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目的 探讨急诊就诊患者在不同时段的就诊规律,为急诊科管理提供依据。方法 收集门急诊就诊信息系统2009年10月1日—2010年4月30日急诊病例资料。采用多阶段随机抽样方法,共抽取7 634份急诊病例资料。结果 急诊患者中男性多于女性,急诊儿科中位年龄3岁,急诊内科、急诊外科中位年龄32岁。就诊科别以急诊儿科患者占多数。费用类别以自费患者为主。16:00—<00:00时上夜班为就诊高峰时段,在高峰时段,急诊儿科、医疗保险患者增加较明显,但疾病轻重分级以4级及5级轻症病例为主。结论 在就诊高峰时段,要相应调整排班,加强导诊和分诊,可缓解急诊科拥挤现象。学科建设中要加强急诊儿科医师的培养。  相似文献   

??????? 目的 了解门诊患者对就医服务感受度影响因素,以期提高患者满意度。 方法 现场问卷调查法、专家访谈法。 结果 患者在门诊过程中最为关注的就诊流程、等候时间、就医环境、医德医风四个因素,非常看重医护人员服务规范,服务流程便捷流畅。病情不同患者对等候时间要求不同,对医院熟悉程度与就诊环境感受度不同。结论 在门诊服务中为患者提供便捷流畅、规范化的服务,同时应注重患者的不同服务需求。  相似文献   

目的 了解某专科医院普通门诊分时段预约的特点和效果,探索适宜的评价指标、评价方式及提升预约服务的有效手段。方法 通过HIS系统提取2015年7月至2016年3月复旦大学附属妇产科医院杨浦院区4个普通门诊参与预约的12 889人次患者的预约信息及挂号就诊的181 447人次患者的相关数据,比较不同门诊的预约情况、流量分布及预约与非预约患者平均候诊时间等的差异。结果 普通门诊预约率仅7.24%,而爽约率高达25.90%;诊间预约不到全部预约的1%,普通门诊预约患者的平均候诊时间普遍短于非预约患者,无论预约率还是预约效果各科室间都存在明显差异。结论 评价普通门诊的预约情况应对各科室设置不同的基线和目标;结合专科医院的特点推动诊间预约;可将门诊流量监控引入门诊预约管理中。  相似文献   

目的 探讨专家门诊亚专科化及专病门诊优化对学科发展及患者就诊的影响。方法 2011年及2014年分别对老年医学科及普通外科专家门诊实行亚专科化并在2013年至2014年对专病门诊进行优化,比较调整前后门诊相关指标的变化。结果 亚专科化后,两个专科的专家门诊量分别增长了63.0%和5.6%,均高于医院同期平均水平(经χ2检验,P=0.000)。普通外科4级手术率达34.9%,高于2013年同期(经χ2检验,P=0.000),挂号错误率也明显下降(经χ2检验, P=0.000)。2014年底专病门诊增至38个,其中联合专病门诊7个,门诊量增长了36.5%,高于同期专病门诊数量及医院门诊量的增长率(经χ2检验,P=0.000)。结论 专家门诊的亚专科化及充分发挥专病门诊的作用是促进学科建设、提升医院影响力、方便患者就诊的有效措施之一。  相似文献   

目的 分析影响天津市居民选择就诊机构的原因及因素。方法 利用SPSS16.0的描述性统计和有序多分类Logistic回归对数据进行分析。结果 天津市居民首次就诊机构选择的影响因素有:家庭年收入、性别、职业类型、参加哪种社会医疗保险、年龄等。结论 天津市需要及时改善卫生筹资机制,加强基层医疗卫生机构服务能力建设。  相似文献   

目的 分析急诊患者就诊及付费行为模式。方法 定义内急诊就诊流程,计算急诊挂号人次数分布情况等。结果 医院急诊量大,患者缴费次数多。结论 预交金付费模式是改变传统就诊模式、优化医疗服务流程、减少患者排队拥堵现象的可行措施。  相似文献   


目的 探讨我国综合医院门诊和出院药费、检查治疗费动态规律,进行建模拟合预测,比值、相对增率计算和相关性分析研究。方法 以2004—2011年门诊次均、出院人均医药费为资料,计算相对增率、分析比值变化,建模拟合、预测2012年情况,作多层面相关分析。结果 原始数据均作回归预测;随医院级别降低,药费与检查治疗费比值为门诊次均小而出院人均大,比值时序变化无关;计算相对增率从同指标不同医院间、同医院门诊与出院间、同医院门诊或出院的药费与检查治疗费间等多层面检验相关显著性。结论 全面提取医药费动态信息,经原值建模拟合预测、相对增率和比值计算和相关分析等综合研究途径有决策参考意义。


