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李立  虞国跃 《昆虫知识》2009,46(1):72-76
室内用铁杉球Adelges tsugae Annand(Hemlock woolly adelgids)蚜卵、1~4龄若虫、成虫饲养斑翅肩花蝽Tetraphleps galchanoides Ghauri,研究斑翅肩花蝽对铁杉球蚜Adelges tsugae Annand(Hemlock woolly adelgids)的捕食效应。结果表明,斑翅肩花蝽对铁杉球蚜的捕食功能反应属于HollingⅡ型反应,对球蚜密度的捕食干扰反应可能存在种内的干扰作用。对于同一发育期同一密度猎物,斑翅肩花蝽成虫或若虫在高密度条件下的日均捕食量均显著高于低猎物密度下的日均捕食量;而对于不同发育期不同密度猎物,斑翅肩花蝽在低猎物密度时对测定的铁杉球蚜6个不同虫态无明显选择性;在中、高密度时斑翅肩花蝽对测定的铁杉球蚜的不同虫态表现出明显喜好性差异,若虫最喜好食铁杉球蚜卵和1龄若虫,成虫最喜好食铁杉球蚜4龄若虫和成虫。为评价和利用斑翅肩花蝽对铁杉球蚜防治作用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

李立  杨佳妮  杨桦  胡海宏 《昆虫学报》2013,56(1):104-110
斑翅肩花蝽 Tetraphleps galchanoides Ghauri是铁杉球蚜 Adelges tsugae (Annand) (hemlock woolly adelgid)的重要天敌。为开展斑翅肩花蝽的人工繁殖, 我们自主研制了一种主要成分为蛋白质、 脂肪、 碳水化合物的原料配制布丁人工饲料, 所配制人工饲料产率为74.5%, 含水率为8.6%, 感官评定得分为81.7分。为评价斑翅肩花蝽布丁人工饲料的饲养效果, 在实验室以铁杉球蚜作对照, 用布丁人工饲料饲养斑翅肩花蝽, 测定了斑翅肩花蝽若虫发育历期、 存活率及成虫繁殖力, 并调查了若虫和成虫林间捕食量。结果表明: 用布丁人工饲料饲养的斑翅肩花蝽若虫发育历期(103.2±6.5 d)与对照的若虫发育历期(105.7±8.4 d)不存在显著差异(P>0.05); 用布丁人工饲料饲养的斑翅肩花蝽若虫存活率(73.2%)略低于对照的若虫存活率(77.4%), 而且第1, 2和3代成虫获得率相近; 取食布丁人工饲料的斑翅肩花蝽成虫, 在产卵前期、 产卵期、 产卵量与对照组均无显著差异, 但孵化率、 成虫寿命存在显著差异, 取食布丁人工饲料的卵孵化率为85.8%, 成虫寿命为51.9±4.0 d, 而对照组的卵孵化率仅为71.4%, 成虫寿命仅为37.4±2.6 d。林间释放用布丁人工饲料饲养的斑翅肩花蝽, 若虫和成虫均有效捕食铁杉球蚜。因此, 此种布丁人工饲料可用于大量饲养繁殖斑翅肩花蝽, 满足大面积生物防治铁杉球蚜的需要。  相似文献   

斑翅食蚧蚜小蜂的生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
斑翅食蚧蚜小蜂Coccophagus ceroplastae是橡副珠蜡蚧Parasaissetia nigra的重要内寄生蜂。对斑翅食蚧蚜小蜂的形态特征进行了描述,在实验室条件下观察了斑翅食蚧蚜小蜂的行为、发育、存活、繁殖等生物学特性。结果表明:斑翅食蚧蚜小蜂幼虫分3龄,完成一个世代需21-26d。卵巢左右成对,各由3条卵巢管组成,为发育成熟型,成虫期补充营养和发育时间对抱卵量的影响不明显。羽化后即可进行交配,交配时间2-3s,雄蜂有竞争交配行为,交配对雌蜂产卵有显著刺激作用。产卵行为有寻找、寄主检查、产卵器刺探、产卵、产卵针拔出等步骤,存在过寄生现象。羽化主要是在08:00-10:00,温度、相对湿度、光照对其羽化节律均有影响,温度升高羽化提前,且相对集中;相对湿度在20%-90%范围内,随湿度的升高成虫羽化高蜂延后;而光照时间过长或过短均可使斑翅食蚧蚜小蜂的羽化相对分散。随着温度的升高,雌成蜂的寿命逐渐缩短;补充营养能延长成虫寿命,取食10%蔗糖的寿命最长,清水和无补充营养寿命短。  相似文献   

