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古昆虫学(Palaeoentomolog)是以昆虫化石为研究对象,研究昆虫的起源、演化、物种多样性在地质历史中的变化,以及与古环境和其它生物类群相互作用、协同发展的科学。现生昆虫种类繁多,个体数量十分庞大,分布在世界上几乎所有的生态环境中,与人类及其动植物有着极为密切的关系。因此,昆虫学就成为生物学中一个非常重要的支柱学科。并且,昆虫因其形态各异,色彩斑斓,也是我国及世界文化生活中的一个重要组成部分,观赏昆虫已成为各类文化活动(如展览、收藏、邮票、绘画、文学作品、民间节日等)的主要题材和载体。可以说,人们对现…  相似文献   

师超凡  任东 《应用昆虫学报》2019,56(6):1206-1215
本文回顾了中国古昆虫学的研究历史,重点介绍了建国70年以来我国学者对采自中国的昆虫化石的研究成果。从化石昆虫分类学与埋藏学、系统演化研究、生物学特性研究、与伴生动植物的协同演化研究四个方面进行了概述,并对我国古昆虫学未来的研究方向和目标进行了展望。  相似文献   

陆继军 《昆虫知识》1995,32(1):43-43,42
随着古环境和全球变化研究工作的深入,人们不断地探索新的研究方法和手段,以获取更多的古气候代用指标,为预测未来气候变化提供依据。而近年在国际上兴起,并已引起我国学者重视的晚第四纪古昆虫研究,即是该项研究的一个新领域。晚第四纪古昆虫主要是保存于距今18000年以来沉积物中的昆虫碎屑,它是介于化石昆虫和现代昆虫的中间类型。化石昆虫仅保存有印模;现代昆虫的成虫一般包括硬体和软体两部分,井有复杂的化学组成;而晚第四纪古昆虫为几丁质硬体。在古昆虫组合中,95%以上为鞘翅目种类。这是由于该类昆虫的几丁质骨骼易于在沉…  相似文献   

我国是世界上受外来入侵生物影响最为严重的国家之一。生物入侵已经成为威胁我国粮食安全、生态安全、经济安全的重要制约因子。调查发现,我国近20年入侵昆虫占已知入侵生物的70%,已对国家经济社会安全构成持续威胁。近年来,随着全球变化加快,入侵昆虫疫情不断突发,入侵昆虫扩散分布格局变化加剧。为此,总结梳理了建国70年以来入侵昆虫分布扩散特点、基础与应用研究进展,分析了未来面临的挑战,提出了相关管理建议。  相似文献   

中国蜚蠊目昆虫化石研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
蜚蠊目昆虫最早出现于中石炭世维斯发早期,是历史渊源最长的昆虫之一.Grabau在20世纪初首次开始对我国蜚蠊目昆虫化石进行研究.到目前为止,中国古昆虫学者先后共发表36篇关于我国蜚蠊目昆虫化石的分类著作,描述鉴定了10科51属169种蜚蠊化石.本文通过列表统计中国已发表定名的蜚蠊化石,分析并探讨了中国蜚蠊化石的特征、存在的问题、研究现状及前景.  相似文献   

缅甸琥珀生物群产自距今约98.8Ma的白垩纪中期,该生物群是世界上物种多样性很高的琥珀生物群之一,为了解白垩纪中期生物多样性和古生态提供了重要窗口。文中以近年来缅甸琥珀地层学、琥珀生物学研究为依据,总结缅甸琥珀形成环境,并对缅甸琥珀揭示的昆虫与植物的协同演化、昆虫的捕食、社会性证据、寄生、求偶和结构色等方面的研究结果进行总结,以期较全面地综述缅甸琥珀的古环境和昆虫行为生态学特征。  相似文献   

