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植物DNA条形码技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DNA条形码技术是利用标准的、具有足够变异的、易扩增且相对较短的DNA片段在物种内的特异性和种间的多样性而创建的一种新的生物身份识别系统,从而实现对物种的快速自动鉴定。尽管这一技术在理论上和具体应用上仍存在很多争论。但DNA条形码概念自2003年由加拿大分类学家Paul Hebert首次提出后就在世界范围内受到了广泛关注。在植物类群中条形码的研究和应用尚处于探索阶段,稍落后于对动物类群的研究,这主要表现在:(1)DNA条形码的选择及其评价仍没有统一的标准:(2)对类群较全面的形态分类学修订和植物DNA条形码研究的结合十分缺乏:(3)以往研究在取样上尺度较大,而对具体类群的研究较少,一个科或一个属只用有限的种类作为代表,同一种内的取样个体数量也不足,这样虽然表面上看来利用选定的DNA条形码可以较容易地把代表物种区分开,但实际上目前建议的植物DNA条形码(例如由生命条形码咨询委员会植物工作组最近提出的rbcL和matK)由于其分子进化速率较慢,在种级水平上,特别是对于那些经历了适应辐射或快速进化的属来说,分辨率较低。而DNA条形码的应用主要集中在属内物种水平的鉴别,因此只有针对具体类群进行探索研究,发现进化速率较快、分辨率高且通用性好的条形码,才可能为建立完整的条形码数据库起到积极有效的作用。  相似文献   

植物DNA条形码技术的发展及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对DNA条形码技术的发展过程进行归纳分析的基础上,对植物DNA条形码技术的研究进展、工作流程及分析方法、影响其鉴定准确性的因素及其在植物分类学研究中的应用现状及存在的争议进行了综合分析和阐述,并展望了植物DNA条形码技术的发展趋势及应用前景。通过具体实例说明将植物DNA条形码技术与传统植物学知识相结合可作为民族植物学的研究手段之一。认为:目前常用的植物DNA条形码主要有单一片段和多片段组合2种方式,这2种方式各有优缺点;常用的DNA序列有matK、trnH-psbA、rbcL和ITS等,但均有一定的局限性;针对不同的使用目的,应选择不同的植物DNA条形码标准;影响植物DNA条形码鉴定准确性的因素包括物种的类型和数量、系统树构建方法、杂交/基因渗入、物种起源时间的差异、分子进化速率差异等;当前植物DNA条形码研究工作的重点是选择合适的DNA片段并对其进行评价。  相似文献   

DNA条形码研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
DNA条形码是应用有足够变异的标准化短基因片段对物种进行快速、准确鉴定的新的生物身份识别系统.2003年,加拿大Guelph大学Hebert等首次正式提出了DNA条形码概念,2004年成立了生物条形码联盟,目前有来自50个国家的两百多个组织成为其成员,2007年5月加拿大Guelph大学组建了世界上第一个DNA barcoding鉴定中心,2009年1月正式启动"国际生命条形码计划",中国科学院代表中国与加拿大、美国和欧盟共同为iBOL 4个中心节点.线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶基因COⅠ具有引物通用性高和进化速率快等优点,是理想的动物DNA条形码,不过,COⅠ在植物中应用效果较差,因此,核糖体ITS序列和质体rbcL、matK和trnH-psbA等序列也相继被引入植物的DNA条形码研究.虽然DNA条形码研究还处于起步阶段,面临巨大挑战,但是,越来越多的研究表明DNA条形码可以广泛应用于生物的分类和鉴定,是一种简便、高效、准确的物种鉴定技术,已经在动物、植物和微生物等研究中取得了显著成果,是生命科学领域发展最快的学科前沿之一.本文从DNA条形码的开发、应用、国内相关文献研究现状、DNA条形码面临的挑战以及发展前景等进行了综合分析,以期推动我国DNA条形码和分类学研究的发展.  相似文献   

