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庞泉沟国家自然保护区森林群落的数量分类和排序   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
张先平  王孟本  佘波  肖扬 《生态学报》2006,26(3):754-761
根据84块样方资料,对庞泉沟国家自然保护区的森林群落进行TWINSPAN分类和DCA、DCCA排序.结果表明:(1)TWINSPAN将该区的森林群落分为7个类型;(2)样方与物种的DCA排序及样方的DCCA排序较好地揭示了该区森林群落的分布格局与环境梯度的关系:DCCA第一轴明显地反映出森林群落的海拔梯度,即热量因子,沿DCCA第一轴从左到右,海拔逐渐升高,森林群落对热量的要求降低;DCCA第二轴主要表现出森林群落的坡向、坡度变化趋势,即水分和光照因子,沿DCCA第二轴,从下到上,坡向由阴坡向阳坡变化,坡度由平缓变陡峭.其中海拔梯度是环境因子中对森林群落分布起决定性作用的因子.(3)与DCA相比,DCCA的排序轴更有利于生态意义的解释,后者能同时反映样方间在种类组成上及环境因子组成上的相似性,表现在排序图中样方较集中,群落间的界线变得较模糊,因此如果同分类结合使用,DCA的效果要好于DCCA.(4)TWINSPAN分类与DCA和DCCA排序的结果,同时表明了该地区森林群落的垂直分布格局.  相似文献   

锦屏水电站植被数量分类与排序   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以锦屏梯级水电站大河湾段植被为研究对象,以河流流向为基础布置样方,将50个样方物种重要值及其环境因子进行TWINSPAN数量分类和DCA排序,结果显示:(1)由TWINSPAN数量分类将植被划分为7种类型,雅致雾水葛(Pouzolzia elegans)灌草群落为该区域的主要群落.(2)以TWINSPAN数量分类为基础的DCA二维排序图将样方分为6个生态类型,DCA 二维排序图横轴从左至右海拔高度逐渐降低;排序纵轴由下至上坡度逐渐升高.(3)以TWINSPAN数量分类在DCA排序图中有明确的分布范围和界限,DCA排序与TWINSPAN数量分类结合使用,能很好反映群落与环境因子间的生态关系.  相似文献   

红花尔基地区沙地樟子松群落及其与环境关系研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
通过野外调查,采用双向指示种分类(TWINSPAN)和除趋势典范对应分析(DCCA)方法。对内蒙古红花尔基地区沙地樟子松群落进行了分类和排序,并根据DCCA排序结果对樟子松群落和物种空间分布格局及其与环境因子之间关系进行定量分析。结果表明,应用TWINSPAN方法将该区沙地樟子松植被划分为6个类型。DCCA分析表明,海拔高度、地貌类型、群落盖度、土壤总碳含量、土壤总氮含量、乔木胸面积等因子对植物群落和物种分布格局影响明显。在DCCA排序图上,樟子松群落及物种的空间分布呈明显的聚集格局,可划分出不同的类群,并反映与环境因子之间具有密切的关系。对各类环境因子解释植被分布格局的作用进行了定量分解,指出地形因素是解释作用最强的变量,对未能解释部分的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

呼伦贝尔草甸草原植被的数量分类和排序研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在群落样方调查的基础上,研究了物种组成,采用TWINSPAN、DCA、DCCA对呼伦贝尔草甸草原植被进行了数量分类和排序.96个物种分属25科66属,物种丰富度在20.1种/m2.菊科(13种)、禾本科(11种)、豆科(10种)、百合科(8种)、蔷薇科(8种)等科所含物种数最多,分别占到13.4%、11.3%、10.3%、8.2%、8.2%.生活型以多年生草本占绝大多数.TWINSPAN将96个样方划分为13组,根据植被分类原则确定为13个群丛,并对群落学特征给予说明.96个样方的DCA排序结果反映了植物群落类型与环境梯度之间的关系,影响群丛分布格局的主导生态因子为坡位、土壤养分、土壤水分和pH值.优势种的DCA排序图与样方的DCA排序图有很大的相似性.排序结果与分类结果相吻合,反映出植物群落类型和物种分布随环境因子梯度变化的趋势.  相似文献   