叶肢介化石是我国北方中生代生物群的重要成员之一,对古环境恢复和生物地层对比具有重要意义。北京西下白垩统芦尚坟组含丰富的昆虫、介形虫、植物、孢粉等化石,还发现了鱼和恐龙等脊椎动物化石,但叶肢介化石以前并无正式报道。芦尚坟组及其上覆夏庄组的昆虫化石组合被称为"芦尚坟昆虫群",对京西地区早白垩世中晚期的古生物学和古生态学研究具有重要意义。本文描述产自北京市丰台区贺照云村附近芦尚坟组第四段的Eosestheria(东方叶肢介)1新种,认为芦尚坟组的叶肢介群落为衰落型Eosestheria群,与上覆夏庄组的Yanjiestheria(延吉叶肢介)群差异较大,与辽西阜新组的叶肢介群落联系紧密。我们认为芦尚坟组和阜新组时代接近,约为Aptian晚期。  相似文献   

叶肢介化石是我国北方中生代生物群的重要成员之一,对古环境恢复和生物地层对比具有重要意义。北京西下白垩统芦尚坟组含丰富的昆虫、介形虫、植物、孢粉等化石,还发现了鱼和恐龙等脊椎动物化石,但叶肢介化石以前并无正式报道。芦尚坟组及其上覆夏庄组的昆虫化石组合被称为"芦尚坟昆虫群",对京西地区早白垩世中晚期的古生物学和古生态学研究具有重要意义。本文描述产自北京市丰台区贺照云村附近芦尚坟组第四段的Eosestheria(东方叶肢介)1新种,认为芦尚坟组的叶肢介群落为衰落型Eosestheria群,与上覆夏庄组的Yanjiestheria(延吉叶肢介)群差异较大,与辽西阜新组的叶肢介群落联系紧密。我们认为芦尚坟组和阜新组时代接近,约为Aptian晚期。  相似文献   

以昆虫作为指示生物评估森林健康的生物学与生态学基础   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
昆虫是森林生物多样性的重要组成部分,在森林生态系统主体群落中,昆虫与植物密切关联.森林害虫胁迫及昆虫多样性变动,对于评估森林生态系统健康状况具有重要价值.昆虫多样性可用于对森林生态系统健康的快速评估,如基于昆虫指示生物评价森林生态系统的毒害水平、物种丰富度、多样性水平、靶标昆虫的地位和特有种水平等.针对影响森林环境健康的重要干扰因子,本文阐述了应用昆虫作为指示性生物监测与评估森林健康状况的生物与生态学依据,讨论了昆虫种群,特别是珍稀物种种群在生境破碎干扰下的种群波动,以及大气污染、干旱和二氧化碳浓度升高等对昆虫种群密度与分布的影响等.同时,分析了昆虫作为指示性生物监测与评估森林环境健康所存在的问题.  相似文献   

中国农业昆虫生态调节服务价值估算   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
昆虫是生物多样性最丰富的物种类群,其在维持生态系统功能,维系并保持着自然界的生态平衡,满足人类需求中的具有重要作用。讨论了昆虫生态服务价值的定量估算方法,基于2007年统计数据,计算了我国农牧业生产中昆虫传粉功能、天敌昆虫控害功能和分解作用的服务价值。结果表明,昆虫在我国农业生产中传粉服务价值为6790.30×108元,占其当年农作物生产总经济价值的54.05%;天敌昆虫的控害服务价值为2621.00×108元,占其当年重要作物总经济价值的9.09%;分解昆虫(甲虫)对牧场牛羊排泄物的分解作用的价值远超过90.84×108元。由此估计出了我国2007年农业昆虫生态调节服务总价值超过9502.14×108元,相当于当年国内生产总值GDP的3.7%。显示昆虫所产生的生态调节服务价值,与我国森林或草地生态系统的直接和间接服务价值处于同一数量级,同样具有巨大的经济价值。为保护与利用昆虫生物多样性,发挥其生态服务功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

被子植物的起源-以喜花虻类化石为据   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
喜花昆虫在被子植物的起源和早期演化上起着决定性的作用。虻类化石中的许多类群都有访花习性,它们为研究被子植物的起源提供了独特材料。虽然最老的被子植物化石还没有发现,但是喜花虻类的爆发式出现,表示了被子植物出现的时间和地点。本文主要以欧亚大陆东部,特别是中国辽西的侏罗杨虻类化石为材料,在功能形态分析和与现代类群作对比的基础上,证证实了虻类是显花植物最原始的传粉类群之一。中国东北、哈萨克斯坦和西伯利来晚  相似文献   

