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红白锦鲤人工雌核发育纯系的微卫星标记分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用连续两代人工雌核发育操作,构建了极具观赏价值的红白锦鲤人工雌核发育系。应用6对微卫星引物进行遗传标记研究,检测分析了该雌核发育系内个体间的遗传同质性及其基因座位的纯合度。实验结果显示,11尾经人工挑选具有相同表形、极具观赏价值的F1代性成熟个体的微卫星扩增图谱呈现出高度的一致性。同时,随机挑选的人工雌核发育F2代个体在所检测的基因座位均呈现纯合,扩增图谱呈现了高度的一致,从分子水平上证实了本实验所获得的红白人工雌核发育F2代是一个纯系。  相似文献   

用紫外线灭活栉孔扇贝精子和6-DMAP处理受精卵抑制第二极体,获得A、B、C 3组雌核发育栉孔扇贝。采用筛选获得的5对多态性微卫星引物对3个家系雌核发育组30个个体、双亲及对照组40个个体进行了遗传变异分析。结果显示:3个家系雌核发育组后代中均有部分个体出现父本基因,表明精子遗传物质失活不彻底,雌核发育组中存在正常受精个体;在具多态性的5个基因座位上均发生了基因-着丝点之间的重组,重组率在26.7%—55.0%之间,表明通过抑制第二极体排出获得的栉孔扇贝雌核发育后代在个体和群体水平上具有一定的基因杂合;3个家系后代的平均基因纯合率为59.1%,而其对照组家系为2.5%,雌核发育使基因的纯合率提高了56.6%。研究表明雌核发育是促进基因纯合的一个有效途径,微卫星标记技术是贝类雌核发育鉴定和遗传分析的有效方法。  相似文献   

锦鲤4个人工雌核发育家系的微卫星标记研究   总被引:37,自引:4,他引:33  
利用Crooijmans et al.(1997)分离的包含CA重复单元的普通鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio L.)的8个微卫星DNA标记,对从锦鲤(Cyprinus carpio L.)的红白,大正和昭和3个不同品系中所获得的4个不同人工雌核发育家系的20尾个体进行PCR扩增。电泳结果表明,8对引物在20尾个体中均能重复稳定地扩增出相应的同源序列。随引物不同,各等位基因数为1-11个,大小在68-264bp。在MFW4,MFW7,MFW19,MFW20,MFW23和MFW24 6个微卫星的扩增结果中,20尾个体的扩增图谱呈现了高度的遗传多态性,不同雌核发育家系内个体的遗传异质性也较大。其中大正(TaS)和红白1(RW1)的个体不仅花色分化显著,而且个体间的平均遗传距离分别高达0.28。通过对微卫星等位基因和基因型分析发现,由于锦鲤品系中的每一个体是通过不断地杂交选育而获得,基因组来源复杂,基因高度杂合。因此,只进行1代的人工雌核发育,其家系内仅部分个体的部分座位出现纯合。所获得的人工雌核发育锦鲤为后续的色素遗传调控机制研究提供了必要的实验材料;同时,所鉴定的微卫星分子标记为进行锦鲤的分子标记育种的基因组作图提供了理想的工具。  相似文献   

郑康  林凯东  刘正华  罗琛 《遗传学报》2007,34(4):321-330
对湘江流域草鱼群体,一代及连续两代极体型人工诱导雌核发育草鱼群体基因组DNA的微卫星引物统计分析结果表明:湘江流域草鱼群体存在一定程度的遗传多态性;大多数被检测的微卫星位点上存在两个以上的等位基因,但遗传多样性程度较低。一代人工诱导雌核发育草鱼群体中个体的基因位点已基本纯合,但就整个群体而言,个体之间的基因型还不完全一致,表现出一定的多态性。连续两代人工诱导雌核发育草鱼群体中不仅所检测个体的基因位点已完全纯合,并且各个体的基因型也完全相同。这些观察结果说明所检测的两代人工诱导雌核发育草鱼群体是纯合的,经连续两代人工诱导雌核发育可能建立起草鱼纯系。该实验结果还发现不仅草鱼的微卫星位点上存在等位基因的多态性,而且微卫星位点本身也存在多态性;在人工诱导草鱼雌核发育的过程中不仅存在微卫星等位基因快速丢失的现象,而且也存在微卫星位点丢失的现象。因此,加强对自然水体中草鱼种质资源多样性的保护和利用各种现代生物学技术纯化、筛选和组合优良性状基因,是草鱼遗传育种中同样重要和不可或缺的两个方面。  相似文献   

