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基于对新疆天山东段南坡吐鲁番地区选取的一条沿着海拔高度从2 000––154 m的不同植被带的植物群落样方进行的调查及相应排序分析,结合所采集的36个现代表土花粉样品的孢粉组合图式,初步研究了吐鲁番地区的植被与表土花粉之间的对应关系,并将其与天山北坡的表土花粉谱进行了比较。结果表明吐鲁番地区表土花粉谱按照海拔高度自上至下可划分为4个孢粉组合带,分别对应于山地荒漠草原和荒漠带、戈壁砾石带、典型荒漠带以及盐沼植被带。与天山北坡的表土花粉垂直带谱相比,吐鲁番地区的花粉垂直带谱并不完整,缺少典型的森林和蒿属(Artemisia)荒漠孢粉带。即使在相似的孢粉带,吐鲁番地区的分布高度也高出北坡300 m左右。典型的乔木植物云杉属(Picea)、松属(Pinus)花粉在风力和水流的作用下,表现出明显的超代表性;用来指示干旱区半干旱区气候湿度变化的蒿属与藜科花粉的比值能大致反映出荒漠带的典型特征。此外,研究区内表土花粉组合与环境因子之间的排序分析结果表明,降水量是影响该区表土花粉组合的主要环境因子。与蒿属、藜科花粉相比,白刺属(Nitraria)花粉受降水量的影响较大。  相似文献   

新疆石河子南山地区表土花粉研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张卉  张芸  杨振京  阎平  孔昭宸  阎顺 《生态学报》2013,33(20):6478-6487
天山作为亚洲大陆最大的山系之一,横贯于新疆的中部,成为分隔南、北疆自然地理区系的山系,它对花粉的传播、保存、搬运与沉积具有重大作用。根据对西北干旱区域新疆石河子南山地区一条沿着海拔高度从2400 m到300 m的样带所采集的23个表土花粉样品的孢粉组合图式和现代植被样方调查资料,探讨了北坡垂直带的植被与表土花粉之间的关系。该区表土孢粉谱可分为4个孢粉组合带,分别对应森林植被带、森林草原植被带、蒿属荒漠带和典型荒漠带。比较特殊的是典型荒漠带被划分为两个亚带,一个亚带是以蒿属、藜科占主要成分的典型荒漠带,另一亚带蒿属、藜科含量较高并含有大量沼泽蕨和芦苇植硅体,兼具典型荒漠和湿地特征。在海拔400 m以上,孢粉组合与现代植被的对应关系较好,带Ⅰ中较高含量的云杉花粉验证了以云杉为主的森林植被带。带Ⅱ中以云杉为主的乔木植物和含量较高的藜科、蒿属和蓼属等草本植物为主的孢粉组合特征与森林-草原植被带的植被特征较为类似。云杉属花粉在海拔低于1350 m的地方即林带下方所占的比例很小,一方面由于距林地的距离较远,另一方面,可能是山风气流对云杉花粉往下搬运的能力较弱所致。带Ⅲ的蒿属花粉含量较高,与该带植被中绢蒿较多有一定的关系,带Ⅳ以藜科为主的花粉组合特征代表了这个植被带的荒漠植被类型。但是在海拔400 m之下,带Ⅳ的亚带Ⅳ2的高含量的沼泽蕨和芦苇植硅体的孢粉组合在一定程度上还代表了古湿地环境。通过该部分表土花粉组合特征与草滩湖剖面孢粉谱的对比,验证了当地农业种植选址的生态可行性,同时就开垦程度对环境的影响进行了初步探讨。另外,亚带Ⅳ2的蒿属/藜科(Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae(A/C))比值比亚带Ⅳ1高,可能与该样点受人为扰动较大有关。  相似文献   

