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外源甜菜碱对水分胁迫下桃树生理响应的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以4年生盆栽“庆丰”桃树为试材,研究了水分胁迫下桃树叶片中甜菜碱含量的变化规律及叶面喷施甜菜碱对水分胁迫下桃树生理响应的影响.结果表明:正常供水情况下,桃树叶片中甜菜碱含量为75.9~80.5 μg·g-1FM , 随着水分胁迫程度的加深,甜菜碱含量逐渐增加,停水第16 天时达278.9 μg·g-1FM ;正常供水时桃叶片细胞质膜透性为8.06%~8.61%,水分胁迫下增至28.62%,叶面喷施100和500 mg·L-1甜菜碱16d后分别为26.25%和21.79%;过氧化氢(H2O2)含量由正常情况下的27.2~32.5 μmol·g-1FM 增至胁迫后的76.4 μmol·g-1FM,叶面喷施100和500 mg·L-1甜菜碱后分别为73.2和68.5 μmol·g-1 FM;水分胁迫下,抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(AsA-POD)活性峰值为0.435 mg·g-1 FM,甜菜碱处理后峰值达到0.490 mg·g-1 FM;游离脯氨酸与可溶性糖在干旱胁迫下逐渐累积, 500 mg·L-1甜菜碱处理分别为2.878 mg·g-1 FM和37.6 mg·g-1 FM,均低于单纯胁迫及100 mg·L-1甜菜碱处理;可溶性蛋白质含量在水分胁迫下呈下降趋势,甜菜碱处理后最小值为4.03 mg·g-1 FM,较单纯胁迫下的最低值(3.14 mg·g-1 FM)高20.3%.表明叶面喷施甜菜碱能在一定程度上减轻桃树的受害程度,提高其抗旱性.  相似文献   

我国中东部地区土地利用/土地覆盖动态分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
在野外调查和资料收集的基础上,利用遥感和地理信息系统技术,对中国中东部地区19个省(直辖市)1988年和2000年的5种土地利用/覆盖类型的遥感数据进行了景观制图及其叠加分析.结果表明,12年来。随着中东部地区经济和人口数量的快速增长,耕地及城建用地面积分别增加了10.921×10^5hm^2和13.754×10^5hm^2.比1988年增长了2.14%和19.25%.对木材的大量需求及毁林开荒,导致林地面积减少了17.83×10^4hm^2.比1988年下降了1.12%.草地面积增加了19.287×10^5hm^2,比1988年上升7.75%.长期对土地的不合理利用带来的环境条件恶化,使草地覆盖度及草地质量总体呈下降趋势.10年间对未利用地面积的开发达49.61×10^4hm^2,占1988年未利用地面积的34.31%.  相似文献   

作物缺水指数法的简化及在干旱遥感监测中的应用   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
从能量平衡原理出发,对潜在蒸散的计算进行了简化,从而对作物缺水指数法干旱遥感监测模型进行了简化、简化后的模型涉及因子减少,计算量明显降低,更接近于实际应用.利用该方法及NOAA/AVHRR卫星遥感资料和有关气象要素资料,对陕西省关中地区春季干旱进行了监测.结果表明,简化后的作物缺水指数法仍然充分考虑了下垫面的植被覆盖状况和地面风速、水汽压等气象要素,对该区春季干旱的监测效果好于使用植被供水指数法的监测效果.从简化后模型的计算量、时效响应和实际对比结果来看,该简化模型可以进行实际应用.另外,在计算过程中局部出现了CWSI>1的情况,这在实际中是不可能的,文中对此也进行了初步讨论.  相似文献   

阿勒泰地区雪灾遥感监测模型与评价方法   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
利用我国新疆阿勒泰地区1996~1997年两次雪灾期问的NOAA卫星数据及地面气象台站观测资料,建立了积雪深度遥感反演模型;利用线性混合光谱分解原理,研究了基于像元的积雪覆盖率及积雪空间分类算法;提出评价积雪对草地畜牧业危害程度的两种基于格网数据结构的定量化指数.结果表明,通过积雪深度反演模型和线性混合光谱分解方法可计算基于像元的积雪深度和覆盖率,提高积雪分类的精度.建立的基于格网单元的积雪危害指数模型可系统地表达积雪区的雪情、草情、畜情和气象因子的空间分布状况,综合反映积雪对草地畜牧业的危害程度。  相似文献   

