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普通小麦×栽培大麦杂种植株及其回交后代的产生和鉴定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以小麦做母本与大麦杂交结实率仅0.77%。本试验通过幼胚培养获得了杂种植株,胚培出苗率37.14%。杂种植株在形态上与小麦相似,完全自交不育。F_1体细胞染色体数目为28,和预期结果一致。花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ每个细胞平均二价体数为0.98,单价体数为26.04。用普通小麦做父本与杂种回交,回交结实率为0.26%。  相似文献   

普通小麦与滨麦的杂交   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
小麦与滨麦杂交很困难。我们通过幼胚培养获得了杂种,杂交结实率为2.35%,幼胚培养出苗率为66.67%。杂种表现为双亲的中间型。花粉母细胞减数分裂中期I每个细胞平均为1.21个二价体和32.45个单价体。杂种花粉粒败育。以小麦花粉与杂种回交没有成功,而对秋水仙碱处理后的杂种植株授粉时,获得了种子,回交结实率为0.34%。  相似文献   

普通小麦和新麦草属间杂种的产生及细胞遗传学研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
孙根楼  颜济 《遗传学报》1992,19(4):322-326
进行了普通小麦和华山新麦草属间杂交,运用杂种幼胚培养技术,首次成功地获得了它们的属间杂种。F_1形态趋于中间型,均完全不育。F_1花粉母细胞预期类型(2n=28)的减数分裂中期Ⅰ平均染色体配对构型为26.72Ⅰ+0.62Ⅱ+0.01Ⅲ,后期Ⅰ和后期Ⅱ有落后染色体,多分体具大量微核。结果表明普通小麦和华山新麦草的染色体组间不存在同源或部分同源性。还观察到花粉母细胞异常减数分裂现象。用普通小麦回交,未获得回交后代。  相似文献   

以小麦为母本与大麦杂交,通过幼胚培养,获得小大麦属间杂种。杂种自交不育。以中国春和昌农82小麦的混合花粉给杂种授粉,得到回交一代(BC_1F_1),结实率为4.35%。以78380—1和密穗早小麦的混合花粉及小偃107分别与 BC_1F_1回交,获得回交二代(BC_2F_1),结实率为45.45%和31.25%。F_1体细胞染色体数为非整倍体,其变幅从18到27条之间,以2n=2l条较多。花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ单价体细胞为37.0%,1—4个不等二价体细胞为63.0%。F_1形态类似普通小麦。回交后代表型多为亲本中间型,也有少数超亲现象。在BC_2F_4代中,整倍体细胞(2n=42)占大多数(80.83%),染色体构型比较复杂,主要有21Ⅲ,20Ⅲ+2 Ⅰ和19Ⅲ十4 Ⅰ三种,以21Ⅲ的细胞较多(75.03%)。从分离后代中选育出单体(21Ⅲ+1 Ⅰ)和二体(22Ⅲ)异附加系及具突出性状的新类型。  相似文献   

鹅观草与大麦属间杂种的形态和细胞遗传学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
蒋继明  刘大钧 《遗传学报》1990,17(5):373-376
用活体/离体幼胚培养法成功地获得了鹅观草(Roegneria kamooji,2n=12,SSHHYY)与大麦(Hordeum vulgare,2n=14,11)间的属间杂种。杂交结实率为31.4%,胚培成苗率60.9%。杂种表现一年生,具有很强的生活力,形态上偏向鹅观草。F_1自交不孕,用大麦回交亦不结实。杂种具有预期的2n=28(SHYI)条染色体,花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ平均形成26.38个单价体,0.67个棒状二价体,0.12个环状二价体和0.02个三价体。本文对双亲染色体组间的同源性以及在大麦育种中利用鹅观草种质的可能性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

