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龟纹瓢虫对扶桑绵粉蚧的捕食功能反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为初步探究龟纹瓢虫Propylea japonica对入侵性害虫扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley的生物防控能力,本实验在(T=26℃±2℃,R=80%±5%,L∶D=16∶8)条件下进行。将饥饿处理过的各个龄期的龟纹瓢虫分别与扶桑绵粉蚧不同密度的1龄若虫进行组合,在一定的时间内,测定各龄期的龟纹瓢虫对猎物进行的捕食量、捕食率。龟纹瓢虫1龄幼虫、2龄幼虫和成虫对扶桑绵粉蚧1龄若虫的功能反应属Holling-Ⅱ型反应,其捕食者的捕食率随猎物密度的增加而逐渐下降;龟纹瓢虫对猎物的处理时间Th随瓢虫龄期的增大而呈减小趋势。龟纹瓢虫3龄幼虫,4龄幼虫对扶桑绵粉蚧1龄若虫的功能反应属Holling-Ⅲ型反应,其捕食量随虫龄的增大而增加,发现率和最大捕食量也增大,平均处理时间减少。结果表明,龟纹瓢虫对扶桑绵粉蚧具有较强的控制潜能。  相似文献   

【目的】研究双七瓢虫Coccinula quatuordecimpustulata(Linnaeus)对蚜虫的捕食习性,为其保护利用提供依据。【方法】采用13种蚜虫分别饲喂双七瓢虫1~4龄幼虫及成虫,观察记录24 h的捕食数量;选取大豆蚜Aphis glycines Matsumura、豌豆蚜Acyrthosiphon pisum(Harris)和白杨毛蚜Chaitophrus populeti(Panzer)分别对双七瓢虫进行饲养,记录瓢虫发育历期。【结果】双七瓢虫对供试的13种蚜虫捕食数量存在显著差异,其嗜食程度依照对蚜虫的日捕食生物量依次为:大豆蚜、菊小长管蚜Macrosiphoniella sanborni(Gillette)、月季长管蚜Sitobion rosivorum(Zhang)、豌豆蚜、甘蓝蚜Brevicoryne brassicae(Linnaeus)等;用大豆蚜和豌豆蚜饲养,双七瓢虫各虫态发育历期较短,用白杨毛蚜饲养则发育历期较长,3种蚜虫饲养的双七瓢虫,蛹均能正常羽化。【结论】双七瓢虫对供试蚜虫均有捕食行为,但捕食量存在明显差异;不同蚜虫对双七瓢虫的发育历期具有一定影响。  相似文献   

【目的】以地中海粉螟Ephestia kuehniella Zeller卵为饲料人工繁育的异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridisPallas为对象,测定其对豆蚜Aphis craccivora Koch的最佳寻找密度和捕食功能,明确不同饲料处理对异色瓢虫控害能力的影响,为其大量繁殖应用提供依据。【方法】室内测定分别饲喂不同处理地中海粉斑螟卵和豆蚜的异色瓢虫成虫对豆蚜的捕食功能反应及寻找效应。【结果】不同处理的异色瓢虫成虫对豆蚜的捕食功能反应均符合Holling-Ⅱ型模型,取食新鲜卵、紫外线杀灭卵、冷冻卵、冷冻卵加蜂蜜、豆蚜的异色瓢虫对豆蚜的理论日最大捕食量分别为88.20、97.73、78.64、101.81、107.70只,各处理间无显著性差异;相同猎物密度下,各处理的异色瓢虫寻找效应相近;在无竞争状态下最佳寻找密度以豆蚜处理最大,为31.89只,紫外线处理卵、冷冻卵加蜂蜜处理次之(30.40只,30.27只)。【结论】与饲喂豆蚜处理相比,地中海粉斑螟卵饲养的异色瓢虫成虫对豆蚜的捕食功能反应模型无影响,仅会影响数值,但是冷冻卵加蜂蜜的处理,捕食功能各指标与豆蚜处理最为相近,且冷冻卵易保存易使用,可在大量饲养中采用。  相似文献   

