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任文伟  钱吉  马骏  郑师章 《生态学报》2000,20(2):349-352
交1994年从内蒙古不同地区和吉林采集到的羊草(Leymus chinensis)种子进行栽培试验,分析了5个样点(阿旗、定位站、西乌旗、谢尔塔拉、吉林)的羊草在不同浓度聚乙二醇(PEG=0%、15%、30%)的胁迫下,及不同胁迫时间(12h、24h、36h)条件下,叶片游离脯氨酸和水分的含量。通过聚类分析表明:不同地理种群的羊草按水分胁迫后游离脯氨酸含量和水分含量和水分含量都可划分成3类,而且所  相似文献   

不同地理种群羊草苗期电导、电阻的比较研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
 本文将1994年从内蒙古不同地区采集到的羊草(Leymus chinensis)种子进行栽培试验,通过对幼苗进行PEG水分胁迫处理后,分别进行电阻、电导测试,发现不同样点的一年生羊草的电阻、电导对PEG水分胁迫在时间和浓度上的反应是不同的。聚类分析进一步表明不同地理种群羊草按电阻或电导的变化情况都可分成3大类,且所得结果相同:其中来自吉林和定位站的羊草最抗旱,阿旗与西乌旗的次之,谢尔塔拉的则最不耐旱,这与它们对各自自然生境的适应也是一致的。  相似文献   

松嫩平原两个生态型羊草种群生长机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对松嫩平原两个生态型羊草种群生长机制进行了研究.结果表明,两个生态型羊草种群分株重与密度之间关系呈幂函数变化,方程中b值(-0.098~-0.272)大于-1.两个生态型羊草种群生物量、分株重随着密度、高度的增加而逐渐增加,它们之间的关系符合幂函数或直线变化规律,达到显著或极显著相关水平.两个生态型羊草种群生物量和分株重随密度和高度的变化速率在营养生长期内均最小.灰绿生态型的变化速率b(0.7872、0.0134)在营养生长期小于黄绿生态型(0.8793、0.0222);到果后营养期,灰绿生态型(0.8048、0.0303)逐渐超过黄绿生态型(0.7796、0.0258).两个生态型羊草种群在研究样地环境中未达到环境容纳量,两个生态型羊草种群在整个生育期内不断生长,具有相同的生长规律,且灰绿生态型羊草种群具有更强的生长潜力.  相似文献   

粗山羊草随机扩增多态性DNA研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术对原产地不同、分属于两个亚种的29份粗山羊草进行了基因组DNA多态性分析。31个10核苷酸引物在29份粗山羊草中扩增到297条带,其中45.79%表现出多态性;在ssp.eusquarrosa(20份)和ssp.strangulata(9份)中分别扩增到288和268条带,各有47.22%和29.29%表现出多态性,说明前者比后者的基因组DNA多态性丰富。原产  相似文献   

不同土壤型羊草光合和蒸腾作用特性的比较研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
不同土壤型羊草(Aneurolepidium chinense)的光合和蒸腾作用特性有所不同。当土壤由湿变干时,差异最为显著的是光饱和光合速率和最大蒸腾速率的降低率。典型栗钙土型比暗栗钙土型和盐化草甸土型羊草的光合速率下降幅度小;其蒸腾速率下降幅度比其他两种类型大。因此,典型栗钙土型羊草在土壤干旱条件下光能利用效率和水分利用效率均较高,对干旱的适应性较强。这些差异表明,在自然条件下,羊草可能存在着不同的土壤生态型  相似文献   

羊草两个趋异类型的光合生理生态特性比较的初步研究   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:29  
对羊草(Aneurolepidium chinense)种群的两个趋异类型——灰绿型羊草与黄绿型羊草的光合生理生态特性进行了研究,比较了同一生境条件下,两种趋异类型羊草的光合速率、蒸腾速率的日变化,以及两个羊草趋异类型的光合速率对光辐射强度、气温、相对湿度、叶温与气孔扩散阻力的响应。结果表明,同一生境条件下,灰绿型羊草的光合速率与蒸腾速率相对较高,两者的饱和光合速率分别为23.2与18.8μm olCO2/m 2·s,光饱和点分别为1367.6与1387.9μm ol/m 2·s,光补偿点分别为9.8与14.0μm ol/m 2·s;灰绿型羊草与黄绿型羊草对光强度、气温、相对湿度、叶温、气孔扩散阻力的响应均有显著差异。实验测得的结果说明,同一生境条件下羊草两个趋异类型的光合生理特性变异是明显的,羊草这种生理上的变异为确定两个趋异类型是否为两个生态型提供了一些生理学方面的证据。  相似文献   

