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 本项研究自1983年起在锡林河中游对放牧退化的冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)占优势的草原群落变型进行封育恢复实验与长期监测。每年在植物生长季以15天为间隔进行取样测定,即每年测定9期,每期做10或20个1m×1m的样方。测定项目包括:群落中各植物种群的地上现存生物量、密度、高度、花(果)枝数等。还采用改进的样方方差法监测植物种群空间分布格局的动态。并同时在保护良好的羊草+大针茅(Leymus chinensis+Stipa grandis)群落中进行测定取得完全对应的数据,作为对照系列。以上两种群落的土壤水分与养分动态的长期监测由本站土壤组承担。根据连续十二年监测数据的分析,对退化草原群落的性质与特征提出以下的认识,并对退化草原恢复演替的驱动因素进行厂探讨。1.草原退化演替阶段是与一定强度的放牧压力保持平衡而相对稳定的群落变形,退化阶段取决于牧压强度与持续的年代。2.当群落退化到冷蒿为主要优势种的阶段时,与原生群落的种类组成相比,只发生一定的数量消长变化,对群落的物种丰富度影响不大。3.退化群落植物种群空间格局的均匀性较高,随着恢复演替的进展,因一些种群斑块增大而使空间不均匀性增强。4.退化群落与其原生群落的种—生物量关系呈对数正态模式,其演替过渡阶段成为分割线段模式,也反映出群落资源分配格局与群落空间格局的关系。5.退化草原的显著特征是植被生产力下降,冷蒿群落的生物量下降到原生群落的30%~40%,家畜嗜食的植物种减少50%~70%总生产力不足原生群落的30%。6.退化群落在自然封育条件下能够迅速恢复的原因,可归结为植物在削除放牧干扰后的种群拓殖能力与群落资源(水分,矿质养分等)的剩余。群落资源条件是种群拓殖的物质基础,从而成为恢复演替的动力。  相似文献   

 根据内蒙古典型草原地带的羊草+大针茅草原退化变型一冷蒿群落封育12年(1983—1994)的动态监测数据进行分析,对群落恢复演替轨迹取得以下认识: 1.依据群落优势种的更替及主分量分析结果可将恢复演替过程划分为冷蒿优势阶段、冷蒿+冰草阶段、冰草优势阶段、羊草优势阶段。 2;退化草原群落在恢复演替过程中,群落生产力的变化表现出阶梯式跃变和亚稳态阶面相间的特点。第一次跃变发生在1984年,上升到第二个阶面,第二次跃变发生在1990年,进入了第三个阶面,已接近于原生群落的生产力。 3.群落生产力与水资源量的关系因恢复演替阶段不同而异。第一亚稳态时期,群落地上现存生物量大体处于166g·m-2的水平上,生长季降水量达176mm以上时,增加降水对群落生产力的提高不发生显著影响。第二亚稳态时期,群落生物量与降水量之间的相关性显著。可推算出群落于物质生产用水量介于1.1~1.6mm·g-1之间。此值在1.1mm·g-1时,群落对水资源的利用效率最高,而在1.6mm·g-1时群落生物量达到最大值。 4.在恢复演替进程中,群落密度的位点常数约为271.5株·m-2,循此常数上下波动,表现出拥挤与稀疏交替发生的过程,构成了恢复演替的节奏性变化。群落生物量的跃变与亚稳态的形成,以及群落密度的拥挤与稀疏交替作用是群落恢复演替的内在机制。恢复演替的速度,到第10年发生了1.78个半变的生态距离。5.草原退化群落恢复演替过程中,按照其节奏性及生产力跃变与亚稳态的规律,调控放牧利用强度或采取技术措施,调节群落拥挤和稀疏的交替过程可加速恢复演替进程。  相似文献   

