去噪的几种不同方法(其中包括小波分解与重构,小波变换阈值法,小波变换模极大值法,以及它与独立分量分析相结合去除噪声的方法等)。通过检测和验证,表明该方法能较好的实现心电信号的消噪,都取得了较好的效果;同时,比较了每种方法的不足和缺陷。基于小波变换心电信号消噪的研究进展较快,通过多种方法结合运用进行消噪并取得了很好的效果,展望了利用基于小波变换心电信号消噪的前景。  相似文献   

本文将集合经验模态分解(EEMD)与小波软阈值去噪算法相结合,提出了一种新的心电图信号去噪EEMD-WS算法.算法首先对信号进行EEMD分解得到有限个固有模态函数(IMF);其次,根据实际含噪心电信号中各成分的特性,将所有IMF分为低阶含噪、中阶有用信号和高阶含基线漂移三类,对于低阶含噪IMF利用IMF能量变化分界点自适应地确定含噪IMF个数,随后对其利用小波收缩算法中的启发式软阈值选择算法进行去噪;对于高阶含基线漂移IMF根据其自身是否包含周期信息自适应地判断并去除与基线漂移关系密切的IMF.最后通过将滤除噪声的低阶IMF、中阶有用信号重构达到抑制噪声和去除基线漂移的目的.仿真信号和MIT-BIH心电数据库真实心电信号实验显示,EEMD-WS算法不仅能够克服小波去噪算法不能去除基线漂移的不足,而且能够比常用的EMD-WS算法更好地提高消噪效果,总体去噪性能优于传统算法.  相似文献   

一种滤除医学影像噪声的混合滤波算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的:医学影像在获取、存储、传输过程中会不同程度地受到噪声污染,这极大影像了其在临床诊疗中的应用。为了有效地滤除医学影像噪声,提出了一种混合滤波算法。方法:该算法首先将含有高斯和椒盐噪声的图像进行形态学开运算,然后对开运算后的图像进行二维小波分解,得到高频和低频小波分解系数。保留低频系数不变,将高频系数经过维纳滤波器进行滤波,最后进行小波系数重构。结果:采用该混合滤波算法、小波阈值去噪、中值滤波、维纳滤波分别对含有混合噪声的医学影像分别进行滤除噪声处理,该滤波算法去噪后影像的PSNR值明显高于其他三种方法。结论:该混合滤波算法是一种较为有效的医学影像噪声滤除方法。  相似文献   

小波分析的信号消噪方法是现代信号处理中的重要组成部分,小波基的不同选取将直接影响消噪的效果.本文在全局阈值的标准下,基于不同噪声水平,讨论了小波基的正交性和线性相位性对消噪结果的影响,提出了选取小波基的一般方法,最后利用双正交小波基在软阈值标准下实现了对宫缩信号的消噪处理,并取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

眼球运动和眨眼会在眼球周围产生电信号,这种电信号的存在直接影响到对EEG信号的分析特征提取及EEG模式的分类等研究。本文提出了一种基于小波阈值滤噪方法来修正EEG信号中出现的视觉伪信号(OA)。这种用于EEG视觉伪信号处理的小波方法的实现过程如下:1)用平稳小波变换(SWT)对原始EEG信号进行处理;2)设置低频带信号的系数阈值;3)对滤噪后的信号进行重构。实验结果表明这种方法同时适用于眨眼和眼球运动产生的伪信号。最后,通过对采集的信号处理前后做了对比,说明其有效性。  相似文献   

王小兵  孙久运 《生物磁学》2011,(20):3954-3957
目的:医学影像在获取、存储、传输过程中会不同程度地受到噪声污染,这极大影像了其在临床诊疗中的应用。为了有效地滤除医学影像噪声,提出了一种混合滤波算法。方法:该算法首先将含有高斯和椒盐噪声的图像进行形态学开运算,然后对开运算后的图像进行二维小波分解,得到高频和低频小波分解系数。保留低频系数不变,将高频系数经过维纳滤波器进行滤波,最后进行小波系数重构。结果:采用该混合滤波算法、小波阚值去噪、中值滤波、维纳滤波分别对含有混合噪声的医学影像分别进行滤除噪声处理,该滤波算法去噪后影像的PSNR值明显高于其他三种方法。结论:该混合滤波算法是一种较为有效的医学影像噪声滤除方法。  相似文献   

基于小波变换的心电信号去噪算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:去除在心电信号采集过程中混入的肌电干扰、工频干扰、基线漂移等噪声信号,避免噪声对心电信号特征点的识别和提取造成误判和漏判。方法:首先利用coif4小波对心电信号按Mallat算法进行分解,然后采用软、硬阈值折衷与小波重构的算法进行去噪。结果:采用MIT/BIH Arrhythmia Database中的心电信号进行仿真、验证,有效去除了三种常见的噪声信号。结论:本方法实时性好,为临床分析与诊断奠定了基础。  相似文献   