【目的】杀虫剂对天敌的非致死效应是杀虫剂安全性评估的重要内容。【方法】本研究以吡虫啉亚致死浓度处理的大豆蚜Aphis glycines饲喂异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis,测定了异色瓢虫的发育历期、存活率、蛹重和捕食功能反应。【结果】异色瓢虫G0代不论从哪个龄期开始饲喂毒蚜,LC25(W)处理各龄期其发育均显著延长,且未成熟期(1龄至成虫)显著延长,蛹重和存活率显著降低;异色瓢虫G0代从1龄、3龄和4龄开始饲喂毒蚜,显著延长G1代的3龄龄期,显著缩短G1代的4龄龄期;G0代从4龄开始饲喂毒蚜,显著延长G1代1-3龄的发育历期;G0代不论从哪个龄期开始饲喂毒蚜,G1代蛹重都显著降低,G1代幼虫存活率无显著的变化;异色瓢虫对LC25处理的2龄、3龄和4龄幼虫的最大捕食量显著降低,其余组无显著变化。【结论】吡虫啉亚致死浓度对异色瓢虫G0代和G1代的生长发育均产生影响,且影响异色瓢虫的捕食能力,从而影响异色瓢虫种群的控害功能,这种杀虫剂对非靶标天敌昆虫的非致死效应需要在杀虫剂的安全性评估中予以考虑。  相似文献   

【目的】为明确新疆棉田棉蚜 Aphis gossypii 捕食性天敌之间的集团内捕食效应及其对蚜虫数量的控制作用。【方法】本研究以优势天敌昆虫大草蛉 Chrysopa pallens 和七星瓢虫 Coccinella septempunctata 为对象,以棉蚜为猎物,在温室中利用盆栽棉花,首先观察了2种天敌昆虫之间各虫态及虫龄配对的19个处理在无蚜植株上共存24 h后的存活数,然后观察了2种天敌昆虫配对处理下棉苗上棉蚜数量随时间的变化趋势。【结果】在无蚜棉株上2种捕食性天敌昆虫共存24 h后的存活结果表明:(1)在发育阶段相同的配对组合中,若是成虫则均存活,若是1龄幼虫则大草蛉存活较多,若是末龄幼虫则七星瓢虫存活较多;(2)在有卵的组配中,除七星瓢虫卵不被大草蛉成虫所捕食外,其他5个组配处理中卵均被捕食;(3)在有蛹的配对组合中,除七星瓢虫蛹被大草蛉末龄幼虫捕食外,其他处理下蛹均不被捕食;(4)在成虫与幼虫的配对组合中,七星瓢虫成虫捕食较多的大草蛉1龄幼虫,但不捕食大草蛉末龄幼虫,而大草蛉成虫与七星瓢虫1龄或末龄幼虫之间不发生捕食;(5)在不同龄期幼虫的配对组合中,大草蛉末龄幼虫捕食七星瓢虫1龄幼虫,而七星瓢虫末龄幼虫捕食大草蛉1龄幼虫。在有蚜植株上2种捕食性天敌共存对棉蚜数量具有不同的控制作用:(1)2种捕食昆虫的幼虫各自单独存在(对照)下,蚜虫密度随时间而降低;(2)大草蛉幼虫与七星瓢虫幼虫或成虫配对处理下,棉蚜密度随时间而增大;(3)大草蛉成虫与七星瓢虫幼虫或成虫配对处理下,棉蚜密度随时间而减小。【结论】研究结果说明,大草蛉与七星瓢虫之间存在集团内捕食,但2种天敌共存对棉蚜的控制作用取决于大草蛉虫态, 若大草蛉为幼虫,可使蚜虫密度增大,若为成虫,则使蚜虫密度减小。  相似文献   

