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北山羊作为国家I级保护动物,目前对其研究仍然较少。2004年10—11月、2005年7月以及2005年10—12月三次对新疆托木尔峰国家级自然保护区北山羊(Capra ibex)的分布进行调查。通过定点搜寻、样线调查以及访问调查,其结果显示北山羊在保护区5个主要区域中的3个有分布,这3个区域是:琼台兰河谷地区、克其克台兰河谷地区、木扎特河谷地区;在托木尔河谷和库孜巴依河谷两个区域中,定点搜寻和样线调查均没有发现北山羊分布,但访问调查该区域有北山羊。通过此次调查得出托木尔峰自然保护区的大部分地区是北山羊分布区,说明该保护区在北山羊保护中的确起了重要作用,但北山羊在保护区中的不均匀分布现状值得注意,这种现象可能与人为活动干扰有关。  相似文献   

2005年10—12月对新疆托木尔峰国家级自然保护区北山羊(Capraibex)的种群密度与栖息地利用进行调查。种群密度调查显示该地区北山羊平均群大小为8.43只,种群密度为269.76只/100km2;栖息地选择调查结果显示北山羊广泛活动在海拔2500—3000m的区域范围内,对距悬崖距离、坡度、地形和植被类型有一定选择倾向,它倾向在悬崖附近(<100m)、坡度大于30°而小于45°和崎岖的山地活动,会避开草地和平坦山坡。北山羊这种栖息地利用模式可能与满足自身安全需要有关。  相似文献   

2005年10—12月对新疆托木尔峰国家级自然保护区北山羊(Capra ibex)的种群密度与栖息地利用进行调查。种群密度调查显示该地区北山羊平均群大小为8.43只,种群密度为269.76只/100 km2;栖息地选择调查结果显示北山羊广泛活动在海拔2 500—3 000 m的区域范围内,对距悬崖距离、坡度、地形和植被类型有一定选择倾向,它倾向在悬崖附近(<100 m)、坡度大于30°而小于45°和崎岖的山地活动,会避开草地和平坦山坡。北山羊这种栖息地利用模式可能与满足自身安全需要有关。  相似文献   

2005 年7 ~8 月我们在塔什库尔干自然保护区对马可波罗盘羊的种群数量进行了调查。首先走访当地居民和保护区工作人员,确定盘羊分布范围,然后根据地形和水系,将调查区域分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ 4 个区。在每个调查区域沿河谷和沟谷设置随机样线,步行、骑马或开车沿样线搜寻盘羊,记录群体数量、年龄、性别、栖息地类型。通过调查以盘羊所在地为中心、直径200 m 的圆形样方中的地形和生态因子,确定盘羊利用的栖息地特征值,建立马可波罗盘羊对栖息地利用的模型。以1∶50 000 的地形图建立调查地区的数字高程模型(DEM), 用ArcView3.2 的spatial analyst 模块进行空间模拟与分析,计算出马可波罗盘羊分布区内符合模型中的海拔、坡度、坡向等要求的空间的范围和面积。通过计算每个调查地区的种群密度、适宜栖息地面积等数据,获得种群数量估计值,进而得到保护区内马可波罗盘羊的种群数量的估计值。调查结果表明,马可波罗盘羊分布在保护区西部达布达尔乡的皮斯岭、卡拉其古、赞坎沟等帕米尔高原地区;种群总数在1 500 ~ 1 700 只;保护区内盘羊分布面积为4 012.17 km2 ,适宜栖息地面积只有641.16 km2 ,可利用的栖息地仅482.67km2,仅占分布区的12.03% 。过牧、栖息地破坏、非法狩猎、疫病和交流障碍是盘羊生存的主要威胁因子。建议通过调整保护区边界、恢复栖息地、防止疫病、加强宣传、开展多边合作等措施来加强马可波罗盘羊的保护问题。  相似文献   

