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韩运发 《昆虫学报》1990,33(3):333-335
1982—84年中国科学院登山科学考察队对西藏南迦巴瓦峰地区进行了综合考察,发 现带蓟马属(Taeniothrips)一新种。其标本系韩寅恒同志在考察中采得。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所。 小腺带蓟马Taeniothrips glanduculus新种(图1—4) 雄虫:体长约1.3mm。体棕色,常腹部较淡;触角棕色,但节Ⅲ或基部大半黄色。前翅暗黄,基部或包括中部色淡;前足胫节,中、后足胫节基部及各足跗节黄色。 头长153μ(量度单位下同),宽:复眼后163;后缘173。复眼突出或略突出,两颊拱或略拱。单眼间鬃长72,位于后单眼内侧或前缘线以前。触角8节,各节长(宽):节  相似文献   

记述了中国1新纪录属,髋管蓟马属Coxothrips Bournier,1963,以及2新纪录种,即驼峰髋管蓟马C.gibberosa(Kudo,1989)和塔莱髋管蓟马C.tarai(Stannard.1970);并首次描述了塔莱髋管蓟马的雄虫.总结了髋管蓟马属的属征,提供了新纪录种的形态描述、特征图以及该属中国已知种的检索表.研究标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所国家动物博物馆.  相似文献   

记述了Limothrips denticornis(Haliday),1836,Apterothrips secticornis( Tryborn),1896,和Apterothrips apteris (Daniel),1904中国3新纪录种,同时也代表着刺鬃蓟马属Limothrips Haliday,1836和无翅蓟马属 Apterothrips Bagnall,1908在我国的首次记录,提供了新纪录种的形态描述,特征图和无翅蓟马属的分类检索表,并对无翅蓟马属进行了修订.  相似文献   

记述我国蓟马科小头蓟马属1新种Microcephalothrips yanglingensis,sp.nov,模式标本保存在西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

记述中国蓟马亚科1新种:太白山梳蓟马Ctenothrips taibaishanensis,sp.nov.,模式标本保存在西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

张维球  童晓立 《昆虫学报》1991,34(4):465-467
丹蓟马属 Danothrips Bhatti,1971隶属蓟马科(Thripidae)、呆蓟马族(Anaphothripini)。世界曾有6种记述,均分布于热带、亚热带地区(Bhatti,1980)。我国曾有1种D.theivous(Karny)的分布记录(张维球,1982)。本属与鬃呆蓟马属 Chaetanaphothrips颇相似,两属的形态区别,Bhatti(1971,1980)、Sakimura(1974)已作了详细的研究,同时认为,丹蓟马属种间雌虫形态区别较少,雄虫形态是确定种的主要依据。本文  相似文献   

对中国巢针蓟马属Caliothrips Daniel进行了分类记述,描述了1个中国新纪录种——海岛巢针蓟马Caliothrips insularis(Hood)。文中提供了该属属征及种检索表、地理分布及生物学;新纪录种的形态描述、寄主植物、分布、形态特征图和形态照片。研究标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所国家动物博物馆。  相似文献   

本文记述了新绢蓟马属Neohydatothrips John二新种,即杨新绢蓟马,新种,Neohydatothrips populi sp.nov.,雅新绢蓟马,新种,Neohydatothrips trypherus sp.nov.  相似文献   

根据前翅间插缨的有或无,简管蓟马属Haplothrips常分成两亚属,即指名亚属Haplothrips和无间插缨亚属Trybomiella.目前中国已知18种简管蓟马均属于指名亚属Haplothrips.记述了采自菊科鬼针草花上的无间插缨亚属Trybomiella 1新纪录种,钳端简管蓟马Haplothrips(Trybomiella)articulosus(Bagnall),该种原产于非洲大陆.中国Trybomiella亚属曾记载有2种,其中顶简管蓟H.(T.)apicalis(Bagnall)已转移到Plicothrips属,而色带简管蓟马H.(T.)aurocingulatus Pelikan是Dyothrips pallescens(Hood)的同物异名.首次报道该亚属在中国的分布.研究标本保存在华南农业大学昆虫学系昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

跗突蓟马属Firmothrips Schliephake 原产于欧洲东南部,是蓟马科花蓟马属团Frankliniella genus-group中的单种属,现于我国首次记录。文中记述了该属1中国新纪录种:坚跗突蓟马F. firmus (Uzel),并提供了中国花蓟马属团的分属检索表。  相似文献   