【目的】尽管瓢虫表现出种间和种内特异性体型大小的变异,但是瓢虫体型大小的变异是否会改变其选择捕食防御性强(即表现出各种防御反应,包括积极躲避捕食、挣脱捕食者或频繁利用防御性化学物质)的猎物,这一问题尚不清楚。本研究中,我们假设不论体型大小,捕食性瓢虫七星瓢虫Coccinella septempunctata(L.)和六斑月瓢虫Menochilus sexmaculatus(Fab.)都将增加其对猎物萝卜蚜Lipaphis erysimi(Kaltenbach)的捕食,只要猎物处于防御性强的龄期,原因是处于防御性强的龄期的猎物体型大且更有活力。【方法】我们将萝卜蚜4龄若虫期作为防御性强的龄期,将2龄若虫期作为防御性弱的龄期,评价七星瓢虫和六斑月瓢虫这两种瓢虫的大型和小型变异体对萝卜蚜的偏好性。【结果】结果表明,六斑月瓢虫的大型和小型雌性变异体更多地捕食防御性弱的萝卜蚜,而七星瓢虫的大型和小型雌性变异体分别对防御性强和防御性弱的萝卜蚜捕食较多。在混合饲料上,七星瓢虫雌性变异体对两类蚜虫的捕食百分比相似,而六斑月瓢虫变异体对防御性弱的萝卜蚜的捕食百分比较高。尽管随着七星瓢虫雌虫体型的增大而对两类猎物的捕食增多,但随着六斑月瓢虫雌虫体型的增大,只对防御性强的蚜虫的捕食量增加。【结论】本研究结果与我们的假设相反,并证明了:(1)小型瓢虫更多地只是捕食防御性弱的猎物,而大型瓢虫选择性地捕食防御性强的猎物;(2)在瓢虫种内和种间,随着捕食者体型的增大,对防御性强的猎物的偏好性增加。可将这些结果用于瓢虫的室内大规模饲养,以提高对萝卜蚜的生物防治。  相似文献   

本研究比较了瓜蚜Aphis gossypii Glover 5种主要寄主植物对多异瓢虫Hippodamia variegta(Goeze)捕食功能反应的影响。结果表明,瓜蚜寄主植物对多异瓢虫功能反应有显著的影响。在大多数猎物密度下, 1~3龄幼虫对南瓜和黄瓜上瓜蚜的捕食量较瓢葫芦和哈密瓜上的高;在蚜虫密度较低时(≤ 50头/皿),4龄幼虫和成虫对南瓜和黄瓜上瓜蚜的捕食量较高,而蚜虫密度≥ 70头/皿时,对瓢葫芦和搅瓜上瓜蚜的捕食量较高。多异瓢虫各龄幼虫和成虫对5种寄主植物上瓜蚜的功能反应均符合Holling II反应。随着瓢虫龄期的增大,猎物处理时间缩短,瞬时攻击率增大,最大捕食量增加。多异瓢虫成虫处理猎物的时间较长于4龄幼虫,而瞬时攻击率和最大捕食量小于4龄幼虫。多异瓢虫捕食不同寄主植物上饲养的瓜蚜时,猎物处理时间、瞬时攻击率和最大捕食量不同。  相似文献   

试验开展了异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis Pallas对豆蚜Aphis craccivora Koch的捕食功能反应研究。结果表明,异色瓢虫各虫态的功能反应类型均属于HollingⅡ型。随着豆蚜数量的上升,异色瓢虫对豆蚜的捕食增加量逐渐减小直至趋于稳定。异色瓢虫各龄幼虫、成虫对豆蚜的寻找效应均随豆蚜数量的增加而减小。异色瓢虫4龄幼虫的a/Th值最大,为2255.67,捕食功能最强,其后为成虫、3龄、2 龄、1龄幼虫。  相似文献   

