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小麦突变体返白系生长后期某些生理变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
返白过程之后,返白系随着叶色的复绿,植株的代谢机能开始恢复,叶绿素含量上升,光合作用增强,叶片内可溶性糖含量上升,呼吸速率高于其祖先矮变1号;复绿初期返白系气孔阻力高于矮变1号,蒸腾速率则低于矮变1号。复绿后,以上各项指标都逐渐变化,达到矮变1号的水平。之后,返白系的蒸滕速率高于矮变1号,气孔阻力低于矮变1号,叶绿素含量及光合速率均高于矮变1号,返白系和矮变1号的呼吸速率均高于矮变1号,叶绿素含量  相似文献   

比较了小麦返白系与其原始品种矮变1号在返白期间Poly(A)RNA与蛋白质水平的变化。在心叶变白过程中。返白系的蛋白质含量下降,随着复绿又回升;而RNA含量变化与此大致呈平行关系。在全白阶段,返白系的Poly(A)RNA含量大幅度下降。体外合成的蛋白质也少得多,但其翻译活性/Poly(A)RNA及各期的蛋白质/Poly(A)RNA比例并不比对照低。可能返白系在返白期间蛋白质水平的变化与转录水平的基因调控有关。  相似文献   

小麦返白系返白期间Rubisco变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以小麦返白系和对照矮变1号为材料,选用返白系三个特殊的时期,返白初期、全白期、复绿初期,对其叶片可溶性蛋白进行了Native-PAGE和SDS-PAGE的研究。结果表明:随着叶片白化,核酮糖1.5-二磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶(Rubisco)全酶谱带逐渐变小,全白叶全酶谱带消失,随着复绿全酶谱带又出现,并逐渐恢复。而且Rubisco大、小亚基(LS、SS)谱带减少幅度差异很大,大亚基减少远远大于小亚基。  相似文献   

小麦返白系与不同基因型小麦品种杂交后代IPO表达的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以小麦返白系和对照矮变1号以及返白系与各不同生态类型的冬性、半冬性、春性小麦的杂交、回交F1、F2代为材料,研究这些不同基因型品种在返白期间过氧化物酶同工酶(IPO)基因表达模式的动态变化特点。结果表明,在返白期间以返白系为母本的各杂交、回交品种的白化苗中,IPO的个别酶分子表现了可逆的基因阻遏和去阻遏的表达现象。这种表达特点在正、反杂交后F1代中表现一致,从遗传模式上分别属于质-核互作型的分子遗  相似文献   

小麦突变体返白系返白阶段叶绿素代谢的变化   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
小麦 ( Triticum aestivum)返白系在返白阶段 Chl、胡萝卜素 ( Caro)含量均下降 ,但 Caro/ Chl的比值大于对照 ,表明叶片白化不是因 Caro减少引起的。Chl下降的同时 ,Chla和 Chlb均下降 ,表明该突变体属阶段性缺总 Chl型。返白初期 Chlase活性增高 ,返白中期活性下降 ,表明 Chl降解不是造成叶片失绿的主要原因 ;Chl合成中间物 δ-氨基酮戊酸 ( ALA)、胆色素原 ( PBG)积累 ,尿卟啉 ( Uro )、原卟啉 ( Proto )、镁 -卟啉 ( Mg- Proto )、原叶绿素酸 Pchl减少 ,特别是 Uro 在返白中期含量最低 ,复绿初期却急剧积累 ,表明叶绿素合成受阻于尿卟啉原 ( Urogen )的形成上。  相似文献   

保水剂对水分胁迫下辣椒生长及光合作用的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以‘超越5号’辣椒品种为试材,研究了中度水分胁迫10d和20d及随后分别复水的过程中保水剂对始花期辣椒植株的生长量、叶绿素以及光合特性的影响。结果显示:(1)水分胁迫显著抑制了辣椒植株的生长、叶绿素含量以及光合作用。(2)添加2‰的保水剂显著提高了水分胁迫下植株的株高、茎粗、干鲜重、叶绿素含量以及净光合速率、胞间CO2浓度、气孔导度和蒸腾速率等光合参数,降低了气孔限制值和水分利用率。(3)保水剂能够显著缓解短时间内中度水分胁迫造成的伤害,但随着胁迫时间的延长保水剂缓解的效果有限。(4)复水后,添加保水剂的植株生长量、叶绿素含量以及光合参数都显著高于未添加保水剂的植株,同时短时间胁迫下恢复的效果明显好于长时间胁迫的效果。研究表明,施加保水剂能通过提高叶绿素含量,缓解水分胁迫对辣椒叶片气孔的限制,从而提高叶片的光合作用效率,促进辣椒植株的生长,且胁迫时间越短,保水剂缓解的效果越好。  相似文献   

