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用噬菌体随机肽库确定抗TNF单抗识别的表位   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
用抗肿瘤坏死因了T5单抗做为筛选配基,对经DNA和氨基酸组成分析证明具有良好随机性的6肽库进行亲和筛选,以期确定T5单抗识别的表位。经过三轮筛选后,以硝酸纤维素膜斑点印迹及ELISA法观察到良好的富集效果。  相似文献   

本文利用逆转录病毒载体Dol,在其BamHI酶切位点插入猪TGF-β1 1.7kbcKNA,构建成表达质粒,并用磷酸钙沉淀法将该质粒DNA转染到小鼠ES-5细胞,经G418筛选获得抗G418的ES-5细胞克隆(ES-T),经RNA点杂交,Northern印迹杂交证明有6个细胞克隆能表达外源猪TGF-β1的mRNA,其中两个杂交信号较强的克隆进一步用Southern印迹杂交,也证明猪TGF-μ  相似文献   

报道了一种从噬菌体肽库中筛选胰凝乳蛋白酶短肽抑制剂的新方法.在通常的亲和富集筛选的基础上,利用胰凝乳蛋白酶自身的水解活力切割掉结合的底物噬菌体,再经抑制活力分析得到抑制性噬菌体克隆.这样筛得的噬菌体克隆具有明显的胰凝乳蛋白酶结合活力和抑制活力,DNA序列分析发现其保守序列为(S/T)RVPR(R/H).按此序列化学合成的短肽Ac-ASRVPRRG-NH2、Ac-ASRVPRHG-NH2同样表现出对胰凝乳蛋白酶的抑制作用.该方法为蛋白酶短肽抑制剂的筛选提供了一条有效途径  相似文献   

人粒细胞集落刺激因子hG—CSF cDNA在大肠杆菌中表…   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在不改变编码蛋白质氨基酸序列的前提下,利用合成DNA接头的方法,在原始cDNA克隆基础上,构建了5'端密码子富含AT的hG-CSF cDNA突变体,使hG-CSF cDNA得以在大肠杆菌中表达,但表达水平很低,借助相同的手段,在hG-CSF cDNA 5'端增加24核苷酸对的FLAG肽编码序列,构建了hG-CSF杂合蛋白(在hG-CSF成熟蛋白N末端增加8氨基酸残基FLAG肽,二者结合点为肠激肽酶  相似文献   

利用脑炎心肌炎病毒的内核糖体进入位点连接人TNF-αcDNA和选择基因NeoR基因,使TNF-α及NeoR基因均受控于病毒LTR启动子,将两基因同时转录至同一mRNA,从而构建成人TNF-α双顺反子逆转录病毒载体pGCEN/TNF-α.在LipofectAMINE介导下将其导入包装细胞PA317,G418筛选得单克隆,病毒滴度为106CFU/ml重组病毒分泌的细胞株.经PCR证明外源基因已整合至细胞基因组,Northern印迹显示出单一LRT转录本.持续G418筛选能明显促进目的基因TNF-α的表达.用重组病毒上清感染小鼠成纤维细胞NIH3T3,G418筛选获得的混合抗性克隆持续高表达TNF-α,40Gyγ线照射后能维持高效表达至7d.实验结果表明,含IRES的双顺反子逆转录病毒载体将是一个很好的基因转移载体.  相似文献   

人PSP94全长cDNA的获得及PSP94-TNF~Δ融合蛋白的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用RT-PCR从人肥大前列腺组织钓取94个氨基酸的人前列腺分泌蛋白(PSP94)全长cDNA,序列分析结果与文献报道的完全一致.将PSP94成熟肽与人TNFα衍生物(TNFΔ)通过Linker-SAPGTP在基因水平上融合成5′PSP94-TNFΔ,融合基因DNA序列分析结果与设计的相符合.5′PSP94-TNFΔ在大肠杆菌中表达产物分子量约为31kD,表达量约占菌体总蛋白量的35%.以L929细胞和人前列腺癌细胞株PC-3为靶细胞进行细胞毒分析结果表明,5′PSP94-TNFΔ融合蛋白既具有TNF的细胞毒活性,又具有对前列腺癌细胞PC-3的杀伤作用  相似文献   