【目的】食卵自相残杀现象常见于瓢虫中,业已明确取食同胞卵对于初孵瓢虫至关重要,但取食非同胞卵的营养价值是否高于蚜虫仍存争议。本研究旨在明确异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis在幼虫期除取食蚜虫外兼捕食非同胞卵是否影响其雌成虫的生殖表现。【方法】在异色瓢虫幼虫期设置3个饲喂处理,即仅饲喂禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi(对照)、除饲喂蚜虫外还分别给各龄幼虫饲喂少量非同胞卵(分散食卵)以及除饲喂蚜虫外仅给高龄幼虫饲喂较多非同胞卵(集中食卵)等,观察雌成虫体型大小、产卵前期、连续10 d的逐日产卵量和卵孵化率等形态和生殖特性。【结果】饲喂处理对瓢虫雌成虫体型大小无显著影响,对照、分散食卵和集中食卵3种饲喂处理下的雌成虫身体体积分别为92.30,89.73和93.98 mm~3;饲喂处理对雌成虫产卵前期也无显著影响,3种饲喂处理下雌成虫产卵前期分别为7.50,7.74和7.70 d;但饲喂处理对雌虫生殖力具有显著影响,分散食卵处理与对照无显著差异,羽化后10 d分散食卵和对照下累计产卵量分别为185和205粒,但集中食卵(88粒)比对照或分散食卵的产卵量显著降低;饲喂处理对卵孵化率无显著影响,对照、分散食卵和集中食卵3种饲喂处理下的卵孵化率分别为63.10%,72.58%和66.61%。【结论】结果说明,异色瓢虫各龄幼虫偶尔取食非同胞卵不影响其成虫的生长发育和生殖,但高龄幼虫捕食较多非同胞卵可降低其雌成虫的生殖力。  相似文献   

七星瓢虫对麦长管蚜捕食作用及其模拟模型的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实验室内16—21℃的温度下,七星瓢虫雌成虫捕食行为集中在8:00—22:00。瓢虫各龄幼虫及雌成虫对麦长管蚜的功能反应均属Holling Ⅱ型。28℃时,瓢虫雌成虫的攻击率最大,处理时间最短。随温度增加,攻击率减小,处理时间增加。假设:猎物种群在无捕食者存在时,呈Logistic曲线增长;捕食者随机搜寻猎物。对猎物的功能反应为Holling Ⅱ型,捕食者个体间存在相互干扰;捕食者种群存在一个最低死亡率K_0,随种群增大,死亡率增加,增加速率与密度成反比;捕食者取食的猎物转化为自身部分的比例为β。 七星瓢虫-麦长管蚜捕食作用系统模拟模型:较好地描述了当麦长管蚜种群增长到某一数量时,放置一头瓢虫雌成虫后蚜虫种群增长过程。本文对模型平衡点作了局部稳定性分析。  相似文献   

基于转录组数据高通量发掘扶桑绵粉蚧微卫星引物   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
罗梅  张鹤  宾淑英  林进添 《昆虫学报》2014,57(4):395-400
【目的】扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley是我国重要的检疫性害虫。简单重复序列(simple sequence repeat,SSR)研究在遗传图谱和物理图谱的构建、分子标记辅助育种、品种鉴定、基因定位、遗传多样性、动植物分类和进化等方面具有重要意义。筛选的SSR引物将为扶桑绵粉蚧遗传多样性分析、进化分析及入侵生物学等奠定基础。【方法】利用高通量搜索的方法对扶桑绵粉蚧转录组中28 120条unigenes的数据进行搜索。【结果】共找到1 781个SSR位点。扶桑绵粉蚧转录组中SSRs的主要重复类型是单核苷酸重复,占SSR总数的89.44%;其次是三核苷酸重复,占SSR总数的7.52%。单核苷酸重复里主要是A/T基序,占了总量的87.42%。基于筛选的SSRs,运用Primer 3软件进行引物的批量设计,共有481个unigenes成功设计引物,共设计出1 228对引物。【结论】研究表明利用扶桑绵粉蚧转录组数据开发SSR标记是可行的,本研究开发的引物将为扶桑绵粉蚧遗传多样性分析、进化分析及入侵生物学等奠定基础。  相似文献   

