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南亚热带赤红壤地区不同人工林下的土壤微生物特性   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
对南亚热带赤红壤地区、广州市花县不同薪材用材林型下土壤微生物特性研究表明,不同林型下的年均土壤微生物(主要是细菌、真菌和放线菌)总量由高到低依次为:混交林>豆科纯林>纯桉树林>裸露生荒地。大叶相思与按树混交林地土壤具有较高的纤维素酶和转化酶活性,而豆科纯林土壤中则有较高的脲酶、蛋白酶和触酶活性。土壤的呼吸作用强度以马占相思纯林及其混交林为高,纯桉树林较低。经过五年垦荒造林后,土壤中的微生态环境有很大改善,这种变化由地下微生物特性和地面上林木的生物量充分反映出来,而未开垦生荒地土壤微生物数量和生物化学活性则仍处于低水平的衰退状态。  相似文献   

高成杰  唐国勇  李昆  谢青海 《生态学报》2013,33(6):1964-1972
以元谋干热河谷10年生印楝和大叶相思为研究对象,采用分层挖掘法对印楝纯林、大叶相思纯林及印楝×大叶相思混交林根系生物量及其分布特征进行研究.结果表明:印楝×大叶相思混交林根系总生物量为2.707 t/hm2,介于印楝纯林(2.264t/hm2)和大叶相思纯林(3.405 t/hm2)之间.混交林内主根总生物量为1.057 t/hm2,为印楝纯林和大叶相思纯林的69.9%和69.7%,而除粗根外,混交林内其它径级的侧根(中根、小根和细根)生物量均介于印楝纯林和大叶相思纯林之间,分别为印楝纯林的228.7%、120.1%、450.0%,为大叶相思纯林的71.3%、65.8%和48.8%.干热河谷印楝和大叶相思人工林根系在土壤表层分布比例大,尤其足0-0.2 m土层内,其根系生物量占根系总生物量的63.6%-76.3%.根系垂直累积生物量与土壤深度可用二次方程拟合,拟合方程的二阶导数表明,垂直方向上,印楝纯林根系分布较混交林均匀,而混交林较大叶相思纯林均匀.  相似文献   

为了更好地指导干热河谷不同恢复模式下人工林经营过程中的养分管理以及造林模式的筛选,以元谋干热河谷10年生印楝和大叶相思为研究对象,对其纯林及混交林内N、P、K、Ca、Mg主要养分元素的积累、分配和循环进行研究.结果表明: 印楝纯林、大叶相思纯林及印楝+大叶相思混交林5种营养元素的总积累量分别为333.05、725.61和533.85 kg·hm-2,印楝纯林各器官养分积累量为枝>干>根>叶>皮,大叶相思纯林与混交林均为枝>干>叶>根>皮.印楝纯林内5种养分元素的积累量为Ca>K>N>Mg>P,大叶相思纯林与混交林一致,均为Ca>N>K>Mg>P.林分养分年存留量为62.72~162.19 kg·hm-2·a-1,总归还量为48.82~88.86 kg·hm-2·a-1,年吸收量为111.54~251.05 kg·hm-2·a-1,均以大叶相思纯林最高,其次是混交林,印楝纯林最低.林分对营养元素的利用系数为0.34~0.39,循环系数为0.35~0.44,周转期为6.54~8.17 a.印楝纯林内N和P的归还量小,循环速率低;大叶相思纯林内N和P的循环速率较大,有利于林地养分的维持;混交林内养分吸收量和归还量为印楝纯林的186.2%和167.2%,N、P和K的循环速率大于印楝纯林,Ca的周转期短于大叶相思纯林的50%.印楝和大叶相思混交种植有利于林地土壤肥力的恢复和生产力的维持.