DNA条形码(DNA barcoding)技术是逐渐发展起来的新兴分子技术,它通过利用生物体内一段特异的DNA序列快速而精确进行物种识别。DNA条形码技术不仅可以用于物种的鉴定和分类,同时也帮助生物学家深入了解物种之间的亲缘关系以及生态系统内的相互作用,提供了一种迅速而有效的分类学方法来细化分类学上现存的标准,因而成为分类学领域的前沿技术。本文概述了DNA条形码技术在部分水生物种中的广泛应用以及对未来的展望。  相似文献   

DNA条形码技术在植物中的研究现状   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
闫化学  于杰 《植物学报》2010,45(1):102-108
DNA条形码技术(DNA barcoding)是用短的DNA片段对物种进行识别和鉴定的分子生物学技术。在动物研究中该技术已经成功应用于利用线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶亚基I(COI)进行物种鉴定和发现隐种或新物种。相对于动物,COI基因在高等植物中进化速率较慢,因此植物条形码研究以叶绿体基因组作为重点,但目前还处于寻找合适的基因片段阶段。许多学者对此进行了积极的探索,报道了多种植物条形码的候选片段或组合,但还没有获得满足所有标准的特征位点片段。该文介绍了DNA条形码的标准、优点、工作流程及数据分析方法,总结了DNA条形码在植物中的研究现状。  相似文献   

Metabarcoding技术在植物鉴定和多样性研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前植物学研究已进入后植物志时代,iFlora的实现需要以传统植物分类学及相关研究为基础,整合基于高通量测序的DNA条形码(DNAbareoding)技术并开发便携式快速鉴定仪器及构建信息平台。传统植物鉴定多基于形态学分类,而近年来快速发展的DNA条形码快速鉴定技术被各界分类学家认可,在植物鉴定中也被广泛应用。但DNA条形码技术仍存在一些问题亟待解决,如种的鉴定需要多个条形码的解析、Sanger测序平台无法处理混合样品。本文介绍了传统植物分类技术和DNA条形码技术在植物研究中的应用和遇到的瓶颈;并重点介绍了基于高通量测序的metabarcoding技术在植物鉴定及多样性研究中的应用及前景,及其与iFlora的关系。  相似文献   

在生命科学研究中,物种识别和生物多样性评估是重要的基础环节。从基于形态学特征分类的经典分类学,到近来被分子分类学家广泛接受的DNA条形码,以及在高通量测序技术基础上衍生出的DNA metabarcoding研究方法,人类正以前所未有的速度与深度重新认识生命世界。DNA metabarcoding可快速、简便、有效地从多物种混合DNA样本中还原其中的生物类群及其居群结构,实现从物种的有效识别到生物多样性的评估。概述了DNA条形码与DNA metabarcoding的概念、技术方法、应用及最新进展。  相似文献   

DNA条形码技术在植物中的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫化学  于杰 《植物学通报》2010,45(1):102-108
DNA条形码技术(DNA barcoding)是用短的DNA片段对物种进行识别和鉴定的分子生物学技术。在动物研究中该技术已经成功应用于利用线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶亚基I(COI)进行物种鉴定和发现隐种或新物种。相对于动物, COI基因在高等植物中进化速率较慢, 因此植物条形码研究以叶绿体基因组作为重点, 但目前还处于寻找合适的基因片段阶段。许多学者对此进行了积极的探索, 报道了多种植物条形码的候选片段或组合, 但还没有获得满足所有标准的特征位点片段。该文介绍了DNA条形码的标准、优点、工作流程及数据分析方法, 总结了DNA条形码在植物中的研究现状。  相似文献   

秋海棠属植物种类繁多,形态变异多样,导致种类的系统放置混乱,近缘种类鉴定困难。利用DNA条形码实现物种快速准确的鉴定技术具有不受形态特征约束的优势,为秋海棠属植物的分类鉴定提供了新的方法。本研究选择4个DNA条形码候选片段(rbcL,matK,trnH psbA,ITS)对中国秋海棠属26种136个个体进行了分析。结果显示:叶绿体基因rbcL,matK和trnH psbA种内和种间变异小,对秋海棠属植物的鉴别能力有限;ITS/ITS2种内和种间变异大,在本研究中物种正确鉴定率达到100%/96%,可考虑作为秋海棠属DNA条形码鉴定的候选片段。研究结果支持中国植物条形码研究组建议将核基因ITS/ITS2纳入种子植物DNA条形码核心片段中的观点。  相似文献   

