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根据对乌兰布和沙漠地区白刺属4种植物在花期进行的人工控制性授粉实验及室内外调查分析,系统研究了唐古特白刺、西伯利亚白刺、大白刺和泡泡刺4种白刺属植物的传粉特性。结果表明:不同白刺属植物兼具杂交亲和与自交亲和的能力,更倾向于异交结实。繁育系统属于自交、异交相混合的兼性异交交配系统,存在风媒传粉的可能性,不能进行无融合生殖。白刺属植物的这些传粉特性表现出对干旱荒漠地区恶劣环境的较强生态适应性。  相似文献   

采用大样本随机挖取单个无性系的调查和测定方法,分析了长白山区华北翦股颖无性系构件的结构及生长规律.结果表明,在籽实乳熟期,华北翦股颖无性系构件是由营养枝和生殖枝组成,其中,以生殖枝数量和生物量所占比例最大,分别为93.3%和97.1%.华北翦股颖无性系构件的关系中,生殖枝数量和生物量以及分株总数量和总生物量均随着丛径的增加呈幂函数异速生长(R2=0.661~0.712).生殖枝数量与分株总数量之间以及生殖枝生物量与分株总生物量之间均呈极显著线性正相关(R2为0.997和0.965).  相似文献   

Gao Y  Yang YF 《应用生态学报》2011,22(4):923-928
每隔4 d对松嫩平原肥披碱草种群进入抽穗初期的生殖分蘖株进行大样本随机挂签,于籽实蜡熟期取样,分析5次采集样本生殖分蘖株数量性状的差异及其与缩短生殖生长时间的关系.结果表明:生殖分蘖株各数量性状指标均随生殖生长时间的缩短逐渐减小.生殖生长时间的缩短不利子生殖分蘖株的生殖生长、生殖分配和结实.抽穗时间越晚,对生殖分蘖株结实与生殖分配的影响越大.抽穗时间相差16 d,籽实生物量、结实率、生殖分配Ⅰ和生殖分配Ⅱ分别下降99.4%、98.8%、54.3%和99.2%.随生殖生长时间的缩短,株高呈直线函数下降,花序生物量、生殖分配Ⅰ和结实率呈指数函数下降,分株生物量、花序长、小花数呈幂函数下降,籽实生物量、籽实数和生殖分配Ⅱ呈对数函数下降.  相似文献   

通过对天津沿海滩涂单优群落的取样调查,研究了互花米草种群生殖分株的数量特征和生殖分配规律。结果表明,在籽实成熟期,互花米草种群单个生殖分株重为15.62±9.26 g,穗和种子重分别为2.68±2.08和1.39±1.12 g,小穗和种子数分别为537.7±362.2和490.2±376.3个,生殖分配Ⅰ和生殖分配Ⅱ分别为15.02±5.83和7.62±3.8%,结实率为81.9 ±28.6%。穗和种子的形成分别需要分株积累3.2和3.6 g以上的生物量。穗长、穗重、种子数、小穗数、生殖分配Ⅰ和生殖分配Ⅱ分别与分株高度呈极显著(p<0.01)的正相关关系。穗重、小穗数、种子重、种子数、生殖分配Ⅰ和生殖分配Ⅱ分别与分株重呈极显著(p<0.01)的线性正相关关系。种子数、小穗数、生殖分配Ⅰ和生殖分配Ⅱ分别与茎和叶鞘生物量分配呈极显著(p<0.01)的负相关关系。穗各构件在空间上的分布也存在较强的规律性。  相似文献   

通过大样本取样调查,研究了华北平原罗布麻种群生殖分株的数量特征和生殖分配规律.结果表明,在籽粒完熟期,罗布麻种群单个生殖分株重为10.38±7.78g,蒴果生物量和蒴果数分别为1.57±1.59g和7.60±6.56个;种子生物量和种子数分别为0.34±0.33g和582.3±558.7个;生殖分配Ⅰ和生殖分配Ⅱ分别为12.98±7.94和2.75±1.69%.蒴果和种子形成分别需要分株积累1.42和1.77g以上的生物量.蒴果生物量、葫果数、种子生物量、种子数分别与分株总生物量呈极显著的(P〈0.01)线性正相关关系;蒴果数、种子数与茎叶生物量分配呈极显著的(P〈0.01)线性负相关关系;生殖分配Ⅰ、生殖分配Ⅱ和叶生物量分配呈极显著的(P〈0.01)线性负相关关系.单葫果的重量、种子重、种子数、种子毛重、胎座重分别和葫果的长度呈极显著(P〈0.01)的幂函数正相关关系.罗布麻种群生殖分株同时具有同速和异速2种不同增减过程的表型可塑性调节.  相似文献   