安太堡矿区人工植被在恢复过程中的生态关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用TWINSPAN、DCA和DCCA,从植物种、植物群落与环境因子关系方面对平朔安太堡矿区的人工植被在恢复过程中的生态关系进行了研究.结果表明,将63个样方划分为12个群落类型,反映了植物群落与环境梯度之间的关系,并列举了各群落的特征.DCA排序图明显反映出排序轴的生态意义,随着复垦时间的增加,土壤含水量也不断升高.DCCA排序进一步表明了土壤有机质含量是所有因子中对植物群落发展起决定性作用的主要环境因素.  相似文献   

桂林岩溶石山青冈栎群落的数量分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
胡刚  梁士楚  张忠华  谢强 《生态学杂志》2007,26(8):1177-1181
应用双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析(DCA)方法对桂林岩溶石山青冈栎群落进行数量分类与排序。通过TWINSPAN分类,将青冈栎群落60个样方划分为8个群丛类型,探讨了各群丛类型的基本特征。结果表明:DCA排序与TWINSPAN分类结果较一致,DCA排序较好地体现了各群丛类型与环境因子的相互关系,DCA第一排序轴主要反映了坡度的变化梯度;DCA排序图的对角线基本体现了坡向的变化梯度。坡度的变化是影响岩溶石山青冈栎群落物种组成与分布的重要生态因子。  相似文献   

采用双向指示种分析法(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析(DCA)对弄拉峰丛洼地恢复演替植物群落进行数量分类和排序。TWINSPAN将20个样方分为10个组,根据植被分类的原则划分为10个群丛,论述了各群丛的群落学特征。20个样方的DCA排序结果反映了恢复演替群落与环境梯度的关系,表明影响群丛分布格局的主导生态因子为恢复时间、人为干扰及露石率。DCA排序将53个种分为4个种组,影响峰丛洼地恢复演替群落及其物种分布格局的主导生态因子为恢复时间、岩性和水分等。各物种在排序轴上的位置反映了种组成员的生态适应性及其在群落中的重要性和更新生态位。  相似文献   

秦岭中段松栎混交林群落数量分类与排序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据陕西省境内秦岭山脉中段设置的34个样地调查资料,从植物物种组成、植物群落与地形因子之间的关系等对该区域松栎混交林群落进行TWINSPAN分类和DCCA排序。结果表明:(1)研究区34个样地共记录维管束植物297种,隶属于77科178属,其中被子植物72科,裸子植物2科,蕨类植物3科;分布较广的植物有:松科、壳斗科、蔷薇科、菊科、禾本科和百合科。(2)TWINSPAN聚类结果将样地群落划分为13个群丛,其中以油松+锐齿槲栎为建群种的群丛最多,占总群丛数量40%,是该区主要的松栎混交林群落类型。(3)样地的DCCA排序结果表明,第一轴明显地反映出群落分布沿海拔、坡位的变化,第二轴主要表现出群落分布沿坡向、坡度的变化趋势;其中海拔、坡度与DCCA一、二轴相关系数分别达到最大值(-0.946 2、-0.795 7),是对该群落分布起决定性作用的因子。(4)研究区主要优势物种的DCCA排序与样地的DCCA排序综合反映出该区松栎混交林群落分布的地形梯度。  相似文献   

北京山区栎林的群落结构与物种组成   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
在北京东灵山、喇叭沟门和大海陀山地区的辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)林以及白龙潭地区的槲树(Q.dentata)-麻栎(Q.acutissima)混交林中共调查了43个样方,利用这些样方资料,对群落进行TWINSPAN聚类和CCA排序,以研究北京地区栎林的群落结构、物种组成以及各群落之间的关系。结果表明:本地区栎林群落结构简单,不同栎林群落的结构差异很大。利用TWINSPAN对乔木层物种进行了分类,按不同指示种划分为7类。CCA排序结果显示第一轴与海拔关系显著,主要反映了温度因子的作用;第二轴与坡向关系显著,反映了水分因子的作用。排序结果与分类结果吻合,显示了不同生境条件对群落结构和物种分布的影响。结果还显示,本地区物种丰富度低,这可能与本地区植被受人为干扰强烈有一定关系。  相似文献   

