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香根草对土壤中几种重金属离子富集能力的比较研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
用组织培养的香根草无菌苗作为试验材料,进行香根草对Cd、Cr、Pb和Ni四种重金属离子的富集能力比较试验,分别测定了香根草体内的重金属含量、香根草与重金属元素的相关性、香根草对重金属的富集系数和根系滞留率.结果表明:香根草对四种重金属离子都具有较高的富集能力.其中,香根草植物体中元素总含量表现为Ni>Cr>Pb>Cd,在茎叶和根中的分含量,均表现为根>茎叶;香根草与重金属元素的关系中,Cd的相关性最显著;富集系数与重金属浓度呈负相关,以Ni最为明显;从滞留率的角度来看,以Cr在香根草根系的滞留率最大,但对同一种重金属来说,随浓度的变化,香根草根系对它的滞留率却几乎是恒定的.  相似文献   

对内蒙古西部公路绿化植物油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)、小叶杨(Populus simonii)及其根际土壤中重金属元素(Cd、Hg、Pb、Cu、Zn、Ni、Cr)和类金属元素(As和Se)含量以及根际土壤重金属(Cu、Zn、Pb、Ni和Cr)形态、土壤pH值进行了测定。对比分析了公路沿线不同绿化植物及其不同器官对重金属元素的吸收与积累特征。结果表明:绿化植物根际土壤对重金属元素的吸附及污染程度以Cd为最高。随原子序数的递增,小叶杨和油松两种植物的根部和茎叶两种营养器官中重金属的含量均表现出“N”字形变动趋势。而且重金属元素在不同植物不同器官中的含量具有Zn〉Cu〉Ni,Cr,As,Pb〉Cd〉Hg的基本规律。小叶杨茎叶对重金属元素Cr、Ni和Pb的富集能力较根部为强,油松茎叶对重金属元素Cr、Ni、Cu和Pb的富集能力较根部为强。绿化植物根际土壤重金属元素有效态占总量百分比的大小序列为Zn〉Pb〉Ni、Cr〉Cu,与重金属元素在不同植物不同器官中的含量大小序列Zn〉Cu〉Ni、Cr、As、Pb〉Cd〉Hg并非趋于一致。公路绿化植物对根际土壤中重金属元素的吸收和积累与重金属元素有效态所占的比例有关。  相似文献   

为探索刺楸对受污染土壤重金属的富集和修复效应, 以南京栖霞山的乡土树种刺楸及其根际周边土壤为研究对象, 截取其根基部年轮盘及根际土壤样本, 采用ICP-AES法测定年轮及土壤样本中重金属(Cu、Cd、Cr、Mn、Ni、Pb、Zn)元素含量。结果表明: 栖霞山样地中的土壤受Mn、Pb和Zn污染最为严重, 存在Cu、Cd、Mn、Pb、Zn元素的高度复合污染, Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Zn在土壤和年轮中存在相关性, Mn和Pb则没有表现出明显的相关性; 刺楸修复受Cd、Mn、Pb、Zn污染的土壤效果并不显著, 更适用于Cr、Cu、Ni污染的土壤修复; 鉴于Cu元素含量变化特征, 刺楸也可以作为反映当地污染历史的记录载体; 刺楸年轮中的重金属元素之间存在交互作用, 其中Cd与Zn元素含量高度相关(r=0.984, p<0.01), 在刺楸年轮吸收重金属元素的过程中, Cu与Cd、Cr、Mn、Zn元素具有协同作用, Mn元素对其他元素有一定的拮抗作用。  相似文献   