为明确混交林对木麻黄林地土壤肥力的改善作用,该文选取海南岛北部滨海沙地木麻黄纯林、木麻黄-琼崖海棠混交林、木麻黄-大叶相思混交林3种林分类型,通过采集土壤剖面样品,分析腐殖质层、0~100 cm土壤各层次的理化性质、分布特征及其林分间差异。结果表明:(1)与纯林相比,木麻黄-琼崖海棠混交林可显著提高腐殖质层以及20~40 cm土壤层pH,增幅分别为6.11%和5.97%。(2)与纯林相比,木麻黄-琼崖海棠混交林和木麻黄-大叶相思混交林均可显著提高各层土壤的有机碳和全氮含量,有机碳含量增幅分别为69.8%~358.3%和90.2%~908.3%,全氮含量增幅分别为44.1%~160.7%和31.4%~210.7%; 另外,木麻黄-琼崖海棠混交林还可显著提高0~100 cm各土层的全磷含量,增幅为20.8%~39.6%,而木麻黄-大叶相思混交林可显著提高20~100 cm各土层的全磷含量,增幅为25.0%~39.6%; 木麻黄-大叶相思混交林对腐殖质层速效养分的改善效果较好,而两种混交林均可显著提高各土层的速效钾含量。(3)方差分析表明,林分类型和土层深度对林下有机碳、全氮、全磷、有效磷、硝态氮和铵态氮含量均有极显著的交互作用影响。综上结果认为,木麻黄混交林对林下土壤肥力具有明显的改善作用。建议在构建木麻黄防风林时应重点考虑混交林模式,尤其是与大叶相思混交林的种植模式来更好地提升土壤肥力,以保障可持续生产。  相似文献   

华南地区桉树/相思混交种植的林木生长效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
将桉树U6与厚荚相思按不同比例和不同模式进行混交种植,测定二者的生长参数.结果表明:2~3年生混交林中,随着桉树比例的增大,相思免受风害的效果越来越显著,桉树/相思混交比例为3:1时,风害率下降了26.14%;但不同处理间桉树或相思保存率没有显著差异;桉树/相思混交种植对相思生长有一定抑制作用,混交林中相思胸径约为其纯林的90%,混交种植虽对桉树高生长影响不明显,但对胸径生长有显著促进作用,并随相思比例的增加而越发明显.6年生的桉树/相思1:1混交林分,桉树胸径>15 cm所占比例达到了32.1%,而桉树纯林仅为5.83%;桉树/相思2∶1株间混交的种植模式使总生物量达到最大,为198.8 m3·hm-2,是桉树纯林的118.8%,相思纯林的169.9%;桉树与相思混交种植对大径材桉树的培育是一种理想的种植模式.  相似文献   

松林节肢动物群落结构相似性分析   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
应用系统聚类、模糊聚类和主成分分析法,研究湿地松纯林、湿地松一木荷混交林 和湿地松-大叶相思混交林节肢动物群落结构的相似性.结果表明,2种混交林节肢动物群 落结构比较相似,而纯林与混交林相异;林冠层亚群落与灌木一草本届亚群落的结构也不 相同.分析结果能较好地反映不同林分和不同层次的节肢动物群落结构的差异性与连续 性.模糊聚类的分析方法优于系统聚类.  相似文献   

桉树与豆科植物混交种植对土壤速效养分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了桉树纯林、厚荚相思纯林以及两者的行混交林与株混交林的土壤速效养分特征。结果表明,豆科纯林及行混交林的土壤硝态氮含量显著高于桉林,铵态氮的格局也相似,因而,桉树与豆科植物混交种植可以明显改善土壤氮素营养。土壤速效磷含量以桉纯林最高,不同季节速效磷含量以豆科林最低,含磷较高的桉树枯落物及其分解是桉林地表土壤速效磷较高的重要原因;而豆科植物产生的高氮土壤条件导致整个林分较快的生长,造成植物氮磷平衡失调,并由此增加了对土壤速效磷的吸收,从而导致豆科林土壤速效磷较低。不同林型土壤速效钾差别不大,豆科林土壤小幅度高于其它林型,而不同林型土壤速效硼含量也差别不大,但豆科林土壤小幅度低于其它林型,这可能是豆科林对钾与硼的需要与影响不同所致;在植物栽种后不久,土壤速效硼迅速下降至极低水平,然后逐年大幅度上升,这可能是植物从深层吸收土壤硼并通过凋落物转移至表土的效应;结果也显示,造林初期有必要施用适当硼肥。  相似文献   