太宽河自然保护区板栗群落数量分类与排序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据野外调查数据,对太宽河自然保护区野生板栗群落进行TWINSPAN等级分类和DCA排序。结果表明:TWINSPAN将群落42个样方划分为11个群丛,分类结果很好地反映了群落类型与环境梯度的关系;DCA排序揭示了群落在该区的分布格局与环境梯度的关系;DCA样方排序图第一轴反映了群落生境中坡度与坡向的变化,从左至右坡度逐渐增大,而坡向由阴坡逐渐向半阴坡、半阳坡、阳坡转变;第一轴同时反映了群落受人为干扰情况;第二轴反映的群落与环境关系不太明显,但对角线较好地反映了植物群落与死地被层厚度的变化情况;37个优势种的DCA物种排序图第一轴从左至右,坡度逐渐增大,坡向由阴坡、半阴坡向半阳坡、阳坡转变,排序图从左下方到右上方反映出群落死地被层盖度逐渐减小。  相似文献   

Human activities such as deforestation, cultivation, and overgrazing have contributed to the destruction of forest ecosystems in the upper Minjiang River basin for a long time, which has led to the reduction in forest coverage and biodiversity. On the Giant Panda Corridor of Tudiling in this basin, the effects of the existing disturbance regimes on plant communities after the vegetation restoration in the 1980s were assessed, and the community composition, the species diversity and their relationships with environmental factors significantly associated with the disturbance were analyzed using the transect sampling method, the two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) and the detrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA). The results were as follows: communities could be classified into six types, and species were clustered into four functional groups (responsive to disturbance, retarded disturbance, resistant to intermediate disturbance, and resistant to heavy disturbance) based on both TWINSPAN and DCCA. DCCA with species composition of plots is similar to that with species diversity of plots. The communities were separated into distinct groups along the DCCA axis, and this pattern was significantly correlated with environmental factors. Elevation differences, shape, slope, distance to roads, and the number of paths in the plots had an evident influence on the distribution of the species and communities. Environmental factors including slope, distance to roads, and the number of paths revealed the gradient of disturbance among the communities along the DCCA axis. High disturbance intensity caused significantly lower species diversity and inhibited the regeneration of vegetation compared with the more diverse undisturbed communities. Artificial restoration was more effective than natural restoration in maintaining high species diversity. The process of succession was inhibited in natural restoration because of the failure of tree establishment, growth, and survival during regeneration.  相似文献   

Wang Y J  Tao J P  Zhang W Y  Zang R G  Ding Y  Li Y  Wang W 《农业工程》2006,26(11):3525-3532
Human activities such as deforestation, cultivation, and overgrazing have contributed to the destruction of forest ecosystems in the upper Minjiang River basin for a long time, which has led to the reduction in forest coverage and biodiversity. On the Giant Panda Corridor of Tudiling in this basin, the effects of the existing disturbance regimes on plant communities after the vegetation restoration in the 1980s were assessed, and the community composition, the species diversity and their relationships with environmental factors significantly associated with the disturbance were analyzed using the transect sampling method, the two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) and the detrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA). The results were as follows: communities could be classified into six types, and species were clustered into four functional groups (responsive to disturbance, retarded disturbance, resistant to intermediate disturbance, and resistant to heavy disturbance) based on both TWINSPAN and DCCA. DCCA with species composition of plots is similar to that with species diversity of plots. The communities were separated into distinct groups along the DCCA axis, and this pattern was significantly correlated with environmental factors. Elevation differences, shape, slope, distance to roads, and the number of paths in the plots had an evident influence on the distribution of the species and communities. Environmental factors including slope, distance to roads, and the number of paths revealed the gradient of disturbance among the communities along the DCCA axis. High disturbance intensity caused significantly lower species diversity and inhibited the regeneration of vegetation compared with the more diverse undisturbed communities. Artificial restoration was more effective than natural restoration in maintaining high species diversity. The process of succession was inhibited in natural restoration because of the failure of tree establishment, growth, and survival during regeneration.  相似文献   