朱立安  曾清苹  柳勇  柯欢  程炯  张会化  李俊杰 《生态学报》2020,40(13):4659-4669
富集重金属的枯落物分解可能提高重金属暴露率,增加人体接触健康风险。为了解南方城市土壤重金属在森林生态系统中的分布及流转情况,通过调查研究了佛山市8个典型森林群落土壤及枯落物重金属含量,分析了各森林群落枯落物对不同重金属的富集效应及重金属随枯落物回归土壤流通量。结果表明:1)城市森林各土壤重金属含量在不同典型群落间差异显著(P<0.05),差异最大为Pb、Cr、Zn,As、Cu、Ni次之,Hg、Cd最小;土层深度(0-20,20-40,40-60 cm)对重金属含量影响显著(P<0.05),差异最大为Cd、Hg,其次为As、Cu,最小为Zn、Ni、Pb、Cr。整体上,Cd、Hg、As、Pb、Zn在0-20 cm最高,表层富集特征明显,Cr和Ni在40-60 cm最高。2)8个森林群落中阴香-白楸-醉香含笑群落(CMMC)枯落物对8种重金属的综合富集系数(TBCF,66.76)最高,其中以Cd的富集效果最突出,富集系数为44.45,且对Pb、Cu、Zn也相对富集;最低的为黧蒴锥-香椿-樟树群落(CTCC),综合富集系数(TBCF)为8.09,仅对Cd、Cr、Cu相对富集,对其余重金属富集效应不明显。3)相关分析显示,群落重金属枯落物流通量与0-60 cm土壤重金属平均含量(Cr和Ni除外)无显著相关性。本研究对城市森林建设管理及筛选重金属富集植物及群落具有较强理论及实践意义。  相似文献   

以安徽省铜陵市杨山冲铜尾矿库复垦区(覆土复垦)和未复垦区生长的剑叶金鸡菊(Coreopsis lanceolata Linn.)为研究对象,对2个区域剑叶金鸡菊根际尾矿的基本理化性质和6种重金属元素含量进行了比较,并对2个区域剑叶金鸡菊不同器官的重金属元素含量及其转移系数和富集系数,以及Ca和总磷含量及其比值(R)进行了比较;在此基础上,对不同器官重金属元素含量与根际尾矿相应重金属元素含量以及相应器官Ca和总磷含量及R值进行了Pearson相关性分析。结果表明:2个区域的根际尾矿均偏碱性;复垦区根际尾矿的电导率及有机质、总碳、总氮、总磷、速效磷、速效钾、Cu、Zn、Pb和Cd含量均高于未复垦区;并且,2个区域根际尾矿的Cu、Zn、As和Cd含量均超过国家土壤二级标准。2个区域剑叶金鸡菊各器官的Cu、Zn和Mn含量均较高,而Pb、Cd和As含量较低;主根和须根的Cu和As含量以及茎叶的Cd和Zn含量均较高。与未复垦区相比,复垦区剑叶金鸡菊主根的Zn、Pb、Cd、Mn和As含量较高,而茎叶的重金属元素含量却较低。2个区域剑叶金鸡菊中Cd的转移系数最大,而Cu和As的转移系数分别为最小和未检出;并且,复垦区剑叶金鸡菊中Zn、Pb、Cd和Mn的转移系数显著(P0.05)低于未复垦区。2个区域剑叶金鸡菊不同器官重金属元素的富集系数大多较低。另外,复垦区剑叶金鸡菊主根的Ca和总磷含量以及须根和茎叶的总磷含量均高于未复垦区。相关性分析结果表明:剑叶金鸡菊主根和须根的Pb含量与根际尾矿的Pb含量分别呈显著和极显著(P0.01)正相关,茎叶的Cu和Zn含量与根际尾矿的相应重金属元素含量分别呈极显著和显著负相关;主根的Mn含量与Ca和总磷含量呈显著正相关;须根的Cd和As含量与Ca含量分别呈极显著和显著负相关,Mn含量与总磷含量呈显著负相关;茎叶的Cu、Zn和Cd含量与Ca含量以及Cu和Mn含量与R值均呈显著正相关,Mn含量与Ca含量呈极显著正相关。综合分析结果显示:剑叶金鸡菊对6种重金属元素均有一定的吸收和积累能力,属于多重金属耐性植物;并且,覆土复垦可显著降低重金属元素从剑叶金鸡菊根部向茎叶转移,建议将其作为Cu和As污染地植物固定修复的物种。  相似文献   

