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汾河源头周丛藻类植物群落结构特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冯佳  谢树莲 《生态科学》2007,26(5):408-414
基于对汾河源头流域周丛藻类植物群落进行的生态调查,共鉴定出周丛藻类植物24属47种,分别隶属于蓝藻(Cyanophyta)、红藻(Rhodophyta)、黄藻(Xanthophyta)、硅藻(Bacillariophyta)和绿藻(Chlorophyta)5个门。汾河源头流域的周丛藻类群落主要有5类,即颤藻群落(Oscillatoria community)、刚毛藻群落(Cladophora community)、无隔藻群落(Vaucheria community)、水绵-双星藻群落(Spirogyra-Zygnema community)和串珠藻群落(Batrachospermum community)。文章还对该地区的周丛藻类群落的种类组成、结构特征等进行了研究,分析了该流域中不同海拔梯度的变化对周丛藻类群落种类数的影响。结果表明海拔对周丛藻类植物的生长影响不明显,周丛藻类植物种数与水流速度之间存在负相关性。通过对周丛藻类植物种类组成、群落结构特征的研究,为汾河源头流域的环境保护和生物资源保护提供基础资料。  相似文献   

三江平原湿地同江地区水域夏季浮游植物群落结构特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2012年6月对三江平原湿地同江地区水域浮游植物群落结构进行了初步研究。设置了13个采样点,生境类型包括大型开阔水体、小型封闭水体、湿地型水体以及河流型水体。结果在该水域发现浮游植物共计312个分类单位,包括276种33变种3变型,隶属于8门10纲21目36科92属。浮游植物细胞密度变化范围为2.68×104–2.53×106 cells·L–1。大型开阔水体种类丰富,细胞密度最大,以绿藻为优势种群;小型封闭水体中藻类的适应性强,群落结构最为复杂;湿地型水体受人为活动影响较大,发现了一些耐有机污染的种类;在河流型水体中,有一些适低温的隐藻出现并成为优势种,如啮蚀隐藻(Cryptomonas erosa)等。此外,在三江平原湿地同江地区还发现了大量β-中污染指示种类。经聚类和多维尺度分析,将不同采样点各生境水体的浮游植物群落分为4组。综合多样性指数表明,同江地区水域浮游植物群落结构较丰富且稳定性较好。  相似文献   

大庆新华湖藻类植物群落结构与环境因子的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖智顺  林聪  杨双  刘妍  范亚文 《植物学报》2016,51(3):353-362
2014年5-10月对大庆新华湖藻类植物群落结构与环境因子的关系进行了初步研究, 为湖泊状况的动态监测提供基本数据。调查期间, 共发现藻类植物135种, 隶属5门63属, 其中硅藻门56种, 绿藻门49种, 蓝藻门15种, 裸藻门12种, 甲藻门3种。新华湖优势种共24种, 包括绿藻门14种, 蓝藻门6种, 硅藻门3种, 裸藻门1种, 且季节更替明显, 可以初步推断新华湖藻类植物群落组成为绿藻-硅藻型。新华湖藻类植物细胞丰度变化范围为37.57×106-72.37×106 cells·L-1, 平均值为52.13×106 cells·L-1。多样性指数变化为: Simpson生态优势度指数(D)在0.642-0.928之间, Shannon-Weaver多样性指数(H')在1.698-3.1之间, Pielou均匀度指数(J)在0.324-0.561之间, 3种指数变化趋势一致, 均在秋季最高, 春季最低。研究表明, 水温、pH值、总磷、生化需氧量、溶解氧和水动力是影响新华湖藻类植物群落结构的主要因子。  相似文献   

对三种泉溪大型藻类(脆弱刚毛藻, 弧形串珠藻和普生轮藻)藻体上附生藻类的种类、分布及环境因子与寄主本身对其的影响进行了研究。2004 年7 月至2005 年4 月在山西省辛安泉泉域采集三种大型藻类植物(每个季节采集一次)。研究结果表明, 三种大型藻类藻体上的附生藻类种类数不同, 普生轮藻上的附生藻类有49 种, 脆弱刚毛藻上37 种, 弧形串珠藻上6 种, 其中硅藻门种类数最多。这说明寄主本身结构的复杂程度在一定意义上会影响附生藻类的种类数及多样性。就季节变化而言, 三种大型藻类藻体上的附生藻类也表现出了明显的季节性,大致趋势为: 春季>秋季>夏季>冬季, 同时, 灰关联分析结果也表明, 环境因子在一定程度上对附生藻类也有影响, 最关键的影响因子是流速、水深和电导。这说明影响大型藻类植物藻体上附生藻类的影响因素是多方面的, 不仅有寄主本身, 同时流速、水深和电导这三种环境因子也起到了很关键的作用。    相似文献   