八倍体小滨麦的形成及细胞遗传学研究   总被引:26,自引:4,他引:22  
傅杰  陈漱阳 《遗传学报》1993,20(4):317-323
通过普通小麦(AABBDD 2n=42)与滨麦(JJNN 2n=28)杂种幼胚培养,获得F_17株(ABDJN 2n=35)。用秋水仙碱处理分蘖节后,再用普通小麦回交得到11粒种子。幼胚培养后得到BC_1F_17株(AABBDDJN 2n=56)。经过连续自交选育至BC_1F_0代,获得3种穗型的八倍体小滨麦(AABBDDJJ或AABBDDNN)。根尖细胞染色体数目为52—56。花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ,2n=28Ⅱ的细胞占45.38—48.89%,染色体构型为1.69Ⅰ+27.07Ⅱ+0.06Ⅲ。株高89—105厘米;穗长13—16厘米;小花数96—108个;籽粒红色、大粒、不饱满,千粒重44.5—51克;自交和天然结实率分别为27.70—54.58%,49.48—58.63%;成熟期偏晚;耐寒耐旱;抗条锈、秆锈、叶锈、赤霉和白粉病。  相似文献   

将澳大利亚披碱草(Elymus scabervar.scaber,2n=6x=42,StYW)和华山新麦草(Psathyrostachys huas-hanica,2n=2x=14,Ns)进行属间杂交,成功获得杂种F1。分析亲本及其杂种F1的形态特征、繁育特性及花粉母细胞减数分裂染色体配对行为发现:杂种F1形态特征介于父母本之间,分蘖数等农艺性状超过双亲;花粉完全不育,结实率为0。亲本减数分裂染色体配对正常,但杂种F1花粉母细胞在减数分裂中期I染色体几乎没有配对,其构型为:27.31Ⅰ 0.01Ⅱ(环) 0.32Ⅱ(棒) 0.01Ⅲ,C值仅为0.01。以上结果表明:澳大利亚披碱草的StYW染色体组与华山新麦草的Ns染色体组间无同源性,它们之间的亲缘关系甚远。  相似文献   

普通小麦与簇毛麦双二倍体的合成,育性及细胞遗传学研究   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
傅杰  陈漱阳 《遗传学报》1989,16(5):348-356
通过杂种幼胚无性系培养获得大量再生植株F_1,经秋水仙碱处理,合成了普通小麦与簇毛麦属间双二倍体(AABBDDVV)。其形态特征除株高、穗长、小穗数,籽粒大小和育性明显增加,生育期延长外,分别与各自的再生植株F_1相似。双二倍体的体细胞染色体数目变化范围为48—56。花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ 2n=28Ⅱ的细胞占56.82%,每个细胞平均有27.10个二价体,1.44个单价体,0.08个三价体,0.03个四价体。经过连续两代单穗单株选择,结实率由15.91%提高到36.52%。  相似文献   

研究了小麦×天蓝冰草(Agropyron glaucum)后代五个中间类型的根端细胞染色体数和花粉母细胞染色体构型。每个中间类型的体细胞染色体数皆为28对(2n=56),而减数分裂终变期或中期Ⅰ的花粉母细胞具有28个二价体。大多数花粉母细胞减数分裂过程是正常的。只在少数花粉母细胞中看到后期Ⅰ或末期Ⅰ有落后染色体和断片。作者从观察得出结论,小麦×天蓝冰草后代这五个中间类型都是异源八倍体。对这些异源八倍体的利用作了简短讨论。  相似文献   

抗小麦全蚀病中间材料H8911(BC1F1)是通过小麦与华山新麦草杂种幼胚培养及杂种F1(ABDN2n=28)再与小麦回交后得到的。根尖细胞染色体数目49条,花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ,染色体构型为20.85(19~21)Ⅱ 7.30(7~11)Ⅰ,21Ⅱ 7Ⅰ的细胞占86.67%。BC1F2和BC1F3体细胞染色体数目范围分别为45~53和44~52,49条染色体的植株类型分别占30.19%和27.50%,华山新麦草染色体丢失率分别为11.85%和13.14%;花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ,染色体构型分别为20.62(18~22)Ⅱ 7.64(5~13)Ⅰ 0.04(0~1)Ⅲ和20.53(17~22)Ⅱ 7.79(5~15)Ⅰ 0.05(0~1)Ⅲ,21Ⅱ 7Ⅰ的细胞分别占77.24%和69.42%。随着自交世代的延续,21Ⅱ 7Ⅰ细胞的传递能力逐渐降低。利用H8911作供体,选育出小麦-华山新麦草抗全蚀病新种质13个,其中1个附加系表现近高度抗病性,6个附加系、3个代换系和3个易位系材料表现中度抗病性。  相似文献   

