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杰氏涡虫属一新种(扁形动物门,单肠目,达氏科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道单肠目达氏科杰氏涡虫属1新种,武夷山杰氏涡虫Gieysztoria wuyishanensis Wang et Lai,sp.nov.,隶属于杰氏涡虫属异刺群钩刺亚群,该亚群涡虫在中国属首次报道.标本由张宇于2005年5月6日采自福建省南平市武夷山九曲溪(27°45′N,118°1′E)的溪边水草间,水温18℃,pH7.8.详细描述了新种形态特征,所有标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所.  相似文献   

原卵黄目(Prolecithophora)柱口科(Cylindrostomidae)肠口涡虫属(Enterostomula)为海栖涡虫,全球记录3种,在中国未见报道。作者在广东省深圳市深圳湾海边(22°31'N,113°56'E)采集到一种海栖涡虫。本文对该种涡虫进行了较为详细的比较研究,鉴定为柱口科肠口涡虫属格氏肠口涡虫(E.graffi de Beauchamp,1913),为中国新纪录科新纪录属一新纪录种。该种涡虫多数个体背部具2条黑色横纹,部分个体背部花纹有明显变化。眼点2对。雌雄同体,精巢、卵巢各1个。受精囊位于卵巢与子宫之间;子宫位于体末端,后接一微小的外阴道。本文发现:①该涡虫的尾部腹面具有一个交配囊及一根雌性生殖管,交配囊是一个由肌肉层组成的袋状囊,同时与子宫、雌性生殖管相连;②雌性生殖管外围有明显的生殖腺包裹;③雌性生殖管孔、阴茎孔与口孔一起通往体外;④此种涡虫喜分泌黏液将微小杂质粘结呈半球状窝,虫体隐藏于窝内。  相似文献   

小达氏涡虫属一新种(扁形动物门,单肠目,达氏科)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
报道中国小达氏涡虫属1新种:湖南小达氏涡虫Microdalyellia humanensis nov.sp.,模式标本采集于湖南新宁县莨山镇黄背村(26°44′N,110°84′E),对新种涡虫的形态特征作了详细描述,所有标本保存在深圳大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

中国涡虫一新纪录目一新纪录种(卵黄上皮目,原吻科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道中国涡虫1新纪录目1新纪录种,即卵黄上皮目Lecithoepitheliata的静原吻涡虫Prorhynchus stagnalis,属于原吻科Prorhynchidae原吻属Prorhynchus.标本采集于广东韶关(24.84°N,113.62°E).  相似文献   

本文记述淡水涡虫类单肠目Rhabdocoela达氏科Dalyelliidae小达氏涡虫属Microdalyellia一新种,广东小达氏涡虫Microdelyellia guangdongensis Wang et Rong,sp.nov.,模式标本由卢彦宏于2013年6月9日采自广东省深圳市石岩水库(22°40'58″N,113°53'42″E);杰氏涡虫属Gieysztoria一新种,七星岩杰氏涡虫Gieysztoria qixingyanensis Wang et Rong,sp.nov.,模式标本由刘旭坤于2014年8月6日采自广东省肇庆市七星岩风景区(23°04'32″N,112°28'46″E)。对2个涡虫新种的形态特征作了详细描述,并分别与小达氏涡虫属和杰氏涡虫属近似物种进行了比较。所有标本保存于中国科学院国家动物博物馆。  相似文献   

本文对分布于广东省深圳市侨城湿地(113°58'E,22°31'N)咸淡水的一种单肠目Rhabdocoel涡虫进行了形态、发育及18S r DNA与28S r DNA分子系统学的分析与比较。结果表明,此涡虫为达氏科Dalyelliidae铲形杰氏涡虫Gieysztoria knipovici Beklemischev,1953,为中国新纪录种。该物种模式标本分布于欧洲黑海近岸。本研究详细描述了其外部形态与内部结构特征,首次发现该涡虫精巢超长,前端达咽部,后端至腹侧,呈长条形(该属涡虫2个精巢呈球形或椭圆形,位于肠后腹侧);除了骨质阴茎之外还具有可再生的骨质阴茎鞘。阴茎鞘位于骨质阴茎外侧,半包裹骨质阴茎,呈长条形骨质结构。交配后的个体常在交配囊内发现阴茎鞘1~5个。鉴于该物种特殊的形态学特征,其分类地位还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