利用自动照相术获得天山雪豹拍摄率与个体数量   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用红外线自动照相机记录雪豹的活动和个体数量,这在国内尚属首次。野外调查开始于2005年10月18日,至12月27日结束。累计野外工作71d,共布设36台红外照相机,约2094个照相日,50256h,收回胶卷71个。在新疆天山托木尔峰自然保护区内5个峡谷的16个地点成功拍摄到清晰雪豹照片约32张,平均拍摄率或“捕获率”达1.53%。根据照片个体斑纹分析和“雪后痕迹调查”(SignSurveyAfterSnowing)的信息,确定在250km2范围内有5-8只雪豹活动,个体的日活动距离3-10km/d,其最低分布密度为2.0-3.2只/100km2。还拍摄到其它野生动物照片22张,如北山羊、野猪、草兔、石鸡、赤狐等。另外,还调查样线20条,搜集粪样和毛发样品计31个。  相似文献   

李龙  王亮  温阿敏  闫世伟  姚晓军 《生态学报》2021,41(24):9932-9940
明晰甘肃安西极旱荒漠国家级自然保护区珍稀濒危物种北山羊的分布格局,并阐释气候变化和人类活动对北山羊的影响,对今后北山羊生境管理和物种保护具有重要意义。基于北山羊实测分布点记录和环境变量数据,结合MaxEnt模型和ArcGIS空间分析功能,利用CMIP6的8个气候模式均值预测中度发展路径(SSP2-4.5)下,基准期(1970-2000年)和未来气候(2041-2060年、2081-2100年)变化情景下,甘肃安西极旱荒漠国家级自然保护区北山羊的潜在适生区分布范围及变化,并综合贡献率和置换重要性值对北山羊生境选择关键环境因子进行了分析。研究结果表明:(1) MaxEnt模型的预测精度较高,三种气候条件下ROC曲线下面积(AUC,Area Under Curve)>0.97,且真实技巧统计(TSS,True Skill Statistic)>0.90,模拟结果可靠。(2)影响北山羊生境选择的主要环境因子为气候条件(降水量季节性变异系数和等温性)、海拔和人为干扰(距泉和居名点距离)。水是保护区北山羊生存的最基本要素,气候条件共同控制北山羊生境条件。此外,北山羊习性决定其生境宜选择高海拔和远离人类活动影响地区。(3)基准期保护区北山羊主要分布在北片和南片高海拔山区,面积365.77 km2(占整个保护区的4.31%),北山羊适生区面积北片>南片、中高等适生区主要位于保护区北片。(4) CMIP6未来气候变化情景下,随着保护区生态环境改善和濒危物种保护措施的实施,北山羊潜在适生区面积呈增加趋势,但是受北山羊近亲繁殖的影响,整体上北山羊数量和适生区面积增加并不显著且有向南部及高海拔地区转移趋势。  相似文献   

2015年5—12月,基于宽阔水国家级自然保护区的黑叶猴历史资料设定重点调查区域,采用定点观察与痕迹观察资料收集以及非诱导式访问调查等方法对保护区黑叶猴种群数量和分布进行调查,并结合保护区巡护记录,重新确定黑叶猴在保护区的种群数量和分布区域。结果显示:保护区黑叶猴种群数量约为29群195只,比1995年增长了143.75%,比2003年增长了39.29%;主要分布区域位于保护区西南部的马蹄溪、白石溪、猪钻子沟、苏家沟、油筒溪、观音岩、底水、枇杷岩、让水坝等9个沟段中。全保护区内黑叶猴群体密度为0.11群/km~2,种群密度为0.74只/km~2,其中主要活动范围约32.50 km~2,主要活动范围内群体密度为0.89群/km~2,种群密度为6.00只/km~2。种群数量的稳定增长得益于保护区采取的一系列保护管理措施,有效制止了盗猎行为的发生,减少了附近居民活动对黑叶猴的干扰和影响。为进一步保护黑叶猴种群及其栖息地,建议保护区通过划定重点管护区域、加强科学管理、开展生境管理和调节、加强环境保护教育和社区共管等措施建立、健全保护管理机制。  相似文献   