以加拿大披碱草(2n=4x=28)和圆柱披碱草(2n=6x=42)为材料,对其BC1植株染色体数目、配对构型以及花粉育性和结实性等进行了鉴定。结果显示:BC1代85%以上细胞染色体数目为28条(2n=4x=28);BC1植株的花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ染色体配对行为较规则,其平均染色体构型分别为0.04Ⅰ 13.98Ⅱ,且环状二价体多于棒状二价体;BC1植株的花粉可育率和自然结实率分别为84.83%和70.98%,说明BC1植株的育性已得到恢复,为其后代优良株系的选育奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Summary Studies of the chromosomal composition of pollen plants regenerated from the F1 of hybrids produced from Triticum-Agropyron intermediate type and common wheat demonstrated that various gametic types of the F1 could be fully expressed at the whole plant level via anther culture. The observed frequency of each of the eight types of pollen plants (based on their chromosome numbers) was in good agreement with the theoretical probabilities as shown by X2 analysis. Comparative studies of the chromosome composition of somatic cells and pollen mother cells (PMC's) of selected pollen plants permitted classification of the plants into four distinct classes. The majority of these regenerated pollen plants had identical chromosome numbers in both root tip cells and PMC's. An alien disomic addition line, which was cytologically stable for two generations, was obtained directly from anther culture. Moreover, the addition line exhibits resistance to stripe rust disease, a trait which is conferred by the Agropyron chromosome. We suggest that anther culture techniques provide a unique and expeditious route for the introduction of alien genes or chromosomes into wheat cultivars.  相似文献   

孙善澄  袁文业 《遗传学报》1996,23(3):214-219
通过胚培养产生了小麦-偃麦草-簇毛麦-黑麦四属杂种。用4个六倍体小偃麦,2个六倍体小簇麦,2个六倍体小黑麦及1个八倍体小偃麦配置了6个四属杂种组合。结果没有出现高度不亲和性。6个组合的杂交结实率分别为6.2%、9.4%、2.4%、9.5%、25.0%和3.9%;胚培成苗率分别为12.1%、20%、37.4%、40%、1.1%和7.1%。结果表明,杂交结实率与胚培成苗率间没有相关性。杂种F1生活力旺盛,形态具有四个属的特征特性。杂种属于自交高不育与低育类型。5个低育类型自交结实率平均约1.2%。四属杂种体细胞染色体数目的变化为36、37、38、39、40和41。其中多数属于具有38个左右染色体的植株。  相似文献   

Interspecific hybrids between Cucumis hystrix Chakr. (2n = 2 x = 24) and Cucumis sativus L. (2n = 2 x = 14) were produced by means of F(1) (2n = 19) embryo rescue and subsequent chromosome doubling. The hybridity was confirmed by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) and chromosome analysis. The amphidiploid (2n = 38) was self-pollinated and backcrossed to cucumber resulting in lines with improved crossability to C. sativus. Examination of shape, stainability, and germination rate of pollen grains and yield as a function of mature fruit set per ten pollinated flowers indicated a tendency for increased fertility in BC(1)S(1) progeny when compared to F(1) and amphidiploid offspring. Cytogenetic characterization of F(1) and amphidiploid progeny was performed. Generally normal meioses produced viable pollen grains, and fertilization resulted in partial fertility restoration in amphidiploid progeny. Chromosome anomalies such as "frying-pan trivalent", chromosome lagging and spindle mis-orientation were also observed. In most of the PMCs of the F(1) diploid hybrid progeny, 19 univalents were observed at diakinesis and MI. In the amphidiploid, more than 90% of the configurations at MI consisted of the predicted 19 bivalents and less than 5% contained multivalents [trivalents (2.3%) + quadrivalents (0.3%)], suggesting the presence of preferential pairing, and a distinctive parental genome as well. The chiasmata observed between homoeologous chromosomes further demonstrated the introgression of the C. hystrix genome into that of C. sativus.  相似文献   