<正>2013年4月24日、6月9日和6月27日,在青海省三江源国家级自然保护区玛可河地区友谊林场(32°40′N,101°2′E,海拔3 240 m)、格日则沟原始林区(32°44′N,101°10′E,海拔3 480 m)针叶树干以及玛可河干流岸边(32°40′N,100°57′E,海拔3 270 m)杨树上共观察到7只?形目鸟类,并拍摄到清晰数码照片。该鸟体形中等,  相似文献   

多肠目涡虫均生活于海水。2005年7月20日作者在深圳大鹏湾海边进行动物学野外实习期间,潮落时在嵌入礁石中的牡蛎壳内采集到一种多肠目涡虫,经鉴定该涡虫是东方柄涡虫(Stylochus orientalis),隶属扁形动物门、涡虫纲、多肠目、柄涡虫科,是牡蛎的头号杀手。用开壳刀撬开嵌在礁石  相似文献   

淡水三肠目涡虫的染色体研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三肠目(Tricladida)淡水亚目(Paludi-cola)属于扁形动物门涡虫纲,共分四个科:三角头涡虫科(Dugesiidae)、扁平涡虫科(Planariidae)、树枝肠涡虫科(Dendrocoe-lidae)和洞穴涡虫科(Kenkiidae)。全世界已经发现35个属387种。除洞穴科涡虫尚未  相似文献   

中国的淡水(三肠目)涡虫   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
刘德增 《动物学杂志》1989,24(6):38-43,31
三肠目淡水涡虫是一类扁形动物门(Phylum Platyhelminthes)涡虫纲(Class Turbellaria)三肠目(Order Tricladida)淡水亚目(Suborder Paludicola)涡虫。由于它是扁形动物门和涡虫纲的代表动物,是动物学研究的重要材料;又是教学中不可缺少的实验标本,所以一直受到全世界生物学家和院校师生们的关注,一直是世界各国涡虫分类学家研究的热门。肯克(Kenk 1978;参见M.Kawakatsu,1978)  相似文献   

海州湾人工鱼礁二期工程海域大型底栖生物初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2005、2007、2008年每年2月、5月和8月按《海洋监测规范》中大型底栖动物调查方法,分别对海州湾人工鱼礁二期工程施工海域(34°52′~30°55′N、119°25′34″~119°26′34″E)采用阿氏拖网进行了调查。监测结果显示,底栖动物的种类数较投放前有所增加;底栖动物年均总生物量逐年降低,2005年(1.0016g/m2)>2007年(0.9681g/m2)>2008年(0.7327g/m2);底栖生物群落生物多样性指数(H′)和丰富度(d)年均值呈逐年上升趋势,并且具有明显的季节性变化,春季最高,夏季次之,秋季最低;投礁前夏季的底栖动物的群落处于稳定状态而投礁后处于中度扰动状态。监测结果表明,鱼礁工程建设已经对投礁海域的底栖动物种类数、总生物量、多样性指数以及群落稳定性产生了一定程度的影响。  相似文献   

凌云山自然保护区位于江西省赣州市宁都县西北部边境,属雩山山脉中段。其地理坐标为东经115°50′16″-116°1′40″,北纬26°50′42″-27°2′11″,总面积11260hm^2。蜘蛛是农林生态系统害虫天敌的主要类群,也常作为生态系统稳定的指示生物。作者等人通过对凌云山自然保护区蜘蛛资源及区系分布进行野外调查、标本采集和分类鉴定等,发现该保护区有蜘蛛32科96属165种,其中,有5个江西新记录科,1个中国新记录种,29种江西新记录种和33未确定种。  相似文献   

Pearsonellum lemusi n. sp. (Digenea: Aporocotylidae) infects the blood vascular system of the gag grouper, Mycteroperca microlepis (Perciformes: Serranidae), in the north central Gulf of Mexico, approximately 80 km south of Dauphin Island, Alabama (29°34'09″N, 88°22'16″W). The new species can be most easily differentiated from its only congeners Pearsonellum corventum Overstreet and K?ie, 1989 (type species) and Pearsonellum pygmaeus Nolan and Cribb, 2004 , both of which infect Australian serranids, by the combination of having a large adult body (3,237 × 570 μm), a cecal intersection comprising an elongated medial channel, anterior ceca >10% of total body length, ovary narrower than testis, and pre-ovarian uterus not looping between testis and ovary. The embryonated eggs of the new species infect gill epithelium, are spheroid, and measure 25-30 μm in diameter. Sympatric Gulf of Mexico serranids were negative for aporocotylid infections: coney, Cephalopholis fulva (n = 1); Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus (3); red grouper, Epinephelus morio (32); yellowedge grouper, Epinephelus flavolimbatus (1); rock hind, Epinephelus adscensionis (1); red hind, Epinephelus guttatus (2); Warsaw grouper, Epinephelus nigritus (3); graysby, Cephalopholis cruentata (1); black grouper, Mycteroperca bonaci (1), and tattler, Serranus phoebe (2). The new species is the first aporocotylid described from a serranid outside of the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The diagnosis of Pearsonellum Overstreet and K?ie, 1989 is herein emended to include anterior sucker having concentric rows of spines anterior to mouth, pharynx absent, esophagus length <1/2 total body length, vas deferens connecting with cirrus sac anteromedially, ovary occupying posterior 1/4-1/3 of body, primary vitelline duct dextral, and oviducal seminal receptacle extending posteriad in parallel with lateral body margin, not transverse nor constricted anteriorly or posteriorly by sharp bends or kinks.  相似文献   

