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从我国北方8个毛白杨根癌病发病苗圃分离到根癌土壤杆菌(Agrobacterlum tume[actena)8株。经质粒型、生物型、寄主范匿和对土壤秆菌素agfocin 84和D286的敏感性测定,证明5株系nopaline质粒型,其中生物I型2株,生物|I型2株,I—II中间型1株,3株系agroplne质粒型,其中生物I型2株,生物II型1株。所有分离菌株均系宽寄主群,其中1株经回接能侵染单子叶植物美人蕉(Canna inaiea),水仙(Narcissus)和吊兰(Chlorophytum)。分离菌株中,5株nopaIine质粒型菌榫对土壤杆菌素84敏感,3株agropine质粒和3株生物I型nopali 质粒菌株对土壤杆菌素])286敏感。在温室中,合并使用两种土壤杆菌素产生菌——放射土壤杆菌(A.Radiobaccer)K84和D286的菌体悬浮液,预浸毛白杨和向目荚幼苗根部 或与致病的毛白杨根癌土壤杆菌共接种枝茎,降低根瘟病诱发率达94%以上。表明放射土壤扦菌K84和D286可以控制毛白杨根癌病。  相似文献   

我国啤酒花根癌土壤杆菌的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1983—1984年,对北京、浙江、山东等地啤酒花种植地区的啤酒花冠瘿病发病情况进行了调查,并采集、分离到啤酒花根癌土壤杆菌16株。对其生物型、质粒类型、寄主范围和对土壤杆菌素8{(agrocin 84)的敏感性进行了测定。证明所测菌株都属于土壤杆菌生物I型菌,质粒类型为胭脂碱型(nopaline),具有较广的寄主范围,其中11株菌对土壤杆菌素8{敏感,5株菌不敏感。对1 0株菌的质粒进行了检测。在琼瞻糖凝胶电泳图上表明,所有菌株都含一个与pTiC58大小相同的质粒,此外,大多数菌株还含有l一3个隐蔽质柱。  相似文献   

在山东莱西啤酒花冠瘿瘸发病严重地区,从啤酒花冠瘿中分离到一株无致病性的土壤杆菌,经鉴定为放射土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium radiobacter)HLB-2,属于生物I型。HLB-2菌株在培养基上产生一种类似土壤杆菌素84的物质,能抑制葡萄根癌土壤杆菌生物III型菌株的生长。在温室接种试验中,可以完全抑制16株致病力不同的葡萄根癌土壤杆菌中的14株菌(含octopine或nopaline质粒)在向日葵幼苗和葡萄幼枝上诱发冠瘿病。 在培养基上测定敏感性的结果和温室冠瘿病抑制试验的结果一致,表明HLB-2菌株的防病机制可能是由于它所产生的土壤杆菌素。在对比试验中,K84菌株和D286菌株对葡萄根癌土壤杆菌均无抑制作用。以上结果表明,HLB-2菌株在葡萄冠瘿病的生物防冶中有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

我国葡萄根癌土壤杆菌的生化型与质粒类型的初步研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
从我国内蒙古、辽宁、吉林、北京、山东等地采集的49份葡萄冠瘿标本中,分离到根痛土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefactens)67株,经鉴定有生化1型21株,生化II型4株,生化III型42株。葡萄根癌土壤杆菌中以生化ill型占优势。生化111型有97%、生化I型有24%的菌株能使葡萄或向日葵致瘤。鉴定了2S株生化l型和生化[I]型菌株所致冠瘿中的opines,其中有2株生化III型菌株合成nopaline,3株生化III型菌株合成精氨酸,其余菌株合成octopine。  相似文献   

应用生物3型放射土壤杆菌防治葡萄冠瘿瘤形成的研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
从葡萄冠瘿中分离到的放射土壤杆菌E26菌株,属于生物3型。在平皿培养时,能够产生土壤杆菌素,抑制葡萄根癌土壤杆菌的生长。在温室指示植物向日葵幼苗和葡萄幼枝上,明显抑制葡萄根癌土壤杆菌诱导形成冠瘿瘤。E26菌株对土壤杆菌菌株的抑菌谱较宽,其质粒的琼脂糖凝胶电泳图谱上,有两条质粒带,与生物3型葡萄根癌土壤杆菌GL56—2菌株的质粒情况基本相同,其中大的质粒与根癌土壤杆菌C58的质粒(PTic58)大小近似。经双重抗药廿标记的E26菌株接种到葡萄枝条上,一个月后仍能得到抗药性菌株的分离,表明该菌株能在葡萄上定殖。  相似文献   