羊草+大针茅草原群落退化演替机理的研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
通过比较退化与未退化典型草原群落中主要植物种的个体数量特征和根系分布的差异 ,在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟白音锡勒牧场中国科学院草原生态系统定位研究站的实验样地上通过为期 11年 (1983~ 1993)对退化草原群落恢复演替过程中植物个体特征动态的监测 ,证明以节间缩短、叶片变短和根系分布浅层化为特征的植物个体小型化是在过度放牧所致草原退化中联系导因与结果的机理性中间环节。植物个体小型化使群落生产力水平下降 ;也使各个种群构建群落的功能衰退 ,并由此导致原来占据的资源空间被释放出来 ;释放出的资源诱使家畜不喜食的种群大量拓殖 ,从而出现优势种更替。因此 ,植物个体小型化现象及其生态学作用可以很好地揭示过牧条件下草原群落退化所表现出的生产力锐减和优势种更替特征的机理  相似文献   

退化草原冷蒿群落13年不同放牧强度后的植物多样性   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
刘振国  李镇清 《生态学报》2006,26(2):475-482
放牧过程通过家畜的啃食、践踏干扰草原环境,使草原的物种组成发生变化,植物种群的优势地位发生更替。对退化草原中的冷蒿群落在经历13a不同放牧强度——无牧(0.00只羊,hm^2)、轻牧(1.33只羊/hm^2)、中牧(4.00只羊/hm^2)、重牧(6.67只羊,hm^2)的围栏放牧后的植物群落多样性进行研究,结果表明:经过13a的演替变化,(1)无牧处理下植被密度显著低于其它3个放牧处理下的植被密度,而其它3个放牧处理之间的植被密度差异不显著;(2)无牧处理下羊草成为群落的优势种,轻牧和中牧处理下冷蒿依然是群落的优势种。这3种处理下寸草苔的种群密度最大;重牧处理下优势种变为星毛委陵菜,并且其种群密度最大;随着放牧强度增加,不同放牧退化阶段指示植物的种群密度的变化趋势是:冷蒿为先增大后减小,而星毛委陵菜为先急剧增大,然后平缓增大,最后再急剧增大;(3)植物多样性和均匀度指数在中牧处理下最大,在无牧处理下最小,说明中牧处理下群落的多样性最高,无牧处理下群落的多样性最小。而优势度指数正相反。植物群落结构和多样性的变化主要是由放牧家畜选择性采食、不同植物对放牧响应的不同策略、植物种间的竞争、动植物协同进化以及由放牧改变的土壤理化性质等因素综合决定的。此研究有助于进一步认识退化草原在继续放牧干扰下的演替规律以及为退化草原的保护和恢复提供理论依据。  相似文献   

本文利用1983—1991年获得的退化羊草草原恢复演替过程的野外调查资料,通过对种的重要值,群落的生态多样性和均匀性指数的计算分析,研究了在退化草原恢复演替过程中植物种类组成及其群落学作用、种的饱合度、层片结构、生产能力以及群落综合特征的动态变化  相似文献   

 本文将定位研究与路线考察相结合,将放牧影响下草原的动态演替及其在牧压梯度上的空间变化相对比,研究了内蒙古主要草原草场的放牧退化模式,并在此基础上初步探讨了判别草场退化的数量指标和退化监测专家系统。1)植物种与牧压关系的分析,区别出放牧的定性和定量指示植物及宜中牧植物,并划分植物为不同的放牧生态种组。2)退化草原恢复过程的研究表明,根茎禾草的恢复快于丛生禾草;群落恢复过程是单稳态的,且恢复演替动态与其牧压梯度上的空间变化相对应。3)内蒙古高原主要草原草场在持续放牧影响下均趋同于冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)草原。冷蒿是最可靠的正定量放牧指示植物,但同时又是优良牧草和草原退化的阻击者。4)讨论了草原草场退化的概念,论述了草原逆向演替与草场退化的区别和联系,提出了区分草原的逆向演替为草场熟化和退化两个过程,并依草场群落与牧压的关系建立了判定草场是否退化及退化程度的数量指标。5)初步设计了草原草场退化监测—决策专家系统,包括监测、判别和决策三个步骤。  相似文献   

