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水华蓝藻生物质对Cu和Cr金属离子的生物吸附   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
早在20个世纪50年代人们就开始认识到藻类可以富集水体中的重金属。然而直到20个世纪80年代,Kuyucak和Volesky等才真正将藻类的吸附能力与环境水体中的重金属去除结合起来,从而开辟了一个崭新的研究领域。近年来云南阳宗海砷污染事件、湖北大冶湖重金属污染、贵州独柳江砷污染事件、山东邳州砷污染事件、河南大沙河、陕西凤翔儿童血铅超标事件、紫金矿业污染事故等重金属污染事件的相继发生,引起了人们对重金  相似文献   

食用菌生物修复重金属污染研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Liu JF  Hu LJ  Liao DX  Su SM  Zhou ZK  Zhang S 《应用生态学报》2011,22(2):543-548
生物修复是利用生物体及其衍生物对重金属进行吸收/吸附来处理环境中重金属污染的方法,具有成本低、来源广、无二次污染等特点.食用菌富集重金属是生物修复的一个重要研究方向,食用菌修复作用主要通过对重金属的吸收来降低其生态毒性,从而对重金属污染起到一定的修复作用.本文论述了食用菌对重金属Cu、Cd、Pb、Zn、As、Cr的富集作用,揭示了食用菌富集重金属的可能机理,并对采用食用菌富集重金属以治理环境污染的前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

蛋白核小球藻对Pb(Ⅱ)和Cd(Ⅱ)的生物吸附及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
姜晶  李亮  李海鹏  李非里 《生态学报》2012,32(7):1995-2003
藻类吸附作用影响重金属在水生生态系统中的迁移过程及其环境行为。同时,利用藻类吸附能力是修复重金属污染水体和重金属废水处理的一项清洁、廉价和高效的技术。测定了蛋白核小球藻对Pb2+和Cd2+的吸附和脱附动力学,表明吸附是快速表面过程,吸附4 h后基本达到平衡,不易脱附。研究了蛋白核小球藻对Pb2+和Cd2+的吸附热力学,绘制了吸附等温线,并用Langmuir模型进行拟合,相关系数R2分别为0.9906和0.9827,计算得到最大吸附量分别为0.373 mmol Pb/g和0.249 mmolCd/g。考察了pH值、离子强度和温度等环境因素对蛋白核小球藻吸附Pb2+和Cd2+的影响。结果表明,蛋白核小球藻对Pb2+和Cd2+的吸附量在pH值5.0—6.0之间达到最大值,并随着溶液离子强度的增加而降低,随着溶液温度的升高而增加。温度的影响还表明,蛋白核小球藻对Pb2+和Cd2+的吸附是吸热过程。实验还考察了水体环境中普遍存在的溶解性有机质主要成分-富里酸的影响,表明富里酸会抑制蛋白核小球藻对Pb2+和Cd2+的吸附,重金属离子浓度较低时的抑制效果更明显,最大抑制率分别达到了34.2%和34.9%。由于其对重金属的较高吸附量和吸附本身快速完成的特性,蛋白核小球藻有望成为较理想的生物吸附剂,在重金属污染水体的生物修复及废水处理中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

乳酸菌具有吸附及积累重金属离子的特性,且乳酸菌对重金属污染的生物修复作用的安全性较高。本研究综述了乳酸菌修复重金属污染的机制,及乳酸菌生物修复重金属污染水体、农产品及生物体的研究现状,为重金属污染的修复提供新思路。乳酸菌作为自然环境中普遍存在的一种安全且可食用微生物,其在生物修复重金属污染方面将发挥其独有的优势。  相似文献   

蔡卓平  段舜山 《生态科学》2008,27(6):499-505
在我国,水源污染问题异常突出,特别是水体重金属污染情况非常严重,因此,如何有效治理水体重金属污染成为了摆在科技工作者面前十分紧迫的任务。利用微藻生物吸附来治理水体重金属污染是一种经济、简便、有效可行的方法,具有极其广阔的应用前景。论文介绍了我国近年水体污染的状况及水体重金属污染特点;综述了水体重金属污染对水体植物、水体动物以及人类潜在的危害;比较了几种常见治理重金属污染的方法;分析了微藻吸附水体重金属的优点,并阐述了微藻对重金属生物吸附的机理及影响生物吸附过程的外在因素;最后提出了今后的研究发展方向。  相似文献   