Summary Intergeneric hybrids were produced between common wheat, Triticum aestivum (2n=6x=42, AABBDD) and wheatgrass, Etymus caninus (Agropyron caninum) (2n=4x=28, SSHH) — the first successful report of this cross. Reciprocal crosses and genotypes differed for percent seed set, seed development and F1 hybrid plant production. With E. caninus as the pollen parent, there was no hybrid seed set. In the reciprocal cross, seed set was 23.1–25.4% depending upon wheat genotype used. Hybrid plants were produced only by rescuing embryos 12–13 days post pollination with cv Chinese Spring as the wheat parent. Kinetin in the medium facilitated embryo germination but inhibited root development and seedling growth. The hybrids were vigorous, self sterile, and intermediate between parents. These had expected chromosome number (2n=5x=35, ABDSH), very little chromosome pairing (0.51 II, 0.04 III) and some secondary associations. The hybrids were successfully backcrossed with wheat. Chromosome number in the BC1 derivatives varied 54–58 with 56 as the modal class. The BC1 derivatives showed unusually high number of rod bivalents or reduced pairing of wheat homologues. These were sterile and BC2 seed was produced using wheat pollen.  相似文献   

杨艳萍  陈佩度 《遗传》2009,31(3):290-296
通过胚拯救, 成功获得鹅观草Roegneria kamoji (2n=6x=42, SSHHYY)和普通小麦中国春Triticum aesti-vum (2n=6x=42, AABBDD)的正反交属间杂种F1, 并对这些杂种F1及其BC1的形态学、减数分裂配对行为、育性和赤霉病抗性进行研究。结果表明, (鹅观草×中国春)F1和(中国春×鹅观草)F1的形态介于双亲之间。杂种F1花粉母细胞减数分裂中期I染色体构型分别为40.33I + 0.78II + 0.03III和40.40I + 0.79II 。杂种F1高度雄性不育, 用中国春花粉与其回交可获得BC1代种子。(鹅观草×中国春) F1×中国春BC1植株的染色体数目主要分布在55~63之间, 单价体较多, 植株高度不育; (中国春×鹅观草)F1×中国春BC1植株染色体数目也主要分布在55~63之间, 但其中部分植株拥有整套小麦染色体且能正常配对、分离, 可形成部分可育花粉粒, 能收到少量自交结实种子。在 (鹅观草×中国春)F1中有1株穗型趋向中国春, 其染色体数目为2n=63, 经染色体分子原位杂交(GISH)检测, 含有42条小麦染色体和21条鹅观草染色体。该杂种F1在减数分裂中期I平均每个花粉母细胞有26.40I+18.30II, 但植株高度雄性不育, 用中国春花粉回交能收到BC1种子。(鹅观草×中国春) F1 (2n=63)×中国春BC1的染色体数目主要分布在40~59之间, 其中的外源染色体已经逐渐减少, 虽然该BC1的穗型已接近中国春, 但仍然高度不育。赤霉病抗性鉴定结果显示, 所有杂种F1及大部分BC1对赤霉病均表现出较好的抗性。  相似文献   