利用逆转录病毒载体LXSN构建了含有完整编码TNFcDNA的重组逆转录病毒质粒pLXSN-tnf,用Lipofectamine将重组质粒导入病毒包装细胞pA317,经G418筛选培养获得抗性克隆,用NIH3T3细胞测定病毒滴度,获得滴度为5×105CFU/ml的细胞克隆。利用病毒上清液感染大鼠胶质瘤细胞系C6,得到G418抗性克隆细胞C6pLXSN-tnf,经PCR检测,TNFcDNA完整地整合在细胞基因组中。测定C6pLXSN-tnf细胞上清中TNF的生物活性,结果显示TNF有相对稳定的表达(48~180U/ml106cells/24h)。实验还显示经TNF基因转导的C6pLXSN-tnf细胞生长速度较之亲本肿瘤细胞C6明显下降,基因修饰后的肿瘤细胞在Wistar大鼠体内形成肿瘤的能力明显受到抑制。进一步用超离心法浓缩病毒对胶质瘤移植模型进行了体内治疗研究。  相似文献   

刘菊萍  李元 《遗传学报》1993,20(6):481-487
以质粒pIJ486为载体,将来源于质粒pHT1的肿瘤坏死坏因子(TNF-a)cDNA克隆至变铅青链霉菌,以新霉素(30μg/ml)为选择标记,获得了数百转化子,实验表明No.7转化子s.lividans TK54-HT所含重组质粒pIJT7已克隆有TNFcDNA。L929细胞毒实验结果表明该转化子TNF表达量可达10^8活性单位/升以上,中和实验确证其表达产物为人TNF-a,SDS-PAGE表明克  相似文献   

从随机噬菌体肽库中筛选抗草鱼出血病病毒多肽的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王冰  田波 《Virologica Sinica》1998,13(4):351-357
从随机噬菌体九肽表位库中筛选出抑制草鱼出血病病毒(GrasCarpHemorhageVirus,GCHV873)感染的多肽分子。采用完整、生物素化的草鱼出血病病毒颗粒作为受体,与以融合蛋白形式在丝状噬菌体fUSE5的外壳蛋白Ⅲ的N端表达的随机九肽库作用。经三轮体外亲和筛选(Biopanning)及ELISA法检测后,从肽库中筛选出16个与病毒高亲和力结合的噬菌体克隆,其中六个阳性克隆能有效地抑制病毒在CIK细胞中的复制,并使病毒的半数组织培养感染剂量(TCID50)下降五个数量级。表明噬菌体肽库技术完全能够应用于抗病毒研究,为研制抗病毒短肽制剂打基础。  相似文献   

酷氨酸蛋白激酶受体EphB2的Ig类似区,克隆到融合表达闰载体pET28a中,阳性克隆经IPTG诱导,表达出氨基端带6个连续组氨酸残基的融合蛋白。利用Ni-NTA金属螯合亲和层析法有变性条件下对表达的蛋白进行纯化,纯度大于94%。以此纯化蛋白为靶,将其包被于ELISA板上,经过三轮亲和筛选,从噬菌体随机7肽库中筛选到19个具有EphB2活性的重组噬菌体克隆,对阳性噬菌体克隆的短肽序列进行了分析。  相似文献   

SARS-CoVS蛋白特异的单克隆抗体2C5具有病毒中和作用。以单克隆抗体2C5为筛选靶分子,筛选噬菌体展示随机7肽库。经三轮淘洗后随机挑选20个噬菌体克隆进行ELISA分析和序列测定。在10个ELISAOD值大于0.2的阳性噬菌体克隆中,有8个噬菌体克隆展示有共同的7肽序列TPEQQFT。展示有该序列的噬菌体克隆能竞争抑制SARS-CoVS蛋白抗原与单抗2C5的结合。结果表明TPEQQFT为单克隆抗体2C5的模拟表位。该结果可对进一步研究S蛋白结构与功能和设计SARS疫苗有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