袁一杨  高宝嘉    李明  袁胜亮  周国娜 《生态学报》2008,28(5):2099-2099~2106
采用AFLP技术对平泉县的1个油松-落叶松混交林和2个油松纯林中油松毛虫(Dendrolimus tabulaeformis Tsai et Liu)的135个个体进行了遗传多样性和遗传结构的研究,并调查了3个油松林群落的各种环境条件.结果表明,纯林中油松毛虫种群的遗传多样性高于混交林中的油松毛虫种群;林木生长状况为影响不同油松纯林群落中油松毛虫种群遗传多样性的重要因素;混交林对油松毛虫种群之间的基因流有阻断作用,油松毛虫种群的基因流大小与油松林之间的物种多度呈反相关.  相似文献   

基于长期定位监测数据,量化揭示了红锥纯林(Castanopsis hystrix)、10种与30种乡土树种混交林等3种乡土人工林植物群落的生物量、物种多样性、生物热力学健康水平(eco-exergy)和土壤理化性状在种植后13年内的发展动态,并与尾叶桉(Eucalyptus urophylla)纯林,以及自然恢复系统(灌草坡)进行了比较。结果表明:(1)研究期间,5种恢复模式的植物群落生物量均呈现波动上升趋势,但在发展节率上有所差异。13龄时的尾叶桉纯林与两种乡土树种混交林生物量显著高于其各自1龄时的水平,且显著高于自然恢复灌草坡;相较于其他人工林,红锥纯林生物量增长缓慢,但快于灌草坡;(2)5种恢复模式植物群落的物种多样性(物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou均匀度指数)在6至13龄间均呈下降趋势,且30种乡土树种混交林下降趋势最为显著。13龄时,两种混交林Shannon-Wiener指数略高于两种纯林,显著高于灌草坡;10种乡土树种混交林的Pielou均匀度指数略高于红锥纯林与30种乡土树种混交林,显著高于尾叶桉纯林与灌草坡。(3)4种人工林的植物群落生物热力学健康水平皆在6至13龄间显著增加;13龄时两种乡土混交林群落生态显著高于两种纯林,两种纯林显著高于灌草坡,且该差异主要源自于乔木层生态的差异。(4)不同植被恢复模式中,10种乡土树种混交林土壤养分的累积效果最佳,13龄时其土壤总氮含量显著高于红锥纯林和自然恢复灌草坡,但与30种乡土树种混交林和尾叶桉纯林无显著差异。(5)冗余分析结果显示,研究期间植被与土壤间的相关关系逐步建立,土壤理化性状对地上植被结构变化的解释度由1龄时的73.3%逐步上升至13龄时的82.0%,但只有土壤有机碳含量在13龄时与地上植被结构的相关性达到显著水平。上述结果表明,乡土种人工林与外来种人工纯林群落结构、生物热力学健康水平、及植被与土壤间关系的发展规律相似,且相对而言,混交林优于纯林,纯林优于自然恢复灌草坡。植被恢复的起始物种丰富度并不是越高越好;发展到13龄时,10种乡土树种混交林在植被结构与土壤改良方面均优于30种乡土树种混交林。植被与土壤间相关关系的建立是一个长期的过程,不同植被恢复模式对土壤理化性状的差异性影响难以在短期内有所显现。  相似文献   

为了解长期植被恢复的成熟人工林林下植物组成与多样性特征及其影响因素,基于广东鹤山生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站的南亚热带人工林生态系统,对环境相似(坡度、坡向、海拔)、30 a生4种类型人工林(桉树混交林、马占相思纯林、乡土混交林、针叶混交林)进行调查研究,分析林下植物组成和物种多样性(Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数、Pielou指数)特征。结果表明,人工林林下植物类型丰富,均可形成乔-灌-草垂直结构;4种林型林下植物组成既有相似性,也有差异性,桉树混交林与针叶混交林、马占相思纯林与乡土混交林的灌木层组成相似;桉树混交林与马占相思纯林、乡土混交林与针叶混交林的草本层组成相似,而桉树混交林与针叶混交林的草本层组成极不相似。林分类型影响林下植物多样性,马占相思纯林林下灌草多样性显著低于其他3种混交林(P<0.05),灌木物种数、个体数最少;针叶混交林林下物种丰富度最高。林分郁闭度与林下植物多样性呈正相关(P<0.001),林下植物分布与土壤养分含量相关,桉树混交林、马占相思纯林林下植物多样性与不同形态氮含量相关,有效磷、全磷影响乡土混交林林下物种的分布,针叶混交林受土壤酸碱度、全钾的影响较为明显。在4种人工林林下植物群落中,乡土混交林多样性,均匀度最高,优势度最低,具有更佳的保育和维持林下生物多样性功能。因此,乡土树种混交林更适用于生态公益林构建或对一些针叶林及外来树种纯林进行林分改造。  相似文献   