通过对新疆赛里木湖流域现代植被调查及不同植被带的53个表土样品花粉鉴定分析,深入研究了该区域表土花粉组合与现代植被的关系。研究结果表明:表土花粉组合可反映出该流域植被的总体特征,赛里木湖流域不同植被带内花粉组合差异显著,依据花粉谱特征可以分为草原带、针叶林带、森林灌丛带、亚高山草甸带、荒漠草原带、草原灌丛带、荒漠植被带;云杉属、蒿属、藜科、禾本科含量高、变化明显,可作为该流域古环境重建的重要参考依据;蒿属/藜科(A/C)比值可以用来区分荒漠植被带和荒漠草原带,荒漠植被带A/C值平均为0.62,荒漠草原带A/C值平均为1.55,1是两者之间的界值;云杉属花粉含量≥30%时可认为该样品来自于云杉林,云杉属-蒿属-禾本科等花粉组合表明森林(灌丛)的存在,亚高山草甸以蒿属-禾本科-云杉属组合为主,(荒漠)草原(灌丛)以蒿属-藜科-禾本科为主,藜科-蒿属是荒漠植被的建群种。  相似文献   

通过对比分析北疆荒漠草原区和典型草原区表土和牛粪样品中的孢粉组合,发现这两类样品的孢粉组合大体相近,其乔木花粉百分比大都低于10%,灌木花粉平均为5.6%,草本花粉大都高于70%,并以藜科(Chenopodiaceae)、蒿属(Artemisia)为最主要的花粉类型。牛粪中孢粉种类低于表土,且乔木花粉含量(2.04%)亦低于表土(3.78%)。表土形成的时间存在一定的不确定性,而牛粪为现代样品,牛粪的孢粉组成可能会更好地指示现代植被组成,因而牛粪样品可以在北疆荒漠草原、典型草原地区作为一种新的现代孢粉研究材料。从荒漠草原到典型草原,表土中乔木花粉百分比增多,灌木和草本下降;而牛粪中则相反,乔木花粉百分比下降,灌木和草本的比例上升,这可能与牛以草本植物为主要食物有关。表土和牛粪样品中主要种属(蔷薇科、禾本科、伞形科、豆科等)与环境因子的主成分分析显示,孢粉组合与多年平均6—8月降水量和年均降水量的相关性最显著,其次为最冷月平均温度和最热月平均温度,而与年均温相关性较低。该研究结果指示,降水可能是影响北疆现代植被空间分布的最主要因素。  相似文献   

郝秀东  欧阳绪红  谢世友 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5235-5245
通过对重庆市南川区岩溶山区和石漠化区14个不同植被类型的表土调查和采样,以研究该区表土孢粉组合特征的差异性。结果显示:(1)岩溶山区的表土孢粉组合中以乔木花粉为优势,含量为34.38%-63.39%,其次是草本和蕨类植物的孢粉,含量为32.04%-58.18%,灌木花粉含量最小,为6.08%-29.77%,沼生草本也有少量,仅为0.14%,这与当地的现代植被基本相同;(2) 石漠化地区的表土孢粉组合以草本和蕨类植物孢粉占优势,含量为46.40%-76.47%,其次是乔木花粉(主要为马尾松),含量为17.73%-46.84%,灌木花粉含量最小,为5.79%-12.50%,说明其植被退化严重;(3)石漠化区的表土孢粉组合中有很多喜钙性、旱生性、石生性植物,对生态恢复和重建有很好的指示意义,为该区恢复和重建自然生态环境提供参考性依据。  相似文献   

燕山地区表土花粉与植被间的数量关系   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
 根据表土花粉分析和植被样方调查,燕山地区各植被带的表土孢粉组合在总体面貌上代表了植被组成,但孢粉组合不等于植被组成,而影响其差异的原因是孢粉保存、孢粉产量、外来孢粉和孢粉鉴定。表土花粉的代表性因种属不同而差异颇大,乔木植物花粉中松(Pinus)、桦(Betula)、胡桃  相似文献   

为定量恢复西藏拉萨河流域全新世的古气候环境,作者对拉萨河流域中下游表土孢粉组合特征与植被以及降雨量分布的相关性进行了研究。表土花粉研究结果显示,拉萨河流域中下游表土花粉组合能较好反映样方植被群落特征。根据研究区域孢粉组合特征,拉萨河流域中下游主要划分为8个孢粉组合带,即高山沼泽草甸带、高山灌丛草甸带、亚高山灌丛带、桦木林带、河谷沙棘林带、亚高山草甸带、亚高山半荒漠灌丛带和亚高山荒漠带。花粉类型与年均降水量的相关性分析结果表明,乔灌木花粉含量、Cy/G+A比值、莎草科、蓼属均与年均降水量呈显著正相关,而草本花粉含量、禾本科、蒿属、藜科与年均降水量呈显著负相关。因此,年均降水量是影响拉萨河中下游植被类型和表土花粉组合特征的重要因素。  相似文献   

