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蛋白质的相关信息一直是生命科学研究的重点,其中药物小分子与蛋白质的相互作用成为近年来的研究热点。平衡透析法是研究药物小分子与蛋白质相互作用的经典方法,通过该方法可以定量的讨论药物小分子与蛋白质结合的结合数量、结合常数。就平衡透析法用于分析药物小分子与蛋白质的作用方式、作用模型及国内外研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

本世纪初,我刊出版了2期综述论文专刊,这些特别邀请有关专家撰写的综述论文,其观点鲜明、内容新颖,并包含了作者的最新工作成果和见解,反映了国内外昆虫学以及各分支领域科学研究的最新进展和成果,受到大专院校师生和科研人员的欢迎。近年投向我刊的综述文章数量逐年上升,但是,有不少综述文章却因达不到要求而被退稿。鉴于不同学科的综述论文的撰写其存在的问题具有共性,为此,  相似文献   

生物学实验数据统计分析中的多重比较法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多重比较是从事生物科学研究最常用的统计分析方法之一,但是目前大部分科研工作者不能熟练掌握和正确使用该方法,科技论文中漏用、乱用、错用多重比较方法的现象普遍存在.普及多重比较方法有助于发挥其在生物科学研究中作用.本文对多重比较法进行了系统介绍.  相似文献   

鉴定畜禽重要生产性状形成的关键遗传因子,揭示其产生的分子遗传机制,对动物新品种的培育及特色遗传资源的开发利用具有重要意义。高通量分析技术诞生前,标记数量性状位点(quantitative trait loci,QTL)连锁分析和候选基因分析法作为鉴定畜禽生产性状QTL和主效基因主要方法,但由于其技术局限性,性状因果基因鉴定的效率并不高。人类基因组计划(human genome project, HGP)开启了以大数据为特征的生命科学研究的序幕,在HGP完成后的20余年间,快速发展的高通量分析技术使人们研究生物学问题的思路和方法发生了巨大改变。本综述就近年来被广泛用于畜禽重要性状的候选基因定位的方法与技术进行了较全面的综述,以期为同行提供参考。  相似文献   

一种多用途树种——锯叶竹节树   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
锯叶竹节树(Carallia lanceaefolia Roxb.)属红树科,竹节树属植物。它是我国的一种稀有种,分布范围较广但比较零星,故数量不多。因为具有重要科学研究价值和经济价值,现在被列为国家三级保护植物。  相似文献   

肠道微生态是由数量庞大而结构复杂的肠道菌群所组成,参与了包括消化、代谢、免疫调节、能量转化、维护肠道黏膜防御功能等多种重要生理功能,因此具有极其重要的科学研究价值。就近年来肠道微生态与肿瘤的研究进展进行综述,为进一步研究肠道微生态如何对肿瘤的发生发展造成影响,研究如何应用肠道微生态制剂来辅助治疗肿瘤等提供理论指导。  相似文献   

实验性自身免疫性心肌炎动物模型( experimental autoimmune myocarditis, EAM)作为自身免疫性心肌炎机制、诊断、药物治疗等实验研究的重要载体,在心肌炎科学研究中发挥着重要的作用。本文针对EAM模型的建立及评价予以综述,分别对心肌自身抗原、心肌自身抗原表位、活化自身免疫细胞、干酪乳杆菌细胞壁成分等介质诱导的EAM模型进行整理总结,分析比较各造模方法的特点并阐述EAM模型的评价方法,为建立客观的EAM模型提供有效依据。  相似文献   

将数学知识应用于生物科学产生了生物数学的边缘科学。按研究对象和任务的不同,生物数学可分为数学生物学和生物数学两个分支。数学生物学主要是指生物各个学科应用数学方法所形成的一些新的生物学分支,例如数值分类学、数量进化论、数学生态学,数量遗传学、数量生理学、数量仿生学等等;生物数学主要是指用于生物科学研究的一些数学理论和方法,诸如生物统计学、生物概率论、生物数学模型、电子计算机  相似文献   

双向电泳技术进展及在动物和植物科学研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了双向电泳技术的原理、每一步骤的研究进展及其在动物和植物科学研究中的应用。  相似文献   

随着生命科学和环境科学的迅猛发展,鱼类实验动物作为科学研究的重要手段和材料,其开发和研究日益活跃,备受国内外研究工作者的关注。本文就鱼类实验动物遗传检测的必要性、遗传检测方法的分类、研究现状和应用前景进行了综述。  相似文献   

This review surveys recent developments in chromatographic methods for the separation of amylases from complex extracts, including the separation of isozymes. It contains two tables with the properties and molecular characteristics of α- and β-amylases from different sources as well as an updated review of methods for the determination of amylase activity. The main subject of this review is a detailed evaluation of the application of newly developed chromatographic methods for the purification of amylases.  相似文献   