东亚小花蝽对西方花蓟马和二斑叶螨的捕食选择性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙晓会  徐学农  王恩东 《生态学报》2009,29(11):6285-6291
多食性天敌对猎物的捕食选择性及猎物密度对天敌捕食的干扰作用直接影响到天敌对不同猎物的控制作用.在实验室条件下研究了东亚小花蝽对西方花蓟马和/或二斑叶螨不同虫态的捕食选择性,以及两猎物中一种猎物的密度变化对小花蝽取食另一种猎物的影响.结果如下:东亚小花蝽5龄若虫和成虫对西方花蓟马2龄若虫的捕食选择性均强于对其成虫,对二斑叶螨的选择性为雌成螨>若螨>幼螨.实验中西方花蓟马2龄若虫是东亚小花蝽最喜好的虫态.二斑叶螨雌成螨密度固定为60头/19.63cm2,西方花蓟马若虫密度从10增加到60时显著地减少了东亚小花蝽对二斑叶螨的取食.反之,固定西方花蓟马同样密度,增加二斑叶螨密度却没有显著改变小花蝽对西方花蓟马的取食.此结果进一步表明,西方花蓟马是东亚小花蝽更喜好的猎物.  相似文献   

记述花蝽科Anthocoridae2新种:阿拉善肩花蝽Tetraphleps alashanensis sp.nov.,五斑肩花蝽Tetraphleps maculatus sp.nov.,小花蝽属Orius Wolff中国2新纪录种:细鞭小花蝽Orius laticollis laticollis(Reuter),西伯利亚小花蝽Oriussibiricus Wagner。模式标本保存于内蒙古师范大学昆虫研究所标本馆。  相似文献   

基于地理信息系统的耕地苜蓿斑蚜种群发生的适宜生境   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
基于地理信息系统(GIS)技术,将宁夏固原市原州区不同时期耕地苜蓿斑蚜种群分布插值图与生态气候图、数字高程图进行叠加,分析了苜蓿斑蚜密度与生态环境和地理分布之间的关系.结果表明:研究区苜蓿斑蚜的分布和发生程度与气候、地貌和海拔密切相关,苜蓿斑蚜在研究区的适宜生境为海拔1440~2000 m的半干旱平原区和半干旱丘陵区,最易暴发成灾的区域为海拔1600~1800 m的半干旱平原区.苜蓿斑蚜的适宜生境与不同时期的空间分布插值图相结合,可定量分析各生态区苜蓿斑蚜种群的空间动态.  相似文献   

【目的】为明确高温胁迫下对六斑月瓢虫Menochilussexmaculates的生物学特性及其捕食作用的影响。【方法】在35℃高温处理不同时长(3、6、9 h)的胁迫下,探究六斑月瓢虫的生长发育、存活、繁殖力和虫态特征的变化规律,同时评估了其对豆蚜Aphis craccivora的捕食功能与寻找效应。【结果】与25℃饲喂相比,高温胁迫下六斑月瓢虫的幼期历期和雌雄虫寿命随着胁迫时长的增加而缩短,且高温胁迫不同程度降低了六斑月瓢虫的产卵量、卵孵化率和幼期存活率,而对六斑月瓢虫4龄幼虫、成虫的体长和虫重无影响。通过研究捕食作用,与常温25℃相比,35℃高温胁迫在一定程度上促进了六斑月瓢虫对蚜虫的捕食效能,其中在高温胁迫9 h后,其捕食能力(a'/Th)和寻找效应(S)均高于3 h和6 h的。【结论】高温对六斑月瓢虫的生物学特性产生负面的影响,而对其捕食活动具有正面的影响。研究结果为六斑月瓢虫的生物防治提供了科学依据,同时为全球气候变暖下天敌昆虫的保护与利用奠定了基础数据。  相似文献   