小麦返白系是从小麦矮变1号中发现的天然突变体,为了研究其"白化-复绿"的分子机制,本研究以返白系FA85为材料,在前期蛋白质组学研究的基础上,采用RT-PCR技术,扩增小麦返白系HSP70基因,命名为TafHSP70(GenBank,登录号为FJ830847),并对其蛋白质结构、序列相似性、系统进化等进行了分析研究。结果表明:小麦返白系TafHSP70的cDNA序列长度为1 272 bp,编码423个氨基酸,TafHSP70蛋白的分子质量为45 137.91 k D,理论等电点为4.94,α-螺旋和无规则卷曲是TafHSP70蛋白的主要组成部分,为弱酸性蛋白。Blastn比对和MEGA5.0软件分析表明,小麦返白系TafHSP70与节节麦的序列相似性最高,达到98%。系统进化树结果也显示,返白系不但与节节麦、二穗短柄草、大麦等禾本科植物聚为一支,而且与非禾本科的油棕、海枣、莲等也具有较高的同源性,说明HSP70具有较高的保守性。本研究有助于深入探讨HSP70的功能以及最终解析返白系的分子机制。  相似文献   

小麦返白系春天出现白色心叶。白叶中有脱辅基蛋白存在,但含量很低。白叶复绿时色素条带中CPⅡ出现先于CPI;叶绿素含量的增加与色素蛋白的出现呈正相关,同时影响蛋白含量,但21、25kD蛋白即使在全白叶中也有较高水平。白叶中RubiscoLS含量极低,而SS仅略有降低。复绿初期蛋白质合成速率随叶绿素含量增加而显等提高,LS也迅速增加。  相似文献   

黄连木对干旱胁迫的生理响应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了自然干旱条件下黄连木(Pistacia chinensis Bunge)的生理变化。结果表明,随土壤含水量的减少,叶绿素b含量、光合速率、叶片相对含水量与叶水势均下降;叶绿素a和可溶性糖含量、叶绿素a和b的比值及总叶绿素含量呈现上升的趋势;超氧化物歧化酶活性先升后降;丙二醛含量干旱胁迫前期升高,后期变化不明显;净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率随土壤含水量的减少逐步降低。气孔和可溶性糖含量都是影响黄连木光合速率的关键因子,干旱胁迫前12d光合速率主要受气孔限制,之后为非气孔限制。干旱胁迫前期渗透调节物质以可溶性糖为主,干旱胁迫较重时脯氨酸含量急剧升高,与可溶性糖同时起渗透调节作用。  相似文献   

小麦返白系返白阶段叶片蛋白质变化与叶绿素含量的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
小麦返白系春天现出白色心叶,白叶中有脱辅基蛋白存在,但含量很低。白叶复绿时色素条带中CPⅡ出现先于CPI,叶绿素含量的增加与色素蛋白的出现呈正相关,同时影响蛋白含量,但21、25kD蛋白即使在全白叶中也较高水平,白叶中RubiscoLS含量极低,而SS仅略有降低,复绿初期蛋白质合成速率随叶绿素含量增而显著提高,LS也迅速增加。  相似文献   

To investigate the role of plant mitochondria in drought tolerance, the response to water deprivation was compared between Nicotiana sylvestris wild type (WT) plants and the CMSII respiratory complex I mutant, which has low-efficient respiration and photosynthesis, high levels of amino acids and pyridine nucleotides, and increased antioxidant capacity. We show that the delayed decrease in relative water content after water withholding in CMSII, as compared to WT leaves, is due to a lower stomatal conductance. The stomatal index and the abscisic acid (ABA) content were unaffected in well-watered mutant leaves, but the ABA/stomatal conductance relation was altered during drought, indicating that specific factors interact with ABA signalling. Leaf hydraulic conductance was lower in mutant leaves when compared to WT leaves and the role of oxidative aquaporin gating in attaining a maximum stomatal conductance is discussed. In addition, differences in leaf metabolic status between the mutant and the WT might contribute to the low stomatal conductance, as reported for TCA cycle-deficient plants. After withholding watering, TCA cycle derived organic acids declined more in CMSII leaves than in the WT, and ATP content decreased only in the CMSII. Moreover, in contrast to the WT, total free amino acid levels declined whilst soluble protein content increased in CMSII leaves, suggesting an accelerated amino acid remobilisation. We propose that oxidative and metabolic disturbances resulting from remodelled respiration in the absence of Complex I activity could be involved in bringing about the lower stomatal and hydraulic conductances.  相似文献   