We review recent results on local alignment. We begin with a review of classical methods and early heuristic methods, and then focus on more recent work on the seeding of local alignment. We show that these techniques give a vast improvement in both sensitivity and specificity over previous methods, and can achieve sensitivity at the level of classical algorithms while requiring orders of magnitude less runtime.  相似文献   

This is a review of the methods based on counting oligomers in nucleotide and amino acid sequences. Such methods are analogous to the formal linguistic analysis of human texts. This review includes methods based on the calculation of observed occurrences (frequencies) of oligomers and their distribution, as well as those based on deviations between the observed and the expected occurrences (contrast words, genome signatures) in biological sequences. Both types of methods have a wide range of sensitivity and can identify homologous as well as functionally and taxonomically related sequences.  相似文献   

This review traces the history and logical progression of methods for quantitative analysis of enzyme kinetics from the 1913 Michaelis and Menten paper to the application of modern computational methods today. Following a brief review of methods for fitting steady state kinetic data, modern methods are highlighted for fitting full progress curve kinetics based upon numerical integration of rate equations, including a re-analysis of the original Michaelis–Menten full time course kinetic data. Finally, several illustrations of modern transient state kinetic methods of analysis are shown which enable the elucidation of reactions occurring at the active sites of enzymes in order to relate structure and function.  相似文献   

The review deals with metabolomics, a new and rapidly growing area directed to the comprehensive analysis of metabolites of biological objects. Metabolites are characterized by various physical and chemical properties, traditionally studied by methods of analytical chemistry focused on certain groups of chemical substances. However, current progress in mass spectrometry has led to formation of rather unified methods, such as metabolic fingerprinting and metabolomic profiling, which allow defining thousands of metabolites in one biological sample and therefore draw “a modern portrait of metabolomics.” This review describes basic characteristics of these methods, ways of metabolite separation, and analysis of metabolites by mass spectrometry. The examples shown in this review, allow to estimate these methods and to compare their advantages and disadvantages. Besides that, we consider the methods, which are of the most frequent use in metabolomics; these include the methods for data processing and the required resources, such as software for mass spectra processing and metabolite search database. In the conclusion, general suggestions for successful metabolomic experiments are given.  相似文献   

发酵法生产长链二元酸相对于化工法而言有着无可比拟的优势。本文综述了发酵法生产长链二元酸的微生物源、产酸机理、产酸条件和产物分离技术等方面的研究进展 ,并简要介绍了其工业应用前景。  相似文献   

It is often recognized, but seldom addressed, that a quantitative assessment of the cumulative effects, both additive and non-additive, of multiple stressors on fish survival would provide a more realistic representation of the factors that influence fish migration. This review presents a compilation of analytical methods applied to a well-studied fish migration, a more general review of quantitative multivariable methods, and a synthesis on how to apply new analytical techniques in fish migration studies. A compilation of adult migration papers from Fraser River sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka revealed a limited number of multivariable methods being applied and the sub-optimal reliance on univariable methods for multivariable problems. The literature review of fisheries science, general biology and medicine identified a large number of alternative methods for dealing with cumulative effects, with a limited number of techniques being used in fish migration studies. An evaluation of the different methods revealed that certain classes of multivariable analyses will probably prove useful in future assessments of cumulative effects on fish migration. This overview and evaluation of quantitative methods gathered from the disparate fields should serve as a primer for anyone seeking to quantify cumulative effects on fish migration survival.  相似文献   

Computational biology methods are now firmly entrenched in the drug discovery process. These methods focus on modeling and simulations of biological systems to complement and direct conventional experimental approaches. Two important branches of computational biology include protein homology modeling and the computational biophysics method of molecular dynamics. Protein modeling methods attempt to accurately predict three-dimensional (3D) structures of uncrystallized proteins for subsequent structure-based drug design applications. Molecular dynamics methods aim to elucidate the molecular motions of the static representations of crystallized protein structures. In this review we highlight recent novel methodologies in the field of homology modeling and molecular dynamics. Selected drug discovery applications using these methods conclude the review.  相似文献   

Current methods of human health risk assessment may lack transparency in respect of identification, review, and synthesis of potentially relevant human and animal evidence. The nature, degree, and source of uncertainties are often unclear. This article aims to demonstrate the contribution that systematic review and meta-analysis methods can make to providing more structured, transparent, and systematic risk assessments. We focus on disparities between five risk assessments for neurobehavioral effects of manganese, and then illustrate advantages of a systematic approach. Fifty-five human epidemiological studies and 37 animal experiments were identified. Where appropriate, meta-analysis methods demonstrated consistent adverse effects associated with manganese exposure across species. In particular, there was reduced activity in subjects exposed to manganese, although exposed rats tended to be more active than controls. Limitations of exposure measurement and reporting restricted use of more quantitative methods of evidence synthesis. From a methodological viewpoint, we conclude that systematic review and meta-analysis methods can contribute to a more systematic and transparent human health risk assessment making more efficient use of available evidence, compared to current methods of risk assessment. More complex methods could encompass further differences between relevant studies and so further improve the risk assessment process.  相似文献   

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