秋海棠属植物种类繁多,形态变异多样,导致种类的系统放置混乱,近缘种类鉴定困难。利用DNA条形码实现物种快速准确的鉴定技术具有不受形态特征约束的优势,为秋海棠属植物的分类鉴定提供了新的方法。本研究选择4个DNA条形码候选片段(rbcL,matK,trnH-psbA,ITS)对中国秋海棠属26种136个个体进行了分析。结果显示:叶绿体基因rbcL,matK和trnH-psbA种内和种间变异小,对秋海棠属植物的鉴别能力有限:ITS/ITS2种内和种间变异大,在本研究中物种正确鉴定率达到100%/96%,可考虑作为秋海棠属DNA条形码鉴定的候选片段。研究结果支持中国植物条形码研究组建议将核基因ITS/ITS2纳人种子植物DNA条形码核心片段中的观点。  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a method of identifying species by analyzing one or a few short standardized DNA sequences. There are particular challenges in barcoding plants, especially for distinguishing closely related species. Hence, there is an urgent need to evaluate the performance of candidate loci for distinguishing between species, especially closely related species, to complement the rbcL + matK combination suggested as the core barcode for land plants. We sampled 48 individuals representing 12 species in Primula sect. Proliferae Pax in China to evaluate the performance of eight leading candidate barcode loci (matK, rbcL, rpoB, rpoCl, trnH-psbA, psbK-psbI, atpFatpH, and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)). The core combination rbcL + matK gave only 50% species resolution in sect. Proliferae. In terms of intraspecies and interspecies divergence, degree of monophyly, and sequence similarity, ITS, trnH-psbA, and psbK-psbI showed good performance as single-locus barcodes. Internal transcribed spacer displayed the highest genetic divergence and best discriminatory power, both alone and in combination with rbcL +matK (83.3% species resolution). We recommend evaluating the use of ITS for barcoding in other species. Low or single copy nuclear regions would provide more sophisticated barcoding tools in the long term, even though further research is required to find suitable loci.  相似文献   

关于植物DNA条形码研究技术规范   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
关键词:植物DNA条形码;技术规范;物种鉴定;标准;新一代植物志  相似文献   