微卫星标记对牙鲆有丝分裂雌核发育家系的亲子鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用18个微卫星标记,对6个家系的26尾有丝分裂雌核发育牙鲆进行亲子鉴定,PCR扩增产物经8%非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测,结果表明:1个座位在母本中表现为相同的基因型,视为单态座位,其他17个座位为多态;多态座位在亲子鉴定中的累计排除概率和累计个体识别概率分别为0.9985、0.9999;根据被测个体在17个微卫星座位的基因型,最后确认26尾子代的母本,其中7尾子代在某些座位表现出与其母本不完全匹配的基因型。利用微卫星标记可确定雌核发育后代的亲子关系,从而构建牙鲆雌核发育家系系谱,对牙鲆雌核发育的深入研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

微卫星标记对牙鲆有丝分裂雌核发育家系的亲子鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用18个微卫星标记,对6个家系的26尾有丝分裂雌核发育牙鲆进行亲子鉴定,PCR扩增产物经8%非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测,结果表明:1个座位在母本中表现为相同的基因型,视为单态座位,其他17个座位为多态;多态座位在亲子鉴定中的累计排除概率和累计个体识别概率分别为0.9985、0.9999;根据被测个体在17个微卫星座位的基因型,最后确认26尾子代的母本,其中7尾子代在某些座位表现出与其母本不完全匹配的基因型。利用微卫星标记可确定雌核发育后代的亲子关系,从而构建牙鲆雌核发育家系系谱,对牙鲆雌核发育的深入研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

在优化RAPD(随机扩增多态性DNA)检测条件基础上,从134个随机引物中筛选出53个扩增较好且多态性强的引物,对异源四倍体鲫鲤第1代(G1)、第2代(G2)人工诱导的雌核发育二倍体后代群体的DNA多态性及分子标记进行了分析。结果显示,53个随机引物在G1群体和G2群体中检测到的位点数分别为541、511,其中多态性位点数分别为70、52,多态位点比例分别为12.94%、10.18%。两个群体的平均遗传距离分别为0.0732、0.0464。研究表明,经过连续2代人工雌核发育,G2的遗传多样性明显减少,种质进一步纯化。还从53个随机引物的扩增谱带中找到了2个引物(S50、S223)的特异扩增谱带,可以作为第1、2代雌核发育群体间的分子遗传标记。由计算机软件程序构建的分支系统树清晰地反映了两个雌核发育群体及其个体间的相互关系。  相似文献   

微卫星DNA监控大鼠近交系的培育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李瑞生  董罡  吴晓燕  王鹏  王晓辉  陈振文 《遗传》2006,28(7):821-824
采用微卫星DNA技术来监控大鼠仔代基因状况,选择性地进行交配繁殖,使基因快速纯合,缩短培育新的近交系动物周期。利用PCR扩增30个微卫星DNA位点对封闭群SD和Wistar大鼠交配繁殖的仔代鼠进行微卫星DNA多态性分析,仔代中与母代SD大鼠相似系数高的与中的进行定向交配繁殖。F2代大鼠均为杂合多态的位点,没有纯合位点;到F9代时基因纯合位点达27个,纯合基因位点率为90%。每代相似系数具有不断上升的趋势,上升率为6-20%。采用皮肤移植方法验证了F9代大鼠间无排斥。建立了一种新的快速培育近交系动物的方法。  相似文献   