Li  Zhi-an  Peng  Shao-lin  Rae  Debbie J.  Zhou  Guo-yi 《Plant and Soil》2001,229(1):105-116
Litter decomposition and nitrogen mineralization were investigated in subtropical plantation forests in southern China. The CO2 –C release from incubated litter and the forest floor of Acacia mangium, Acacia auriculaeformis, Eucalyptus citriodora, Pinus elliotii and Schima superba stands were used to estimate relative rates of litter decomposition. Decomposition was not positively correlated with litter nitrogen. E. citridora litter decomposed most rapidly and A. mangium litter most slowly, both with and without the addition of exotic nitrogen. Aerobic incubation and intact soil core incubation at 30 °C over a period of 30 days were used to assess nitrogen mineralization of six forest soils. Although there were differences in results obtained using the two methods, patterns between legume and non-legume species were the same regardless of method. All soils had pH values below 4.5, but this did not prevent nitrification. The dominant form of mineral nitrogen was nitrate for legume species and ammonium for non-legume species. The nitrogen mineralization potential was highest for soils in which legumes were growing.  相似文献   

We measured aboveground plant biomass and soil inorganic nitrogen pools in a biodiversity experiment in northern Sweden, with plant species richness ranging from 1 to 12 species. In general, biomass increased and nitrate pools decreased with increasing species richness. Transgressive overyielding of mixed plant communities compared to the most productive of the corresponding monocultures occurred in communities with and without legumes. N2-fixing legumes had a fertilizing function, while non-legumes had a N retaining function. Plant communities with only legumes had a positive correlation between biomass and soil nitrate content, whereas in plant communities without legumes they were negatively correlated. Both nitrate and ammonium soil pools in mixed non-legume communities were approximately equal to the lowest observed in the corresponding monocultures. In mixed legume/non-legume communities, no correlation was found for soil nitrate with either biomass or legume biomass as percentage of total biomass. The idea of complementarity among species in nitrogen acquisition was supported in both pure non-legume and mixed non-legume/legume communities. In the latter, however, facilitation through increased nitrogen availability and retention, was probably dominating. Our results suggest that diversity effects on biomass and soil N pools through resource use complementarity depend on the functional traits of species, especially N2 fixation or high productivity.  相似文献   

It is well documented that phosphorus (P) input stimulates biological nitrogen (N) fixation (BNF) in tropical forests with non-legume trees. However, in tropical legume forests with soil N enrichment and P deficiency, the effects of P availability and its combination with N on BNF remain poorly understood. In this study, we measured BNF rate in different compartments, i.e., bulk soil, forest floor, rhizosphere, and nodules, in two tropical plantations with legume trees Acacia auriculiformis (AA) versus non-legume trees Eucalyptus urophylla, (EU) in southern China after 4 years of P addition and combined N and P additions. The objective was to investigate how P addition and its combination with N addition regulate BNF in a tropical legume plantation, and to compare the effects with those in a non-legume plantation. Our results showed that total BNF rates were significantly higher in the P-addition plots than in the control plots by 27.4 ± 4.3 and 23.3 ± 1.7 % in the EU and AA plantations, respectively. Total BNF rates were significantly higher in the NP-addition plots than in the control plots by 27.7  ± 5.0 and 8.5 ± 1.4 % in the EU and AA plantations, respectively, which contrasted to our previous result that total BNF rates were significantly lower in N-addition plots than in the control plots in the AA plantation. These findings suggest that P input can stimulate BNF in tropical forest biome dominated by legume trees, even in consideration of elevated atmospheric N deposition. Thus, our study revealed the important role of P in regulating biological N input, which should be taken into account in the modeling of biogeochemical cycles in the future.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Transfer of fixed N from legumes to non-legume reference plants may alter the 15N signature of the reference plant as compared to the soil N available to the legume. This study investigates how N transfer influences the result of 15N-based N2 fixation measurements.