羊草种群生物量和能量生殖分配的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王仁忠  祖元刚 《植物研究》2001,21(2):299-303
从构件入手,研究了生长季羊草种群根茎、营养枝和生殖枝及其构件的生物量和能量分配及季节动态,结果表明种群营养枝和生殖枝的生物量和能量分配没有显著的颉抗关系,但营养枝和根茎生物量和能量分配比例间呈显著的颉抗关系。研究结果还表明种群根茎、营养枝和生殖枝及构件的生物量和能量分配比例间的差异基本不显著,而且季节动态趋势一致,即生物量分配和能量分配是等价的。  相似文献   

孙菊  杨允菲 《生态学报》2008,28(2):500-507
朝鲜碱茅(Puccinellia chinampoensis)是一种耐盐碱丛生型禾草,广泛分布于松嫩平原碱化草甸.采用每隔3d对朝鲜碱茅种群中处于抽穗初期的生殖分蘖株随机挂一次标签,于籽实蜡熟期同时进行大样本取样与测定的方法,定量分析了5次所标记的生殖分蘖株的数量性状的变化规律及生殖分蘖株的生长规律.结果表明,在朝鲜碱茅种群中,虽然抽穗时间只相隔3d,但生殖分蘖株的各数量性状均具有较大的表型可塑性,总的变化趋势是抽穗时间相隔越长,差异越大.其中,5次样本中的相邻平均花序生物量之间的差异均达到了显著水平.延长生殖生长16d,平均分蘖株高增加了23.16%,花序长增加了25.70%,分蘖株生物量增加了74.99%,花序生物量增加到2.63倍,生殖分配增加了93.25%.随着生殖生长时间的延长,朝鲜碱茅种群生殖分蘖株高、分蘖株生物量和花序生物量均呈指数增加,花序长和生殖分配呈直线增加,生殖生长比率呈先增加后降低的抛物线变化.不同时间进入生殖生长阶段的生殖分蘖株均具有相同的生长规律.其中,花序长均随分蘖株高的增加呈指数异速增长,花序生物量均随分蘖株生物量的增加呈直线同速增长.分蘖株的生殖生长越延长,对现实种群的贡献就越大,对未来种群的贡献更大.  相似文献   

以车桑子生殖枝为材料,通过野外调查、取样以及各器官生物量的测定,研究金沙江干热河谷地区车桑子不同性别植株生殖枝生物量分配特征。结果表明:(1)金沙江干热河谷地区车桑子种群雄∶雌性别比为0.11,极显著的偏离1∶1(P<0.001),种群偏雌性。(2)车桑子生殖枝的形态特征和生物量分配特征均具有显著的性别差异;雌性植株生殖枝花朵生物量和总生物量显著高于雄性和两性植株(P <0.05),而后两者之间无显著差异;生殖枝生殖分配具有显著的性别差异(P <0.05),但生殖枝叶生物量无性别差异。(3)生殖枝生物量大小与花朵生物量、营养生物量均呈极显著正相关关系(P <0.001)。营养生物量与花朵生物量之间为显著正相关关系(P <0.01),生殖分配与生殖枝大小无相关关系。研究认为,车桑子生殖枝营养生长与生殖生长不具有权衡关系,且生殖分配不具有个体大小依赖性,特定生物量分配模式可能是对金沙江干热河谷区资源利用、环境适应的一种特殊形态模式。  相似文献   

植物资源的生殖分配是链接进化生态学和功能生态学的纽带。该文从4个组织水平上研究了针茅属(Stipa) 3种植物克氏针茅(S. krylovii)、大针茅(S. grandis)和贝加尔针茅(S. baicalensis)的生物量生殖分配以及株丛和种群水平上可育散布体的数量和生物量。结果表明: 1) 3种针茅属植物在不同组织水平上的生物量生殖分配呈现明显分异。在株丛水平上, 克氏针茅和大针茅的株丛生物量分配到生殖枝的比例分别为44.3%和47.9%, 均显著高于贝加尔针茅的35.7%。在生殖枝水平, 克氏针茅的生殖枝生物量分配到穗器官的比例为30.3%, 显著低于大针茅的42.9%和贝加尔针茅的48.4%。在穗器官水平, 大针茅穗生物量分配到散布体的比例(63.9%)最高, 克氏针茅(49.9%)次之, 贝加尔针茅(39.1%)最低。在散布体水平, 贝加尔针茅的可育散布体生物量占散布体总生物量的比例为92.3%, 显著高于克氏针茅的67.2%和大针茅的71.3%。2) 尽管3种针茅属植物在不同组织水平上的生物量生殖分配存在显著差异, 但从最终可育散布体占株丛生物量的比例看, 克氏针茅为6.1%, 贝加尔针茅为6.3%, 大针茅为9.5%; 三者在生物量生殖分配上表现出明显的趋同效应。3) 3种针茅属植物生物量生殖分配的限制性环节存在显著差异。生殖枝向穗的生物量分配是克氏针茅和大针茅生殖分配的限制性环节, 株丛向生殖枝的生物量分配或穗器官向散布体的分配是贝加尔针茅生物量生殖分配的限制性环节。从可育散布体的数量和个体生物量看, 克氏针茅采取了倾向于拓展空间的增加散布体数量的策略, 而大针茅和贝加尔针茅逐步进化出了趋向于提高个体竞争能力的增加散布体个体生物量的策略。  相似文献   