3种小麦细胞质雄性不育系及其杂种线粒体DNA的RFLP分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
对细胞质分别来源于提莫菲维(T.timotheevii),粘果山羊草(Ae.kotschyi),偏凸山羊草(Ae.venyricosa)的3种普通小麦的雄性不育系,相应保持系和恢复系及其上的mtDNA用12个线粒体基因探针进行了RFLP分析,结果为:⑴T、K、V型不育系的mtDNA在组织结构上存在显著差异;⑵T、K、V不育系的mtDNA与共同的保持系间显著不同,失测mtDNA与小麦cms有关;⑶在  相似文献   

普通小麦三个基因组之间的遗传关系及原位杂交分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以普通小麦(Triticum aestivumL.)的3个可能的二倍体供体种(乌拉尔图小麦(T.urartuThum.)拟斯卑尔脱山羊草(AegilopsspeltoidesTausch)和粗山羊草(Ae.tauschiiCoss.)的基因组DNA为研究对象,通过它们之间的相互杂交,比较杂交强度以及泳道中带纹的不同,并结合部分DNA重复序列在基因组间含量差异的数据,得出结论:A^u和D基因组的关系  相似文献   

利用3个推广品种(莱州953、山农辐63、陕7859)分别与原产地不同的抗白粉病的6份粗山羊草[Aegilopstauschii(Coss.)Schmal.]杂交,得到63个无胚乳的种子,将56枚幼胚接种到N6+0.5mg/LIBA+0.2mg/LNAA的培养基上进行褓姆培养,得到37个植株。其中莱州953与粗山羊草的杂交结实率和成苗率较高,分别平均为8.58%和4.82%。粗山羊草对白粉病的抗性  相似文献   

东北草原羊草种群结实特性与气候年变化的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对3个固定样地的羊草(Leymus chinensis(Trin.)Tzvel.)种群连续12 ̄16年的调查和测定及其与不同生长发育阶段气候因子的相关分析,表明羊草种群结实数量和籽实重量均与形成这些性状的生育期内,及其以前各生育期不同阶段的光照时间、积温、降水量有着一定程度的相关关系。从分蘖株的营养生长到生殖生长,包括开花、授粉、受精、胚珠发育为种子形成的整个过程中,较低的温度和生长季前期较多的光  相似文献   

内蒙古中东部不同草原地带羊草种群遗传分化   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
运用 RAPD技术对内蒙古不同草原地带分布的 5个羊草种群 (共 10 0个个体 )的遗传多样性进行分析。 31个随机引物(10 nt)在 5个羊草种群中共检测到 4 96个扩增片断 ,其中多态性片断 4 89个 ,总的多态位点百分率达 98.6 %。利用 Nei指数和Shannon指数估算了 5个种群的遗传多样性 ,并计算种群相似系数和遗传距离运用 UPGMA法进行聚类分析。结果表明 :无论是种群内还是种群间 ,羊草均存在较高的遗传变异 ,大部分的遗传变异存在于种群内 (Nei指数和 Shannon指数估算结果分别为 85 .4 %和 72 .5 % ) ,只有少部分的遗传变异存在于种群间 ;不同种群的遗传多样性存在差异 ,各种群的遗传多样性与其所处的地理位置具有显著的相关性 ;5个种群的平均遗传距离为 0 .5 0 95 ,变异范围为 0 .4 6 84~ 0 .5 4 76 ;聚类分析结果显示地理距离较近的种群遗传距离较小 ,首先聚在一起 ,而地理距离较远的种群遗传距离较大 ,说明羊草种群间的遗传分化与地理距离存在一定相关性 ;但地理距离最近的两个种群并未最先聚集 ,说明羊草种群间的分化还与其生境的异质性有关  相似文献   

Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to investigate the genetic variation among populations, between populations, and within populations, relationships between genetic distance and geographic distance, and the molecular variation and population size. The effects of geographic and genetic distances, as well as of genetic differentiation and population size, on genetic variations of Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. are discussed. The present study showed that there was significant RAPD variation between the Baicheng region population and the Daqing region population, with a molecular variance of 6.35% (P < 0.04), and for differentiation among area populations of the Daqing region, with a molecular variance of 8.78% (P < 0.002). A 21.06% RAPD variation among all 16 populations among two regions was found (P < 0.001), as well as 72.59% variation within populations (P < 0.001). Molecular variation within populations was significantly different among 16 populations.  相似文献   

Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to investigate the genetic variation among populations, between populations, and within populations, relationships between genetic distance and geographic distance, and the molecular variation and population size. The effects of geographic and genetic distances, as well as of genetic differentiation and population size, on genetic variations of Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. are discussed. The present study showed that there was significant RAPD variation between the Baicheng region population and the Daqing region population, with a molecular variance of 6.35% (P 〈 0.04), and for differentiation among area populations of the Daqing region, with a molecular variance of 8.78% (P 〈 0.002). A 21.06% RAPD variation among all 16 populations among two regions was found (P 〈 0.001), as well as 72.59% variation within populations (P 〈 0.001). Molecular variation within populations was significantly different among 16 populations.  相似文献   

内蒙古典型草原羊草种群遗传分化的RAPD分析   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
运用 RAPD技术对内蒙古典型草原不同生境 8个羊草种群进行分析。采用 2 4个随机引物 (10 nt)在 8个种群中共检测到2 2 4个扩增片断 ,其中多态性片断 173个 ,总的多态位点百分率达 77.2 % ,特异性片断 2 2个 ,占 9.82 % ,平均每个引物扩增的DNA带数为 9.3 3条。利用 Nei指数和 Shannon指数估算了 8个种群的遗传多样性 ,并计算种群相似系数和遗传距离 ,运用UPGMA法进行聚类分析。结果表明 :羊草大部分的遗传变异存在于种群内 ,只有少部分的遗传变异存在于种群间 ,Nei指数和Shannon指数计算结果分别为 85.4%和 66.8% ;羊草不同种群的遗传多样性存在差异 ;8个羊草种群平均遗传距离为 0 .2 3 16,变异范围为 0 .1587~ 0 .2 70 0 ,说明 8个羊草种群间的遗传变异不大 ,即 :在较小地理范围内羊草的遗传分化程度较小 ;8个种群可聚为 3个类群 ,聚类结果显示生境相似的种群能够聚在一起 ,而地理距离最近的种群不一定归为一类 ,说明小范围内羊草种群间的遗传分化与地理距离不存在相关性 ,而与其生境间的相似度相关。影响遗传相似性的不是单一因子而是各种因子的综合作用 ,较小地理范围内羊草种群间的遗传分化主要是由环境的异质性所引起的  相似文献   

羊草种群遗传分化的RAPD分析Ⅱ.RAPD数据的统计分析   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
对松嫩草原上分布的灰绿型和黄绿型羊草9个种群进行了15个引物的RAPD分析,统计结果表明,两类种群的扩增片段数和多态位点比率明显不同,黄绿型种群低于灰绿型,其值分别<90与>100,<50%与>70%,比较了7种不同统计方法据RAPD表型或基因型频率估算的种群遗传多样性,几种统计结果都揭示,黄绿型种群低于灰绿型种群,用F1s值矫正种群对Hardy-Weinberg平衡的偏离后,估算等位基因频率,通过Shannon指数和Nei指数估计羊草种群间分化分别为37.6%和35.7%,高于等位酶的分析,讨论比较了等位酶和RAPD分析结果的异同。  相似文献   

羊草种群遗传分化的RAPD分析I:扩增片段频率的变化   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
松嫩草原上分布着灰绿型和黄绿型两种叶色类型的羊草,为进一步明确这两种叶色类型种群分化的分子基础 ,对其9个种群105个个体进行了RAPD分析。15个随机引物(10nt)共扩增出149个多态性片段,总的多态位点为96.1%,黄绿型与灰绿型种群间在10.1%的多态性片段上明显不同,相似生境或同一地域的种群在一些位点上表现出相似或相同的变化;9个种群都检测到了特异性扩增。  相似文献   