喀斯特山地坡耕地、1a弃耕地、灌草地、15a疏林地、25a次生林群落表土孢粉分析和植被样方调查结果表明:(1)研究区植物孢粉共由46科属组成,以草本和蕨类植物占据优势,含量为45.77%-68.35%,其次是乔木(主要为雪松和马尾松),含量为(2.53%-21.31%),灌木植物花粉含量最低,为1.04%-8.88%,显示该区植被退化严重;(2)恢复过程中各阶段的花粉类型丰富度差别不明显,物种多样性主要表现为草本、蕨类和灌木植物种类的变化,乔木基本保持不变;(3)喀斯特山地典型植被恢复过程的表土孢粉组合差别明显,与其相应的实际植被情况大致相同,基本反映了石漠化地区现代植被的基本状况,表明孢粉可以为该区恢复和重建自然生态环境提供参考性依据。  相似文献   

西藏扎布耶盐湖地区现代花粉雨的初步研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
从扎布耶盐湖和藏南地区采集的21块表土花粉分析结果,提供了花粉与植被,花粉与亚环境之间的定性关系,在扎耶盐湖,a泉水沼泽,以莎草科花粉占优势。b.盐盘,藜科和麻黄属花粉含量高。c.山坡,分布变色锦鸡儿灌丛,表土花粉以蒿属和藜科为优势。d.河流沙滩,以蒿属和禾本科花粉为主,e.常年盐湖,以蒿属占优势,松属、云杉属、冷杉属、铁杉属、桦属和桤木属等乔木植物花表土中普遍存在。以松粉百分含量最高(平均26.  相似文献   

通过对重庆金佛山国家自然保护区10个不同植被类型的表土调查和采样,研究该区表土孢粉组合特征.结果表明,研究区植物孢粉共由106科属组成,其中以针叶乔木、蕨类和阔叶乔木孢粉占优势,含量分别为8.94%-56.30%、19.73%-46.77%和6.17%-39.28%,其次是灌木和草本花粉,分别为6.24%-29.77%...  相似文献   

Aims Our main purposes were to analyze the relationship between vegetation and pollen in the surface soil of the Turpan region, which is located in the southern slope of the eastern Tianshan Mountains, and to compare different pollen assemblages between the Turpan region and the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains.Methods We collected 36 modern pollen samples and carried out modern vegetation survey in the Turpan region along an altitudinal gradient from 2 000 m to -154 m. Detrended correspondence analysis and Redundancy analysis were applied to analyze the distribution pattern of pollen in surface soils. Important findings We divided the pollen spectra into four pollen assemblage zones (mountain desert-steppe and desert, Gobi gravel, typical desert and salt mash vegetation), corresponding to the major vegetation types in the Turpan region. When compared with the northern slope, the characteristics of pollen assemblages in the mountain desert-steppe and desert were similar to those in the forest-steppe on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains; the pollen assemblages in the Gobi gravel and the typical desert seemed to be more consistent with those in the typical desert on the northern slope; however, no analogue was found in the salt mash vegetation. Obviously, the vertical pollen spectra in Turpan region were incomplete, lacking typical forest and Artemisia desert pollen zones. Besides, similar pollen zones in the Turpan region were found at an elevation of about 300 m higher than those in the northern slope. It is remarkable that the typical tree pollen, such as Picea and Pinus, showed their extra representation in the Turpan region. On one hand, the valley forest on the southern slope of the Tianshan mountains played an important role in pollen dispersal. On the other hand, with the cold air on the northern slope over the Tianshan Mountains, pollen may be carried and deposited in the Turpan region. The rivers feeding into Aiding Lake in the Turpan region may also contribute to the distribution of Picea and Pinuspollen. Lots of pollen studies have shown that the ratio of Artemisia to Chenopodiaceae (A/C) can be used as a good indicator of the degree of humidity in the semi-arid and arid areas. Our study revealed that A/C can roughly reflect the characteristics of the desert zone in the study area. The results of Redundancy Analysis ordination on pollen assemblages and environmental factors (mean annual temperature (MAT), mean annual precipitation (MAP) and altitude (ALT)) revealed that MAP was the main environmental factor affecting the pollen assemblages in the surface soil in the Turpan region and had more significant effects on the distribution of Nitraria pollen than on the distribution of Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae.  相似文献   

