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杨慧  马建章  戎可 《生态学报》2013,33(20):6634-6642
在野生动物研究过程中经常需要对动物个体进行标记。传统的标记方法存在着标记物易脱落、可能影响被标记动物的生理和行为、难于进行个体识别等缺点。被动式电子标签(passive integrated transponder, PIT)是基于射频识别技术的电子标签,可用于体内标记,具有不易脱落消失且能够进行个体识别的优点。我们在凉水国家级自然保护区以PIT标签为标记物,采用标志重捕技术开展花鼠(Eutamias sibiricus)的种群动态研究,同时对应用PIT标签的可靠性进行了研究。2011年秋季至2012年春季共标记花鼠个体140只,其中86只被重捕至少1次。2011年秋季标记的72只个体中有38只在2012年春季被重捕。重捕的花鼠个体注射口愈合完好,体重无明显降低。结果表明PIT标签是一种安全可靠、识别迅速、数据准确、不易丢失、可循环使用的体内标记电子标签,适用于基于个体识别的小型哺乳动物生态学研究。  相似文献   

本文研究了非繁殖期成年雄性布氏四鼠对陌生群体气味、本群体气味的社会探究行为和尿标记行为,探讨了布氏四鼠利用气味信号进行群体辨别的能力。在对熟悉相的辨别实验中,雄鼠对陌生群体气昧的社会探究和尿标记行为明显多于本群体气味和对照组,优势个体的探究和尿标记行为显著高于从属个体。实验结果表明:布氏田鼠具有对群体气味的辨别能力;在巢垫物中存在用于群体识别的化学通讯成分,优势鼠的气味标记可能在种内群体间的嗅觉通讯中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

非繁殖期成年雄性布氏田鼠对群体气体的辨别   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
张立  房继明 《兽类学报》1996,16(4):285-290
本文研究了非繁殖期成年雄性布氏田鼠对陌生群本气味,本群体气体的社会探究行为和尿标记行为,探讨了布氏田鼠利用气味信号进行群体辨别的能力。在熟悉相的辨别实验中,雄鼠对陌生群体气味的社会探究和尿标记行为明显我于本群体气味和对照组,优势个体的探究和尿尿行为显著高于从属个体。实验结果表明,布氏田鼠具体对群体气味的辨别能力,在巢垫物中存在用于群体识别的化学通讯成分,优势鼠的气味标记可能性种内群体间的嗅觉通讯中  相似文献   

本文在中立竞技场中通过两两互作确定四川短尾鼩(Anourosorex squamipes)同性个体间的社会等级,并在此基础上利用其尿液,研究不同社会等级个体的自我/非自我识别能力及模式、尿液气味的行为响应机制,以及社会等级识别能力。结果表明:(1)四川短尾鼩优势个体表现攻击行为较多,从属个体防御行为较多,优势个体的标记行为显著高于从属个体。攻击行为表现为同等级雄性高于同等级雌性,且雌性间的攻击强度低于雄性。(2)从属个体和优势个体分别对自身尿液气味和非自身尿液气味存在明显偏好差异。不同性别、等级个体自我识别模式差异不明显,不同社会等级个体对于自身识别模式和非自身尿液的行为反应模式均不同。不同社会等级个体具有自我识别能力且能力不同。(3)四川短尾鼩能够识别不同社会等级个体的尿液气味,雌性对雄性尿液更感兴趣,雄性对优势雄性尿液选择回避。雄性对其他个体的访问时间与嗅舔频次均显著高于雌性,雌雄个体在识别不同社会等级的尿液气味时存在性二型。  相似文献   

雄性根田鼠的同胞竞争及其对同性个体的气味识别   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
采用两两互作实验并以尿标记来确定共居至成年的2雄性根田鼠同胞在行为竞争上的差异,之后在行为选择箱中分别观察它们对来自熟悉和陌生同性个体的新鲜尿气味的行为反应,以确定气味识别差异。结果表明:①雄性根田鼠两两互作时,尿标记的多少可以作为判断其社会等级的标准;②从属鼠对熟悉气味存在明显偏好,其对熟悉气味的访问时间、接近频次和自我修饰频次都显著高于陌生气味;③优势鼠则优先访问陌生气味,其对陌生气味的访问时间、嗅舔频次、嗅舔时间、自我修饰及反标记均显著高于熟悉气味;④对于陌生气味,优势鼠和从属鼠之间存在明显不同的行为反应模式。本实验结果提示,雄性根田鼠对同性尿气味识别的差异以及对陌生气味的行为反应,可能暗含着其领域防卫的信息。  相似文献   