华俊钦  石江艳  李建强  杨海  徐基良 《生态学报》2020,40(20):7287-7298
森林生态系统类型自然保护区是我国最主要的自然保护区类型,该类型自然保护区通常具有复杂多样的保护对象,因此对其进行功能区划需全面考虑各种保护对象的需求。评价森林生态系统类型的自然保护区功能区划有利于提高自然保护区的保护有效性。以属于森林生态系统类型自然保护区的河南连康山国家级自然保护区功能区划为研究对象,于2016年12月至2018年12月在该自然保护区内进行样线和红外相机调查,获取白冠长尾雉及与白冠长尾雉存在种间相互作用物种的分布点数据,结合收集的环境数据,采用MaxEnt模型对白冠长尾雉(Syrmaticus reevesii)和与白冠长尾雉存在种间相互作用物种的分布进行预测,进而分析物种与该自然保护区功能区划的空间关系,及自然保护区内野生动物分布与人为干扰强度的空间关系,评估连康山国家级自然保护区现有功能区划对白冠长尾雉和与白冠长尾雉存在种间相互作用物种的保护有效性。结果表明,保护区内高保护价值区域面积为33.84 km2,核心区、缓冲区和实验区内高保护价值区域面积分别占保护区总面积的18.96%、3.84%和9.19%,自然保护区内高保护价值区域面积比例偏低。保护区现有功能区划并不能充分满足保护白冠长尾雉栖息地的需要,且核心区、缓冲区和实验区面临不同程度的人为干扰的影响,这对保护区内重点保护对象的生存产生潜在威胁。因此,结合保护区内保护价值与人为干扰分布现状,针对白冠长尾雉及相关物种的受胁情况提出两种不同的保护区功能区划优化方案,在不降低连康山国家级自然保护区面积的前提下,提高核心保护区白冠长尾雉及相关物种适宜栖息地面积的比例,同时降低保护区内人为干扰强度。本研究可为该保护区保护白冠长尾雉提供决策依据,并为其他以野生动物为保护目标的保护区功能区划优化提供指导方法。  相似文献   

云南西双版纳尚勇保护区亚洲象对栖息地的选择   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:8  
冯利民  张立 《兽类学报》2005,25(3):229-236
以西双版纳国家级自然保护区尚勇子保护区内的亚洲象种群为研究对象, 利用村寨调查、样线调查和3S(GIS、GPS、RS) 技术对该地区野生亚洲象的栖息地状况和亚洲象对栖息地选择利用进行了初步的研究。结果表明亚洲象喜欢海拔1 000 m以下的区域, 坡度小于10°的区域, 坡位为平坦的沟谷和山坡的下部, 坡向为南、北两个方向。偏好的植被类型有竹阔混交林、灌丛和高山草甸。研究还发现尚勇保护区及周边区域亚洲象栖息地的丧失和日益增加的非法盗猎活动已经严重威胁到该地区野生亚洲象种群的生存。  相似文献   

2015年7—8月和2016年4—10月,采用样线法与固定半径样点法,对新疆布尔根河狸国家级自然保护区的两栖和爬行动物进行调查,2种调查方法记录到的两栖和爬行动物相同,表明2种方法对保护区的两栖和爬行动物发现能力相近。调查发现,保护区内有两栖动物1种、爬行动物8种(隶属于5科7属)。从物种组成和区系分析,保护区内的两栖和爬行类物种均属于古北界中亚亚界蒙新区西北荒漠亚区及阿尔泰-巴彦卡萨领亚区。在保护区内旱地沙蜥Phrynocephalus helioscopus密度最大,为广域性分布。提出了加强保护区两栖和爬行类物种保护管理的建议。  相似文献   

Infectious keratoconjunctivitis (IKC) caused by Mycoplasma conjunctivae is a widespread ocular affection of free-ranging Caprinae in the Alpine arc. Along with host and pathogen characteristics, it has been hypothesized that environmental factors such as UV light are involved in the onset and course of the disease. This study aimed at evaluating the role of topographic features as predisposing or aggravating factors for IKC in Alpine chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra) and Alpine ibex (Capra ibex ibex). Geospatial analysis was performed to assess the effect of aspect (northness) and elevation on the severity of the disease as well as on the mycoplasmal load in the eyes of affected animals, using data from 723 ibex and chamois (583 healthy animals, 105 IKC-affected animals, and 35 asymptomatic carriers of M. conjunctivae), all sampled in the Swiss Alps between 2008 and 2010. An influence of northness was not found, except that ibex with moderate and severe signs of IKC seem to prefer more north-oriented slopes than individuals without corneal lesions, possibly hinting at a sunlight sensitivity consequent to the disease. In contrast, results suggest that elevation influences the disease course in both ibex and chamois, which could be due to altitude-associated environmental conditions such as UV radiation, cold, and dryness. The results of this study support the hypothesis that environmental factors may play a role in the pathogenesis of IKC.  相似文献   