中国肩花蝽属雌性交配管的形态研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
柯云玲  卜文俊 《昆虫学报》2005,48(3):391-395
半翅目花蝽科(Anthocoridae) 昆虫的种类鉴定通常是以雄性外生殖器特征为主, 雌虫的种类鉴定一直是研究中的难点。本文研究了中国肩花蝽属 Tetraphleps 已知5个种雌虫的交配管,包括黑色肩花蝽T. aterrimus (Sahlberg)、斑翅肩花蝽T. galchanoides Ghauri、毛肩花蝽T. pilosulus Bu et Zheng、直长肩花蝽T. parallelus Bu et Zheng和玉龙肩花蝽T. yulongensis Bu et Zheng。发现交配管的构造在种内变异小、特征稳定,而在种间差别明显,可作为该属雌虫种类鉴定的可靠依据。  相似文献   

The mutual predation between two polyphagous predators, Orius majusculus (Reuter) (Hemiptera, Anthocoridae) and Macrolophus caliginosus Wagner (Heteroptera: Miridae), was examined in laboratory experiments with and without presence of Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Adults of O. majusculus preyed upon M. caliginosus in the absence and in some circumstances also in the presence of F. occidentalis, whereas neither nymphs nor adults of M. caliginosus preyed upon O. majusculus. Orius majusculus nymphs did not prey upon M. caliginosus. The predation of O. majusculus on F. occidentalis was unaffected by the presence of M. caliginosus suggesting that the presence of this mirid will not hamper biological control of F. occidentalis.  相似文献   

[目的]明确巴氏新小绥螨Neoseiulus barkeri毒死蜱抗性对其生物学特性的影响,为抗药性捕食螨田间应用提供理论基础.[方法]在室内采用药膜法测定毒死蜱对巴氏新小绥螨的毒力,以半致死浓度(lethal medium concentration,LC50)为选择压力,对巴氏新小绥螨敏感种群进行逐代汰选.应用生命...  相似文献   

Bacterial endosymbionts of sap-sucking insects provide their host with a num- ber of beneficial qualities,including the supply of nutrition,defense against parasitoids, and protection from heat stress.Damage to these bacterial associates can therefore have a negative impact on the fitness of their insect host.We evaluated observational and experi- mental factors regarding the normative hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae Annand) (Hemiptera:Adelgidae)to help understand the roles of its three recently identified symbionts,including under heat stress conditions.The prevalence of A.tsugae's facultafive symbiont (Serratia symbiotica)was examined at different spatial scales to determine how variable infection rates are for this symbiont.There was no significant difference found in infection rates between adelgids on a tree,within a plot,or within a state.However, significantly more adelgids in Georgia (95%)had S.symbiotica compared to those in New York (68%).Microsatellite genotyping of the adelgids found that this difference was most likely not the result of a second introduction ofA.tsugae into eastern North America.Comparison orS.symbiotica proportions between first and fourth instars showed that symbiont absence did not affect the ability ofA.tsugae to survive aestivation.Evaluations of sym- biont densities within each adelgid found that when S.symbiotica was absent,the density of obligate symbionts was significantly higher.Exposure to heat stress (32.5℃)was not consistently correlated with changes in symbiont densities over a 4-d period.Overall,we have shown that symbiont prevalence and densities vary within the broad population of A.tsugae in eastern North America,with potentially significant effects upon the ecology of this important pest.  相似文献   

The influence of light and habitat structure on the predation of Culex quinquefasciatus larvae by the common heteropteran water bug, Diplonychus (=Sphaerodema) annulatus, D. rusticus and Anisops bouvieri was assessed in the laboratory. It was revealed that water bugs predate more in presence of light than in dark conditions. While A. bouvieri consumed more prey in structured conditions, D. annulatus and D. rusticus consumed more prey in open conditions. The selection of prey size as well as the respective numbers varied between predators and treatments significantly. Prey vulnerability (PV), an indicator of predatory efficiency, was highest for D. annulatus, moderate for D. rusticus and low for A. bouvieri. Prey consumption and PV values under different treatment conditions indicate that for belostomatid water bugs D. annulatus and D. rusticus, the order of prey consumption under different habitat and light/dark combinations is light open > dark open > light vegetated > dark vegetated. In the case of the backswimmer, A. bouvieri, the order of prey consumption appeared to be light structured > dark structured > light open > dark open. These findings were consistent with resource‐partitioning by water bug species sharing the same guild. If the observed results are extended to natural settings the efficiency of these predators in controlling mosquito populations will vary with the structural complexity of habitats and the intensity of light.  相似文献   