草地群落放牧干扰梯度β多样性研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
放牧过程通过牲畜的啃食、践踏作用干扰草场环境,使草地群落的物种组成发生变化,植物种群的优势地位发生更替.结果表明,随放牧干扰强度加重,从盐湿化草甸到典型草原,群落植物种丰富度呈下降趋势.β多样性测度结果显示,盐湿化草甸和羊草杂类草草甸群落物种变化的中度干扰出现在轻牧→中牧阶段,并在整个放牧干扰进程中,表现较低的稳定性;草甸草原和典型草原群落出现在中牧→重牧阶段;而荒漠草原物种变化表现出高度的稳定性,从轻牧到过牧物种替代仅1~3种.各群落放牧干扰植物多样性的稳定性次序是:荒漠草原>典型草原≥草甸草原>盐湿化草甸  相似文献   

杨晨  王炜  汪诗平  梁存柱  王立新 《生态学报》2013,33(10):3092-3102
内蒙古典型草原,由于过度放牧利用,绝大部分草原处于退化状态.为了使退化草原得到较好的恢复,以锡林郭勒盟白音锡勒牧场典型草原为研究对象,比较分析了在不同起始状态下的草原群落,经过6a的自然恢复,其各自的群落组成,地上生物量及共有种的植株高度、节间长、叶长、叶宽,土壤紧实度和容重.结果表明:1)不同放牧率的植物群落,经过6a的禁牧恢复,群落类型发生了变化且群落趋于一致.2)当放牧率SR≤5.33羊/hm2(SR4)时,演替起始状态对草原群落地上生物量的恢复没有影响;当放牧率SR>5.33羊/hm2时,演替起始状态对草原群落地上生物量的恢复产生影响,其结果是导致当前生物量降低,不利于草原的恢复.3)不同放牧率植物群落的植物个体特征趋于一致,“个体小型化”现象消失.同时,也说明群落恢复演替的起点不同,正常化的时间没有太大的变化.4)不同放牧率植物群落的土壤紧实度和容重经过6a的禁牧恢复,没有得到完全恢复,但均达到一致的水平.  相似文献   

鼎湖山马尾松群落演替过程物种变化之研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
在永久样地定位调查的基础上,研究鼎湖山森林植被马尾松群落在十几年演替中种群结构和群落结构的变化.研究结果表明,随着演替的进展,其群落中的乔木种类增多,由4种增至7种.群落的组成结构趋向优化:群落的多样性趋于增加,物种多样性指数由0.58增到1.60;群落增加其均匀度,均匀度指数由0.29增大至0.69;生态优势度指数由0.83变为0.38.十四年的演变明显地改变群落中的优势种的种群结构.先锋性的群落发生种马尾松种群尽管仍是优势种,但消亡的趋势明显;地带性的顶极建群种,如荷木等大大的发展,群落加速向混交林的方向发展演变.  相似文献   

内蒙古典型草原地带退化草原的恢复动态   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
李永宏 《生物多样性》1995,3(3):125-130
对退化草原自然恢复演替过程的监测,是认识其恢复过程、机理、探讨恢复的限制因子和进一步制定快速、低投入生态恢复措施的基础。通过对内蒙古典型草原地带退化草原[星毛委陵菜(Potentila acaulis)、冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)和寸草苔(Carex duriuscula)等为主]封育恢复动态 8年的监测表明:在退化草原群落自然恢复过程中,植物高度上升;植被盖度和生物量先增加,尔后基本稳定,或略有下降的趋势。群落的物种丰富度增加微弱,这可能与该区草原植物和野生动物协同进化有关,同时与数千年的家畜放牧史有关。即植物物种对放牧有较大的耐性,停止放牧,物种的丰富度也增加较少;群落结构的变化主要表现在不同种群优势度的消长上。群落均匀度指数的动态过程分析表明,恢复8年的草原群落尚未达到天然草原状态,尚需进一步的监测研究。  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地丘间地植被演变的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
 主要研究了科尔沁沙地丘间地植被的发生和演变规律及不同发育时间群落种类组成动态特征。结果表明:丘间地植被发育很快,在围封条件下,30年内经历了一年生草本阶段、多年生草本阶段和灌丛阶段。在组成结构上,物种多样性指数和均匀度呈上升趋势,而生态优势度下降,表明其相对稳定的特征。同时就过度放牧对植被的影响进行了论述。  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):103-114