DNA barcoding, as a tool for species discrimination, has been used efficiently in animals, algae and fungi, but there are still debates on which DNA region(s) can be used as the standard barcode(s) for land plants. Gymnosperms, especially conifers, are important components of forests, and there is an urgent need for them to be identified through DNA barcoding because of their high frequency of collection in the field. However, the feasibility of DNA barcoding in gymnosperms has not been examined based on a dense species sampling. Here we selected seven candidate DNA barcodes from the plastome (matK, rbcL, rpoB, rpoC1, atpF-atpH, psbA-trnH, and psbK-psbI) to evaluate their suitability in Picea (spruce). The results showed that none of them or their different combinations has sufficient resolution for spruce species, although matK+rbcL might be used as a two-locus barcode. The low efficiency of these candidate barcodes in Picea might be caused by the paternal inheritance of the chloroplast genome, long generation time, recent radiation, and frequent inter-specific hybridization aided by wind pollination. Some of these factors could also be responsible for the difficulties in barcoding other plant groups. Furthermore, the potential of the nuclear LEAFY gene as a land plant barcode was discussed.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that rbcL and matK are the core barcodes in plants, but they are not powerful enough to distinguish between closely related plant groups. Additional barcodes need to be evaluated to improve the level of discrimination between plant species. Because of their well-studied taxonomy and extreme diversity, we used Chinese Lysimachia (Myrsinaceae) species to test the performance of core barcodes (rbcL and matK) and two additional candidate barcodes (trnH-psbA and the nuclear ribosomal ITS); 97 accessions from four subgenus representing 34 putative Lysimachia species were included in this study. And many closely related species pairs in subgen. Lysimachia were covered to detect their discriminatory power. The inefficiency of rbcL and matK alone or combined in closely related plant groups was validated in this study. TrnH-psbA combined with rbcL + matK did not yet perform well in Lysimachia groups. In contrast, ITS, alone or combined with rbcL and/or matK, revealed high resolving ability in Lysimachia. We support ITS as a supplementary barcode on the basis of core barcode rbcL and matK. Besides, this study also illustrates several mistakes or underlying evolutionary events in Lysimachia detected by DNA barcoding.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a biological technique that uses short and standardized genes or DNA regions to facilitate species identification. DNA barcoding has been used successfully in several animal and plant groups. Ligustrum (Oleaceae) species occur widely throughout the world and are used as medicinal plants in China. Therefore, the accurate identification of species in this genus is necessary. Four potential DNA barcodes, namely the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and three chloroplast (cp) DNA regions (rbcL, marK, and trnH-psbA),were used to differentiate species within Ligustrum. BLAST, character-based method, tree-based methods and TAXONDNA analysis were used to investigate the molecular identification capabilities of the chosen markers for discriminating 92 samples representing 20 species of this genus. The results showed that the ITS sequences have the most variable information, followed by trnH-psbA, matK, and rbcL. All sequences of the four regions correctly identified the species at the genus level using BLAST alignment. At the species level, the discriminating power of rbcL, matK, trnH-psbA and ITS based on neighbor-joining (NJ) trees was 36.8%, 38.9%, 77.8%, and 80%,respectively. Using character-based and maximum parsimony (MP) tree methods together, the discriminating ability of trnH-psbA increased to 88.9%. All species could be differentiated using ITS when combining the NJ tree method with character-based or MP tree methods. Overall, the results indicate that DNA barcoding is an effective molecular identification method for Ligustrum species. We propose the nuclear ribosomal ITS as a plant barcode for plant identification and trnH-psbA as a candidate barcode sequence.  相似文献   

One application ofDNA barcoding is species identification based on sequences of a short and standardized DNA region.In plants,various DNA regions,alone or in combination,have been proposed and investigated,but consensus on a universal plant barcode remains elusive.In this study,we tested the utility of four candidate barcoding regions (rbcL,matK,trnH-psbA,and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)) as DNA barcodes for discriminating species in a large and hemiparasitic genus Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae).Amplification and sequencing was successful using single primer pairs for rbcL,trnH-psbA,and ITS,whereas two primer pairs were required for matK.Patterns of sequence divergence commonly showed a “barcoding gap”,that is,a bimodal frequency distribution of pairwise distances representing genetic diversity within and between species,respectively Considering primer universality,ease of amplification and sequencing,and performance in discriminating species,we found the most effective single-region barcode for Pedicularis to be ITS,and the most effective two-region barcode to be rbcL +ITS.Both discriminated at least 78% of the 88 species and correctly identified at least 89% of the sequences in our sample,and were effective in placing unidentified samples in known species groups.Our results suggest that DNA barcoding has the potential to aid taxonomic research in Pedicularis,a species-rich cosmopolitan clade much in need of revision,as well as ecological studies in its center of diversity,the Hengduan Mountains region of China.  相似文献   

The rapid conversion of Southeast Asian lowland rainforests into monocultures calls for the development of rapid methods for species identification to support ecological research and sustainable land‐use management. Here, we investigated the utilization of DNA barcodes for identifying flowering plants from Sumatra, Indonesia. A total of 1,207 matK barcodes (441 species) and 2,376 rbcL barcodes (750 species) were successfully generated. The barcode effectiveness is assessed using four approaches: (a) comparison between morphological and molecular identification results, (b) best‐close match analysis with TaxonDNA, (c) barcoding gap analysis, and (d) formation of monophyletic groups. Results show that rbcL has a much higher level of sequence recoverability than matK (95% and 66%). The comparison between morphological and molecular identifications revealed that matK and rbcL worked best assigning a plant specimen to the genus level. Estimates of identification success using best‐close match analysis showed that >70% of the investigated species were correctly identified when using single barcode. The use of two‐loci barcodes was able to increase the identification success up to 80%. The barcoding gap analysis revealed that neither matK nor rbcL succeeded to create a clear gap between the intraspecific and interspecific divergences. However, these two barcodes were able to discriminate at least 70% of the species from each other. Fifteen genera and twenty‐one species were found to be nonmonophyletic with both markers. The two‐loci barcodes were sufficient to reconstruct evolutionary relationships among the plant taxa in the study area that are congruent with the broadly accepted APG III phylogeny.  相似文献   