Poecilogony is a relatively uncommon life-history strategy that results in the production of two different larval forms from the same egg mass (e.g., free-swimming lecithotrophic larvae and post-metamorphic, crawling juveniles). In this study, a population of the opisthobranch gastropod Haminoea zelandiae from Pauatahanui Inlet, New Zealand, was found to exhibit poecilogony. Further, differences in development, hatching times and proportion of hatchlings that were veligers or juveniles were examined for egg masses in two temperature regimes in the laboratory: cool (15-17 °C), and warm (21-23 °C). Hatching proportions were also examined for egg masses collected from the field (where temperatures ranged from 21-23 °C) for varying lengths of time (1 d, 5 d, and 10 d post-spawning). Hatchlings from egg masses in warmer temperatures developed faster and hatched earlier than those in cool temperatures. In the laboratory, egg masses in warm conditions hatched a greater proportion of post-metamorphic juveniles (45.4%) compared to egg masses in cool conditions (24.6%) Further, egg masses that had been in the field 10 d before hatching (i.e., more days at warmer temperatures) exhibited a greater proportion of post-metamorphic juveniles (67.9%) than those that were collected after only 1 d in the field (25.1%). Together these results suggest that temperature may have an important role in mediating dispersal strategies in this poecilogonous species.  相似文献   

通古尔(Tunggur)台地作为20世纪20—30年代美国自然历史博物馆第三中亚考察团研究过的一个经典的脊椎动物化石地点,在亚洲晚新生代陆相哺乳动物学和生物年代学研究中扮演着重要的角色。20世纪90年代中期以来,在通古尔地区开展了大量的野外工作,发现了数个以小型哺乳动物为主的动物群,建立了从早中新世至上新世哺乳动物演化序列的框架。这一框架有可能成为东亚新近纪陆相哺乳动物群对比的标尺。通古尔地区动物群的演替,对于深入认识这一地区古环境和动物地理的分化也十分重要。2005年8月的野外工作,主要在通古尔台地的两个地点——奥尔班和阿勒特希热进行,目的是寻找新生代中晚期的脊椎动物化石和根据古地磁极性年代标尺确定化石的时代。最厚的古地磁采样剖面在奥尔班(Aoerban,43°20′21.6″N,113°54′48.6″E)。取样点起自43°20′36.4″N,113°54′48.6″E,终于43°20′52.7″N,113°54′23.1″E。测试结果显示,剖面上50 m的粘土岩、粉砂岩和细砂岩的互层,除近底部5 m厚的褐棕色粘土岩外均为负极性时。负极性段大致可与国际标准古地磁柱的5Dr或6r对比,相当于18—20 Ma。该剖面上同时进行了小哺乳动物化石的采集;据初步鉴定,化石组合包括了晚渐新世和大量早中新世的成员。因此,奥尔班动物群极有可能代表内蒙古中部地区新近纪哺乳动物群序列中时代最早的一个新成员。阿勒特希热(Aletexire,43°47′21.6″N,113°05′25.0″E)采样剖面始于43°47′53.6″N, 113°04′51.1″E,终于43°47′52.9″N,113°04′42.2″E。剖面厚约13 m,以粉砂岩和细砂岩为主,含有与推饶木动物群相同的成员。测试结果显示,整个剖面记录为正极性时。这便与王晓鸣等于2003年把阿勒特希热剖面古地磁测试的结果与默尔根剖面的对比产生了一些矛盾。原因可能是阿勒特希热的采样间隔过大,或两剖面根本就不是同一时代的产物。同样的问题似乎也出现在与推饶木剖面的对比上。看来有必要对这一地区的古地磁测试作更深入的工作。  相似文献   