Rhizoid gemmae (or tubers) are described and illustrated from twenty-nine species of European mosses. A majority of the species can be recognized from the appearance of their tubers. In many species, such as those which occur in arable fields, the tubers appear to be adapted primarily as a means of surviving unfavourable conditions, while in others, such as those occurring by streams, dispersal by water may also be an important function of the gemmae. Tuber-bearing mosses are often sterile and sporopbytes are unknown in several of them.

I am grateful to Dr E. Nyholm, Mrs J. A. Paton and Dr E. F. Warburg for the loan of specimens from which to start cultures. Mr A. C. Crundwell has given me invaluable help throughout the course of this study, not only in providing information and specimens but also for the interest he has shown, and I am much indebted to him.  相似文献   

Anoxia occurs in bottom waters of stratified estuaries when respiratory consumption of oxygen, primarily by bacteria, outpaces atmospheric and photosynthetic reoxygenation. Once water becomes anoxic, bacterioplankton must change their metabolism to some form of anaerobic respiration. Analysis of redox chemistry in water samples spanning the oxycline of Chesapeake Bay during the summer of 2004 suggested that there was a succession of respiratory metabolism following the loss of oxygen. Bacterial community doubling time, calculated from bacterial abundance (direct counts) and production (anaerobic leucine incorporation), ranged from 0.36 to 0.75 day and was always much shorter than estimates of the time that the bottom water was anoxic (18 to 44 days), indicating that there was adequate time for bacterial community composition to shift in response to changing redox conditions. However, community composition (as determined by PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of 16S rRNA genes) in anoxic waters was very similar to that in surface waters in June when nitrate respiration was apparent in the water column and only partially shifted away from the composition of the surface community after nitrate was depleted. Anoxic water communities did not change dramatically until August, when sulfate respiration appeared to dominate. Surface water populations that remained dominant in anoxic waters were Synechococcus sp., Gammaproteobacteria in the SAR86 clade, and Alphaproteobacteria relatives of Pelagibacter ubique, including a putative estuarine-specific Pelagibacter cluster. Populations that developed in anoxic water were most similar (<92% similarity) to uncultivated Firmicutes, uncultivated Bacteroidetes, Gammaproteobacteria in the genus Thioalcalovibrio, and the uncultivated SAR406 cluster. These results indicate that typical estuarine bacterioplankton switch to anaerobic metabolism under anoxic conditions but are ultimately replaced by different organisms under sulfidic conditions.  相似文献   

Succession: A population process   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Recent critical reviews suggest the need for a reductionistic approach to the study of secondary plant succession. We propose viewing succession as the result of the underlying plant population dynamics. This approach is being developed using nearly 50 years of permanent sample plot records.After initial establishment Pinus taeda shows an exponential depletion with stands of various densities conforming to the reciprocal yield relationship. Uneven-aged hardwoods also show exponential depletion. Canopy disturbance can enhance the establishment process, though severe disturbance and the consequent abundant regeneration can lead again to dense, even-aged stands with low levels of establishment. These results suggest a general pattern of forest development wherein establishment is initially important, but is quickly replaced by mortality as the dominant process when the dense, even-sized stand starts to thin. Eventually, failing additional disturbance, natural mortality will again open the canopy allowing development of a balance between establishment, and mortality.This research was supported by National Science Foundation grants DEB-7708743 and DEB-7804043 to R.K.P. and DEB-7707532 and DEB-7804041 to N.L.C.  相似文献   