The effects of light, temperature, and salinity on growth, net CO2 exchange and leaf anatomy of Distichlis spicata were investigated in controlled environment chambers. When plants were grown at low light, growth rates were significantly reduced by high substrate salinity or low temperature. However, when plants were grown at high light, growth rates were not significantly affected by temperature or salinity. The capacity for high light to overcome depressed growth at high salinity cannot be explained completely by rates of net photosynthesis, since high salinity caused decreases in net photosynthesis at all environmental conditions. This salinity-induced decrease in net photosynthesis was caused largely by stomatal closure, although plants grown at low temperature and low light showed significant increases in internal leaf resistance to CO2 exchange. Increased salinity resulted in generally thicker leaves with lower stomatal density but no significant differences in the ratio of mesophyll cell surface area to leaf area. Salinity and light during growth did not significantly affect rates of dark respiration. The mechanisms by which Distichlis spicata tolerates salt appear to be closely coulpled to the utilization of light energy. Salt-induced leaf succulence is of questionable importance to gas exchange at high salinity in this C4 species.  相似文献   

Aims Alpine ecosystems may experience larger temperature increases due to global warming as compared with lowland ecosystems. Information on physiological adjustment of alpine plants to temperature changes can provide insights into our understanding how these plants are responding to current and future warming. We tested the hypothesis that alpine plants would exhibit acclimation in photosynthesis and respiration under long-term elevated temperature, and the acclimation may relatively increase leaf carbon gain under warming conditions.Methods Open-top chambers (OTCs) were set up for a period of 11 years to artificially increase the temperature in an alpine meadow ecosystem. We measured leaf photosynthesis and dark respiration under different light, temperature and ambient CO2 concentrations for Gentiana straminea, a species widely distributed on the Tibetan Plateau. Maximum rates of the photosynthetic electron transport (J max), RuBP carboxylation (V c max) and temperature sensitivity of respiration Q 10 were obtained from the measurements. We further estimated the leaf carbon budget of G. straminea using the physiological parameters and environmental variables obtained in the study.Important findings1)?The OTCs consistently elevated the daily mean air temperature by ~1.6°C and soil temperature by ~0.5°C during the growing season. 2)?Despite the small difference in the temperature environment, there was strong tendency in the temperature acclimation of photosynthesis. The estimated temperature optimum of light-saturated photosynthetic CO2 uptake (A max) shifted ~1°C higher from the plants under the ambient regime to those under the OTCs warming regime, and the A max was significantly lower in the warming-acclimated leaves than the leaves outside the OTCs. 3)?Temperature acclimation of respiration was large and significant: the dark respiration rates of leaves developed in the warming regime were significantly lower than leaves from the ambient environments. 4)?The simulated net leaf carbon gain was significantly lower in the in situ leaves under the OTCs warming regime than under the ambient open regime. However, in comparison with the assumed non-acclimation leaves, the in situ warming-acclimated leaves exhibited significantly higher net leaf carbon gain. 5)?The results suggest that there was a strong and significant temperature acclimation in physiology of G. straminea in response to long-term warming, and the physiological acclimation can reduce the decrease of leaf carbon gain, i.e. increase relatively leaf carbon gain under the warming condition in the alpine species.  相似文献   

The Stomatal characteristics of two maize varieties previouslyfound to differ in rates of net photosynthesis were examinedin a controlled environment. Measurements with a ventilateddiffusion porometer showed that one variety exhibited a pronouncedand the other a weak periodicity in stomatal resistance of theadaxial epidermis. At equal illumination the stomatal resistanceof the adaxial epidermis decreased from upper to lower leaves,while the resistance of the abaxial epidermis changed in theopposite manner. Stomata on the adaxial and abaxial surfacesof maize leaves exhibited random not compensatory, movementsin a constant environment. The variety with the lesser stomatalfrequency and higher total leaf resistance to water loss hadnevertheless faster net photosynthesis than the variety withthe greater stomatal frequency, demonstrating the importanceof the so-called mesophyll resistance.  相似文献   

Eupatorium makinoi plants with or without geminivirus infection were grown in shading frames with 70, 15 and 5.5% sunlight. Growth characteristics of these plants in the early vegetative phase were compared by means of growth analysis. We also measured leaf photosynthetic gas exchange rates and examined relationships between leaf photosynthesis and whole-plant growth. Relative growth rate (RGR=(1/W)×(dW/dt), where W is plant dry mass) of virus-infected plants was lower than that of uninfected plants under all three light conditions. The reduction of RGR by infection was increased with irradiance. The net assimilation rate (NAR=(1/A)×(dW/dt), where A is total leaf area of the plant) was also reduced both by infection and shading. NARs that were estimated from light-response curves of leaf photosynthesis, in situ measurements of irradiance, and respiration rates of leaves, stems and below-ground parts, agreed very well with the values obtained by conventional growth analysis techniques. Decreases in the estimated NAR value from infection and shading were mostly explained by the decreases in leaf photosynthesis. These results clearly showed that lowered RGR in virus-infected plants was attributed mainly to impaired photosynthesis in virus-infected leaves.  相似文献   