长沙城市森林土壤7种重金属含量特征及其潜在生态风险   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
方晰  唐志娟  田大伦  项文化  孙伟军 《生态学报》2012,32(23):7595-7606
采用调查分析方法,研究长沙城市森林土壤Zn、Cu、Ni、Pb、As、Cd、Hg7种重金属含量,并以长沙市土壤背景值和湖南省土壤背景值为参比值,采用Hakanson潜在生态危害指数法评价不同城市化梯度森林土壤重金属潜在生态风险.结果表明:7种重金属的平均含量均随着城市化程度提高而增加,Pb增幅最大,As增幅最小.同一城市化梯度森林土壤均以Zn平均含量最高,Cd最低,但均未超过土壤环境质量标准(GB15618-1995)Ⅱ级标准值.在城市中心区,桂花树林、樟树+桂花树混交林土壤Zn、Cu、Pb、As、Hg平均含量普遍较高,而樟树+马尾松混交林、桂花树+杜英混交林土壤Cu、Ni、As、Cd、Hg平均含量普遍较低,Pb、Zn空间分布差异明显,Cd、Ni、As空间分布比较均匀,Cu、Ni、Pb、As、Cd、Hg之间(除Cd与As、Ni之间外)均存在显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)的相关性,与土壤有机质之间也呈显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)的相关性,Zn、Cu、Ni、Pb、As、Cd、Hg主要是人为输入;中心区森林土壤重金属的潜在生态危害已达到中等生态危害程度,边缘区接近中等生态危害程度,郊区为轻微生态危害程度,Zn、Cu、Ni、Pb、As均为轻微生态危害程度,Cd、Hg已达到中等生态危害程度以上.  相似文献   

以红薯为供试材料, 设计了Cd、Pb、芘复合污染的盆栽正交实验, 研究了复合污染下红薯生长及生理特征的变化情况。结果表明: Cd-Pb-芘复合污染下, 红薯叶面积普遍受到各污染因子及其交互作用的抑制作用(P<0.01,P<0.05);Cd、Pb、芘单因素均对红薯叶片伸展速率有显著抑制作用(P<0.01)。Pb 是抑制茎、叶生物量的最主要因素(P<0.01), 红薯地下部对复合污染有较强的耐性。芘×Pb 交互作用是影响红薯生理生化特性的最主要因素, 其显著抑制红薯叶绿素a 含量(P<0.01)及红薯SOD 酶活性(P<0.01), 同时也显著增加了丙二醛的含量(P<0.05)及脯氨酸的积累(P<0.01); 此外,单因素Cd、Pb 和芘及其其它的交互作用也有类似的抑制或促进作用(P<0.01, P<0.05)。  相似文献   