In the present study, automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA), library sequence analysis, real-time PCR detection of Bacteroides uniformis and Campylobacter coli and dot-blot hybridizations of Clostridiaceae were used to identify trends in microbial colonization of the ceca of male turkeys. Two separate trials were performed with six and five birds, respectively. ARISA community profiles identified a period of community transition at week 12 of age in both trials. A significant increase of Ca. coli was also detected at week 12 in one trial, suggesting a possible correlation between microbiota destabilization and pathogen prevalence. Libraries of ribosomal small subunit 16S genes representing weeks 9, 11, 12 and 14 of both trials were sequenced. Whereas fingerprint and sequence analyses indicated significant differences in the species composition between the two trials, in general sequence library and dot-blot analyses indicated that Clostridia-like species decreased in prevalence over time. While B. uniformis prevalence in the two trials rose from 7% and 0% of the library clones at week 9 to 84% and 79% at week 11, real-time PCR did not support these results, with only approximately twofold and sixfold increases in internal transcribed spacer copy numbers observed.  相似文献   

任海 《广西植物》2023,43(8):1516-1523
《昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架》提出要高质量保护和恢复各30%的土地,最大化地实现保护生物多样性和缓解气候变化的目标,而演替理论和植被恢复可以为实现30%的保护和恢复目标服务。演替理论是植被生态学中的核心理论,演替是指在一个地点上由一群不同物种组成的生命体的结构或组成随时间而变化的过程; 植被恢复是以植物种植、配置为主,恢复或重建植物群落或天然更新恢复植物群落的过程,植被恢复是生态系统结构和功能从简单到复杂、从低级向高级变化的过程,最终目的是建立健康稳定的植物群落。演替是植被恢复的基础,植被恢复被视为对演替过程的操纵,以达到恢复受损植被生态系统的目标。演替理论可以指导植被恢复,而植被恢复对演替理论的发展有益。演替按裸地性质可以分为原生演替和次生演替,有研究建议将恢复过程视为第三演替,这将有助于理解通过人为干预促进植被恢复成功的管理选择,特别是通过强调退化生态系统中的环境和生物遗存的管理选择。此外,该文还提出了植被恢复理论和演替理论未来可能重点关注的科学和技术问题。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Our study evaluated the effects of prescribed fire on northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) occupying native rangelands in Rolling Plains of Texas, USA, during 2002 and 2003. Prescribed fires were conducted during February of 1996, 1998, and 2000; pastures with no recent treatment history served as controls. We quantified bobwhite densities from line transects using distance sampling. We used a repeated-measures analysis of variance to test for treatment-year differences in bobwhite densities. We measured postfire herbaceous and woody vegetation attributes and evaluated vegetation relationships to bobwhite density using simple linear regression. We found significant between-year differences in fall bobwhite densities (F = 13.05, df = 3, P = 0.036) but no differences among treatments or controls. Fall bobwhite densities were inversely related to visual obstruction (r2 = 0.179, df = 15, P = 0.058) and positively associated with increasing heterogeneity of grass cover (r2 = 0.416, df = 15, P = 0.004). Our results suggest prescribed fire at large spatial scales may be a neutral practice for managing bobwhite habitat on semiarid rangelands.  相似文献   

G. Spatz 《Plant Ecology》1980,43(1-2):39-41
Summary Some successional patterns on mountain pastures in the Hohe Tauern mountains, Austria, are described. A close relation with former pasture management is shown. Very clear gradients in the nutritional status of the soil exist from stables towards more remote areas where no nutrients are added. Dwarf shrub or Alnus viridis woodland vegetation will develop after abandoning pastures, depending on elevation and nutrient status. Above the tree line culturally influenced pastures will rapidly develop to natural grasslands.Nomenclature follows: F. Ehrendorfer. 1973. Liste der Gefaszpflanzen Mitteleuropas. 2. erw. Aufl.  相似文献   

Primary Succession and Ecosystem Rehabilitation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

On a newly created road bank in Eastern Bohemia, during the first 7 years vegetation developed at the highest rate in the lower zone of the slope, due to favourable moisture and the supply of nutrients. On the upper slope succession was slowed down by multiple disturbance, while plants in the ditch were stressed by excessive flooding.  相似文献   

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