大黄鱼连续两代雌核发育群体的微卫星标记分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对大黄鱼(Pseudosciaena crocea)异质雌核发育一代群体(meio-G1)与二代群体(meio-G2)微卫星位点的纯合度进行分析,研究异质雌核发育对大黄鱼基因纯化的效率。结果显示:meio-G1和meio-G215个微卫星座位的平均纯合度分别为0.661和0.803,纯合位点比例最高个体分别为0.867(13/15)和0.933(14/15),两个群体内个体间的平均相似系数分别为0.5903和0.8672,最高分别达0.9286和1.0(遗传距离为0.0741和0),远高于两性交配繁殖群体(平均纯合度0.376,平均相似系数0.4687,个体间最小遗传距离0.2288);其中meio-G2群体有7个位点(46.7%)已经完全纯合固定,并与普通养殖群体产生较明显的遗传分化;表明人工诱导异质雌核发育可大大加速大黄鱼大多数基因位点的纯合,是快速建立高纯品系的有效手段。但不同位点的纯合度差异很大,部分位点在异质雌核发育后代中迅速纯合,在meio-G1中就达到很高的纯合度,而有些位点则在meio-G1和meio-G2中仍保持很高的杂合度;meio-G1和meio-G2群体中不同个体纯合位点比例差异也很大。研究培育的雌核发育群体为大黄鱼进一步选育提供了良好的遗传材料。  相似文献   

微卫星评价牙鲆雌核发育二倍体纯合性   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:30  
采用8个微卫星座位分别对牙鲆减数雌核发育二倍体家系和卵裂雌核发育二倍体家系的纯合性进行检验。卵裂雌核发育二倍体在所有检测座位全部纯合。减数雌核发育二倍体在部分座位发生纯合,但未发现在所有座位全部纯合的个体,在Poli9TUF、Poli9-8TUF、Poli11TUF、Poli13TUF、Poli23TUF、Poli30TUF、Poli123TUF和Poli130TUF座位,杂合子比例分别为1·0000、1·0000、0·1944、0·9459、0·8611、1·0000、0·7778和0·8000,平均杂合子比例为0·8224。由此表明,牙鲆除了Poli11TUF外,在其余7个座位均具有很高的重组率。研究结果显示,牙鲆卵裂雌核发育二倍体一代即可形成纯合子;而减数雌核发育二倍体由于具有较高的重组率,使其与母本的遗传同质性较高。  相似文献   

The inheritance and molecular mapping of a fertility restorer gene in basmati quality restorer line PRR-78 was carried out using an F2 mapping population from the cross IR58025A X PRR-78 employing microsatellite markers. Dominant monogenic control of fertility restoration was observed in the F2, and further confirmed by test cross data. Out of 44 sequence tagged microsatellite (STMS) markers used in the bulked segregant analysis (BSA), four differentiated the fertile bulk from the sterile bulk as well as the two parental lines from each other. One of these markers, RM258 located on chromosome 10, was found linked to the restorer gene at a distance of9.5 cM. Considering the RM258 location, additional STMS (RM171 and RM294A) and sequence tagged site (STS) primers derived from restriction fragment length polymorphic (RFLP) clones (G2155 and C1361) linked to fertility restorer gene(s) in other populations, were also used to find out a marker more tightly linked to the restorer gene. However, of these, RM171, RM294A and G2155 based primers amplified monomorphic fragments between parental lines and no amplification was observed with C1361. Cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) analysis of non-polymorphic STMS and STS markers and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis using five random primers reportedly linked to restorer gene in other populations, also failed to differentiate the two parents. While, the marker RM258 is being used in the restorer breeding to identify putative restorer lines, search for additional tightly linked markers is underway.  相似文献   

RAPD和SSR两种标记构建的中国对虾遗传连锁图谱   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用RAPD和SSR分子标记结合拟测交策略,对中国对虾(Fenneropenaeuschinensis)“黄海1号”雌虾与野生雄虾作为亲本进行单对杂交产生的F1代,采用RAPD和SSR两种分子标记技术初步构建了中国对虾雌、雄遗传连锁图谱。对460个RAPD引物和44对SSR引物进行筛选,共选出61个RAPD引物和20对SSR引物,用于对父母本和82个F1个体进行遗传分析。共得到母本分离标记146个(RAPD标记128个,微卫星标记18个)和父本分离标记127个(RAPD标记109个,微卫星标记18个)。雌性图谱包括8个连锁群、9个三联体和14个连锁对,标记间平均间隔为11·28cM,图谱共覆盖1173cM,覆盖率为59·36%;雄性图谱包括10个连锁群、12个三联体和7个连锁对,标记间平均间隔为12·05cM,图谱共覆盖1144·6cM,覆盖率为62·01%。中国对虾遗传图谱的构建为其分子标记辅助育种、比较基因组作图及数量性状位点的定位与克隆奠定了基础。  相似文献   

