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胡常林  董为伟 《蛇志》1990,2(3):7-11
我们采用光化学方法诱发鼠实验性局灶性脑梗塞,观察了清栓酶的治疗作用,实验设正常对照组、脑梗塞未治疗组及清栓酶治疗组。实验结果显示清栓酶治疗组(0.25u/kg,Qd,iv,连用5天)自发性脑电活动明显改善;光镜与电镜观察发现病理变化明显减轻,病灶区出现明显胶质增生;血纤维蛋白原水平明显降低接近正常对照组;清栓酶治疗48小时,脑含水量测定平均为75.72±1.42%,较未治疗组(79.22±0.25%)明显减低(P<0.05)。这些结果提示于脑缺血后早期应用清栓酶,对脑自发性电活动,形态学改变及脑水肿的发生、发展均有明显改善作用。本研究表明清栓酶对缺血性脑梗塞有良好的治疗作用。  相似文献   

78例脑血栓患者清栓酶治疗前后体外血栓形成变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋盛国  何绪英 《蛇志》1991,3(3):19-20
本文对比了用清栓酶治疗前后脑血栓患者体外血栓形成各因素的变化,其中发现脑血栓患者治疗前体外血栓长度,湿干重量与健康人相比增长,加重[P<0.05或<0.01]。而清栓酶治疗后脑血栓患者体外血栓长度,湿干重量与治疗前相比明显降低(P<0.01)。从而证实了清栓酶具有降低血栓形成因子,抗血栓形成,改善微循环之功效。  相似文献   

钟炎泉  相梅芳 《蛇志》1990,2(4):4-6
本文应用动物DIC模型进行清栓酶作用机理的实验研究,观察指标包括应用清栓酶前后血浆中6-K-PGF_2α,TXB_2,全血粘度等的变化以及脑、肺、肾等脏器的不同病理改变。实验结果表明,A组血中TXB_2增高明显,全血粘度增高,病理改变以血栓形成、血小板聚集,血管内纤维蛋白原沉积为主,B组血中6-K-PGF_1α增高明显、全血粘度下降,病理改变以血管扩张为著,程度淤血,未见透明血栓。从而推测清栓酶之所以具有去纤、溶栓、扩血管、改善微循环等作用与血中前列腺毒的增高等因素有关。  相似文献   

邓慧琴  陈树林 《蛇志》1990,2(1):32-33
本文报告用清栓酶治疗突聋48例的疗效观察。其中男40例,女8例,总有效率为88%。文章指出,病程越短,疗效越好,强调早期诊断,早期治疗。清栓酶与低分子右旋糖酐组治疗突聋进行了对比。清栓酶的疗效明显优于后者。清栓酶治疗突聋的机理是通过药物去纤、降粘、解聚、溶栓、扩血管,改善微循环等作用而实现的。清栓酶为治疗突聋的一种新方法,此药治疗作用迅速。效果可靠,无明显毒副作用,值得推广使用。  相似文献   

饶达善 《蛇志》1992,4(2):24-27
本文对尖吻蝮蛇伤患者的甲皱微循环和凝血象同时进行了动态观察。结果显示尖吻蝮蛇伤患者中毒程度不同,甲皱微循环也发生不同程度的改变,另中毒程度越严重,凝血象变化也越显著.甲皱微循环和凝血象的变化与临床病情变化是一致的,对病情的转归及预后估计均有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

清栓酶治疗脑血管疾病的甲襞微循环监测报告贵阳市花溪区人民医院血栓科赵丽萍我院于1990年至1992年对300例脑血管疾病应用清栓酶(治疗组),另以200例应用706代血浆加丹参液(对照组),进行甲襞微循环观察比较。报告如下:观察对象和方法一、观察对象...  相似文献   

纤溶酶治疗脑梗塞疗效观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
许杨  赵桂梅  宣素莲 《生物技术》2004,14(Z1):26-28
目的评价纤溶酶治疗脑梗塞的临床效果及对微循环、血液流变学的改善情况.方法将患者随机分成治疗组和对照组,治疗组给予纤溶酶,对照组应用脉络宁注射液,两组分别于治疗前后和治疗中进行相应实验室指标检查及临床疗效观察.结果治疗组的总有效率明显高于对照组,有显著性差异,治疗组对病人的微循环、血液流变学的改善情况明显优于对照组,对脑功能的改善治疗组优于对照组.结论纤溶酶作为治疗脑梗塞溶栓疗法用药是一个疗效明确、副作用小、安全可靠的首选药物.  相似文献   

严惠民  吴蠡荪 《蛇志》1990,2(4):36-37
本文应用蝮蛇抗栓酶(清栓酶)和丹参注射液对高血压、冠心病、脑动脉硬化并有高粘状态84例进行治疗,其中清栓酶组50例;丹参组34例。检测血球压积,全血比粘度、全血还原粘度、血浆比粘度、红细胞电泳、纤维蛋白原、血沉等7项血液流变学指标,并进行治疗前后对比观察。经统计学处理后发现抗栓酶组的治疗效果明显优于丹参组(P<0.005)。抗栓酶有大幅度降低纤维蛋白原的作用。所以蝮蛇抗栓酶是目前应用于血栓病。血液高粘滞血症HVS等病症较为理想的药物。  相似文献   