茂县土地岭植被恢复过程中物种多样性动态特征   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
植被恢复是退化生态系统重建的重要途径,植被恢复过程物种多样性的变化反映了植被的恢复程度.通过群落调查和多样性分析,研究了岷江上游土地岭植被恢复过程中群落物种多样性特征.结果表明: 恢复过程中6类不同类型群落分别表现其对于不同环境特征、干扰及更新方式等的响应;森林是较灌丛更适合当地环境状况的植被类型;人工恢复无干扰和轻度干扰群落的多样性相对较高,是较好的恢复模式.重度干扰使得1年生植物与地下芽植物比例增加,其它口食性较好的多年生草本减少.较强的干扰是群落无法更新、长期处于灌丛阶段且多样性较低的重要原因.本地区人工恢复群落在更新进程和多样性维持上优于自然更新群落,种植华山松加速了本地区植被演替进程.建议以适合恢复区域的多种恢复配置方式进行造林,并避免较强干扰,可以加速群落演替进程并保持恢复群落较高的物种丰富度与多样性.  相似文献   

木论喀斯特峰丛洼地森林群落空间格局及环境解释   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
基于广西壮族自治区木论国家级自然保护区典型峰丛洼地景观尺度内不同微生境条件和植物群落类型50个样地 (20 m × 20 m)的系统取样调查, 用二元物种指示方法(TWINSPAN)对样地内胸径(DBH) ≥ 1 cm的木本植物进行分类, 选择10个土壤环境因子和5个空间因子, 利用除趋势典范对应分析(DCCA)研究了森林群落分布的土壤环境与空间格局, 并给予定量化的合理解释。结果如下: 1) TWINSPAN将森林群落划分为11组, 在三级水平上分为4类生态群落类型。2) DCCA第一排序轴集中了排序的大部分信息, 突出反映了各森林群落所在的坡向和土壤主要养分梯度, 沿第一轴从左到右, 坡向由阴转阳, 岩石裸露率越来越高, 土壤主要养分逐渐降低, 森林群落分别出现了由原生性和耐阴性强逐步向阳性先锋树种为主的次生林和人工林变化的格局。3)因子分离分析结果表明, 土壤环境因子对森林群落分布格局的解释能力为39.16%, 其中21.02%单纯由土壤环境因子所引起, 空间因子的解释能力为31.34%, 其中13.16%独立于土壤环境的变化, 18.15%是土壤环境和空间因子相互耦合作用的结果, 不可解释部分达47.66%, 表明喀斯特峰丛洼地森林群落的物种共存受生态位分化理论和中性理论双重控制。  相似文献   