基于SVR算法的林地土壤氮含量高光谱测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘彦姝  潘勇 《生态科学》2013,32(1):84-89
提出了一种利用高光谱技术进行杉木林土壤全氮测定的新方法。以FieldSpec®3地物光谱仪采集杉木林土壤148份, 随机分成校正集(100份)和检验集(48份)。以不同方法实现了土壤光谱的预处理, 并采用偏最小二乘回归算法(PLS)建立土壤氮含量估测模型对其进行比较分析, 发现小波除噪结合多元散射校正能最有效地消除原始光谱的噪声与背景信息, 此时PLS模型校正集与预测集R2分别为0.891与0.885。为进一步优化模型, 对经小波除噪结合多元散射校正处理后的光谱采用主成分分析法(PCA)降维, 以前4个主成份为输入变量, 采用小二乘支持向量机回归算法(LS-SVR)建立了土壤氮含量估测模型, 其校正集与预测集R2分别提高至0.921与0.917, 具有比PLS算法更高的精度。结果表明:以高光谱技术进行林地土壤氮含量快速监测是可行的, 其中小波去噪结合多元散射校正系光谱预处理的优选方法, 而LS-SVR则是建模的优选方法。  相似文献   

基于DWT-GA-PLS的土壤碱解氮含量高光谱估测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以山东齐河县为研究区,实地采集土壤样本,在土样高光谱测试并进行一阶导数变换的基础上,先运用离散小波变换(DWT)对土壤光谱去噪降维,然后采用遗传算法(GA)筛选土壤碱解氮定量估测模型的参与变量,最后应用偏最小二乘(PLS)回归构建土壤碱解氮含量的估测模型.结果表明: 离散小波变换结合遗传算法和偏最小二乘法(DWT-GA-PLS)用于土壤碱解氮含量定量估测,不仅可压缩光谱变量、减少模型参与变量,而且可改善模型估测准确度;较之于采用土壤全谱,小波离散分解1~2层低频系数构建的模型在参与变量大幅减少的情况下,取得更准确或与之相当的预测结果,其中,基于第2层小波低频系数采用GA筛选变量构建的PLS模型的预测效果表现最好,预测R2达到0.85,RMSE为8.11 mg·kg-1,RPD为2.53.说明DWT-GA-PLS用于土壤碱解氮含量高光谱定量估测的有效性.  相似文献   

利用小波分析对13名志愿者18个血清样品的短波近红外光谱进行去噪预处理,以血糖仪测定的血糖为参考,采用间隔偏最小二乘法(iPLS)在700nm~1060nm短波近红外波段建立血糖浓度预测模型。由相关系数(R)和预测标准差(RMSEP)对预测模型的精确度进行了评价。预测模型的相关系数为0.9654,均方根预测误差为0.2435,并和采用傅立叶变换去噪方法及iPLS建模的结果进行了比较。结果表明:小波分析预处理数据的方法能更有效地扣除噪声干扰,使模型具有更强的抗干扰能力和更高的预测精度。  相似文献   

文章提出了一种用小波变换来检测生物荧光图像中囊泡的方法。作者用à trous小波对图像进行小波变换,然后求出每层系数的中值绝对偏差σ,并用t=kσ/0.67作为阈值对每层系数进行门限滤波,然后通过提取小波变换系数来重构图像。通过设计实验与常用的“rolling ball”算法对比,发现小波变换算法在低信噪比的情况下,具有更好的灵敏度;对于形状大小不同的信号,具有更好的稳定性;而且对于信号的细节信息具有更好的保真性。  相似文献   

Wavelet change-point prediction of transmembrane proteins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
MOTIVATION: A non-parametric method, based on a wavelet data-dependent threshold technique for change-point analysis, is applied to predict location and topology of helices in transmembrane proteins. A new propensity scale generated from a transmembrane helix database is proposed. RESULTS: We show that wavelet change-point performs well for smoothing hydropathy and transmembrane profiles generated using different scales. We investigate which wavelet bases and threshold functions are overall most appropriate to detect transmembrane segments. Prediction accuracy is based on the analysis of two data sets used as standard benchmarks for transmembrane prediction algorithms. The analysis of a test set of 83 proteins results in accuracy per segment equal to 98.2%; the analysis of a 48 proteins blind-test set, i.e. containing proteins not used to generate the propensity scales, results in accuracy per segment equal to 97.4%. We believe that this method can also be applied to the detection of boundaries of other patterns such as G + Cisochores and dot-plots. AVAILABILITY: The transmembrane database, TMALN and source code are available upon request from the authors.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探究小波阈值降噪的超声多普勒技术在胎儿中枢神经系统(CNS)畸形筛查中的临床应用价值。方法:选择2018年1月-2021年1月于本院进行规范化妊娠早期超声结构筛查的1092例11-13+6周单胎妊娠孕妇,所有孕妇均进行常规超声和小波阈值降噪的超声多普勒技术的检查,并对其妊娠过程和结果进行随访。结果:1092例胎儿产后病理或超声检查显示,胎儿CNS畸形共计19例,发生率为1.74%(19/1092)。其中,露脑畸形8例,无脑畸形5例,前脑无裂畸形3例,脑膜膨出2例,脊柱裂1例。基于小波阈值降噪的超声多普勒技术对胎儿CNS畸形检出的符合率94.74%(18/19)显著高于常规超声63.16%(12/19),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);且基于小波阈值降噪的超声多普勒技术检出胎儿CNS畸形的准确性、敏感度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值均显著高于常规超声,差异均均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:小波阈值降噪的超声多普勒技术对妊娠早期孕妇进行规范化结构筛查更有助于及早发现胎儿CNS畸形,对降低畸形胎儿的出生率以及指导临床治疗方案的选择具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