利用微卫星标记鉴定水稻的稻瘟病抗性   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
应用水稻稻瘟病抗性基因Pid(t)紧密连锁的微卫星标记RM262对含有该抗病基因的品种地谷与感病品种江南香糯和8987的杂交F2群体进行遗传分析和抗性鉴定,结果表明,RM262的PCR扩增物在抗、感品种之间的多态性较好;在2个F2群体中,RM262和抗病基因间的重组率分别为5.74%和8.17%,应用该标记的抗性纯合和杂合带型选择抗性植株,其准确率可达98%以上。此外,还就分子标记辅助育种进行了讨论。  相似文献   

黄瓜霜霉病抗病基因的RAPD及SCAR标记   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以感霜霉病黄瓜L18-10-2和抗霜霉病黄瓜129为亲本构建F2代分离群体,以F3代植株霜霉病抗性鉴定表示F2代各单株抗病性并得以区分各单株杂合或纯合感病性,采用RAPD技术和转SCAR的方法筛选黄瓜抗霜霉病基因分子标记.结果显示,在318条RAPD引物中有18条引物表现出两亲本间多态性,其中引物P18的SB-SP18561扩增片段与霜霉病抗病基因之间紧密连锁,根据交换率和Kosambi函数公式计算其遗传距离为7.85 cM.回收SBSP18561片段并克隆和测序,其准确长度为561 bp.将该RAPD标记转换为SCAR标记,长度为494 bp,命名为SSBSP18494.  相似文献   

In order to develop the specific genetic marker for Korean native cattle (Hanwoo), randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis of 6 different cattle breeds was attempted by using 38 decamer primers. In comparison of RAPD patterns, two distinctive DNA bands specific for Hanwoo were detected. One was 296 bp of DNA fragment found to be specific only for female Hanwoo when primer GTCCACACGG was employed. In individual analysis of this RAPD marker was observed only in female individuals with the possibility of 85.3%. The other was 521 bp of RAPD marker amplified using TCGGCGATAG and AGCCAGCGAA primers, which showed 83.0% of genetic frequency in 85 male and 68 female individuals tested. Nucleotide sequencing of these genetic markers revealed that 296 bp marker has a short microsatellite-like sequence, ACCACCACAC, and a tandem repeat sequence of microsatellite GAAAAATG in the determined sequence. Two distinctive tandem repeats of microsatellite sequences, AAC and GAAGA, were also appeared in 521 bp DNA marker. In BLAST search, any gene having high homology with these markers was not found  相似文献   

Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum graminicola, infects all aerial parts of sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, plants and causes loss of as much as 70%. F1 and F2 plants inoculated with local isolates of C. graminicola indicated that resistance to anthracnose in sorghum accession G 73 segregated as a recessive trait in a cross with susceptible cultivar HC 136. To facilitate the use of marker-assisted selection in sorghum breeding programs, a PCR-based specific sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker was developed. A total of 29 resistant and 20 susceptible recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a HC 136 × G 73 cross was used for bulked segregant analysis to identify a RAPD marker closely linked to a gene for resistance to anthracnose. The polymorphism between the parents HC 136 and G 73 was evaluated using 84 random sequence decamer primers. Among these, only 24 primers generated polymorphism. On bulked segregant analysis, primer OPA 12 amplified a unique band of 383 bp only in the resistant parent G 73 and resistant bulk. Segregation analysis of individual RILs showed the marker OPA 12383 was 6.03 cM from the locus governing resistance to anthracnose. The marker OPA 12383 was cloned and sequenced. Based on the sequence of cloned RAPD product, a pair of SCAR markers SCA 12-1 and SCA 12-2 was designed using the MacVector program, which specifically amplified this RAPD fragment in resistant parent G 73, resistant bulk and respective RILs. Therefore, it was confirmed that SCAR marker SCA 12 is at the same locus as RAPD marker OPA 12383 and hence, is linked to the gene for resistance to anthracnose.  相似文献   

