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长白山阔叶红松林生态系统碳动态及其对气候变化的响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用基于干物质生产理论的过程模型(Sim-CYCLE)估算了1982—2003年间长白山阔叶红松林生态系统总第一生产力(GPP)、净第一生产力(NPP)、净生态系统生产力(NEP)及其季节动态变化以及碳储量(WE)、植物碳储量(WP)和土壤碳储量(WS),并分析了这些指标在当前气候情景和碳平衡情况时的差异及其对未来气候变化情景的响应.结果表明:在当前气候情景下, 长白山阔叶红松林GPP、NPP和NEP分别为14.9、8.7和2.7 Mg C·hm-2·a-1,三者分别比实测值减少2.8 Mg C·hm-2·a-1、增加1.4 Mg C·hm-2·a-1和增加0.2 Mg C·hm-2·a-1;长白山阔叶红松林6—8月的NEP占全年总量的90%以上,其中,7月最高(1.23 Mg C·hm-2·month-1);研究区WE、WP和WS分别为550.8、183.8和367.0Mg C·hm-2,其与实测值均具有较高的一致性.从当前气候情景下到达碳平衡前,长白山阔叶红松林碳储量均有不同程度的增加,GPP和NPP分别为17.7和7.3 Mg C·hm-2·a-1,表明研究区碳“汇”的作用随着碳储量的增加逐渐减弱;温度增加2 ℃时,不利于长白山阔叶红松林GPP、NPP和NEP的增长,CO2浓度倍增则可有利地促进三者的增长,CO2浓度倍增、温度增加2 ℃对GPP、NPP和NEP增幅的影响与单纯CO2浓度倍增的影响相似,气候变化情景对长白山阔叶红松林碳储量的影响规律与对生产力幅度的影响相同,这可能是生态系统生产力影响碳积累所致.  相似文献   

吕富成  马建勇  曹云  延晓冬 《生态学报》2022,42(7):2810-2821
森林生态系统是陆地碳循环的重要组成部分,其固碳能力显著高于其他陆地生态系统,研究森林生态系统碳通量是认识和理解全球变化对碳循环影响的关键。碳循环模型是研究森林生态系统碳通量有效工具。以长白山温带落叶阔叶林、千烟洲亚热带常绿针叶林、鼎湖山亚热带常绿阔叶林和西双版纳热带雨林等4种中国典型森林生态系统为研究对象,利用涡度相关2003-2012年观测数据,评估FORCCHN模型对生态系统呼吸(ER),总初级生产力(GPP),净生态系统生产力(NEP)的模型效果。结果表明:(1) FORCCHN模型能够较好的模拟中国4种典型森林生态系统不同时间尺度的碳通量。落叶阔叶林和常绿针叶林ER和GPP的逐日变化模拟效果较好(ER的相关系数分别为0.94和0.92,GPP的相关系数分别为0.86和0.74);(2)4种森林生态系统碳通量季节动态模拟值和观测值显著相关(P<0.01),ER、GPP、NEP的观测值和模拟值的R2分别为0.77-0.93、0.54-0.88和0.15-0.38;模型可以很好地模拟森林生态系统不同季节碳汇(NEP>0),碳源(NEP<0)的变化规律;(3)4种森林生态系统碳通量模拟值与观测值的年际变化有很好的吻合度,但在数值大小上存在差异,模型高估了常绿阔叶林的ER和GPP,略微低估了其他3种森林生态系统ER和GPP。  相似文献   

长白山阔叶红松林退化生态系统的土壤呼吸作用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
选择处于全球变化中国东北样带东部典型生态系统的长白山阔叶红松林作为研究区,采用动态气室-CO2红外分析法测定了森林生态系统不同退化阶段的土壤呼吸作用.结果表明:在生长季,长白山阔叶红松林不同退化阶段的土壤呼吸动态变化呈单峰型曲线,在7-8月达到最大值;不同退化阶段林地土壤呼吸大小顺序为:杨桦林>蒙古栎林>阔叶红松林>硬阔叶林>裸地.其中,杨桦林和蒙古栎林样地的碳释放量分别为对照阔叶红松林的1.4和1.3倍,硬阔叶林和裸地的碳释放量分别为对照阔叶红松林的88%和78%.  相似文献   