We labelled either legumes or non-legumes with 15N and performed detailed analyses of 15N enrichment in mixed plant communities in the field. The results were used in a conceptual model comparing how different N transfer scenarios influenced the 15N signatures of legumes and reference plants, and how the resulting N2 fixation estimate was influenced by using reference plants in pure stand or in mixture with the legume.


Based on isotopic signatures, N transfer was detected in all directions: from legume to legume, from legume to non-legume, from non-legume to legume, from non-legume to non-legume. In the scenario of multidirectional N transfer, N2 fixation was overestimated by using a reference plant in pure stand.


Fixed N transferred to neighbouring reference plants modifies the 15N signature of the soil N available both to the reference plant and the N2-fixing legume. This provides strong support for using reference plants growing in mixture with the legumes for reliable quantifications of N2 fixation.  相似文献   

Acacia auriculiformis Benth., Mimosaceae, has been introduced relatively recently as a plantation tree to the island of Unguja, Zanzibar. It has been reported to establish itself outside the plantations, but it is not known if the success of establishment depends on habitat quality. We investigated the occurrence of A. auriculiformis in 5-m-wide sample lines, which started from the edge of acacia plantations and reached farthermost the distance of 1 km. The results of 7.24 ha studied showed that: (1) A. auriculiformis occurred in most of the studied habitats in Unguja and appeared to be more abundant in deep soils than in shallow coral-derived soils. However, statistical analyses suggested that the species has little preference or avoidance towards any of the habitats, even though forests – the least disturbed habitats – seemed to have less acacias than other more disturbed habitats. (2) The number of acacias decreased rapidly with the distance from an acacia plantation, and most of the found acacias were still young, below three metres tall. Our results suggest that the invasion of A. auriculiformis is at its beginning in Unguja. If no preventive measures are taken, A. auriculiformis may have an increasing impact on local ecosystem in the future.  相似文献   

杉木火力楠混交林养分归还与生产力   总被引:16,自引:7,他引:9  
通过对野外试验和室内测试数据的整理分析.比较研究了杉木火力楠混交林和 杉木纯林养分归还、吸收等生态过程的特征以及生产力结果表明混交促进了养分归还过 程.可提高土壤肥力和系统生产力.15年生混交林技和叶凋落物分别是纯林的2倍和3 倍,其中容易分解的火力楠凋落物占 64%.混交林通过凋落物分解所归还的养分是纯林 的 2~ 3倍.相当年凋落量 65. 9%的混交林根系年死亡量是纯林的 2倍,在整个系统养分 归还中占有很大的份额.混交林土壤全 N、 NH+4-N和有效 K分别比纯林提高 64. 3%。 82. 3 %和 63. 1%.与此同时土壤孔隙组成和水分过程也大为改善.混交林生产力较纯林 提高52.7%.混交林5种大量元素的归还/吸收比率是纯林的2倍,表明混交林养分循环 效率较高,较少的人为维持可以保持较高的生产力水平.  相似文献   

广西高峰林场相思树的真菌病害调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
相思树是从澳大利亚引进的速生丰产林种,在广西以高峰林场为主要种植基地。经初步调查,不同相思树上发生的真菌性病害不同,马占相思树、厚荚相思树、直干相思树、纹英相思树、杂交相思发生炭疽病,其病原茵为胶孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides),在马占相思、直干相思、纹荚相思和杂交相思的叶片上只产生病原菌的无性阶段,而在厚荚相思叶片上可同时出现无性阶段和有性阶段;马占相思树和杂交相思树上发生的白粉病菌为白粉菌Oidium sp.,其中杂交相思白粉病发生普遍而严重,发病期多在3-5月;黑木相思树发生叶尖枯病,病原为异色拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis versicolor),一年四季均可发病;马占相思树干基部心腐病发生严重,造成木材的大量损失,病原尚未得到确定。本文对病害的症状特点、病原菌形态特征进行了描述。  相似文献   

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