Asiatic ibex (Capra sibirica) is a threatened species in China and is distributed in the mountains of Central Asia. It is a sexually dimorphic ungulate. The males are much larger than females, and except for the breeding season, both sexes live in separate groups. Many hypotheses have been developed to explain the sexual segregation in sexually dimorphic ungulates. These hypotheses are not mutually exclusive, and in recent years, the activity budget hypothesis has received special attention. To test this hypothesis, we studied the activity budget of Asiatic ibex in the autumn of 2005. According to the activity budget hypothesis, females should spend more time feeding than the males, and the degree of activity synchronization should be higher in same-sex groups than in mixed-sex groups. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis. Both sexes of the Asiatic ibex spent most of the time feeding, and females spent a significantly longer time feeding than males, and males spent a significantly longer time standing. Activity synchronization indexes of both the female groups and males groups were significantly higher than mixed-sex groups. These results indicated that in Asiatic ibex, the activity budget hypothesis about sexual segregation is supported.  相似文献   

Hybridization among closely related species is a concern in zoo and aquarium populations where unpedigreed animals are frequently exchanged with the private sector. In this study, we examine possible hybridization in a group of Nubian ibex (Capra nubiana) imported into the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ (AZA) Species Survival Program (SSP) from a private institution. These individuals appeared smaller in stature than adult SSP Nubian ibex and were excluded from breeding recommendations over the concern that they were hybrids. Twenty-six microsatellites were used to rule out recent hybridization with domestic goats, Siberian ibex (Capra sibirica), and Alpine ibex (Capra ibex). We argue that natural phenotypic variation across the large geographic range of Nubian ibex may account for the small stature of the imported ibex, as private institutions may have historically acquired individuals from locations that differed from the SSP founders. However, the imported Nubian ibex appeared genetically differentiated from the SSP Nubian ibex and may represent a source of genetic variation for the managed population.  相似文献   

According to life-history theory age-dependent investments into reproduction are thought to co-vary with survival and growth of animals. In polygynous species, in which size is an important determinant of reproductive success, male reproduction via alternative mating tactics at young age are consequently expected to be the less frequent in species with higher survival. We tested this hypothesis in male Alpine ibex (Capra ibex), a highly sexually dimorphic mountain ungulate whose males have been reported to exhibit extremely high adult survival rates. Using data from two offspring cohorts in a population in the Swiss Alps, the effects of age, dominance and mating tactic on the likelihood of paternity were inferred within a Bayesian framework. In accordance with our hypothesis, reproductive success in male Alpine ibex was heavily biased towards older, dominant males that monopolized access to receptive females by adopting the ‘tending’ tactic, while success among young, subordinate males via the sneaking tactic ‘coursing’ was in general low and rare. In addition, we detected a high reproductive skew in male Alpine ibex, suggesting a large opportunity for selection. Compared with other ungulates with higher mortality rates, reproduction among young male Alpine ibex was much lower and more sporadic. Consistent with that, further examinations on the species level indicated that in polygynous ungulates the significance of early reproduction appears to decrease with increasing survival. Overall, this study supports the theory that survival prospects of males modulate the investments into reproduction via alternative mating tactics early in life. In the case of male Alpine ibex, the results indicate that their life-history strategy targets for long life, slow and prolonged growth and late reproduction.  相似文献   