基于观测数据的陆地生态系统模型参数估计有助于提高模型的模拟和预测能力,降低模拟不确定性.在已有参数估计研究中,涡度相关技术测定的净生态系统碳交换量(NEE)数据的随机误差通常被假设为服从零均值的正态分布.然而近年来已有研究表明NEE数据的随机误差更服从双指数分布.为探讨NEE观测误差分布类型的不同选择对陆地生态系统机理模型参数估计以及碳通量模拟结果造成的差异,以长白山温带阔叶红松林为研究区域,采用马尔可夫链-蒙特卡罗方法,利用2003~2005年测定的NEE数据对陆地生态系统机理模型CEVSA2的敏感参数进行估计,对比分析了两种误差分布类型(正态分布和双指数分布)的参数估计结果以及碳通量模拟的差异.结果表明,基于正态观测误差模拟的总初级生产力和生态系统呼吸的年总量分别比基于双指数观测误差的模拟结果高61~86 g C m-2 a-1和107~116 g C m-2 a-1,导致前者模拟的NEE年总量较后者低29~47 g C m-2 a-1,特别在生长旺季期间有明显低估.在参数估计研究中,不能忽略观测误差的分布类型以及相应的目标函数的选择,它们的不合理设置可能对参数估计以及模拟结果产生较大影响.  相似文献   

王宇  周广胜  贾丙瑞  李帅  王淑华 《生态学报》2010,30(16):4376-4388
北半球中高纬度的森林生态系统在全球碳循环过程中扮演着非常重要的角色。基于中国东北地区阔叶红松林与兴安落叶松林2007年和2008年2a生长季的涡度相关通量资料及气象观测资料,比较分析了两类生态系统的碳通量特征及其环境控制因子。结果表明:研究期间,阔叶红松林与兴安落叶松林都表现为碳吸收,强度分别为199gCm-2(阔叶红松林2a生长季平均值)与49gCm-2(兴安落叶松林2008年生长季);阔叶红松林碳吸收强度在生长季的大部分时段都大于兴安落叶松林。半小时尺度上,两类生态系统的呼吸作用均与10cm土壤温度呈显著的指数相关,兴安落叶松林生态系统呼吸的温度敏感性(Q10=3.44)显著大于阔叶红松林(Q10=1.90);日尺度上,阔叶红松林与兴安落叶松林碳释放/吸收的转变临界温度为10℃左右。研究期间,兴安落叶松林生态系统的水分利用效率高于阔叶红松林生态系统。  相似文献   

数据同化为模型与遥感观测结合提供了一条有效的途径,通过在模型运行过程中融入遥感观测数据,调整模型运行轨迹从而降低模型误差,提高模拟精度。本文利用集合卡尔曼滤波(En KF)算法同化生长季中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)叶面积指数(LAI)与Biome-BGC模型模拟的LAI模拟长白山阔叶红松林的水碳通量。同时,通过改进模拟的雪面升华与土壤温度计算方法的参数,旨在降低冬季生态呼吸的模拟误差。结果表明,相对于原始模型,数据同化与模型改进后使得生态系统总初级生产力(GPP)的模拟值与观测值之间的相关系数提高0.06,中心化均方根误差(RMSE)降低0.48 g C·m~(-2)·d~(-1);生态系统呼吸(RE)的相关系数提高0.02,中心化均方根误差降低0.20 g C·m~(-2)·d~(-1);净生态系统碳交换量(NEE)相关系数提高0.35,中心化均方根误差降低0.50 g C·m~(-2)·d~(-1)。同时,数据同化对蒸散发(ET)的模拟精度没有显著影响,改进的模型提高了其相关系数。基于En KF算法的数据同化提高了长白山阔叶红松林碳通量模拟精度,对于精确估算区域碳通量有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