清栓酶对脑梗塞患者解聚效应的定量(附16例分析)贵阳市第三人民医院弋才芬,余维群本文拟对16例脑梗塞患者应用清栓酶前后微循环中的血细胞聚集状态作一定量观察,以期深化临床对清栓酶的认识。材料和方法本组16例,皆为脑梗塞住院患者,全部经脑CT明确诊断,病...  相似文献   

清栓酶对150例高血压病患者血液流变学的影响168医院李光林,袁祯祥,曾涛我们自1988年以来,应用清栓酶治疗原发性高血压150例,并观察治疗前后血液流变学的变化,结果提示清栓酶的降粘作用好,报道如下:资料与方法一、临床资料高血压诊断标准按世界卫生组...  相似文献   

陈树思 《西北植物学报》2006,26(9):1853-1858
运用细胞图象分析系统及显微照相的方法,对余甘子次生木质部导管分子进行观察研究.结果发现,余甘子次生木质部导管分子中存在着许多不同的样式,导管分子大多数具尾;其穿孔板存在着两种类型:(1)两端均为1个单穿孔板;(2)一端为1个单穿孔板另一端为2个单穿孔板;(3)极少数的导管分子具有特殊的内含物;(4)管间纹孔式为互列纹孔式;(5)导管射线间纹孔式为混合型纹孔与横列刻痕状纹孔以及梯状穿孔.  相似文献   

The proper selection of a recipient vessel is essential for the success of free tissue transfer, especially when the transfer is to the lower extremity. However, a general agreement on which vessel to use has not been reached yet. Conflicting data have been reported on the survival and outcome of the transferred flaps, depending on the vessel used or the location of anastomosis. The aim of this study was to identify the patterns and problems in the selection of recipient vessels for free tissue transfer to the lower extremity and to establish a general guideline for proper selection. From September of 1990 to December of 1997, 50 consecutive, microvascular, free tissue transfers were performed on the lower extremity. The causes requiring soft-tissue coverage included trauma (25), unstable scar (11), chronic osteomyelitis (7), and tumors (7). The mean follow-up period was 22.4 months (range, 2 to 41 months). In 25 cases, the posterior tibial vessel was used as the recipient vessel. The microvascular anastomosis was done proximal to the zone of injury in 45 cases. The two most important factors in the selection of a recipient vessel are the site of injury and the vascular status of the lower extremity. Less important factors include the flap to be used, method, and site of microvascular anastomosis. All the currently feasible options for recipient vessels are included, and the opinions of other surgeons are reviewed. A general guideline is established, and an algorithm for the proper selection of a recipient vessel is proposed. This algorithm is a fast and convenient guide for evaluating the wound and planning the free flap to the lower extremity.  相似文献   

B. Duan  M. Zamir   《Journal of biomechanics》1993,26(12):1439-1447
Analytical expressions for the reflection coefficients in pulsatile flow through converging junctions are derived by two independent methods and are used to study the effects of wave reflections on the pressure distribution in a simple vascular loop. A simulated physiological situation is used as an example in which the loop is formed by the combination of a bypass and a bypassed vessel, the relative diameter of the latter being varied in order to simulate a narrowing. The results demonstrate how, in the case of a converging junction, the effects of wave reflections on the pressure distribution in one vessel depend on conditions within the vessel itself as well as in the other. The new reflection coefficients take into account this interdependence of flow in the two vessels forming a converging junction, and are shown to be consistent with reflection coefficients commonly used in diverging junctions.  相似文献   

We present an optimization model for fishing vessel evacuation during typhoon emergencies. Typhoon forecasts often do not accurately predict the typhoon path, so a risk assessment method is developed to evaluate the risk of fishing vessel evacuation processes. Risk assessment is the objective function of the fishing vessel evacuation optimization model. The model used is a many-to-many nonlinear assignment problem. A hybrid closed loop algorithm is used and its efficiency exceeds the traditional algorithm. The model is tested on a typhoon scenario based on harbors' distribution in Zhejiang Province, China.  相似文献   