性别与年龄对圈养大熊猫行为的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对 2 4只圈养大熊猫行为进行了定量观察 ,发现雄性活动、蹭阴标记和探究行为频次显著高于雌性 ,其它行为差异不够显著。随年龄的增长 ,个体探究和游戏行为频次显著减少 ;雄性个体用于蹭阴标记和嗅闻的时间显著多于雌性 ,而用于休息行为的时间则正相反。随年龄的增长 ,个体用于游戏的时间显著减少 ,休息的时间显著增加 ;圈养雄性个体白天处于活跃状态的时间百分比 (86 5 9± 5 4 0 ,n =11)显著多于雌性 (6 6 77±5 75 % ,n =13,P =0 0 5 0 )。结果表明 :1)大熊猫个体行为的性别差异不仅存在于野生个体 ,而且存在于圈养个体 ;2 )幼年个体表现较多的游戏和探究行为可能与行为学习和模仿有关 ,并可能对个体行为发育有重要影响。非发情期雄性个体表现较多的蹭阴标记和嗅闻行为可能与护卫领地和维持社群关系有关。  相似文献   

微卫星标记在穿山甲个体识别中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对非法走私和捕杀穿山甲的犯罪案件研究中,所涉及的穿山甲个体数量是量刑的重要依据,然而对于一些穿山甲鳞片、肉块及其深加工产品,从形态学上却无法进行个体识别。微卫星标记已证实是一种用于动物个体识别的可靠的遗传标记。本研究从已发表的34对穿山甲微卫星引物中筛选出6对多态性较高的引物,用于穿山甲鳞片的个体识别。结果表明:6个位点的观测值杂合度(Ho)为0.653-0.234;期望值杂合度(He)为0.926-0.861;MJA03的PIC最高(0.918),MJA13的PIC最低(0.852),平均PIC为0.884。单个座位的个体识别能力在0.826-0.956之间,累积个体识别能力为99.9999%,表明采用的6个位点适用于国内穿山甲走私案中的个体识别。  相似文献   

在动物学、动物生理学和生态学等学科的研究中 ,常常需要对所研究的动物个体进行标记 ,以便于对其个体活动的追踪研究观察。在有关研究工作中 ,目前使用多种标记法 ,如烙印法、同位素示踪法等。在对蛙类的研究实践过程中 ,我们找到了针对蛙类研究的一种简单易行的标记法——划蹼法和切趾 (指 )法。由于蛙类个体小 ,较为脆弱。烙印等方法容易对其造成伤害 ,影响其生存 ,同时也不易进行操作。尤其是在蝌蚪变态期不易进行有效的标记 ,给追踪观察造成极大的困难。我们经过对中国林蛙的标记试验探索 ,找到了一种简单易行的标记方法。即采用划去蛙…  相似文献   

本研究在室内模拟自然蚁巢的结构和条件下,使用个体标记和直接观察法对一巢金毛弓背蚁Componotus tonkinus的行为类型和社会分工进行了研究。共34只来自同一巢穴的工蚁被标记。在持续一周的观察过程中对每只蚂蚁所执行的每种行为的频率进行了统计和聚类分析。结果表明:金毛弓背蚁可以区分出12种基本行为类型;该蚂蚁的成员大致可以分为5个功能组, 即繁殖(蚁后1个)、觅食(由10个工蚁组成,主要负责觅食)、巢穴内的维护及护育(由16个工蚁组成,主要负责巢穴的维修、清理及护育)、巢穴的防卫(包括3个工蚁,行巢穴防卫)及不活跃型(含5个工蚁)。  相似文献   