Severe keratinous hoof afflictions have been recorded in ibex (Capra ibex ibex) since 1995 and more recently in mouflon (Ovis aries musimon) in Switzerland. Based on clinical observations and comparison with diseases known to affect domestic ungulates, it was hypothesized these wild ungulates were affected by foot rot associated with infection with Dichelobacter nodosus. Dichelobacter nodosus has been shown to be the essential pathogen for initiation and establishment of foot rot, a highly contagious foot disease of sheep and goats. Because these bacteria could not be cultivated from affected ibex, we developed a nested polymerase chain reaction that allowed detection of D. nodosus without culture. Using this assay, we were able to diagnose D. nodosus infections of ibex, mouflon, and domestic sheep in natural outbreaks. From these results we conclude that D. nodosus plays an etiological role in foot rot not only in domestic but also in wild Caprinae.  相似文献   

Capra nubiana is a wild ibex species that is in danger of extinction. This study aimed at assessing the genetic diversity and population structure of Nubian ibex (Capra nubiana, n?=?8) in comparison to Alpine ibex (Capra ibex, n?=?8), Bezoar ibex (Capra aegagrus, n?=?4), and domesticated Taggar goats (Capra aegagrus hircus, n?=?24). All animals were genotyped with the 50K goat SNP chip. Since commercial SNP chips are not designed for wild species, data analysis was done in two ways: (1) using all callable SNPs (33,698) and (2) with a reduced set of SNPs segregating within three out of four populations (662). Using these two sets of SNPs, the observed heterozygosity in Nubian ibex ranged from 0.02 to 0.44, in Alpine ibex from 0.01 to 0.38, and in Bezoar ibex from 0.13 to 0.38, when analyzing 33,698 or 662 SNPs, respectively. In domesticated Taggar goats, the values for the observed heterozygosity using all 33,698 callable SNPs and the reduced set of 662 SNPs were similar (0.40–0.41). Pairwise FST values for the differentiation between species ranged from 0.17–0.35 (Bezoar ibex vs. Taggar goats) to 0.47–0.91 (Bezoar vs. Alpine ibex), and was 0.33–0.90 between Bezoar and Nubian ibex, respectively, to the two sets of SNPs. The analysis of molecular variance among all animals revealed that 74–78% can be explained by differences between species, while the residual 22–26% result from differences among individuals, respectively. Cluster analysis of Nei’s genetic distance allowed to detected two distinct clusters comprising Nubian and Alpine ibex on one hand and Taggar goats and Bezoar ibex on the other hand, and clear separation of all four breeds. Principal component (PC) analysis confirmed and further refined the clusters. SNPs that contributed most to PC1 allowed us to identify genomic regions accounting for the distances between species. These regions contain known milk protein genes. The identification of milk protein genes as contributors to the differentiation between species provides insights into the domestication of wild Capra breeds.  相似文献   

After the first report of Brucella melitensis infection from a 7-year-old alpine ibex (Capra ibex) buck living in Gran Paradiso National Park (GPNP), further studies demonstrated the presence of the infection in ibex and chamois. Considering that livestock herds keep on sharing pastures with more than 3,500 ibex and 9,000 chamois in the park, our aim was to demonstrate under controlled conditions the possibility of Brucella infection passing from wild ruminants to livestock. A 7-year-old male alpine ibex with clinical signs of brucellosis and serologically positive was released in a 5,000 m2 enclosure together with five goats and two sheep rams. Due to poor condition, ibex was suppressed at day 40, domestic ruminants stayed into the enclosure potentially contaminated by ibex for further 38 days. During this period, we had monitored our animals taking blood from domestic ruminants every 15 days and tested the serum to Rose Bengal agglutination test and Complement Fixation test. Domestic animals tested negative at serology at all sampling time and at isolation, while B. melitensis biovar 3 was isolated from ibex tissues. Our data show that transmission of infection from ibex to livestock is not easy. After 40 days of strict cohabitation and 38 days of permanence in an area where an infected ibex lives, no one of the domestic animals contracted infection. In spite of the limitation of our field trial, we have demonstrated that long direct and indirect contact between alpine ibex and domestic animals will not easily lead to an infection of the latter. Further investigations are needed to confirm our results and evaluate the effective risk of B. melitensis transmission from alpine ibex to livestock.  相似文献   