脂多糖保守表位模拟肽的筛选与鉴定   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
用针对脂多糖保守表位的单抗2B4对噬菌体随机12肽库进行亲和筛选,通过噬菌体ELISA实验及脂多糖(LPS)竞争抑制实验鉴定阳性克隆.经三轮筛选后,与抗体结合的噬菌体得到明显富集,噬菌体ELISA结果显示,阳性率达80%.将其中12个阳性噬菌体克隆做鼠伤寒杆菌和大肠杆菌LPS竞争抑制实验,抑制作用非常明显,有良好的剂量依赖关系,证明这12个克隆与LPS具相似表位.DNA测序并推导噬菌体展示肽的氨基酸序列为,GPPQWFFSQPQL(5/12,41.7%),LPQYFWNTATTA(3/12,25%),FPQNHWNVPWAT(2/12,16.6%),HSQSFWNAPLAM和AHPWTHGYFPPL(1/12,8.3%).实验结果表明,用2B4抗体筛选到的噬菌体短肽克隆可模拟保守表位,即脂多糖的模拟肽(位).  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody (mAb) 5D10 is directed against the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7. Biochemical characterization of the antibody epitope was attempted and revealed a complex, most likely carbohydrate-linked nature, which prevented isolation and further studies of the interaction. A major goal of this work was to generate structural mimics of the 5D10 epitope to serve as putative substitutes in such studies. A peptide library displayed on filamentous phage was used to select for mimotope peptide sequences. All positive phage clones selected from the library displayed the amino acid sequence H(2)N-QMNPMYYR-CO(2)H. This peptide sequence, as well as a branched form of the peptide, was found to bind mAb 5D10. Moreover, both peptide sequences were able to inhibit the binding of 5D10 to the MCF-7 cells in a concentration-dependent manner, with an EC(50) value in the range of 65 microM. According to these results, random phage peptide libraries can serve to identify mimotopic peptides for unknown complex cell surface epitopes.  相似文献   

We have screened a peptide phage display library to examine if monoclonal antibody-binding phages could be isolated from the library and thereby predict the antigenic epitopes of the antibodies from the isolated phages. The library was screened for high-avidity binding to monoclonal antibodies by an affinity purification technique called biopanning. Among the monoclonal antibodies examined, the human hnRNPA1 protein-specific monoclonal antibody 9H10 showed selective binding of phages. After two rounds of the biopanning, twelve clones of high-avidity-binding phages were chosen and their inserts were sequenced. Nucleotide sequence comparison of the 12 clones showed that there were 5 different species, with two species containing four members, implying that they were predominantly selected by the biopanning. The amino acid sequences of the inserts of the 12 clones were compared with that of the human hnRNPA1 protein in order to find the putative epitope of the human hnRNPA1 protein for 9H10. The C-terminal region of the human hnRNPA1 protein shows significant homology with the peptide sequences of the selected phage clones. These results show that this peptide phage display library can be useful in defining the epitope of some monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

Identification of epitopes of trichosanthin by phage peptide library   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The phage displayed random peptide library has recently emerged as a powerful technique for analyzing Ab-Ag interactions. In this study, the method was employed to identify epitopes of trichosanthin. Two monoclonal Abs (4B5, 2E9) which recognized different epitopes of trichosanthin (TCS) were selected and a phage-peptide library with nine amino acids (9 aa) was used to screen the positive phage clones that have high affinity to the mAbs. Two groups of phage clones that carried peptide-specific binding to mAbs were identified by the screen. The identified phage clones carried peptide-specific binding to 4B5 and 2E9 mAbs were immunized in mice. To evaluate mimotope of selected phages, the specific binding activity to TCS was measured in the serum from phage-immunized mice. They all showed positive results. The conserved interaction motifs were deduced from the peptide sequences of each group of selected phage clones. When compared the motif sequence with the sequence of TCS, it was predicted that 4B5-corresponding epitope was located at 27-37 aa of TCS protein and 2E9-corresponding epitope was located at 41-48 aa of TCS. The predicted sequence of 4B5-corresponding epitope was further confirmed by site-directed mutation of TCS protein. The data showed that the expressed TCS protein mutated in 4B5-corresponding epitope was unable to bind 4B5 mAb. The results suggested that the phage display peptide library is useful to identify Ag epitopes and to raise Ab in disease diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

In the post-genomic era, validation of candidate gene targets frequently requires proteinbased strategies. Phage display is a powerful tool to define protein-protein interactions by generating peptide binders against target antigens. Epitope phage display libraries have the potential to enrich coding exon sequences from human genomic loci. We evaluated genomic and cDNA phage display strategies to identify genes in the 5q31 Interleukin gene cluster and to enrich cell surface receptor tyrosine kinase genes from a breast cancer cDNA library. A genomic display library containing 2 x 106 clones with exon-sized inserts was selected with antibodies specific for human Interleukin-4 (IL-4) and Interleukin-13. The library was enriched significantly after two selection rounds and DNA sequencing revealed unique clones. One clone matched a cognate IL-4 epitope; however, the majority of clone insert sequences corresponded to E. coli genomic DNA. These bacterial sequences act as 'mimotopes' (mimetic sequences of the true epitope), correspond to open reading frames, generate displayed peptides, and compete for binding during phage selection. The specificity of these mimotopes for IL-4 was confirmed by competition ELISA. Other E. coli mimotopes were generated using additional antibodies. Mimotopes for a receptor tyrosine kinase gene were also selected using a breast cancer SKBR-3 cDNA phage display library, screened against an anti-erbB2 monoclonal antibody. Identification of mimotopes in genomic and cDNA phage libraries is essential for phage display-based protein validation assays and two-hybrid phage approaches that examine protein-protein interactions. The predominance of E. coli mimotopes suggests that the E. coli genome may be useful to generate peptide diversity biased towards protein coding sequences.ABBREVIATIONS USED: IL, interleukin; ELISA, enzyme linked immunoabsorbant assay; PBS, phospho-buffered saline; cfu, colony forming units.  相似文献   