Greenhouse-grown plants of Xanthium strumarium L. were exposed in a growth cabinet to 10 C during days and 5 C during nights for periods of up to 120 hours. Subsequently, CO2 exchange, transpiration, and leaf temperature were measured on attached leaves and in leaf sections at 25 or 30 C, 19 C dew point of the air, 61 milliwatts per square centimeter irradiance, and CO2 concentrations between 0 and 1000 microliters per liter ambient air. Net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance decreased and dark respiration increased with increasing duration of prechilling. The reduction in net photosynthesis was not a consequence of decreased stomatal conductance because the intercellular CO2 concentration in prechilled leaves was equal to or greater than that in greenhouse-grown controls. The intercellular CO2 concentration at which one-half maximum net photosynthesis occurred remained the same in prechilled leaves and controls (175 to 190 microliters per liter). Stomata of the control plants responded to changes in the CO2 concentration of the air only slightly. Prechilling for 24 hours or more sensitized stomata to CO2; they responded to changes in CO2 concentration in the range from 100 to 1000 microliters per liter.  相似文献   

A two-chamber-system was used to study whole-plant gas exchange responses of Spartina alterniflora to long-term and transient salinity treatments over the range of 5 to 40 ppt NaCl. Lower photosynthetic rates, leaf water vapor conductances, belowground respiration rates, and higher aboveground respiration rates in plants adapted to 40 ppt NaCl were observed. Area-specific leaf weight increased with salinity, although the salt content of leaf tissues did not. A reduced rate of gross photosynthesis and higher aboveground respiration rate in 40-ppt NaCl plants significantly lowered the net whole-plant CO2 gain below that of 5-ppt NaCl plants, while the net CO2 gain of 25-ppt NaCl plants was intermediate. Within 6 hr of increasing the salinity of 5- and 25-ppt NaCl plants by 20 and 15 ppt NaCl, S. alterniflora responded by reducing leaf water vapor conductance, which in turn reduced the photosynthetic rate. This response was reversed by returning the plants to their original salinity, which indicates that S. alterniflora adjusts water loss and gas exchange in response to transient salinity stress by regulating stomatal aperture. On the other hand, decreasing salinity of the growth media of plants cultured at 25 and 40 ppt NaCl had little or no effect on gas exchange characteristics. This suggests that S. alterniflora adapts to constant salinity through fixed, salinity-dependent structural modifications, such as stomatal density.  相似文献   

Abstract Photosynthetic and anatomical parameters of leaves from the juvenile and adult part of an ivy plant (Hedera helix L.) have been determined and compared with each other. Light-saturated net photosynthesis (per unit leaf area) was about 1.5 times higher in adult leaves than in juvenile ones. The lower photosynthetic capacity of juvenile leaves was caused by a lower stomatal and especially a lower residual conductance to the CO2-transfer. This corresponds with anatomical features of the leaves, i.e. lower stomatal frequency, fewer chloroplasts per cell, and – most important – thinner leaves, as well as with a less efficient photosynthetic apparatus measured as Hill reaction of isolated broken chloroplasts and activity of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase. No differences in the respiration in light (relative to net photosynthesis) and in the CO2-compensation concentration could be detected between the two leaf types. These observed anatomical and photosynthetic parameters of the juvenile and adult ivy leaves resemble those reported for shade and sun leaves, respectively, although the leaves investigated originated from the same light environment.  相似文献   

Changes in photosynthesis and water relations of remaining leaves and regrowth over the first 50 days following shoot decapitation were studied in Populus deltoides Bartr. × nigra L. I-262 (DN22) and Populus maximowiczii × nigra L. MN9 to determine if these changes were correlated with the reinvigoration of growth that occurs after shoot decapitation. There was a 7-fold increase in net photosynthesis of the remaining leaves 5 days after shoot removal, indicating a rapid, substantial reinvigoration. Diurnal photosynthetic patterns of retained stump leaves and new coppice leaves showed that decapitation increased the photosynthetic potential of tissue by increasing net photosynthetic rates in the early afternoon, thereby eliminating the post-midday reduction typical of intact plants. The retained stump leaves exhibited lower midday xylem pressure potentials than comparable leaves on intact plants due to higher stomatal conductance, suggesting that an alleviation of plant moisture stress was not the cause of enhanced net photosynthesis of retained leaves. The results suggest that leaves of intact plants typically photosynthesize well below their capacity and that growth of new stump sprouts coincides with higher photosynthetic rates of coppice foliage.  相似文献   

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