Plant DNA barcoding: from gene to genome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
DNA barcoding is currently a widely used and effective tool that enables rapid and accurate identification of plant species; however, none of the available loci work across all species. Because single‐locus DNA barcodes lack adequate variations in closely related taxa, recent barcoding studies have placed high emphasis on the use of whole‐chloroplast genome sequences which are now more readily available as a consequence of improving sequencing technologies. While chloroplast genome sequencing can already deliver a reliable barcode for accurate plant identification it is not yet resource‐effective and does not yet offer the speed of analysis provided by single‐locus barcodes to unspecialized laboratory facilities. Here, we review the development of candidate barcodes and discuss the feasibility of using the chloroplast genome as a super‐barcode. We advocate a new approach for DNA barcoding that, for selected groups of taxa, combines the best use of single‐locus barcodes and super‐barcodes for efficient plant identification. Specific barcodes might enhance our ability to distinguish closely related plants at the species and population levels.  相似文献   

Orchidaceae is one of the largest families of flowering plants. Many species of orchid are endangered, and all species are included in Conventions on International Trade of Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES) I and II, but it is very difficult to identify orchid species, even those with fertile parts. The genus Holcoglossum (Orchidaceae: Aeridinae) has long been problematic in taxonomy. It consists of both long-evolved and radiated species and is an excellent case to use for testing DNA barcodes for Orchidaceae. We investigated the power of a subset of proposed plant barcoding loci [rbcL, matK, atpF-atpH, psbK-psbI, trnH-psbA and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)] to discriminate between species in this genus. Our results showed that all these DNA regions, except psbK-psbI and atpF-atpH, can be amplified easily from Holcoglossum and sequenced with established primers. The DNA regions matK and ITS had the highest variability. Among the six loci, matK resolved eight of the 12 Holcoglossum species and had the highest discriminatory ability. However, the combination of matK and ITS showed a greater ability to identify species than matK alone. Single or combined DNA markers discriminated between Holcoglossum species distributed in tropical areas effectively, but had less ability to identify radiated species from the temperate Hengduan Mountains of China. In the study, matK proved to be a useful DNA barcode for the genus Holcoglossum; however, complementary DNA regions are still required to accelerate the investigation and preservation of radiated species of orchid.  相似文献   

Distinguishing yam species based on morphological traits is extremely difficult and unreliable, posing a challenge to breeders and genebank curators. Development of a molecular assay based on DNA barcoding can facilitate rapid and accurate identification of important Dioscorea species. To develop a DNA barcoding system forDioscorea species identification, the rbcL and matK loci (in unison and in combination), the non-coding intergenic spacer trnH-psbA of the chloroplast genome, and the nuclear ITS regions were investigated using criteria for developing candidate DNA barcodes. All DNA barcoding sequences were assessed for ease of PCR amplification, sequence quality and species discriminatory power. Amongst the markers investigated, the matK locus performed well in terms of species identification (63.2%), in addition to detecting high interspecific variation with mean divergence of 0.0196 (SD=0.0209). The combination of the two coding regions (rbcL + matK) was determined to be the optimal (76.2%) DNA barcoding approach as 16 out of 21 species could be defined. While the rbcL exhibited good PCR amplification efficiency and sequence quality, its species discriminatory power was relatively poor with 47.6% identification. Similarly, the trnH-psbA region had a weak discrimination efficiency of only 36.8%. While the development of more robust DNA barcoding systems is an ongoing challenge, our results indicate that therbcL + matK combination can be utilized as multi-locus DNA barcode regions for Dioscorea species identification.  相似文献   

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