目的 分析辽宁省县级公立医院改革对医院收入和服务的影响。方法 选取2013年第二批县级试点医院,采用描述性分析、t检验、秩和检验,对比医院改革前后收入和服务的变化。结果 试点医院收入结构有所改善,医师人均收入略有增加,服务量和服务效率提升,门诊和住院费用有所降低;药占比仍有下降空间。结论 改革后试点医院整体上经济运行平稳,收入结构进一步优化,但服务效率和费用负担需不断改善。  相似文献   

目的 分析门诊投诉的原因和分布特征,提高医院服务质量。方法 收集整理2011年2月—2013年4月门诊完整文字记录的患者投诉,剔除不合理投诉后,最终共计920例。对数据进行统计处理并回顾性分析。结果 920例投诉中,临床科室被投诉比例最高;在人员方面,针对医生的投诉最多;投诉原因方面,服务态度欠佳占第一位,其次是工作不认真而造成工作差错,真正涉及医疗技术问题的投诉较少。结论 医院对于门诊投诉应高度重视,增强工作人员服务意识及责任心教育,改善服务态度,减少工作差错,加强门诊监督管理,优化就医流程,创造和谐就医环境。  相似文献   

目的 了解公立医院薪酬体系的现状与存在的主要问题,为构建以战略为导向的薪酬体系提供依据。方法 采用问卷调查法获得公立医院薪酬管理的基本数据,运用统计描述法对问卷进行分析。结果 现行公立医院的薪酬体系未与医院战略有效结合,与外部环境相脱节,现行薪酬体系缺乏公平性与科学性,不同岗位层级薪酬差距不大,无法形成具有竞争力的薪酬体系。结论 现行薪酬体系同医院的战略相脱节,未能有效体现医院战略。  相似文献   

通过对某公立医院门诊开展多学科整合研究的管理服务实践,及患者满意度调查分析,提出提高医院门诊服务水平、优化学科建设、建立整合门诊同绩效考核评价之间关联等建议,旨在进一步创新医疗试点改革服务。  相似文献   


Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and Asthma patients exhibit exacerbation of symptoms in night hours and early morning. Temporal variability in airway caliber have been reported in past using peak expiratory flow rate which represents large airways caliber, while in COPD and Asthma, smaller airways are particularly affected. We studied circadian variability of airway caliber using Forced Expiratory Volume in the First Second (FEV1) and Mid Expiratory Flow rate.

Methods: Male volunteers (18–26 years), having similar daily routine were recruited. Spirometry was performed at 5: 00, 8:00, 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00 and 23:00 h. Data from 104 subjects was analyzed for diurnal variability parameters viz., amplitude percent mean and standard deviation percent of mean. For circadian rhythm Cosinor curve was fitted and rhythm characteristics in terms of MESOR, Amplitude and Acrophase were determined.

Results: Repeated measures ANOVA revealed significant differences in spirometric parameters measured at different time points during the day. In general, spirometric parameters follow a sinusoidal pattern and exhibit minimum values during night hours and maximum values during day time. FEV1 Cosinor rhythm was significant in 31% of subjects (Zero amplitude test). The distribution of acrophase revealed interindividual differences in chronophenotypes. Variability was minimum for FEV1% and maximum for FEF75 suggesting dynamic interplay of airway geometry and neuro-chemical influences.

Conclusion: The presence of different chronophenotypes in normal subjects suggests that the nocturnal asthma may also be a different phenotype. Availability of portable spirometers and home monitoring thus may be required for ascertaining chronophenotype and tailoring chronotherapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

目的 调查上海市各级医疗机构的高血压门诊用药合理性情况。方法 采用整群随机抽样的方法选取上海市8家医疗机构,对选定医疗机构2014年5月和11月的高血压门诊处方的合理用药相关指标进行统计分析。结果 平均药品种数为2.24种,基本药物使用率86.43%,平均每张处方基本药物种数1.94种,基药处方占比77.66%,注射剂使用率2.43%,平均药费198.54元。结论 上海市高血压门诊处方总体情况较为合理,二三级医疗机构需注重基本药物的使用,控制高血压门诊处方药费。  相似文献   