利用17个微卫星标记及其荧光标记引物扩增短片段串联重复序列(STR),并通过全自动基因分析仪检测基因型,识别和鉴定了中国荷斯坦种公牛(Bos taurus)的冷冻精液。只允许1个位点有错配作为判别标准,对牛冷冻精液进行个体识别鉴定。结果表明,实验采用的17个微卫星座位的遗传多样性均较高,累积个体识别能力达99.99%,累积偶合率是9.74×10-10,17个微卫星位点适用于牛的个体识别鉴定。  相似文献   

The remarkable maneuverability of flying animals results from precise movements of their highly specialized wings. Bats have evolved an impressive capacity to control their flight, in large part due to their ability to modulate wing shape, area, and angle of attack through many independently controlled joints. Bat wings, however, also contain many bones and relatively large muscles, and thus the ratio of bats’ wing mass to their body mass is larger than it is for all other extant flyers. Although the inertia in bat wings would typically be associated with decreased aerial maneuverability, we show that bat maneuvers challenge this notion. We use a model-based tracking algorithm to measure the wing and body kinematics of bats performing complex aerial rotations. Using a minimal model of a bat with only six degrees of kinematic freedom, we show that bats can perform body rolls by selectively retracting one wing during the flapping cycle. We also show that this maneuver does not rely on aerodynamic forces, and furthermore that a fruit fly, with nearly massless wings, would not exhibit this effect. Similar results are shown for a pitching maneuver. Finally, we combine high-resolution kinematics of wing and body movements during landing and falling maneuvers with a 52-degree-of-freedom dynamical model of a bat to show that modulation of wing inertia plays the dominant role in reorienting the bat during landing and falling maneuvers, with minimal contribution from aerodynamic forces. Bats can, therefore, use their wings as multifunctional organs, capable of sophisticated aerodynamic and inertial dynamics not previously observed in other flying animals. This may also have implications for the control of aerial robotic vehicles.  相似文献   

Karsten Reckardt  Gerald Kerth 《Oikos》2009,118(2):183-190
In a two-year field study, we analyzed the distribution of two hematophagous ectoparasites, the bat fly Basilia nana and the wing mite Spinturnix bechsteini , within and among 14 female colonies and among 26 solitary male Bechstein's bats Myotis bechsteinii . Our goal was to investigate whether differences in the transmission mode of the parasites, which result from differences in their life cycle, affect their distribution between host colonies and among host individuals within colonies. Bat flies deposit puparia in bat roosts, allowing for the transmission of hatched flies via successively shared roosts, independent of body contact between hosts or of hosts occupying a roost at the same time. In contrast, wing mites stay on the bat's body and are transmitted exclusively by contact of bats that roost together. As expected in cases of higher inter-colony transmissibility, bat flies were more prevalent among the demographically isolated Bechstein's bat colonies and among solitary male bats, as compared to wing mites. Moreover, the prevalence and density of wing mites, but not of bat flies, was positively correlated with colony size, as expected in cases of low inter-colony transmissibility. Within colonies, bat flies showed higher abundance on host individuals in good body condition, which are likely to have high nutritional status and strong immunity. Wing mites showed higher abundance on hosts in medium body condition and on reproductive females and juveniles, which are likely to have relatively weak immunity. We suggest that the observed infestation patterns within host colonies reflect different host choice strategies of bat flies and wing mites, which may result from differences in their inter-colony transmissibility. Our data also indicate that infestation with wing mites, but not with bat flies, might be a cost of sociality in Bechstein's bats.  相似文献   