高效、低耗、环境友好的重金属废水处理方法是当前的研究热点之一,微生物吸附法因具有优良的吸附性能、不产生二次污染、环境友好性等优点,在重金属废水处理中有巨大的应用潜力。细菌、真菌、藻类等微生物可通过静电吸附、络合作用等将重金属结合到细胞壁表面。但未经处理的微生物往往吸附效果不佳,通过对微生物进行物理、化学等方法的改性处理,能显著增加微生物与重金属离子结合的活性位点,提高去除效果。本文对国内外微生物的改性方法以及改性微生物吸附剂对废水中重金属的吸附能力和影响因素进行阐述,讨论微生物吸附剂存在的相关问题,并对其未来的研究方向做简要展望。  相似文献   

环境汞污染对藻类的毒性效应及其影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
秦捷  赵文  张鹏 《生物学杂志》2011,28(3):74-76,83
综述了汞污染对藻类的毒性效应及影响因素。水环境中汞主要以元素汞、无机汞和有机汞3种形式存在。藻类吸附汞主要分为胞外的快速吸附和胞内的缓慢富集,在安全浓度内,金属汞对藻生长有一定的促进作用,随着浓度增大,抑制藻生长或致死。汞进入藻体细胞后,藻类为了存活会产生一系列保护机制。藻类对汞的排斥和排出作用可能就是对汞耐性的一种重要机制。藻类也可以通过多种方式减少汞进入藻类细胞,以及通过与其他物质结合汞使其排出胞外。温度、pH、生物学因素等影响重金属对藻类的毒性作用。并就藻类对汞耐性和适应机理、利用藻类修复和监测重金属污染、藻类响应汞胁迫的信号转导途径及其保护机制等未来研究领域进行了展望。  相似文献   

水体重金属污染植物修复研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物修复技术作为一种废水处理新技术,具有投资少、效果好、产出高、环境效益好等优点,现已得到迅速发展及广泛应用。介绍了水生超富集植物的3种生态类型,造成水体污染重金属元素类型,植物应答重金属污染的检测方法,并对植物修复水体重金属污染的发展前景提出展望。  相似文献   

产朊假丝酵母细胞壁对铜离子吸附机理研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
比较了产朊假丝酵母细胞与分离纯化的细胞壁对铜离子吸附能力。观察铜离子浓度、温度和pH值对产朊假丝酵母吸附铜离子的影响,探讨细胞壁在酵母吸附重金属离子过程中的作用机理。结果表明,细胞壁是酵母吸附重金属离子的主要部位。细胞壁的蛋白酶酶解实验证明,对胰蛋白酶不敏感的细胞壁嵌合蛋白是铜离子吸附的主要位点。  相似文献   

硅藻重金属污染生态学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
硅藻是水生生态系统健康的指示生物之一,对环境变化极为敏感,某些典型硅藻已应用于指示水体重金属污染.本文围绕地表水重金属污染,从毒性效应、生物吸附和累积、生态适应机制及生物指示与生态修复作用等方面,综述了硅藻重金属污染生态学研究进展,阐述重金属污染下硅藻的生长趋势和硅壳形态的变化,硅藻对重金属生物吸附和生物累积的差别,硅藻对重金属的表面络合和离子交换等生态适应机制,以及硅藻对水体重金属污染的指示作用和生态修复作用,为水生生态系统的重金属污染防治与预警技术提供科学依据.  相似文献   