Aims Shrub-encroached grassland has become an important vegetation type in China’s arid and semi-arid region. Our study objective is to explore the spectral features of shrub and grass communities, as well as their empirical relationships with shrub coverage. The quantitative estimation of shrub cover based on medium-resolution Landsat satellite imagery provides the practical basis for long term retrieval of large areas of shrub expansion in the grassland region. Methods Linear models and Multiple Endmember Spectral Analysis Model (MESMA) based on medium resolution Landsat satellite imagery were developed to quantify the shrub coverage in a shrub-encroached grassland region in Xianghuang Banner, Nei Mongol using the spectral features and their seasonal differences between the shrub and grass communities. Important findings Compared to Leymus chinensis and Stipa krylovii dominated grass communities, Caragana microphylla community had a higher normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), modified red edge normalized difference vegetation index (mNDVI705), and red edge slope. The red edge position of C. microphylla community shifted to longer wavelengths. The average and the maximum shrub coverage was 13% and 25%, respectively, in the shrub-encroached grassland based on both models. The correlation coefficient of determination (R2) and root mean square error (RMSE) of the linear model was 0.31 and 0.05, respectively. We found that the linear model based on seasonal differences of shrub and grass community was more suitable for retrieving shrub coverage in the study area from medium resolution imagery than the MESMA model that is based on mid-summer images.  相似文献   

波文比(β)是陆面过程中的重要参数, 影响着地表和大气间的能量交换, 明确β的空间变异规律和影响因素有助于对地表能量平衡和气候间反馈关系的预测。该研究收集了在中国不同生态系统类型开展的用涡度相关法(EC)测量地表能量平衡的公开发表文献, 构建了β和气象环境因子数据库, 分析了β在生态系统之间的差异、空间变异特征及影响因素。主要结果: (1)所有生态系统β平均值为0.95 ± 0.64, 变异系数67%, 偏度1.58, 峰度3.07, 整体服从对数正态分布, β平均值最高为灌木生态系统(1.26), 最低为湿地生态系统(0.49)。(2) β在生态系统类型间差异显著: 森林和湿地生态系统β无显著差异, 灌木生态系统β >草地生态系统 β >森林和湿地生态系统 β, 农田生态系统β介于草地生态系统与森林和湿地生态系统之间。(3) β随着纬度的增加而增加, 不随经度和海拔变化。纬度每增加1°,β增加0.038。(4) β随着年降水量(MAP)、年平均气温(MAT)、净辐射(Rn)、当年降水量(PPT)、当年平均气温(Ta)和叶面积指数(LAI)的增加而降低。(5)不同生态系统中β对生物和非生物因素的响应存在显著差异: 草地、森林和灌木生态系统的β对生物和非生物因素变化较为敏感, 而农田和湿地生态系统的β与所有生物和非生物因素均无显著相关关系。(6) MAPRnβ变化的直接影响因素, LAI通过影响Rn间接影响β。结果表明了植被类型与气候因素之间具有交互作用, 能量分配最主要的影响因素是降水, 叶面积对能量分配的调节作用并不显著。  相似文献   

阿尔泰山的北方森林是中亚以及全球的生态系统的重要组成部分, 其生长动态可以影响到全球范围的热辐射、碳平衡等。因此, 探究影响阿尔泰山树木径向生长的主要因素至关重要。该研究以新疆喀纳斯国家级自然保护区的西伯利亚五针松(Pinus sibirica)为研究对象, 建立西伯利亚五针松年表, 通过分析不同时间间隔累年生长量、竞争指数以及气候因子之间的关系, 运用线性混合效应模型、相关分析等方法, 探究竞争和气候对新疆阿尔泰山西伯利亚五针松树木径向生长的影响。结果表明: (1)线性混合效应模型结果显示竞争树胸径和与西伯利亚五针松过去30年的累年生长量之间的拟合效果最好; (2)标准年表与3月的平均气温、平均最高气温、平均最低气温之间有显著正相关关系; (3)累年生长量最高值出现在气温0-5 ℃, 竞争指数低于100的时候。累年生长量最低时, 气温达到-10 ℃, 竞争指数也超过了300。目标树的树木径向生长受到竞争树胸径和及生长季前期气温的影响, 两者共同作用。但相较于气候因子而言, 竞争对西伯利亚五针松的树木径向生长有更大的影响作用。  相似文献   