Zhang X P  Wang M B  She B  Xiao Y 《农业工程》2006,26(3):754-761
Quantitative analysis of ecological relationships between vegetation and the environment has become an essential means in the field of research of modern vegetation ecology. In this article, based on data from 84 quadrates, forest communities in this reserve were investigated using TWINSPAN, DCA and DCCA. The results will be helpful in the construction and development of Pangquangou National Nature Reserve. Using TWINSPAN, the forest communities were classified into seven types. The distribution pattern of vegetation reflects the comprehensive influence of environments. The results of DCA and DCCA clearly reflect the relationship between the pattern of forest communities and environmental gradients. The ordination result of DCCA indicates that altitude is more important than other environmental factors because the change of altitude gradient will lead to changes in the temperature and humidity gradients. The first of the DCA ordination axes indicates the humidity gradient, and the second indicates the temperature gradient. All these results show that the main factors restricting the distribution of communities in this reserve are temperature and humidity. The ecological meaning of the ordination axis in DCCA is much clearer than that in DCA, and the species-environment correlation of DCCA is more obvious than DCA. The first DCCA axis indicates the altitude gradient among the communities, while the second is the gradient in aspect and slope among the communities. DCCA ordination can simultaneously express similarities of species and environment. Therefore, the quadrat location in the DCCA ordination figure is much closer than in the DCA.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of ecological relationships between vegetation and the environment has become an essential means in the field of research of modern vegetation ecology. In this article, based on data from 84 quadrates, forest communities in this reserve were investigated using TWINSPAN, DCA and DCCA. The results will be helpful in the construction and development of Pangquangou National Nature Reserve. Using TWINSPAN, the forest communities were classified into seven types. The distribution pattern of vegetation reflects the comprehensive influence of environments. The results of DCA and DCCA clearly reflect the relationship between the pattern of forest communities and environmental gradients. The ordination result of DCCA indicates that altitude is more important than other environmental factors because the change of altitude gradient will lead to changes in the temperature and humidity gradients. The first of the DCA ordination axes indicates the humidity gradient, and the second indicates the temperature gradient. All these results show that the main factors restricting the distribution of communities in this reserve are temperature and humidity. The ecological meaning of the ordination axis in DCCA is much clearer than that in DCA, and the species-environment correlation of DCCA is more obvious than DCA. The first DCCA axis indicates the altitude gradient among the communities, while the second is the gradient in aspect and slope among the communities. DCCA ordination can simultaneously express similarities of species and environment. Therefore, the quadrat location in the DCCA ordination figure is much closer than in the DCA.  相似文献   

Dwarf bamboos impose intense resource competition in subalpine coniferous forests, and their exclusive densities have crucial impacts on tree regeneration and understory species diversity. We studied the factors influencing the distribution and growth of dwarf bamboo, Fargesia nitida, in a subalpine forest in southwest China. TWINSPAN, based on an attribute matrix, could divide the subalpine forest into 11 sub-associations, and more clearly reflected ecological functional features of the subalpine forest than analysis based on a species matrix. TWINSPAN was also generally consistent with DCA ordination based on the attribute matrix. DCA and DCCA ordination showed relationships between the distribution of F. nitida population and environment factor. The first DCCA axis showed topography and disturbance gradients (except fallen trees and broken branches); the second DCCA axis showed canopy density and composition gradients. Stepwise multiple regression analyses showed that distribution (culm density and coverage) of F. nitida decreased significantly with landslide and slope aspect, and increased significantly with soil status. The light condition had positive effects on growth and size of bamboo. A stable environment in the northern slope and more broadleaved species dominating in canopy would increase the dwarf bamboo biomass. Thus, the disturbance regimes, the slope aspect and the BA of evergreen conifer trees can provide useful guidelines for the control and management of F. nitida populations, and in helping to understand the succession and regeneration of subalpine forest in this region.  相似文献   

历山自然保护区猪尾沟森林群落植被格局及环境解释   总被引:49,自引:6,他引:43  
张峰  张金屯 《生态学报》2003,23(3):421-427
应用TWINSPAN、DCA和DCCA,从植物种,植物群落与环境的生态关系方面,研究历山自然保护区猪尾沟森林群落的植被分布格局,并给予合理的环境解释。结果如下:(1)采用TWINSPAN数量分类方法,将植被划分为9个群落类型。(2)对于特定的研究区域猪尾沟,制约森林群落类型,植物种分布格局的主要因素是海拔梯度,即水、热两个环境因子。(3)DCCA排序图明显反映出排序轴的生态意义,第一轴基本上突出反映了各植物群落所在环境的海拔梯度,即热量因素,沿第一轴从左到右,海拔逐渐升高,植物群落或植物种对热量要求降低;第二轴主要表现了各植物群落或植物种所在环境的坡度,坡向,即水分和光照因素,沿第二轴从下到上,坡度渐缓,坡向渐向阳。  相似文献   

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