朱云  杨中艺 《生态学报》2007,27(4):1376-1385
在经铅锌矿废水灌溉约50年的农田中种植24个长豇豆品种,测定植物体内的Pb、Zn、Cd在根、茎、叶及果实中的含量。结果表明,Cd在长豇豆根、茎、叶及果实的平均含量分别为1.212、0.425、1.051mg·kg^-1和0.011mg·kg^-1;Pb则分别是92.53、9.79、33.08mg·kg^-1和0.120mg·kg^-1;Zn分别是130.14、59.40、99.94mg·kg^-1和6.320mg·kg^-1。果实中的Cd、Pb和Zn最大品种间差异分别达4.4倍、4.2倍和1.6倍;各品种3种重金属含量ANOVA分析结果显示了品种间差异具有极显著意义。不同仁色(花仁、红仁及黑仁)长豇豆品种间的3种重金属含量在根部均有显著差异,而Zn及Cd含量在茎组织中也有显著差异;但各组在叶及果实中没有显著差异。尽管污灌区土壤Cd、Pb和Zn浓度均超出了国家土壤环境质量标准二级土壤的最高限值,但绝大多数品种的果实中所含重金属均符合国家食品卫生标准。Pb较易在果实中积累,有一个品种果实Pb浓度超过国家标准。根和茎中的3种重金属含量相互间均具有高度相关性,且果实中的Cd和Pb含量间也有显著相关,表明长豇豆对Cd、Pb和Zn的吸收和积累有协同性,这一特性使得同时低量积累重金属的长豇豆品种的筛选更为容易,特别是在可食部分同时低量积累Cd和Pb的品种。污灌区具有比对照区更高的产量,说明长豇豆能耐受农田中Cd、Pb和Zn的复合污染,因而生产者比较难以从长豇豆的中毒症状发现重金属的污染,导致在污染土壤中生产长豇豆容易受重金属污染。可见,筛选和培育低量积累重金属的长豇豆品种有利于降低人类通过食物链暴露于重金属的水平。  相似文献   

对重庆独活种植地土壤及植株中重金属Cu、Pb、Cd、Hg和As进行含量检测、分析。结果表明独活种植地土壤及药材中重金属Cd含量超标。不同器官中重金属元素的含量分布规律不一致,Pb与Cd分布为根茎叶,Cu为茎根叶,Hg为茎叶根,As含量为叶根茎。独活根、茎对Cd的富集能力最强,富集系数大于1,其它元素富集系数均小于1。相关分析表明,土壤中Cu与茎、叶中Cu含量存在极显著相关性,茎和叶中Cu含量呈显著负相关,茎和根中Hg含量呈极显著正相关。  相似文献   

马丽  李吉鹏  陆志强 《生态科学》2013,32(2):212-217
论文对杏林湾表层沉积物重金属、有机碳和硫化物含量进行了检测,对数据作了相关性分析和因子分析,并应用潜在生态危害指数法对重金属的潜在生态风险进行了评价。结果表明:重金属之间有显著的相关性,Cu与Ni、Pb与Ni、Pb与Cr以及Cr与Hg之间的相关系数分别为0.786(P﹤0.05)、0.783(P﹤0.05)、0.937(P﹤0.01)和0.770(P﹤0.05)。重金属与有机碳及硫化物的相关性较差,表明该地区重金属污染来源与硫化物和有机碳并不相同。既有人为输入,又有自然的沉积过程。因子分析进一步解释了该水域重金属污染的主要来源。根据Eri均值大小,Hg的危害风险最大,Cr最小。6种重金属潜在生物毒性风险大小依次为:Hg > Pb > Cu > Cd > Ni > Cr。重金属的生态危害程度均较小,尚属轻微生态危害。  相似文献   

采用室内模拟实验和连续形态分级方法研究了Cd、Pb投加浓度对其在黑土中化学形态分布及油菜生长和吸收Cd、Pb量的影响.结果表明:随Cd、Pb投加量的增加,土壤中Cd交换态含量增幅较大,Pb碳酸盐结合态、Fe-Mn氧化物结合态含量增幅较大;外源Cd在土壤中的存在形态以交换态和残留态为主,Pb的交换态比例相对较低,其存在形态主要为残留态;土壤Cd、Pb投加浓度较低时,促进了油菜的生长,投加浓度较高时,对油菜生长的抑制作用较为明显;地下部分Cd、Pb含量远高于地上部分,与Cd相比,Pb向地上部的迁移率相对较小;土壤中Cd、Pb各形态含量与油菜地下、地上部分吸收的Cd、Pb量均呈显著正相关,与干质量呈负相关;交换态Cd、Pb对油菜干质量影响最大,碳酸盐结合态对油菜吸收Cd、Pb的贡献最大.  相似文献   