长白山阔叶红松林夏季温度特征研究   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6  
森林是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分 ,而森林生态系统的生产、呼吸等生态过程都受温度的制约。对森林温度特征的研究 ,是揭示森林生态系统功能 ,评估森林对环境综合效益的基础。早在 2 0世纪初 ,德国学者Geiger[8] 就作了赤松林气温日变化研究 ,随之 ,后人也作了大量的相关工作 ,对森林温度特征认识逐步深化[1~ 3,5,7] 。长白山阔叶红松林是我国东北东部中温带湿润气候区最重要的森林植被类型 ,是中国东北样带东部最典型的生态系统。它对调节气候 ,稳定生态平衡有着重要作用。此研究通过对长白山阔叶红松林林内空气温度与土壤温度进行…  相似文献   

仪器的加热效应校正对生态系统碳水通量估算的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
涡度相关技术的广泛应用为获取生态系统碳、水通量提供了可能,但在开路式涡度相关系统中,仪器的加热效应增大了观测数据的不确定性。为了衡量仪器的加热效应,以ChinaFLUX3个典型生态系统(长白山温带针阔混交林(CBS)、海北灌丛草甸(HBGC)、鼎湖山亚热带常绿阔叶林(DHS))为研究对象,就仪器的加热效应校正对碳、水通量估算的影响进行分析。结果表明:加热校正没有改变生态系统的能量闭合特征,也没有对水汽通量的估算产生影响,但显著减小了CBS和HBGC非生长季的净生态系统生产力(NEP),进而减少了NEP的年总量,对DHS没有显著影响。NEP减小幅度受到温度的强烈影响,CBS为7.7%~10.4%,远小于HBGC的76.6%~85.2%,HBGC的NEP大幅降低主要是由夜间NEP的改变导致生态系统呼吸(RE)的增大而引起。因而,在温带生态系统中,充分考虑加热校正对于准确估算生态系统的碳收支具有重要作用。  相似文献   

 三江源区不仅是地处青藏高原的全球气候变化的敏感区, 也是我国甚至亚洲最重要河流的上游关键源区。作为提供物质基础的植被净初级生产力(Net primary production, NPP), 是评价生态系统状况的重要指标。该文应用已在碳通量观测塔验证, 扩展到区域水平的遥感-过程耦合模型GLOPEM-CEVSA, 以空间插值的气象数据和1 km分辨率的AVHRR遥感反演的FPAR数据为模型主要输入, 模拟并分析了1988~2004年该区NPP时空格局及其控制机制。结果表明, 该区植被平均NPP为143.17 gC·m–2·a–1, 呈自东南向西北逐渐降低的空间格局, 其中, 以森林NPP最高(267.90 gC·m–2·a–1), 其次为农田(222.94 gC·m–2·a–1)、草地(160.90 gC·m–2·a–1)和湿地(161.36 gC·m–2·a–1), 荒漠最低(36.13 gC·m–2·a–1)。其年际变化趋势在空间上呈现出明显的差异, 西部地区NPP表现为增加趋势, 每10 a增加7.8~28.8 gC·m–2; 而中、东部表现为降低趋势, 每10 a降低13.1~42.8 gC·m–2。根据显著性检验, NPP呈增加趋势(趋势斜率b>0), 显著性水平高于99%和95%的区域占研究区总面积的13.43%和20.34%, 主要分布在西部地区; NPP呈降低趋势(趋势斜率b<0), 显著性水平高于99%和95%的区域占研究区面积的0.75%和3.77%, 主要分布在中、东部地区, 尤以该区长江和黄河等沿线区分布更为集中, 变化显著性也更高。三江源NPP的年际变化趋势的气候驱动力分析表明, 整个区域水平上该地区植被生产力受气候变化的主导, 西部地区暖湿化趋势, 造成了该地区生产力较为明显的、大范围的增加趋势; 但东、中部地区则主要受人类活动的影响, 特别是长江、黄河等河流沿线, 是人类居住活动密集的地区, 造成这些地区放牧压力较大、草地退化严重, 而该地区暖干化趋势加剧了这一过程。  相似文献   

森林生态系统健康评估Ⅱ.案例实践   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
结合样地调查和他人对阔叶红松林生态系统相关指标的研究资料数据,利用健康距离(HD)评估法和上文建立的阔叶红松林生态系统健康评估指标体系框架,对不同人为干扰影响的长白山阔叶红松林生态系统进行系统健康的评估实践.结果按顺序依次为20%强度择伐林0.21<50%强度择伐林0.44<白桦中成林0.67<白桦中幼林0.72<红松人工林0.74<人工落叶松林0.77.  相似文献   