We present a method of data reduction using a wavelet transform in discriminant analysis when the number of variables is much greater than the number of observations. The method is illustrated with a prostate cancer study, where the sample size is 248, and the number of variables is 48,538 (generated using the ProteinChip technology). Using a discrete wavelet transform, the 48,538 data points are represented by 1271 wavelet coefficients. Information criteria identified 11 of the 1271 wavelet coefficients with the highest discriminatory power. The linear classifier with the 11 wavelet coefficients detected prostate cancer in a separate test set with a sensitivity of 97% and specificity of 100%.  相似文献   

Nonlinear wavelet and wavelet packet denoising of electrocardiogram signal   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The performance of different wavelet- and wavelet packet-based methods for removing simulated noise was studied using an electrocardiogram (ECG) signal. A non-linear denoising approach was investigated by applying soft and hard thresholding methods, in which thresholds were chosen using four different methods. Coiflet wavelet and wavelet packet functions were used to build up the dyadic wavelet and optimized wavelet packet decompositions. This study involves the quantitative comparison of different denoising approaches by means of optimized error measures and visual inspection of the denoised ECG and the error signal. The localization of the denoising error within the cardiac cycle was studied by visual inspection of the denoised signal and extracting the error measures during the QRS-complex. The results showed that wavelet denoising approaches were generally more efficient than wavelet packet approaches in all cases, but with heuristic sure threshold selection rule as hard thresholding for white noises was used. Denoising errors tend to concentrate within the QRS-area when the wavelet approach was employed. Moreover, soft and hard non-linearities showed different balances in denoising the high-frequency parts of an ECG. Received: 27 April 1998 / Accepted in revised form: 24 November 1998  相似文献   

建立了基于小波降噪和支持向量机的结肠癌基因表达数据肿瘤识别模型.对试验数据进行小波分解,并利用交叉验证的方法计算试验样本的平均分类准确率,确定小波函数与小波分解层数;引入能量阈值方法对小波分解系数进行阈值处理,达到降噪的目的;提出了基因分类贡献率与主成分分析结合的方法,提取结肠癌样本数据特征;利用支持向量机强大的非线性映射能力,实现对结肠癌样本数据的非线性分类.为了减弱样本集的划分对分类准确率的影响,本文采取Jackknife检验方法对支持向量分类器的分类器检验,其分类准确率为96.77%.试验结果证明了该方法的有效性,该方法对结肠癌的识别具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

Wavelet analysis of ecological time series   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wavelet analysis is a powerful tool that is already in use throughout science and engineering. The versatility and attractiveness of the wavelet approach lie in its decomposition properties, principally its time-scale localization. It is especially relevant to the analysis of non-stationary systems, i.e., systems with short-lived transient components, like those observed in ecological systems. Here, we review the basic properties of the wavelet approach for time-series analysis from an ecological perspective. Wavelet decomposition offers several advantages that are discussed in this paper and illustrated by appropriate synthetic and ecological examples. Wavelet analysis is notably free from the assumption of stationarity that makes most methods unsuitable for many ecological time series. Wavelet analysis also permits analysis of the relationships between two signals, and it is especially appropriate for following gradual change in forcing by exogenous variables.  相似文献   

Thermal tolerance is an important variable in predictive models about the effects of global climate change on species distributions, yet the physiological mechanisms responsible for reduced performance at high temperatures in air-breathing vertebrates are not clear. We conducted an experiment to examine how oxygen affects three variables exhibited by ectotherms as they heat—gaping threshold, panting threshold, and loss of righting response (the latter indicating the critical thermal maximum)—in two lizard species along an elevational (and therefore environmental oxygen partial pressure) gradient. Oxygen partial pressure did not impact these variables in either species. We also exposed lizards at each elevation to severely hypoxic gas to evaluate their responses to hypoxia. Severely low oxygen partial pressure treatments significantly reduced the gaping threshold, panting threshold, and critical thermal maximum. Further, under these extreme hypoxic conditions, these variables were strongly and positively related to partial pressure of oxygen. In an elevation where both species overlapped, the thermal tolerance of the high elevation species was less affected by hypoxia than that of the low elevation species, suggesting the high elevation species may be adapted to lower oxygen partial pressures. In the high elevation species, female lizards had higher thermal tolerance than males. Our data suggest that oxygen impacts the thermal tolerance of lizards, but only under severely hypoxic conditions, possibly as a result of hypoxia-induced anapyrexia.  相似文献   

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