The Response of Experimental Rocky Shore Communities to Nutrient Additions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aim of this study was to determine whether the experimental nutrient enrichment of littoral rocky shore communities would be followed by a predicted accumulation of fast-growing opportunistic algae and a subsequent loss of perennial benthic vegetation. Inorganic nitrogen (N) and potassium (P) was added to eight concrete mesocosms inhabited by established littoral communities dominated by fucoids. The response to nutrient enrichment was followed for almost 2 1/2 years. Fast-growing opportunistic algae (periphyton and ephemeral green algae) grew significantly faster in response to nutrient enrichment, but the growth of red filamentous algae and large perennial brown algae was unaffected. However, these changes were not followed by comparable changes in the biomass and composition of the macroalgae. The biomass of opportunistic algae was stimulated only marginally by the nutrient enrichment, and perennial brown algae (fucoids) remained dominant in the mesocosm regardless of nutrient treatment level. Established rocky shore communities thus seem able to resist the effects of heavy nutrient loading. We found that the combined effects of the heavy competition for space and light imposed by canopy-forming algae, preferential grazing on opportunistic algae by herbivores, and physical disturbance, succeeded by a marked export of detached opportunistic algae, prevented the fast-growing algae from becoming dominant. However, recruitment studies showed that the opportunistic algae would become dominant when free space was available under conditions of high nutrient loading and low grazing pressure. These results show that established communities of perennial algae and associated fauna in rocky shore environments can prevent or delay the accumulation of bloom-forming opportunistic algae and that the replacement of long-lived macroalgae by opportunistic species at high nutrient loading may be a slow process. Nutrient enrichment may not, in itself, be enough to stimulate structural changes in rocky shore communities.  相似文献   

Identifying the type and strength of interactions between local anthropogenic and other stressors can help to set achievable management targets for degraded marine ecosystems and support their resilience by identifying local actions. We undertook a meta‐analysis, using data from 118 studies to test the hypothesis that ongoing global declines in the dominant habitat along temperate rocky coastlines, forests of canopy‐forming algae and/or their replacement by mat‐forming algae are driven by the nonadditive interactions between local anthropogenic stressors that can be addressed through management actions (fishing, heavy metal pollution, nutrient enrichment and high sediment loads) and other stressors (presence of competitors or grazers, removal of canopy algae, limiting or excessive light, low or high salinity, increasing temperature, high wave exposure and high UV or CO2), not as easily amenable to management actions. In general, the cumulative effects of local anthropogenic and other stressors had negative effects on the growth and survival of canopy‐forming algae. Conversely, the growth or survival of mat‐forming algae was either unaffected or significantly enhanced by the same pairs of stressors. Contrary to our predictions, the majority of interactions between stressors were additive. There were however synergistic interactions between nutrient enrichment and heavy metals, the presence of competitors, low light and increasing temperature, leading to amplified negative effects on canopy‐forming algae. There were also synergistic interactions between nutrient enrichment and increasing CO2 and temperature leading to amplified positive effects on mat‐forming algae. Our review of the current literature shows that management of nutrient levels, rather than fishing, heavy metal pollution or high sediment loads, would provide the greatest opportunity for preventing the shift from canopy to mat‐forming algae, particularly in enclosed bays or estuaries because of the higher prevalence of synergistic interactions between nutrient enrichment with other local and global stressors, and as such it should be prioritized.  相似文献   

Biogas produced from anaerobic digestion is a versatile and environment friendly fuel which traditionally utilizes cattle dung as the substrate. In the recent years, owing to its high content of biodegradable compounds, algal biomass has emerged as a potential feedstock for biogas production. Moreover, the ability of algae to treat wastewater and fix CO2 from waste gas streams makes it an environmental friendly and economically feasible feedstock. The present review focuses on the possibility of utilizing wastewater as the nutrient and waste gases as the CO2 source for algal biomass production and subsequent biogas generation. Studies describing the various harvesting methods of algal biomass as well as its anaerobic digestion have been compiled and discussed. Studies targeting the most recent advancements on biogas enrichment by algae have been discussed. Apart from highlighting the various advantages of utilizing algal biomass for biogas production, limitations of the process such as cell wall resistivity towards digestion and inhibitions caused due to ammonia toxicity and the possible strategies for overcoming the same have been reviewed. The studies compiled in the present review indicate that if the challenges posed in translating the lab scale studies on phycoremediation and biogas production to pilot scale are overcome, algal biogas could become the sustainable and economically feasible source of renewable energy.  相似文献   