三工河流域荒漠绿洲植被动态及其成因分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以三工河流域为例,讨论了植被动态及其地貌、水资源利用、河流廊道和排碱渠等景观要素的变化对植被产生的影响.结果表明,随着景观格局的变化,流域内的植丛高度、盖度及生物量均表现出较大变异性.以河流廊道为核心,通常荒漠绿洲景观格局呈带状分布,且由内向外随水热条件的改变,植被类型由乔灌木林依次向灌丛草甸、盐化草甸、荒漠化草甸和荒漠层次结构过渡.人类活动影响强烈的景观要素。其斑块多样性、破碎度、分离度和斑块密度等指数值较高,而人类活动影响较小的,其优势度和均匀度较高.各景观要素的稳定性不同,其大小顺序为:荒漠>沙砾石地>城镇用地>水体>农田>牧草地>莱地>林地>居民点>盐碱地>荒草地>水浇地>果园.梭梭群落的净生长量高峰值出现在8月,而博乐蒿、琵琶柴群落的净生长量高峰值出现时间各年度不同.博乐蒿群落与海拔相关系数最大,而琵琶柴群落则与土壤水含量、地下水位关系密切,梭梭群落与4~9月降雨量相关系数最大。  相似文献   

国家生态保护重要区域植被长势遥感监测评估   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
侯鹏  王桥  房志  王昌佐  魏彦昌 《生态学报》2013,33(3):780-788
国家生态保护重要区域植被长势对于维持区域生态系统结构和功能的稳定性至关重要.以国家重点生态功能区、国家重要生态功能区、国家生物多样性保护优先区和国家级自然保护区等四类生态保护重要区域为研究区,选取年累积NDVI作为指示因子,监测评估了1998-2007年间国家生态保护重要区域的植被长势特征.结果表明:(1)国家生态保护重要区域总面积为536.59万km2,占全国陆地国土面积的55.89%.国家生物多样性保护优先区与国家重点生态功能区、国家重要生态功能区的重叠面积较大,分别占到相应生态功能区总面积的53.36%和50.20%.国家级自然保护区与其他三种类型区域的空间叠加关系较好,尤其与国家重点生态功能区,重叠面积占国家级自然保护区总面积的75.10%.国家重点生态功能区和国家重要生态功能区的重叠面积分别占各自面积的63.73%和39.15%.(2)对于植被长势总体状况,国家生态保护重要区域中东部的植被状况好于西部.植被状况较差的区域面积为10.59%,植被状况一般的区域面积为29.59%,植被状况好的区域面积为23.44%,植被状况较好的区域面积为36.39%.国家级自然保护区和生物多样性保护优优先区的植被状况好于国家重要生态功能区和国家重点生态功能区.国家级自然保护区的空间分布差异最大.(3)对于植被长势变化趋势,国家生态保护重要区域的植被状况整体呈现出变好趋势.62.39%区域面积的植被状况较为稳定,22.69%区域面积的植被状况呈现出变好趋势,14.93%区域面积的植被状况呈现出变差趋势.国家重要生态功能区的植被变好趋势最为明显,其次为国家生物多样性保护优先区.国家生物多样性保护优先区的植被变化趋势空间差异最大,国家级自然保护区的植被变化趋势空间差异最小.  相似文献   

基于遥感的植被覆盖变化景观分析——以北京海淀区为例   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:24  
陈云浩  李晓兵  史培军 《生态学报》2002,22(10):1581-1586
提出了基于土地利用分类的植被覆盖度计算的亚象元模型,针对不同的植被覆盖类型,综合利用“等密度模型“和“变密度模型“计算植被覆盖度,使其能有效地从遥感数据中提取植被覆盖信息。在GIS的支持下,应用该模型对北京海淀区1975年、1991年和1999年5月份植被覆盖度进行计算,并着重对其景观变化过程进行了分析。研究结果表明:1975至1999年来,海淀区植被覆盖整体表现为增加趋势,但空间格局分布不均衡,全植被覆盖区和高植被覆盖区过分集中在西北部狭长地带,东南部则多为低植被覆盖区,反映出北京海淀区土地利用的结构特征。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区小流域土地利用和植被恢复对土壤质量的影响   总被引:58,自引:11,他引:58  
土壤质量的维护和提高是全球生物圈可持续发展的重要因素之一.对黄土丘陵小流域持续利用25年后的荒草地、山杏林地、农地、油松林地、灌木林地和撂荒地土壤性状的研究结果表明,不同土地利用方式和植被恢复类型对土壤质量有很大影响;植被恢复重建和农地撂荒将增加土壤有机质含量,提高土壤质量;粗放的农业耕作措施将降低土壤质量并引起土壤退化;灌丛有明显的肥力岛屿作用;撂荒在一定程度上可以培肥土壤。随着“西部大开发”、“退耕还林还草”和生态重建工程的开展,在半干旱黄土丘陵沟壑区,建植灌木、种植牧草、农地撂荒和自然恢复是较好的生态重建和植被恢复方式。  相似文献   