Gunji, Yukio 1987 07 15: Metamorphosis of the loop in Cenozoic dallinacean brachiopods and its developmental constraint.
The well-known metamorphosis of loop development in select species of Dallinacea is investigated by numerical analysis. It is shown how loop transformation depends on the location of the 'loop center', that stage forms are determined by the position of the center, and that there may be two 'shift directions'. The succession found in Campages, Laqueur and Dallina can be explained by a posterior shift, while the succession found in Terebratalia and Coptothyris is explained by an anterior shift. These two directions may be linked, because both are found in a single species Nipponithyris afra. Loop development in species of Dallinacea can therefore be transformed through variation of a specific constraint; this is regarded as an example of developmental constraint. Developmental constraints as common features are useful in studying comparative morphology during ontogeny and phylogeny.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to develop a general theory of the structure of an extremity of a quadruped or biped, based on its mechanical function. The problem is essentially one of dynamics of a chain of linked levers. The equations of motions of such systems are practically insoluble exactly at the present time. A very crude approximation method is therefore outlined. It is shown that, theoretically, the number of links in the chain forming the extremity may be determined by the optimum use of the total available force of the flexors and extensors. Discussion of the formula derived from this point of view shows, however, that actually this is not the determining factor. Other theoretical possibilities are discussed. While no application can be made at present, yet in principle it is shown how mechanical consideration can throw light on the anatomical structure of the extremity.  相似文献   

Tran T  Disney MD 《Biochemistry》2011,50(6):962-969
In our previous study to identify the RNA internal loops that bind an aminoglycoside derivative, we determined that 6'-N-5-hexynoate kanamycin A prefers to bind 1x1 nucleotide internal loops containing C·A mismatches. In this present study, the molecular recognition between a variety of RNAs that are mutated around the C·A loop and the ligand was investigated. Studies show that both loop nucleotides and loop closing pairs affect binding affinity. Most interestingly, it was shown that there is a correlation between the thermodynamic stability of the C·A internal loops and ligand affinity. Specifically, C·A loops that had relatively high or low stability bound the ligand most weakly whereas loops with intermediate stability bound the ligand most tightly. In contrast, there is no correlation between the likelihood that a loop forms a C-A(+) pair at lower pH and ligand affinity. It was also found that a 1x1 nucleotide C·A loop that bound to the ligand with the highest affinity is identical to the consensus site in RNAs that are edited by adenosine deaminases acting on RNA type 2 (ADAR2). These studies provide a detailed investigation of factors affecting small molecule recognition of internal loops containing C·A mismatches, which are present in a variety of RNAs that cause disease.  相似文献   

An original mathematical model of viscous fluid motion in a tapered and distensible tube is presented. The model equations are deduced by assuming a two-dimensional flow and taking into account the nonlinear terms in the fluid motion equations, as well as the nonlinear deformation of the tube wall. One distinctive feature of the model is the formal integration with respect to the radial coordinate of the Navier-Stokes equations by power series expansion. The consequent computational frame allows an easy, accurate evaluation of the effects produced by changing the values of all physical and geometrical tube parameters. The model is employed to study the propagation along an arterial vessel of a pressure pulse produced by a single flow pulse applied at the proximal vessel extremity. In particular, the effects of the natural taper angle of the arterial wall on pulse propagation are investigated. The simulation results show that tapering considerably influences wave attenuation but not wave velocity. The substantially different behavior of pulse propagation, depending upon whether it travels towards the distal extremity or in the opposite direction, is observed: natural tapering causes a continuous increase in the pulse amplitude as it moves towards the distal extremity; on the contrary, the reflected pulse, running in the opposite direction, is greatly damped. For a vessel with physical and geometrical properties similar to those of a canine femoral artery and 0.1 degree taper angle, the forward amplification is about 0.9 m-1 and the backward attenuation is 1.4 m-1, so that the overall tapering effect gives a remarkably damped pressure response. For a natural taper angle of 0.14 degrees the perturbation is almost extinct when the pulse wave returns to the proximal extremity.  相似文献   

Lipectomy is a standard procedure in plastic surgery. Until now, however, there was no definite information about the influence of different liposuction techniques (tumescent versus dry liposuction) on the integrity of lymph collectors during this procedure. To study the effect of these liposuction techniques on the incidence of lymph vessel injury, postmortem lymphatic preparations were done in nine human cadavers (18 lower extremities). Conventional liposuction with a blunt 4-mm cannula in the dry technique (n = 29 regions) was compared with the tumescent technique (n = 26). Liposuction was performed in parallel to the superficial lymph vessels (longitudinal suction) or transversally in an 80-degree to 90-degree angle to the extremity (vertical suction). Careful surgical preparation of different regions followed. A specific macroscopic lymph vessel injury score was applied to differentiate three degrees of lymph vessel lesions according to the extravasation of patent blue. In all lower extremities, postmortem lymph flow occurred as indicated by patent blue staining of the lymph vessels. Injection of fluid that is obligatory during tumescent suction did not result in grade 2 injury. On the contrary, tumescent suction overall produced significantly fewer lymph vessel lesions when compared with the dry technique (p < 0.05). Longitudinal liposuction produced significantly less injury when compared with vertical suction (p < 0.05). Tumescent suction and dry suction were equally effective in removing adipose aspirates, as verified by circumference measurements. In addition, tumescent liposuction is unlikely to cause major lesions of epifascial lymph vessels during suction procedures vertical to the extremity axis. Therefore, in this respect, this technique is superior to dry suction.  相似文献   

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