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一种游仆虫无性分裂生殖的研究Ⅰ.形态学和核器的演化   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
应用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察了采自上海的游仆虫的形态,描述了它的表面结构以及纤毛器、棘毛下纤维的结构和核器的演化过程。  相似文献   

一种游仆虫皮层纤维结构的扫描电镜研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
应用扫描电镜研究了一种游仆虫皮层纤维结构。结果显示,口围带托架由横向组排在一起的小膜托架单元组成,每个小膜托架是由40-50 nm直径的纤维编织成的长方形薄片;波动膜托架是横向平行排列和纵向平行排列两部分共60多股纤维交错编织成的网状结构;额腹横棘毛区表膜下含有纵纤维层、球形纤维层和深部纤维层三层纤维,其纵纤维层在相应于游仆虫皮层脊(或脊和唇)之间的表膜下方被纵沟分成几部分;背面表膜下含有纵纤维,这层纤维下似乎也有球形纤维层。此外,作者也推测了这些皮层纤维结构在游仆虫皮层形态的保持、支持纤毛器和纤毛器运动及形态发生等方面的作用。  相似文献   

应用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察了小型毛板壳虫 (Coleps hirtus minor Kahl)的形态,描述了它的表面结构、口器、纤毛和核器在无性分裂生殖中的演化过程。  相似文献   

游仆虫皮层棘毛基部纤维包括纵纤维、前纵纤维和放射纤维:额腹棘毛基部后纵纤维一般长而粗大,前纵纤维次之,放射纤维较细小;横棘毛基部前纵纤维几乎纵贯额腹横棘毛区皮层,而放射纤维较为细小;尾棘毛基部仅与一类更为细小的放射纤维相联系。不同额腹棘毛基部的同种纤维大小、形态不尽一致,各种纤维由棘毛基部区向皮层细胞质多个方向伸展,表现出极性和不对称性。并且额腹横棘毛基部纤维相互交联在一起,导致这一皮层区域形成强大的棘毛基部纤维网络。 游仆虫形态发生中,横棘毛原基向皮层裂口上方伸出一束粗大的纤毛芽时,先后发生模棘毛原基前纵纤维芽、额腹棘毛原基后纵纤维芽,以及这些棘毛原基放射纤维芽。纤维芽的发育顺序是从左列棘毛原基开始,到右侧的棘毛原基。这种纤维物质生长的顺序性,与新棘毛原基的发生和分化是相一致的。并且额腹棘毛基部后纵纤维和横棘毛基部前纵纤维形成中显示出极性和方向性,纤维物质生长伸长的方向与相应的新棘毛迁移方向相反。 老棘毛基部纤维在游仆虫形态发生过程中必然要退化。我们推测,其瓦解过程与细胞分化中老棘毛逐渐失去功能是有联系的。  相似文献   

应用一般细胞学染色方法和生物化学去膜技术结合扫描电子显微镜观察了小型毛板壳虫(Colepshirtus minor Kahl)的骨板形态和构造,描述了无性分裂期间,正常条件下骨板系统的发生及实验条件下骨板系统的继承和变化过程。  相似文献   

包囊游仆虫皮层和营养核的超微结构研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
为研究纤毛虫在不同生理条件下结构的分化及其调节机理,本文应用透射电镜术显示,营养期包囊游仆虫背、腹面皮层表膜下含3种方式排列组成的纵微管层以及深部微管;口区皮层内含高电子密度的杆状小体;口围带小腹基部含电子致密带和小腹托架,棘毛基体基部及基体下微管束形成围棘纤维篮;背纤毛基体下方也含微管结构;大核染色质附着在核膜上,核膜其他区域有规则排列的核孔。  相似文献   

镰游仆虫腹面皮层细胞骨架的扫描电镜观察   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
应用非离子去垢剂抽提和扫描电镜样品制备、观察相结合的方法,显示了镰游仆虫的腹面皮层细胞骨架,详细描述了处于毛基体和毛基体下水平的口围带、口侧膜、额腹横棘毛骨架,以及口围带小膜托架、口侧膜托架、额腹横棘毛托架的主要附属纤维和非纤毛区表膜下皮层骨架的立体图形。作者据所述各种纤毛器托架附属纤维的定位和分布特征推测,这些附属结构可能与细胞内各种纤毛器间的联系,以及包括纤毛器运动在内的整个细胞运动的协调等有关。  相似文献   