测量的区域土地覆盖格局研基于多尺度遥感究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
 利用1km、4km和8km 3种空间分辨率的NOAA/AVHRR数字影像,对中国NECT样带西部地区进行了土地覆盖分类及其景观特征的比较研究。重点比较了几种空间分辨率遥感数据分类结果边界的一致性和空间差异,以及影像所记录的景观格局的差异。为进一步在不同尺度上研究景观变化过程以及尺度转换研究奠定了基础。研究表明:3种空间分辨率的遥感影像所反映的区域土地覆盖的宏观空间格局是一致的,但类型的边界、每一类型斑块的形状和数量均产生较大的差异;经过对反映景观空间结构的4种指标(分维数、破碎度、多样性、优势度)的比较显示出随着遥感影像空间分辨率的变化,影像所反映的景观结构发生了较大的变化。其中,各覆盖类型的分维数表现出最大差异,表征着空间分辨率的变化对斑块复杂程度的影响最大。  相似文献   

利用1km、4km和8km 3种空间分辨率的NOAA/AVHRR数字影像,对中国NECT样带西部地区进行了土地覆盖分类及其景观特征的比较研究。重点比较了几种空间分辨率遥感数据分类结果边界的一致性和空间差异,以及影像所记录的景观格局的差异。为进一步在不同尺度上研究景观变化过程以及尺度转换研究奠定了基础。研究表明:3种空间分辨率的遥感影像所反映的区域土地覆盖的宏观空间格局是一致的,但类型的边界、每一类型斑块的形状和数量均产生较大的差异;经过对反映景观空间结构的4种指标(分维数、破碎度、多样性、优势度)的比较显示出随着遥感影像空间分辨率的变化,影像所反映的景观结构发生了较大的变化。其中,各覆盖类型的分维数表现出最大差异,表征着空间分辨率的变化对斑块复杂程度的影响最大。  相似文献   

基于RS与GIS的黄土丘陵沟壑区土地覆盖动态研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
应用遥感与GIS相结合的方法,对陕北黄土高原地区的数字影像进行人-机交互的屏幕解译,得到1990年、2000年的土地利用/覆盖数字地图,以及面积统计结果,分析表明,近10年来该地区建筑和工交用地逐年扩大,耕地面积保持稳定,果园面积显著增加,人工林地和森林覆盖率有较大幅度提高,荒野地占地比重下降,区域生态环境质量得到明显改善。  相似文献   

The Baekdudaegan Mountain Range is a backbone of the Korean Peninsula which has special spiritual and sentimental significance for Koreans and significant ecological value to diverse organisms. Despite the importance of this region, however, the natural environment of Baekdudaegan has been severely threatened by a variety of human activity and tremendous forest fires. To make management and restoration plans for the deforested areas, it is necessary to investigate quantitatively such natural and human-induced physical changes. This study has thus attempted to quantitatively analyze land-use purposes and deforestation patterns in the Baekdudaegan preservation area by taking advantage of on-screen land cover classification and normalized difference vegetation index image-differencing techniques. The study has also attempted to review the feasibility of forest restoration by analyzing the most representative deforestation patterns in the Baekdudaegan preservation area. The land-cover classification results indicated that forests in the Baekdudaegan preservation area occupy an area of 4,794 km2, approximately 90% of the total area, and nonforest is approximately 523 km2. Agricultural land is the largest portion of nonforest area and occupies an area of 428 km2 (82% of the nonforest area); urbanized built-up land accounts for 10% of nonforest areas (50 km2). According to results from change-detection analysis between 1987 and 2000, deforestation occurred in an area of over 240 ha and the dominant causes of deforestation were revealed as expansion of barren land (43% of the deforested area), conversion for agricultural use (34%), expansion of pasture (10%), and urban sprawl (8%). The most devastating deforestation in the Baekdudaegan area was found in agricultural field where the altitude is more than 600 m with a gentle slope of 10–20°. To restore this highland agricultural field, which has expanded along the ridgeline back to healthy forest, it seems the slope faces can be restored without slope stabilization, because the soil is rich and the slope is less than 20°; a landscape ecological approach is, however, suggested to maintain the connectivity of fragmented forest patches.  相似文献   