It is becoming increasingly evident that the efficiency of zooplankton grazing on algae is not only a matter of quantity of the grazer relative to its food. Planktonic primary producers are not defenseless food-particles that are easily harvested by the consumers. Several algal species are able to adjust their phenotype (colony formation, spines, size) in such a way that it results in a reduced grazing pressure. It was recently demonstrated that morphological changes in the cell wall of green algae, induced by nutrient limitation and UV-B stress, may reduce their digestibility. A high fraction of induced cells pass intact and viable through the gut of the zooplankters, such that the grazing impact on the population is strongly reduced. It was also found that the presence of exudates (infochemicals) released by daphnids may change the morphology of algae. Unicellular green algae of the genus Scenedesmus were induced to form eight-cell coenobial types, heavily armed with spines, within three to five days after adding filtered water from an algal culture with Daphnia present. Both defence mechanisms may play an important role in zooplankton production and competition, and may serve as an example of highly efficient strategies to resist heavy grazing pressure.  相似文献   

In Daphnia–algal systems, the effect of nutrient enrichmenton stability is an important ecological issue. Here I considera system of Daphnia and two potential prey; one prey termedprimary algae, which are preferentially consumed, and the othersecondary algae, which yield less nutrition and are more resistantto the grazer. The presence of secondary algae is a key to thestability, but their nutritional value has not been clearlydefined in the previous theory and the actual value varies.Here I use a simple mathematical model defining explicitly thenutritional values of algae and examine the stability of thesystems as a function of phosphorus enrichment. Whether or notall three species can stably coexist depended on the combinationof the algal species used for simulation. In systems where allthe species coexist in a stable manner, in which enrichmentdoes not necessarily lead to destabilization, there is alwaysa critical nutritional value of the secondary algae. Empiricalwork supports the possibility that the unknown nutritional valueof secondary algae takes a value close to the critical one.Furthermore, at the critical nutritional value, the populationresponse in the systems to enrichment is consistent with theobserved trend in natural systems. This suggests that Daphnia–algalsystems in nature can maintain stability in the face of enrichment,without requiring specific assumptions such as spatial heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Purified arginases secreted from Evernia prunastri and Xanthoria parietina thalli hydrolyze arginine in a Mn2+ -dependent reaction. Ca2+ cannot replace Mn2+, but its addition to reaction mixtures in the presence of Mn2+ significantly inhibited arginase activity. Arginases from both lichen species also show lectin function, binding to the cell wall of both homologous and heterologous algae. Such binding is enhanced by both Ca2+ and Mn2+ and results in cytoagglutination, which is counteracted by alpha-D-galactose. A putative ligand for these lectins consists of a glycosylated urease, the polysaccharide moiety of which is uniquely composed of alpha-D-galactose. Binding of lectins inhibits its enzymatic activity, which is recovered after desorption of the lectin with alpha-D-galactose. Urease is also eluted from arginase-agarose columns by using alpha-D-galactose as eluent. Data demonstrate ligand-dependent retention of the fungal lectin on the algal cell surface and this is consistent with a model of recognition of compatible algae, through which algal cells would form a lichen with a lectin-secreting fungus only when these cells contain the specific ligand for the lectin in their cell walls. This is, lectin binding is used as a mechanism for ensuring specificity in the association.  相似文献   

Biosorption with algae: a statistical review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The state of the art in the field of biosorption using algae as biomass is reviewed. The available data of maximum sorption uptake (qmax) and biomass-metal affinity (b) for Cd2 +, Cu2 +, Ni2 +, Pb2 + and Zn2 + were statistically analyzed using 37 different algae (20 brown algae, 9 red algae and 8 green algae). Metal biosorption research with algae has used mainly brown algae in pursuit of treatments, which improve its sorption uptake. The information available in connection with multimetallic systems is very poor. Values of qmax were close to 1 mmol/g for copper and lead and smaller for the other metals. Metal recovery performance was worse for nickel and zinc, but the number of samples for zinc was very small. All the metals except lead present a similar affinity for brown algae. The difference in the behavior of lead may be due to a different uptake mechanism. Brown algae stand out as very good biosorbents of heavy metals. The best performer for metal biosorption is lead.  相似文献   