利用厚形游仆虫大核在细胞周期各期都具有明显的形态学特征这一特点,采用一种简易的细胞周期分析法对厚形游仆虫衰老过程中细胞周期的变化进行了研究,结果表明:随着游仆虫分裂年龄的增加,至衰老期细胞周期中的G_1期和S期均相应延长,并讨论了G_1期和S期延长的可能原因.  相似文献   

伍氏游仆虫二分裂和接合生殖期间的形态发生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王哈利  史新柏 《动物学报》1989,35(4):353-359
用改进的银浸法和黑色素法研究了伍氏游仆虫在二分裂和接合期间的形态发生。在二分裂期间前仔虫继承亲体的口围带和口侧小膜。新伸缩泡开口起源于两组额腹横棘毛原基中的第5棘毛场。看清了接合期间两次形态发生的细节。在营养期口围带上见到的小膜第三排动体的骤然变换,已被证明起源于接合时第一次形态发生的不完整的口围带后端的保留。讨论了游仆虫与其它腹毛类在形态发生上的同源问题。  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS Total numbers and distribution of genera, subgenera and species were determined for the ciliate protozoa in rumen contents of 4 Brazilian water buffalo Bubalus bubalis Linnaeus. The fauna of one animal, housed in close proximity to European and zebu-type cattle, differed considerably from that of the remaining animals, which were somewhat isolated on a large ranch. Several of the protozoan species observed in the semi-isolated animals were first described in rumen contents from humped Indian cattle, and their subsequent occurrence in other hosts and geographic locations has been limited or absent. In all, 49 different species of protozoa were found, 8 of which have not been previously described. Three of the new species belong to the genus Entodinium: E. ciculum sp. n., E. spinonucleatum sp. n. and E. triangulum sp. n.: 4 to Diplodinium (Ostracodinium): D. (O.) brazili sp. n., D. (O.) esalqum sp. n., D. (O.) nucleolobum sp. n., and D. (O.) tiete sp. n.; and one to Diplodinium (Eudiplodinium): D. (E.) bubalus sp. n.  相似文献   


Three species of tardigrades are reported from Thailand: Pseudechiniscus quadrilobatus Iharos, 1969, Calcarobiotus (Calcarobiotus) digeronimoi sp. n., and Mixibius sutirae sp. n. Calcarobiotus (C.) digeronimoi sp. n. has claws of Calcarobiotus type; those of the first three pairs of legs have a medial and a lateral spur, those of the hind legs lack basal spurs. Mixibius sutirae sp. n. has a densely sculptured dorsal cuticle and two macroplacoids; it lacks lunules and other thickenings on the legs. It is similar to Mixibius ornatus Pilato et al., 2001, from which it differs in characteristics of the cu‐ticular sculpture and by having the ventral surface unsculptured.  相似文献   

Synopsis. Facieplatycauda pratti gen. n., sp. n. and Myxobolus kozloffi sp. n., from the Klamath Lake sucker, Catostomus luxatus (Cope), are described. The new genus is placed in the family Myxobolidae between Henneguya and Myxobolus. The spore valves beyond the sporoplasmic space are broad and long but not attenuated as an inverted triangle as in certain species of Myxobolus with tails, or of Henneguya with sometimes bifurcated tails. An organism resembling Myxobolus insidiosus (Wyatt & Pratt) was found in the muscle of the body of Salmo clarki (Richardson). Differences in spore structure and site of infection suggest this is a subspecies of the previous form which should be designated Myxobolus insidiosus clarki. A previously unreported species of Myxobolus from Cottus aleuticus (Gilbert) is also described.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Plasmodium (Huffia) hermani sp. n. is described from wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo Linnaeus) in Florida. It produces rounded schizonts with 6–14 nuclei arranged peripherally as a rosette and elongate, slender gametocytes with irregular margins. Asexual stages parasitize all cells in the erythrocyte series and, in heavy infections, predominantly occur in erythroblasts and their precursors. Presence and degree of pigmentation vary with maturity of the host cell. Gametocytes occupy erythrocytes only, with pigment dispersed in black granules throughout the cytoplasm. Cells containing schizonts are often rounded and enlarged and those parasitized by gametocytes may be somewhat distorted in shape by lateral hypertrophy. Host cell nuclei may be displaced, but are not distorted, except slightly by pressure from the parasite. Plasmodium hermani differs from P. (Giovannolaia) durae by producing low level (> 6%), nonlethal parasitemias in turkey poults, an absence of phanerozoites in capillary endothelium of the brain and viscera, and inability to infect chicks. Plasmodium hermani is more like P. (Huffia) elongatum in gametocyte morphology, schizogony in all types of erythrocyte precursors, with gametocytes occurring in erythrocytes only, and concentration of schizonts in heavy infections in bone marrow and spleen. It differs from P. elongatum by its lack of infectivity to passeriform and anseriform hosts and by a strong immune response which develops in infected birds.  相似文献   