The life cycle and several life parameters of the zoophytophagous predator Engytatus varians (Distant) (Heteroptera: Miridae), including nymphal growth according to Dyar’s rule, were examined in the laboratory. The egg, nymph (five instars), and adult stages were 9.20, 17.36, and 19.02?d in length, respectively. The growth ratio for nymphs was consistent with Dyar’s rule based on the lengths of the femora of the forelegs, the tibiae and femora of the middle legs, and the antennae. Some biological characteristics of E. varians were also evaluated when the mirid was fed three different diets (B. cockerelli third instars, Sitotroga cerealella Olivier [Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae] eggs, and a mixture of both instars and eggs). The length of the nymphal stage was three days longer on a diet of only S. cerealella eggs than when the mirids were fed the third instars of B. cockerelli only or a mixture of both. The sex ratio was not affected by the type of diet. Nymphs of E. varians consumed B. cockerelli nymphs (80–85) when fed third instars only and third instars?+?S. cerealella eggs, respectively. The potential use of this predator as a biological control agent of B. cockerelli is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of the predatory backswimmer, Anisops sardea, on oviposition habitat selection of mosquitoes and other dipterans, and on community structure in experimental pools. We predicted that those dipteran species whose larvae were shown to be highly vulnerable to predation by Anisops would avoid Anisops pools when choosing an oviposition site. We established the following treatments in plastic tubs: (1) Control (without Anisops); (2) Free Anisops (ten Anisops within pool but not caged); (3) Caged Anisops (ten Anisops in cage). The pools were open to colonization by insects. We added resting stages of crustaceans and first instar larvae of the mosquitoes Culiseta longiareolata and Culex laticinctus. Among the dipteran species, Culiseta longiareolata, Culex laticinctus, Chironomus riparius (Chironomidae) and Forcipomyia sp. (Ceratopogonidae), only Culisetalarvae were highly vulnerable to predation. As predicted, based on larval vulnerability, Culiseta, but not the other species, avoided Anisops pools when ovipositing. Free Anisops reduced taxon richness. This reduction resulted largely from the elimination of the cladoceran Ceriodaphniasp. and Culiseta in most free Anisops pools. Thus, Anisops sardea structures the community, both by a behavioral response of prey to its presence and by consumption of prey.  相似文献   

Lechwe habitat use was studied intensively for 2.5 years and monitored for a further 7.5 years in the Linyanti Swamp, northern Botswana. It was found to be highly selective with respect to both resting and feeding sites. The selection of resting sites was probably a function of predator avoidance behaviour, while the selection of feeding sites was probably a function of pasture quality. The results of the study were consistent with the argument of IIlius & Gordon (1987) that sexual segregation of feeding sites is due to allometry of food intake and with the contention of Jarman (1974) that social factors may also affect habitat use.


On a étudié intensément depuis 2.5 ans, et surveillé depuis 7.5 ans supplémentaires, la façon dont les Iechwe utilisent l'habitat dans les marais de Linyanti, au nord du Botswana. On a trouvé qu'ils étaient très selectifs, tant pour les endroits de repos que pour ceux où ils se nourrissent. La sélection des endroits de repos était liée au comportement visant àéviter les prédateurs, tandis que le choix des sites de nourrissage était probablement fonction de la qualité du fourrage. Les résultats de cette étude concordent avec la discussion de Illius & Gordon (1987) sur le fait que la ségrégation sexuelle des sites de nourrissage est due à l'allométrie de la ration alimentaire, et avec l'affirmation de Jarman (1974), que des facteurs sociaux aussi peuvent affecter l'utilisation de l'habitat.  相似文献   

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