1. All heavy metals, including those that are essential micronutrients (e.g. copper, zinc, etc.), are toxic to algae at high concentrations. 2. One characteristic feature of heavy-metal toxicity is the poisoning and inactivation of enzyme systems. Many of the physiological and biochemical processes, viz., photosynthesis, respiration, protein synthesis and chlorophyll synthesis, etc., are severely affected at high metal concentrations. 3. Some algae inhabit waters chronically polluted with heavy-metal-laden wastes from mining and smelting operations; Nodularia sp., Oscillatoria sp., Cladophora sp., Hormidium sp., Fucus sp. and Laminaria sp., etc., occur in metal-rich waters. These algal forms are probably more capable of combating the toxic levels of heavy metals and this attribute is a result of physiological and/or genetic adaptations. The sensitivity or tolerance to heavy metals varies amongst different algae. The phenomena of multiple tolerance and co-tolerance may be exhibited by some algae. 4. Heavy-metal pollution causes reduction in species diversity leading to the dominance of a few tolerant algal forms. The primary productivity also decreases after metal supplementation. 5. The uptake and accumulation of heavy metals can be active (energy-dependent), passive (energy-independent), or both. 6. Heavy metals can be safely stored as intranuclear complexes by some algae. Notwithstanding this, some changes in the cell wall can enable the algae to tolerate heavy metals by checking the entry of the metals (exclusion mechanism). 7. The metal content of algae growing in a waterbody may yield valuable information for simulating heavy metal pollution: several species of Cladophora and Fucus have been extensively used for this purpose. 8. Several factors affect and determine toxicity of heavy metals to algae. At low pH, the availability of heavy metals to algae is greatly increased, as a consequence of which pronounced toxicity is evident. Hard waters decrease metal toxicity. Some ions, e.g., calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, can alleviate toxicity of metals. 9. The presence of other metals can influence toxicity of a heavy metal through simple additive effect or by synergistic and antagonistic interactions. Similarly, other pollutants can influence heavy-metal toxicity. 10. The toxicity of heavy metals depends upon their chemical speciation. Various ionic forms of a metal characterized by different valency states, may be differentially toxic to a test alga. 11. Amino acids, organic matter, humic acids, fulvic acid, EDTA, NTA, etc. can complex with heavy metals and render them unavailable. This may eventually lead to less toxicity. 12. Heavy-metal toxicity largely depends upon algal population density: the denser the population the more numerous the cellular sites available, leading to decreased toxicity.  相似文献   

The efficiency of physical concentration mechanisms for enrichment of algae and bacteria in newly formed sea-ice was investigated under defined conditions in the laboratory. Sea-ice formation was simulated in a 3,000 l tank under different patterns of water movement. When ice formed in an artificially generated current pattern, algal cells were substantially enriched within the ice matrix. Enrichment factors for chlorophyll a calculated from the ratio between the concentrations in ice and underlying water reached values of up to 53. Repeated mixing of ice crystals into the water column, as well as flow of water through the new ice layer, contributed to the enrichment of algae in the ice. Wave action during ice formation revealed lower phytoplankton enrichment factors of up to 9. Mixing of floating ice crystals with underlying water and pumping of water into the ice matrix by periodical expansion and compression of the slush ice layer were responsible for the wave-induced enrichment of algal cells. Physical enrichment of bacteria within the ice was negligible. Bacterial biomass within new ice was enhanced only when the concentration of algae was high. At low algal biomass, bacteria experienced substantial losses in the ice, most likely due to brine drainage, which were not observed for the microalgae. Bacterial cells are therefore not scavenged by ice crystals and the observed enrichment and sustainment of bacterial biomass within newly formed ice depend on their attachment to cells or aggregates of algae. Division rates of bacteria changed only slightly during ice formation. Received: 21 October 1997 / Accepted: 9 April 1998  相似文献   

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