黄俊  智伏英  吕要斌 《昆虫学报》2019,62(12):1427-1434
【目的】班氏跳小蜂Aenasius bambawalei是扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis的伴迁性天敌,迄今已知该寄生蜂只能寄生扶桑绵粉蚧,但是我们发现该寄生蜂还能成功寄生另一种外来有害生物——石蒜绵粉蚧P. solani。本研究旨在明确班氏跳小蜂对该新寄主资源的寄生适合度,为今后充分开发、利用该寄生蜂提供科学依据。【方法】在实验室条件下,以马铃薯Solanum tuberosum块茎作为粉蚧的寄主植物,测定了班氏跳小蜂对不同龄期石蒜绵粉蚧的寄生适合度,并在非选择条件下测定了上述两种寄主上僵蚧形成时间以及该寄生蜂羽化时间、寿命、后足胫节长度、寄生率、羽化率及子代性比。【结果】班氏跳小蜂可寄生石蒜绵粉蚧的雌成虫及2龄和3龄若虫,但只有寄生雌成虫才能正常羽化出蜂。分别以石蒜绵粉蚧与扶桑绵粉蚧为寄主时,最适合的蜂蚧比分别为2∶15和2∶20。不同寄主对僵蚧形成时间及班氏跳小蜂的羽化时间无显著影响,但显著影响班氏跳小蜂的寿命以及雌蜂后足胫节长度,尤其是扶桑绵粉蚧上羽化的寄生蜂的寿命比以石蒜绵粉蚧上的长约20 d。而且,班氏跳小蜂对扶桑绵粉蚧的寄生率(54.0%)显著高于对石蒜绵粉蚧的(25.3%),但班氏跳小蜂在这两种寄主上的羽化率均在90%以上,差异不显著;寄生扶桑绵粉蚧的雌蜂比例高于寄生石蒜绵粉蚧的雌蜂比例。【结论】班氏跳小蜂能寄生石蒜绵粉蚧,且只在雌成虫上完成世代发育;与在更适寄主扶桑绵粉蚧上比较,石蒜绵粉蚧上羽化的班氏跳小蜂在寿命及雌蜂个体大小上有劣势。  相似文献   