Aims Accurate forecast of ecosystem states is critical for improving natural resource management and climate change mitigation. Assimilating observed data into models is an effective way to reduce uncertainties in ecological forecasting. However, influences of measurement errors on parameter estimation and forecasted state changes have not been carefully examined. This study analyzed the parameter identifiability of a process-based ecosystem carbon cycle model, the sensitivity of parameter estimates and model forecasts to the magnitudes of measurement errors and the information contributions of the assimilated data to model forecasts with a data assimilation approach.Methods We applied a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to assimilate eight biometric data sets into the Terrestrial ECOsystem model. The data were the observations of foliage biomass, wood biomass, fine root biomass, microbial biomass, litter fall, litter, soil carbon and soil respiration, collected at the Duke Forest free-air CO2 enrichment facilities from 1996 to 2005. Three levels of measurement errors were assigned to these data sets by halving and doubling their original standard deviations.Important findings Results showed that only less than half of the 30 parameters could be constrained, though the observations were extensive and the model was relatively simple. Higher measurement errors led to higher uncertainties in parameters estimates and forecasted carbon (C) pool sizes. The long-term predictions of the slow turnover pools were affected less by the measurement errors than those of fast turnover pools. Assimilated data contributed less information for the pools with long residence times in long-term forecasts. These results indicate the residence times of C pools played a key role in regulating propagation of errors from measurements to model forecasts in a data assimilation system. Improving the estimation of parameters of slow turnover C pools is the key to better forecast long-term ecosystem C dynamics.  相似文献   

Arctic ecosystems are important in the context of climate change because they are expected to undergo the most rapid temperature increases, and could provide a globally significant release of CO2 to the atmosphere from their extensive bulk soil organic carbon reserves. Understanding the relative contributions of bulk soil organic matter and plant‐associated carbon pools to ecosystem respiration is critical to predicting the response of arctic ecosystem net carbon balance to climate change. In this study, we determined the variation in ecosystem respiration rates from birch forest understory and heath tundra vegetation types in northern Sweden through a full annual cycle. We used a plant biomass removal treatment to differentiate bulk soil organic matter respiration from total ecosystem respiration in each vegetation type. Plant‐associated and bulk soil organic matter carbon pools each contributed significantly to ecosystem respiration during most phases of winter and summer in the two vegetation types. Ecosystem respiration rates through the year did not differ significantly between vegetation types despite substantial differences in biomass pools, soil depth and temperature regime. Most (76–92%) of the intra‐annual variation in ecosystem respiration rates from these two common mesic subarctic ecosystems was explained using a first‐order exponential equation relating respiration to substrate chemical quality and soil temperature. Removal of plants and their current year's litter significantly reduced the sensitivity of ecosystem respiration to intra‐annual variations in soil temperature for both vegetation types, indicating that respiration derived from recent plant carbon fixation was more temperature sensitive than respiration from bulk soil organic matter carbon stores. Accurate assessment of the potential for positive feedbacks from high‐latitude ecosystems to CO2‐induced climate change will require the development of ecosystem‐level physiological models of net carbon exchange that differentiate the responses of major C pools, that account for effects of vegetation type, and that integrate over summer and winter seasons.  相似文献   