于2004年薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)生殖阶段的现蕾期至种子成熟期,从种群和构件水平上研究了两种生境(林窗和开阔地)中薇甘菊种群的生物量生殖分配。结果表明,在生殖生长过程中,两种生境中的种群用于营养生长的生物量分配均占有绝对优势,而生殖生长的波动相对较大。花序的生物量分配(RA)总体上均呈现由低到高的变化趋势。在不同时期,林窗薇甘菊种群的营养枝生物量分配均小于开阔地,而除了种子形成期和种子成熟期以外的其它各个时期,林窗中生殖枝的生物量分配均大于开阔地,林窗中花序的生物量分配均显著大于开阔地。表明薇甘菊能有效权衡其在不同生境中的繁殖策略,开阔地中的薇甘菊种群的繁殖策略倾向于克隆繁殖,而林窗生境中薇甘菊种群则相对更倾向于有性生殖。  相似文献   

Based upon DNA sequences from six plastid regions (rbcL, psbB-psbH, trnL-trnF, rpS16, psbA-trnH, rpS16-trnK) and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA, the phylogenetic relationships in the genus Nitraria and family Nitrariaceae are investigated by using methods of maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference. Our study strongly supports the monophyly of Nitraria. Nitraria can be divided into four parts, namely, the N. sphaerocarpa group, N. retusa group, the N. roborowskii and N. tangutorum group, and a group consisting of N. schoberi, N. komarovii, N. sibirica, and N. billardieri. Ancestral area reconstruction using S-Diva shows that eastern Central Asia is most likely the place of origin, and then dispersals occurred to western Central Asia, Africa, and Australia.  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of climate aridification and oscillations on the genetic diversity and evolutionary processes of organisms in the Quaternary in north‐western China, we selected Nitraria roborowskii and Nsphaerocarpa and examined the geographical apportionment of genetic variation in their vast range. In the study, 21 plastid haplotypes were identified in Nroborowskii based on two plastid DNA regions. We found significant genetic differentiation between populations in both N. roborowskii and N. sphaerocarpa. We also found similar phylogeographical patterns of allopatric divergence and regional range expansion in both species, but the degree of allopatric divergence in N. roborowskii was lower. Finally, areas to the south of the Alxa Desert, the Hexi Corridor and Ningxia Province were identified as possible refugia for N. roborowskii.  相似文献   

在松嫩平原碱化草甸,采用大样本随机取样的方法,研究了不同时间到达抽穗初期、抽穗期、开花期和乳熟期的星星草种群生殖分蘖株数量性状的可塑性及其调节规律.结果表明:除在开花期存在一定的波动外,在每5 d的时间里,随着生殖生长时间的延长, 星星草种群在抽穗初期、抽穗期和乳熟期的生殖分蘖株高、分蘖株生物量、花序长和花序生物量均依次显著增加.各生育期的星星草种群生殖分蘖株高与花序生物量呈显著正相关,而与生殖分配呈显著负相关.随着生殖生长时间的延长,抽穗初期、开花期和乳熟期的星星草花序生物量随着分蘖株高增加,其幂函数的增长速率均呈增大趋势.生殖生长时间延长10 d,其抽穗初期和抽穗期的生殖分配直线下降速率分别降低了43.2%和44.31%;延长5 d,乳熟期的下降速率降低了130%.表明星星草种群分蘖株生殖生长的表型可塑性调节遵循着一定的规律.  相似文献   