王青锋  王玉国  潘明清   《广西植物》2000,20(1):27-31
莽山自然保护区位于湖南省宜章县境内 (2 4°52′0 0″~ 2 5°0 3′12″N,112°4 3′19″~ 113°0 0′10″E) ,属南岭支脉。作者对该地区水生维管束植物及其生境进行了考察 ,采集到水生沼生维管束植物30科 4 7属 6 7种 ,其中 30种为莽山地区新记录。在比较沼泽和湖泊水生植物群落结构特点的基础上 ,讨论了沼泽作为水生植物重要生境的意义 ,建议对作为珍稀濒危水生植物重要产地的长江以南山地沼泽采取有效的保护措施  相似文献   

贵州斑大叶蝉属三新种(同翅目:大叶蝉科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沪述斑大叶蝉属Anatkina Yorng3新种,即蓝斑大叶蝉A.livimacula sp.nov.;红翅政大叶蝉A.rubipennis sp.nov.;双条斑大叶蝉A.bistriata sp.nov.,模式标本保存在贵州大学农学院。  相似文献   

Cardicola parvus n. sp. (Digenea: Aporocotylidae) infects the heart of Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus (Linnaeus, 1766) (Perciformes: Sciaenidae), in the South Atlantic Bight off Cow Island (34°38'49″N, 76°33'41″W, type locality) and Figure Eight Island (34°15'48″N, 77°44'27″W), North Carolina, USA, and off Jacksonville Beach (30°08'23″N, 81°20'52″W), Florida, USA. The new species is most easily differentiated from other members of Cardicola Short, 1953 by the combination of having a minute adult body (≤ 1 mm total length) that is 3.1-4.7× longer than wide, widely dispersed ventral tegumental sensory papillae, ~180 tegumental spine rows per side of body, a spheroid anterior sucker that is apparently aspinous, an esophagus that is 38-39% of the body total length, a male genital pore that is anterior to the ootype, a uterus that transitions from ascending to descending portions posterolaterally to the ovary, and a nearly transverse oviducal seminal receptacle. The new species is the second named aporocotylid from a littoral fish of the South Atlantic Bight and the fifth aporocotylid species reported from fishes of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Effect of prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2alpha) on carbohydrate accumulation in gonads of the multivoltine silkworm (hybrid: Xinhang x Keming) has been studied by means of topical application to larvae of the silkworm. Increased weights of larvae and reproduction organs, as well as carbohydrate metabolism in gonads of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L. was found after treatment with prostaglandin F2alpha. The increase in weight (larvae 21.9%, testis 28.9%, and ovary 33.3%) was associated with increases in the biomolecules (20-30%) and LDH and aldolase activity (18-25%). The results suggest that the accumulation of carbohydrates denotes a higher extent of utility of the energy sources in function of the testes and ovaries, and the routine application of prostaglandin F2alpha would be helpful in improving the reproductivity and egg quality of the silkworm.  相似文献   

Sympatry and natural hybridization between howler monkey taxa (Alouatta spp.) has only recently being confirmed in the wild. Surveys in areas of potential contact between the distribution of two taxa have shown that sympatry is rare, although more common than previously known. Here we report the results of a survey conducted in a contact zone between the only two sexually dichromatic howler monkey taxa, Alouatta caraya and A. guariba clamitans, in São Francisco de Assis, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Our survey, covering an area of about 400 ha at the Cerro dos Negros (29°33′50″–29°35′10″S, 54°58′40″–54°59′50″W; ~100–279 m a.s.l.), was successful in locating seven black-and-gold and one brown howler monkey social groups living syntopically. Black-and-gold group size ranged from 5 to 15 individuals, whereas the brown group was composed of 7 individuals. The pelage color of three adult males belonging to different black-and-gold groups and another adult male belonging to the brown howler group presented a mosaic of red or rufous and black. These adult males and an adult female living in another black-and-gold group are putative hybrids. Therefore, it appears that pre-zygotic reproductive isolation has not evolved, at least not completely, between these howler monkey species, corroborating previous reports for these and other Alouatta taxa. Future genetic studies need to confirm the occurrence of hybridization in this contact zone, and to determine the viability and fertility of hybrids and their possible offspring. In addition, there is no evidence supporting the existence of significant segregation in habitat and resource utilization by black-and-gold and brown howler monkeys.  相似文献   

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