通过对西天山南坡不同植被带52个表土花粉样品的鉴定,研究表土花粉组合与现代植被分布的关系,分析蒿属/藜科比值(A/C)在该区域的指示意义.结果表明:山顶至山底可以划分为5个植被带,分别为高山荒漠带、高山草甸带、草甸草原带、山地荒漠带、典型荒漠带,代表性科属为蒿属、藜科、禾本科和麻黄属,该区域不同植被类型表土样品花粉组合差异明显.西天山南坡表土花粉在一定程度上受到北坡的影响,海拔越高影响越大.A/C值随海拔升高而先升高再降低,在高山草甸区域达到最高,可以作为反映山地垂直方向气候干湿变化的有效指标.由于A/C值波动较大,利用该比值进行气候环境重建时,需注意受人类活动等因素影响所产生的高值可能带来误判.  相似文献   

Aims Soil aggregate is an important component of soil structure, playing an important role in the physical and biological protection mechanism of soil organic carbon (SOC) through isolating SOC from microorganisms. As far as we know, there are few studies, however, on exploring the spatial distribution of soil aggregate at the regional scale. Our objective was to investigate the mass allocation and stability of soil aggregate in different types of Nei Mongol grasslands. Methods We have established 78 sites with a size of 10 m × 10 m across the transect of Nei Mongol grasslands and collected soil samples from different soil depth up to 1 m. We used wet sieving method to separate different sizes of aggregate partition and used mean mass diameter (MMD) and geometric mean diameter (GMD) in order to evaluate the stability of soil aggregate. The two-way ANOVA was used to test the difference of mass percentage and stability of soil aggregate in different grassland types and soil depths. In addition, a linear regression analysis was used to analyze the correlations of mass percentage and stability of soil aggregate with both mean annual precipitation (MAP) and mean annual temperature (MAT). Important findings The results showed that the mass percentages of soil aggregate were highest in meadow steppe, while almost equal in typical steppe and desert steppe. However, no significant patterns were found along the soil depth. The mass percentage of soil aggregate fractions were positively correlated with MAP in all soil layers, but negatively correlated with MAT except the layer of 70-100 cm. For the stability of soil aggregate, at 0-10 and 10-20 cm, MMD and GMD of meadow steppe were significantly greater than those of typical and desert steppes, whereas no significant differences among three grassland types were found for other soil layers. Besides, MMD and GMD in meadow steppe and typical steppe gradually decreased along the soil depth.  相似文献   

草原灌丛化是全球干旱半干旱地区面临的重要生态问题。灌丛化对草原生态系统结构与功能的影响较为复杂, 有待于在更广泛的区域开展研究。该研究在内蒙古锡林郭勒典型草原选择轻度、中度和重度灌丛化草地, 通过群落调查, 结合植物功能性状和土壤理化性质观测, 研究了小叶锦鸡儿(Caragana microphylla)灌丛化对草原群落结构(物种多样性、功能多样性和功能群组成)和生态系统功能(初级生产力、植被和土壤养分库)的影响。结果表明: 1)不同程度灌丛化草地的物种丰富度、功能性状多样性和群落加权性状平均值差异显著, 其中, 中度灌丛化草地的物种多样性和功能多样性较高, 表明一定程度的灌丛化有利于生物多样性维持。2)重度灌丛化草地的地上净初级生产力(ANPP)显著高于轻度和中度灌丛化草地, 其原因主要是随着灌丛化程度加剧, 群落内一/二年生草本植物显著增加, 而多年生禾草和多年生杂类草显著减少。三个灌丛化草地的植被叶片和土壤碳、氮库差异均不显著。3)灌丛化对草原生态系统功能包括ANPP、植被和土壤养分库均没有直接的影响, 而是通过影响功能群组成、土壤理化性质和功能多样性, 间接地影响生态系统功能; 灌丛化导致功能群发生替代和土壤旱碱化是最重要的生物和非生物因素。  相似文献   