马德钦 《微生物学报》1995,35(5):336-341
以窄宿主葡萄农杆菌Ag162Ti质粒的T-DNA区tmr、tmsl和ocs基因座位以及T_A-DNA和T_B-DNA片段为探针,对12株我国分离的不同生物型、质粒类型和寄主范围的葡萄根癌农杆菌的引质粒转移DNA(T-DNA)进行Southern杂交分析。在9株生物3型octoplne Ti质粒菌株中,与上述探针均同源。其中窄宿主葡萄根癌农杆菌菌株杂交片段彼此较一致。广宿主葡萄根癌农杆菌菌株的杂交片段彼此差异较大。1株无致瘤能力的生物1型菌株与5个探针均不杂交。1株生物3型nopaline Ti质粒菌株及1株诱导冠瘿瘤中只合成精氨酸的菌株,杂交带的变化也大。由此可见葡萄农杆菌在生物进化过程中其转移DNA呈多态性,成为农杆菌中特殊类群。本分析对葡萄根癌农杆菌致病菌株的鉴定亦有帮助。  相似文献   

北京郊区根癌土壤杆菌生物型及质粒类型的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我们从北京郊区姚树、山挑树、梨树、毛白杨上采集到的26个冠瘿中,分离并鉴定出6株根癌土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium tunefaciens)。通过对向日葵、蕃茄幼苗、落地生根的致瘤试验;在乳糖培养基上3-酮基乳糖的生成;石蕊牛奶反应;碳源利用;在Clark和Ncw与Kerr两种选择性培养基上的生长以及对向日葵、烟草冠瘿组织中Opin类物质种类的鉴定,证明:一、从桃树冠瘿中分离的根癌土壤杆菌Pp 5、即一6两株和从梨树冠瘿中分到的Py 10菌株均属生物I型,质粒属N。Palinc类型;二、从山挑树冠瘿分到的剐一7菌株属生物r型,质粒为Oetpine类型;三、从北京东北旺毛白杨分到的Pt-12 菌株属生物l型,质粒为Agropine类型;四、从大兴县毛白杨冠瘿分到的另一菌株p.-2j属生物b—ll中间型,质粒为Nopaline类型。  相似文献   

用转座子Tn5-Mob和辅助诱动转移质粒R 68.45将根癌土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium tu-mefaciens)生物型(giotype)II和III接合转移到具三重缺陷的生物型I的菌株中,获得了七组转移接合子。通过对其中六组转移接合子生物型分类的主要生理生化特性(3-酮基乳糖反应、石蕊牛奶反应、赤藓糖醇产酸、乙醇产酸、松三糖产酸、粘酸产碱及在New和Keer的选择性生长培养基上能否生长等)测试,发现这些性状通过接合转移而被转移到受体菌中。  相似文献   

高效、快速地将外源DNA导人根癌土壤杆菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
室温下用50mmol/L CaCl2处理根癌土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)以制备感受态细胞.然后经O℃冰浴及28℃热击处理,成功地将Ti质粒中间载体(>10kb)导入了根癌土壤农杆菌中。转化效率每个活细胞可达10 -4~10 -5转化子或10 6转化子/μgDNA。探讨了该菌细胞生长状态、CaCl2溶液浓度、温度、液氮、热击、复苏时间以及感受态细胞于4℃或-20℃(加15%甘油)下保存时间对根癌土壤杆菌转化的影响。  相似文献   

生化Ⅲ型葡萄根癌土壤杆菌MI3-2、BS33-6等菌株含有致瘤的Ti质粒。用章鱼碱菌株MI3-2、MI14-1、MS32-1、MI22-1及胭脂碱菌株BS33-6、BS33-7、从葡萄试管苗的茎诱导出冠瘿瘤。脱菌的葡萄冠瘿组织能在无外源植物激素供给的MS培养基继代生长,并合成章鱼碱或胭脂碱。章鱼碱冠瘿组织疏松、白色或淡黄色;胭脂碱冠瘿组织硬脆,深绿色,表面有许多小突起。两种冠瘿组织都未能诱导再生植株。 胭脂碱菌株BS33-6能诱导毛叶曼陀罗产生畸胎瘤,这种无菌畸胎瘤组织在无植物激素的培养基内,培养1个月能分化出植株。  相似文献   

