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秧鸡科黑水鸡属(Gallinula)鸟类的分类地位一直存在差异,除黑水鸡、特岛骨顶和暗色水鸡外,其余物种的分属情况一直没有明确定论。本文采用线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶Ⅰ亚基(mtCOI)基因作为分子标记,通过PCR产物直接测序,获取了来自贵州草海的黑水鸡的COI序列,结合GenBank中已有序列,通过遗传距离计算,NJ法、ML法及Bayes法进行系统发育树的构建,共同探讨了黑水鸡属6种鸟类的系统发育关系。结果发现:位于美洲的黑水鸡与亚欧大陆的黑水鸡在分子系统树中呈现出姐妹群关系,考虑为板块运动造成的地理隔离所致,需进一步进行种水平的分类研究;支持小黑水鸡归入Paragallinula属、斑胁水鸡归入Porphyriops属、绿水鸡归入Tribonyx属,不支持普通水鸡在种水平的分类,应为黑水鸡;支持暗色水鸡保留其在黑水鸡属中种水平的分类地位。本研究从分子水平上理清了黑水鸡属鸟类的分类地位,将为后续更深入的研究奠定一定的基础。  相似文献   

中国鸡形目鸟类的分布格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于中国鸡形目鸟类分布数据库,运用GIS技术处理物种分布数据,研究了中国鸡形目鸟类的水平、垂直分布状况和分布中心。中国鸡形目鸟类63种,分属2科26属,在水平分布上具有不均匀性,在动物地理亚区上表现为西南山地亚区分布最多(35种),其次是青海藏南亚区(30种)、喜马拉雅山亚区(22种);在垂直分布上则主要分布于从1100m到2900m的中、高海拔地区。中国鸡形目鸟类物种多样性具有2个分布中心:喜马拉雅-横断山中心和滇南山地中心。我国鸡形目鸟类主要涉及以下3个分布型:喜马拉雅-横断山型、东洋型和南中国型。其中以喜马拉雅-横断山型的种类最多,其次为东洋型和南中国型,其他类型较少。  相似文献   

世界鸡形目鸟类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了世界上鸡形目鸟类的分布、分类、形态特点、栖地类型及生活习性。世界鸡形目鸟类分为7个科,共计281种。中国鸡形目鸟类包括松鸡科8种和雉科52种。介绍了中国鸡形目鸟类种的分类等方面的一些最新进展。  相似文献   

三种马鸡的核型及染色体G-带带型   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
石兴娣  张正旺  刘凌云 《动物学报》2001,47(3):280-284,T001,T002
采用外周血淋巴细胞培养和NaOH显带的方法制备了白马鸡、蓝马鸡和褐马鸡的核型与染色体G-带带型。结果表明:3种马鸡的核型基本相同,2n=82,有7对大染色体,其余为微小染色体;Z染色体为第4对大染色体,W染色体的长度介于第6、7对大染色体之间;除第1对大染色体为m型、Z染色体为sm型外,其余的染色体均为t型,3种马鸡染色体G-带带型表现出较明显的差异,7对大染色体中,有6对大染色体的G-带带型有差异,利用数值分类学方法计算3种马鸡G-带带型的相似性系数并进行聚类分析,结果表明,蓝马鸡与褐马鸡新缘关系较近,二者与白马鸡的新缘关系较远。  相似文献   

中国鸡形目鸟类分布数据库及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国鸡形目鸟类分布数据库(The Site Record Database for Chinese Galliformes,SRDG)是以中国鸡形目鸟类分布点的有关信息为数据源的综合性资源数据库,于1996年初步建立,2005~2006年进行了更新维护和完善,由中国鸡形目鸟类物种代码库(WZDM)、中国鸡形目鸟类分布状况库(FBZK)和信息来源库(XXLY)三部分构成,包括中国鸡形目全部63个种的5859条分布信息和1027条相关文献记录。本数据库操作简单,各库之间通过共有字段相链接,具有信息查询、修改和维护等功能。本数据库的物种信息有助于加深对我国鸡形目鸟类资源的了解,可为中国鸡形目鸟类的研究和保护提供翔实的基础数据。在数据库基础上,可以进行有关我国鸡形目鸟类分布状况的分析,如鸡形目鸟类地理区划研究、分布区与占有面积的比较、物种濒危状况评估以及热点地区分析和GAP分析等。  相似文献   