Carbon exchange by the terrestrial biosphere is thought to have changed since pre-industrial times in response to increasing concentrations of atmospheric CO2 and variations (anomalies) in inter-annual air temperatures. However, the magnitude of this response, particularly that of various ecosystem types (biomes), is uncertain. Terrestrial carbon models can be used to estimate the direction and size of the terrestrial responses expected, providing that these models have a reasonable theoretical base. We formulated a general model of ecosystem carbon fluxes by linking a process-based canopy photosynthesis model to the Rothamsted soil carbon model for biomes that are not significantly affected by water limitation. The difference between net primary production (NPP) and heterotrophic soil respiration (Rh) represents net ecosystem production (NEP). The model includes (i) multiple compartments for carbon storage in vegetation and soil organic matter, (ii) the effects of seasonal changes in environmental parameters on annual NEP, and (iii) the effects of inter-annual temperature variations on annual NEP. Past, present and projected changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration and surface air temperature (at different latitudes) were analysed for their effects on annual NEP in tundra, boreal forest and humid tropical forest biomes. In all three biomes, annual NEP was predicted to increase with CO2 concentration but to decrease with warming. As CO2 concentrations and temperatures rise, the positive carbon gains through increased NPP are often outweighed by losses through increased Rh, particularly at high latitudes where global warming has been (and is expected to be) most severe. We calculated that, several times during the past 140 years, both the tundra and boreal forest biomes have switched between being carbon sources (annual NEP negative) and being carbon sinks (annual NEP positive). Most recently, significant warming at high latitudes during 1988 and 1990 caused the tundra and boreal forests to be net carbon sources. Humid tropical forests generally have been a carbon sink since 1960. These modelled responses of the various biomes are in agreement with other estimates from either field measurements or geochemical models. Under projected CO2 and temperature increases, the tundra and boreal forests will emit increasingly more carbon to the atmosphere while the humid tropical forest will continue to store carbon. Our analyses also indicate that the relative increase in the seasonal amplitude of the accumulated NEP within a year is about 0–14% year?1 for boreal forests and 0–23% year?1 in the tundra between 1960 and 1990.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter turnover is governed by accessibility not recalcitrance   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Mechanisms to mitigate global climate change by sequestering carbon (C) in different ‘sinks' have been proposed as at least temporary measures. Of the major global C pools, terrestrial ecosystems hold the potential to capture and store substantially increased volumes of C in soil organic matter (SOM) through changes in management that are also of benefit to the multitude of ecosystem services that soils provide. This potential can only be realized by determining the amount of SOM stored in soils now, with subsequent quantification of how this is affected by management strategies intended to increase SOM concentrations, and used in soil C models for the prediction of the roles of soils in future climate change. An apparently obvious method to increase C stocks in soils is to augment the soil C pools with the longest mean residence times (MRT). Computer simulation models of soil C dynamics, e.g. RothC and Century, partition these refractory constituents into slow and passive pools with MRTs of centuries to millennia. This partitioning is assumed to reflect: (i) the average biomolecular properties of SOM in the pools with reference to their source in plant litter, (ii) the accessibility of the SOM to decomposer organisms or catalytic enzymes, or (iii) constraints imposed on decomposition by environmental conditions, including soil moisture and temperature. However, contemporary analytical approaches suggest that the chemical composition of these pools is not necessarily predictable because, despite considerable progress with understanding decomposition processes and the role of decomposer organisms, along with refinements in simulation models, little progress has been made in reconciling biochemical properties with the kinetically defined pools. In this review, we will explore how advances in quantitative analytical techniques have redefined the new understanding of SOM dynamics and how this is affecting the development and application of new modelling approaches to soil C.  相似文献   

Theory and experiment agree that climate warming will increase carbon fluxes between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. The effect of this increased exchange on terrestrial carbon storage is less predictable, with important implications for potential feedbacks to the climate system. We quantified how increased mean annual temperature (MAT) affects ecosystem carbon storage in above‐ and belowground live biomass and detritus across a well‐constrained 5.2 °C MAT gradient in tropical montane wet forests on the Island of Hawaii. This gradient does not systematically vary in biotic or abiotic factors other than MAT (i.e. dominant vegetation, substrate type and age, soil water balance, and disturbance history), allowing us to isolate the impact of MAT on ecosystem carbon storage. Live biomass carbon did not vary predictably as a function of MAT, while detrital carbon declined by ~14 Mg of carbon ha?1 for each 1 °C rise in temperature – a trend driven entirely by coarse woody debris and litter. The largest detrital pool, soil organic carbon, was the most stable with MAT and averaged 48% of total ecosystem carbon across the MAT gradient. Total ecosystem carbon did not vary significantly with MAT, and the distribution of ecosystem carbon between live biomass and detritus remained relatively constant across the MAT gradient at ~44% and ~56%, respectively. These findings suggest that in the absence of alterations to precipitation or disturbance regimes, the size and distribution of carbon pools in tropical montane wet forests will be less sensitive to rising MAT than predicted by ecosystem models. This article also provides needed detail on how individual carbon pools and ecosystem‐level carbon storage will respond to future warming.  相似文献   