It was shown for some oncogenic Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains that agrocin 84 sensitivity is determined by the presence of a large closed circular DNA plasmid, called the Ti-plasmid. Whereas wild-type strain C58 is agrocin 84 sensitive, all Ti-plasmid cured derivatives were found to be fully resistant. Moreover all independently isolated agrocin 84 resistant colonies were stably non-oncogenic and plasmid negative. In a growth experiment carried out at 37 degrees C it was shown that the kinetics of appearance of non-oncogenic cells on the one hand and of agrocin 84 resistant cells on the other were identical. The fact that not all oncogenic, plasmid harbouring, Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains are sensitive to agrocin 84, points to the possibility that the genes determining agrocin 84 sensitivity are not essential for tumor-inducing ability.  相似文献   

Sixty-five strains and isolates of Agrobacterium tumefaciens representing each of the known biotypes, were tested for in vitro and in vivo susceptibility to the agrocin-producing strains Agrobacterium radiobacter 84 and A. tumefaciens D286. No biotype 3 strain was susceptible to the effects of either of the agrocinogenic strains in vitro. On datura and tobacco, the best inhibition of tumor formation was obtained when the agrocinogenic strains were applied to wounds 24 h before the pathogens and by the concomitant application of agrocin producer and pathogen at cell ratios of 10:1 or 3:1; inhibition of infection tended to decrease progressively as the cell ratio decreased from 10:1 to 3:1 to 1:1. Generally, strain 84 was superior to D286 in inhibiting tumor formation. A combined cell suspension of 84 and D286 was as effective as 84 alone. The overall pattern of inhibition of tumor formation by biotype 1 and 2 pathogens resistant to the agrocinogenic strains in vitro was similar to that obtained with strains that were susceptible in vitro.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of Agrobacterium radiobacter K84, 0341, and a K84 non-agrocin-producing mutant (K84 Agr-) in biological control of crown gall on rootstocks of stone fruit trees was determined in three experiments. In experiment 1, K84 and 0341 controlled crown gall on plum plants in soil inoculated with two strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens resistant to agrocin 84. In experiment 2, K84 controlled crown gall on peach plants in soils inoculated with strains of A. tumefaciens sensitive or resistant to agrocin 84 or with a mixture of both. However, the effectiveness of K84 was higher against the sensitive strain than against the resistant strain. There was a residual effect of K84 from one year to another in soil inoculated with the sensitive strains. In experiment 3, K84 and K84 Agr- controlled crown gall on plum and peach plants in soils inoculated with strains of A. tumefaciens sensitive or resistant to agrocin 84. The control afforded by K84 was higher than that provided by K84 Agr- against the sensitive strain but was similar against the resistant strain.  相似文献   

日本樱花根癌病病原菌的鉴定及其防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从浙江省的慈溪、奉化、嵊州等地的日本樱花苗圃内,采集到具有典型症状的日本樱花根癌病植株。经分离纯化及在指示植物番茄、向日葵幼苗的致病性测定,共分离到致病性病原菌株11株,经形态学、生理生化学特征鉴定及菌体可溶性蛋白SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,确定引起日本樱花根癌病的病原细菌为根癌土壤杆菌(Agrobacteriumtumefaciens)生物型1,经平皿拮抗和盆栽试验表明,生防菌K84能够明显抑制致病菌株的致癌能力。  相似文献   

S K Farrand  J E Slota  J S Shim  A Kerr 《Plasmid》1985,13(2):106-117
The kanamycin-resistance transposon Tn5 was randomly introduced into pAgK84, a 47.7-kb plasmid coding for agrocin 84 production in Agrobacterium. Using such marked plasmids, pAgK84 was found to be conjugal. It could be transferred to several Agrobacterium strains including those harboring octopine- or nopaline-type Ti plasmids. Its presence has no effect on Ti plasmid functions such as opine utilization and tumorigenicity, but it does confer agrocin 84 immunity upon previously sensitive strains. The plasmid could also be conjugally transferred to a Nod+ Fix+ strain of Rhizobium meliloti. The production of agrocin 84 is expressed in all Agrobacterium and Rhizobium transconjugants tested. The agrocin plasmid could not be introduced into restrictionless Escherichia coli or Pseudomonas aeruginosa recipients by conjugation or transformation. The sites of 92 independent Tn5 insertions were mapped on pAgK84. These insertions are dispersed over the entire length of the plasmid. Analysis of the sites and effects of the Tn5 insertions has allowed us to construct a functional map of pAgK84. Forty-three of these insertions, spanning a 20-kb segment of the plasmid, abolished or greatly reduced the production of agrocin 84. The presence of two insertions within this segment having an effect on agrocin production suggests that at least three regions of the plasmid are involved in agrocin 84 biosynthesis. Fourteen of the Tn5 insertion derivatives are no longer conjugally transferable. These insertions all map to a single region of the plasmid and define about 3.5-kb as being associated with transfer functions.  相似文献   