于2004年3月至2005年3月,首次对北京怀沙河、怀九河自然保护区的藻类植物进行实地调查研究,通过对区内10个采样点360余份水生藻类植物标本鉴定、统计,分析了该区藻类植物的区系组成、藻类时空分布特点.研究表明,该区共分布有藻类植物9门105属226种,其中以硅藻、蓝藻、绿藻3门为主,并有少量裸藻、甲藻、黄藻、红藻、金藻等分布;藻类植物由于受水体化学物质组成和物理性质的影响,各采样点及不同月份的种类组成和数量均有差异.怀九河源头的物种丰度和硅藻多度均最大,洞台、黄坎丝状蓝藻占优势,怀柔水库绿藻占优势;在时间分布上,7月物种丰度和藻类多度最大.通过对区内藻类分布规律及大量污染指示藻类的分析表明,该保护区的水体已经受到了一定程度的污染.  相似文献   

研究了环境因子对辛安泉泉域泉溪大型藻类的影响。2009年7月~2010年4月对标本进行了4次采集(每个季节一次),对每个采样点的环境因子水温,pH,电导,溶氧,流速,水体最大深度和宽度进行了监测和记录,同时对标本进行了显微观察和鉴定。经鉴定,该泉域共有大型藻类植物42种。采用灰关联分析法分析了以上环境因子对泉溪大型藻类植物种类数的影响。结果表明,影响的关键因子为水温和流速。分析结果与前人文献相一致。因此,表明将灰关联分析法应用于藻类生态环境研究方面是可行的。  相似文献   

对三江平原湿地虎林地区水域的浮游植物群落结构进行了初步研究。在采集区域设置10个采样点,经鉴定共有133个浮游植物分类单位,隶属于8门10纲16目27科48属。该地区浮游植物群落组成以硅藻门(Bacillariophyta)、绿藻门(Chlorophyta)为主。各采样点浮游植物种类组成及细胞密度差异显著,采样点Ⅸ的浮游植物种类最丰富,采样点Ⅱ的浮游植物细胞密度最大。在三江平原湿地虎林地区发现了大量的β-中污指示种,经聚类和多维尺度分析评价,初步推断三江平原湿地虎林地区水域受到一定污染,呈中营养状态。  相似文献   

藻类的毒素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自然界藻类植物种类繁多,分布极广,它除了在工业、农业、医药卫生等方面发挥作用外,还会给人类带来危害。藻类毒素的研究就是随着有毒藻类对人类危害加剧而越来越受到各国的重视。下面介绍藻类毒素的种类及其致毒情况。 (一)金藻类毒素是由小定鞭金藻(Prymesium parvum)产生的溶血性毒素。这类藻生活在海洋中,但在气候干旱的地区也会在半咸水的池塘出现。它产生的具有溶血及鱼毒活性  相似文献   

2012年5月—10月, 大庆库里泡浮游植物的种类组成、丰度、优势种及多样性调查研究结果表明, 库里泡共鉴定浮游植物380个分类单位(349种29变种2变型), 隶属于8门11纲22目41科104属。库里泡浮游植物群落组成主要是绿藻—硅藻型, 浮游植物种类数随季节的变化顺序为: 8月>6月>7月>5月>9月>10月。浮游植物丰度季节性变化明显, 变化范围为5.94×105—119×105 ind•L–1。浮游植物优势种不同季节间既有交叉又有演替, 优势种类大多为中营养型和中—富营养型指示种。多样性评价结果表明, 浮游动物被长期高强度捕捞后, 库里泡的浮游植物群落种类组成比较丰富, 群落结构复杂且稳定性较好, 水体处于β—中污染至轻污染水平。  相似文献   