Land use and land cover change (LUCC) determines landscape patterns and affects the ability of ecosystems to provide the services and biodiversity on which humans ultimately depend. The Honghe National Nature Reserve is a biodiversity-rich area in the Jiansanjiang region of northeast China. In this study, the LUCC and landscape patterns were compared between the reserve and the Jiansanjiang region. With remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) procedures, satellite images from 1989, 2001 and 2010 were used to calculate dynamics of LUCC amplitudes, landscape pattern index, transition matrix. The influence of LUCC on the wetland landscape of the nature reserve was discussed in the context of broader LUCC analyses. The results showed that land uses in the studied regions changed remarkedly over the time period; swamp area declined significantly as arable land increased. The ecological landscape index showed that distinct landscape patches were small, scattered and highly fragmented, moving toward a more monotonous landscape. Anthropogenic activities such as farming directly decreased the wetland landscape diversity. Furthermore, anthropogenic factors diminished wetland areas indirectly through climatic factors, namely air temperature and precipitation levels. National and regional policies on agriculture and water use have been highly influential, and the Honghe National Nature Reserve is highly susceptible to land use changes in the surrounding Jiansanjiang region.  相似文献   

A retrospective analysis of land cover change using a polygon shape index   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim This study tests the hypothesis that the propensity of land cover patches to change is related to their shape and geometric complexity. Location The analysis is based on a 1000‐km2 area of the Cairngorms in Scotland, incorporating part of Speyside and the high plateau area within the Grampian Mountains. Methods A combined dataset was created by intersecting 1964 land cover data (derived from archive aerial photography) and 1988 land cover data (from the Land Cover of Scotland dataset). A shape index was calculated for each land cover polygon inside a GIS. Information on land cover change was analysed with reference to land cover class and the polygon shape index using a regression analysis. Results For upland seminatural land cover classes, subject to low levels of management, change is related to polygon shape, such that the more complex patches were found to be more susceptible to change. This relationship breaks down where classes are more intensively managed or have been aggregated into mosaic classes. Conclusions Propensity to change was related to shape index for seminatural land cover classes. This implies that at least some landscape processes, such as anthropogenic disturbance of seminatural land covers, can be linked to ecological theory via measurements of spatial pattern. The study also highlighted some of the cartographic issues involved in estimating changes between land cover classes: there are advantages in replacing the ‘cartographic paradigm’ of comparing two derived datasets (in this case land cover maps) with direct comparison of the digital data — air photographs or satellite imagery. Such a direct approach avoids the compounding of errors introduced by the approximation of each successive air photo as a thematic map.  相似文献   

Knowledge based methods using Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing for land cover classification and future land allocation in Cyprus are presented. Land cover was categorized combining statistical classification and expert rules, using multi-temporal Landsat TM and MSS data, and digitized maps of elevation and geology. Land needed for future infrastructure was allocated using multi-criteria evaluation. Reforestation area were identified for Pinus brutia and P. nigra comparing expert rules and multi-criteria evaluation.  相似文献   

土地覆盖变化检测方法比较——以内蒙古草原区为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于信芳  罗一英  庄大方  王世宽  王勇 《生态学报》2014,34(24):7192-7201
随着对地观测技术的不断发展,遥感影像分辨率逐渐提高,促进了基于遥感影像的变化检测从传统像元级的检测向面向对象的检测转变。为了探究面向对象的变化检测方法在土地覆盖变化检测中的有效性和适用性,对面向对象的变化检测方法与常规的变化检测方法进行对比评价。以内蒙古鄂尔多斯和包头地区为试验区,选取2002年及2011年的Landsat TM/ETM+影像为数据源,比较了图像代数运算、图像变换、图像空间结构特征和面向对象的多种变化检测方法,对研究区两期土地覆盖进行了变化检测研究。结果表明:面向对象的变化检测方法在总体精度、kappa系数上都有明显的优越性,总体精度均在87.42%以上,尤其以面向对象的变化矢量分析方法精度最高,达91.56%。此外,主成分差异法也有较好的检测效果,总体精度为87.83%。对总体精度较高的3种方法在不同土地覆盖变化类型中检测效果的研究表明:对于研究区几种主要土地覆盖变化类型,面向对象的变化矢量分析法均有较理想的检测效果,平均精度为85%左右,且始终优于面向对象的光谱向量相似法,以居民地及旱地相关的变化类型最为明显;主成分差异法对不同土地覆盖变化类型检测效果差异很大,对其中4种变化类型的精度甚至达到了93%以上,但对于检测草地与裸地间转化精度很低,甚至只有8.69%;在与工矿用地有关的土地覆盖变化类型中,面向对象的变化矢量分析法的精度明显高于主成分差异法,而在与居民地有关的变化类型中,主成分差异法表现出一定优势。  相似文献   