长株潭城市群生态绿心地区地处南方红壤丘陵区的中心地带, 植被区划上属中亚热带常绿阔叶林北部植被亚地带。该区植被以次生林为主, 植被类型复杂多样, 在南方红壤丘陵区现状植被中具有典型代表性, 可为区域植被演替动态和植被恢复研究提供良好的平台。该研究采用统一、规范的方法设置了50个样方, 对区内主要植被类型的物种组成、数量特征、生境信息等进行调查。计算乔木层、灌木层和草本层物种重要值, 运用《中国植被志》编研规范进行植被类型划分和命名, 描述群落物种组成和特征, 并提供10个植被型、22个群系、33个群丛共50个样方的原始数据, 包括森林样方43个, 灌丛样方5个, 草地样方1个, 沼泽样方1个。  相似文献   

Two sites from the East Asian steppe, the Mu Us Sandland as a regional case and the Anguli Nuur catchment as a local one, were chosen to detect roles of vegetation, climate, landform, and human disturbance on pollen dispersal. 1) Vegetation: The semi-arid steppe vegetation is characterized by Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae pollen under various vegetation conditions; however, no evident correlation between pollen percentages and corresponding plant species cover is found. 2) Climate: Samples under different Mean Annual Precipitations (MAPs) clearly distinguish themselves in the Mu Us Sandland, implying MAP-determined surface pollen spectra in regional scale. 3) Landform: Surface pollen assemblages in the azonal psammophytic vegetation and lowland meadow, show insignificant variance from the zonal steppe vegetation. The azonal halophilous vegetation, mostly distributed in the lowland or near the lake shore, leads to higher than average percentages of Chenopodiaceae pollen. Signal of exotic Pinus pollen is also strengthened in the lowland and lake sediment. 4) Human disturbance: The role of human disturbance on surface pollen assemblages is weak, as shown in the Mu Us Sandland.

This study also provides theoretical bases for quantitative reconstructions of palaeoclimate and palaeovegetation based on fossil pollen spectra from lake sediments and lowland soils in the semi-arid East Asian steppe. We suggest that calibration against locally dispersed pollen taxa is necessary to reliably reconstruct changes in vegetation pattern through time, for example, a factor of 1.75 for the widely used A/C (Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae) ratio is suggested according to the pollen assemblages in the surface layers of the lake sediment vs. slope soil in Anguli Nuur. However, uncertainties also exist for such calibration considering the dynamics of local-scale azonal vegetation.  相似文献   

Aims Shrub encroachment is a common global change phenomenon occurring in arid and semi-arid regions. Due to the difficulty of partitioning evapotranspiration into shrub plants, grass plants and soil in the field, there are few studies focusing on shrub encroachment effect on the evapotranspiration and its component in China. This study aims to illustrate shrub encroachment effect on evapotranspiration by the numerical modeling method. Methods A two-source model was applied and calibrated with the measured evapotranspiration (ET) by the Bowen ratio system to simulate evapotranspiration and its component in a shrub encroachment grassland in Nei Mongol, China. Based on the calibrated model and previous shrub encroachment investigation, we set three scenarios of shrub encroachment characterized by relative shrub coverage of 5%, 15% and 30%, respectively, and quantified their effects caused by shrub encroachment through localized and calibrated two-source model.Important findings The two-source model can well reconstruct the evapotranspiration characteristics of a shrub encroachment grassland. Sensitivity analysis of the model shows that errors for the input variables and parameters have small influence on the result of partitioning evapotranspiration. The result shows that shrub encroachment has relatively small influence on the total amount of ET, but it has clear influence on the proportion of the components of evapotranspiration (E/ET). With shrub coverage increasing from 5% to 15% and then 30%, the evapotranspiration decreased from 182.97 to 180.38 and 176.72 W·m-2, decreasing amplitude values of 0.34% and 0.44%, respectively. On average, E/ET rises from 52.9% to 53.9% and 55.5%, increasing amplitude values to 2.04% and 3.25%. Data analysis indicates that shrub encroachment results in smaller soil moisture changes, but clear changes of ecosystem structure (decreasing ecosystem leaf area index while increasing vegetation height) which lead to the decrease of transpiration fraction through decreasing canopy conductance. The research highlights that, with the shrub encroachment, more water will be consumed as soil evaporation which is often regarded as invalid part of evapotranspiration and thus resulting in the decrease of water use efficiency.  相似文献   

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