The skin of the bat wing in functionally unique among mammals: it serves as a major locomotor organ in addition to its protective and regulatory functions. We used tensile testing to investigate the mechanical capabilities of wing membrane skin, and compared stiffness, strength, load at failure, and energy absorption among specific wing regions and among a variety of bat taxa. We related these characteristics to the highly architectural fibrous supporting network of the wing membrane. We found that all material properties showed a strong anisotropy. In particular, wing membrane skin shows maximum stiffness and stregth parallel to the wing skeleton, and greatest extensibility parallel to the wing's trailing edge. We also found significant variation among wing regions. The uropatagium (tail membrane) supported the greatest load at failure, and the plagiopatagium (proximal wing membrane between laterl body wall and hand skeleton) is the weakest and most extensible part of the wing. We believe that the increased load bearing ability of the uropatagium relats to its key role in capture of insect prey, and that the great extensibility of the plagiopatagium promotes development of camber near the wing's centre of lift. In interspecific comparisons, energy absorpion and load to failure were greatest in Artibeus jamaicensis , the largest bat in our sample and the species with the highest wing loading, suggesting that wing loading may play a role in dictating the fuctional design of wing membranes.  相似文献   

Adaptations for foraging in the complex airspaces of forest interiors may make bat species in the Asian tropics particularly susceptible to forest loss. However, ecomorphological analysis of Vietnamese bat assemblages challenges the hypothesis that, due to their greater vagility, cave‐roosting bats are less vulnerable to habitat fragmentation than foliage‐roosting species. Of the 13 most highly adapted forest‐interior species in our study, eight were cave‐roosting members of the Rhinolophidae and Hipposideridae and had wing morphologies closely resembling five foliage‐roosting members of the Murininae and Kerivoulinae—species typically thought to have low vagility. Overall, both cave‐roosting and foliage‐roosting bats exhibited a wide range of flight indices and species' wing designs corresponded with preferred foraging habitats, suggesting that foraging strategy may outweigh roost preference as a determinant of bat wing morphology and flight performance. Consequently, where such variation occurs, cave‐roosting bat ensembles are likely to include species with low vagility and similar sensitivity to habitat fragmentation. This could have important conservation implications as Asian karst formations support high cave densities and important bat diversity yet increasingly represent forest refugia in anthropogenic landscapes. We, therefore, advocate greater consideration of species vagility in determining conservation priorities for the region's bat fauna.  相似文献   

Bats are the only mammals capable of true powered flight. The bat wing exhibits specializations, allowing these animals to perform complicated flight maneuvers like landing upside-down, and hovering. The wing membrane contains various tactile receptors, including hair-associated Merkel receptors that might be involved in stabilizing bat flight. Here, we studied the neuronal representation of the wing membrane in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) of the anesthetized Big Brown Bat, Eptesicus fuscus, using tactile stimulation with calibrated monofilaments (von Frey hairs) while recording from multi-neuron clusters. We also measured cortical response thresholds to tactile stimulation of the wings.The body surface is mapped topographically across the surface of S1, with the head, foot, and wing being overrepresented. The orientation of the wing representation is rotated compared to the hand representaion of terrestrial mammals, confirming results from other bat species. Although different wing membrane parts derive embryologically from different body parts, including the flank (plagiopatagium), the tactile sensitivity of the entire flight membrane (0.2–1.2 mN) is remarkably close or even higher (dactylopatagium) than the average tactile sensitivity of the human fingertip.  相似文献   

Summary The central nervous control of temperature regulation in the bat, Eptesicus fuscus, was evaluated by heating the preoptic-anterior hypothalamus (PO/AH) of active, unanaesthetized bats. Because bats are metabolically very variable, change in body temperature was used as the criterion of change in heat balance in response to change in brain temperature and change in wing temperature as an indicator of vasomotor changes.Heating the preoptic-anterior hypothalamic area (PO/AH) of the bat Eptesicus fuscus caused an average increase in wing temperature due to vasodilation of 1.0° C and an average increase in body temperature of 0.4° C. Conversely, cooling the PO/AH led to an average decline in wing temperature due to vasoconstriction of 0.9° C and an average decline in body temperature of 0.4° C.Bats were heat-stressed to augment the responsiveness of the PO/AH. Heat-stress alone causes a rise in body temperature and wing temperature. Release from heat stress causes a fall in body temperature and a fall in wing temperature. When the PO/AH is heated following a period of high heat-stress, the body temperature continues to fall but wing temperature reverses its direction of change and rises. When bats are given a low heat-stress and simultaneous heating of the PO/AH, wing temperature rises in response to PO/AH temperature and the body temperature stabilizes. When the PO/AH is cooled in bats under high heat-stress, body temperature stabilizes and wing temperature falls. When bats are cold-stressed, body temperature and wing temperature fall regardless of heating of the PO/AH.These responses are related to the life habits of the bat.It is concluded that the PO/AH of the bat Eptesicus fuscus may be less thermally sensitive than the PO/AH in other vertebrates studied, and that other central nervous structures have acquired an increased thermoregulatory function.We thank Mrs. Ruth Chalmers for her excellent histological preparstions.This work was supported, in part, by National science Foundation grant GB 6303 and GB 13797.  相似文献   