雷仲仁  李莉  郭予元 《昆虫学报》1997,40(-1):13-19
通过对棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera(Hubner)17个地理种群DNA多态性进行了RAPD分析,结果表明:棉铃虫可以分为四大类群,三亚(SY)、莎车(SC)和哈密(HM)种群各为独立的一类,与内地种群有明显的差异,其中三亚种群差异最大;第四类包含14个地理种群,它们之间相对分化较小,基因相似程度较高,特别是黄河流域和辽河流域南部的种群间遗传距离最小,无基因交流障碍。单个个体的RAPD分析表明,这些种群间的某些个体相互交错,进一步说明这些种群间可能存在着广泛的基因交流。最后还讨论了形成棉铃虫遗传多态性的主要原因,  相似文献   

Aims The two coexisting Leymus chinensis ecotypes exhibit remarkable divergences in adaptive strategies under drought and salinity in semi-humid meadows and semi-arid steppes. In order to detect the major genetic and environmental factors dominating the intraspecific phenotype variations and ecotype formation, the questions regarding the two distinct phenotypic forms (ecotypes) in L. chinensis were addressed: (i) did environments drive the L. chinensis ecotype formation? (ii) was there a molecular basis for the morphological divergence between the two ecotypes? (iii) which driving force dominated the intraspecies divergence, divergent natural selection, genetic drift or stabilizing selection?Methods We applied a series experiments on demographical, morphological and physiological traits of two Leymus chinensis ecotypes with gray green (GG) and yellow green (YG) leaf color in nine wild sites along a longitudinal gradient from 114° to 124°E in northeast China. The environmental data including mean annual precipitation, mean annual temperature, elevation and soil properties were collected. We compared the differences of morphological, physiological and genetic differentiations between the two ecotypes.Important findings The GG type exhibited stronger fitness than YG type from the population densities, morphological traits (e.g. shoot height, leaf area, leaf and seed weights et al.), leaf mass per area (LMA) and physiological traits [relative water content (RWC), proline, soluble sugar contents]. Most of above phenotypes (e.g. total shoot densities, spike length et al.) were significantly correlated with mean annual precipitation, mean annual temperature and soil water content (SWC), rarely a correlated with soil pH and soil nutrient. Transplanted populations showed convergence trend by their leaf chlorophyll contents and osmotic adjustments (proline and soluble sugar contents) in the greenhouse, but still exhibited their divergences between two ecotypes in the outdoor transplantation, suggesting that whether L. chinensis ecotype differentiated could be largely affected by the environmental conditions. Furthermore, by the comparison result of quantitative genetic variation (Q ST) values from phenotypes with theoretical neutral genetic differentiation (F ST), differentiation in phenotypic traits greatly surpassed neutral predictions, implying that directional natural selection played a crucial role in L. chinensis ecotype differentiation. In addition, microsatellite analysis from Neighbor-joining tree and Bayesian assignment generated into two groups according to ecotypes, indicating molecular genetic differentiation also propelled the two ecotypes divergence. We conclude that L. chinensis population variations were driven by combing divergent natural selection (precipitation, temperature and SWCs) along the large-scale gradient and significantly intrinsic genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

Molecular markers have been used only rarely to characterize the population genetic structure of nematodes. Published studies have suggested that different taxa may show distinct genetic architectures. Isoenzyme and RAPD markers have been used to investigate geographic variation of Ascaris suum at the level of infrapopulations (nematodes within individual hosts), within localities, and among geographic regions. Independent estimates of genetic differentiation among population samples based on isoenzyme and RAPD data showed similar patterns and substantial correlation. Heterozygote deficiencies within infrapopulations and large values for inbreeding coefficients among infrapopulations suggested that the composition of these populations was not consistent with a model of random recruitment from a large panmictic pool of life-cycle stages. Both isoenzyme and RAPD markers revealed moderate levels of genetic differentiation among samples representing infrapopulations and localities. Of total gene diversity, 9.4% (isoenzyme) and 9.2% (RAPD) was partitioned among infrapopulations. Geographic localities accounted for 7.8% (isoenzyme) and 6.2% (RAPD) of total diversity. Only infrapopulations from the same farm had low levels of differentiation.  相似文献   

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