Process‐based models are effective tools to synthesize and/or extrapolate measured carbon (C) exchanges from individual sites to large scales. In this study, we used a C‐ and nitrogen (N)‐cycle coupled ecosystem model named CN‐CLASS (Carbon Nitrogen‐Canadian Land Surface Scheme) to study the role of primary climatic controls and site‐specific C stocks on the net ecosystem productivity (NEP) of seven intermediate‐aged to mature coniferous forest sites across an east–west continental transect in Canada. The model was parameterized using a common set of parameters, except for two used in empirical canopy conductance–assimilation, and leaf area–sapwood relationships, and then validated using observed eddy covariance flux data. Leaf Rubisco‐N dynamics that are associated with soil–plant N cycling, and depend on canopy temperature, enabled the model to simulate site‐specific gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) reasonably well for all seven sites. Overall GEP simulations had relatively smaller differences compared with observations vs. ecosystem respiration (RE), which was the sum of many plant and soil components with larger variability and/or uncertainty associated with them. Both observed and simulated data showed that, on an annual basis, boreal forest sites were either carbon‐neutral or a weak C sink, ranging from 30 to 180 g C m?2 yr?1; while temperate forests were either a medium or strong C sink, ranging from 150 to 500 g C m?2 yr?1, depending on forest age and climatic regime. Model sensitivity tests illustrated that air temperature, among climate variables, and aboveground biomass, among major C stocks, were dominant factors impacting annual NEP. Vegetation biomass effects on annual GEP, RE and NEP showed similar patterns of variability at four boreal and three temperate forests. Air temperature showed different impacts on GEP and RE, and the response varied considerably from site to site. Higher solar radiation enhanced GEP, while precipitation differences had a minor effect. Magnitude of forest litter content and soil organic matter (SOM) affected RE. SOM also affected GEP, but only at low levels of SOM, because of low N mineralization that limited soil nutrient (N) availability. The results of this study will help to evaluate the impact of future climatic changes and/or forest C stock variations on C uptake and loss in forest ecosystems growing in diverse environments.  相似文献   

Tallgrass prairie restorations can quickly accrue organic C in soil and biomass, but the rate of C accumulation diminishes through time and is highly variable among more mature prairies. Long‐term soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation in prairies has been linked to edaphic factors such as soil texture, soil moisture, and SOC content, but it is unclear how these factors affect the ecosystem processes that are responsible for observed differences in C accumulation rates in older prairies. We measured belowground plant and SOC pools and fluxes within 27–36‐year‐old restored tallgrass prairies in order to quantify total C storage, determine the net ecosystem production of C (NEP‐C), and explore which edaphic factors influence the ecosystem processes responsible for divergent NEP‐C. We found that 11% of organic C was stored in biomass, and we estimate that one‐third of post‐restoration C sequestration has occurred in biomass, thereby highlighting biomass as a large but often overlooked C pool. Belowground biomass and soil C pools were notably smaller than those reported for remnant prairie, suggesting that future belowground C accumulation could still occur. During this study, the prairies appeared to be a net source of C, although the range of NEP‐C values encompassed zero. Sand content positively affected NEP‐C via increased belowground biomass production‐C inputs, and SOC negatively affected NEP‐C due to increased soil respiration C outputs. However, soil moisture had a smaller negative effect on soil respiration, indicating that both SOC and soil moisture play important roles in determining prairie C balance.  相似文献   