Flower, enclosed ovule and tetrasporangiate anther are three major characters distinguishing angiosperms from other seed plants. Morphologically, typical flowers are characterised by an organisation with gynoecium and androecium surrounded by corolla and calyx. Theoretically, flowers are derived from their counterparts in ancient ancestral gymnosperms. However, as for when, how and from which groups, there is no consensus among botanists yet. Although angiosperm-like pollen and angiosperms have been claimed in the Triassic and Jurassic, typical flowers with the aforesaid three key characters are still missing in the pre-Cretaceous age, making many interpretations of flower evolution tentative. Thus searching for flower in the pre-Cretaceous has been a tantalising task for palaeobotanists for a long time. Here, we report a typical flower, Euanthus paniigen. et sp. nov., from the Middle–Late Jurassic of Liaoning, China. Euanthus has sepals, petals, androecium with tetrasporangiate dithecate anthers and gynoecium with enclosed ovules, organised just like in perfect flowers of extant angiosperms. The discovery of Euanthus implies that typical angiosperm flowers have already been in place in the Jurassic, and provides a new insight unavailable otherwise for the evolution of flowers.  相似文献   

<正> In 1976, a right mandible of a Mesozoic mammal was collected by Messrs. Cheng Zhengwu and Yue Zhao of Institute of Geology, the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, from the Middle Jurassic in Lingyuan County, Liaoning Province, Northeast China (fig. 1), When they were studying the Mesozoic stratigraphy of that area. This fossil site is most probably from the same locality as that of Yabeinosaurus tenuis reported by C.C. Young in 1958. Both fossils are derived from the same horizon.  相似文献   

As an important component of the Mesozoic flora, the extinct fern genus Eboracia Thomas (Dicksoniaceae, Filicales) is widely reported in China with diverse fossil records. New material of Eboracia lobifolia, represented by a nearly intactly preserved fossil frond, is described herein from the Middle Jurassic Haifanggou Formation in Beipiao of western Liaoning, Northeast China. The frond is lanceolate in gross outline, at least 38.0 cm long, and can be divided into the basal sterile part, the upper fertile part and a transitional part in between. The new discovery confirms for the first time that the frond of E. lobifolia is hemidimorphic rather than holodimorphic. Many in-situ spores were detached from the sori of the fertile pinnae, which are characterized by rounded-tetrahedral shape, smooth surface, distinct border, and a wide, long triradiate crack almost reaching the equator. Comparing with dispersed spores in the same horizon, these in-situ spores seem to be most similar to Cyathidites minor Couper in morphology. A spatio-temporal analysis of Eboracia in China shows that Eboracia with totally four species occurred in a time interval ranging from the Late Triassic to the Early Cretaceous in China, and mostly flourished in the Middle Jurassic; the genus was widely distributed in both the Northern and Southern Phytofloristic Provinces of China, particularly in southern China during the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic, while more abundant and diverse in northern China during the Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Despite increasing claims of pre-Cretaceous angiosperms, whether there really are angiosperms in the Jurassic is apparently still an open question for many people before further evidence is available. This question can only be answered by studying more Jurassic plant fossils. Here we report a fossil angiosperm, Yuhania daohugouensis gen. et sp. nov, from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China. The plant includes connected stem, leaves, flowers, aggregate fruits, fruitlets, and seeds within fruitlets. The leaves are helically arranged along the curving stem, linear in shape, with 5–6 parallel veins. The aggregate fruit is pedicellate, composed of over 20 carpels/fruitlets helically arranged. Each fruitlet encloses a seed. The reproductive organs in various stages are found in the same plant, allowing us to understand the development of Yuhania. The occurrence of Yuhania in the Middle Jurassic re-confirms the Jurassic history for angiosperms that has been suggested by other independent research and adds to the on-going study on the early evolution of angiosperms.  相似文献   