The introduction of alien species to new environments is one of the main threats to the conservation of biodiversity. One particularly problematic example is that of wild ungulates which are increasingly being established in regions outside their natural distribution range due to human hunting interests. Unfortunately, we know little of the effects these large herbivores may have on the host ecosystems. This study deals with a first comparative analysis of the habitat requirements of two ungulate species that may be facing competition for resources in the south of Europe: the native Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica) and the exotic aoudad (Ammotragus lervia). The aoudad is a North African caprid introduced in 1970 as a game species in south‐eastern Spain. It has adapted well, and populations have been freely expanding since then. Ecological Niche Factor Analysis is used to describe the realized niche of both species where their distribution ranges merge. Both species occupy marginal areas of rugged terrain in the region. Marginality is higher for the Iberian ibex, which also presents a higher tolerance of secondary environmental gradients than the aoudad. Highly suitable areas for each species are secondarily suitable for the other. Reclassified and cross‐tabulated habitat suitability maps showing the areas of potential spatial coexistence and differences in ecological traits between both species are provided. The results obtained do not allow inferring resource competition between these species. However, current aoudad expansion could result in it invading the favoured habitats of the ibex. Inadequate hunting policy and monitoring, and increasing climatic resemblance of the study region to the native aoudad areas, due to a strong desertification process, are facilitating a high rate of expansion. We strongly recommend to eradicate or, at least, monitor these exotic populations, and promote active conservation practices, if one wants to preserve the unique natural resources present in this European region.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a crucial component of the vertebrate immune system and shows extremely high levels of genetic polymorphism. The extraordinary genetic variation is thought to be ancient polymorphisms maintained by balancing selection. However, introgression from related species was recently proposed as an additional mechanism. Here we provide evidence for introgression at the MHC in Alpine ibex (Capra ibex ibex). At a usually very polymorphic MHC exon involved in pathogen recognition (DRB exon 2), Alpine ibex carried only two alleles. We found that one of these DRB alleles is identical to a DRB allele of domestic goats (Capra aegagrus hircus). We sequenced 2489 bp of the coding and non-coding regions of the DRB gene and found that Alpine ibex homozygous for the goat-type DRB exon 2 allele showed nearly identical sequences (99.8%) to a breed of domestic goats. Using Sanger and RAD sequencing, microsatellite and SNP chip data, we show that the chromosomal region containing the goat-type DRB allele has a signature of recent introgression in Alpine ibex. A region of approximately 750 kb including the DRB locus showed high rates of heterozygosity in individuals carrying one copy of the goat-type DRB allele. These individuals shared SNP alleles both with domestic goats and other Alpine ibex. In a survey of four Alpine ibex populations, we found that the region surrounding the DRB allele shows strong linkage disequilibria, strong sequence clustering and low diversity among haplotypes carrying the goat-type allele. Introgression at the MHC is likely adaptive and introgression critically increased MHC DRB diversity in the genetically impoverished Alpine ibex. Our finding contradicts the long-standing view that genetic variability at the MHC is solely a consequence of ancient trans-species polymorphism. Introgression is likely an underappreciated source of genetic diversity at the MHC and other loci under balancing selection.  相似文献   

In this paper an updated distribution of the Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica, Schinz 1838) in the central Spanish region of Castile–La Mancha is shown. The species is present in 19% of the study region, and in areas not cited so far in the literature. A detailed analysis of habitat suitability was also carried out, applying a␣new methodology, Ecological-Niche Factor Analysis, which uses presence data to␣build a habitat suitability map of a given species. As livestock activity is quite intense in the region, the presence of a potential competitor, the domestic goat (Capra hircus), was included in the analyses. Factors affecting ibex relative abundance were determined by means of a nested stepwise multiple regression, where livestock presence/absence was the nested factor. The presence of livestock has a negative effect on ibex relative abundance, causing the ibex to select areas of poor, sparse vegetation, cultivated lands and forests, whereas in the absence of livestock, the ibex is mainly present in pasture–scrub lands and non-cultivated lands. Conservation implications of these results are discussed in the context of a Mediterranean region where extensive livestock grazing systems abound.  相似文献   

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