A limiting factor in land application of sewage sludge is the resultant heavy metal accumulation in soils followed by biomagnification in the food chain, posing a potential hazard to animal and human health. In view of this fact, pot experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of digested sludge application to soil on phytotoxicity of heavy metals such as Cd, Cr, Ni, and Pb to radish (Raphanus sativus L.) plants. Increasing sludge levels resulted in increased levels of DTPA-extractable heavy metals in the soil. Cadmium was the dominant metal extracted by DTPA followed by Ni, Pb, and Cr. The extractability of metals by DTPA tended to decrease from the first to the second crop. Dry matter yield of radish increased significantly as a function of increasing sludge treatments. Soil application of sludge raised the concentration of one or more heavy metals in plants. Shoots contained higher concentrations of Cd, Cr, and Ni than the roots of radish plants. Shoot concentrations of Cd, Cr, Ni, and Pb were within the tolerance levels of this crop at all rates of sludge application. Shoot as well as root concentration of Cd was above 0.5 mg kg?1, considered toxic for human and animal consumption. The levels of DTPA-extractable Cd and Ni were less correlated while those of Cr and Pb were more correlated with their respective shoot and root contents. The results emphasize that accumulation of potentially toxic heavy metals in soil and their build-up in vegetable crops should not be ignored when sludge is applied as an amendment to land.  相似文献   

Accumulation of different metals and metalloids was assessed in two vegetables radish (Raphanus sativus L.) and spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.) irrigated with domestic wastewater in the peri-urban areas of Khushab City, Pakistan. In general, the metal and metalloid concentrations in radish and spinach were higher at site-II treated with sewage water than those found at site-I treated with canal water. In case of radish at both sites the levels of metals (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Mo, Cd, and Pb) were below the permissible level except those of Mn, Ni, Mo, Cd, and Pb. At both sites, the transfer factor ranged from 0.047–228.3 mg kg?1 with Cr having the highest transfer factor. The metal pollution index in soil was in the following order: As > Fe > Ni > Zn > Cd > Mo > Se > Co > Pb > Mn > Cr > Cu, respectively. While in case of spinach at both sites, the concentrations of metals and metalloids in vegetable samples irrigated with canal and sewage water were observed below the permissible level except Mn, Ni, Zn, Mo, and Pb. At both sites, the transfer factor ranged from 0.038–245.4 mg kg?1 with Cr having the highest transfer factor. The metal pollution index in soil was in the following order: Cd > Ni > Co > Se > Mn > Zn > Mo > Pb > Fe > Cr > As > Cu, respectively.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to study the performance of EDTA and citric acid (CA) addition in improving phytoextraction of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Cr from artificially contaminated soil by T. angustifolia. T. angustifolia showed the remarkable resistance to heavy metal toxicity with no visual toxic symptom including chlorosis and necrosis when exposed to metal stress. EDTA-addition significantly reduced plant height and biomass, compared with the control, and stunted plant growth, while 2.5 and 5 mM CA addition induced significant increases in root dry weight. EDTA, and 5 and 10 mM CA significantly increased shoot Cd, Pb, and Cr concentrations compared with the control, with EDTA being more effective. At final harvest, the highest shoot Cd, Cr, and Pb concentrations were recorded in the treatment of 5 mM EDTA addition, while maximal root Pb concentration was found at the 2.5 mM CA treatment. However, shoot Cd accumulation in the 10 mM CA treatment was 36.9% higher than that in 2.5 mM EDTA, and similar with that in 10 mM EDTA. Shoot Pb accumulation was lower in 10 mM CA than that in EDTA treatments. Further, root Cd, Cu, and Pb accumulation of CA treatments and shoot Cr accumulation in 5 or 10 mM CA treatments were markedly higher than that of control and EDTA treatments. The results also showed that EDTA dramatically increased the dissolution of Cu, Cr, Pb, and Cd in soil, while CA addition had less effect on water-soluble Cu, Cr, and Cd, and no effect on Pb levels. It is suggested that CA can be a good chelator candidate for T. angustifolia used for environmentally safe phytoextraction of Cd and Cr in soils.  相似文献   