本文利用噬菌体随机9肽库探索汉滩病毒(HTNV)核衣壳蛋白(NP)B细胞抗原表位。以抗HTNV NP单克隆抗体(mAb)5H5作为筛选分子,生物淘洗噬菌体递呈的随机9肽库。阳性克隆经夹心ELISA、竞争ELISA鉴定后,随机挑取10个克隆,DNA测序,与HTNV76-118株S基因进行同源性分析。结果显示筛选到的噬菌体能特异地与5H5结合,这种结合可被天然抗原所抑制。10个克隆的氨基酸序列相同,均为VRDAEEQYE,与76-118株NP氨基端的aa25-33一致。证实了该线性表位是mAb 5H5识别的表位,噬菌体肽库有助于病毒抗原表位的确定。  相似文献   

为设计来自抗体的短肽 ,以抗肿瘤坏死因子 (TNF)嵌合抗体 (cA2 )CDRs为模板 ,在其两侧各加 3个随机氨基酸残基 ( X3 CDR X3 ) ,构建了 6个以CDR为基础的肽库 .经过 3轮亲和选择 ,挑取单克隆 ,进一步经ELISA检测TNF阳性噬菌体克隆 ,分离得到 7个ELISA阳性较好的噬菌体肽克隆 ,分别命名为CDR2L1、CDR2L2、CDR2L3、CDR1L1、CDR2H1、CDR3H1、CDR3H 2 .应用MTT方法 ,检测 7个克隆对TNF生物学活性的拮抗作用 .结果显示 :来自CDR2L ,CDR3H肽库中的CDR2L2、CDR2L3,CDR3H2噬菌体肽具有明显的拮抗TNF诱导L92 9细胞的细胞毒作用 ,其中以CDR2L2噬菌体肽的拮抗活性最强 .而来源于CDR1L ,CDR2H肽库的CDR1L1和CDR2H1噬菌体肽和来自CDR2L ,CDR3H肽库中的CDR2L1和CDR3H1噬菌体肽没有明显的拮抗TNF作用 .研究结果初步表明 :从cA2抗体CDR肽库中筛选得到的噬菌体CDR模拟肽具有亲本抗体相似的结合活性和生物学效应 ,从而为开发已知抗体 (特别是治疗用抗体 )CDR为基础的肽药物创建一个技术平台奠定基础  相似文献   

Our previous work found that the monoclonal antibody 8C6, which recognized the epitope EVETPIRN on influenza A virus M2 protein, conferred protection against influenza virus challenge. In this study, 8C6 was used to screen the 7-mer phage peptide library in order to identify the crucial amino acid residues on the protective epitope EVETPIRN. Nine positive phage clones were selected by a test of dose-dependent binding activity to 8C6 after three rounds of panning. The phage clones exhibited a consensus motif (TXXR), which was found on the epitope EVETPIRN. Site-directed mutation analysis indicated that Thr and Arg on the epitope EVETPIRN played a key role in the recognition by 8C6. Furthermore, sequence alignment and analysis revealed that Thr and Arg on the epitope were highly conserved. Our results could provide useful information for influenza vaccine design based on M2 mimotope.  相似文献   

以抗 HCVNS3的单克隆抗体作为固相筛选分子 ,对人工合成的噬菌体随机 12肽库进行 5轮“吸附 洗脱 扩增”的筛选过程 ,随机挑取 4 2个克隆 ,经噬菌体酶联免疫吸附法 (ELISA)鉴定并进行交叉反应实验以及竞争抑制性结合实验 ,最后对所选克隆进行DNA序列分析 ,以确定HCVNS3抗原的模拟表位。经噬菌体富集后 ,从随机筛选的 4 2个克隆中得到 11个阳性克隆 ,确定氨基酸序列XXIXXXXMSNXX为HCVNS3的模拟表位。我们用噬菌体12肽库成功筛选得到HCVNS3的模拟表位 ,为开展用HCV模拟表位探索HCV的防治研究创造了条件  相似文献   

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