Patterns of resource allocation reflect the plastic strategies that result from different selective pressures imposed by the environment. However, biomass allocation can be limited by architectural restrictions that change with the plant size. Our knowledge about sex allocation in heterosporous aquatic ferns remains scarce and studies on the reproductive strategies of these plants may yield valuable information regarding the evolutionary history of heterospory. Here, we investigate resources allocation, both in number and in biomass, to produce megasporangia and microsporangia among three species of Salvinia with different body sizes. Salvinia oblongifolia, S. auriculata and S. minima were collected in temporary ponds on the floodplain of the Pandeiros River in Brazil. We counted megasporangia and microsporangia, and measured their dry mass in each ramet. We also measured the total vegetative biomass and total reproductive biomass of each ramet in each species. Resource allocation to megasporangia production is associated with the specific body size of each species. However, the allocation for microsporangia production was higher in the species with intermediate size, which probably may be related to the drought event. The total reproductive biomass of each species was not dependent on the total vegetative biomass, but despite a similar reproductive effort, species differ on which sex is prioritized in the allocation process. Our results provide the first data about the processes underlying the sex allocation of Salvinia in the floodplains. The production of sori is size dependent in each Salvinia species and is shaped by drought, an intense selective pressure in temporary wet habitats.  相似文献   

The formation of many nebkha dunes relies on the layering of clonal plants. The microenvironmental conditions of such phytogenic nebkha are heterogeneous depending on the aspect and slope. Exploring the effects of aspect on clonal reproduction and biomass allocation can be useful in understanding the ecological adaptation of species. We hypothesized that on the windward side layering propagation would be promoted, that biomass allocation to leaves and stems of ramets would increase, and that the effects of aspect would be greater in the layering with larger biomass. To test these hypotheses, we surveyed the depth of germination points of axillary buds, the rate of ramet sprouting, the density of adventitious root formation points, and the biomass of modules sprouting from layering located on the NE, SE, SW and NW, aspects of Nitraria tangutorum nebkhas. The windward side was located on the NW and SW aspects. The results indicated that conditions of the NW aspect were more conducive to clonal reproduction and had the highest rate of ramet sprouting and the highest density of adventitious formation points. For the modules sprouting from layering on the SW aspect, biomass allocation to leaves and stems was greatest with biomass allocation to adventitious roots being lowest. This result supported our hypothesis. Contrary to our hypothesis, the effects of aspect were greater in layering of smaller biomass. These results support the hypothesis that aspect does affect layering propagation capacity and biomass allocation in this species. Additionally, clonal reproduction and biomass allocation of modules sprouting from layering with smaller biomass was more affected by aspect. These results suggest that the clonal growth of N. tangutorum responses to the microenvironmental heterogeneity that results from aspect of the nebkha.  相似文献   

Three semi‐arid savanna grasses in Botswana (Stipagrostis uniplumis, Eragrostis lehmanniana, and Aristida stipitata) were sampled to quantify their belowground bud banks during the dormant season and to estimate their relative allocation to vegetative and sexual reproduction. Bud banks of these African perennial caespitose grasses were also compared with four perennial caespitose grasses of semi‐arid North American grasslands. The three African grasses each maintained approximately two buds per tiller and showed a high percentage (88–99%) of tillers producing seed. Only E. lehmanniana produced new aerial tillers from axillary buds at elevated nodes on the stem as well as from the belowground bud bank. Compared with species of North American grasslands, these African grasses produced fewer belowground buds but showed a much higher percentage of tillers producing seed. These patterns indicate relatively greater belowground meristem limitation, lower allocation to vegetative reproduction (tillering) and higher allocation to seed reproduction in these African grasses, although studies of more species are needed to assess the generality of this pattern. The management of savannas in ways that favour the maintenance of a reserve population of belowground buds may increase the ability of grasses to respond to pulses of resource availability, increase their compensatory growth capacity following grazing or drought, and decrease the invasibility of these plant communities by exotic species, whereas maintaining allocation to sexual reproduction may be important for conserving genetic variation and enhancing their capacity to adapt to environmental change.  相似文献   

Because of the modular structure of pearl millet (an annual grass crop, Poaceae), different tillers of a plant share the same genotype but are subjected to different environmental conditions during their maturation. This allows investigation of the effects of tiller flowering phenology on allocation to resource-producing photosynthetic biomass, sexual functions, and thus tiller gender. All tillers of plants of two families collected from individual maternal plants (represented by 33 and 31 plants each) were analyzed. In both families, allocation to aboveground vegetative biomass decreased as flowering was delayed. On average, late-flowering tillers were 65% smaller than the first ones to flower. The proportion of biomass allocated to reproduction significantly increased with the flowering rank of the tillers, suggesting that translocations of assimilates occurred between early- and late-flowering tillers. In both families, late-flowering tillers produced significantly fewer pollen grains per stamen than early-flowering ones, and female reproductive allocation (expressed as seed mass per tiller) was also affected by flowering phenology. Tillers became increasingly female as flowering phenology progressed. This gender variation is possibly adaptive because pollination efficiency is maximized by plant height. Natural selection may favor a shift toward femaleness to maximize reproductive fitness in small, late-developing tillers.  相似文献   

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