天兰冰草染色体形态和带型的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用铁矾苏木精染色法分析了天兰冰草的染色体组型。结果表明,天兰冰草(2n=42)染色体都是中部和近中着丝点,有两对染色体带随体。根据染色体大小、着丝点位置、有无随体等特点排列了染色体组型图。 用修改的Vosa(1972)Giemsa C-带方法研究了天兰冰草和普通小麦的C-带带型。发现天兰冰草有两组染色体的带型相似。其余的一组染色体和普通小麦B组染色体,在形态和带型上有某些相似之处。它们和小麦B组染色体一样也有两对带随体的染色体,这两对染色体的带型也与1B和6B在一定程度上是相似的。因此,作者用B_2X_1X_2表示天兰冰草的染色体组。  相似文献   

基于RS和GIS技术的河北省鸡形目鸟类分布格局   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
收集和整理河北省鸡形目鸟类的分布资料,借助GIS的绘图功能,把解译的遥感影像数据数字化为植被类型图和地貌图;根据文献和标本记录的地理位置和野外考察记录,做出河北省鸡形目鸟类的点分布图;根据鸡形目鸟类与其生境之间的相互依赖关系,定义鸡形目鸟类的适宜生境类型,利用GIS技术的分析、提取和叠加功能,提取每种鸡形目鸟类的适宜生境类型图,预测河北省鸡形目鸟类的总体分布格局。结果表明:河北省鸡形目鸟类物种丰富度地区主要集中在坝上高原区和燕山太行山山地区;河北省鸡形目鸟类可分为全省广布种(鹌鹑和雉鸡)、燕山太行山山地和坝上高原分布种(石鸡、斑翅山鹑、勺鸡)和局部地区特征种(黑琴鸡、黑嘴松鸡、花尾榛鸡、褐马鸡)3种类型。  相似文献   

草鹭染色体的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在鸟类中,由于染色体标本制作比较困难,加之含有大量的微小染色体,要得到质优量多的中期分裂相很不容易,以致影响了对鸟类染色体的分带研究。因此,至今有关的报道尚少。本文报告了鹳形目(Ciconiiformes)鹭科(Ardeidae)鹭属草鹭(Ardea purpurea)的核型及G带、C带和Ag-NORs的研究结果。  相似文献   

鹳形目和鹤形目8种鸟类的核型研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文报道了鹳形目鹭科的黄嘴白鹭,紫背苇鸦、黄斑苇鳽和绿鹭4种,鹤形目秧鸡科的黑水鸡,斑胁田鸡和小田鸡3种及三趾鹑科的黄脚三趾鹑的核型。鹭科2种染色体数目为2n=66,另2种为2n=62,秧鸡科3种染色体数目均为2n=78。黄脚三趾鹑的染色体数目为2n=88。  相似文献   

水稻染色体Giemsa N-带带型特征,全部12对染色体均显示点状带形。N-带显示的区域主要在着丝点附近。不同染色体的长臂或短臂上有中间带和(或)近端带和(或)端带。  相似文献   

The G-banded karyotypes of 4 species of birds representing the orders Galliformes, Columbiformes and Musophagiformes were compared. Banding pattern homology between orders was limited t 5o 5 major chromosome arms and the Z chromosome. Even in these major chromosome arms pericentric and paracentric inversions produced alteration of the banding pattern sequences. Addition of constitutive heterochromatin was responsible for changes in banding patterns in the Z chromosome. The chromosome banding patterns of an emydid turtle, Terrepene carolina, 5 species of boid snakes of the genera Liasis, Acrantophis, and Sanzinia and the African clawed-frog. Xenopus muelleri, were also compared to the bird chromosome banding patterns. No homology was observed between any of these major groups: bird, snake, turtle, amphibian. However, intergroup homology was apparent. - The data obtained do not support reports of broad interordinal direct homology of the macrochromosomes of birds and refutes the idea of a primitive bird karyotype with 3 pairs of "Agroup' chromosomes and 3 pairs of "B group' chromosomes. - The major mechanisms responsible for chromosome evolution in birds appear to be centric and tandem fusions, paracentric and pericentric inversions, and addition or deletion of heterochromatin.  相似文献   

The California condor is the largest flying bird in North America and belongs to a group of New World vultures. Recovering from a near fatal population decline, and currently with only 197 extant individuals, the species remains listed as endangered. Very little genetic information exists for this species, although sexing methods employing chromosome analysis or W-chromosome specific amplification is routinely applied for the management of this monomorphic species. Keeping in mind that genetic conditions like chondrodystrophy have been identified, preliminary steps were undertaken in this study to understand the genome organization of the condor. This included an extensive cytogenetic analysis that provided (i) a chromosome number of 80 (with a likelihood of an extra pair of microchromosomes), and (ii) information on the centromeres, telomeres and nucleolus organizer regions. Further, a comparison between condor and chicken macrochromosomes was obtained by using individual chicken chromosome specific paints 1-9 and Z and W on condor metaphase spreads. Except for chromosomes 4 and Z, each of the chicken (GGA) macrochromosomes painted a single condor (GCA) macrochromosome. GGA4 paint detected complete homology with two condor chromosomes, viz., GCA4 and GCA9 providing additional proof that the latter are ancestral chromosomes in the birds. The chicken Z chromosome showed correspondence with both Z and W in the condor. The homology suggests that the condor sex chromosomes have not completely differentiated during evolution, which is unlike the majority of the non-ratites studied up till now. Overall, the study provides detailed cytogenetic and basic comparative information on condor chromosomes. These findings significantly advance the effort to study the chondrodystrophy that is responsible for over ten percent mortality in the condor.  相似文献   