以不同类型的大白菜与紫甘蓝为材料,运用蕾期授粉结合胚挽救技术获得大白菜与紫甘蓝的种间杂种,并对其进行细胞学鉴定.结果表明,大白菜与紫甘蓝杂交,获得了57株F1代幼苗;对根尖染色体数量进行观察和杂种花粉特性调查发现,其中47株具有预期的染色体数目,2n =19,鉴定为真杂种,其花粉败育;另有6株具有38条染色体,鉴定为种间异源双二倍体,应该是发生了染色体自然加倍,其花粉可育.可育的杂种F1代与大白菜回交,获得了大白菜-紫甘蓝BC1代材料.田间观测结果显示,杂种F1代植株综合性状均介于双亲之间,BC1代植株包球明显,综合性状偏向母本大白菜.  相似文献   

小麦与赖草远缘杂交的受精和胚胎发育   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
对小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)和赖草(Leym ussecalinusTzrel.)杂交的受精和胚胎发育进行了观察.赖草花粉在小麦柱头上萌发良好,花粉管可顺利长入花柱和胚囊,在检查过的319个小麦子房中,62个(19.44% )发生了双受精,产生了胚和胚乳,但胚乳的发育往往落后于胚的发育;49个(15.36% )发生了单卵受精,只产生胚而无胚乳;7个(2.19% )发生了单极核受精,只产生胚乳而无胚.小麦×赖草虽然总受精率可高达36.99% ,然而由于胚乳的缺乏或发育不完全,致使最后结实率很低.从150朵授过赖草花粉的小麦颖花中,只得到1粒种子.表明利用胚培养技术对杂种胚进行早期离体培养,可望提高杂种植株的获得率  相似文献   

To improve Brassica nigra, the B-genome donor for Brassica juncea through selective introgression of useful variation from A-genome chromosomes, B. nigra-B. rapa chromosome addition stocks were successfully synthesized for the first time. Resynthesized B. juncea was used as B-genome donor species and A-genome addition stocks were developed by hybridizing sesquidiploid plant (ABB) as female and using B. nigra as the male parent. Various cycles of backcrossing and/or selfing were utilized to isolate plants carrying addition of three A-genome chromosomes in the background of B. nigra. These chromosome addition stocks were characterized by chromosome counts, pollen and seed fertility and chromosome specific microsatellite (SSRs) markers. The chromosome number in different backcross/self generations ranged between 2n=26 and 2n=19 with relatively high frequency of univalents (8-10I) at in meiotic configurations observed, suggesting the role of preferential transmission of A-genome chromosomes. SSRs analysis revealed that B. rapa chromosomes 3 and 4 were the first to get eliminated followed by chromosome 10. Remaining chromosomes were maintained till BC(1)F(4). However, second cycle of backcrossing (BC(2)) led to the elimination of chromosome numbers 1 and 2. BC(2)F(2) plants carried the chromosome numbers 6, 7, 8 and 9. Generation BC(3) having plants with 2n=19 carried chromosome numbers 6, 7 and 8. It is possible that chromosomes 6, 7 and 8 had higher transmission frequency and these were better tolerated by the B. nigra genome.  相似文献   

Senda T  Hiraoka Y  Tominaga T 《Hereditas》2005,142(2005):45-50
Interspecific crossing between L. temulentum L. and L. persicum Boiss. & Hohen. ex Boiss. was performed to clarify their interfertility based on the results of chromosome pairing, pollen fertility and seed set. Both parents were normal with a high percentage of chromosome association of ring bivalents in contrast to rod bivalents at metaphase I, pollen fertility and seed set, but F1 hybrids showed different proportions of them for each crossing combination. Chromosome affinity expressed by pairing was certainly a factor affecting the pollen fertility or seed set in F1 hybrids, but it was not the most important. The positive correlation was generally found between pollen fertility and seed set of F1 hybrids. The L. persicum accession with relatively high interfertility with L. temulentum was supposed to be derived from natural hybridization between L. temulentum and L. persicum. The degree of cytogenetic differentiation between L. temulentum and L. persicum existed because of lower chromosomal pairing, pollen fertility and seed set, but their F1 hybrids were partially fertile.  相似文献   

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