宁夏沙坡头地区藻类及其分布   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
通过野外采样,室内培养、观察、鉴定,研究了沙坡头地区藻类多样性和分布特点,并为当地藻类资源利用提出建议。研究发现沙坡头地区藻类植物共计40种(包括1变型),其中蓝藻17种,绿藻10种,硅藻9种,裸藻4种,全为普生种,陆地生境中种类最丰富。亚气及陆地生境中蓝藻在种类数(除灌溉林地结皮)、生物量方面占主导地位;贫瘠水体生境中硅藻占主要地位,营养较丰富水体中绿藻处于优势地位。另外,陆生生境中多以具鞘微鞘藻Microcoleus vaginatus为优势种,小席藻Phormidium tenue为主要种。  相似文献   

Chironomid assemblages in thirty-three mountain lakes situated above tree line in the Slovakian part of the Tatra Mountains were studied during 2000–2002. Chironomid species/taxa, collected as pupal exuviae, were correlated with physical, chemical, and lake morphometry variables of 22 lakes. Two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) was used to classify the lakes into four distinct groups: higher situated alpine lakes, lower situated alpine lakes, subalpine lakes and acidified lakes. Presence/absence of eight taxa was identified as indicative for this classification. In discriminant function analysis, pH, dissolved organic carbon, altitude and lake area were the most significant variables reflecting differences among groups of lakes. This model of four variables allowed 77% success in the prediction of group membership. A multiple regression model with lake area, concentration of magnesium and total phosphorus accounted for 37% of the variance in taxa richness. Lakes with greater area contained more chironomid taxa than smaller ones. Lakes with higher alkalinity and higher trophic status tend to support more taxa. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that most variation in the composition of chironomid assemblages was related to pH and to altitude. The results can be used as reference data for long-term monitoring of the Tatra lakes, especially in connection with a recovery from acidification and global climatic change.  相似文献   

The paper presents data on the composition and distribution of freshwater sponges in western Siberia. Recently, four species have been found in lakes and rivers, and one species has been recorded in a study of palynological and archaeological samples. Freshwater sponges live mainly in the small rivers and lakes of the forest-steppe and southern taiga zones. About a hundred taxa of aquatic invertebrates have been recorded together with the found sponges. The biomass of sponges among the zooperiphyton significantly decreases northwards.  相似文献   

Epiphytic diatoms in two freshwater maritime Antarctic lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 An ecological study of two small maritime Antarctic lakes on Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, was undertaken from January 1986 to March 1987. Analysis of diatom counts from the lakes provided examples of oligotrophic and mesotrophic ecosystems.
  • 2 A diverse community of 104 epiphytic taxa was identified. Twenty-eight taxa had a percentage abundance greater than 1% in both lakes. Distinctive dominant taxa were identified from each lake.
  • 3 A variety of ordination techniques was performed on the abundance data and a principal components analysis demonstrated differences in the diatom assemblages between the two lakes. Clear separations of sites and species were evident between the lakes, and accounted for the greatest percentage variance.
  • 4 Species composition varied with depth within each lake and was also important in influencing changes in assemblage composition between sites.
  • 5 A redundancy analysis indicated that species composition was correlated to concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus but the total variance accounted for by the four physical and chemical factors measured was low (24%).

Eight glacial lakes of the Bohemian Forest (Czech Republic and Germany) were characterised by the distribution of chironomids collected as pupal exuviae. Twenty-eight taxa were identified, including some faunistically interesting species of the region. Two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) was used to classify lakes according to their taxonomic composition. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and multiple regression were used to relate the chironomid assemblages to two sets of explanatory variables: (i) local environmental variables, and (ii) broad-scale spatial variables. The TWINSPAN classified the lakes into four groups, whereas presence/absence of three taxa was indicative for this classification. The CCA of assemblage composition on environmental variables showed that chironomids respond significantly to altitude and alkalinity. The ordination of composition data on geographical variables revealed strong longitudinal gradient in chironomid distributions. Altitude and alkalinity accounted for 36.2% of the total variation, while the geographic gradient explained 20.5%. As revealed by the variation partitioning procedure, the significant effect of these variables was, in large part, independent of each other. Overall taxonomic richness appeared to be governed by altitude only. Causal ecological and historical factors underlying these results are discussed. This paper may provide a basis for hypothesis testing in future research of the Bohemian Forest lakes.  相似文献   