Karyotype structure and polytene chromosome banding patterns were studied in two Orthocladiinae siblings--Propsilocerus akamusi (China) and Propsilocerus jacuticus (Russia). Both species have haploid number of chromosome typical for Orthocladiinae (n = 3). An unusual structure of centromeric regions was observed in all three chromosomes of karyotypes in both species. Photomaps of polytene chromosomes are presented. A comparison of karyotypes of P. akamusi and Propsilocerus jacuticus revealed a high level of homology in their banding sequences, however, the presence of fixed paracentric inversions in chromosomal arms IR, IIR, IIIR of Propsilocerus jacuticus has shown a clear-cut phylogenetic divergence. No chromosomal polymorphism was found in both species.  相似文献   

Banding differences between tiger salamander and axolotl chromosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Hoechst 33258 - Giemsa banding patterns were compared on axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum Shaw) and axolotl - tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum Green) species hybrid prophase chromosomes. Approximately 369 bands per haploid chromosome set were seen in the axolotl and about 344 bands in the tiger salamander. In the haploid set of 14 chromosomes, chromosome 3 has a constant short or q-arm terminal constriction at the location of the nucleolar organizer. Chromosomes 14 Z and W carry the sex determinants, the female being the heterogametic sex (ZW). The banding patterns of chromosomes 1, 6, 11, and 14 Z of the two species are apparently indistinguishable by our banding method. In the axolotl, chromosome 9 has a small long or p-arm terminal deletion. In the tiger salamander, the remaining 10 chromosomes have terminal or internal deletions. No translocations or inversions seem to have occurred since the gene pool separation of the two closely related species.  相似文献   

Ramirez CC  Dessen EM 《Genetica》2000,108(1):73-80
Anopheles cruziiis the most common species of mosquito in Southeast Brazil and a vector of human and monkey malaria. The banding pattern of the ovarian polytene chromosomes and the frequencies of paracentric inversions of individuals from two populations were studied. A new sequence of bands on the sex chromosome, defined as form C, was disclosed. In both populations where forms A (considered as standard) and C are sympatric no heterozygotes were detected. A sequence of events that could account for the observed changes in the banding sequences of the X chromosome forms was proposed. The frequencies of 22 paracentric inversions were used to assess panmixia and the results indicated the presence of two distinct genetic pools in each population. We consider these results as evidence of another sibling species in the taxon cruzii, characterized by a distinctive form of the X chromosome and provisionally designated Anopheles cruziispecies C.  相似文献   

We conducted comparative chromosome painting and chromosome mapping with chicken DNA probes against the blue-breasted quail (Coturnix chinensis, CCH) and California quail (Callipepla californica, CCA), which are classified into the Old World quail and the New World quail, respectively. Each chicken probe of chromosomes 1-9 and Z painted a pair of chromosomes in the blue-breasted quail. In California quail, chicken chromosome 2 probe painted chromosomes 3 and 6, and chicken chromosome 4 probe painted chromosomes 4 and a pair of microchromosomes. Comparison of the cytogenetic maps of the two quail species with those of chicken and Japanese quail revealed that there are several intrachromosomal rearrangements, pericentric and/or paracentric inversions, in chromosomes 1, 2 and 4 between chicken and the Old World quail. In addition, a pericentric inversion was found in chromosome 8 between chicken and the three quail species. Ordering of the Z-linked DNA clones revealed the presence of multiple rearrangements in the Z chromosomes of the three quail species. Comparing these results with the molecular phylogeny of Galliformes species, it was also cytogenetically supported that the New World quail is classified into a different clade from the lineage containing chicken and the Old World quail.  相似文献   