转换寄主前后扶桑绵粉蚧取食行为的EPG分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】分析扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis在发生寄主转移前后的取食行为,以据此评价其寄主适应性。【方法】利用刺吸电位(EPG)技术,量化扶桑绵粉蚧转换寄主植物前后的取食行为并进行对比分析。【结果】寄主转换后,扶桑绵粉蚧的取食行为受到显著的影响,需要耗费更多的时间到达韧皮部,总取食时间显著变短,取食效率降低。但寄主转换后,下一代成虫的取食效率提高,总刺探数、取食刺探数、总刺探时间以及到达韧皮部的效率与时间均与寄主转换前的扶桑绵粉蚧个体不存在显著差异。【结论】扶桑绵粉蚧的取食行为存在高度可塑性,这种特性利于扩大其寄主植物范围,有可能是促其成为重要农业入侵生物的原因之一。  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The ladybird Harmonia axyridis is an invasive alien species in many countries and is predicted to have a negative impact on native biodiversity. However, little is known on the status of this aphidophage as an intraguild predator of natural enemies of aphids such as insect-pathogenic fungi.
2. The study assessed the predation of the aphid-specific pathogenic fungus Pandora neoaphidis by adult and larval H. axyridis collected from the U.K. (an invasive population) and Japan (a native population) relative to that of the ladybird Coccinella septempunctata (native to the U.K.) and the non-U.K. C. septempunctata subspecies brucki that were either starved or unstarved.
3. Overall, predation of uninfected aphids was greater than infected aphids and, when given a choice, a preference for aphids was shown. However, the extent of this preference was dependent on the species and origin of the coccinellid. Harmonia axyridis (U.K.) consumed the greatest quantity of fungal cadavers and showed little preference for uninfected aphids over infected aphids. In contrast, C. septempunctata rarely consumed infected aphids. Life stage had no direct effects on predation but starved coccinellids consumed more uninfected aphids than infected aphids.
4.  Harmonia axyridis (U.K.) is a stronger intraguild predator of P. neoaphidis cadavers than the native species C. septempunctata and, therefore, may have an impact on the occurrence and persistence of P. neoaphidis . The differences in intraguild predation by H. axyridis collected in the U.K. and those from Japan suggests that individuals that invaded the U.K. could have a different genetic profile to those in its native range.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Why some exotic species invade successfully while others do not is poorly understood. This study focuses on the inability of the exotic predatory ladybird Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) to establish and spread in Japan. In particular, this study considers the interactions between A. bipunctata and three native Japanese ladybird species, Harmonia axyridis Pallas, Coccinella septempunctata Linn., and Propylea japonica Mulsant.
2. The number of aphids occurring on the host plants declined dramatically over the course of larval development in the presence of H. axyridis or C. septempunctata . In contrast, many aphids remained at the end of the experiment when only A. bipunctata or P. japonica was present.
3. The survivorship of A. bipunctata from second instar to adult was significantly reduced in the presence of H. axyridis , but not in the presence of C. septempunctata or P. japonica . Most deaths were the result of intra-guild predation when H. axyridis or C. septempunctata larvae were present. Larvae of H. axyridis and C. septempunctata suffered very high mortality in this experiment, but survived better when co-occurring with A. bipunctata than when occurring only with conspecifics. In contrast, P. japonica survived better when occurring with conspecifics than with A. bipunctata .
4. The finding that larvae of the exotic species A. bipunctata died at high rates from intra-guild predation by the native Japanese ladybirds H. axyridis and C. septempunctata may bear on the question of why A. bipunctata has not established more successfully in Japan whereas H. axyridis and C. septempunctata have been very successful in establishing themselves in North America.  相似文献   

1. Environmental cues associated with prey are known to increase predator foraging efficiency. Ladybird larvae are major predators of aphids. The sugary excretion of aphids (honeydew) has been proposed to serve as a prey‐associated cue for ladybird larvae. 2. Ladybird larvae are regularly found on the ground moving between plants or after falling off plants. The use of prey‐associated cues would be particularly beneficial for ladybird larvae on the ground in that such cues would help them to decide which plants to climb because aphids are patchily distributed within as well as amongst plants and, as a result, many plants are either not infested with aphids or do not host an aphid species of high nutritional value for ladybird larvae. 3. Laboratory experiments with larvae of Hippodamia convergens Guérin‐Méneville (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) were carried out to explore whether honeydew accumulated on the ground is used as a foraging cue. The study also investigated whether, if honeydew is a foraging cue, larvae show differential responses to honeydew of high‐quality prey Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris compared with that of low‐quality prey Aphis fabae Scopoli (both: Homoptera: Aphididae). 4. Hippodamia convergens larvae stayed longer in areas containing honeydew but did not engage in longer bouts of searching. Furthermore, larvae did not distinguish between honeydew from high‐ and low‐quality aphid prey.  相似文献   