The predation potential of Haplothrips brevitubus (Karny) for thrips was evaluated in the laboratory. When second stage larvae of Pseudodendrothrips mori (Niwa) were presented to an adult H. brevitubus at densities of 10, 20, 30, and 40 larvae per cage at 25 °C over 24 h, the number of larvae consumed per day increased with an increasing density up to 30. Predation of H. brevitubus exhibited the type II functional response. The mean development time of the egg, larva, and pupa of H. brevitubus were 4.5, 9.6, and 4.8 days, respectively, at 25 °C. The survival rate from egg to adult emergence was 94.7%. One H. brevitubus larva consumed 41.6 P. mori larvae on average during the total larval period. Adult longevity was 35.2 days in females and 34.6 days in males. The pre-oviposition period was 2.7 days and the oviposition period was 31.5 days. The lifetime fecundity was 120.1 eggs and the mean daily oviposition rate was 3.6 eggs. Calculated mean generation time (T) was 29.5 days, intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) was 0.162, and net reproductive rate (R0) was 56.5. The rm value of H. brevitubus was higher than that of Thrips palmi Karny and almost equal to that of Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande). These results indicate that H. brevitubus has good potential as a predator of P. mori and is likely to be useful for controlling thrips.  相似文献   

记述采自中国四川苔草上的缨翅目蓟马科1新记录属:楔蓟马属Smilothrips Bhatti和1新记录种:长楔蓟马Smilothrips productus Bhatti, 1976,首次描述了该种的短翅型、微翅型以及若虫。  相似文献   

A key is provided to the species of Aptinothrips: elegans Priesner, karnyi John, rufus (Haliday) and stylifer Trybom, with notes on their biology, host preferences and distribution. The following new synonymies are also included: Thrips imaginis Bagnall (= Aptinothrips apertus Kelly and Mayne); Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom (= Aptinothrips nitidulus forma groenlandica Richter).  相似文献   

Four new species of the genus Frankliniella Karny are described, two from Chile, F. rahakana sp. n. and F. otites sp. n.; one from Costa Rica, F. senckenbergiana sp. n. and one from Argentina, F. amigoi sp. n. F. rahakana sp. n. belongs to the ‘intonsa group’ and the other three to the ‘minuta group’ of Frankliniella.  相似文献   

记述中国缨翅目蓟马科1新记录属:梯背蓟马属Tenothrips Bhatti和1新记录种:变色梯背蓟马T. discolor (Karny, 1907)。研究标本保存在浙江大学昆虫研究所标本馆。  相似文献   

三种花蓟马触角感器的超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李维娜  冯纪年 《昆虫学报》2013,56(9):1088-1100
采用扫描电子显微镜对花蓟马Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom)、 禾花蓟马F. tenuicornis (Uzel) 和西花蓟马F. occidentalis (Pergande) 3种国内危害严重的农业害虫的两性成虫触角感器超微结构进行观察和比较, 旨在明确3种花蓟马两性成虫触角上的感器类型、 数量、 分布及超微形态特征, 明晰3种花蓟马触角感器差异, 进而补充蓟马感器详细资料、 完善蓟马形态学研究。结果表明: 3种花蓟马两性成虫触角上均有8种感器类型, 即Böhm氏鬃毛、 钟形感器、 毛形感器、 刺形感器、 锥形感器、 腔锥形感器、 腔形感器和特殊结构感器。触角各节上感器的分布和数量并不均匀。分析结果显示, 各类感器在触角上的分布相对稳定, 具有一定规律; 近缘种间和同种两性间触角感器的形态及分布无明显差异。  相似文献   

Diagnostic morphological characters of the juvenile Panchaetothripinae in New Zealand are illustrated. Keys developed enable colonies with only immature stages to be identified without needing to rear adults. Live larvae or larvae in ethanol are distinguished by the presence of expanded tips of body setae (Parthenothrips dracaenae), the absence of setae at the abdomen tip (Hercinothrips bicinctus), setae at abdomen tip not longer than abdominal tip width (Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis) and abdominal tip setae longer than abdominal tip width (Sigmothrips aotearoana, endemic species). The presence or absence of spine-like setae on abdominal segments 9 and 10, and the number and length of setae on the wing buds, enable identification of pupae. Abdominal spine-like setae were on the prepupa and pupa of H. bicinctus and S. aotearoana, species that pupate off the plant, and are probably defensive structures. This is the first record of spine-like setae on segment 10 of terebrantian pupae.  相似文献   

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