The primary genetic linkage maps of Fenneropenaeus chinensis (Osbeck) were constructed by using the “two-way pseudo-testcross” strategy with RAPD and SSR markers. Parents and F1 progeny were used as segregating populations. Sixty-one RAPD primers and 20 pairs of SSR primers were screened from 460 RAPD primers and 44 pairs of SSR primers. These primers were used to analyze the parents and 82 progeny of the mapping family. About 146 primers (128 RAPDs, 18 microsatellites) in the female and 127 primers (109 RAPDs, 18 microsatellites) in the male were segregating markers. The female linkage map included eight linkage groups, nine triplets and 14 doublets, spanning 1,173 cM with the average marker density of 11.28 cM, and the observed coverage was 59.36%. The male linkage map included 10 linkage groups, 12 triplets and seven doublets, spanning 1,144.6 cM with the average marker density of 12.05 cM, and the observed coverage was 62.01%. The construction of the F. chinensis genetic linkage maps here opened a new prospect for marker-assisted selection program, comparative genomics and quantitative trait loci (QTL) gene location and cloning.  相似文献   

应用微卫星标记对雌核发育银鲫的遗传多样性初探   总被引:39,自引:5,他引:34  
利用Crooijmans et al.(1997)分离的包含CA重复单元的普通鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpino.L)的8个微卫星DNA标记,对银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch)的5个不同雌核发育系的24尾个体进行PCR扩增。分析电泳结果发现,除MFW28未能在银鲫中稳定地扩增出相应的同源序列,其余的7对引物扩增的重复性和稳定性都很好,随引物不同,各等位基因数为1-14个,大小在100-506bp。在MFW1、MFW4、MFW19、MFW20、MFW23和MFW246个微卫星的扩增图谱中,不同的雌核发育系扩增出各自独特的图谱,而同一系内的不同个体间具有高度的遗传同质性,但仍然在个别个体中检测到少量的多态片段。不同系间的扩增图谱呈现出高度的遗传异质性,共鉴定出23个可以用于有效区分5个不同雌核发育系的分子标记。这5个微卫星标记反映了银鲫5个雌核发育系间的相互亲缘关系,其中P和A系同属一个雌核发育系,F系起源于E系,A、D和E系可能分别独立地起源于不同的杂交事件,鉴定的微卫星分子标记为进行银鲫群体遗传学和进化遗传学研究,以及银鲫的分子标记育种和进行基因组作图提供了理想的工具。  相似文献   

Mutations in the promoter region of the factor IX gene result in hemophilia B Leyden, which is characterized by considerable improvement in the disease after puberty. We have found that distinct nucleotide substitutions at the -6 position in the Leyden-specific (LS) region are associated with a different severity of hemophilia B. The proband (aged 2) from one family is a severe hemophiliac with factor IX activity (F.IXC) and antigen (F.IXAg) levels less than 1.0U/dl. F.IXC and F.IXAg levels in two affected uncles are approximately 30% of normal levels. The LS region was targeted for analysis because the phenotypes suggested the inheritance of a factor IX Leyden gene. An abnormal TaqI digestion pattern was found in amplified DNA from the proband, and sequencing showed a G (-6) to C transversion that was linked to the disease in the family. In another family, two brothers (aged 8 and 9) suffer from mild hemophilia with F.IXC ranging from 7 to 10 U/dl and F.IXAg from 3 to 4 U/dl. They are the only documented members of the family with a bleeding tendency. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis on amplified fragments from one of the patient's genomic DNA corresponding to the 8 exons and flanking sequences of the factor IX gene suggested a defect only in a segment from the 5 region. This segment showed an altered TaqI digestion pattern, and sequencing demonstrated a G(-6) to A transition that was traced to the patients's mother and a grandmother. The different phenotypes associated with the G (-6) to A purine nucleotide transition compared with a G(-6) to C transversion provide evidence that this area is directly involved in the regulation of the human factor IX gene expression in vivo by binding of regulatory factors. The ability to predict that the conditions of a hemophilia B patient will improve with age has important implications for genetic counseling of the family. Therefore, the LS region should always be included when scanning the factor IX gene for mutations.  相似文献   

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