Forty-nine methanol extracts of 37 species of Malaysian medicinal plants were investigated for their inhibitory effects on platelet-activating factor (PAF) binding to rabbit platelets, using 3H-PAF as a ligand. Among them, the extracts of six Zingiberaceae species (Alpinia galanga Swartz., Boesenbergia pandurata Roxb., Curcuma ochorrhiza Val., C. aeruginosa Roxb., Zingiber officinale Rosc. and Z. zerumbet Koenig.), two Cinnamomum species (C. altissimum Kosterm. and C. pubescens Kochummen.), Goniothalamus malayanus Hook. f. Momordica charantia Linn. and Piper aduncum L. are potential sources of new PAF antagonists, as they showed significant inhibitory effects with IC50 values ranging from 1.2 to 18.4 microg ml(-1).  相似文献   

描述报道广西中三叠世地层中一类形态相似于克氏蛤(Claraia)的双壳纲化石,经研究,发现海扇科的关键特征丝梳,认为不属于克氏蛤,而可能是Periclaraia属的一个新种,并初步探讨化石层的生态环境,认为可能是相对隔离的盆地中央区,新种是由海扇类进入隔离环境后经特化形成的,新种与克氏蛤的表面相似性是生活习性的相似性导致的形态趋同现象。  相似文献   

Ursolestes perpetior gen. et sp. nov. is a large purgatoriid plesiadapiform primate from the middle/late Puercan (earliest Paleocene) Simpson Quarry, Montana, USA. It differs from Purgatorius Van Valen and Sloan, 1965, the only other known purgatoriid and the oldest discovered primate, in its substantially larger body size as inferred from the dimensions of the known parts of its dentition, while resembling Purgatorius in possessing a large lower canine, unreduced p1, and in the upper molars, a protocone twist and weakly developed postprotocone fold; moreover, the m3 of U. perpetior possesses an expanded, plesiadapiform‐like posterior lobe of the talonid that supports the hypoconulid. The large lower canine and the greater development of trenchant molar crests suggest that U. perpetior was more insectivorous, differing appreciably from the omnivorous niche long hypothesized for Purgatorius and purportedly marking the insectivore–primate transition. Hence, U. perpetior adds significant new knowledge regarding the breadth of the adaptive zone occupied by purgatoriids in their position at the very beginnings of primate evolution.  相似文献   

In this study, Ni (II) biosorption capacity of immobilized cells of Bacillus sp. was investigated. Biosorption of Ni (II) was carried out in batch experiments and the important environmental conditions were optimized. The uptake of metal was rapid, and equilibrium was attained within 270 min. Bacillus strains (ten cultures) were isolated from nickel electroplating effluent by heat shock method. These isolates were grown up in nutrient broth supplemented with Ni (II)(50 mg/L). The culture, exhibiting maximum biosorption capacity (qmax: 118 mg/g), was selected and labeled Bacillus Bio‐4. In order to develop an economical biosorption process cell mass of Bacillus, Bio‐4 was immobilized in Na‐alginate. It was concluded from the results that biosorption of nickel is highly dependent on the type of sorbent and experimental conditions employed. Our results demonstrate that 6.0 mg immobilized cells (18 mg cell biomass in 3.0 mL of 1% Na alginate) had a maximum biosorption capacity of 113 mg Ni(II) per liter of suspension at pH 8.0, 100 rpm and 25°C. The Ni (II) removal was estimated to be 97.4%.  相似文献   

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