Accurate and up to date land use and land cover (LU/LC) changes information is the main source to understanding and assessing the environmental outcomes of such changes and is important for development plans. Thus, this study quantified the outlines of land cover variation of 10-years in the northwestern costal land of the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. Two different supervised classification algorithms are visualized and evaluated to preparing a policy recommendation for the proper improvements towards better determining the tendency and the proportion of the vegetation cover changes. Firstly, to determine present vegetation structure of study area, 78 stands with a size of 50 × 50 m were analysed. Secondly, to obtain the vegetation dynamics in this area, two satellite images of temporal data sets were used; therefore, SPOT-5 images were obtained in 2004 and 2013. For each data set, four SPOT-5 scenes were placed into approximately 250-km intervals to cover the northwestern coastal land of the Red Sea. Both supervised and non-supervised cataloguing methods were attained towards organise the study area in 4-major land cover classes through using 5 various organizations algorithms. Approximately 900 points were evenly distributed within each SPOT-5 image and used for assessment accuracy. The floristic composition exhibits high diversity with 142 species and seven vegetation types were identified after multivariate analysis (VG I: Acacia tortilis-Acacia ehrenbergiana, VG II: Acacia tortilis-Stipagrostis plumosa, VG III: Zygophyllum coccineum-Zygophyllum simplex, VG IV: Acacia raddiana-Lycium shawii-Anabasis setifera, VG V: Tamarix aucheriana-Juncus rigidus, VG VI: Capparis decidua-Zygophyllum simplex and VG VII: Avicennia marina-Aristida adscensionis) and ranged between halophytic vegetation on the coast to xerophytic vegetation with scattered Acacia trees inland. The dynamic results showed rapid, imbalanced variations arises between 3-land cover classes (areas as urban, vegetation and desert). However, these findings shall serve as the baseline data for the design of rehabilitation programs that conserve biodiversity in arid regions and form treasured resources for an urban planner and decision makers to device bearable usage of land and environmental planning.  相似文献   

基于FVC指数的中国西北干旱区植被覆盖变化Markov过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于1982-2000年NOAA/AVHRR影像的FVC数据,对中国西北干旱区采用先分区再因海拔而异的分类方法进行植被覆盖的遥感分类,并在8 km×8 km空间分辨率下,对研究区植被覆盖变化的任意两年、连续平均和间隔平均转移概率矩阵下Markov过程进行分析与检验,探讨了研究区植被覆盖变化的Markov过程及其指示意义.结果表明:研究区植被覆盖变化受随机过程的控制和长期稳定的驱动因子影响,其转移变化是多重的Markov过程;仅使用两期的植被覆盖变化不能准确预测植被覆盖变化的发展趋势,无论这两期的时间是连续还是有一定时间间隔;对中国西北干旱区而言,连续10年以上的数据变化信息基本可以反映大部分影响该区植被覆盖的因素,采用长期平均转移概率矩阵可以得到较稳定的模拟与预测;植被覆盖变化是长期的动态平衡,平衡一旦被打破,建立新平衡是一个很长的时间过程.  相似文献   

Direct impacts of human land use and indirect impacts of anthropogenic climate change may alter land cover and associated ecosystem function, affecting ecological goods and services. Considerable work has been done to identify long‐term global trends in vegetation greenness, which is associated with primary productivity, using remote sensing. Trend analysis of satellite observations is subject to error, and ecosystem change can be confused with interannual variability. However, the relative trends of land cover classes may hold clues about differential ecosystem response to environmental forcing. Our aim was to identify phenological variability and 10‐year trends for the major land cover classes in the Great Basin. This case study involved two steps: a regional, phenology‐based land cover classification and an identification of phenological variability and 10‐year trends stratified by land cover class. The analysis used a 10‐year time series of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer satellite data to assess regional scale land cover variability and identify change. The phenology‐based regional classification was more detailed and accurate than national or global products. Phenological variability over the 10‐year period was high, with substantial shifts in timing of start of season of up to 9 weeks. The mean long‐term trends of montane land cover classes were significantly different from valley land cover classes due to a poor response of montane shrubland and pinyon‐juniper woodland to the early 1990s drought. The differential response during the 1990s suggests that valley ecosystems may be more resilient and montane ecosystems more susceptible to prolonged drought. This type of regional‐scale land cover analysis is necessary to characterize current patterns of land cover phenology, distinguish between anthropogenically driven land cover change and interannual variability, and identify ecosystems potentially susceptible to regional and global change.  相似文献   

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