All bats experience daily and seasonal fluctuation in body mass. An increase in mass requires changes in flight kinematics to produce the extra lift necessary to compensate for increased weight. How bats modify their kinematics to increase lift, however, is not well understood. In this study, we investigated the effect of a 20% increase in mass on flight kinematics for Cynopterus brachyotis, the lesser dog-faced fruit bat. We reconstructed the 3D wing kinematics and how they changed with the additional mass. Bats showed a marked change in wing kinematics in response to loading, but changes varied among individuals. Each bat adjusted a different combination of kinematic parameters to increase lift, indicating that aerodynamic force generation can be modulated in multiple ways. Two main kinematic strategies were distinguished: bats either changed the motion of the wings by primarily increasing wingbeat frequency, or changed the configuration of the wings by increasing wing area and camber. The complex, individual-dependent response to increased loading in our bats points to an underappreciated aspect of locomotor control, in which the inherent complexity of the biomechanical system allows for kinematic plasticity. The kinematic plasticity and functional redundancy observed in bat flight can have evolutionary consequences, such as an increase potential for morphological and kinematic diversification due to weakened locomotor trade-offs.  相似文献   

White-nose syndrome (WNS) is having an unprecedented impact on hibernating bat populations in the eastern United States. While most studies have focused on widespread mortality observed at winter hibernacula, few have examined the consequences of wing damage that has been observed among those bats that survive hibernation. Given that WNS-related wing damage may lead to life-threatening changes in wing function, we tested the hypothesis that reduced abundance of free-ranging little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus) with severe wing damage as the summer progresses is due to healing of wing tissue. Photographs of captured and recaptured adult females were examined for wing damage and healing rates were calculated for each category of wing damage index (WDI = 0–3). We found that free-ranging bats with severe wing damage were able to heal to a lower WDI score within 2 weeks. Bats with the most severe wing damage had faster healing rates than did individuals with less damage. We also found a significant relationship between body condition and WDI for adult females captured in the early weeks of the active season. Our results support the hypothesis that some bats can heal from severe wing damage during the active season, and thus may not experience increased mortality associated with reduced functions of wings. We urge researchers and wildlife managers to use caution when interpreting data on WDI to assess the impact of WNS on bat populations, especially during the later months of the active season.  相似文献   

Host–parasite interactions are ubiquitous in nature. However, how parasite population genetic structure is shaped by the interaction between host and parasite life history remains understudied. Studies comparing multiple parasites infecting a single host can be used to investigate how different parasite life history traits interplay with host behaviour and life history. In this study, we used 10 newly developed microsatellite loci to investigate the genetic structure of a parasitic bat fly (Basilia nana). Its host, the Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii), has a social system and roosting behaviour that restrict opportunities for parasite transmission. We compared fly genetic structure to that of the host and another parasite, the wing‐mite, Spinturnix bechsteini. We found little spatial or temporal genetic structure in B. nana, suggesting a large, stable population with frequent genetic exchange between fly populations from different bat colonies. This contrasts sharply with the genetic structure of the wing‐mite, which is highly substructured between the same bat colonies as well as temporally unstable. Our results suggest that although host and parasite life history interact to yield similar transmission patterns in both parasite species, the level of gene flow and eventual spatiotemporal genetic stability is differentially affected. This can be explained by the differences in generation time and winter survival between the flies and wing‐mites. Our study thus exemplifies that the population genetic structure of parasites on a single host can vary strongly as a result of how their individual life history characteristics interact with host behaviour and life history traits.  相似文献   

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