Plant morphology influences insect predators' abilities to capture prey and control pest populations. Several mechanisms for this effect of plants on predator foraging have been proposed. In particular, it is often claimed that increased complexity of plant structures may increase search time and reduce foraging success. Using time-lapse photography we recorded search paths, and compared the total path lengths, percentages of plants searched, and path tortuosity of adult multicolored Asian lady beetles (Harmonia axyridis Pallas) and green lacewing larvae (Chrysoperla carnea Stephens) foraging for pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris) on pea near-isolines (Pisum sativum L.) that differed in shape. We found that H. axyridis searched leafy morphologies less thoroughly than those with more branches, while C. carnea larvae search paths did not differ on any of the pea morphologies. In addition, the ability of H. axyridis to attach to plants and maneuver was increased on morphologies with many branches and edges, while C. carnea was able to attach to all morphologies. Both species, however, had significantly reduced predation success on inverted leaf surfaces. We conclude that undersides of leaves, far from the leaf margin, may serve as partial prey refugia. In addition, we find increased plant branching or an increase in other morphological features which provide predator attachment points may promote foraging success.  相似文献   

The influence of prey mobility and species on prey selection by the coccinellid Harmonia axyridis Pallas was determined under laboratory conditions for two prey species, Hyaliodes vitripennis (Say) and Tetranychus urticae Koch. Prey selection was influenced by prey mobility. In the presence of active prey, the coccinellid selected T. urticae while in presence of immobilized prey, H. vitripennis was preferred. Harmonia axyridis searching time was longer in the presence of active H. vitripennis than in the presence of active T. urticae. Moreover, the coccinellid capture rate was lower for active H. vitripennis caused by effective defensive mechanisms. Prey suitability was affected by prey mobility and species. Immobilized H. vitripennis were the most profitable prey, i.e. induced a shorter developmental time and no mortality. However, active H. vitripennis were not a suitable food source for H. axyridis. Our results suggested that three factors are involved in prey selection by H. axyridis: (i) prey mobility; (ii) prey defensive mechanisms; and (iii) prey species.  相似文献   

We compared incidences of cannibalism and intraguild (IG) predation (IGP) and quantified attack and escape rates—mechanisms which possibly account for the difference in incidences of these interactions—in laboratory experiments with Harmonia axyridis and Coccinella septempunctata. There was a tendency for H. axyridis to act as an IG predator and C. septempunctata as an IG prey. Cannibalism was also often observed in both species. The incidences of both IGP and cannibalism were different between the species. The average attack rates of C. septempunctata were less than 20%, but those of the more aggressive H. axyridis exceeded 50%. Larvae of both species attacked conspecifics and heterospecifics H. axyridis larvae successfully escaped when attacked by both conspecifics and by heterospecifics, while larvae of C. septempunctata escaped from attacks of conspecifics but not from those of heterospecifics. Thus the aggressive behavior of H. axyridis, in particular, of the third and fourth instars, negatively affects the larval survival of C. septempunctata. It may contribute to the dominance of H. axyridis in ladybird assemblages and its displacement of other ladybird species in several places in the world.  相似文献   

Individuals of the same species, population and generation frequently exhibit sub-maximal and significant genetic and phenotypic variation in their rate of development, showing slow and fast developers. Fast developers commonly have higher foraging and predation rates than slow developers. The consequence of such differences and foraging for the efficacy of biocontrol species remains under-explored. Slow and fast developers from a population of the ladybird, Propylea dissecta were separated and selected experimentally for F15 generations, and the predatory response of fourth instar larvae of control and experimentally selected slow and fast developers was then assessed at differing levels of prey (pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum) and conspecific predator abundance. All individuals, whether slow or fast developers, showed a Type-II functional response, decrease in proportion of prey consumed with increasing prey biomass and an increase in proportion of prey consumed with increasing predator density. The proportion of prey consumed was highest in experimental fast developers and lowest in experimental slow developers. Attack rate was highest and handling time longest in slow developers of control/experimental groups. Mutual interference was least while area of discovery was highest in experimental fast developers. Thus, selection of fast developers for F15 generations led to higher functional responses, slower attack rates and faster prey consumption. This lower mutual interference and high searching efficiency indicates that they can be experimentally selected and used for better control of the pea aphids. This study is the first attempt to evaluate predatory responses of selected lines of an aphidophagous ladybird.  相似文献   

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