三七对土壤中镉、铬、铜、铅的累积特征及健康风险评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
林龙勇  阎秀兰  廖晓勇  张玉秀 《生态学报》2014,34(11):2868-2875
我国传统珍贵草本药用植物三七Panax notoginseng(Burk.)F.H.Chen重金属污染问题已引起广泛关注,但相关研究却非常有限。调查了三七种植区土壤重金属污染状况,揭示了三七对土壤中重金属的吸收转运规律及其健康风险。结果表明,三七种植区土壤镉(Cd)、铬(Cr)、铜(Cu)的超标率分别为75%、38%、50%,污染程度分布表现为丘北县文山县砚山县马关县;种植区三七存在较为严重的Cd、Cr、铅(Pb)污染,其不同部位的超标率范围分别为81%—100%、75%—100%、25%—63%;三七具有较强的Cd富集能力及Cd、Cu转运能力;三七不同部位Pb、Cd、Cr、Cu对人体的摄入风险贡献依次为13.46%—46.40%、8.67%—24.67%、1.90%—14.40%、0.38%—0.79%,其中主根中Cd、Cr、Cu对人体的健康风险与土壤中相应的重金属浓度呈线性正相关。研究可为解决三七种植区,乃至其他中草药种植区的重金属污染问题提供重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

Cadmium uptake kinetics and plants factors of shoot Cd concentration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Background and aims

Accumulation of Cd in the shoots of plants grown on Cd contaminated soils shows considerable variation. A previous preliminary experiment established that one major reason for this variation was the rate of Cd influx into the roots (mol Cd cm?2 root s?1). However, this experiment did not distinguish between solubilization of soil Cd on the one hand and difference in Cd uptake kinetics on the other. The main objectives of the present study were thus to characterize Cd uptake kinetics of plants continuously exposed to Cd concentrations similar to those encountered in soils. Furthermore we determined the factors responsible for differences in shoot Cd concentration such as net Cd influx, root area-shoot dry weight ratio, shoot growth rate and proportion of Cd translocated to the shoot.

Materials and methods

Maize, sunflower, flax and spinach were grown in nutrient solution with five constant Cd concentrations varying from 0 to 1.0 μmol?L?1. Root and shoot parameters as well as Cd uptake were determined at two harvest dates and from these data Cd net influx and shoot growth rates were calculated.

Results and conclusions

Cadmium uptake kinetics, i.e. the net Cd influx vs. Cd solution concentration followed a straight line. Its slope is the root absorbing power, α, $ \left( {\alpha ={{{\mathrm{Cd}\;\mathrm{net}\;\mathrm{influx}}} \left/ {{\mathrm{Cd}\;\mathrm{solution}\;\mathrm{concentration}}} \right.}} \right) $ . The α values of spinach and flax were about double that of maize and sunflower (5?×?10?6?cm?s?1 vs. 2.5?×?10?6?cm?s?1). Spinach and flax had a 3–5 times higher shoot Cd concentration than maize and sunflower. The difference in shoot Cd concentration was partly due to the higher Cd influx but also to a higher translocation of Cd from root to shoot and also to a slower shoot growth rate.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the bioaccumulation of heavy metals and growth response of rice plants after exposure to single and combined contamination by Cu, Cd and Pb. The results showed that the biomass production was not significantly affected by either single or combined treatment of Cu, Cd and Pb. Adding Cu (Cd, or Pb) separately all increased concentrations of the respective element in root and shoot (p < 0.001). In the combined contamination, Pb promoted both root and shoot absorption of Cu and Cd (p < 0.001), and Cu affected Cd and Pb absorption in the root, but Pb concentrations in both root and shoot were not affected by Cd application. The formation of iron plaques varied obviously with soil types. Heavy metal accumulation in iron plaques was induced by the three elements (p < 0.001). Furthermore, the three heavy metals exhibited an interactive relationship as measured by the Cu, Cd, Pb and Fe concentrations in root surface iron plaques. The iron plaques partially inhibited transfer of Pb to root and shoot, but no such effect was observed for Cu and Cd. This research indicates that the interaction among different heavy metal elements is very complex. It is very important to have a clear understanding on the associated mechanism and the consequential impact on plant growth.  相似文献   