ZOO-FISH (Fluorescent "in vitro" hybridization) was used to establish the chromosomal homology between humans (HSA) and Cebus nigrivitatus (CNI) and Ateles belzebuth hybridus (ABH). These two species belong to different New World monkey families (Cebidae and Atelidae, respectively) which differ greatly in chromosome number and in chromosome morphology. The molecular results were followed by a detailed banding analysis. The ancestral karyotype of Cebus was then determined by a comparison of in situ hybridization results, as well as chromosomal morphology and banding in other Platyrrhini species. The karyotypes of the four species belonging to the genus Cebus differ from each other by three inversions and one fusion as well as in the location and amounts of heterochromatin. Results obtained by ZOO-FISH in ABH are in general agreement with previous gene-mapping and in situ hybridization data in Ateles, which show that spider monkeys have highly derived genomes. The chromosomal rearrangements detected between HSA and ABH on a band-to-band basis were 27 fusions/fissions, 12 centromeric shifts, and six pericentric inversions. The ancestral karyotype of Cebus was then compared with that of Ateles. The rearrangements detected were 20 fusions/fissions, nine centromeric shifts, and five inversions. Atelidae species are linked by a fragmentation of chromosome 4 into three segments forming an association of 4/15, while Ateles species are linked by 13 derived associations. The results also helped clarify the content of the ancestral platyrrhine karyotype and the mode of chromosomal evolution in these primates. In particular, associations 2/16 and 5/7 should be included in the ancestral karyotype of New World monkeys.  相似文献   

Parrots (order: Psittaciformes) are the most common captive birds and have attracted human fascination since ancient times because of their remarkable intelligence and ability to imitate human speech. However, their genome organization, evolution and genomic relation with other birds are poorly understood. Chromosome painting with DNA probes derived from the flow-sorted macrochromosomes (1-10) of chicken (Gallus gallus, GGA) has been used to identify and distinguish the homoeologous chromosomal segments in three species of parrots, i.e., Agapornis roseicollis (peach-faced lovebird); Nymphicus hollandicus (cockatiel) and Melopsittacus undulatus (budgerigar). The ten GGA macrochromosome paints unequivocally recognize 14 to 16 hybridizing regions delineating the conserved chromosomal segments for the respective chicken macrochromosomes in these representative parrot species. The cross-species chromosome painting results show that, unlike in many other avian karyotypes with high homology to chicken chromosomes, dramatic rearrangements of the macrochromosomes have occurred in parrot lineages. Among the larger GGA macrochromosomes (1-5), chromosomes 1 and 4 are conserved on two chromosomes in all three species. However, the hybridization pattern for GGA 4 in A. roseicollis and M. undulatus is in sharp contrast to the most common pattern known from hybridization of chicken macrochromosome 4 in other avian karyotypes. With the exception of A. roseicollis, chicken chromosomes 2, 3 and 5 hybridized either completely or partially to a single chromosome. In contrast, the smaller GGA macrochromosomes 6, 7 and 8 displayed a complex hybridization pattern: two or three of these macrochromosomes were found to be contiguously arranged on a single chromosome in all three parrot species. Overall, the study shows that translocations and fusions in conjunction with intragenomic rearrangements have played a major role in the karyotype evolution of parrots. Our inter-species chromosome painting results unequivocally illustrate the dynamic reshuffling of ancestral chromosomes among the karyotypes of Psittaciformes.  相似文献   

D. Kaul  R. R. Tewari 《Genetica》1983,62(2):129-138
A comparison of the polytene chromosomes of Parasarcophaga argyrostoma, P. ruficornis, P. misera and P. knabi, is presented. There is close resemblance in the banding patterns of the four species. Two independent paracentric inversions in chromosome arm IIR, a small paracentric inversion in chromosome arm IIIR and a pericentric inversion in chromosome V were found to be fixed as interspecific differences.  相似文献   

J G Ault 《Génome》1992,35(5):855-863
The types and frequencies of spontaneous chromosome rearrangements caused by hybrid dysgenesis were studied in a second chromosome autosome of Drosophila melanogaster. This second chromosome, being an SD chromosome, had two important advantages over other autosomes for this study: (i) it had the two inversions characteristic of a standard SD-72 chromosome type, which distinguished it from its homolog in polytene chromosome spreads, and (ii) because of the meiotic drive associated with the segregation distorter system, it was preferentially transmitted to the next generation. The chromosome mutation frequency of this chromosome (given the name SDKona-2) was 8.3 and 11.7% in the F2 and F3 generations, respectively. The types of new chromosome rearrangements observed in the first four generations included paracentric inversions, pericentric inversions, duplications, deletions, reciprocal translocations (involving the third chromosome), and transpositions. Small paracentric inversions were the most common type of new rearrangement. Later, over 35 generations, some of these new rearrangements changed, either by becoming more complex or by being replaced with yet another new chromosome rearrangement. Duplications were unstable and were replaced by paracentric inversions whose breakpoints were on either side of the duplication. Transpositions arose both from a single multibreak event and from a series of two-break events.  相似文献   

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