The classic leaf fossil floras from the Cretaceous of the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal, which were first described more than one hundred years ago, have played an important role in the development of ideas on the early evolution of angiosperms. Insights into the nature of vegetational change in the Lusitanian Basin through the Cretaceous have also come from studies of fossil pollen and spores, but the discovery of a series of mesofossil floras containing well-preserved angiosperm reproductive structures has provided a new basis for understanding the systematic relationships and biology of angiosperms at several stratigraphic levels through the Cretaceous. In the earliest mesofossil floras from the Torres Vedras locality, which are of probable Late Barremian-Early Aptian age, angiosperms are surprisingly diverse with about 50 different taxa. In slightly later mesofossil floras, which are of probable Late Aptian-Early Albian age, the diversity of angiosperms is still more substantial with more than hundred different kinds of angiosperm reproductive structures recognized from the Famalicão locality alone. However, this early diversity is largely among angiosperm lineages that produced monoaperturate pollen (e.g., Chloranthaceae, Nymphaeales) and early diverging monocots (Alismatales). Eudicots are rare in these Early Cretaceous mesofossil floras, but already by the Late Cenomanian the vegetation of the western Iberian Peninsula is dominated by angiosperms belonging to various groups of core eudicots. The Normapolles complex is a particularly conspicuous element in both mesofossil floras and in palynological assemblages. In the Late Cretaceous mesofossil floras from Esgueira and Mira, which are of Campanian-Maastrichtian age, core eudicots are also floristically dominant and flowers show great organisational similarity to fossil flowers from other Late Cretaceous floras described from other localities in Asia, Europe and North America.  相似文献   

Two species of fossil insects from the Daohugou Formation of Chifeng City in Nei Monggol Autonomous Region, northeastern China are described, and recognized as Psocites pectinatus (Hong, 1983) nov. emend., nov. transl. and P. fossilis nov. sp. They are the oldest representatives of the family Callovian or Axymyiidae, and first described of this family in the Mesozoic. Although early the age of the fly-bearing beds is controversial, it is probably Oxfordian or Kimmeridgian (Late Jurassic) rather than Early Cretaceous or Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

Ren D  Shih C  Labandeira CC 《ZooKeys》2011,(129):17-28
The Aneuretopsychidae is an unspeciose and enigmatic family of long-proboscid insects that presently consist of one known genus and three species from the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous of north-central Asia. In this paper, a new genus and species of fossil aneuretopsychid is described and illustrated, Jeholopsyche liaoningensisgen. et sp. n. Fossils representing this new taxon were collected from mid Early Cretaceous strata of the well known Jehol Biota in Liaoning Province, China. This finding documents the first formal record of fossil Aneuretopsychidae in China. In addition, this well-preserved and new material reveals previously unknown and detailed morphological structure of the mouthparts, antennae, head, thorax, legs and abdomen of this distinctive insect lineage.  相似文献   

史宗冈  张维婷  高太平  任东 《昆虫知识》2010,47(6):1043-1054
昆虫与植物的相互作用在昆虫与植物协同进化和发展中起着至关重要的作用。化石记录中发现了昆虫取食花粉、授粉滴、访问中生代裸子植物具胚珠的繁殖器官等多方面的昆虫化石证据。20世纪90年代以来,研究和报道了大量采自中国东北地区保存良好的昆虫与植物化石。例如发表于Science上的2篇具有长喙的双翅目和长翅目昆虫化石文章,暗示着它们很可能参与各种裸子植物的授粉。在本篇文章中,作者回顾了已报道的中国东北晚中生代时期的昆虫化石,并把它们与授粉或访"花"相联系。另外,作者对采自同一层位的同时代的植物化石进行了初步研究并介绍了可能涉及到与昆虫相互作用的代表性植物。今后将进一步深入研究,以期在化石中找到昆虫授粉和访花的直接证据。  相似文献   

本文描述针蟋化石1新属1新种:Liaonemobiustanaegen.etsp.nov.。这是蟋蟀化石在我国的首次发现。本文描述的所有标本均来自辽宁西部晚侏罗世义县组地层中,现保存在中国地质博物馆。  相似文献   

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