Net ecosystem carbon exchange in two experimental grassland ecosystems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Increases in net primary production (NPP) may not necessarily result in increased C sequestration since an increase in uptake can be negated by concurrent increases in ecosystem C losses via respiratory processes. Continuous measurements of net ecosystem C exchange between the atmosphere and two experimental cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) ecosystems in large dynamic flux chambers (EcoCELLs) showed net ecosystem C losses to the atmosphere in excess of 300 g C m?2 over two growing cycles. Even a doubling of net ecosystem production (NEP) after N fertilization in the second growing season did not compensate for soil C losses incurred during the fallow period. Fertilization not only increased C uptake in biomass but also enhanced C losses through soil respiration from 287 to 469 g C m?2, mainly through an increase in rhizosphere respiration. Fertilization decreased dissolved inorganic C losses through leaching of from 45 to 10 g C m?2. Unfertilized cheatgrass added 215 g C m?2 as root‐derived organic matter but the contribution of these inputs to long‐term C sequestration was limited as these deposits rapidly decomposed. Fertilization increased NEP but did not increase belowground C inputs most likely due to a concurrent increase in the production and decomposition of rhizodeposits. Decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) was reduced by fertilizer additions. The results from our study show that, although annual grassland ecosystems can add considerable amounts of C to soils during the growing season, it is unlikely that they sequester large amounts of C because of high respiratory losses during dormancy periods. Although fertilization could increase NEP, fertilization might reduce soil C inputs as heterotrophic organisms favor root‐derived organic matter over native SOM.  相似文献   

Zoe G. Cardon 《Plant and Soil》1995,187(2):277-288
Atmospheric CO2 concentrations can influence ecosystem carbon storage through net primary production (NPP), soil carbon storage, or both. In assessing the potential for carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystems under elevated CO2, both NPP and processing of soil organic matter (SOM), as well as the multiple links between them, must be examined. Within this context, both the quantity and quality of carbon flux from roots to soil are important, since roots produce specialized compounds that enhance nutrient acquisition (affecting NPP), and since the flux of organic compounds from roots to soil fuels soil microbial activity (affecting processing of SOM).From the perspective of root physiology, a technique is described which uses genetically engineered bacteria to detect the distribution and amount of flux of particular compounds from single roots to non-sterile soils. Other experiments from several labs are noted which explore effects of elevated CO2 on root acid phosphatase, phosphomonoesterase, and citrate production, all associated with phosphorus nutrition. From a soil perspective, effects of elevated CO2 on the processing of SOM developed under a C4 grassland but planted with C3 California grassland species were examined under low (unamended) and high (amended with 20 g m–2 NPK) nutrients; measurements of soil atmosphere 13C combined with soil respiration rates show that during vegetative growth in February, elevated CO2 decreased respiration of carbon from C4 SOM in high nutrient soils but not in unamended soils.This emphasis on the impacts of carbon loss from roots on both NPP and SOM processing will be essential to understanding terrestrial ecosystem carbon storage under changing atmospheric CO2 concentrations.Abbreviations SOM soil organic matter - NPP net primary productivity - NEP net ecosystem productivity - PNPP p-nitrophenyl phosphate  相似文献   

Annual measurements of the diameter growth and litter fall of trees began in 1998 using a 1.0 ha permanent plot beneath a flux tower at the Takayama flux site, central Japan. This opened up an opportunity for studies that compare the interannual variability in tree growth with eddy covariance-based net ecosystem production (NEP). A possible link between multiyear biometric-based net primary production (NPP) and eddy covariance-based NEP was investigated to determine the contribution of autotrophic production and heterotrophic respiration (HR) to the interannual variability of NEP in deciduous forest ecosystems. We also defined the NEP* as the measurable organic matter stored in an ecosystem during the interval in which soil respiration (SR) measurements were taken. The difference of biometric-based NEP* from eddy covariance-based NEP within a given year varied between 55% and 105%. Woody tissue NPP (stems and coarse roots) varied markedly from 0.88 to 1.96 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 during the 8-year study period (1999–2006). Annual woody tissue NPP was positively correlated with eddy covariance-based NEP ( r 2=0.52, P <0.05). However, neither foliage NPP ( r 2=0.03) nor HR ( r 2=0.06) were correlated with eddy covariance-based NEP. Therefore, it was hypothesized that interannual variability in the ecosystem carbon exchange was directly responsible for much of the interannual variation in autotrophic production, especially carbon accumulation in the woody components of the ecosystem. Moreover, similar interannual variations of biometric-based NEP* and eddy covariance-based NEP with small variations in SR and foliage NPP suggest a constant net accumulation of carbon in nonliving pools at the Takayama site.  相似文献   

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