Elena Štefková 《Biologia》2006,61(18):S101-S108
In the framework of the international project EMERGE, species composition of epilithic diatoms of 34 selected high mountain lakes of Slovak part of the Tatra Mountains were investigated. In all, 127 taxa of diatoms belonging to 26 genera were recorded. Comparison of the epilithic assemblages of the investigated lakes showed differences both in relative abundance and taxa present in the individual lakes. On the basis of species composition and relative abundance of epilithic diatoms using hierarchical cluster analysis, two main groups of lakes were created. The first group includes 4 lakes which can be classified as strongly acidified and 9 lakes which are acidified or threatened by acidification. In this group, acidophilous species such as Achnanthes helvetica, A. marginulata, Aulacoseira distans and Tabellaria flocculosa prevailed. The second group includes 19 non-acidified lakes. The most common diatoms in these lakes were Achnanthes minutissima, A. helvetica, Cymbella minuta and Denticula tenuis which occur practically in all these lakes but with different abundances. The division of lakes due to their diatom species composition mostly confirmed the status of these lakes as judged from their water chemistry.  相似文献   

Einar Hörnström 《Hydrobiologia》2002,470(1-3):115-126
As a result of the different weathering of lime in soils and varying acid deposition, the pH of Swedish oligotrophic lake waters has a broad range from ca. 4 to 8.5. Phytoplankton species occur in all lakes, but the composition and species richness varies in relation to pH. The maximum number of taxa was recorded within the pH-range 7.0–7.6, while the number decreased at higher pH and especially at pH below 5.6. During 1975–1985, thousands of lakes in Sweden were limed with the intention to restore biotic diversity and production. In order to find out whether there are differences in quality between limed and unacidified waters, the distribution of 57 selected phytoplankton taxa in 63 limed lakes was compared with that in 500 unlimed lakes with varying pH. The study shows that most common species in unacidified lakes also occur in the limed ones. However, several species of Cyanophyceae and Conjugatophyceae were missing especially in lakes that were strongly acidified before liming. On the other hand, some taxa were more frequent in the limed lakes.  相似文献   

Aquatic bacterial communities harbour thousands of coexisting taxa. To meet the challenge of discriminating between a ‘core’ and a sporadically occurring ‘random’ component of these communities, we explored the spatial abundance distribution of individual bacterioplankton taxa across 198 boreal lakes and their associated fluvial networks (188 rivers). We found that all taxa could be grouped into four distinct categories based on model statistical distributions (normal like, bimodal, logistic and lognormal). The distribution patterns across lakes and their associated river networks showed that lake communities are composed of a core of taxa whose distribution appears to be linked to in‐lake environmental sorting (normal‐like and bimodal categories), and a large fraction of mostly rare bacteria (94% of all taxa) whose presence appears to be largely random and linked to downstream transport in aquatic networks (logistic and lognormal categories). These rare taxa are thus likely to reflect species sorting at upstream locations, providing a perspective of the conditions prevailing in entire aquatic networks rather than only in lakes.  相似文献   

Freshwater diatom biogeography in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Aim Document the biogeographical distributions of diatoms in the Canadian Arctic in relation to environmental factors. Location The Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Methods Diatoms were extracted from lake sediments and treated using standard methods. Rarefaction‐estimated species richness, diatom concentrations (valves cc?1), and diatom abundance were mapped using a Geographic Information System. The physical and chemical parameters of the lakes were measured. Results A total of 326 taxa from 63 genera were found in 62 lakes of the study area. Up to 85 and as low as eight taxa were identified in any one lake, and rarefaction‐estimated species richness correlated with lake size. Nearby lakes could have greatly different diatom assemblages. Many taxa showed limited distributions. Response surfaces and ordination techniques indicate that a large number of taxa prefer colder regions of the Arctic while the abundance of others was influenced by lake water chemical parameters such as TKN and SiO2. Main conclusions Although many taxa were common and found across the study area, diatom assemblages showed regional differences in the Arctic. Some taxa were not found in either the northern or southern parts of the Archipelago and others were restricted to particular regions. Newly delineated genera showed interpretable geographical patterns and could be related to environmental factors, suggesting that this more natural grouping may enhance our understanding of diatom ecology. Geographical, physical, and chemical factors are needed to explain diatom distributions in the Arctic.  相似文献   

E. Hooker  M. Ruiz  M. Pum 《Aquatic Ecology》1991,25(2):121-124
Results of two years of research on phytoplankton species composition in Lake Xolotlán (Managua) are presented. A summary of the planktonic algae from other Nicaraguan lakes is also included. One hundred and twenty phytoplankton taxa were identified. A list of species and comments about relevant properties of the most frequent taxa are given. The qualitative composition of Lake Xolotlán phytoplankton is compared with that of other tropical waterbodies.  相似文献   

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