A comparative bioaccumulation pattern and ultra structural changes were studied in Phragmites cummunis, Typha angustifolia and Cyperus esculentus in mixed metals solution of cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn). P. cummunis was observed to be a shoot accumulator for Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn. However, T. angustifolia was found to be a root accumulator for Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni and Pb. In addition, C. esculentus also accumulated most of the tested heavy metals in the roots, while Mn and Fe were translocated up to leaves. Further, the long term metal treatment showed maximum accumulation of all heavy metals in P. cummunis followed by T. angustifolia and C. esculentus. Among heavy metals, Fe was accumulated maximum, i.e., >1000 microg g(-1) by all three plants. Simultaneously, the adverse effects on biochemical parameters were noted earlier in C. esculentus than T. angustifolia and P. cummunis. Ultra structural observation showed the cellular changes in wetland plants after longer exposure. Results revealed that P. cummunis and T. angustifolia had more potential for tested metals than C. esculentus. This study established that these wetland plants could be used for heavy metals phytoremediation from metal containing industrial wastewater.  相似文献   

In this study, paddy soil and rice grain samples were collected from the vicinity around the Xinqiao mine in Tongling, China to test for the presence of heavy metals (Cd, Ni, Cr, Cu, Zn, and Pb) in soil-rice system. Results indicated that the soil samples were primarily contaminated with Cd and Cu and followed with Zn and Pb. In rice grains, Cd, Cu, and Cr concentrations exceeded recommended guidelines. However, the regional distribution of heavy metals in rice grains and soil was inconsistent. The bioaccumulation factor of heavy metals in rice grains decreased in the order of Cd > Zn > Cu > Ni > Cr > Pb. The BAF was significantly positively correlated with TCLP-extractable metals and significantly negatively correlated with soil pH. However, the relationship between soil organic matter and the BAF in rice grains was complex. Health risk assessment through rice intake showed that hazard quotients of Cu and Cd were greater than 1 and could pose a considerable non-cancer health risk to adults and children; meanwhile, Cr, Ni, and Cd could pose an unacceptable cancer risk. The results indicated that the government must take measures to reduce heavy metal contents in paddy soil and rice.  相似文献   

Huang Y Z  Hu Y  Liu Y X 《农业工程》2009,29(6):320-326
A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the bioaccumulation of heavy metals and growth response of rice plants after exposure to single and combined contamination by Cu, Cd and Pb. The results showed that the biomass production was not significantly affected by either single or combined treatment of Cu, Cd and Pb. Adding Cu (Cd, or Pb) separately all increased concentrations of the respective element in root and shoot (p < 0.001). In the combined contamination, Pb promoted both root and shoot absorption of Cu and Cd (p < 0.001), and Cu affected Cd and Pb absorption in the root, but Pb concentrations in both root and shoot were not affected by Cd application. The formation of iron plaques varied obviously with soil types. Heavy metal accumulation in iron plaques was induced by the three elements (p < 0.001). Furthermore, the three heavy metals exhibited an interactive relationship as measured by the Cu, Cd, Pb and Fe concentrations in root surface iron plaques. The iron plaques partially inhibited transfer of Pb to root and shoot, but no such effect was observed for Cu and Cd. This research indicates that the interaction among different heavy metal elements is very complex. It is very important to have a clear understanding on the associated mechanism and the consequential impact on plant growth.  相似文献   

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