黄芪根瘤菌的分类研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
采用数值分类方法研究了分离自不同地区的黄氏属根瘤菌36株,发现在80%的相似性水平上,8株菌形成了亚群8,7株菌形成了亚群9。DNA同源性测定结果表明,这两个亚群是不同于已知根瘤菌种的新的DNA同源群。其中心菌株CA8561和JL84的部分16S rRNA基因序列分析发现,CA8561菌株与所有已知根瘤菌远缘,形成了一个独立的系统发育分支。JL84菌株在快生型根瘤菌属(Rhizobium)和土壤杆菌属(Agrobacterium)形成的系统发育分支中占据了一个独立的系统发育地位。  相似文献   

A general, reliable conjugation system for Agrobacterium tumefaciens in the absence of plant tissue is described in which A. tumefaciens can serve either as the donor or recipient of plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid with reasonable efficiency. Plasmid RP4 was transferred from Escherichia coli to A. tumefaciens and from strain of A. tumefaciens. Both RP4 and the A. tumefaciens virulence-associated plasmids were detected by alkaline sucrose gradients in A. tumefaciens strains A6 and C58 after mating with E. coli J53(RP4). The pathogenicity (tumor foramtion) of strains A6 and C58 and the sensitivity of strain C58 to bacteriocin 84 were unaffected by the acquistion of RP4 by the Agrobacterium strains. Plasmid R1drd-19 was not transferred to A. tumefaciens. Transformation experiments with plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid were unsuccessful, even though, in the case of RP4, conjugation studies showed taht the deoxyribonucleic acid was compatible with that of the recipient strains.  相似文献   

The efficacies of Agrobacterium radiobacter K84 and K1026 in root colonization, crown gall control, and plasmid transfer were compared. Levels of root colonization by K84 and K1026 of Montclar and Nemaguard peach seedlings were similar during the 21 days of the experiment. Four strains of A. tumefaciens bv. 1 were used for soil inoculations in biological control experiments on GF677 and Adafuel peach x almond rootstocks; two were sensitive and two were resistant to agrocin 84. Both strains K84 and K1026 were very efficient in controlling the sensitive strains, but some tumors appeared with both treatments. In the biocontrol of resistant strains, no galls were observed in K1026-treated plants, but some K84-treated plants had galls. Recovery of agrobacteria from galls in experiments with sensitive and resistant strains showed that all of the isolates from the controls or K1026-treated plants and most of the isolates from K84-treated plants had the same characteristics as the inoculated strains. Nine isolates from the K84-treated plants growing in soil inoculated with one resistant strain were virulent and produced agrocin 84. These isolates had a plasmid that hybridized with a probe prepared with the BamHI C fragment from pAgK84. These results show the efficiency of K1026 in biocontrol of agrocin 84-sensitive and -resistant strains of A. tumefaciens and suggest the use of K1026 as a safer organism than K84 for biological control of crown gall.  相似文献   

Plasmids in avirulent strains of Agrobacterium.   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Twelve strains of Agrobacterium radiobacter isolated from naturally occurring crown galls or soil were found to be avirulent on sunflower, tomato, Kalanchoe, and carrot. Eleven strains contained plasmids of molecular weights 77 X 10(6) to 182 X 10(6) as determined by electron microscopy. One strain contained only a smaller plasmid (50 X 10(6) daltons). Several strains had both large and small (ca. 11 X 10(6) daltons) plasmids; one strain contained two large plasmids (112 X 10(6) and 136 X 10(6) daltons). Hybridization reactions of virulence plasmids from Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains C58 and A6 with plasmids from each of the A. radiobacter strains revealed that some A. radiobacter plasmids had less than 10% homology to either the C58 or A6 plasmids. Plasmids from some strains had approximately 50% homology with the C58 plasmid, but only one A. radiobacter plasmid contained more than 10% homology to the A6 plasmid. The presence of large plasmids in A. radiobacter strains did not correlate with sensitivity to agrocin 84; however, the utilization of the amino acid derivatives octopine and nopaline was generally correlated to partial base sequence homology to the C58 plasmid. We conclude that all large plasmids found in Agrobacterium strains are not virulence associated, although they may share base sequence homology with a virulence-associated plasmid. Further, plasmids from tumorigenic strains may be more closely related by base sequence homology to plasmids from nonpathogenic strains than to plasmids from other pathogenic strains.  相似文献   

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