Objectives : This study examined health services use in community samples of 102 white and 60 black women with binge eating disorder (BED), 164 white and 85 black healthy comparison women, and 86 white and 21 black women with a noneating Axis I psychiatric disorder. Research Methods and Procedures : Participants were matched on age, ethnicity, and education and were asked about their use of emergency room visits, outpatient physician visits for medical care, outpatient psychotherapy visits, and days spent in the hospital over the previous 12 months. Total health services use was computed. Results : There were no between‐group differences in outpatient physician visits or inpatient hospital days. Relative to healthy comparison women, women with BED and women with other Axis I disorders had increased total health services use, psychotherapy visits, and emergency department visits. Relative to women with noneating Axis I disorders, women with BED had less use of psychotherapy visits. Although obese white women were more likely to report emergency department visits than obese black women were, nonobese white women were less likely to report emergency department visits than nonobese black women were. Discussion : That health services use by women with BED compared more with that of women with other Axis I disorders than with that of healthy women suggested that BED has clinical significance and is not benign in terms of its impact on the health care system. It appeared, however, that despite the availability of effective treatments, few women with BED received psychotherapy.  相似文献   

目的 探索医院门诊个案数据快速清理和诊断疾病自动编码的方法。方法 分析数据特征,制定清理规则,通过MYSQL软件及SQL语言编写程序代码实现医院门诊个案数据的清理和诊断疾病的自动编码。结果 能够快速清理不合规数据,拆分诊断包含有多种疾病的数据,并根据ICD-10自动编码。结论 可以灵活、便捷、快速地处理较大量级数据,简单易学,具有较强的实用价值。  相似文献   

Light is considered the most potent synchronizer of the human circadian system and exerts many other non-image-forming effects, including those that affect brain function. These effects are mediated in part by intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells that express the photopigment melanopsin. The spectral sensitivity of melanopsin is greatest for blue light at approximately 480 nm. At present, there is little information on how the spectral composition of light to which people are exposed varies over the 24 h period and across seasons. Twenty-two subjects, aged 22±4 yrs (mean±SD) participated during the winter months (November–February), and 12 subjects aged 25±3 yrs participated during the summer months (April–August). Subjects wore Actiwatch-RGB monitors, as well as Actiwatch-L monitors, for seven consecutive days while living in England. These monitors measured activity and light exposure in the red, green, and blue spectral regions, in addition to broad-spectrum white light, with a 2 min resolution. Light exposure during the day was analyzed for the interval between 09:00 and 21:00 h. The time course of white-light exposure differed significantly between seasons (p?=?0.0022), with light exposure increasing in the morning hours and declining in the afternoon hours, and with a more prominent decline in the winter. Overall light exposure was significantly higher in summer than winter (p?=?0.0002). Seasonal differences in the relative contribution of blue-light exposure to overall light exposure were also observed (p?=?0.0006), in particular during the evening hours. During the summer evenings (17:00–21:00 h), the relative contribution of blue light was significantly higher (p?<?0.0001) (40.2±1.1%) than during winter evenings (26.6±0.9%). The present data show that in addition to overall light exposure, the spectral composition of light exposure varies over the day and with season.  相似文献   

目的:探讨剥离式经尿道前列腺电切术(TURP)对前列腺增生症(BPH)患者性功能、尿流动力学及生活质量的影响。方法:回顾性分析我院2016年1月~2019年2月期间收治的267例BPH患者的临床资料,根据手术方式的不同分为A组(n=130,TURP术)和B组(n=137,剥离式TURP术),对比两组患者围术期指标、性功能、尿流动力学、生活质量及并发症发生情况。结果:两组手术时间比较无差异(P>0.05),B组膀胱冲洗时间、拔除导尿管时间、术后住院时间短于A组,术中出血量少于A组,切除组织重量多于A组(P<0.05)。两组术后6个月国际勃起功能指数-5(IIEF-5)各项评分、生活质量评分(SF-36)各维度评分均改善,且B组优于A组(P<0.05)。两组患者术后6个月最大尿流(Qmax)升高,且B组高于A组(P<0.05);膀胱残余尿量(RU)降低,且B组低于A组(P<0.05)。B组术后并发症发生率低于A组(P<0.05)。结论:与TURP术式相比,BPH患者应用剥离式TURP可获得更好的治疗效果,在性功能、尿流动力学、生活质量等方面的改善效果确切,并发症较少。  相似文献   

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